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A. Background of the Study Vocabulary is the basic element in learning English that should be mastered well by learners. Learners should have a great number of words in their mind and know how to use them accurately in order to master all of the English skills which have to do with vocabulary. Dellar and Hocking in Thornbury (2002: 13) said that learners will see most improvement of their English if they learn more words. As the basic element in learning English, vocabulary has been learned even since very young age. In teaching and learning vocabulary, a teachers role is very vital. A teacher must be able to provide an attractive learning that can interest students of attending the subject. In fact, based on the writers observation done on January 3rd, 2011, at SMP N 3 Majenang, the writer found some problems in the vocabulary teaching and learning process. Some teachers were not able to attract the students interest because they only used classical method that could not make the students active in the learning process. Moreover, the writer found some the students difficulties in learning vocabularies. The students felt difficult to memorize, understand the meaning, and spell new words they got. In addition, the students were not interested in following the teachers vocabulary instruction. They were bored with the lesson and reluctant to learn new vocabulary. Actually, we can use a lot of media to provide an interesting learning


process to students. One of the media is game. Games are very helpful for teachers to stimulate students learning interest and motivation. Wright in Widyastuti (2007: 2) states that games help and encourage learners to sustain their interest and work. We can use many kinds of interesting games to teach vocabulary. One of games is vocabulary football game. Vocabulary football game is a game with a piece of paper as the field, a small miniature of ball, and the player cards which is provided with two letters in which players guess a word where the letters become the players steps of moving the ball to the opposites goal. This is an easy and attractive game in which students can play in the class room. It is also very helpful to review the students vocabulary because it provides challenging and interesting activity which stimulates the students motivation. Based on the explanation above, it is implied that vocabulary football can help the students to get a better achievement in their learning vocabulary. Therefore, the writer decided to conduct a research entitled Reinforcing Vocabulary Using Vocabulary Football Game.

B. Reason of Choosing the Topic The writers reasons of choosing the topic are: 1. The writer saw that the teaching and learning vocabulary in SMP N 3 Majenang is still dissatisfying. Therefore, the teacher should provide an enjoyable learning in which students are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. 2. Applying usual game in teaching learning process will make the

students bored. Teacher should innovatively provide a new game for reviewing their new vocabulary that makes the students motivated, so the students will find it easier in acquiring new vocabulary.

C. Problem of the Study To make a systematical approach to solve the problems, the writer formulated the problem of the study as follows: Is vocabulary football game effective to reinforce students vocabulary?

D. Aim of the Study The aim of the study is intended to know if vocabulary football effective to reinforce students vocabulary.

E. Contribution of the Study This study will give contribution for all English teachers especially the English teachers of SMP N 3 Majenang to solve the problems in the teaching and learning vocabulary by providing a new game that will increase the students motivation and achievements.

F. Clarification of the Terms The title of this study is Reinforcing Vocabulary Using Vocabulary Football on the Seventh Grade Students of SMP N 3 Majenang Academic Year 2010/2011. The terms which are stated in the title above need to be defined in


order to get some insight or perception of the key terms. 1. Reinforcing Reinforcing is an event, a circumstance, or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given response. ( 2. Vocabulary Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) states that the term of vocabulary refers to a lists or set of words for a particular language or a lists or set of words that individual speakers of a language might use. 3. Vocabulary Football Game Vocabulary football is a game with a piece of paper as the field, a small miniature of ball, and the player cards which is provided with two letters in which players guess a word where the letters become the players steps of moving the ball to the opposites goal.



A. The Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary plays important roles in mastering English. Rivers in Nunan (1992: 17) stated that vocabulary is essential for successful study on the second language. Wilkins in Thornbury (2002: 13) summed up that without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language used in a particular variety. Pikulski and Templeton (2004: 1) define vocabulary as the sum of words that are used by and understood by students. We use vocabulary is when we speak and write; the term expressive vocabulary is used to refer to both since these are the vocabularies we use to express ourselves. We understand vocabulary when we listen to speech and when we read; the term receptive vocabulary is used to refer to listening and reading vocabularies. In line with him, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) states that the term of vocabulary refers to a lists or set of words for a particular language or a lists or set of words that individual speakers of a language might use. While Hiebert and Kamil (2005: 3) argue that vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. Knowledge of words comes in at least two forms: oral and print. From those linguists definitions, we can conclude that vocabulary is the knowledge of a lists or set of words for a particular language that individual speakers of a language might understand and use in the form of oral and print. B. Teaching Vocabulary 5

