Download - i ~ : I - Paterson · 2018. 12. 18. · police

Page 1: i ~ : I - Paterson · 2018. 12. 18. · police



Hut ter, John. Camphdl ~t Ruthe, Thomas, tlroYe1·. Ainl ~t Rcynol<l~. Maurice. >elicitor. Wcslrrn nl Rattray. George, clerk, Cmnl'hell ~l Rose, H cury, postmaster, C'hmch ~~ Rutten, Thomas, woodeartcr. A q!ylt• ,( Rutter, ltobert., surg-eon, Mn<:quaric st

STOW, John, gardener. Gallt"vay ~I ~ullon, Henry. baker . ('hurrli >t. ~I eel, A lcxandcr, stom:mn.•nn, Cburc h st Slade, .J a me;, ~tonema><On. ( 'hmd• st. Seclgcwick, .Joh n , carpen ter. t'hnrrh st Slade, John, Church st S lncle. James. Cardwell st. Shepherd. Thomns, stoncm~~~on. l'rnnant st :Stuart, Uharle,, Palmer sl Slunrt, J. B., Galloway st Stuart, J ., Albert st Stuart, Thomas, Gro~e •t Somerville, Jl cnry. bootmaker. Chur<"h st Simmons , Jamc,, l 'ennnnl >.l Springthorpe, Arthur, Church ' ' t;prowlcs, Henry, Laker. l\oss sl Sprowle~, Charles, baker , G ro>c sl Smith, ll., limmitb. l'cnnnnl ' 1. St.uan, Neil, ~<, }\; cwlfJ.llds Smith, Jo,cph, undertaker, Fennell st Smith, 'l'homns, Chmcb ' t :Smith, Archibald, grocer. Church ~t Smith, ,fame,. fnm1er, Gro;;e st Spouncer. Chnrle.~, bootmakcr , Church ~t ::;proul,, .l ame", Gro;;C' st St.anton, Edward, Jla<:tory ;; t. Huttor, George 13., .Fennell 't Salloway. A b raham, Fleet st Router, Sohn, fnnner. l'enn~tnt :<t t;outer. lt., farmer, P ennant ' t Souter, D., farmer,' l' st Souter, Jmne.;, l'cun::mt st Sontcr, \Villiam, P ennant :<t Short, John . Pennant st Short., David, farmer, P ennant <I ~innate, John, Albert st 1-iimpson, Percy, Pennant ;;t. S immons, Jame;;, l sahelln st Sullimu, Miss, teacher t;outhwell, Mr:<., Pennan t ;;t Htapleton, 'fbom."·'• dispen!;Cr, Pennant ;;t Stapleton, H., <lrapct·, P ennant ;;t Stapleton, .John, drape1·, l'ennant st Shepherd, Thomas, LootHtteJ·, Cbnreh st SIHtnnon, .Tame;;, Hocky hall Stewart, W. J., wanl er, AlLert st :Stevens, A., warder. Clifford st Sparks, Jordan , auctio]leer, Marsden st Spencer, J. H .. prioler, 1\far"llcn st Smith, G. ll., auctioneer, Ucorge s t

SlfJ\\". (;por~C', bon.IJnan, Ut;orgo :-..t. She:tther. ~il,.s. Jlori:.;t , l•:Iizabcth fa rm ~tow. t ; cor~c . j un .. hoat nann, llards ~t Smith .. lol111. :<IOI'<•keeper. Chnrcl• st ~wa.rli'rorr. llcnry . tcacller. Church ~t

'!'liNK~. William. Gmsc st. 'J'nnk,, llcnry. r:~nner. nm'~ ~~ 'l'roughton . Mrs., ( 'iiUrc h st. 'l'uk ~ . l' .. d>Ctlli:<t. Clmr<"h sl

