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aetivc bod,r for l,>tQfl1ot~on eYenLrig, September 18. llmmedi- i~ a Democ.rat year in ... New: •·.Pemocra.tic m;!jor'ity 'i!i fife· coun- this co9nty to UJe' ei~en~ of.' ~5~,*: ctiib. projects.· l"rom' thi;!S!-J mem: .. . ha~ ~~·er. l:l*i~cgE:d· · 1'e.n of !l~e!y. fgiJowblg tl1e ceremot,tY UJ.rY Me,C~co ; · that t.ul.i l>etliocra~~ of· .Chaves;· Roosevelt .~oo, to be applie!l .on . the · b\tilcl·: hers were ~hosett thl.l tlehrg.t t~:> (o· ·: .. ever~in'cl:easing succeS:$ have, . eft for,a:tr1p tl:u:-~n:tgll Tennessee, the state a1-~ ·alert, . . Curry the .aec::la.raUon of tng of rQads. Dt< JQhn.$on baa the Stnt~ [•~•lit nt 'i\lbtl<JU til.',.·.

' •

ly· clemom~trate4 that this· is . th!:: .. ky and the: eAst, and a'g-gresslv6, · and · •entl1usjasti~; Denu~crats. ·of 4Wc'usscd. the · . · · . w.itb :r'h" · · male tlH• , . ' ~ . .. · . . . e_x ~!JlvJsit and · ·

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• · Stoves,and Ranges • 8uilders'llardware.

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Car·riZQZf;l ··eating · H~u~e .:. ··- · - . · ·f!. W. '()0JtNBV1 Mana-pr.· ·· -·· ~· · · ·· -~·~··~·~·-···~·--~'M"~~·~·~·~·~·~·~---~~~----~----~~ .. "--•

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' ' 'l'tbl~ SopJ)Ued wit& tbe Best the- blltket .atfora•. . ~

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If you. ·ctesire to ope~ a bank accou11t •

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. -When you are in ~arket· :for . ·~ . ~- ···· ·· · · · ···• .S.TAPltE- AND ·~"ANCY · GUOCl~RlES ..

FRESH On· SAL'fi~D :Ml~Nl'S · . · ... · COONTRY PRODUCE.l~'RUITS, l~TC'~

~ _; l)pn't i~rget- · • · ·" ·. · · 6 • ' + · · -fwll-·~ ..

. PA'.TTY &: •

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HOBB·s·· ' .

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upon_ -the heartsjrings, · of a ·- tfiitloiF'Witliffts· ·- _.

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common folk .and· lnann~rs · ' / A

' OWADAl'n A PQcllc ge:Ohus dlllllll't ......... look Uko 4JIIO.. on ·the Jltreet.' ro~

IIIIJ:II!, f:U,Illlir l~tp _ ·~ bo a _bUISliiCIJ4 . mun. t~r 11 lnw)'er or a ptl)nc:hvr Clr

. n -photol(nlpber. Not -llfnco the • Umo ot ~d1111r Allan t•oe IUIYo r~l

pnl't.l worn 1hclr hall' lon~t-lltlrlll

11 .J:ft>nt rutuJ of :ktlllwh.~•Jllll of' • rlueottJ nnd lo1111W lofll of oul·of·UII);WI\f homtlt "~'"'._.· uo t!f'Uiilbtf'd pnrtleularlr It~ tldlculn~lllr bnd nt~\\1!1ltn1H!r !llli'IIC!, · . . ·

"ltllr7 llkl'd to ,..,.,, poottJ.a1oud. Whf'n l w~nt to bl• bou~ of nn ttvt'nln#, bet &erimllr mil walt• tar for me with aome taYurUe -.bootr, m,tf l~ n-ad aloud."

uwhat sort or PIM'lrt did llf PNft!rr "JIIa lute~ wured ·a wtdtl tan.te. ~ Pl)l!1•

to whom b& ••• c-•peclallt derolfid nte. Lontr fellow a')d lhrlnburnt', .

"lltlt7 llkt'd l..onrtfllllow•a dlrf'rtnt'lil ~tnd .Sm• (lltrJtr-. Tt1o tblllta tltat ptcatro 111m .. Ill S9!ln• . bumo'lll -"'rk WUO th mutld and thl! tfett Ctlifl..-

• IUinAblp. ' ''Ait~r llllt'T had -r-ttt'im'l hi.- urlti'M ·tmn

Mtuo ot tho coilt,rea, .f\11 llt'-C!mro to t('(it that be ouaht to be known u. • fl(klt. l111ht;r tb!lrl *' A humor1at and~ wrltn ot dlall'¢l vme. ~ Iff tried kasrd to ·uve to tb• naiu.o .of pot(.,- iM- wdted

• • • ,.