A key part of being a language teacher is knowing how to help students learn vocabulary both well and reasonably quickly. The key in all vocabulary teaching is to keep motivation high while encouraging students to develop strategies that they can continue to use once they leave their classroom. The effectiveness of the strategies for individual teachers and learners depends on many factors, and language educators must approach decisions about method and materials system actually, using principle to help us make wise decisions (Hatch and Brown 1995: 422).

1. The Principles of Teaching Vocabulary As a teacher, we must be able to provide a good system in teaching vocabulary. A good teacher should have a set of guiding principles that can be applied in a variety of teaching and learning situation. Nunan (1992: 135) mentions some principles in teaching vocabulary: a. Focus on the most useful vocabulary first. Teacher should focus on the most useful vocabulary that every English learner needs whether they use language for listening, reading, or writing, or whether they use the language in formal and informal situation. It depends on the goals of the learning.

b. Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way.

Teacher should focus on how students should be taught and learned. A teacher should be able to differ the way they treat high frequency words from the way they treat low frequency words. c. Give attention to the high frequency words. High frequency vocabulary should be met and used in communication. It should also be fluently accessible for receptive and productive use. d. Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning. Learners should be responsible for their own learning. Taking this responsibility requires knowledge of what to learn and the range of options for learning vocabulary, skill in choosing the best options, and the ability to monitor and evaluate progress with those options.

2. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary Teaching vocabulary is not an easy matter for a teacher. Both teacher and students will face some problems as follows:

( ) a. Text Book Many textbooks have very long wordlists. It means that in order to understand a text related to a particular unit students have to know or be able to guess at a lot of vocabulary.


b. Students and Teachers Boredom Both teacher and students can become bored and demotivated. Presentation of vocabulary is often done in the same way repeatedly. c. Difficulty For some people, long lists of vocabulary are not a problem, but for some people it is very difficult.

3. How to Help Students Review Vocabulary Lindsstronberg (2004: 144) declares some teachers considerations to help students review vocabulary: a. If you meet vocabulary in novel or emotionally colored settings, you are more likely to notice it, pay attention to it, and remember it than you otherwise might. So, teachers should avoid always reviewing vocabulary in the same few ways. b. You best remember vocabulary that you have not just read, but also heard; and not just heard and read, but also spoken and written. So, it is wise to adopt an integrated skills approach. c. You are particularly likely to remember vocabulary you need in order to perform a task, especially a task which is interesting or seems intrinsically useful. Thus, learners are especially likely to benefit from teaching

which includes learning games, work with song, and plenty communicative activities, especially centering on topics of interest to the students in the class. d. Formation of mental links with other word is very important, especially collocational links such as that between heavy and rain and tropical links like that between blood and vampire. It seems likely topic-based lessons can play a valuable role in the formation of links of both types, but we should also seek out smallscale tasks that focus sharply on the formation of mental links of one type or the other. e. Possibly even more fundamental is the formation of mental links between vocabulary and non-verbal images-for instance, a link between the verb spin and a visual image of something spinning or kinesthetic image of you yourself spinning around. And there is very strong evidence that actually acting out the meanings of vocabulary is particularly effective. Fortunately, it is quite common for teacher to links vocabulary to pictures, realia, mime and so on. But there is doubtless more we can all do in this respect. f. Memory for a vocabulary item is enhanced if successive encounters (especially ones on different days) bring out


different aspects of its meaning. For instance, if students have learned spin as in, stand up and spin around, then it helps them also to learn that wheels can spin and that spin is used metaphorically (e.g. My head is spinning). It is especially important that our work on high-frequency words needs to take account of this. g. It is particularly easy to recall vocabulary and collocations that have been learned in meaningful contexts which are rhythmic or even melodic. Here is an additional reason for using song lyrics as well as other texts with poetic qualities. h. Having an accurate idea of meaning is so important for learning vocabulary that any practice which helps get vocabulary meanings across should be allowed, including-in useful ways, at appropriate times-use of the mother tongue.