I Trott, .fohn. Chnn:h st 'l'•wk<·r. J .. grocer, Cliurch st

I ' l'othl, ltic har<l. Grose st ' ' l 'olli~. K .. 1>:1.k<:r. ll nck lane

' l'nul. Ma r v. I r :nTol<l s l 'I '!JOmlm>.. U<·orgc. i'Mlll ('l'. l~ahr:Jlu sl

Tho111p:<on .. 1o1m. llrickticiLI sl 'l'bmnp:<on. Charles, boo! maker, Pcnmtnt "t 'l'honq>"<>n. " 'illi::un, 'J•:I izahelh ~t

1 ' l'owers, J ohu. stoncuuumn , Pennant s~ ' Tumcr. 'l'h<llll:ts, Chnr<"h st Tuuk,, Ch,Lrk>. gnwcr, ( 'hurc·h st

1 ' l 'unk~. ( :c(ll'g"C. Ml'O<.:Cr, ChurcL st Turk well. S .. ,Clt., b la.ek>mith. Church st 'l'ucl<wcll . s.,.jnn .. hlachmitb, ('burch st 'ficmey, I.., wnnkr, Fleet st

i ' l'hom1;son. Thoma.~. Lootmnker, Pennant st.

I 'J\\ylor. Charles, ~J.D., Vincyanh T ow ns. W iII ia111. t;orrell st 'l':1.ylor, .robn. callinelmaker, l'cnnnnt. ~t Turner. Smnncl, huot mnl<er, Hunter st

I 'l'unJcl'. All'n:<l. boot.makcr. llu11ter .. t ' l'nyl or, J ,ul>es J .. derk. Ucurgc· 't

l' l'nylor, .Jol111, audioneer, Chun·h SL

'l'ozv.r, .John. accouut.ant, Ueorge st ' r avlol'. 'l'hum:ts. hootmakcr. Ucnr~e "'t T:t)·lor. II ugh. hul <: hCI', Chnr<"h •l '!'arra n! , :lo,cph, <I raper, 1;hurch st Turner. Hich::ntl, weaver, Churd1 st T inille. \ Villifl.m, sqnallm·. (;burch st 'l'ersook, l'ctCl', farmer, New lands

I UPTON, Thomas. hootmo.krr, HoH.< st. I Upt.on .. Jamc;;, [:trmer, l'al mer Rt

I' Upton. RtPphen, jun., runner, J:cnncll st

Upton. ~lcphcn, sen., farmer, l•ennell st

VrvrAK, J ohn,, Grose at. · , ! Veach .. Jolm, J~nhuer ~t

I Vau~han, Put.rick, Factory st. Vaughan, Patrick, Fleet ,t,

I Veitch. J ohn . wanler, Clifford"'· Vallack, .lame;'• hre~ver. Macrjua~·ie ~t. Varcnkamp. I• .. calnnetmak er, Uhurcb st.

\ Very, l'i. II .. ~torckeeprr, Church st

I W!CKIIA.M, S .. ronncil rlerk. l'~illip '' I Wickham , Fr~nk, •·lcrk, Taylor st.

Smith, Enoch , fettler, lnkenna nn st. Saintly, Mrs . • r., ironmouger, Chlll'ch st Staff, ,John F., auct.ioneer, Campbell st St.cph enson, W. J ., storekeeper, Churc h st

\Vcekc,, NidJOia.-;, chemist, hlacquaric st. I Waugh, Isaac, surgeon, George st. "

I Willis, 1-lemy, 1111tleru•ker, Grose st Williams, 'l'., sen., <'arpenter, Church st . ·

