Download - ,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly …,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly Newspapers ... ... .' o ...

Page 1: ,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly …,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly Newspapers ... ... .' o ...

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Holland Representatlve:- "

Mrs. W: J. English

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Rathwell Subscription Agent:-:-Miss 'Jane Forbes

VOL XXIV-NO. 43, THURSDAY; JULY 26th, 1923

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MEMBER:-Canadian Weekly Newspapers Ass'n. Western Selected Town Weeklies

Associate Member:-Buckeye Press Association.



4Y.« .. :-.: .. :-::.....x ... .«J. ........... ,.,...,.:..-.... ...:-< ...... ~"»~...: ...... :~)'...:-.: .. : . ., I :t \ - , \ ':-, EXPERIMENTAL FARM, TENT TRE,HERNE WINS CHA'MPION­


L T'HE TREHERNE- F'URNIT' URE AND 16 , A- feature of the-fairs at Treherne ± and Holland was lhe lent shOwing' ex

HARDW RE STORE . hlblts from the Dominion Experl· A .' merital farm at Brandon. Models ,01

various farm buildings and feedlllg

Treherne saved the' cnamplonshlp of the league on Monday evening when It held Rathwell to a tie In an exta'll- inning game. SPECIAL


Copper Boilera, lood .tandard qual. •

• · '-ity at $.6.00; only .ix at thi. price. And for your harvett requirements, we have Fork., Binder' Whip., Oil· er., Oil, Canva., Stapelt ~nd Rivets, Tool. of all kind. and many other' article. to numerou. to mention. Be .ure and live u. a call when in need of any article. for harve.t. AI.o your requirements in Bed., Sprinll and Mattrelle., alway. the the beat price. -

i X

J t X l. :i: Phone 32 JOHN POLLON Treheme, Man. .!. (.


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Nine Reasons Why_ A Farme~ Should, Us,e A Silo - - -

1. As the principal bu~lness of farming Is to make money, the Silo' e,'peciully' on the stock fllrlll, will accomplish this end.

2. Sunflower Bllage Is the farmer's cheul/est source of digestible curbohydi· As this I:,j the princlpul lood element' required by our domestic anlma}s, It certulnly Is wise to provldo It,

3. Summing llP,all experiments conducted over a period of fifteen years, silage has' pro"en the most economic rood fol' the production of stock and stocl! products.

4,lt Is difficult to f:rid a user who I s not more th'nn pleased with tho results from his Silo, Silo salesmen use a slogan, "Ask the man who has a silo."

5. The greutest expense connected with Ihe If"estock business Is the cost of feeding the unlmals. 'rhe Silo will lower this cost and therefore it should be one of tlw first conSiderations o( the stockman.

G. 'rhe Silo stands ever ready-as an Inllul'8nce against many o'f the common crop failures, especially such failures as damage from early frost, dr,ought and hall. Wet 'seusons often prevent the putting up Of it. crop of clover or 1(lfaifa, this can, be saved In the silo. Whatever Is grown In ,the way of forage cun be slloed and preserved (or usc.

7", 'rhe" Silo Is a iabor 'saving.' iiqufpmerit.' and It' sayiis': In~ 'i!torag~, spnce. Eight times mqre Ceed can be stored In I\. sllo,than.ln ,a mow.; Cattle CILD be fed quickly and- easily (r,om the silo as It Is In'-a con· densed form close to the I)olnt of feeding and Is always In condition for feeding. Many feeding arrangements require tile hitching up of I~ team to a wagon or cal·t and hauling o( feed from one place to an· o.her. -A silo properly I/Iaced will do away with' this.

,S. Silage Is a succulent, grass·lfke feed, easily digested, and seems to stimulate digestion. It has much the same effect as gl'8SS, giving tllI·1ft to the animal, lind less sickness Is experienced among the stock when good sllage- Is fed. _ Silage stimUlates the milk (low and all milking stock should recelye It. Silage Is cooling and appetising and' It prevents many of U1e troubles I'esulling from the' overfeeding or cOllcen tra tos. '

I \

9. Experiments and experience have taught thnt the most profit· able feeding Is IIbcral fuetllng, such as wI,1 supply the unlmal with Jts I'equ\i'elllonts. Quick growth Is profitable growth, large pl'oduc' t;on Is IJrorllable prodUction ami the (eeder of sllnge Is 1I10re Inclined to feed well, whlcl{ menns profllableJegdlng. 'rhe mun with the sno Is supplied with It .Iurge amount' of feed and'in emergency It can be can;iou over for sovernl yeurs and cun be used with good profit. _ : . ;~ ~


'Think of It. fl'OI1l 100 Silos In '1882 to 500,000 Silos on Cnnaffian lind' Amerlcan,fanns In .1921. 'Vhy the Increase? ,There must be a 'reason. Listen. It Is because It Is lin Ilbsoluto necessity thut more Intensive methods bo followed to provide it. slll:cr source of Income on the fnrm ' than Simply bt milling '~heut. It Is an abso4!le necessity on every 11\.1"111 today. rlw tlay of "OIlC string" farming has passed. l'r JS YOUR INSURANCE POLICY, so don't pass it' up. , Plans nnd full InfOI'mution gilldly (urnlshed. '

THE CORONA, LUM.BER, CO~~, L,td.' P. J. TITCHINER, Manager ELM CREEK' , .....

A. J. ~. ESTLIN,'Manager , TREHERNE

I ........ ~ ...... ~ ......... '.'.' ...... ~ .................... ..

* ' !~ . N 'O,T: Ie iE'! m ,) --AM 'CUT1~iNG: TI-I.~' PRICE oLEO)'s'.,l~~ir l1i .cutttng,., All boy~_ 14 years Clndilnder. Z5c:., ,

I We may not· be ;able' to wO;k at this -price, v~ry,

.. , long. I t all rests '~'I~h the boy!? -the more that corrie '. : the longer.t.he,pric,e,~wilI.las!.' ;':;, . c. :" ,,_,

.1' :r own B,oy.~ H .. ircu~ on S"lurday i 35c,'

I· YOU,~ BARB~R:, ,(., , i,e - ... -

. : -: Eamn:, 'St:Ollfiry~;-' :. MYLES BLOCK, " . ", ",': ' . . -' . ~

To" :Th~lr';_E~erlasti,!g "\ilreOlll ,}. .,' ':<f< "",,'.1";1

A. sigh t. never ' , state'; of .. 'beastly , ,

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• • • . \ • . . ': . • • • • '. •• • • • • • •

aparatus were shown, and cleverly arranged pannels showing the prog· resslve steps of the growing grain, and the proper time to, cut It. Much

1 Infonnatlon was available concern· Ing crop rotation, to take the place

, of summerfallow. Destruction ' , 01 noxious weeds was another subject of Interest" and this was one that deserved - particUlar aUe.tlon of those who etlll Ins[st upon'- wheat farming as the best method of mak· Ing money In the Canadian west. For·

/ tunately this class of farmers Is growwg smaller every year.


W. H. Spinks M.L,A., hae made a suggestion concerning agricultural fairs that deserves the careful consl· deration of agricultural officers and directors. Mr. Spinks suggests that 'one fall' only should be held In each Provincial constituency, to be held each year at a different point. He thinks thllt the competition loWould be much stronger for Ilirger prizes could be aWlirded, the exhibits would be far more numerous ami the crowds very murh larger. The good results ob, lalned from these' cxhlbitlons would be multiplied by 'lmch an' arrange­ment. The present·day plenlltude of automobiles makes the mOJ'e restrict, ed tel"1'ltOJ"y un·necessary, as a trip from Treherne to Glmboro,; for In stnncll, Is now no more than -a trip from Mutchettvllle to Treherne WIIS, fifteen years IIg0, when autos were not in geneml use,

The Rathwell team scored seven runs In the first Inning and later put five others across the pan. Treherne gradually Overcame the lead until the last Inning wheh the_ Bcore stood 10· 12. With two men out and two on bases, a young fellow named Clare Metcalfe, scored two men, but In at· tempting to slide In the winning run he :was retired. .Al1 extra Inning was p,layed In the moonlight but both teams tailed to score.

Treherne therefore wins the cham· plonshlp o[ the league, having won .Ix games, lost - one and tltd onf' Somerset takes second ' place, wlnn· ing, six and losing two.

According to Hoyle, the Treherne· Rathwell tie should be played off but, the season now being so late and most of the players busily' en· gaged In farm work, It Is f)ractlcai. ly Impossible 10 do so. '

-The sale held on July 17th by D, McLaren was a very successful one. Owing to the season a large crowd was not present but all Items adver· Used were sold and. some of tli'e horses brough t nearly $200, Mr .. !II, Luren was greatly' pleased with the

. " On ALARM CLOCKS for Friday and Saturday onl~.~ We

l--llilVe 75 alarm clocks regular price $2.25. These will ~ {In \ . ,"'''11

sale for two days only at $1.85. Every clock gu~r~nteed. \You need an alarm clock for harvest, get it now, Save money.

See our window display.


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j Curry's Store Ne~s i y ~ y ~ y ~ :;: We have a few pieces of dark crepe with fancy figures ::: :;: through it that we are selling at 40 cents per yard. :l:

THE SENATE-MEDDLERS de LUX :!: ' ..... Damaschene table oil cloth, this is a beautiful white with :1: During Ihe last few the Sen- :j: a pattern of linen cloth, just the thing for general usc, 75c. yd. :l:

ate has been advertising itsclf as a':' ·i· destructlve ami I meddlesome 'body. :1: Turkish Toweling, 35, 40 and SOc per yard. ::: It has, thrown out a bill fn'ovlcjlng 'j' , " ::: for bl~UlCh lines which are badly :1

1: GROCERIES '.:.:.

needed In the 'Vest, and thus set It. '.3 ~,/.:. X ~ self up,ln ,qpposilion not only to the I G J' "'5 b I .:. -Nevel' before In this district waf' ·1' rape mce,:J c per ott e. .:.

r I I tl house of Commons and the govern~ ·.1.' . " .:.

there such a crop 0 sow t1 S es as ' ment, but to Sir Henry Thornton and '.!' -" S,"eet or sour mixed pickles in quart J' ar5, SOc. :1,': 1923 has brough t us. Only a' few the NtUlonal Hallway board, and al· '1' Y .'.

years ago this and other, noxious .. I I so to the will of ,the people. It held .;. Green Plume brand Prunes in 5 lb. boxe.~. 90c. ' :1: weeds were prac'tlcally unknown and IJP the pension bill Intended to reme- '1' .!. now they, are everywhere, ,~nd ar( d "... .'. y' grevlous Injustice to returned sol· ·.i·. Seedlerr Raisins in 5 lb. boxes, $1.15. .!. ruining many a crop of grain. ,This diers, and after pl'otests- against Its ':1' ·.i·. Is one evil, at least" that the U.F.M, , actions poured In It has stili •••••• Peaches, l'n 5 lb. boxes, $1.45 .1 •• cannot blame to prohibition. Year af,

, I mutilated 'the well considered ~. 'i' ter year of wheat has weakened the ti ' . ' " b Sc' h H I h B 2 - '1' soli so It~ will no longer l~ on of the ho,use of commons.', It :1: Homan ,Me~l 40c per ox. otc ea t ran JC. ' ••

h;'j.;~~",;"",,,;;,.. - -,', h~4 .. :'Jl1led ;.a "_bill" IntenMd _t()_ :protect ,~. ::" " ',,' ',-- , ,,' :1: falls an eas;O!;c~~:~o a~;~~t~~d lack young girls -by' -raising' the age 0\.::,'" 't~mat'oe~~ pea~" ciitd corn 'ZOc'per tin. .;.

cbnllent from 14 tl? 16 years. It';' ,. ::: of moisture. Year after year of crOI'E killed by unacceptable mutllntlon the ::: .11' wlthoilt cultivation and without rota'· "IItlPC)I-t:at\C)D: •• " of liquor by private cit· •• ' .1.

tlon have given' the weeds aJl the izens of British Columbia, an act :i: G<e(Q) 1r CUlflfY + chance they required to 'get n sll'an·· •• for the discouragement of boollegg· ':;', 0 0 ':1' gle hold-and now the farmer Is pay· I I h ' • Ing fOI' the crops he: h:an'ested a few ng, aD< t I'ew out the anlll gambling 'j" . :::

Years ago, Wheat farming Is DONE passed unanimously by. the house of :!: TREHERNE, MAN. PHONE 106 ·i·

commons. .:. ' ' -,' in this section oC l.f nni loba, but n .: •• : .. : •• : .. : .. : .. : .. :_:_: .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :.,: .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. :.1: .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. :.1: .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. :,.: •• : •• : •• :. good'many farmer,s haye still to gc The Senate Is composed largely of

men who 11Iwe been rejected 'at the br,oke, lear!llng that tl1,Is Is a fact. nolls and al t tl I f I ,_, mos en re y 0 men w 10


Belly Compsan" Pnramount' stal', and Tom lIIoore, famous [01' his ro, mun tic . characterizations, I~ ,a new bllt welcome combination In the new IJrotluction "Over the wortler" which will be shown over the Tlgel' i'JiIls clrcllit July 25th to _28th.