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· · ioAP eNtiliieen ~1s ~ss~tirtAL . ~ . ' . '

I E;~pen Pohtta.'Out.Re~lon• Why ·Higfl., wav lmproveme'lh Work 11 ln. ·

~c ·• e~.lent Jn M11ny~ea. .. . .

A!llo to wor" Jn wHlt tl•cin:• • · '


Spflt.Log Affair Wu Firat, Cheapet$ • - and Eaafert 'Mildo-,.V•rlo!la

Y~·---:--+~-----........l~~lef!~ TYP!!!! 2-..n M.arls!!J. •

carried·' thlecrfJJ..


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THE. CARRlZOZO- NEWS !!:~~;:;~ver~muchfrom. • • • . . • ' .

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• . "'- .... . ' •

' • . ,. • ~-. ' Publiab!Nl J!.v•q Fr!day'at. . . .. . · We1J1 we ! ~having dry and i 'l·---··"-~-· . -_-.·. ·. ··CariJ~OZO;·-J:.ip~OJJl\l.. r-Pif~_ :W..-1_ .,.~_,JL. . , . <. jll_iSLJJ~!~...:wJ;J.:leh.W~--,-II--;.,...:;.... _..,..._;____:..-"-:_.-'-'---· -- _.,....__· ..-...-'"------::--"-, --..:......-'-~;....· _. _ . .:....· .;_.___:_ .. ,,...,__,_,_---J-.-.-11-----+

, to;· t .L-7~ ~~ _·, ... _~J.. ,~ •·- .. ----: ,. ,_ ... n: , ~. ·.:-_ .... ) ~- ".·~-- .: .. _:_- . .:.~--~---.... -.,.:::4f~,·~-···~'7'"". _w~- ""are ~glad to.see, ·· fl 1.. •.

' . . - ~~H~f~HJ .. H~~~~•'(!J~~~~~ ·N~utr •t ibi1. POf~ Ollft:t~ ~r C'l\(rlw~~~. .,..,., J.lln,_ i, ~~- . cure up· .. w.llat . little . ' ' .. ,, ' ·-·ty-.

•• • • ' f " . ' •,

<.in )!.HW ("1111\'~'l!t tlf \'ult•tld!l -

Juru.t•ll r·,,tWJ, .oJ r.iwn •


_ ·\\'. C. t'l!c'Uonoltl J

l'nr llepre~eplitlh~ 1'11 C1;11!Jrm . w. -rr-wmtmr-­

l'or !!late 'fru~arer . ' . . . · If J.. llnH ..., '

r (.uqltJlllllrrn -lommiK~i(nler .. llom1ndu l.\louln}ll ·

:- . ' 0 is (lbopt(op~ i'ear~ o'l~, wilt'! . . '!!, • • • . . . ,.

' pulU!':':'l~UJtl~ all nght-'yc:t:. . .. l ~~~-~u'!l~:~·~;~~/~~~~c~~~:~ . ·r .. · .J. 'Stdylcy. ~liQ J•aa .l)i:_~n i the· ~te"icl:!tls ·o~. 'the · ~e",l'can ~ff. wtt~. n,.tH~rvey:mg ,,., foq border;_ whJcb was very_ .mterest· l!OIIW'1.TI'IH!, ·fl!lm'llt":!lliOUIC •ing,


• ••


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_ .fuse~ Caps,

• • •

• . .. . ..

Our . Stock: J~ · large·. and ··



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. - .. • • • 0 ONE should. without Life fnsuram:c, • I . .

u!lllllUtwt•rrwnt that tiJC:t • llmll(''lh•ntl •btl not law. • ....... ___ ........... ~ ..... '": .. l---""""'"""""·-Jiii)On-fh.cni~lL}r.ou..m·e.i~fheLJDatH:cLl.ot.~Ut=~HfC.:...:~:~ .. =--<:::~·--ii

The. nc.~.upaper!l Uu~rlt!!JtlLI-~--.__I_.n._:::s._u.__.:r~u::n::c:c,, !~csti~!~--~: .. ~~~~~rlnns~~-_:--;;~ .. -·.~-~-----Hli-·-.·-·-.::-··......:..·J 1,.:,.---· .....,.,_ ...... .._., th··~·nuntrv 1\11-lllllllll'l'tltmml•chntc· .:w_ llen Vou __ ,tf! .. ·u".e A~.J!-P~. aaefetorJan. P_ oU~~J .•. . wo.--~--·--~----···~·#·-··----·--~-~--~~--· ... ,, ... _ .. __ '. .. . • . '