---- ·----


: I ·I


20,085 POLIOIES ' IN FORCE .'FOR £7,905,004: I . ; · ... ' ! -

mmVILLWS O l•'l<'r(' f A L P OST oFJ·'rcE DlHECTOJtY. 595 I !:ilt

William~, T .. jun., c:trpcntct·. Churrh st William~ . . Tohn. ( 'hun·L ~~ \Villimn~ .. laek . wi11e merch ant. Hn<' ' r Williams. Thunm>. Fadory st W ecke" . • fame:<. I 'hm·ch st \ Vccke.<. HoLen , Penn:lnt.:<r Weekes. ~am!.. !.(1'0<'<'1'. ( 'hurrh ' t Wnll. M. 1 Surreil st Wall. elf . , 1-(:tt'<kn<!J', ~cw" W ilkinson. l it:on!c. t'lnm·h st \Vi lkilt><Oll. J:ohc;·t. l 'hurr·h ,(. White .. Joh n. :<IOII<'Ill::to'on, Fcnn!'ll st War<l .• Tames. l'cnnant st W:Jll:u:c .. fohn. :<tonem:~,on. l'rnnant st Wi!eockso11. Wi llirun. bl:whmith, I'Pmmnt st \Vormlatun, Tlu>ma'i. Ft:lluf'll .,L \Vh itemn.u . Gcuq.~c. wnl·d (!r. SnnPI I l'it

\\'ill k ll cnrv. w:ml<'l'. llomain sL WI.Jitcman. (i cur~c. l>ri<:klayt:r. NJITell st \Vhitmu:m. Tllo>m"'• builller, (.:a-;tle .<t Whiltall . .John. Ho'<.-; sl While. CIT rs .. Ho,s sl \Vootk <.; .. J{o,;:< " ' Watt. Alexander. <"lticf wanh•1· 1-(anl

, Wa1·,1. J ohn, Pennant 't \Vh:n·l' .. )ante•. wanh:r, ( :r.lloway ~~ W lllers, 1: . <.: .. nvPJ'ot!el'. b aiJcll:l sl

\\'t•sl. \\'i llil\nt. lsahclb sl Wancn .. lo•cph. wanlt·r. Canlwell Sl

' \VaLcrhou:-,t\ Hc·v .. J. n .. ~Lu·q uari<' !-it \Vhitwurlh .• fo..;cph. grvr'cr, Ut~u•·gr sl \\'ar. !l ing. lmwkc r, ll arris ' ' W ooleott. 11. C .. chc1ni st. (:clll'ge Sl

w~u. Cha rles. prur. of c!JI!IIJisll'Y• l'ilt rnw \\'alker. S1unnel, l<( I'O<:er. Ch11n·h H

' Walker, B <·nj:tmiu. hril'lnuakl!l', A ir•l " \\'oodgatr. . . James. elcrk, A in\ >t \\'ood gat e. l•:dwanl \V .. dwmi"'• Air<l SL

Woodga te , R<lward. 'tnt Ai r<l •t \Vat, frml. Danit•l. lllill iner, Church :<1 \V:ll'<l. W ill iam. cuachi>H il<lur, Church 't \Vii"'"· ltul>crt. :;nx:cr, ChHrch st Willil\n", M1·~. 1' .. '"cd >t ore. Churc:h "' W cl>h. }{iehtml. frHilgruwer, C:hnrch 't

YouNG, George, Newlan<ls

PATERSON - a township in it:< own pol ice <lio<tl'ict ami electorate, county Durham. is w:; mile,.; north from l'iv<l · m•y. Route: l'ilc:lm to Newca<tlc, i·ail

-- - - -, Pt Church o( li:nglnnLI, the l'1·esbyterian 1 1 Chureh. the 'Cuurlhousc. and ndd- L'J . fclluw,-hull; att<l t wn mill>. The eli•- ti)' I rid. i< entirely an ag ricultural one, m ' Hb<li\'itlctl into >mall fanu,.;-fhe pro- . duels l,cing-, in ndtl ition to cereal~ and · PI' root crop..:. orange..;. gr·u.pc::-, a11tl t obacco; 1 h<: I null i< alluvial allllri<:h. but ~ubject 8 10 dis:tstrons !loo<ls. T l1i>' <lisll'il'l i" a lso noll'<l fc.~.r the <'xeellcncc of breed of hor:<c~ ""'' t·:tttlc. The :<unouJuling t It eoHntry i> extremely m ountio.i11ou,, hut C there arc cxlcn:<iYe flat" 10 the south 11;1' and west. 'J'hc geological formation f'>l · is :-.:uul ....:tntH' and ~lnt.k. 'l'ht•rc i:-: I Q. >plclldi<l frcc<t one to he obtained here t7 for huil<ling lHtrpO>'C'; and with in Ca<y

