Download - I have “vibrations.”

Page 1: I have “vibrations.”

I have “vibrations.”

Who has what we hear when vibrations are very hard?

Page 2: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a loud sound.”

Who has the reason we couldn’t hear anything in outer space?

Page 3: I have “vibrations.”

I have “because there is no air to vibrate.”

Who has the reason our voice sounds different to us normally than when we listen to a recording of ourselves?

Page 4: I have “vibrations.”

I have “because we hear our own voice in part through our skull.”

Who has the activity we did that shows sound traveling through solids that will save you at boring parties?

Page 5: I have “vibrations.”

I have “the oven rack symphony.”

Who has what humans hear if vibrations are soft?

Page 6: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a quiet sound.”

Who has another word for vibrations?

Page 7: I have “vibrations.”

I have “whaps.”

Who has what we hear when whaps are not very frequent?

Page 8: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a low pitch.”

Who has the scientific term for 1 whap per second?

Page 9: I have “vibrations.”

I have “Hertz.”

Who has the abbreviation for Hertz?

Page 10: I have “vibrations.”

I have “Hz.”

Who has what we hear when whaps are very frequent?

Page 11: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a high pitch.”

Who has the pitch humans are most sensitive to?

Page 12: I have “vibrations.”

I have “3000 Hz, the pitch of the human scream.”

Who has the speed of sound in air?

Page 13: I have “vibrations.”

I have “770 miles per hour or 1240 kilometers per hour.”

Who has what happens when a fast plane catches up with its own sound?

Page 14: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a sonic boom.”

Who has a general rule for the pitch of different things?

Page 15: I have “vibrations.”

I have “small things have a higher pitch, big things have a lower pitch, except Mike Tyson.”

Who has what is vibrating in a coke bottle when you blow over it?

Page 16: I have “vibrations.”

I have “the air inside, that’s why more water, which makes the air smaller, makes it higher.”

Who has what is vibrating in a coke bottle when you hit it?

Page 17: I have “vibrations.”

I have “the glass and the water vibrate, that’s why more water makes it lower, since it’s like a bigger dog barking.”

Who has a way of showing that a tuning fork is vibrating?

Page 18: I have “vibrations.”

I have “stick it in water.”

Who has a way of showing that your voice vibrates the air?

Page 19: I have “vibrations.”

I have “talk into a can that has a balloon stretched over it and a piece of mirror attached and shine a laser on it while you talk.”

Who has a way of making the pitch of a guitar string lower?

Page 20: I have “vibrations.”

I have “make it looser.”

Who has the name of the kind of wave sound is?

Page 21: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a longitudinal wave.”

Who has what the heck a longitudinal wave is?

Page 22: I have “vibrations.”

I have “a wave that travels back and forth along the direction it’s going rather than up and down.”

Who has a good way of showing a longitudinal wave?

Page 23: I have “vibrations.”

I have “stretch a slinky and push it back and forth on the ground ”

Who has what causes all sounds?