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• ~!ct~~:~·:1.,'~:~~~a:;!~~.l:~.~;~::~. ~vv p• ~ ~~~~~·~~· .. f;~4tt-ii~·--~I:A(. ·~y~·rr·_~A~Nd•·~·o ORAlN ·1 N CAR LO'r5 . Y,a~:;,i~~~~·!:::.::n~'!:::~ .·. ,:::.""t-tra•l •·ntr:.:~· lor ,:~o am·.. icy. . Over $61.00 per c;apita 9n reserve. 'Ev~ry ;--{(Jd~~~k.;·;.·;.·=~~~~~~_:_:--l or."raztn~ lund._ •.

1 _· .... !tfl -t~}~lr.W.oA~~i~~~tvb!~U~sfune::~cl~t toth~~hcy ""'• . ~o_omy Yl«~~~-··~.~:~af!! ... ·w~ter 4 . .

- . - .. . . -

' J'bc lli.'WIOJJatlC[ .llfii~. eli .w.a: · • ~ · . 1lt-tid lli(l. (ollowiug lctl,•r. .l.huvt-UIC'()tlgltml Ju IIJ)' lill.'ll iu lll)' c~a·I and· Wood.

based un the fact that, ·during.. · . onlce in Rmtwcll• · - · v . the lu11t tl .. v uf •tht• !lt•.;toron, tim

_ \'wna t•· ""''"'''' n· n .fii'i. ";\ f111t: • \11 lifO\ uh• for"'"' \,•f,JI,.IIIJ: !lUlU('•.

1111'1111". a ntl for utla•r purpO!it''l,,. - ' but Wllh \'llfltHII\ 1\IUC_tldtnentl.\o

The llou!lc o( ltcprescnt:ativ.cs: .. t Itt• rea I tl'f took no actaon on tht.! ~ n•ucntlt·d lull, rtnd hcnet• lhc:> tuea!l• urc Wl\8 nut llllblllittelt to tbe t'n.·sukl!t for lll'{lruval. . .

" '

The luncud('tl bill will t•roLa ,,_.; ".H

be conllldt•rcd b)' n _,·onh•rcn(c cmmni I h•c o[ the I wo hoU!U'!il · u1••in f\'\.'OUYtHtinc or ~nugr<'~t<t next llt"tt·mbcr.

. ,,,,_~..,~~·'"r 1'1&: 1 liitll't; •·'il'i?'filfH* ·e«DII'It•wee._s*'•t;::l~~ ''tl' . . '

ta, ;

' ..... ~ .. ·~ - -· ROSWELL, NEW·· MEXICO· . Sundny '" .. N


1" .nttcll w"•UI.'.c.!o'-u-'lt~inwgL:J·I--·-0-:_::Ri:cepl_lOne 56; 204 ALLISON .BLD'G. Res" phone 789


. - Aay. WIth lt10i'lt .oJ ·~ . . • . . · RlWRl\SWNTINO auto" rt>nrhcd ltll Wil11on•s

. -mt'lon patch ll bout tbe -THE PRAETOJUANSt HoMt OFFIC:t, DALt.AS, TrucAS <* lt O.i\"RUNl\R, lltc$, 1 .. llL.i\YJ,O('K, Vfctt·Pret~. time, Mr. Wilwn bdng a:b'lcUlt

f rum hnnw tntd no one in t~igb.t. '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;::=::::::;:::::;::= w~ thd--tJot know 'what tu tloJ ~- --·~~ .~··~-'"~~--~-----"'-~~

. ~ '-'rhrre lay the tilelon!l iu 1:ltain . vic.-w and we-surC. -got : .. tc~e--~-lUI to allny all sust•ieiotts, woultl tl'\l' thnt n representative or Mr. W. waa not fur away and c::ntttc .our relief. ·· ·

Mrs. Uurbett ~l\d a ,g~~-:::::~d


Do not lulow wbitt tllei oecaslou waa, but krtowiug Mlil. n:s capability · of· ~ut~.rt!lhttng. lure llu~,t hail u. ~too1l1inm.. __ "'"-•

Mrs. neel t~)k her <mi\Ht ·at

U(liwrtuuitt, to ta.k~ ~n·•·· llnW••1l ~ ' two di\ngh.tett, 'Who

wlUI bet a.thl going. tu !lcboott !!~~ t_b"'ir Utl:i !M• ' , •.