4. The Implication of Teaching Vocabulary Dealing with teaching vocabulary, one thing that is important to know is understanding how students learn and develop vocabulary. Thornbury (2002: 30) declares the implications of teaching vocabulary regarding how learners learn and develop vocabulary: a. Learners need tasks and strategies to help them organize

their mental lexicon by building networks of associations. b. Teachers need to wean themselves off reliance on direct translation from their mother tongue. c. Words need to be presented their typical contexts, so that learners get a feel for their meaning, their register, their collocation, and their syntactic environments. d. Teacher should direct attention to the sound of new words, particularly the way they are stressed. e. Learner should aim to build a threshold vocabulary as quickly as possible. f. Learners need to be involved in the learning of words. g. Learners need multiple exposures to words and they need to retrieve words from memory repeatedly. h. Memory of new words can be reinforced if they are used to express personally relevant meaning. i. Not all the vocabulary that the learners need can be taught: learners will need plentiful exposure to talk and text as well as training for self-directed learning.

C. Vocabulary Football Game Nowadays, football has become the most favorite sport and entertainment throughout the world. Most of people like it. Being inspired the game, the writer introduces a brand new game namely vocabulary football game.


1. The Definition of Vocabulary Football Game Vocabulary football is a game with a piece of paper as the field, a small miniature of ball, and the player cards provided with two letters in which players guess a word where the letters become the players steps of moving the ball to the opposites goal.

2. Vocabulary Football Kit a. Field The field is in the form of cells in which a player makes steps to the opposites goal based on the letters of the words guessed.

b. Card The cards seem like domino cards consisting two letters in which players guess the possible word. c. Ball The ball is just in the form of miniature in which a player moves to the opposites goal. d. Dictionary A player uses a dictionary if only the opposite is doubt with the word made by the player.

3. How to Play Vocabulary Football The rules of playing vocabulary football are not as complex as that of football game. We have several rules that should be followed: a. This game is played one on one or two on two. b. Players have to take the cards reciprocally. c. Each player has to make words based on the two letters on the cards. d. Each player has 5 seconds to make one word. e. Each player cannot make the same words as the words that have been made before. f. The number of consonant letters of the word that has been made refers to the number of the forward steps. While the number of vocals refers to the number of the left or to the right side steps. g. If a player moves the ball passing the side lines, it will be throwing in for the opposite. It means they must give their turn to the opposite. h. Each player should reciprocally move the ball started from the central point into the opposites goal to make a goal. i. If the score is still nil nil, the game will be continued by penalty. j. In penalty, each player will do the same step, but each


player will move the ball from the short distance of the goal.

D. Teaching Vocabulary through Vocabulary Football Game Vocabulary football is an easy and attractive game in which students can play in the class room. It is also very helpful to review the students vocabulary because it provides challenging and interesting activity which stimulates the students motivation.

1. How to Implement Vocabulary Football Game in Teaching Vocabulary Generally the teachers role in implementing vocabulary football game is as the facilitator which provides and controls the students in order that students can enjoy it. There are several steps that should be done in implementing the game: a. Teachers must prepare the vocabulary football kits based on the number of the students. The kits consist of the fields and the cards. The letters in the cards are provided based on the target words which have been taught to the students before. b. Teachers divide the students into pairs in which each pair will battle. c. Teachers give one kit to each pair and tell them the rules

of the game. d. Teachers ask the students to play and control them to make sure that the students play based on the rules and to keep the class conducive. e. Teachers give prize to the winners and punishment to the looser in order to create greater challenge for the students.

2. The Advantages of Vocabulary Football Game in Teaching Vocabulary We can find some of advantages of this game in teaching vocabulary. The advantages are as the following: a. Vocabulary football brings fun and challenge. b. It will interest the students because it will involve the students in a competitive and challenging activity. c. The students will obtain new vocabularies from other friends and retrieve their vocabulary knowledge. d. A time will not be a problem because teacher can decide it regarding the effectiveness of the time.