. - • • •

have been appointed by governments rejected at, the. polls. So long, as It recognizes its faulty origin and Its content v.~itll the subordinate pORI, flon whlcll Is I'ts proper place, it Is tolerated as 'a bod~', whlchJ i'f It does no great good, .. l\ t least (Ioes no great 11I~rm, But If (t becomes "drunk ,vilh !Jight of power" It awakes 1JUblfc at· tentlon and Imperils Its own exist· ence. A repltation of the arrogant I, '

amI mische"oil.'l _ meddJ!ng , of the se~slo!1 of 1923 cannot be tolerated. The abolftlon 01' reform' of the Sen· ate has become a practical question and nn' Issue of the first magnitude, . \

The battle' of responsible govern· ment must be fought m'er again.

The senate will flmJ' Itself opposed by all _who' priZe responsible govern, ment as the keystone of the arch~ of British' free, ,lnstitlttl9n~. , ,Its arro­gant usurpation and -=defiance of the popular, 'wln:' Is a, step toward anarchy and a proof that Bolshevism-, may ex· 1st ,In -l1lgh: places" anll ;tl1at Lenlne and - may, have their counter· parts a country " prides It. self " , 'govern·

• • • • •

of ROYAL SHIELD PRODUCTS 10 ot:r store all this week. Come in and have a sample of t~le 'finished products.- Coffee,

Tea, Jelly Powders etc. , ,

ROYAL SHIELD BRAND Coffee. Blue Label, 75 cellts per lb.

, . .

-Red Label, 65 cents

Baking powder, 25c per"-tin

Jelly Powder '10 cents

Tea, Red Label, pound pkgs, 75c,

Sockeye Salmon, lb. tins 50 c

Spices, black pepper, white pepper, Cas­s/a, Tumeric, Cloves, Allspice etc., 15c

, 1I;;C!:4i:I!il!l!!ltffi!;w.t!ll!;i;iI!ilffi;mw.;*,!ilOO!i!lI!!l!'nlffim!!l!~!mmll!!I!!lm!!lIilm;;i!l*,,;lI!!\!!I!limmme

FRUIT 'JARS:-We h\\v~ a complete stock of them, and rings' PRESERVING FRUITS: -Phon'e your order and we will get

. the gOods for you at the right prices. Don't delay as the sea- ' son is i~ full swing and,by delaying you' will be too late .

, )',',. ,- , . - , ( " "!H!:w.tU!*ti~6ta~:-;~tH;rn:*S16tH!HU1ifnmmmmi~!mmmimili:uumi:tHt~:t::tiit!

Cash §tl:(Q)lr'<6 :RUSTON, General Merchant . " . :, ',' TREHERNE

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Admired Hair - , ...., . , '

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Is Shamp.ooed

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ne Tlllles-Ohsener, Treheme, MIII.-$Z.OO per Year • mE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA .

-ne·v. A. J. Belton oC' M~osemln, I;;;;;;;;;;;;:I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ • Sask., who Is holidaying at Carlyle HEAVY HARNESS

Lake, SlUIk., was the guest of the ed· ItoI' and wife over the week-cnd. -;-Eme rson Chautauqua Committee hlUl been able to pay $300 toward the Chautauqua deficit. There seems to be always a defl.clt-the local com· mlttee holds the bag: -Among the unnamed screen char­acters' of. "The Primitive Lover"

Look over our line of Heavy Harness'before buying else~ whre~ We hav all kinds at prices from $45 to $65. made in our own shop and guaranteed.

Horse Shoe Brand long straw collars, $7,50 to $7.75 Binder whips 30c and 60c. Let us look over your canvas be~ fore the harvest rush is on.

H. A. ADAIR - - TREHERNE ,This Way I which Is coming the first week In August, Is Chief Big .Tree, a full blooded Arapahoe who Is cast to play himself In the picture. ;. __ 1111!1 ________________________ .;

-OI'lglnally filmed undor tho title of •


,', •• 1 Ifairthat. gleams with life and colo~

Women admired ;lI1d cnvied for .thcir richly bcautiful hair knQw this secret. Hair spe­cialists agree that it beautifies hair. Olive oil for the shampoo I It has been used since history hegan For it; gentlc cleansing action removes all dirt. and oil from scalp and hair. Dandruff is dissolved and washed away. And the bright shcen of life and color is greatly increased. It leaves hair fluffy - ncver dry or .brittle. It leaves hair siH:y and pliant as a baby's-

THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited Montreul. Que. Toronto.Ont. Wlnnipell. Man.


with the inimitable gloss so much dcsired. Thousands of womcn now regularly treat' their hair this beneficial way.' They usc PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO-olive oil in its most tiei-fect form for the shampoo. Easy to ,usc. And very economical. You can get full·sized bottles at your deal~ er's .. Or, by mailing coupon, you may have a 1Sc trial bottle free. Get some at once. Use it. See the -rcsults that follow even one shampoo,


Fill In name nnd ncldrooH. nnd mn.1l to Thl' Palmolivo Compn.ny ot ClLnntln. Ltd .• Dept. Toronto. Ont., tor lGc trllLl bottle Creo. E243

S HA M'P a-a Name ..................... _ ................................ _ •• _--.• - •..••.. __

The BlencI of Palm ancI Olive Oils CI ty .•.• __ .... ___ .. _ ... __ ............ Provlnce

_: _ .. ____ ~~ ___ '_23 __ '


"The Divorcee" Constance Talmadges next stal'l'tng' ·plcture will be called "The Primitive Lover" because it more nearly describes tho nature of this' coniedy-drama-comlng to the. local movie house the first week In August. . Wednesday at. Elm Creek, Friday at Holland and Saturday at Treherne. .... TRy A'TIMES ADI .. ET - 50 cents for the' first Insertion; ·25 cents fOI' subsequent Insertions. Cash with, the copy Is the rule-no credit, on these effective adlets. -'A Salvation Army band of four blew Into town Saturday evening and Ilntertalned a crowd with music and gospel, afterward taking the usual collection wherever a coin was available, -Miss Annie McKenzie of ;o:"lnnlpeg and 1111'. Howard McKenzzle of Mont­real were the guests of MI' .. and Mrs. Schweitzer during the past wOek .. -MI'. and Mrs. Petrie of Wlnnhpeg al'l'lved on Saturday and are the guests of their cousin" DI" G. A. Bowluan. -Constance Talmadge has two of the best known and III,ed leading men In the game - Harrison Ford and Kenneth Harlan-playing with

·-Central Store News-· hel' In the cast of "The Prlmltlvo Lover". which Is coming to the local picture house dUl'ing the first weel, In August. -.J. I'at Habe Uuth Cout.ts waH a

LADIES!' Now IS your chance to buy a dress length of voil or ratine at cost price. We have five dress lengths of voil. two of ratine and several skirt lengths which we are going to sell at cost. Our motto is, not to carryover stock from year to 'year so you will get a bargain on Saturday if you are early.

LADIES' AND MISSES' WHITE CANVAS' SLIPPERS and Oxfords, some trimmed with white patent leather, broken

sizes; Saturday special. $1.95.

CHILDRENS' WHITE CANVAS with leathrr sole, $1.25 ,

MENS FINE STRAW HATS in chip straw, regular $1.25. '

Saturday price 95c. . 'l~i~!~: I ail.!~t!Iiii . MENS IMITATION PANAMA HATS. reg. ~1.90 for $1.35,


3 packages of Corn Starch for 35c

Pure Raspberry and strawberry jam 95c for 4 lh. pail

Mixed jam. Raspberry or Strawberry with apple, 4 lb. 65.:

Cooking Figs. 2 Ibs. for 25c.

-'l'he Free Press offcrs birthday: Trchel'lle visitor for a couple of days congratulations to \\'m. H. Spinks, I last week. Pllt Is on his holidays "ox·" 1I1.1 ... A .. bol'll at Dlacl(stocl(, Dnl. from his work· In Hamlota fllHI spent. July 23rd, 1873. Let's see. 'l'haL a part of t.hem hel'e playing ball. 11 lIlalws Dill half a century old -and looked good to. Bee Pat nnd Pete In we congmtulnte him too. DHt Bill Trehel'lle uniforms' again. Is a good many years away from be- -1111:8. 'VIIlIams of Hibbing, Minn., Ing an EX lILL.A. as t.he Hed IU,'er Is visiting her aunt, 1I11·s. P. Vlgar. Dm!J\uge Society found out during -See t.hat your jobbing house looks the last session of the legislature. al'tet" you, MI'. Count'I'}' Dealer. Have _"\ COUldn't have made the bargain It tell you about those special IhJeh If I hadn't had the telephone." and special lirlces-by long distance -The fans of Constance '.ralmadgc will have an opportunity of seeing her In the role or a horsewoman pal' excellence in her last picture, "'l'he Primitive Lover", coming to the TI· gel' Hills circuit the fll'st week In August. -III. Nicholson, Mrs. D. ,McGregor and ~ons 'John and DunCAn of Pn\tt were ,'Isltors at the R D. DooUI ... hOllle last week.

telephone. -"Over the Border" a modern west­ern picture, a snappy comedY' and a film of fun from the press are the program of the picture show at Tre. herne next Saturday nlght .. _ . Come and enjoy the evening ... The admis­sion price Is 15c tor kids and 30c for grown-ups ... There have been In the past many good pictures shown at Treherne, but steady patrons declare that this' month's ,fine offerings are the best ever.

-James Cowie· of 'Wlnnlpeg visited -D. ]~. Bond of Applegate, Mich., aI'­his pllrents between trains on 1<'1'1- rived on Salurday for a visit with day last. his sister-In-law, 1111's .. ' I .. ewls.

"The lhreshel' would have stoppell -Misses Lillian and· Lena Holmos for two days if I hadn't had the' tele- were Holland passengers on "'ell· phone." nesday.

-lIllss . Olive Cluchey of Halliwell Is

. Flour Mill I

We are again making 2 grades of Flour. Our first grade .. or Purity Patent, is ,second to none. In addition to the above. we have another g~ade -our'Straight grade. Both varieties are of pre~ war quality.

We are always in the market for wheat. We are gristing every day. Bring in your wheat in quantities and take your Rour as you require it.


Pioneer Hardware

Harvest Tools

Harvest Too!s and Handles,

Forks. Ferules and Shovels.

Wagen Whiffletaees Woods,

Neckyoke Woods,

Doubletree Woods.

Rivets of all kinds far Binder

Canvas or Knives,

Binder Whips, 14 {I. long

With Leather Lash, Light

and Strong.

Ironed Whiffletrees, 36 in.

long, Heavy Hooks and Cen~ •

tres, 3 in. Thick, Complete



Cold Chisels

Drift Punches

Key Punches

--------------.-.. --~----------------"Everything to Assist in Harvesting the Crop"

BOX BROS., Ltd. Phone 111 T reherne

. !

Jelly Powders, assorted flavors 3 for 25c

Pink Rose Salmon. 2 lb. tins for 35c. -After a very ilOt week, which prom Ised to destroy the crops In this sec­tion, a pleasant rain fell on Sunday­not enough, It Is true; but a lifesaver to the sufferIng crop.

visiting with hel' grandparents, Mr . .;. ______ -.. ____________________ ..

and Mrs. F. Scammell. Let us quote you quantity prices on

meet the price and surpass the quality. Gr~eries. We can

The Central Store Treherne, Man~

UNDERTAKING Funeral Directing : Flowen for Funerals etc. I have moved my Undertaking Parlors to my home on Griffith St. (Phone 131) ~vhere I carry a fine line of Burial Caskets and Funeral Supplies. Flowers for all occasions from J. H. Cull >F1owery, Winnipeg.·


MONUMENTS:-Repr:esenting Howard Pat~hett, Carman. Don't buy a Monument until you have 'seen me. . i

A. H, POL LON -. :: T R E HER N E:! \ - .

: .. ' • , ." • • J

Ship your Live Stock . .me. They aie aI".lYS in.aredJor, highest muket, value. CommissioDs.ue riiht: ," '


• , . • • . .

PHONE 110 . • " .

- ' . .

• ", .. '.

o .0.. . # .' _ .. .' . • • . " . • • .' • • • • •

'. . . • • . .

' .

• .. .. ,~ • •

• • • • • .. • •

-Eut:1 lind Miss Muriel George of Winnipeg are "rsltlng in . town this week. -Mr. and Mrs. D. HII'd are spending a few days In Brandon this week. -Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John­son, July 22nd, a son. -MI·s. Bruco of' Toronto' left .Wednes day for the Pacific Coast after a weeks' visit with her brother, MI'. Richard Gillian. -Mr. lind Mrs. Kennedy and daugh· ,tel' spent the week-end.wlth Mr. and Mrs. Chas .. Wllilams., .

