Download - I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

Page 1: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on theCommercialization of Micro and Nano Systems

September 8-12,2002

\ IMarriott Eagle Crest Conference ResortYpsilanti, Michigan USA


Micro and NanotechnologyCommercialization Education Foundation


UB/TIB Hannover123 619 971


Page 2: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

PROGRAM SCHEDULE(as of 08/26/02)

Sunday, September 8

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Registration

6:00 pm-7:30 pm Welcome Reception

Monday, September 9

7:00 am - 8:00 am Registration

7:00 am-7:50 am

8:00 am-8:10 am

8:10 am-8:40 am

8:40 am-10:00 am

10:00 am-10:30 am

10:30 am-11:15 am

11:15 am- 11:35 am

Small Times Media Continental BreakfastModerator - Steve Crosby, EditorRoundtable Topic - Surviving the Economy: Small Tech Businesses

Tell Their Stories - A Small Tech Talks™

Welcome and IntroductionJoseph Giachino, University of Michigan, USASteven Walsh, MANCEF, USA

Michigan Welcome

John Engler, Governor of Michigan, USA

Overview of MEMS and Nanotechnology

Small Tech Success: What Do We Need to Get There? 49R. Snyder - Ardesta, USAIntegrated Sensors, MEMS, and Microsystems:A Perspective on their Development and Commercialization 51K.D. Wise - University of Michigan, USA

Success Factors for MEMS Products and Technologies 59K. Petersen - Cepheid, USA

Next-Generation Integrated Systems 61

A. Romig - Sandia National Laboratories, USA

Refreshment Break/Exhibit Inspection

Rules for Revolution 63G. KawasakiGarage Technology Ventures, USA

Technical Barriers to Nanomanufacturing and the Need for aNanomanufacturing Toolbox 67

A.A. Busnaina'. and J. Chen2

'Northeastern University, USA and2 University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA

September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 3: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

11:35 pm-12:30 pm

12:30 pm-1:30 pm

1:30 pm-3:00 pm

Roadmap OverviewModerator

Steven Walsh, MANCEF, USA

RM-1 J. Elders, MANCEF, USA

RM-2 The NEXUS Microsystems RoadmapH. Zinner1, A. El Fatatry2 and G. Menozzi3


RM-3 An Updated Roadmap for Medical MEMSJ.M. Wilkinson, Technology for Industry, Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM

Roundtable Networking LuncheonSponsored by UK Northwest Development Agency

Concurrent Sessions(Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break)

Session A. Marketing SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

MA-1 Commercialization Issues of MEMS/MST/Micromachines: An Updated IndustryReport Card on the Barriers to Commercialization

R. GraceRoger Grace Associates, USA

MA-2 Assessing Market Potential of New MEMS: What Matters is MarketUnderstanding

P. Boulon1 and P. Millier2

1 Yole Developpement, FRANCE and2 EM Ly on, FRANCE

MA-3 Marketing and Research Alliances: The Strategic Development andUse of Roadmaps

C.T. Moonev and R.A. SchultzEmerson and Cuming Inc., USA

MA-4 The Business of MEMS: A Market PerspectiveM. BourneIn-Stat/MDR, USA

MA-5 Commercialization of MicrotechnologyB. BroxThe Imego Institute, SWEDEN

Session B. Nanotechnology SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Ahmed A. Busnaina, Northeastern University, USA

MB-1 NanoAppls - Commercialization of Nanotechnology BiosensorsR.P.Case'. R.B. Atilano2, and S. Walsh3

xNew Mexico's Science & Technology Corporation, USA,2NanoAppls, USAand3 University of New Mexico, USA










September 8-12,2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 4: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

Micro and Nano Systems

MB-2 State of the Art Automated Nanoimprinting of Polymers and its Challenges 111C. Schaefer'. S. Farrens2, T. Glinsner1, P. Lindner1, N. Roos3, H.-C. Scheer3,andB.Wieder2

'EV Group, A USTRIA, 2EV Group Inc., USA,and 3 University ofWuppertal, GERMANY

MB-3 Poly-Carbon Nano- and Micro- Technologies for Wireless IntegratedMicro-Systems 115