3. The Disadvantages of Vocabulary Football in Teaching Vocabulary Although there are many advantages of vocabulary football in teaching vocabulary, this game has some disadvantages of this game:


a. The teacher has to prepare many materials in providing this game. b. The teacher has to intensively control and monitor while the students play the game.

E. Basic Assumption Learning vocabulary has always been a difficult process for students and teacher. The classical problem is that students are bored and unmotivated in their learning process. Considering this problem, teacher should have a set of guiding principles that can be applied in a variety learning situation. Teacher also should be able to provide media that can attract students in their learning. One of the media that can be used as a teaching aid is game. In choosing a game in teaching, teacher also should consider a good game that can make all of the students active in their activity. Therefore, the writer uses vocabulary football as one of games that will be very interesting for students. This is an easy and attractive game in which students can play in the class room. It is also very helpful to review the students vocabulary.

F. Hypothesis The hypothesis of this research is that Vocabulary football is effective to reinforce students vocabulary.


A. Method of the Research This research is considered as an experimental research because the purpose of the writer is to find out the effectiveness of vocabulary football for reinforcing students vocabulary. In this research, the writer used quasiexperimental design. This design is considered as one of common design used in education research. This design is usually used for the group whose members are collected like students in a classroom. There are some designs of quasi experimental design. The writer used nonequivalent design. Emzir (2008: 102) mentions the considerations of choosing this design: 1. There are two groups or classes in which each group is given a pre-test and a post-test. 2. Before the experiment is done, the conditions of the two classes are the same. It means that the two classes have the same competences. 3. The control class is taught with convention with conventional method, while the experiment class is given the experimental treatment. The method of the research is formulated as follows:


where :

O1 = pre-test of experimental class O2 = post-test of experimental class O3 = pre-test of control class O4 = pre-test of control class X = treatment for experimental class(Sugiyono, 2009: 116) The writer had two groups taken as the experimental and the control group. Both of the groups were taught with different treatments. The experimental group was taught with vocabulary football game, while the control class was taught with the conventional method as usually done before.

B. Subject of the Study

1. Population The population of his research was the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Majenang in academic year 2010/2011. It consists of 238 students.

2. Sample As this research belongs to quasi experiment, the writer needed two

samples. The samples of this research were VII F as the experiment class and VII B as the control class. It consists of 38 students in each class. 3. Sampling Technique In taking the sample, the writer used purposive cluster random sampling technique. The writer used the technique because of consideration that the samples were two groups or two classes chosen from six classes that had the same condition or characteristic. ((Arikunto, 2006: 140-141).

C. Place and Time of the Research The research was conducted at SMP N 3 Majenang in the beginning of February 2011. The time of the research is completely described as follows:

No 1

Activities Designing proposal Making instrument Collecting data Analyzing data and

December 1 2 3 4

January 1 2 3


February 1 2 3


2 3 4

making report


D. Technique for Collecting the Data To collect the data, the writer used a test as an instrument to know the students vocabulary mastery. The test was divided into pre-test and post-test.

1. Pre-test It was conducted before giving the treatment. It was used to know the students vocabulary competence before the treatment. It consisted of 20 multiple choice items.

2. Post-test The post-test was used to measure the effect of certain treatment. It was used to know the students vocabulary competence after the treatment. It

consisted of 20 multiple choice items.

E. Technique of Analyzing Instrument Before using the instrument, the writer tried the instrument out to find out the validity, reliability, and item difficulty of the items. 1. Validity An instrument is considered to be a valid instrument if it can measure what it is intended to measure (Arikunto, 2006: 168). To find out the validity of the test items, the writer used the product moment correlation formulated as follows:

where: 0100090000039e0500000000ba0300000000ba03000026060f006a07574d46





00000000001c830500d23a0300460000002c00000020000000454d462b01400 21
























































































00002701ffff030000000000 X Y X2 Y2 N

= product moment correlation

= the sum of the score of distribution X = the sum of the score of distribution Y = the sum of the square of distribution X = the sum of the square of distribution Y = the number of the students The example of the calculation of validity is as follows: (Item number 1 of try out pre-test items) X Y X2 Y2 = 440 = 169 = 5882 = 13

(X)2 = 169 (Y)2 = 193600 XY = 181 N =36

rxy is higher than rtable (0.342>0.329). It means that the item is valid.

