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i am redeemed

7th Annual Camp Caleb2013

October 25th–27th

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Camp Weight-In

1. What are three (3) expectations you have for this weekend?  

2. What are three (3) things that you as a man have struggled with this past year?

3. Choose one thing you want to change in your life? 


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Old Testament Camp ScriptureCamp Scripture

Isaiah 44:2222 I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud,and your sins like a mist.Return to Me,for I have redeemed you.


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New Testament Camp Camp ScriptureScripture

1 Corinthians 15:5757 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!


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What is does it mean to be redeemed?



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- saved from the bondage of sin…ransomed


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- rescued; especially from the power and consequences of sin; "a saved soul“


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- To obtain the release of by paying a certain price.

- To release after receiving such a payment.

- To deliver from sin and its consequences.


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Jesus came, died, and resurrected for every transgression, shortcoming, failure. For every sin, Jesus bought the sinner’s redemption. Once and for always, we are redeemed. It is a costly redemption, as Jesus, God Himself, had to die.

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However, it is a permanent one, lasting even through death. For the damaged relationship with our Father we mourn. But, it is for the hope in the promise of Jesus that we have joy. In the depths, there is still the light of the redemption He bought for us. And it’s that light I hope for us to focus at camp my brothers.

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The Bible is one large redemption narrative, but that should tell us that God is a God of redemption. Since Adam and Eve, He has been weaving together the most elaborate redemption story ever told.

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I think we can all agree that this world could use some redeeming. And I doubt any of us would argue that we individually need some redeeming, as well. If you look, you’ll find the redemption story unwinding in your own life, my teammate in Christ!

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For that, I rejoice. For the story I see unfolding in my own life, I am grateful. Because a world viewed through the lens of redemption is an infinitely beautiful one, the ultimate masterpiece in progress.

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Redemption Is the Story We’re Living


 In all honesty, I don’t like having to say, “I’m sorry,” because I know that what I’m really saying is that I screwed up and “I was wrong”. It’s those last three words that cut me deeply, leaving me far too vulnerable.

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Sure, my reaction may be a little extreme, but when being right was what you grew up understanding as how people would accept you, being wrong is rather terrifying.

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However, preparing for this weekend has begun to reteach me that the life of faith, my faith isn’t about being right or wrong. Rather, life is about redemption and where we go from being wrong.

Where did I take a wrong turn after my confirmation?

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Coaches Round Table

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Mini-Camp Activity


What does it mean To be Redeemed?


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T.O. with God

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Huddle Group Mini-Camp


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Look at the life of David. The great King David, through whom Jesus proudly traced His lineage, was a mess. David had a man killed, a man very important to him, just so David could sleep with this man’s wife. Yet, David was redeemed; David was counted a good king.


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T.O. with God


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Huddle Group

Activity #1


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Peter, brash Peter, denied Jesus three times. Peter denied Jesus three times in one night. Yet, redemption is the best word to describe the upswing that led to this disciple who founded the Church. Redemption is the only thing that could have enabled such a drastic one-eighty.


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T.O. with God

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Huddle Group

Activity #2

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We are first introduced to Paul when he was Saul of Tarsus. He was standing over the first Christian martyr Stephen looking on as Stephen was stoned to death. From this gruesome introduction to the completion of his missionary journeys Paul has become a champion and hero in the Christian faith.

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Saul – The Persecutor of the Church

Before becoming the great missionary evangelist, Paul was known as Saul the persecutor of the Christian church. As a devout Jew Saul sought to quiet the quickly growing movement of men and women who followed Christ. He had permission from the High Priest to persecute those found worshiping the Lord (Acts 9:1, 2).


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Saul Meets Christ and the ChristiansSaul met the Lord on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians in Acts Chapter 9. There was a bright light from heaven that caused Saul to fall to the ground. The voice of the Lord asked Saul why Saul was persecuting Him. Jesus explained to Saul that when he persecuted the church then he was persecuting the recently risen Lord.Saul’s response was a proper response. He submitted to the Lord and asked what he should do. Salvation does not come from works, but Saul was showing his submission to the Savior through obedience. Jesus told him to get up and go to the city.


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Barnabas and Paul – Paul and BarnabasBy Acts 13 Saul had been on the receiving end of the persecution. Others in the church began to hear about Saul and accept him into their congregations. He also started going by the name Paul more and more.The church in Antioch wanted to send out missionaries to preach and start new works. The great leader Barnabas and the growing Christian Paul were chosen. They traveled together and were known as Barnabas and Paul. Barnabas being the leader and Paul the disciple. However, by the end of the chapter they were referred to as Paul and Barnabas. Paul began to take a more active role in leadership and direction for their traveling ministry. To Barnabas’ credit he respected the obvious leading of God on Paul’s life.


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Missionary JourneysThere are three missionary journeys of Paul. The first one was with Barnabas and John Mark. They went to the island of Cyprus before heading to the mainland where Turkey is today. Their initial thrust was to the Jews, but after a time they turned their attention to the Gentiles. It was shortly after they arrived in Turkey that John Mark returned to Jerusalem.The second journey is when Silas joined Paul. They picked up Timothy and Luke pretty early in this trip. Though the Bible does not expressly say when Luke joined the team, the language in Acts 16 indicates he joined them in Troas (Luke 16:11). Previous to this time the writer of the book of Acts (Luke) talks about “them” and “they.” However, at this point the language changes to “we.” This was when Paul made his first visit to Corinth where he stayed for about a year and a half. It is possible that Silas stayed there since there was no further mention of him traveling with Paul.The third journey was marked by Paul and his team staying longer at various places. He even stayed at Ephesus for 3 years (Acts 20:31). Paul sent other teams ahead to various places to preach. Timothy was one of the team leaders. This third journey ended when Paul was in Jerusalem. He was arrested there and spent the bulk of his final 10 years in prisons.


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Writings of PaulWe know that Paul wrote many of the books of the New Testament. They were written to churches Paul had a relationship with or people that Paul met along the way. Here is a list of the books in the order they are found in the New Testament.Romans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonPaul probably wrote the book of Hebrews, though the book itself does not claim an author.


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Paul’s Last DaysPaul was taken to the Governor Felix in Caeserea in 58 AD where he spent 2 years in prison. Paul appealed to Caesar in Rome. Through a process of time he finally arrived in Rome. He was under house arrest for a couple more years in which he wrote many of his books.Paul was released from prison and traveled for a couple more years in much of the same territory that he traveled before. He probably died in prison as a martyr in 67 AD.


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Paul’s Testimony – I Timothy 1:12-17 12 I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, appointing me to the ministry— 13 one who was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man. But I received mercy because I acted out of ignorance in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord overflowed, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 15 This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them. 16 But I received mercy for this reason, so that in me, the worst of them, Christ Jesus might demonstrate His extraordinary patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only[a] God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

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T.O. with God

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Huddle Group

Activity #3

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 1.What have I gained from camp?

2.What am I going to do with what I have learned? 

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CAMP CALEB “Equipping men for



Romans 13:12


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We are first introduced to Paul when he was Saul of Tarsus. He was standing over the first Christian martyr Stephen looking on as Stephen was stoned to death. From this gruesome introduction to the completion of his missionary journeys Paul has become a champion and hero in the Christian faith.