P.M. A s W . K. Najafi2, K. Wise2, and T. Zellers2

' Michigan State University, USA and2 University of Michigan, USA

MB-4 Low Energy Surface Coatings for MEMS 119X.ZhuMicroSurfaces, Inc., USA and University of Minnesota, USA

MB-5 MINATEC - The New Center of Competence for Micro andNano Technologies in Grenoble 123

C. Axlerad and J.C. GuibertCEA-LETI, FRANCE

MB-6 Microsystems in Space 129J. Koehler and L. StenmarkUppsala University, SWEDEN

Session C. Standards SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Bruce L. Gehman, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI9), USA

MC-1 Technical Standards for the MEMS Industry 135B.L. GehmanSemiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI19), USA

MC-2 The Importance of Metrology and Standardization for Micro-Systems Technology 139R.K. LeachNational Physical Laboratory, UNITED KINGDOM

MC-3 On the Complexity of Microsystems 143J.C. BoudreauxNIST/Advanced Technology Program, USA

MC-4 The European Activities on MEMS/MST Standardization - A Brief Overview 147U. BehringerUBC Microelectronics, GERMANY

MC-5 The Role of Simulation in MEMS Metrology 151S.F. BartMST Partners, USA

MC-6 Standard Roadmap Panel

September 8 - 1 2 , 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 5: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Session D. Telecommunication SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Sean Neylon, Colibrys SA, SWITZERLAND

MD-1 From Prototype to Product: MEMS Microphones for Niche and High VolumeApplications 155

M. Frischholz', J. Koblitz1, P. Rombach2, U. Klein2, and M. Miillenborn2

'microFAB Bremen GmbH, GERMANY and 2SonionMEMS, DENMARK

MD-2 "It's Not the MEMS!" Moving MEMS-Based Communications SolutionsUp the Supply Chain 159

T. Breunig and M.A. MaherMEMSCAP, USA

MD-3 RF MEMS - The Next MEMS Killer Application 163J. Bouchaud and H. WichtWTC- Wicht Technologie Consulting, GERMANY

MD-4 MEMS in Telecom - Is There a Dial Tone? 167J. WalkerJayWalker Technical Consulting, USA

MD-5 3D Optical Switch Technology at Corning IntelHSense 169J. Bernstein. J. Brazzle, M. Dokmeci, T. Kudrle, C. Mastrangelo, W. Taylor,and N. YazdiCorning IntelHSense Corporation, USA

MD-6 RF MEMS Switch Platforms Expedite MEMS Integration and Commercialization 173J.L. Hilbert and A.S. MorrisCoventor, Inc., USA

Session E. HARM SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Jill M. Hruby, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

ME-1 The Future of LIGA Technology 181J.M. HrubvSandia National Laboratories - Livermore, USA

ME-2 Application Opportunities for LIGA 183C. Khan Malek1 and V. Saile23

1 Universite Paris, FRANCE, 2Universitdt Karlsruhe and Forschungszentrum KarlsruheGMBH, GERMANY, and3ANKA, Angstromquelle Karlsruhe GmbH, GERMANY

ME-3 Cost Effective Fabrication of High Precision Microstructures using a Direct LIGAApproach 189

J. Goettert1. G. Ahrens2, M. Bednarzik3, R. Degen4, Y. Desta1, G. Gruetzner2, L. Jian3,B. Loechel3, R. Ruhmann2 and J. Yoonyoung1

lLouisiana State University, USA, 2MicroResist Technology GmbH, GERMANY,3BESSY GmbH, GERMANY, and 4Micromotion GmbH, GERMANY

ME-4 Access to the LIGA Process at the Center for Advanced Microstructures andDevices (CAMD) 193

Y.M. Desta'. W.L. Benard2, J. Goettert1, M. Pederson2 and M. Huff2

Louisiana State University, USA and 2MEMS Exchange, USA


September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA

Page 6: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

Micro and Nano Systems

ME-5 Axsun's Commercial LIGA Foundry - A First Year Up-DateP. Boehme. W. Bonivert, and J. KrafcikAxsun Technologies Inc., USA

ME-6 HARM - Activities in Research and Commercialization atForschungszentrum Karlsruhe

P. BlevForschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), GERMANY


3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

4:30 pm - 4:45 pm

4:45 pm - 6:00 pm

6:00 pm- 10:00 pm


Refreshment Break/Exhibit Inspection

Sessions A, B, C, D, & E Panel Piscussions

Report Out by Session


Wine & Cheese Reception

Ford Museum PinnerSponsored by Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Ardesta

Tuesday, September 10

7:30 am - 8:30 am

8:30 am - 9:00 am

9:00 am-10:30 am

Micro and Nano R&P Media BreakfastModerator - Tim Studt, EditorRoundtable Topic - Defining the Issues in MEMS Integration

Keynote SpeakerFrom Academia to Commercial Venture: A Case Study onPolychromixS.D. SenturiaMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Polychromix, Inc., USA

Concurrent Sessions(Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break)


Session F. Microsystems in the Asia/Pacific Rim Market SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Bob Sweatt, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

TF-1 Recent MEMS Market Trends in JapanM. WagaGlobal Emerging Technology Institute, JAPAN

TF -2 Asian Optical Technologies

Robert Haak & Associates, USA

TF-3 Bringing MEMS Commercialization to ChinaS.L. Feng, Y.L. Wang, and W.Y. WangChinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA




September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 7: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

TF-4 Opportunities for Commercialization of Russian Technologies Subsidizedby the U.S. Government 223

G.H. PahlbackaLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

TF-5 Bootstrapping MNT Commercialization in Australia - The Roles Played byGovernment/Industry/Academia 227

E. Harvey12. C. Pavenport2, and J. Niall3

'Swinburne University of Technology, AUSTRALIA, 2Co Operative Research Centre forMicro Technology, AUSTRALIA, and ^Government of Victoria, AUSTRALIA

Session G. Foundries Study SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Peter Podesser, EV Group, A USTRIA

TG-1 Market Analysis for Microsystems 2000-2005 - A Report from theNEXUS Task Force 231

R. Wechsung1 and A.E. Fatatrv'STEAG microParts GmbH, GERMANY and 2BAE Systems, ENGLAND

TG-2 World MEMS Fab: An Overview of the MEMS Industry Worldwide 237E. Mounier and J.-C. EloyYole Developpement, FRANCE

TG-3 Infrastructure for MEMS/MST: The Foundry Concept 239J. Elders1 and H. van Heeren2


TG-4 MEMS and the Silicon Paradigm 245J.P. EvansMEMGen Corporation, USA

TG-5 About the Need for Customer Specific Packaging Solutions and How to Solve itthrough a Foundry Concept 247

H. Bohlmann. R. Gotzen and A. ReinhardtmicroTEC GmbH, GERMANY

TG-6 Microtechnology Centre at Chalmers 249O. EngstromChalmers University of Technology, SWEDEN

Session H. Transportation SessionSession & Panel Moderator'

Joseph Giachino, University of Michigan, USA

TH-1 Application Opportunities for MEMS/MST in the Automotive Market:The Great Migration from Electromechanical and Discrete Solutions 255

Roger Grace Associates, USA


September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA

Page 8: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

TH-2 A Novel and Simple Fabrication Method for a Silicon/GlassCapacitive Accelerometer

A. Tee'. P . Chir1, K. Sooriakumar', B. Patmon1, S. Naidu', K.-W. Kok1,F. Wee-Hin1, and B.Y. Majlis2

lMems Technology Sdn. Bhd. (MemsTech), SINGAPOREand 2Uniyersiti Kebangsaan, MALAYSIA

TH-3 MEMS Opportunities in John Deere Sensor ApplicationsD. LicknessJohn Deere, USA

TH-4 Commercialization of MEMS Automotive AccelerometersB. SulouffAnalog Devices, Inc., USA

TH-5 Commercializing Micro Cooling System for Mobile DevicesJ.H. Lee and J.-J. ChoiiCurie Lab, KOREA

TH-6 Micro Inertial Navigation Systems - DevicesG. AnderssonThe Imego Institute, SWEDEN

ission I. Homeland Security SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Steven Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

TI-1 National Security Applications of MEMS Technologies and the Promise of aMicrosystems Unit Cell