2. Reliability An instrument is considered to be a reliable if it is consistent from one measurement to another. A reliable instrument will make the collected data reliable as well (Arikunto, 2006: 178). In this research, the writer used K-R-20 formula formulated as follows:

where: r11 k Vt = reliability = the number of the test items = the total variants 29


= the sum of the multiplications between the proportion of the students who answer correctly


Before the writer goes to the formula above, the writer should find the total variants (Vt ) first. The formula of total variants is as follows:

where: Vt Y Y2 N = the total variants = the sum of the score of distribution Y = the sum of the square of distribution Y = the total number of the respondents The example of the calculation of the items reliability of pre-test try out is as follows (see appendix): Y Y2 N k pq = 5882 = 36 = 20 = 4.146 = 440

r11 is higher than rtable (0.741>0.329). It means that the instrument is reliable.

3. Item Difficulty The item difficulty shows us how easy or difficult a particular item is. It is indicated by the percentage of pupils who get the item right (Gronlund and Linn, 1990: 249). There are some criteria of the item difficulty of a test. Arikunto (1998: 209) divides the criteria as follows: 31


to 0.30 = difficult

0.30 to 0.70 = fair 0.70 to 1 = easy

Heaton (1979: 178) formulates the difficulty index as follows:

where: FV R N = the index of difficulty = the number of correct answer = the number of correspondents The example of the calculation of item difficulty is as follows: (Item number 1 of try out pre-test items) R N = 13 = 36

Based on the criteria of item difficulty, the item is classified as a fair item.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

1. T-test To know the effect of the treatment of the research, the writer used T- test. The formula is as follows:

MX MY x2 y2 NX NY

= mean of the score in experimental class = mean of the score in control class = the total deviation square of experimental class = the total deviation square of control class = the number of the students in experimental class = the number of the students in control class(Arikunto, 2006: 311)

2. Degree of Freedom Having known the effect of vocabulary football by using t-test, the writer found that the hypothesis was accepted or not by computing the degree of freedom formulated as follow: 33

d.f= (Nx + Ny 2) where : d.f Nx Ny = degree of freedom

= the number of the students in experimental class who took the test = the number of the students in control class who took the test.

If the value of t-test computation is greater than that of t table, the hypothesis is accepted (Arikunto, 2002: 277).


A. Try-out Test Result

Before using the instrument, the writer tried the instrument out to find out whether or not he instrument is suitable with the standard of a test. The writer conducted the try-out in Class VII C of SMP N 3 Majenang. The respondents were 36 students.

1. Validity The computation of validity aims to find out whether or not the instrument can measure what is intended to measure. The result of the computation of the instrument validity that consists of the item validity of pretest and post-test is described as follows:

Table 1 The Result of Validity Computation number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 pre-test items rxy rtable 0.34 0.329 0.46 0.329 0.44 0.329 0.34 0.329 0.35 0.329 0.37 0.329 0.41 0.329 0.43 0.329 0.54 0.329 0.40 0.329 0.62 0.329 0.53 0.329 0.46 0.329 0.35 0.329 0.39 0.329 0.35 0.329 0.41 0.329 0.41 0.329 criteria valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid 35 post-test items rxy rtable criteria 0.366 0.329 valid 0.534 0.329 valid 0.476 0.329 valid 0.373 0.329 valid 0.485 0.329 valid 0.408 0.329 valid 0.331 0.329 valid 0.395 0.329 valid 0.360 0.329 valid 0.374 0.329 valid 0.466 0.329 valid 0.403 0.329 valid 0.387 0.329 valid 0.442 0.329 valid 0.353 0.329 valid 0.637 0.329 valid 0.451 0.329 valid 0.489 0.329 valid

19 20

0.45 0.38

0.329 valid 0.329 valid

0.440 0.506

0.329 valid 0.329 valid

The table shows that the rxy value of the items either the pretest items and the post-test items are higher than that of the rtable. Therefore, it is concluded that all of the items are valid.