1 "i

t li~tancc nf navigation nrc cxt cn ...;i ,·c



~~'~;'u~L~il1l~~~:~: :~· Coal exi:<t~ aLout ~ ! ~

Al11101"r . . John . Lcncxton Ad:un•, He ''· 1•'. Wtll .. (Epi•.). f' lmrch Rt

Allen, .\lcxantl<:r. sawyer, Co1·y C'k Arnohl, l snae. sawyer, Cory <'k .\l'llold. Mr:< .. ~tra,lurnok house. l 'at<'rson ri\' Amold, .Job;,, " 'Il ler, t)Jdh:u•~" Al'llold, :John W .. sawyer. <:ory <·.k Arnol<l. \V .. !'<'n~ct'. Pnnt farm

IIAKlm. 'l'honm.;. llack st · J: luful'<l. .Jol111. mail contmrror

Boy<lcll .. I a.mcs llt•att "· ,J.. tuiJaeeo nt:mnf .. Cnmyrall:tn llrntty .. Jolm. innkeeper, <'am~·rall:m t:oycc. ll cnry. Wclshmnn llat lloy<·c .. Jnhn, Welshman liar llov•·t•. W illi:tm. <:aHicr. Wcl• bmnn tint Bo)·tlcll. \V . U .. . J. P. , winc~rowcr \'X gr:1zicr llradlcy. ll cnry. seltler. Cory ck . llorham. 'l'homJ»On V .. ycomm1. Mt Arnmt Hm<lerir k , Clfr,., boarrlin~houst•, f'lwreh ~t Brooker atl<l :5on, lmtdters · Bo rham. ll :nol<l. cccla•·cutler . Mt. Amral Bucknell. llrotlll!ro<, settlers. lli~ ck

, Brooker. Ucorgc , maileont mcuJr Butler, Philip, i!caler, C:11rdness llrown. II. 11 .. 1\l.l' .. auctioneer ailll gra1.iC'r

I Buxton . 'l'homa~, tobat·etltwistcr. lll\l ton BaxtC'r, ?\[i,:-o. go\'crne...," anti storekeeper


l UI

1 . ~-~< .

i 'V 0 :IJ'

~ :a­m

w 1\faillaiHI, ·!.hence l>y c•meh. U,(iicc : ; CANN, l lro,., gencrnl clcalcr" Post, Telegraph. Uovernmcnt. t;ayiugs 1 Clark. George. farmcl'. Hingford farm Bank. a1Hl Money Order. Mct ils close Cam!. .! ol111. sl•n ·unt

I 0 : I ,._

at t:. I'.O. daily at !l.:lop.m .. a ll<l arril'c · Conn. ~·lr :<., .<lorckeepcr . at pn>l town claily (i\l onclays rx- ; Cnnlo\\·, William, farmer, Brenron ~cptc<l) nt II a.m. ; lca1·c for ::lyLI11cy 1 Clark, Georg-e, road m•er~eer •laily (Ho.tunlay:< excepted) nt 1.1.; p.m., ; Coleman, Dcni ><, car penter, Dnnimhl :uul n.tTin~ C\'cry morning. The town ' ('lcnu·nl nnd ~ons. ~ttlcrs is built on IIH! l'at cr-;on ri,·er, anti is Challinor, 1\tlward , Mar tin ck ahonl' 12 mile.< from Maitlmt<l. Th~ Cnnnichael, C:l•arlcs, llig ek pl'incipal of many hnil<lings m·e the ' C'ollit'r , Hichat11. saw~•er. M:nlin ek


i ~ ' 0 · I ~ !8 10

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AUSTRALIAN MUTU~L PROVIDENT SOCIETY (VIDE· ADVT. PAGES 4 AND 5). --------------------------------- --------------