. ' ---- Mr:r;;:l(Ane. :au::~mplofii•·ii ·.i''i· --\.Jt.-d•eJt pfa~t.·bi lu i'!Jt.h~t • nr•·l'

· ,carlous ~Qutlilion from · .. blt~. · · ·. _ _ -~-~ -~-~I!oJi_lug •. • lt . i~ to· u.e .lto~t. . . '; · · . · ·.. bOWCV.Q'ft .that tbe . . ·. . . - witt;. hhit. -.btr.:Uutg-4\tt. tb• · · ·

.. s~etlutend•Dt •. hl<l bhu ttk~ti · • · ~h~ dOI!U'f l{)t .~reatmqn\1\t ott~\. · ·: ·: ···~lilt pt.tbli9 ·•eliooh limlet

•···-···---·· . · · · ill~itUtlll~tnl· ot ·~·-T"iiF<t:lf'--"-"'1 • ~ welt Jttd :MI~~ · . Oilttdill1

'liilklnt•Attet~eor4~ · . . · ~ ' .. O"t . tettlal poJt.aitet. ··a.. W.

Stdt~. \llupl¢aifit;o.::not •'T._sta.•!· ~ .. -

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THE UNIVERS~L ... ~.+~ .. •


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Nfw. -. p·R· (. .. . . . . --:·. -- l t~, f,J9f6 .nu• "'at 1st,

. -~ • • -· 345.00 . . .-.,. ··-~· ·-·· ..•. a6o.oo .. · ··t~ 0. h. Detroit . . " -

'Tile~ ~tk«t ~lllutr *'•ra~tft4 ~tli~~tur t.,•dlot ltttore A•!l· 1.1917• \;t lllttll$ lit ••~tilliltt •w-t••t lti. ttlVillct Jli j!Maay tl11e

·.·:: Wi1STERN- GARAGE -.• • · · r. ~ smli.D$. .-~n . -~~~-



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• . .

W m~ Barnett eL'"PAso· AveNue Phone 86

• •

• . :i


Quality (froceries •

# . ' • •


' ..

A· Welcome Awaits You • •


T-.···' . . T , . · .... H~E··~ S~ ·A 0

Wher-e your presence is appreciated and the. . Best Values given ·

• ..

' ' . •

< ~ • • - • • ' '~·~· ' • • • ~

. · · Th·e Carrizozo Bar • ' . - . . . ...

- . . ~Ull-Qn<lcii Wtdskcy ·,, ·:~: ..- r. -· .... .$1~'75: ~ Quart, ·

Port Win.e ,. · . • . -. nta.ekbl!try"lltli"ntiy • · ~~ • · · • Oltl.tciii'gclont lnen!lett-wtttstie.r .. •

. ' •

• Pit Ou•tt· . · .5(t petTJbitf.

• -$4;00 ~rfiaiton< · -- - - .. - . .. ,, . . .

. • . ' . '

Whot¢sale Price$ on Seipp"s Beer · · · to Outside l)ealers. .. ·

' .• ..

- . -- . . : .. u .. l\f.E .. N-T·S. ....... .

. .. •

W.e :eartJ thto: tarre.t tt«k itr. the .Soutltw~t.· · Freight' ~pte­. pata.nerJ' iob gt.utra.nttcil .• , Writ~ fodtesi~tttA atatl: ~tim-.tC~t.-- . · sower.&·Mottument CotitHmY ,, ·. . ~ · ~t&l<;a~t ~entr~t ~ . . .. ; _ . . · _ .. < . A.ll•pq~t~rqu~ •. N. ~

• • ..

· Lead Xotltc' •

.. · ·8tii\IIJ,•t Nur Jitl!c:o,

C®aluf Lltc:ola. ..

• • •

. ;. .

01 •• na.~t..d at liaal;t 1fe tbtH Ud~ !\At .of &pltilnbei, ~

WtLMAM tt McboNAtt>, • ' • " • •-. · . - ·Outerllii>.t l•Ult'lt' Jiei:IIIO· . •

~P~~"U-4Jet.w. . ~ .. ., ,. ., . . . .. .