2. Reliability A good test has to be considered as a reliable test. An instrument is considered to be a reliable if it is consistent from one measurement to another. In this research, the writer used K-R-20 formula to find out the reliability of the pre-test and the post-test. After computing the reliability, the writer found that the r11 (reliability) value of pre-test was 0.741 and the r11 value of post-test was 0.747. From that result, it was found that those values were higher than that of r table. Thus, it was concluded that the tests were reliable.

B. Test Result As the writer told before, the test consisted of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to both the experimental and the control group to know the students vocabulary competence before the treatment. On the other side, the posttest was given to know the students vocabulary competence after the treatment.

The result of the test is described on the table below: Table 2 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental and Control Class respondents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 experimental group pre-test post-test 65 95 60 85 80 100 55 90 80 100 55 90 60 95 55 95 90 100 80 100 65 100 55 95 65 85 80 90 60 90 70 90 75 95 60 100 60 85 85 95 55 90 65 100 80 100 85 100 80 100 60 100 75 90 80 100 80 100 80 100 45 75 80 95 75 100 70 75 35 65 60 80 37 control group pre-test post-test 65 60 65 75 80 90 75 70 75 80 70 85 65 80 75 85 40 70 45 60 80 70 80 100 75 85 70 95 80 90 45 70 60 80 60 85 60 100 85 90 65 75 70 85 70 80 70 70 50 80 80 85 50 90 60 75 80 75 80 80 75 85 75 70 65 60 60 60 75 90 60 85

37 38 mean

45 55 67.37

100 55 92.11

65 70 67.63

95 70 79.47

The pre-test result shows that the means of the experimental and the control group are almost the same (67.37 and 67.63). On the other side, the means of the post-test result of both groups are significantly different. However, the writer could not conclude that the means of both groups were statistically different. So, the writer used t-test to find out the statistic different of the means.

C. T-test Result To find out the effect of vocabulary football game, the writer used t-test. After the computation, the writer found that the t-value was 4.53. Then, the writer found out the degree of freedom. The degree of freedom was 38+38-2= 74. Finally the writer consulted the critical value of t-table with the significant level 5% and the degree of freedom 74. The t-table was 1.99. It means that there is a positive effect of teaching vocabulary using vocabulary football game. Thus, the hypothesis which states that reinforcing vocabulary using vocabulary football game is effective is accepted. D. Discussion

1. The Implementation of the Treatment The writer gave the treatment in four meetings. The teaching and learning process of the experimental and the control class was different. The writer applied the experimental treatment using vocabulary football game. On

the other side, the control class was taught a conventional method that had usually been used by the teacher before. Vocabulary football game was given as the review. In each meeting, the writer presented ten new words that were related to the material. The process on how the writer implemented the treatment in experimental class is described as follows: a. The writer presented the words that were related to the topic leant at the meeting. b. The writer asked the students to play vocabulary football game to review the vocabulary. c. The writer divided the students into pairs in which each pair would battle. d. Second, the writer gave one kit vocabulary football to each pair and asks them to play based on the rules and the words which had been explained before. e. Lastly, the writer gave prize to the winners and punishment to the looser in order to create great challenge for the students. The first important point that the writer found after asking the students to play the game was that the students were interested in it. They enjoyed the game while they were unconsciously retrieving their vocabulary. They had fun and no pressure during the teaching and learning process. In contrast with the experimental class, the control class was taught with conventional method. After presenting the words related to the topic, the writer just asked the students to remember and do some exercises to review


their vocabulary. The process on how the writer taught vocabulary in control class is described as follows: a. The writer presented some words related to the topic discussed in the meeting. b. The writer asked the students to remember the words. c. The writer asked the students to fill in the blank text with the suitable vocabulary. d. The writer asked the student to do the exercise on the hand book. Almost all of the students in control class were not interested in following the lesson. Only a few students were interested in doing the activity given by the writer. The condition was quite different from that of the experimental class. It was found that there was a different motivation between the students in experimental and control class.