Cq<~kc, J ames. fa.n11cr, Gost.wyck ek Corner, ~William, jun., ~tockowncr Crew, HeUJ·.~, fal·mc:·· Al\y~l tw Conter Wtllta.m. ,J.J ., graY.tor Cory, Gilbert, J.P., returning-officer CreLtendon, Charles, l'awyer Cross, J ohn, groom Cox. J ohn. curpcntcr Cox, Henry. hursebrcakcr. Martin c k Cox, Jollll, jun., canier, Martin ck

DALGXLISH, J ohn. Kempsey D~lly, J ohn, 'l'elimby Day, Mrs . .M:u·y, laundrcs Day, .Jnmc• Donnelly. Juhu, gardener . Devine, Bieharcl, f:mncr. Btg cit Dowa.l William , stockman , Marlin ck Doyle,' E., tobaccon ist, Clcvcdon estate Drinkwater. T homas Duck, Brother,. se ttlers, llig ck Duck, <l eorge, fnnner, Mowbury estate Dunn, Captnin J. H .. farmer. OldiJ:lllks Dunn. ~arah, mm•ic teacher Dunning, David, "etller, Bona Vista estate

EYB, Frederick, Big ck J<:scott, 1-Iemy, carrier, Martin ck Edwards. William, carter

\FERRIS . • James, storekeeper, Vacy ~··erriR, l lenry, L cnexton Fenis, ,Johu, HeLlier, Lenexton !<'inn, Michael, B ig ck .Fitt. Hobert, fencer . Flaherty , .John, carrier, Martin ck :Frankland. G., J.l'., Mowuury house Fry, Harry, sexton and licenocd cMrier

GARDNER, George, de~lcr Garret t l•:llcn, barmmd George 'and ~on, auctioneers, Summer hill Gervis, Albert Ernest Oibbs, Eber, wheelwright Gilmore, Mrs., dealer Gihhs, Deni,;, blo.cksmith Gibbs Ehcr jun., umlertaker liosli~g, Isa'o.c, car penter , Allyn riv Goulu and ~ons, fencers, T oea! estate

HoGAN, J ohn, tobacco manufa~tnrer Hall&. l-ions, stockowncrs, Money bung f:tll ti Harris and Sons, far mers, Cornwall vale Harri s, James 11 artn p, Harry Jlnrlup, Mrs . • Jane, midwife Hartup, Robert, mill enginedriver Hardin. Humphrey. Loot and shoe maker Holden; John, overseer, llona Vista Hunt, H arry, fencer Hartup, Hobert, jun. Holuen and Sons, grar.iers

JACKSON. "Rdwanl, plouglmmn, Duninald ,Jackson . James, henlsman, Dunina(d JarreLl, llelll'y, :tuctioncer. Allyn riv .roue". Etlwonl, •adtller Jonc~, Mr~. ) ·lnry, drcssmnkc.r Jane~ , En~tace . tobacco m:mnf., Allyn riv

Km'l'llt . Antlrew. blacksmilh Kcppie. Willimn, wiH~elwright Kcppie .. John , earpcn t·et· Kidd . John . jun., groom, 'focal c'tate Kitl<l, .fohn . sen ., gmom , To~al estate Kenley, Brother,. stockowners Kitlrl. William. pl oug-hman King, William, p11lJtman. \'coman Kc lh·. Denis Kiug. ,John, r~ i lor