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l;,ne~Hodor :S•rt*Y • · · . 8ilttOt IS. ltRR!B'r ·«>. ali n&mr .... •

l.iit-'id tlrat.tH bf - . . .. ,. .... . -

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• I&;ws :uJ{l Disc<innts. ~·.;....... • $124~~05 lG

(a} Sccurtd b~· ,l{tal Es.· . . ·tate-(intl'tl'ng utort• · ·

gagt•s owtu!d) ••••• $ ;l.12o 66 {h} Secured by Collat•

:· ~ral otlter tban Red


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J>opo~l~ ~ .~ •• Hit* .,

••t•• J•ff' ..... ... • · eatiiH .JlfJWiii~

~~\lftJ Wrr~w·~ ···~ ~~ •••«"l ~ · •

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• irletodH-•··· q'l ·=*'I M~~""""""'"'-~~~~~"",sc;;:..~

P,~tt!!SinJUi'l', H. B. JONF..S. Vtctt-PJU~StntUil'l't A~ n. McDONJ\.LD. CAStnHtt. E. M. IJRICKI .. t~Y~ DtfincTOKS! li: .. :ll. JONE$.-A.-&.·McDONALD; A • .S.,McCAMANT •

. . ·•· .... ......_ __ .....,__....;.;;.· ........ ...;·_.;.. _ _.;..· ...;·__,;_ . .;;;..·· ;;;.,·.-~--;;;,;·,;;;;;;;;. ;........-............... ~---·--"~;...;...---·-·;...___,..,.... ___ _ - • ""' ' :~~-' "!

S'.\'A'tiHut ... ..,.'t£w M.axtco 1 . •• ~ .. ~. . •• ·· • .- -. couuty' of Lincoln.. f ss. . ,g. M. :l3ricldey, ·Cashier, and H. B. J~nes, Prestde»t, :nul U. n.

Jones, Director. nttcl A. B. McDonald, Ditector, alid A. S. MeCamlitt't;--DiRtlof, nf the Strn::Jrmt:n'ii Slate Banko! Cotona, New Mexko, a bank organi%ed uuder the laws of ·1bc Te:rrHory. now Stat~ of,. New Me!l>ieo, upon oat~ duly a worn, each for himself deposeth aJJd says~ that the a~ve and. t?regc)" ·

"- :ing statcmettl!i b( tbe.Resoutc~s a"d Liabilidc~. De(IP,}t~rs, It*r~~t p~atd on de:po~ats al:ld Drvulends · at ht:tiititC:H

' .

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~. z. &-8, 1l • ~. 'l'. a.s, It ll!.K. !f. HHhet.. · L~ :S<1 ~m i{.tJ.f Ne.Ctmill~ tot i.BH, 'l',1J{f, 11. 6' M•r• 4Q.W

., ~ • ·• li!YMBTl'i'J!.'lTO!f, &>lihni>b.r l~(l¢i(ll>er f!l, ·tt.cbtUt

;iitl¥Wf''*M""""'"' N nr •

ca.-.m · !Jofiittiilmt utu.e it:ll•lf!lt ·

llr•lll>il t:l~i., t.a11d Olllc. lll>•wvn. ~Mit aruteo _

· A.t~mll&l8f~. _

I.Ji• . Uad.li9, w i!Mttu~.

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. - - . ·.PROFES.SI9NAt. CAJ~~OS• . , ·

~·-:~"' ' ~- .. , - .. -' "' - ~"""""""- . ;.

c. r~. Rl~J.'il'il'a·>¥' • . .

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AUasf, my husband tc>t me a bottf~ of . . . l·~tr~~il, tha woman's tonic, lb4 J corn~ men~ takfng tt. From thO very tlt$t

·· dose, J ~d teli Jf 1VM hetplng Inc-. j -~­• an· .now walk two JIJiret· jfl ' .. ~ ..

Catri)R, Kt.":"'l• a drlngme:, tnd :tnt d41it.C ttl my 'Wl:ltki•· · · .. f .... o5' • MH;- ·• · iutt'ucwniftom:wi! P-• . . - . ~-·-.

ii foUOWI i "l ~~ tor . fow- tt'Otiblt'l, don'f .sve up l':t «Wpatr. "fry ~!'~.i~t ~~-. •W. wOIIillly ttPi.ables, aJ~d c1ur~ eansu.f, ~woman's~~ ltbU bel~ ~;; 1&11 ~ I c6nM oaty.llt up Jol· a · more-~ t mlitiolf 'N'OIIleaii·fn Iff~

~ -~ couW 1101 ~ anywbeto •! coulln~OI.Il au~,~ !liOUkt d~~~!t'_ltitlp yoU'. too •. \'®t d~t '*·

· · Iii,-. ·uo= ~w.;~~~.:~~. TM~lltf~III,IMbtttreat~· it Will do._ Asfc blab. _Ht.wl11 ~.