------FOR SALE -

Socond hand Frost &. Wood 7 ft. binder in go'od condition .. inquire . Jas .. .Ai·buthnott, Phone 2, Treherne

~~---'~' .



-: FOR SAL E :-A large assortment of First Class Farms. . !

NOW is the time to purchase a farm. Prices are at the bottom, and the terms are most reasonable, The time to buy is when most people want to sell. It works with pigs, why not with land? ':

,WEATHER f!EI:'ORT July 18th" maximum tempeI'll I

92, minimum 72, 19th, 8?, 57. !lOlh, 91, 58. 21st, 94, 60: 22nd, 95, 71. 23rd, 82, 65;. 24th, 85, 5~. Rainfall ,09.

/' You want a Loan. Call, and I can arrange it for you on short

. . notice: . ,- '''" ' I \\~.illl.·1 ':'. You_want Hail and Fire Insurance NOW before the storm or fire. You Wantt'; Sell Your Farm Now, for I am agent for the Canada

Colonization Association, who have agents in all parts of the U. S: .and Europe. Purchasers will be here in July . I need your options now to be ready for our share of

• •

. _------_._----

the busin~s, '. J

Notary Public and Conyeyancer WHEN·jOU HAVE' A NICE, FAT


:..,-fat Calf or ch~ice Pi~1 for sale. 1"\II!IIHII"'\II!I~~~IiII. !lIf_iIIl._"_~f.f_!lIIlIIi~·I!l1~.IIlt~.HtI·.~· _'iI!l~w.t~I!iI'~ ';;a('_;!f' ~;U;~IIi_ :_I6I~_IiI!~ilI!. _ilf._W, _1IlH_IiII_lIfIIIIHE_

it will pay y~u·~ to . le~ , me . know ' about them.

~ , , I, "



:J' . .' •. CL·E G.G le.t~Mllikt~r' : '::' .confectionery

.',' , . '.,' . I , , ,

• • ., '0 • II ~ ••••

• '. . .. '. .' • • •

• • . . • • • •• • ·'0 • ..

' . . . . . .. . .' 0... •

• • •

.. General Blacks'~ithing

. Horseshoeing , .


'. ALL .wORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO . .... . '. '. .. \

.J .•.. &. R! ARBUTHNOTT, • Treherne 'Phone 2

• • • • o • • • • o • . " . . ..

o • .- .. ••••

· . • • o •


• •

'" • • .' •


• •

" ) ..




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Page 3: ,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly …,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly Newspapers ... ... .' o ...


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. • • • •

.-. )ME PAPER FOR SOUTH NORFOLK The Timel-Observer, Tr~heme, Man.-$Z.OO per Year


'WITH'S STORE NEWS Th~ House of, Qyality

, I

lIon all WHITE SHOES 20% discount.

!cial on Mens and Boys suits flO% . ., discount

3argains on Ladies' Summer Hats


I' IS scarce. Try us with some and note our prices ,

ns work !,loots, good and strong, at $4.50 cash.

leasonable goods always at hand. Service and reasonable prices are found with us.

· ,

Potters' best prints" cash price 35c per yard.

YOURS FOR SERVICE ,.,.. .............. __ ..... w ....

3rriith Brothers' 1well, Man.


-With' seven of the' hottest days .we II

have ever' experienced lind nil well, we think. we can stand It the rest of the summer. ?

• •• -Rev. and Mrs. H. H.lIIlllllon .and dllughtel' of Elgin IInlll II visit lit the home of ·Mr. and Mrs. McClelland Inst week.

• •• -G. Thorne, Mr. nnd Mrs. ·F. Wilson nnd Mrs. Briggs motol'ed to the ,city last Wednesday, enjoying the balmy nil' of the metropoIL~.

• • • -Mr. anll ·Mrs. E. n. for Fork River by Ilulo dIlY._. r

• ••

C~swelj left Illst Wellnes·

-W. Draper hns tnken n motor trill enst th is week. ,

• •• -Swnn Lnke wns benten In a gamc of ball here Illst TUlHldllY evening by our seniors lind the Moonshlners se· cured II victory from ·the fnst Indian· Cord lenm on SaturdllY evening. · .. . -Miss Normn Briggs w.ns n pnssen· gel' to thc city 9n Tuesllny ovenlng.

• • • -MI'. nnd Mrs. D. Cnswell of Wlnnl· peg nre spending th~lr IJOlldnys on the form. .. . . -Mrs.' G. Mulhollnnd picked some rlpe'tomlltoes orf her vines o·n. Fri· lillY, the 20th. Cnn you bent this?

• ••

t ..


When He Took.IIFrult-a-tlves" For Rheumatism

The Medicine Made From Fruit There can ,be' no doubt that

'.' Frult·a·lives" is the long sough,t remedy for Rheumatism IlDd Lum· bugo. 'Froin nil over. Canada come letters testifying to, this fnct.

Mr. John E. Guilderson of ParI's, bora, N.S. writes: "I sull'ered budly with HheumatisDl fof five yenrs­tried dlfl'ercntmcdiclnes,..-wlls trellted

. 'AUCTIONEERING! I guarantee salisfllctlon. Sal'ols can·

ducted auywhere. Call· on reverse lick,et. Farm lands for Bale. . W, 'E. STAPLES ." Treherne

Llcen.ed Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER Dales may be anangm) at tho 'J'hnes • 01l1ce, Treherne, or by telephone on

reverse ticket. I gual'sntee sllllsfnc· tion. W. TURNER Holland Miln.


LICENSED AUCTIONEER I guarnntee sa'tisCtlction. Sales can·

ductl'd ·a:nywhere. Dated can be ar· , ranged at my shop.

by doctors in Amherst-lIlld here nt Jas. Sharpe I\ollle-but the Hheumlltislll came bllck. . r ____ ,-__________ _

Phone HI

Rathwell In 1916, I snw an'advertiacment for

.. I~ruit·a·tivc5" aDd took II b'ox lind AUCTIONEER got relief, so I took them for about H you lire consldel'lng hllvlng a sale, six months nnd tlie Hheumnlism wus or desire to sell your fnrm, see me. I allgoneandlhnvcneverfeltitsillcc". will rerer you to any number of satls·

5Oc. a box, 6 for$2.50, trial size 250. lied 'pntrons. A t' dealers or' from I~ruit·a·tives Phone on Reverse Ticket, 40, Rathwell. Limited, Oltawa, Onto Auctioneer. Real Estate

o-)t).~~: ... ~"':":": •• :,,:":,,:,,:,,:-,:":,,:-~ . t h . Y

~~ BLACKS~ITHING ,~~ :l: I have. opened up the black- * ..... y ,'. . h h S . h' L' Y 'l' smlt S op next m!t S IV-:r,


Stable ---_. __ ._---------- ,

-T. 111. Willett Is holding premier chair in the bnnle, tu'rned frolll his vllcntlon.

Ilown the hnvlng re

.," . :l: ery, where I am now ready' :l: y l

,'< '"

Fill. Up . \

)rive Up PAY' UP

;asoline' 36 cts "

Central Garage.

97t:o·o/o Made - in -Canada

The entire Ford, with the exception of very few parts (2.83 per cent.) is p ,r o. due e d in Canada.




.' , .

,.' . c.. METCALFE, , T reherne,. Man~'

,'ver the Border" AUCTION SALE

. ,

.. . . -Mr. nnd Mrs. Larmour anll Mrs. Stevens lire home ~ from their recenl motor trip onst.

• • • -M rs. T. JI[. 'Wnrd nnll sons of Win· nlpeg nre the guests of Mrs. 'rhomp· son.

• • • -Miss H. FOI'bes wns a Winnipeg visitor Inst week. .

• •• -Miss' Moll nnd ·Mrs. McKnight or Glenboro came down Saturday 'eve· nlng .. MI' .. McKnight and n. Moll down on Sunday, nnd nil were the guests of DI·. and MI·s. Moll. .. . .. -G. Thornes was grently enamour· ed of his Sunday trip. One thing he mentlonell wns the' . splendid crop out·look nnd the scarcity of sow·

IsUes. (A first class optometrist visits Rnthwell ench month-Ell) ,

• • • -Rnspborry 11lckers uro Quite numer ous nnd nre bringing In Qulte a Qunn· lIty of berl·les.

• • • -Miss Knight of Stonewall paid a visit to Mlas Ellen Scarrow"lnst week

• • • l -1I1lss A ... Breeton of the sume plnce. visited friends In town last week.

• ••• , -Miss Edith Shnrpln Is home on her holldays. ·-Mrs. Martin of Greysvllle Is the guest of her lIarents, MI'. nnd MI·s.

:i: for busineps. Give me a trial ~: ,.oz' ~ S. X ~ :i:' A. F. BOWLES :f A y A Y " .. ..........................

II Here and There II Over a tnousand IIlUlIon fish eggs

of various sp,ecies were collected by the hatcheries branch of the De.

· partment of Marine and Fisheriell during 1921.

Inbound ships from the United · Kingdom are averaging 4,600 tons

of freight for discharp~ at Vancou­vcr.' Outbound they take .about 4,000 tons per vessel. Last year the average outward tonnage was practically the same while the in­bound was only about one tenth of what it now is. .

Announcement has been made that a Government wireless station is to be erected on St. Paul's Island, which stands in the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off the most north-easterly point of Nova Scotia. Two Government wireless en.-ineors ha ve arrived. there and are making arrangements for the erection of the station.

n. Forbes.

One hundred and forty thousand Canadian sqhool boys have, been banded \into an army of· guards to watch for and prevent forest fires in the Dominion this year, according to" an Bnnouncement made by the

. Oanadian Forestry Association. The -Tho. entl'ance exum results are out new organization, which Is, known lind contain the names of a pretty as the Young Canadians' Forest fall; number of Rnthwell nnd dlstrlo1t League, will, it is expected, save pupils. Very few failed. several million' dollars" worth of -'rhe lights were on the blink In the ,timber from fire rav~ges. two geneml stores SnturdllY eveulng " 11I'obnbly due to the Intense helll. :rhat. pr?spects for Increaced 1m·

migration IIIto Canada are excel­However business went on liS usunl. lent" was one of the most important -Wnl. MUlholland hall tho mlsror.' statements made by,E. W.' Beatty, tune to lose his house amI' most of K.C., upon his return from an ex­Its contents by fire on Saturdny eve· tended tour of England and IEuro­nlng. Severlll cars drove out to' the pean capitals. ,!,he president of tho , .. ., . . Canadian Pacific Railway believes IlIlIn but wei e too lato to Ilsslst lind Canada Is progressing in the matter

' MI'. Mulholland wns away lit the of immigration; but .intensifie~ ef. time. 'rhe origin of the Clre.1s not forts are essential, he considers,. to known.' , offse~ erroneous impressions abroad

CALVIN CHURCH NOTE~ Sel'vlces on July 29th will be can.

ducted by Rev .. P. MacGregol' of Wlnnilleg. SundllySchool. at . 11 a.m. Of Cering Cor. mlsslons . .-

Rev. and ,Mrs. Humllton left on WednesdllY morning for II" holiday lit 'Keewatin. 'rhey will also nttend the. summer school of' the M.A.C.

INDIANFORD NEWS -MIss F. Pollan I paid II vlalt ,to. her. home 'Saturday, 'retul'nlng to Roselsle on SundllY. . -)-[, Delf nnd . S. Orrock' nre busy culling tllelr fall ryo.

that Canada does not require Dew settlers. , ' .:.

·A record rim between Winnipeg and Quobec was recently made by a special Canadian Pacific train when· passengers' from the Orient

,were,.through,delay caused by land­slide, in danger of missing their connection' with the C.P.S.S. "Em­press of. Scotland" at· the eastern p.ort.' 'The' train "overed the .,1,679

· miles . in a' little over,. 36 hours, whereas' the schedUle time for trains between theseetwo cities Is 63 hours.

· The passengers had, crossed the Pa_ cific on·, the,;C.P.S.S. "Empress of Russia" and' were taking 'advantage o~ the 21' day. Orlont-to·Europe ler. ,VIce of the Company,' ' ,

A Orst·class Livery nnd Fee!1 Business: good Ilnd reliable Horses; stylish Rigs: everv· thing UII·to·date. . /

'Pro~pt nnd obliging bervlce. Special attention to Cammer· clals. .

. Phone 117

Jo H. Smith Phone 117

.: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :,.:. h 9 :i: GEORGE SHING'S CAFE :i: A i .'. MEALS AT ALL HOURS .'. :i: Purity Ice Cream, Sundaes, etc. ::: 'l' Ice.Cold Drinks from Fountain .1. I. ,:, .1. or in Bottles .1, A d A ,I. Fine boxed Chocolates &. Can y .!. -:- Tobacco - Cigars - Cigarettes .'. f. A i A :i: GEO.SHlNG, Prop. :1: ,t, . " , •• .'. TREHERNE MANITOBA .1 • • !. ' ,s, , . t).,... ....... )t)t)(H)(e( .. : .. ~.:": •• :-.:":": •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• !.