' LANE. M.,.bootmakcr J.nwrie & Sons, tobacconists. A l'i \' Lewi,, T homa,_ settler , Marlin ck Liwl:-:ny. Thoma:-: , hontlnan L ovel l. Chnrle,. (·arter 'Lnntre> .. Jobn. fanner Leake_-.ramcs, de>tlcr, A llyn r i> Ley, Urolhcr,, gra~iet'" Luke, John, J.P .. gmzicr. Go,twyck 1-imlennan and ::;ons, winegrowers J,ogan, Hobert, gmzicr

MA<~J,XNJS. ,John. m·crscer 1\fan·cnni~, Hobert-. wheelwright Ma~tin, Chnrl c,, horschre:tkcr Martin, l~th·nnl. carrier J\larlin. H .. farmer, l~ing[ord h ill Murrn.y . J ohn Must. :'>Irs . . Jane, l:tumlrcss McAlpine. W. ~L settler Hell ride. A . ;\fcCormnck, .1., .J.P., Allyn riv Me Ewen and Hons. 'ettlcr<. \V ehhcr ck McMahon, Brothers, canicrs, Big ck :vtayo, .J o.seph. trooper ::'l l ayo anti Kons, grazicre Magcnni, , .l oseplt. hlachmith ~titch<'l l. Ucor!!·c. storckteepcr am1tlcnler

},..finc rs and ~ons, cal·ricr~ 11.{cKcown atHl :--;ous, g-ra:dcrs Maloney, ,John Merchan t, Brothers, carrier~ Mcnick, .John , winegrower

NEWBURY, Hcnjnmin, surgeon Ninncs, 'Vil liam, tinsmith Nevi,on a!Hl Sons. slockownc rs Nickerson, Wil liam, fanner Norrie and Sons, storekeepers North, John. farmer

OLDFIF;LD &. Sons, farmers, Telimhy estate Oldfield, James, fencer, Tel imby estate


' •' INVESTED FUNDS UPWARDS OF .£1 ,500,d'dd.'---· - ----- ------------ - --.


Ormond, r:r.or;J:e, clealm·, How ek Old tielcl. Charles, horscbrcakcr

i'AJNE, .John . . setl ler l'ari,h, Brothers. settler.<. Rig ck l'nri,h. Js:~ae. "twyer. Goshn·ck estate Pttrk, Hobert , .1.1' .. surg-eon. ·Park ck P:tt ficl<l. !--:mnucl. ""' "l""' ~cr l ' edtler, .John. 'lockmait l'cd<lcr, .Mrs. Ell('ll . <l t·r·ssmaker P hillips. B mthcrs, set tlers · .l'billips. Thomo<, bootm:1ker l'ilgr:tm anrl Sons. ~dt l c t·s . i'V[owhttry csbte l' t·ice, Thoma~. scllkr. Vv:tl hrobba l'uxt:v: Mr:;. Mary , innkeeper Ph ill ips. Stephen. car pen ter l'atfi elcl, J oseph, pl oughman l'rcslancl and Sons. wine~rowcrs Pryor, Brother~: gra~. i crs :") Pnx~y, J:unc•, storekeeper and dealer l' tLxty. Elhanan . waterman

RRYNOLl)S, Bros .. graziers, Dunin~ hal l He.Y nolcl~, ~' .. sl·ockb rcedcr. T ocal estate ltobin•, Mr.s .. Jane Robim;on, Chas., sclfler, Mowhury csta.te Robinson , Rober!, tc:tmstcr. Trevnllyn Hobinson, W .. s:ulcller. Moun t-:tinvale Howcloft. E .. overseer, Gostwyek Uan<llc, :Mis~. storekeeper Han<1lc, Brol her.~, tobacco factory Handle ~ous, grazicrs Rcici, A lcxander, teacher Reyno1cls, 1-'iducy, cn.ttlehreetler Rey n olds, Mrs.