· ~ • lot a wbllo, bUll.,.. tneud W.· · -~ W,d.!fgC&rctut todaf~ ' ., lliy bed jp'lll. After

• .. t , ..

• • •• . .

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•• ')lOUr!l,", ...

-~hen )'OU .1114 'Whiter t,hu

"i ou nro Just tho man I'm looldllg to.r," rcpllc:d illo tndy ot ~llo hoMo. "!ly bushnna gnthcrccl n· mlisa ot 1UU$h•

h1'-rton u vtnco In the beurt!l lfe #,'Ill ned ·(luring -the· mopthfl, 'l'he river for ·wuh•r .SJ>O,rts,

• - -·· · · J;"OOma tllllf tnornlng; uml·l"wnnt -+n-·f'.u"c . • mnko auro they uro not tocuMools. clrlvJng, country clubs roof gnr· • · · "' . ..,. ... ., ··-·t"' " .• 11-- 1 dl.'ns, b.oth .nrtvntc and publfr:. nnd

· . ·- .. ua!o' Wll • a !nome .. t lltlu 't lit ng )'OU numl'rous dC>IJ .. ht!ul ""lnces for dlnln.. • • ·;·~~o:C~t~h~ot~n=:·~~==~~==~~- n •· ~ 111 tresco nro nil rf.\vNutloiltl to Otol.!e -

who see tho cupltlll only Jn Its m.ld· winter o~ t>nrly 11prlng ~lstu:ct, : Feel rAil Usetl'Up?


.. I '

I ' ' I !

, ..

• • '


.;o; •


• . . i ~. '

I ,

I' .. ·:_--~- ..

. " .

• . .

apee!al r•~.r. ,

·A Colorado CI!C


. '

' '

· Not C\'eil b$' tho l;l'<'nt\'1!t, str(ttch

n ~;ummcr · covcry o{ tho .

. . '

- ""' . -"• ..

, ..

.,· -~

derrn;an · ld!!"" Tb~t · M11kef . Tbelr Trit:li.chea· 'Onl)l' 11 1-lttit~ way t:rom

''"'' .... c • Qeing Impregnable.'; ·. · ' . . ~. . • • .. *

• .• 1 •




• Reputed ••Holy Man" of Japan Sub •

elata· on Laurel L.dvee and a Fow Rlllr)l Pot!(toOI Dally,

' . '

·•:- .... - ..

• •

' . •

v '

• •

Por Jigh~;_. · ..

... '· ...

. '

. K'C .· .. ~. · .. ·· . '• ....

·. Ahv~yssaf~and-_telia,bie •. · If it-·· : :isn 'ta:ll we clai~':Y<:>itrgroce~ . '.

will· refund your· m~ney.'·-. . . . ~ . · JAQQf-5: MFQ;; . ' CHICAGO

' ' .

. ' --- 4-

. . ~ . ,, •

.. : ~ . ,,

' , ... ·---- ---------';<· •

' "

" '

Ha.mnierles~: · SJiotguns · .Jlof1c1'1912 ·

nztril Itlllbt lJ-':cl~t . Made II'\ 12, ,18 and 20 Gaua•• Therc!a no need· 9! carrying a .heavy ~:WJ<o Winebeater Model 1912 ahot·. · f;Wl& Arc made enttrc;Ty or ·nlcket atect, .4nd bcncoarctho. Ugbtcat . . liun& Q.n :tltet mtuket:.. · . B_c aurc. to tee one ~rorc buyin~r. SQ1d by aUd~cmk . . .

THE REPEATER PAR EXCEWNOE - , . . . • ·- - y-- ---



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... . . . . .

' '

, . . .·the bOd ; We~re · · . 1 .. . ., . · . . . . . . pi'oud._of th:~ good· ..

· · ·. · • · · · . . . · . . of underwear whtch we · . carey, and we~r.t;, also proud gt 'tbe ·excepti~nal ffttipg se;vice ()ur .e~~e~ced ~le~~.~ ..

" people- are tende~mg._; Come lU and let them. explatn ~he aavantagc:s t() $e obtamed : . .. .. ·· ·. ,y,. thb uridfirU!eQr hQnd(ei:l. excluliriely {1y ua · · • · · · ' ·

• •

• > • • • . . . . • . . ••


• • t

~--~--~~--------~~--~ • •

'Ments Kenosha . .. . . .