FOR SALE New racle, Dnhl wngol\ with 3 deck

box, sow. with 10 pigs ClISll price $.10. ·16p J. D. l\teFurlnlle, '1'I'eh 0 I'll 0

FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 13' mOllths, white,

from imported sh'e, ,out of a goou mlllring dnm. Inquire 46p. J. O. Down, Hollnnd

WANTED-Tq. henr fl'om ownor or good Fllrlll for sale. Srate cr.~h price, full pnl·Uculllrs. D. F .. Bush; Minnellllolls, Minn.


I;OR" SALE Driving mllre, .6 years old" broleo

'slnghi and double. .Apply to

4311 Fred Wlllieei', Phone 893


, TO WHOM IT' 'M'AY CONC'ERN -Russell MetcalCe hilS returned Cram pOI·tllge la Prllirle 'to his fal:m here.

The United States "has, invested ,I, .Tames P,el'l'le, fll'rmel', Treherne, In Canada $2,600,000,000, according' Manitoba, hereby' give· notice thnt ) to the. ~anker,~ Trust Companylof will not be I'esllonslble for nny debts ONE WISE .MAN

d review of the photo piny '.1 bo Ill'osented In tha mov. :"'.' Creok, Holhulll nnd. Tre.

, \ ~.... . / I will soli ,by nucllon for Tllomns A vllrlous assor.tinent of,: stock New York, .whlch. has just com~ contl'llcted by' my wIre, Ellznbeth.

slllesll1en will so'on be 'through (his pleted a 'survey' of CanadIan Indus- 'uorothy ll.errle, from this dnte, July dl,strlc.t\dlsposlng 'of' tlielr "'.', us try and'the amount of United States 14th, 1923, she hnvlng lert, my bed

'Ily 25·26·27·28. Ii gauntlet of prison, Ing the law's -englo eye:

capital invested. 'Of the total sum they have always done be Core, and Invested,41,200,OOO,OOO .Is. hi bOnds; Dnd bonrd of her own free will. more oC our rnl'l~er~ ,nnd: bu~lnes8 and the .remainder .. In farms,. mort- . _ Jllmes Pen·le. mon will find themselves' ownel's of gages; small. businesses,,, Industrial .. ' -0- • Illlndsomely engrnved stor,k' such,' 'as erit!lrprlsel,·. 'banklng and private , ' FOR t SALE.,\ .

DR. J.


LAURIE LAMONT, B.A., Ch. B., Edinburgh Physlclnn lind Surgoon


llmce Provincial Caroller

Boyne St. Phone ·4

DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW Physlclall allll Surgeon.

Manitoba MedlclIl College Grlll/unte. Omce: Grllfith St. Phon.3 1:11


Grnduate North,western' University, . Chlclli:o.

Office: Mylu Block.

, DR. G. A. BOWI\1AN V.S., B.V. Sc.

110001' UradUllle Torunto Unil'CI'slt, OtllCI'! In Smith's Uvel'y Stable,

ill"ual1wuy, 'l',J'ehul"ue, MUll. Hesldence l~IIone No. all


R. C. PARSONS, B.A. _ Darrlster, etc.

Omces: RIlIlWIlY '\\'8., 'l'rlJlIerne, JIIan. S"lIcltol' for til.! Canadian Dank at COlnuIIJrcc, Dank (o( Hamiltou, anll the ~I unlclllniity of Soutll J<.lJrfoll!.

PAUL KANE,' B.A. Ba!,rlster, SOliCitor, Notary Public, etc. , Phone AnOl 34 C. P. R. Building Winnipeg, Man. Rathwell Agent for Ontario Loan &.

Debenture Company Money to loun at 8 PUI' CUll t. on J m. proved FIlI'1II Property. At Hnlliwell Oil Wounesday of uvury week.

STAPLES, HALL &. SCHWEITZER rrlstel', SoliCitors, Notaries Public

Head Office: Elm Creek Bmnch· UJllces: ~'I'reh"l'Iw, Hathwell

Oukvllie and St. Claude. Melville E. Staples, Ll.B .

Sllecllll EXlllllinel' In Ihe Klng's ilench Gavin Allan Hall, Ll.B.

Valmar . Eric Schweitzer, B.A., Ll.B.

MORRISON &. POPP Barristers, Solicitors, etl;.

,403405 Huron &. Erie Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN.

J. W. Morrison, LL. B. W. V. Inllill John Popp, LL. B.


J. COULTER Flro IU8ul'llnce Agent

Issuer of lIlarrlage"lIsas 'l'ltElll!:1tNill MAN.

---------:--- -AI.FRED MARTIN

I{eal ill~tllt~, Mortgllg~ und Insurance I Agont.

Representing several of the best Loan anu !u/lumuco COlllpunluH. Cowlllis. sloner. OFlo'ICE DroadwllY.

W. J. WALDON , Agent for l\lutulli Llrc Assul'llnce Co.,

of Wllterioo, Ollt., lind British Amerir,a J nsurance Co.

Merchants' Casualty Co,. Winnipeg

The Farmers' Mutual Fire Inlurance Company of Portage la Prairie

fOI' the Vlllnge oC Trehorne anll nOl·tll, Illso Cor thu Vllillge "r Hnlilwell lind sUI'l'ounulng district. E:Jlquiro or

JAMES HIRD Line 71, Ring 5 Agent Treherlle

J. J. FAUCHERE: , -Agent 1'01'-

The Great West Life Assurance Co. The i~oyal Fire Insul'ance Co.

The Farmers' Mutual Flr.e Insurance of Portage.

Money to Loan on Fal'm Property.


Meets Friday on' or bofore the rull moon at the IIlllsolllc Hnll. Treherne. Visiting DI'ethren cOI'dlllllr welcome. R. ·W. Bro. John Coulter; Secretary

'V. ll. Spinks, W. 111.

I N.D. ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS 'rrehernc Lodge No. 4·r meets In Ihe i111180nlc 1IlI11 every 'l'hul'Hday eVllnln;; at 8 p. IU. All Oddfellowu In goou dtnndlng 11m welcome.

Jnmes Painter, N. G. H. A. Adlllr, Sec.

DOVE REEsEKAH LODGE, NO. 62 JIIeatH the 2nd nnd 4th· 'l'uesuny at

encA month In tho iIIasonlc )'11111, lit '8 II. m. Visiting brelliren and sisters' always welcome. .

1I11·s. J. A. Chl'lstilall', N.G. Mrs. A. E. Swlth, Secretary.

L. O. L. No. 1730

Meet. first Tuesday ever)

Month, In the.

III ovor tho bOI'der, . " ",'10 stn.ttell tIIey wore high ..

Cook .nt Sl. 'C1uude . on 'l'hursndy. Aug 2nd I;t 1, JI.m., 17 cllttle, consisting of 7 cows, helfors, steers. bull. und calC, o young' work horses, 2 wllgons" 2 nlelghs, CuttCl:' buggy. 4 sots hllr'noss, binder, . disc, hnl'l'ow, gnng 'plow;': on· glne pl9w" .6·se,c. ,hnrrows, f cart;· liily ruck; 125 bu. grnln tnnk etc,

thnt"sulllllled by: the Zenith Compan): loans •. It:: Is' computed. that more PI'esbyterlnn Manse '11J'operty .con. (now defunct) wltll their ba'nk, ac~ ·than .. 200· ... liranc'b, factories.' 'wero' slsllng' of dwelling, stable and gal" " ' . o~'ened' In Canada by United Statel' ' , .

counla sufely In' the .,hands or .some· .'concernl.'ln'.1919,: and, a 'trr~at'.n age and one Ilcre of .lllnll. A.IIPly to

MASONIC HALL : A. B. English, W.

Usunl credit torms. :: '. ,W.E. 'Sinlllo~" Auctionoer ". ' '.

~~ . . . ,~ these ,inotle), rum·runners

'benuty Olvlne \ ' th'smugglers and :::::==.#=====;:======== '.' . 1I0ilcemen

," I' .

'could' sny "sho. Is m the sergeant faced

• • • • • •

one ,else:Perh.nps, tlui IIttle .. 'story, ber in 1920'a'nd,1921 and t"-t "" ,'Oeo. T. Curry ~hat:~ollows will not he

i' of :''''''''''.1 In 1922 tile number'o! these :~e to 43c I .. Preilld~nt of Boilrd

at thIs tLlne. . ,. "·'l0.0 .. :,, "f. .'or' ' .. A 's'tock ·sales.milD .W8S < , •

turlo f!il'mer, but Mr. Fa .a',"II: ,'III ,lapse, the gOld~n\do,lIarll: Ar!~;,: ~:J~n~.~~~:f~~~:~;~::I~;~ '. ~~',~'-

• . . " '. ... • • • • •

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• • •

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• • • • •

-0- .

FOR'SALE OR RENT A.splendld '8' 1'0'0111: house In. Rath·

, ",: 'Apply to" ~

. " . ,Mr~. Wm: Turnbull phone 5' Rnthwell

. . ! . '. ': .

• oj • . ' .. ..

VIslllng ,brelliren welcome. . '~ .


. 'Offers Instruction In. Teachers', Combined, and 'In .Matrlculatlon '.

. Courses, '. admitting to Normal ',School 'or to Univerilty upon 'completlon' of' Grade' XI. ,.,. , .~or details' of Courlea, Informa:

tlon as to Feu, etc, apply to ,.( "

·MISS· M~INTdsH;.. P;iitcipal, . f",: •

"'".' Or:· .. "

• • • • ,'. • • •

, • • • • • •

" • •



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• )R(A -

~T N. O.

May' silver

ckcrel I, be, lratuH Cana-

" ~ ~ Ont., kling'll rcntiy I both ~

ce be­i:'cland .Cana­Three to t~1l

• II

!inson, Jf this .~ mOst .,!

~ four i, . ewo [t has

Imilies '3ritish IrivntO It and W. A. .ng his

rna to ,I' the . wood

rid thc " 'rhc tid 'can nniled, It will

Jrk oC Cnn-a­

n line !. made • vicC!­Y" that 1\ co 11-'hen 1\

nent of 'rant '11 I' elear­Iximate ,ure in

• ,tlted to I), but d to be

Club in Beatty. Pacific

'itating nnndn's :tralia's !Indians 'r g'!ltc~ )rawn,"

!Iegate~ vspnper British d their accord­

he final re. 'rhl! [irst or British

ur will

vidends · mines lted to mp was

: hllrdly Divi-

mines I rcpre­: of the , Porcu-2,988. , " Detroit, <n with nave 52 bel'S or person­

rn Van­Illn Pa­Jchnnan ng, that ,. educn­-it. He 'nsc, the, ie bOY~9 :; third.

I I , berore. Ig gent, OI'e tliat lnt. In 11el'0 Is

guy, 11 ,10,


~takes. 0.

creak· train' right .' -:en-

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Page 4: ,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly …,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly Newspapers ... ... .' o ...

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The TiJnes-Observer, Trehernc, Man

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THE ELM CREEKRiA -TREHERNE LOCALS !I .................................................................... am ••• II.u~ .. '~ •• r~Y&C2R~Ib;

, ,

.' a

MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for

Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and' SootHing 'Syrups,

prepared to reliel'e Infants 111 al'111S ,and Children all ages of

Const'ipation Wind' Colic Flatulency . To Sweeten Stomacn Diarrl1ea Regulate Bowels

Aids'in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and ,


. Natural Sleep without Opiates d . .. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of (,~A'-lMl'..eN. Pro\'~n rlirestinn; !!!!. ench package. Physici'lI1s everywhere recommend it.

UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on are not gelling Aspirin at'all

~= I!.§)

& ~~~m~'~~t< I!.§V ~_ ~


- -- ,

~ ,

, ,

tablets, you


Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dosc\vorked out by physicians" duri~g 22 'years and proved 'safe by millions for,

Colds Headache Rheuma tism Toothache Neuralgia Nellritis Earache ... Lumbago Pain, Pain

. I

lJandy "Bllycr" boxcs o[ 12 Lnhlcts-Also bottlca of 2,1 and 100':"'DruggistB. A.plrtn I" tho trade marte (rcrrhltpretl In CJLnatln) ot Un.yeT Manufacturo ot Mon:o­a.~ellcncldelnur or Snllcyllcl\.Clll. \Vhllc It III well known that Aspirin monna Dayur munuh\l~turo. to OBuhlt thl! Ilublle nJ.:uln9t Imitations, the Tabletll ot HayoT Company will uo stampotl with lhtdr gonoral tru(}{, murk. thu UDuyor Cross,'"

'- '1


.-.T: S. lI!ncEwing and two sons left this week for Tomnto and other east ern points, whel'e they, will spend their holidays. lI!r .. Geo. B1ackl\,ell Is relieving: .. ,..-....:1\Irs. Cann and lI!iss Ora of Winnl· peg spont a few days last week .vls· iting with lI!r. IIn(1 Mrs. A. Spinks. ' -Mrs. J: H. Ro~ertson and Mrs. J. Flllck left on Wednesday of last week for a visit of a week .in Winn/· peg. , -The followIng ,left on SundllY [or Deltll to spand II holiday: lI!rs. n. D. Booth, Mrs. Corbett and T~uella, lI!rs . Keal'l1s and two sons, Mrs. J. C. Stln· son nnd Mls~es Verna and Hazel ' -lI!i~s JessIe Ames left on Saturday ror Souris wheJ'e she will spend a

. few days. ' . -'1'ho Millsos B11'd spent a\ few days I'isitln~ wIth MI'. and Mrs. HIII'Q, re·

{urning to the cIty on Saturday. -Mrs .. Will. Calder al1l1 children reo tll1'liod to theh' home In Winnipeg on Saturday evenlnl. -Miss Llllilln Holmos of Wlnnipog arrIved( on' Saturduy to spend Iiel' va· ration ,under the \larental roof. -Mrs. Hunnacres of WInnIpeg Is ,spending II few duys In town thIs , woek. -I\Ilss Dorothy McGlllvary of Hilton ~pent a few days lust weele vIsIting with Miss Edna .Steele. ' -MIss Edna Mills Is vls!tlng this week at NU\llnlt.a. -Mls8 A. LocklHlI'l Is spending a short lime wIth her cousIn, Mrs. n. P. Morrlsoil. MIss Lockhart spent uearly foul' years In France and Eng· lund as a nursing sister during the war. She is now en route from CIlI.\ ifol'llla to New Bl'llJlswlcle where she will spend the rest of Ole summor: -'rhe next flxhlblllOl( In '1'reherno Is the Boys' and Girls' Club Fail'. The Illunager and teachors are all'eudy plunnlng on making lhls a bIg ,event I -it Is the ruir of tho future Agrl· cultural Society. -Miss Mauile Drew arrived homo on . , Tuesday from Wlnnipel\' and will spend her hollidays here. :-Mrs. T. Delgaty spen( a few duys In Holland last we ole. -Mrs. MenzIes o[ Holland Is visit· ing with Mrs. 'I'. C. Delgaty. -A nlllnber of '1'rehorne folies spent Sunday at Delta. Most overyone elstJ who got a,vay before the storm went to the river for a swim. ~Miss Cora StOl'ey retul'lled on Tuosday after spending weeks at Myrtle.

home three

-Miss Jessie McRae o[ Pilot Mound spent the week·end wIth her sister, 1\1 rs. C. Henselwood. -Miss Lola George of Asslnlboia, Sasle., arrived last weele for a two weeles vIsIt wIth rolalives here. -Motion pictures (l.very SA'1'UROAY evening' at 9 o'clock In Trehol'l1e dur' ing August. . As a' rule the~ 'part' you

, wIsh to see lhe most Is put on the sCI'een first-so be on lime. ' ~'1'ho Fullo pell Orchestru staged n nice dunce on the ev.enlng of fah,' day 'I'he organlrt.rl,tion Is tbe only one In tho wliy of an orCheSel'll that Tre· herne can boust, but It certaInly can boast with legItimate relLSons. • ,


The local mnnager o[ Cily Dairy i~td., '1'rohe\,no, In conjunction with the former board of, dlrectors~ will hold n llubllc meeting at the CI'elllll' cry lllant on '1'hursday evening, Aug. 2nd, 1923: '1'his meeting Is , to nco quuill'l eVeJ'y daIry I'urlller and evcry, oile Inlol'oKled' III daIrying wIth! the

. process \and use of tho, Babl\ock test ,1'01' ascertlllning lhe percenmge of

blittl!l' ('ut in cream, aeld tests 1'01' gl'lldlng, etc. '1'hore Is no reason why

:0: 'ev'ery daIry farmer cannol' avail iii '0 t' 0 . d imselC 'oC this opportunity,' and pas·

. I



CREAM SALES Tne cream chepue keeps many a farm home going

iri ready cash from seed-time to harvest. It pays to

look after your cows and market your cream to best


.... • Ship to Your Local Creamery

• It is your most direct market yielding the greatest

possible returns. City Dairy methods of business

guaran tee you an honprable, g.radi ng, correct weigh t

and top market prices paid promptly. \Ve pay a

handsome pren'lium for extra quality.

'''B~tter Cream Marketing Pays" --~Ship Your Cream to us and see



kerel I be, :atuu lana-

Ont.. lings cntly

"-<, ,both

B be­eland 'nna­rhree I the , ); nson, /' this 'moot , foul' "1 two I has

nilies n

ritish 'ivatC

and '. A. Ig his

s to , the wood d the Ii'l'he

:I 'can ailcd,

,t will

'rk of Clln'lI-

Iinc mllde , ,vice­s that , COIl­


ent of iI ........................................................................ , .. Ka .......... ~ant a .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .clear­.- . -'i11l11 te

I ~t" in ted to Is' Your Subscription Paid, UrG, but

.! to bo


Canada Faces tlze I' '

/ With Cotl(ide12ce . I

CANADIANS have always been noteu for courage, optimism

for,feed.labor. interest and depreciation, the net proilt pel' pig wa~ :Hill $-I,C:'.

and faith in their country.· .

-. ~anada wa~ not bu'nt up by pes­Stmlst~., nor will Canada continue to

Profits/rom S/I!)q)

, develop if her' people allow' them-

\selv,es to become crpalr .. rs and

As money·makers, sh,·tp nre haru to In e"ery Province fr()m Prince Edward Island to British Columhia are found, mallY Aock~ I'f!turninff generou3 profits to their owner~.

grollchers. Canada is f~lI1damentaIlY'. r,~~~~~~~~~~~~~

. an agricultural fVe Must Cut Production Costs

country. \Ve have a soil and climate Which can grow the world's finest Canada III meeting with the

. keelleMt compet.ition in the IlIl1de. . agncultural pro- of ht'r products. '1'0 hold ducts. her own lind regaiu her pluee (HI

_'" Canadian farm- the world's markel, she lIIust re-e I' s who ,·h a v educe cost of production. carned. the capital The 'only way to do this is to

Poultry Pays Poultry makf"s

money for those who adopt Illc,dern \mc~h­OdH. whether EaHt or West. Little Princ~ Edward '!tdand mark­ets co.opcratively in carlot::;, r.htppil1g an­llually lIpwarcs of one million dozen eg,;s.

'ga tc-9 ipnper lrilish

their .ccord­l final '. '1'h () rsl of lrltish r will

idcnds mines ed to ,II WIlS nardly

Divi­mines rcpre­of the Poreu­,988 .

'etroit, 1:", with lYe 52 ers of

il! ' P lClans an , 'IlIveiy kn~w jusl how,to test ,grade

\ n Optometr'l'sts' lind computo fllt, and everything pel" ill 'tainlng to daIryIng. ,~ '. i j , . Be ,there ::od. Yourself

. , invested in the i I' incrense production Iler acre, IlIlr farms' oilt of profits cow or Iler other unit. . ,Rut improved quality, IIlso, Is 1 n. fa r,m i n' g a I' e essential to meet market de-numbered thou- . munds.

The British Columbia lerson­Co.operative Poultry i'~ Van­Men's Exchange In Pa­markets in the same !hllnan way, thus saving~. that ruinous glut in thei-r educn­local market. t! He

. \

. ~ . •


I i or Winnipeg , ',I hnd fallllly. BrIng any questions' you . . WILL VISIT ' may 'flare to have answered 01' ex· i i Illalnod., ill Tm~HEHNE, JltondllY' and Tuesday, AUJ;ust 20th and 21st The present managor Is'qulte well if: OFFICE AT DRUG STORE, I In lIle daIry bu~ine'ss' and' the' m -nA'I'IIWE;I.T~, Wed;;esday, ~ugu8l 22 dlfferont subjects pertaIning to daIry 111 OFFICE, AT MRS. BRIGGS' HOUSE" and\ Is at your, service. We wish hi S'I'. CT"AUOE 'I;!lursuay,-August 231'd to .co·operate· more. closely with the

, •• !Ii,·.! OFFICE Nr JOBIN'S 'S'l'OmD : ' 1 dnh'y [armer and: believe that by, ex· Il plainlng and demonstrating many

•H·.; ELl\! CHEEK Fridqy; 'August 24lh r' ;,.,..",~."""",:" fUI:mers will be' .. 'convinced, lIlIll the U .J.~'&:·lb· \:v,I~l .' il! . OI~F!,Cm Nl' 1I0'l\ElL \ i • CIty Dalt·y Ltd. are consclenclou.s. op· '" ' ' '", erUllOII'S and tillit everything Is strict· '.l""I ..... I"' .. "'·!",,· "1"1' '" ''''1' 1\"\' '" .1!'''.u·I .. '.''''I .... ""U'"''''!'llm'lt''''''' "'11' :om'''''''l'I''''I'I'':'':\''''I''''''"", I y a b aI' 0 board. '.' ' .', ,I .i ;, .. .. ,t: '1m,,,; ii •• h ... tn.n.: t •• f .m: 0010:1;' r. .if •••• ,.O't~: N •• h ••••• " •• ;i •• • n .. .... n ...... , 21 .... Yo.I-;: ••• U.X:lf.f Hn

=============='::'===',='=='=' =====' =' =' =='='=='="1. I Most, re'llable . Information on' daIry·

_. , . is' Higher .,

, I,. .' '\ " ., ' /

Thls'year, as' before, you yvant every'c'ent you can get out of your wool. You will therefore' find.-that It .wlll pay you, well to get my prIces before seiling .. Owing' to my extensIve conn~tlonii among the largest' woole'n ,mills, I can pay. yciu '.the, yery ,best ··p'rtces In' REAL MONEY on·the·day you want to sell.' Write, or,'call'me·up'fo'r prl '

• ._.. ' " " ,c' ... ' j . ,


FRANK",I~ASSrN, ,.:".,,: .

, BRANDON " ' " ,- ,'" , ,

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your .: test· . varies-what cnlam '. to· sour-The' present

laws and why-Why. market ,cond I tlons, effect' "tile, farmer-all. of lhese will be· answered and 'dIscussed at ' creamery on' the 'ovenlng of

L'Aug'ust 2nd. ',: , .• ,.J

• • o o

• , • ,0

e ,e ••

• ' .. • o· , o .. , o o , 0


o o ,

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• 'sands: ,These I suc~ 'fhe qnantlty and. the quality cess'fu! "farmers of the products-and the co~t of have paid off their Ilrodnctlcn In competlllve coun-

, tries is beyond our control.· mortgages, stockeu ' t'Jt e i I' bar n s, and Prices of IIgricultnral pr,oducts

" . ' are reguluted by' world sUllllly stables, bOllght their and dcmand. machinery; m:lu~.jl II d good, I i v.i'n'g and ence, ecreaaing production brought up theirfami- will not help the Cunadilill Ii e S. , It mea nt, h 3 I'd . _1.!;;;f;u;;;r;n;;1 e;;r;;. __ ;:;;; ';;;; __ ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J

There is n. market Re, tho for good Canadinn '."·boy's

'third. horses, whether light or draught. "\


Gro'w Seed ,1,

, .. \, it;

:beCore. Canada's Northern I

I r. gent,

grown seee possesses ro Oiat extra vitality. There ft'. In is a I _-e market 'for .work, but today they

are indepcndent: it to llll' south. Can. :ore Is , .. ~ ;', , ada exports sePod potatoes, but iniports no guy

MO.ney in l'Il, ixed Farm,'nI! other Seeds. She has the opportunity!,! aID· ~ to grow seeds fer herself and for export.

III recent years, at different points was no on 'the prairies, oats ,fed to stecrs have The Future all day brought from' 70c' to $1.07 as' against the " biuollve .Fort WilIiam"price of '42~ per.. bushel, ' 'Ten years from now th'e pessil}\ists of m l/lng-. while barley/used for ,the same purp03e today will have been forgotten. Britain IJlllULIVtl

has 'brought as high as'99c as against the' has removed the embargo' against our Fort, W,illlam price of 57c' per' hush"'. cat,le. She want~. our, beef and bacon. p'.arn:t,ers. marketing their coarse grains our cheese, butter, eggs and apples, our

.11\ thIS way lower marJteting cost, have, wheat ~nd flour. A~ the" population of , a sure. market .and make money on their the Un\ted "States Increases she will

", .. gra!n, while at the s.ame .tlme.they market, co,?p!te less and less against: us on the " . theIr roughage, otherwise often wasted. I .~ Brttmh marke.t:. Eventually, she will

, .,' The 'c'attle' embargo is now off. Steers herself be all 'Importer· of· many' other' .,' are, worth more money and certain to food stuffs besides wheat from' this UIlUSllue

malle' .good.< m'oney for".the:"Canadlan country, ", farmer from now on.' Cllnada has the men, the climate, the

, .. , .. " ,. , land, ,the stock and the potential mark-Mone" in Pigs ets necessary for agri,cultural swccess.