t-;ArtGrNSON , J ., gan1cncr, Duning hnll Srtundcrs, ~Vill i:un, fa rme1· 1-ianmlers. Michael Sn.untlcrs) Mr . ..;. , poslmistrc:-;.s :-.ia.unrlcrs, Mrs., lcachcr or 1n m;ic Scott, Jane. ~mr.ier. Hiney Slu .e, J ohn, settler. Rig- ck Shaw, J ohn, brick layer ::>hields. J ames, settler. Biro- ck 1-im ith. nreen, scU!er. 'l'cli~tby c•late Smil·h, Jo,c ph . innkeeper Smith, bft·s . .James Smith, S a muel, setller. Paterson river f'l t-anbridg e, - ,carpenter 1-iteen, William St.ucltlcrt, Cbas .. librarian, Forest lodge liluddert. Robert, C.P.S. , Fot·eHt lodge Swan nud Sons, graziet·s Si vyer and Sons . gra1.iers ~aundcrK, The l\1issc,. t eachers Singleton , Ben .. mlllwright Rimon~, Rrothcrf', gl'ar.icr~ Sltcrwoocl, William, farmer and butcher !-:Inman, 1\ lfrc<l, overseer, Telimby !--:tutl<lert., Robert, jun., reporter :Studclert, Thom~~H, farmer

597 ·--- .....;.__·------= ----~._-__ _

Steer ant! Son Sti les, .Tame,, briekmakcr

'l'ARnOLTON, Arthur St rickland , ·M.D. Tattersall and Griflitl'"· t imber merchants Taylor. T., settler, w·el~hmnn fia t

I Tny lor, ''Vm .. eanicr. Welshman fiat Thompson. 'Villiarn, <lc;Ller Thorp. Thomas, snwycr T inkler, G .. horsebrcokcr, \Vcbbcr ck Tinklel', l.:shcr, \Vcbbcr ck Townshard. G. R., .J.P .. gmY.ier, Tremllyn T rant·cr an<l Son, sawyers. 13ut.tcrwick ;~ucker and flon, fnrmcrs. Bdsbancgrovc I u rncr a.nd ~on~, gra.zJcrf'.

'V Am~, \Villiam, tcmngter W:m1, Mr~. Rll en. boardinghouse " 'bite and Son, butchers White, Boyle, bailiff Wi llioms. ,John , tailor ~Vilis, James, senior constable W ilson, Frederick. un<lerlakcr Wi l~on , ll cnry, hhicksmi tlt ''Voocls, \Villinm, carr ier. Uollow ridges ~Vright, Edward, hoolm:tker Walker and Sons Wells :mel Som. farmers W hile, Michael ; farmer 'Vhilc, John . canier W ilson. Ft·ederick, wh0elwrigbt Wilson, )fr,., inn keeper Wil~on. Harry, miller \Valier, Geor~-:e S ., grazicr Wi lson. Harriet .barmaid \Vilson, Fred., jtin. , monnmcntn.l mason Wa.kely, Joseph, teleg-raph operator ·

PEAT'S FERRY- n sett.lement in the police d istrict of Brisbane W electorate of The W ollomhi, county N orthumberlan<1, is ilO mile~ nor th from Syclney. Ronte : Ferry to St. Leon arc l~ . thence "i ct Lane Cove and Hornsby . O[fic<' : Pas~ only. M ails close at G.P.O. on Monday• ancl 'l'httrS· days at ·I p.m .. a nd arrive at post town on Tnc~<lays an<l Fridays at. 6 a.m. ; 1e:tve for t-;yducy on Wednesdays a nd Salurtlays al !) a.m., and ~trrive same days al :).80 p.m.

B URNS, .Tames. farmer, Mangrove Burton, ~Vm., farmer, Mooney Mooney ck Burns, J oseph, fa.l'lncr , Mnl1et island Boles, ' Villiam, farmer, Mooney Mooney ck

0RUMPTOX. Johu, carpenter , Bnrrowra Cole . . James, postmaster Cnl ,-erl, .Tames, farmer, Mooney Mooney ck Cole, James W., ~rar.icr ·