·women~s ·.· . . . .. . . . . . ··~- •

' . . . •

. ~ . ·· . •

•. ..

... • • :--..- .

--- ... . . '· . • • •

• • •


. . " .


• .

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· Klosed Ifrotch. . -~ --..,.,<"'~""'~"·•c·'~~~ ~- -;;• "'"-· ···~-- -~--~···- ,_, + -

• • ._,:: _: ... 1\foniJ.rch B~and ..• ·.~ .. . : .. ~· ...... -~u--·-~···~-. .


' . . -r We Cjlt'fY this widely know.n -- . . . ' .


• •

~at ;rz-Jf ~.: 1:

fur Bf}l nn. , ">t=o t> Cettlr:tl t"lJmiDlUt(l. . ..

Frank B. Webster i Republfcun Nominees-. . ' -..... I .. ' }.J l' of' I-t'"""ill Murul.t) murntnJC of tlu~ week '1 be. \.CJ)Ub IC:DUS. •• .. _,

wb bud been coma met U •

tJI tho• J'tl"l tnmHII, JIUllliNI (JCACC• ,JIU1JI~·(! lully tiWil\ IJ. i\ J{ing!!lry, of 'ounty tn:ket us ttta ''""14~ • . ,


• . '

• Jl ' ·' •• '


• • • •


.. ..

.. - ''" .....

' - .. -- ) q •••


. .


. garine11t. in_;everjr style and a .. · . .. ·widcf'rilnge of materiills, !ion(

• • . . ... " .

··Priced $1.00 to .. $3.Qtf · .. .

• -· .... ---<>- -

• .... . ..

~ .·f$···

• '"



' ' . ... TuJ•C'kil, 1<.11,"11", " hrother•i,u• ~more or fc~;s !o~-:!!JJiin~ atul a · Denne)' ttL ~•®m .LamL • , .

I<IW ul· thP dt>i:lfll'lt'd1 MrtN~cJ ~tii1"' 0 UtUUbCr' pr ()Olle (<)nft!~ll t!J&JOJ.,r;:;;:. ==··=;O:f:ft:c;_;lc=·:;:·;·;:'·;;~;:: .. : .. -~. ~="'====·===~==::=:;;;;::;::::;::;::::;::;=•~ ·~;;;:;;;;·;··~~~~~~~ till\' unci. Wl1!1 Wllh Mr.' Webti\Cf~'low~iug !••kct W~!J ttantc:dr . ' ;

111 Ius ~,,.,, mnm•·nb. 1 hc fuuc•• l•or 1,reSJ!IUrer, A •. J •. Rolltii•l, .. · "~ ,~ ,, . . • .. . .. . • ~· , . " .. , ,m ral ~ .... ,,. ht·"f TJtt"''':J r mortnng itt l'~or Clc,rlt. O;'l:t. Nyc. -iii th•· \lcthu.t 1 .. t \ lwr h. l~t'\', I~ U. l•'or Asill!ll!!Or.AiftecloOoll~il~cs, l.t·w•" •ondut;lln~: th<' "crvicn, For Sheriff, U~nry Corn. '

. ,111d mt,•rnu·nt WB§ 111ade in the [~or .Supt. of Soboots, Mti. G. toea 1 crmetl'TV. · l?. De Ni~tson,

Fronk B. Wt'ltlltcr wa-. born in l."or Commi!illioher, 1st DitJtrlct, Wulungtuu, U. (.', •n 187•, amt 1 ~t:i!tuet.AnaUn.. . . , • .. durm1: c.>arly bovbuud wcut•wtth! "l•or C<ltultUi:Stol1er, 2d Dlstrsct, hi!> 1•arcnta to Utattsvtlle. Mllry• I• t'l'~~ h!J~~t'~ . .. . . . . . . la01l, wlll.'te }llq iljtt•d tUuttn:r snl . t'Ql' C9f~U.I.b.IO.ttd, . .3:d lli!ilttc.l~ . rc,Wh."t. Soun aftrr rcadung t l~'eli1'e SiiilCiil'l· . · waubood hl' !lptut soml' years tn Iror I•rotnU,~.tJudgl!t Lerdo Cluv Kcntu~..ln aud Ja.tcr wcnl to YCJ. .