., ,;." ( • r ",J. .. '.' ,Let us farm with all the industry and . . The, pominion"Experimental Farms' . science we ~an muster .. Let's get to work

',' . have"proved by"actual teat that' tHere and ,pay our debts. Canada is moving , " hi.'a In' feeding pigs, Last year at forY/ud with confidence in its future.

',c'" ",'~,ax:n;:Ot,tawu, ,after payln& Let us keep going ahead • • 4 .,

• o

• o.

.' • • : .0 .. .

" ,., ... 'J. • • • •

• •

d. o •



, ,,'. '

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Page 5: ,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly …,I Imes- Associate Member:- Canadian Weekly Newspapers ... ... .' o ...


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, . mE HOME PAPER FOR ~ ~L( The TiUles.Obsener, Trebeme, Man.-$2.0C Year THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA



"Oh 'Joy'-some new Records! "

There's cause for rejoicing when buys' s'orne Ne~' Pr~'cess' C~lurnbi~ Records. The pure me ,..M'" and' 'appealing tuh~'s of these records that are free from sur sounds, bring a world of pleasure Lo the home.

i , ,. )


I1:lnllymoon Chimes (Earl)' and' One ",lttle Smile (T.1"rr\;';_+1 Hawoiian guitar'rlu~ts . } A 'QQ~ Fererll Ilnd Franchini 7 5~~:>

Incidental Singing by Vernon uaman S".'oJ,R My Mother Taught Me and Gardlln from .. Fau.,/" (Dvorllk) l A·~F6()

Vin!in Solos '- Sascha ].lcobscn r $1.(,11

l:oneYlIIoon Time and River Shannon Moon - } A-.'.S!!l mbia Dance Orchestra. 75c

Ye~ ! We Have No Bananas and Don't We Carry

1 It,! Hundred Pipers (Arr. by Ma~Pherson and Stuart) M"II (llllmmonci) Baritonc Solos

Columbia New Process Records matcrial that effectively reduces

~;;"::~Jo\ h.\~ ~

§~r.i:;, 0 ~.,,' .. ~ ') 1,-"

"\; r. •

'~:'">''' ,A'2) . -~ . u , .' lVetv Process

T r~herne Pharmacy,

I Tenor and Baritone rluds Furman and Nash

The }>ipes oC Gordon's Cameron McLean

I A .\fin J 75c

} A-.'~:'7 ~!ic

umbia Dealers

Just a ComLltr:a..I.

\ .... :~.: t

~.,,; .-0:* f ,.

The. Hoilllnd Fair, held' laHt FrldllY was partlclliarly notllble for tbe large number of livestock exhibits" partlc· ularly horses. A fairly iarge crowd was present, and exhibits In every class were numerous and splendid.

Tn the ladles' departments there were nearly 350 entries and In the garden produce classes nearly 150. The lawn and gllrden competitions were awarded to John Mathews and Mrs. Mogey, and \Vm. Fairfax and Vim. Latlmel' respectlvely.

The principal prizes for heavy reg· Istered horses went to Chas. Hooper, J. Down Alex Lovie, and John Ross. The latter took the sweepstakes.

Heavy draft horses unregistered, J. Down, J. Glo\'er, J. Ross, Sweep· stakes, J. Glover. '

Agl'icultural class, T. Woodcock, J. Ross, C., Thompson. Agricultural team, C. Cummings. Generlli pur· pose, R. Guest" R.. Yeo" J .. L. AIling· ham, C. Youds. Sweepstakes L. J. Yeo ,"of Cypress River.

Roadsters, single driver, C. lauds, Brood mare and foal, G, \Vood, team J. L. Allingham, J. Cllmpbell.

Dagg special for roadster, Charles Youds: Ross' special for 4·horse team, John Ross. ,

,Cllttle, Shorthorn registered, Chas. Hooper, J. Down, J. A. Young, R,. A. Johnston. '

Boys' Club competition In register· ed heifm's, Bruce .Johnston, Hllrold Hooper, Cecil Guest

. Beef type, J. Ross, C. Hooper, A. Mills. General purpose ClllSS, W. E. Aitkenson, J. Ross.

In sheop, swine anc! poultry the competition was as clean as ever and some fine stoclt was exhibited. Ow· Ing to elimination of cattle showin~ symptoms of tuberculosis the cattle exhibits were not as numerous as in forme I' yellro. 'rhe fall' shows beyond allY doubt, however, that the dlst rict is goln~ into' dh'orslfied'farmlng to a gratit'ylng degree.

Horse races held the attention of SPOI'l lo\'ers in the arternoon. In the

I evening there was a league game of baseball botween Holland and TI·e· herne, which the Itttler won easily by tho score of 15·0.


-Mrs. E. 1\1. GlIlIlaghet· !lnd lillie gro\lDd·daughter Dorothy retul'lled to tllelt· home In \Vunnipeg after Ita v· Ing spent' the [last month with the former's niece, Mrs. A. \V. Cook. ,

• • • -1I11·s. AllInghaUl and daughter Eva Ilre vlsillng friend,; in Winnipeg.

• •• -1111'S. Sharman and lIllss SharUlan of Souris al:8 \'i~itlng 1111'. and lIlI·s. \V. F. Ross.

• •• -D. Stevllnson of Togo, Sask., "islt· ed In town on '1'uesday.

• • • -.Tess Hunllon Illotorod to "'Inni· peg Sunday, retul'l1ing . '1'uesday ac· cOlllpanied by MI·s. I'lanllon and fam· ily. I '

• • • --Mrs, ·Waltel· Gates spent Wedneadl,ly of town.

• • •

of Treherne last week In

-1\Irs. ·S. W. Haniy and son return· ed' from Winnipeg eariy last weele.


-John Langman was a city visitor last week. · .. .., -Frank' and Ernest Bullied motor· ed to Winnipeg last week,

• • • , -illr. ,and Mrs. Sutton of Carmnn reo

turned ·home Saturday artel' sllending a few days with the lalter's sis tor, Mrs. M. Taylor.

• • • -Mrs. T. C. Delgaty of Treherne vis !ted friends In town last Thursday. · '. . -Mr. and ]\f1·S. Herriott and son of Gladstone visited with MI'. nnd ~il H.

Geo. Woqds last week. '. . . ; -Mtss Emma Harrison is visiting

'.¥- J S' ' .. ;;w.. 'rile }·!n;t .. , I,~~motlie In' Arne.rll!.aI with hel' sister, Mrs. E. Lewis of . . , '. Transcona. .

T HIS picture, mlgbt almost be enUtled"':Ariclent and obtained with 200 po~nds baUer preasure; cy,lInders , • '.. ' Modern." It shows, tho "Sampson," ,tlrst locomo- 'dillmeter, 30 Incb stroke and with driving I

t1vo In America which was !lrst used llt· Albion mines' ,,·h,.nlq In~ diameter. Tbe welgbt on the three' "7"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blackweil Jr. In 1839, and,one of tho 'new Paclflc typo locomotives 0(' engine _.Is 180,000 ,pounds and the were passengers to 'Elm Creek on whiCh have beel} placed In commission by tho Cnnadlan the' engine' and tender In. working con-' Saturday evening, Paclflc Rall"ay on all main llnes"nnd whlcb are cblefly pounds, the tender bavIng·ll capacity of' • • • responsible for this' COmpllny'S ,"on time" fea{ure or water ll'nd.,J.1 tons.of 'coal. ' -Miss Hampton of Methvin is vis· aervlce. The Canlldlan Pacific 'Railway have now of . these' 'Iocoin-otlves ,was &iven very itlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. deflnltely adopted this design for .the·ir. heavy main llne ,trial order' of engines constructed in A. Johnston., servico; RS representing tho 'most dosirablo land eftl.. been made, with tosts under all Canadian .". cient locomotlve for economy 'and rellabillty of service, wblch' fully justified all expectations for

• • • -Mr. and ~Irs. Eric McGilvery of McAuley visited WiUl Mr. and Mrs. W. J. English last weelt.

as this particular design reduces" to a minimum, 'con- and operaUon. " The . boiler h&ll Bistont with capacity,' the number of moving parts .tbe Inter-relation Clf which Is essential for rellabil ,of service under the absorption capacltJ mos~ exacting and se've(~··coladllt\(lDa.

Tho, capacity and' _~.t .. ~,t . them among tbe DI!;gl)S~,

. '. tho largest of this d~:~~~:~~:~:~~:::j~n " ,Il'l,hllulase ~a,paclty of the

Be··the Beit of Whatever' You, - . H you cant b.e a pine on the top'

the hlll be n BCI'ub, In the'" vnlley-

but be. the best llttle, scrub, by the"~~~±~~~~~;tt:::tit±tf side, or the 1'111;. be a' ,.bush·, If·, I' ,l:a.rJIlan can't be 'n tre~.· 'It. you' can't be bush' be rt bit ot· the grllSS,' and ,8clmlm ,hlgh'way some happier'. !,.!nla~te :YOU can't· be It ,bass-bul. th,~UIVElllEilit

lake! "Ca!l't -":j'~f~~~~~~i~;;~~~~~~'J~;i~,~~~~~a~~i,~~~r~~l~.l~r~~f~~; I got to ror all of u8~;h,~re.z .'1'Ill!rA'" ;,hl to ;'do',;.7.Il~«!1

. . •

, <

• • • ,

• • • -Mr. and Mrs.: Henselwood 'and chlldl'en of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ilerry • \. -'\ ..,. -;-Mlss Kathiene Robertson returned to h'er home" In Winnipeg on Monday 'acc'om\lanhid by: Miss LuCinda Garvie .whi;,:,wlll 'vlsit ' with' her for' a few days. ' "

" "


The 23rd :lnnual exhibttlon oC the Treherne Agricultural Society was held on an ideal dllY, Thursday, July 19th, and 90 In 'the shade. The hard work and careful plans of the manag er, Mr. Morrison, and the board of dl· I'ectors insured that, the weather man permitting (and he did) the fall' , would be 11 success-nnd it was.

Winners in the 11gh t hOI'SIl rlog were: General purpose horses. brood mare, P. Henselwood.

Colt of 1923, James English, P. Henselwood, F. Bowles.

Filly or gelding one yeal' old, E. Watkins, W. D .. Hlrd.

Filly 01' geiding 2 years, W. Mntch elt. James English 2' and 3.

Filly of gelding 3 yenl's, Charles Youds, S., Orrock" J. H. Robertson.

Pail' mares or . geldings hitched, Chn.s .. Youds, J. H. Robertson.

1'old (l1Iire or gelding, Chas. louds Wm."Altkenson, Jas.' English .•

Sweepstnkes, Chas. Youds. . Road hOI'ses, geld log 0(1 marc, C. Youds, W. Y. Curroll, W. D. HIt·d.,o·'

Bmod mare, C. Grogan" .\V •• D. Hlrd, A. Willet~.:.:,./ '" ';' .

Colt of 1923, "a me ' , , Filly or geldin'g: '1 year, C. 01:01nn, A. Willett. , Pall' nlnr~s «?f geldings In harness,. ,oW. Y. Carroll, ·'C. 'McDonald.

Diploma', . W. ',Y.' Carroll. Hea\'y horses:-Reg. dmft brood

mare, Jos. Down, W. Y. CalToll, W. S. Matchett.

Colt, 1923, Jos. Down, W. Y .Carroll Filly 01' stallion, JOR. Down, 1 & 2 leld mnre 01' gelding, 1 yr. samc Filly, 2 yenr~, same Un registered dml'l horses: -Drooll

mare. J08, Down 1.'\:2 Colt, 1923, same, 1 & 2 Fllty 01' gelding hitched, same. Pnlr mares hltchetl, 111. 1IlcEachran,

1', Hensolwood. Yelel mllre 01' gelding, P. Hpnsl'l·

wood, 111. i\l c Each ran 2 & 3 Agricultural ',IH>,I'ses: Drood mnl'e,

\Y. S. lIlatchett" I 2 & :l. Colt of 1n3, W. S. lIlatchett, 1·23 Filly 01' gelding, S. Ormck. Filly 01' gel!lIn;; 2 years, J. Down.

Yeld UUlI'l! 01' geld inA', P. Ilenselw'd. "'. lIlatchett won the llal'\'le spec·

lal for theh best pall' of ugl'icultul'lll horses Iu IHlrness nnd 111. 1IlcE:achron the Adair s'peclal 1'01' best groumed and harnessou team. " .