2. The Meaning of the Test The aim of the test given to the students of the experimental and the control class was to know their vocabulary competence before and after giving the treatment. Besides, it was given to find out the difference of the change of their achievements that happened in the experimental and control class. In the pre-test, the mean of the experimental class was 67.37 and the control class was 67.63. It showed a very close result between the

experimental class and the control class. So, it means that the condition of the sample of the research has already fulfilled the requirement of the nonequivalent quasi-experimental research design in which the experimental and the control class have to have the same condition before giving the treatment. Then, the post-test result of the experimental class was higher than that of the control class; they were 92.11 for the experimental group and 7.47 for the control class. The difference of those scores could not make the writer interpreted that the hypothesis was accepted. Furthermore, the writer computed the score using t-test to find out whether the hypothesis was accepted or not. After computing the t-test, it was found that the t-value was 4.53. Then, the writer consulted to the t-table with the level of significance 5% and the degree of freedom 74. The t-table was 1.99. It could be seen that the tvalue was higher than the t-table. So the writer concluded that the hypothesis which stated that vocabulary football game was effective for teaching vocabulary was accepted. The significant improvement that happened in the experimental class showed that there were positive effects in the use of vocabulary football game. It was proved also by the fact that the students had more fun in following the lesson. It was related to the advantage of using the game that the students will have more fun and enjoyable in learning. The atmosphere appeared in the experimental class during the vocabulary football game activity was different from that of the control class which was taught with the conventional method.


Because the students felt happy and no pressure during the teaching and learning process, the students could easily understand the material. In addition, the situation of the class became livelier because this game required the speed of recalling the memory. The students were involved in a competitive atmosphere provided by this game. Each student was demanded not only to retrieve the words in their memories, but also to think the strategy to defeat each other. Consequently, most of the students were motivated to memorize all of the vocabularies which the writer presented in every meeting. It was because every student wanted to be the winner in the game so they thought that the more vocabulary they remember the bigger chance for them to win the game. Indirectly, it significantly increased the students post-test achievements. The fact could be seen from the result of the post-test. Many students in the experimental class achieved perfect scores. Actually, they only got average scores in the pre-test.

Based on the discussion above, the writer concluded that the process done in the experimental was better than that of the control class. It is also implied that playing vocabulary football game can be the alternative to make the class livelier and enthusiastic in following the lesson. The research findings reveal that the result of the treatment is in line with the hypothesis that vocabulary football game is effective to reinforce students vocabulary because there is a significant different between students taught with vocabulary football game and those taught without the game.

3. The Effect of the Treatment We all know that every technique of teaching gives either positive or negative effects. The following explanation shows the positive and negative effects of using vocabulary football game in teaching vocabulary. First, the game made the atmosphere inside the class livelier because the students participated actively the learning activity. Second, the students unconsciously learned while they were playing the game. Third, the treatment gave the students different nuances and situation of learning. On the other hand, the game also gave the negative impact. The negative impact was that it needed better classroom management skill because if the students were not controlled well, they would have been noisier during the activity.


A. Conclusion Having analyzed the data, the writer found that the students achievement of experiment class was better than that of the control class. It could be seen from the final result of t-test analysis which stated that the t-value was higher than the ttable (4.5 >1.99). Consequently, it can be justified that there was a significant


difference in the students vocabulary score of the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Majenang between the students who were taught vocabulary with vocabulary football game and those who were taught with conventional method. The students could learn in a fun way by playing the game. Therefore, it is concluded that reinforcing vocabulary using vocabulary football game is effective. The teacher can try new invention game that is very challenging for the students. The students can also be more active and motivated to learn vocabulary.

B. Suggestion After conducting this research, the writer gives the following suggestions: 1. After we know the result of the study that reinforcing vocabulary using vocabulary football game is effective, it will be better for English teachers to conduct a classroom action research of improving students vocabulary mastery using vocabulary football game. 2. In applying the game, teachers should truly consider the curricular target and control the students when they play the game to make sure that they play based on the rules so that the students can truly achieve the expected target of the learning. 3. The students should be more cooperative by not making any useless noise when they play the game so that the condition of the class can be more conducive.