~uuth Ualcotu. Sevt•rnl years· · F-or Rettt~lleht!dt'VC'i· · ltl:'" ,:r.'l'' ago be .:ute to the' liOUthw.c!l WdnJ.Ott'L;~"',;. i~,_.:,..;,~ · • · and lor the past hmr rears has. Teachers' Exandnatlon. bc€'11 n rnuJcnt o~l Cat~JZ01tU. d!•,r~~'· . . . ._ .. .._ .,...; ., ... ·.• .......... ~. IUJt Whldl tii!Jt' be has been nt Tbe lt!.IU txttmtna!tOU* or. the the cuipli•1 ol thv CarrilO:tO l~ttt• yenr for tc:u:bcr;' C4.'rtJI1t«ltl . tug Uuusc, tu the capacity of bl! b¥!ld iu lite office or tbe county mg1u dt•rk. Dt'!liil\'ii- tire .. uge-d . · · ·· -mothtr, two sisten $\lfVi\'c; ouc, Oi;tOl.IC.'f 6 and 7 •. 1:'1te f\Ui~sti:ort!ll Mr!i. J. n. s. Nor\on, who Jii'e!l N<:w Mc.?1Cil:o blatory·arid -r'iYii!~l wtth ht>r mother, and Mttt. 11. A. open ~tttUtday ffi.Qr'ftiug. . .... l{ing&le,·, wbo, with Iter llUlibllttif, li'et or Ottt! dollar lot all or l.'Utf ~!lilies In T«JjK'ka, Kanaai. ~rae IJU.t i>l tnc euuiinaliol2' •. Wt~b<~tt•rt~ ·are des~endants of 1m - 1 ~ftts. \V. L Gt!MM't oltl Nl'w F.uglllnli rnniify w .. . -~Supi;r;ttieotit OJuittyStltOOl!l. b111tory 111 dcnc11 int~rwoven with . . · ., .""'¥';:--.=··-:.·· .... tht' carly!lettlewent t:lf that see· vii servlc:e.;xamtnatlon tion. .TJt'i! !arc:~t sc.rvl~c. aiiuounJ!et ·

in tltc to~U of tb~tt (itlf)' •olt ttlltl btolbtr.

,, .... · City JtHd T.~ms~. ~-~·~··~


- ,_'

. , ••

. '• • • , . . . •


' ' . ' Announcing the Arrivalot-·Kuppenheimer Clathe.s· For Autumn and Winter .Overcoats and .·suits

• '

• ·Beautifal New· Patterns in. the $ate Fall Colors · · •


n variety ,of styles. Priced at from: • • every w:n :--

4-· .... ••• • • . . . $12"50~ ~-.

• • to· ·


Walk-Ooer~"Shoes For Fair-· -· «\V ALK·OVER" Shaes-another extlnsive line here, are now on··

· .. display. Tlie showing this season is larger mid nmre.complete, · . ....... ~~_playing a1l:J1!~51~-~Ji~~" stxle~. ill~lll~athet$: button and. bluch:-..

.. .

er.. Walk-Over Shoes cost a dollar less and giVe mote wear and • . eomfort thnf! nny shoe 'et)uru in price. Priced nt ·from · .. $4.00

to • •

. ·Wilson ·Bros. anJ'''thalin~;'s. ·. ---. · ~· .... . .... -. .Knil-Untlerweat.·c -, · ~- .. ~-~__....,+

' • ' • • ":i<c-- ~ "" ...... ;;"'_ ... :.,...""'•r.• ·~ ~ -

Shown iri: WQOI, lfalf Wool ttitd c<Jttori, in two-piC!Ce antl union.~ " . .

,. to · '"'.; . ' . $4.(/(J

• ' -. 1 ,

,. -·· ::r·' -~-· FoFlffestf Cool Mornings· ....... .

• •

~- . -- .

. . Complete lme··for Men, Women nnd Children. W®l and Cotton • · · garments, all styles and colQts. Priced ntftom .. • .. $1.00

· · · to .:·;;..~-~,·.·~- ~~.~~~- ... . .... . . . . .-· . -~-,9~00

~ . .• ¥ ~---

- Fctll Style• ill Wort~ cmi:L:Stc/.on. ·Hall ·. ·.art JW>f#oN Ji#,Jay anfl· cawtdt Jloui lrt.'P.ctlon ·

- . ' ..-' . . · . . ( .

'. ' .. -. . ' .

Carrizozo· Trading

. ' ......

. • • . .

.. •

. . ••

·• .

' • , ' ... .·. tl-Nty-r"'' ·; Com pa.ny ~-· v. Pta .

. . ·' .h~~~~~ • . .

• • • • ~ . ' . •

. ' • •



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