CA'rTLI']:-Shorthorn bull, 1 year, T. H. 1Ilatchett, \Vm. lI!cCre:u'Y.

Cow 3 years 01' O\'CI', \Vm. 1IlcCre· Dry, .r. H. Robel·tson.

Heifer 1 yeal', W. S. 1IIatchctt,,, 1 & 2" J. fl. Robertson 3rd.

Heifer calf of 1923, '1'. H. 1Ilntclll'tt \Y. S. 1Iiatchcll won the diploma

for the best shorthorn animal shown W. D. l!inl took I'Irst for best Herc· ford Dull, 1 re!u', and fOi' bull 3 01' over, Haywood Bros., P. \"Igul'.

Diploma, best bull, Huyward Bros. Hereford bull 2 years, .r. Yennan!. Bull 1 YC:Lr, Haywart! bros. Bull calf, same. Cow 3 ant! over, Sllllle, 1 & 2. Helfer call' 1 Yl' .. John Venuurd. Bull, any [JUre breed John Gllchl'j,,~ Gmdes: Dairy cow, A. Cllne, fo'.

Pannebakel', It. lIlcQuay Fat heifer 01' steel', W. S. Matchei l.

Heit'el' 01' steel' 2 YI·S., same. Heifer 01' steel' 1 YI·., J. H. RoIJPri·

son, W. S. l\lntchett. • Calf of 1923, T. II. l\latrhetl Special f()l~ boys' nnd girls' club,

fot> the best calf, nny breed, William :>leQuny.

Curry special for best cow ShOWII, T. C. Delguty.

Swine: Poland ChIna, all 11I'izes In that class won by W. D. HII'd.

Berltshlres, \Vm. McCreary and J C. Matchett dl\'lded the honors on this class.

Duroc Jersoy, all n.wardd to W. Drew.

J. C. l\latchett won tha 1'lraes·OI;· server special. fOI' best pair uf bacon type hogs. ..

S)leep: Awards for pure -bl'et! ar.! mals went to T. H. Match"lt, .1. C. Matchett Ilnd W. Drew. Gr!lIl.) ShOl>!1 awat'ls went to T. H. MlltdteU ..

Exhibits In other classe& allti dl·

'I he \let·

II Here and Tlle~e'll Shipments over the T. and N. O.

Railway durin~ the month of May' amounted to ~29.15 ton~ of silver ore.

The movemen ts of the mackerel !!Chools will, when \)observed, be. broadcasted from radio apparatuH erected for the purpose by the Cana­dian Marine Department.

Mrs. Dan Otto, of Strlltiot'd, Ont., set 33 eggs and hatehcd 34 ducklin&1I from them, One egg was apparently of the double yolk vadety and both yolks were hatched. ,r .' ,

A new direct pa .. sage service be­tween Canada and northern I,reiand has bllen inauguTnted by the Cana­dian Pacific Stllamships, Ltd. Three steamers have been assilrncd to the

t ' . rou o. ,i. '"

J'ames Edwards, of Port Robinson, declares he has a chicken out of this year's hatch 'which' out-freJlks' moot chicken freaks. . This one has four legs, four. wings, two backs, two necks but only one head. It has been preserved in al~ohol.

One hundred and fifty families are' to be brought into British Columbia and settled under private enterprise in the valleys cast and south-east of Fort George, W. A. Lewthwajte annount'Cd, following hIs return from England recently. , .

A Swt'dish scientist claims to have perfectcd a prOCl!SS for the manufacture of "artificial wood from 50 per cent. 5awdust and the balance chalk and' chemicals. '1'he product is as hard as onk, and cnn be plnn~d, sawed, bored, nailed, painted, staint'd or polished. It will not deteriorate in water.

A start on the actual work of elcctrifyinJ,:' seclions of the Call'a­dian Pacific I~ailway's main Iinc lhrouJ,:'h thl! Rockies may be made ncxt year. D, C. Coleman, vice­president of wcstern lines, says that trnfflc demands and financial con­ditions would determine when a start would be madt'o

'fhe decision of the Government of the province of Quebec to grant Il bonus of $4 pCI' acre for land clear­ed will result in an IIpproxilllate outlay of $250,000. Clellranct' in the past few year., has amounted to approximately 40,000 annlllllly, but the total this year is expected to btl (lO,OOO or more.

---Spen.ldng to the Canadian Club in

London, Eng., recently, E. W. Beatty, Presirlent of the Cnnadhlll Pacific Railway, contrasted the "irritating tortoise-like slowness" of Cannda's population poj~y with Australin's progressiveness. "\Ve Canadians would be wise to Ileep our !pte~ open for brains liS wcll as bl'"wn," he suitl.

One hundred and fifty delegates of the Cnnadian Weekly Newspaper As!;ociat;on will tour the British Isles next summer, and hold their annual convention in London, accord­inl\' to dech.ions rpllchet! nt thc final meeting of the convention here. The party will lenve about the fir,t or ,Junc, and will attend the British Empire Exhib~ti()n. Th~ tour will lust about six weeks.

Up La the end of 1922 dividends paid by the gold and silver mines of nor~hern Ontario amounted to over $123.135.000. Cobalt camp was discovered late in 1903 nnd hnrdly began producing until 1005. Divi­dends paid a·.,: of Cobalt mines nmount to $93,tl(l3,820, which repre­sents practicnlly 50 per cent. of the gross value of production. Porcu­pine minus ~Iave puid $:]3,472,088.

George E. Buchunlln, of Detroit, hi'url of the "On to A laskn with Bu(Ohanan" movement, will have 52 boys and 24 adults or members or the boys' famili~s whPlI he person­nlly condt:cts his party from Van­couver J'.Ily 18 via Canadian Pa­dfic "Princess" stenmer. Buchllnan thinks, with President Harding, that a trip to Alnska is a liberal educu­tion tt' nny boy who tnl:es-it, lIe puts up one-third of the expenRC, tho bbv ~~rns one·thi~d and the boy's p:lrents put up t!le relllainin:; third.


I've spoken of this thing .berore. i'vo cautioned every passing gent, and I admit It Ulltkes me SOl'O UlIlt no·one seems to care a cont. In nearly Ilvel'Y sheet I mad there is the same old grisly t1lle; some guy ap[lroached with franlic speed, IL 10-comoth'e on tho rail; thero was' ,no reason for his huste, he had all day to cross tho track; the locomotlve clove his wulst, and Slllil him I,eng-' thwuys up the back; the locomotlve hit his car and hoisted It some twen­ty miles, and undel'takers near and far lIi'e 8011log shrouds, the hitest styles. And coroners, on eager hoof pursue their rounds and strive to 'Ploase. collecting backbones on the roofs a~d taklng\ legs from roadside troes:' The wlso man nover takes IL

chance, he promptly stops his creak­Ing dray; he sees the-railway train' advance and knows it has the right , "" of way, 'And from his' cab the .en· glneer looks forth and sighs, "He's, safe and sane,' he's too much gU!llP~ , tlon, It I~ clear; to try to beat a'rail way train." The atern conductor sees

, , "

hlIn wait and to t~e brakeman , "Ods gmss . I'm glad to . ( . . one skate :wlth sens,e,'.,' enOUllh': us pass." And all the pal~seng,riii , "

claim, as', t:~~ . . nil' r1o,r

• •



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mE ElM CREEK TIMES .,. .. . .,. .. '" . .. . -.. .. ......... .'. .. .' .... .

=;+;!t(lr.!t •• if.*':!!E*;a.J(!B-.v.!t(lI.l«lI!*!lIai,*II:~1Ci*~~iIOO~*,**;aoo***!!Ii!I:iI(!E!I:lI!*':*~!**':**~ae!!l!~\ ;II I /. 1'! It( . *

THE TIMES-OBSERVER (Published Thursday)

$2.00 per year

5; ~ t ~

"My' ~and.S 'T~embled and'i C.o,uld Not Sleep"

Mr. Tbomu Hone,., . Brantford, Ont., write.:;-

''When' I " began taking Dr, Chase', Nerve Food, I was 10

'nervoul that when I picked up

a cup of tea my hand wo..Jd

tre.ble like a lea f, I could

not lleep weD. could iot I'e­meaher thinel. aDel there 'were _r.lcic: paine tbrouth my bod" After takinl linea baM of Dr,' OIaee'I' He,.. FeocI. Iw", I a. ill perfect heaIth. ..

DB. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD .............. ' 'm' •. ITDI' .. --....... a c.., ...... YW; st.

= •


- ' MODERN METHODS and appliances bave eet a new .tandard for a day's work. Time Is the one big factor. This Is true on the farm, In the factory, In the home, everywhere_

Time Is money today. And anyth)ng that multiplies th~ value of an hour is Increasingly valuable.

ADVERTISING is an annihilator of time. It provides a short cut between a manufacturer or merchant and you. It makes It pos, slble to tell you 'In a few mmutes all you want to know about the services or articles you may need. I'

A quick glance through THE TIlIIES enables you to sift the things that Interest you nnd In a moment you c'aUt know just where and when to go for what you need. Figure, bow much valuable time advertiSing saves you If you use It properly. Think how much need­less walking anll talking It snves you nnd your neighbors,



• :i: t i· t t t ~ .',


f t f. ·f 'i t i ~ l, II .~ l' ','

~ ,', .:. ,', ;:. 'i' .. ,} ';.0 ,'. .', ,', f l

SPECIAL LESSONS For peppy girls, stepp, girls and beware

of your rep'y girls

How Make-

\to -'


Special .nstructress: ' ..


.;-' ......

:i: ·~l 0··0 N'S" TA 'N- €. -E' ~." • h" • ." , • '. •

.J TALMADGE ,:~ ,,'. -.., 'h "to , I '. / .''' _ .

. i She••

'-'\ -,' "

'j.' How to stalk th~m to 'thelr lair, , , :r Drag them homew'ard by th'e ~alr, ." .,," .:" :~ '" Reve.rse . tlie. ,shnts,E( prehistoric ·c~veman ... '( -, '" ' 'r. . How. to cure _them of their, clubbing,' ", ';" " . , ..... , :~ Domesticllte ."UlElm; , \ Start .them scrub~lng. , .,,' I .' ': .:: ::. , . ., ,., , ' . 'j. ,In short, to make;a cave-man' a, behaveman; \ " -.., I t' ~ ~

H~~ LAT~ST ~~ .. ~~ ':ELL . ,

• ., ' .. • • . ,

• • • , ,.

, . • • •

• , . • • •


(PuWished Friday) $1.50 per year I - "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL N~VER DIE" I

m Hear JUDGE RUTHERFORD of New "'York ~J Weekly newspapers

Treherne, Mnnltoba. published at

~ ~ iE- ~

Advertising rntes upon or from any recognized Agency In Cnnada.

applicntion Ad "ertislng


R. J. Richardson, Publisher



CO:lstance Talmadge in her latest First National attraction, "The Prim­itive Lover," will be the featUre at the local theatres during the first week in August, Wednesdity at Elm Creek, Friday at Holland nnd Satur­day at Treherne.


Broadcasted by Manitoba Government Telephones i The star plays the role of a romnn­tic stricken wife .... ho abhonl the idea or domectic'ity nnd household routine Her thoughts run to the gallnnt 1'0-

mlUlce o[ bygone days which she ab­Borbs from all the best sellers thnt the librnry shelves aHord. At tilis opportune time a for.mer lover who had supposedly perished during an expedition to South America, returns His ideas of romance and his cave­man methods appeal to the girl who builds atr crustles o[ men of his type Hnd stands in striking contrast to the practical every·day sameness' of her. husband. From this unique sit· uation the picture develops a plot that revolves around an interesting story at the same time that bristles wlUt comedy and humorous situ It­lions. Mls8 Talmudge's tulent at in terpreting comedy scenes in such pro ductions as "Wedding Dells" and "Polly of Ule 1~0I!ie8" haB been Illll-

... II! ......... II! ••• III .... II!II!IIIIIII ....... II! •• l«lIi .. _ ••• !IIM!~lIi.III •• ~III ••• !t1.IIiH .. ItiIH!lli.:;* .......... J Re.ume of Eventa and Le"lalatlve

Enactment. by fJecent Parliament Durin" the Put Year, al They Af­fect Agriculture,.


(By tbe Hon. W. R. Motherwell) Ottawa~ July 9th, 1923

An effort has been made, by not. altogether dLslnterested parties, to belittle the, nH results of th ~ recent session of }'arllaroent.

Speaking more particularly with respect to agrIculture, I may say tha t I cannot recall any session o[ Parliament since Confederation that passed more beneficial legislation on behalf o( agrirulture than the OIie recently prorogued. True, five months was a long time to spend in per­forming the work: but that Is one of the prires we must pay for groups in Parliament, all of whom hnve to .. have their 811Y.

A number of Acts hnve been passed such as "An' act to amend nnd consolidate the Acts respecting Live Stock" and "An Act to regulate lhe sale and Inspection o[ Fruit and Fruit Containers," which can be merely referred to here as contain· ing ver~' Important and up·to·date legislation In their respective fields. The same mllY be said of the amend­ments to Feeding Stuffs Act and the Dairy Industl')' Aot, the latter of which provides (or the prohibition of fllled butter, fliled milk and fliled cream-three pernicious practices that were Quietly but persistently esta~ishing a foot-hold in Canada to the great. detl-.iment of the dairy Industry, 'In addition to Utls Important leg·

Islatlon affecting one of our chief corner stones of Canadian) agrlcul­turc':"-dalrying-was ,the fight to I

finish during the last session on the questi0l} of whether the prohibition o[ the manufacture and Importation of oleo. wouid be ngain 'reverted to, as It existed for thirty years prior , to ,1917 t By IL n<m-pal't/), vote of

fifty-four to one hundred and twenty· five, Oleo, [or the time iJeelng, reo ceived a solar plexus blow that wm take some' r~coveting from, Noth· Ing daunttJd, however, the packers' professional lobyist was an anxiou: Inquirer around tbk corridors' lit< week following the vote, . d9ubtless with a view to renewing the baWl nt some later date.

The report of Dairy Commission­er'lvir. J. A. Ruddick ant! Mr. W. A. 'Wilson on their return from New Zealand and Australia;' couplet! wltil all the before·men tioned beneficial legislation on behnlf of the,,:. dalr~ Industry maltes the Inst session 0: Parliament an outstanding one, so far as 'Ole dairy industry of Canada is concerned. . . ' Although 'the .removal of thl} British Embargo on Canadian cattle did not require legisatlve action on the ' of the Canadian Parliament, If did on the part of tl,le Imperial Govern~ent, which was the outcome of a confer· ence be.tween the Imperial and Can-

erfectlvely In this matter, and when the ministers of the Government and the officials or the Department or Agriculture entered into a confer­ence wwlth, memb!l~ of the BrItish Government and officials of the Brit­ish Ministry of Agriculture, they had a very1dlfflcult task on their bands. They accompllsbed somethIng, how­ever, of real Importance for the Can­adian Carmer wh~ they came to a satisfactory settlement of the case, which, as n matter of fact, was only concluded the morning arter the L1: George government had resigned.

53 x_ tiM

Senate stepped In and· thwarted the . , will of the people by giving 'this rail ",ay progrnm the six months hoist. .A8 if to add insult to Injury, some Western senators have the audaolty to /lay (as per Senate Debate&) thn the Government so enacted / this leg­islation that It wouid court the disas' ter that befell It. How false this statement is, nobody knows better thun the ones who make it.


Illy demonstrated, lind '''rite PI·lmi· tlve Lover," offering liS it doe~, nn ('ntlrely new oullet for her ability to depict humor, promises to be a rare en terta Inmen t.

HarrIson [,'ol'll who waR Repn dur­ing .June In NOI'1111t 'I'"ll11alll:p'8 hit. "Smilln' 'l'hrnugh", hilS the I'lI1't of the husband while Kennclh 11111'IIIn, n cOlnedlnJl of I'al'e ,ntlnrrlJllPot • .iH east as the· nm'plis!. l:nuHulIl scenie Hcttill!!!l In thl' SI"ITn mountains 1l11<1 a r:ll:lng'll blend with a 810r~·

of Ill'O,'"n appeal to '1l1'o,'lde II splen· dlt! at t ruction.

The COl11clly billing for this w('c1, IK II particulal'ly funny one. 'rhe ex­hibitors are now secming the best of

. A new Government took ofl'!ce in The regulations respecting - the Britain, and then fOI~ a time it looked i gmding and marketing of eggs, ef· like another year's delay. A spec- fectlve July 7th are a further evid· lal Session of the new Parliament ence of the unique position Canada was called In November to pass the has. taken in poullry wc!.·k. T~e now Irish 'BII!. The Canndlan Govern- regulations extend the standardlz­ment press!1 t<l have the legislation lation of eggs to Chose intended for removing the Embargo enacted at domestic consulllplion, No oUlllr coun this specia1 session but the new gov· try has yet attemllted to talte such a ernment urged that It had just talten stel'. The original regulations cov­of [Ice, that this session was for a spe- ered export{ import lind inter-provin· e!!t! purpose, Ilnd that the embal'go I clal shipments but il is now provldell legislation should remain In abey· that every case 01' container or eggs an~ un til the regular Session after shipped 01' delivered c:ther on con· the flnsl 01' the year. It was oniy sigument 01' bought 1'01' resale wlli after repeated and Ilel'slstent urging have to be marl<ed on both ends with on the part of tho Canndlan Govern· the name and class of eggs contained ment that this Question which had therein. Provisl(ln is made thnt any been of such iong stnndlng was final- proclucer 01' other person dealing in iy' solved by the British Govel1lment eggs may delegate his right to clm passing an act removing the gmbargo die and grade to tho first whole. rocent comedies, direct [rom Lasky which came Into eHect April 1st of saleI' to whom the eggs al'e shipped and they lire subjects thnt have not this year. I or delh'erlJd In whlcI1 case such I been shown before. 'rhe Tiger HIIlR

There is not a live stocl, man ii cases or containers must be market! circuit hilS nellriy become a "fll'Ht Canada but recognizes clearly th' with lhe words "Ungraded egg>! for run" stl'ing - something which Is It

tremendous advantage It would have shiplllent oni~.'" '.rhls regulation wlll matter, of great pI·!tle to the owne1'!l been to ha,Ys hlld this mllrket last not npply to shipments or deliveries nnd a source of saUsfact!on to the fall, nnd what a calam\ty it would I dialect [rom produC'C' ;to consumer. regular patrons. have been were It not avnilable this I An nllowanc"l is made of 61,1,% below -----year. Mention might alsq, be mnde· grade stated apart fl'9m breakage. In GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH qf the, granting of n. certain' bounty I the event' of IIny cOlllpllllnt liS to t110 HERE SOON on twine and cordage mnde o[ hemp' grade this must be made to the ven· for the pm'pose of estn.bllshlng a'dor within 24 hours of the rect:ipt 01' World's Ten Times Biggest Clrcus-hemp industry in "'estern Canada- Ihe eggs nrter which time the lIahil· \ 'Ringling Bros. and Barnum &,

a movement well worthy of a'mom- Ity as to the eggs being below grllde Bailey H€a'ded This Way enl's consideration.. will rest upon the person on whom

Cllnadn. last year became fnmous the eggs nre found. by having arrived at the stage of be. Consumers will be particularly In. 'rhe world's one big clrcus-Jling­Ing the lal'gest exporter of wheat In tcrested in the regulations which ling DI'others and Barnum &. Bldly the world. In the face o[ this It does rellll ns 'I'oilows:-m,'ery case or con. Combined-draws nearer· on its hun­seom a mistake to longer conti'lue lalner 'of eggs thnt Is ex,posed, dis- dl'ed cars and wlll bring "ten thous· to depond Ilpon foreigll countries. fpr played 01' ofrered for sale ~¥ any pel" and wonders" to exhibit In Wlnnipcl!: the twine with which to tie 'nine son selling 01' delivering eggs direct Saturday, August 4th. tenths of this crop. Hemp Is n. prod. to consumers in a public pillce 01' \Vorld .tollred and wOI·1t1 conquorln).'; lICt that can be grown success[ully, mnnner shall be mal'ked In consplc- is truly Greatest Show on l' arlh 1>1 nhnost iuxuriantly, in many ilarts of letters wllh the namo of the 11 0W fully a third largpr than It W\lH

the "'cst and East, with or without class nnd gratle of eggs contained when It last v1811('(1 lIli'> I('.(·"lily. h'l'lgation, It grows freely In this therein: .No person shall ship oggs In atldltlon to lhe IlIllny hmo"Il­coun\.ry. anti should ~UPIliY unlimited or cause eggs to be shipped or .deliv. tions- olfcred then, the Ilresent Sl)"­

Quantities of raw,mnterial for the su, ered or displayed for Hille In cases son's program nUlllbl'rH ten more cersfui ·estv.blishment of a hemp II' or containers. which nre marked with trained wild'lminml dlsplays-llIlllt­dustr" tl,Je future production of the name of any class or graile un- Ing thirty in 1I11-lInt! the most superb which for both' home consumption less the oggs contliinell therein nrc trained hOl'se acts that }';urollc has nntl export no man can esuinate. As eQuai to or botter thnn such ciass 01' yet produced. 'rhe wild animal lint! importnnt as this should be to every grnde. No person shall sell or of. equine llislllllYS. of the Pllst wero in­wes'tel'll man" strange to' say, only fer for snle/j\ny eggs unfit for human troduced merely thaL the JUnglin"

\"'estem members supported food, Brothel's mlgh t jutlgo their pOlllllllr· Following Ule reduction of freight -=~============~===== ity. So enthusiasticnily w()ro theso

rates by' the restorntion of the'" - numbers received that the flllllOIlR Crow's Nest. Pass Agreement, Impor- showmen Immediately arrangod fOI-tan~ ,Ieglslntion has' been" pnssOd de- the' purchase of tho world's, finest signed ,to control and regulate lake J b P · 'te acts of this kind .. An entire equine rates, whidl soared to such alarming 0 .rm log' circus WIIS bought outright IIntl WIl'l proportions .Iast fall,' bl'Ought to thLs country iast winter •

adian Authorltles-henc~ 'properly referrecl ti)., in this article as 'one of

advanced steps 'taken'

'rti~ per~~n~el and' work of _ the : . ---::----,....;..;.,-..;.,--- And whUe the Ringling Brothers and newly -appointed 'Royal 'Grain En- DODGERS Barnum &. Dailey IIgents wero 'secUl'-

. Commission ,preSided over by PROGR.AMS ing thls nntl the tmined, tiger, pol III'

purlng' the, Tt,,,'·:rA·mn,vnl of the British' JoJmbar

cattle has had greater result 'In Improving

the 'farmers" nuirket than . any oUter single nlove that' :'h'as" 'been accom· pllsned during 'the' past' few years, ..

Canada' In' the unfortunate 'po-, , '

~1l10I1:.o f g largely sh u t of

• • .' • • • " .' ..

. Justico 'furgeon 'Is IlDother " EN V ELOPES loear, lion, le,oplal'd and jaguul' acts cation 'or the e'desire 'of the.lpresent 'PRIZE- LISTS.' thrY had orders to engllge. the fore-government : : to serve . ngrlculture BI LL HEADS most men lind women performers or faithfully lind well. STATEM ENTS the gUI'OIIp.lln capitals. .r.nd UH~se , The 'Incre~s~ in till; ~stimates of ov SALES BOOKS stars from city and jungle lire all to er half a inl!1lon dollars [or the "'''~U;I . ~~~:~OCs~~~~ be seen with this wondel: circus of icatlon or' Bovine, Tllb~rculoslg. iw .. n., I LETTERH EADS '116 1923. More limn 700 men and wo-. ty-[lve thousand- for, fuithel' experl- SH I PPI NG TAGS men, embrnclng the world's fore- {. ments . In". the'. export'atlon 'of chilled' CALLI~G .CARDS mosi:"ltrenic stili'S tnke part. These ,. beef anll' ten' t1tOIlSilDd ,'for experlm\ln . LEDGER' LEAVES Itrtists Include the very biggOllt acts tat ion ,.wlth 'the.' dehydratlng .Of fruit, BUS'I NESS CARDS f ranging from extensive' compllnies of all. speak' for, :illiemseives and ' MEMORIAM CARDS [oroign performers to tile amnzlng a (urther. desire' to' grapple ,v!th . TH RESH ERS' LI ENS English family of' Nelsons-poBlUve-

ngs .flruL',ln.' th Bolutiqn- of Cama-,I WHiST SCORE CARDS .' Iy one [amily consisting 'of [nUler,

• • . . •

• •

• ' . •

• "

-~,MUNICIPAL PRINTING" mother, six dliughtors lind ono' son. SOCIETY STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS And this group acro-BIRTH .• ANNOUNCEMENTS- bats. but liIust11tt9s the remarkable LODGE .• ANNOUNCEMENTS scope of the hUlllan side or tills great

'. FOR'M LETTERS' ,'.. circus. 'fhere are 100 clowns.: Aside ; c' \' '. Wlt~'. typewriter type' from tho ferocious benst~ tho pro-,

,.Etc.: .E~c, / ~ . ,,' gram includes 40 trainet! elephants,

• •

. , ' .. '. .' there are five comllRnles of trainet! '- seals, 'many dogs, bears" monkeys,

• • e , .. .. , . , •

pigs n.nd pigeons. Added for good measure Is. the mnmmoUl menagerie of mQre thnn 1000 animals. It ls the·,blggest circus-program 'the world has' eVil I' 'seen, given '\1Iiller the- Illrg'.

tent. . ' .



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