M.W. Scott' and S. Walsh2

1 Sandia National Laboratories, USA and 2University of New Mexico, USA

TI-2 Bioterrorism and Microsystems SolutionsC.J. CallMesoSystems, USA

TI-3 Mega Potential of Micro and Nano Solutions for Bio and ChemicalDetection System

F. Hartley' and S. Varma2

xIonfinity, USA and 2University of New Mexico, USA

TI-4 Securing Harbor Systems through SEAMIST: Sea Micro IntegratedSystems Technology

P. FriesUniversity of South Florida, USA

TJ.-5 Using Nanoscale Surface Cues to Steer Biological SystemsD.S. Sutherland1. J. Brink', H. Agheli1, U. Lidberg1, G.E. Marshall2,and A.-S. Andersson'Chalmers University of Technology, SWEDENand University Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM











September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 9: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Session J. Clusters/Regional SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Roger Grace, Roger Grace Associates, USA

TJ-1 The Development of a UK Microsystems Packaging Centre 299P. TolfreeTechnopreneur Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM

TJ-2 The NEXUS Product/Technology Roadmap 2002 305H. Zinner1, A. El Fatatrv2 and G. Menozzi3


TJ-3 Promotion of Scientific and Technological Development and Industrialization byGerman MST-Associations 309

P. Blev'-2. P. Fritz12, and R. Theobald2

1Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), GERMANYand 2GMM (Gesellschaft fur Mikroelektronik, Mikro-u. Feinwerktechnik), GERMANY

MST/MEMS in Germany - Public Support and Future Perspectives 313G. Fernholz and H. KergelVDWDE-Technologiezentrum Informationstechnik, GmbH, GERMANY

iMINEnT, The European IVAM SME B2B Accelerator 317M. PierselhuisIVAM, GERMANY

MEMS Cluster Development in Finland - Centered on Technological Excellence 321A. Vehannen', M. Montonen1, A. Haapalina1, J. Meriano2 and M. Tilli1

'Okmetic OYJ, FINLAND and 2Silicon Sense Inc., USA




10:30 am

11:00 am

11:30 am

12:00 pm

12:15 pm

12:30 pm

1:30 pm-

- 11:00 am

-11:30 am

-12:00 pm

-12:15 pm

-1:15 pm

- 6:30 pm

- 4:30 pm

7:00 pm-11:00 pm

Refreshment Break/Exhibit Inspection

Sessions F, G, H, I, & J, Panel Discussions

Report Out


Roundtable Networking LuncheonSponsored by Standard MEMS

MANCEF Golf Tournament - Eagle Crest Golf Course

Center for Wireless Integrated Microsystems TourWIMS/University of Michigan

Motown EveningSponsored by Silicon Sense, Inc.

September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 10: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Wednesday, September 11

7:30 am-8:25 am

8:25 am - 8:30 am

8:30 am - 9:00 am

9:00 am-10:30 am

Sensors Magazine Media BreakfastModerator -Barbara Goode, EditorRoundtable Topic - New Directions in Sensing:

Where Will MEMS Take Sensors Next

September 11th - Moment of Silence and Reflection

Keynote SpeakerMOEMS Startup Success Factors - Two Years LaterJ. BryzekTransparent Networks, Inc., USA

Concurrent Sessions(Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break)


Session K. Infrastructure/Equipment SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Christian Schaefer, EVGroup, AUSTRIA

WK-1 MEMS Adaptable Package (MAP)M.H. Castro-CedenoConcurrent Technologies Corporation, USA

WK-2 New MEMS Manufacturing TechnologiesP. Lindner1. B. Wieder2, C. Schaefer', S. Farrens2, and V. Dragoi1

1EVGroup, AUSTRIA and 2EVGroup, USA

WK-3 Reduction Lithography as Enabling Technology for MEMS ManufacturingP. ten Berge. C.Q. Gui, F.C.G. Bijnen, R. Pellens, and J. PishmonASML Special Applications, THE NETHERLANDS

WK-4 Is Bigger Necessarily Best - Issues that Influence the Economic Advantages ofWafer Diameter for Silicon MEMS Manufacturing

S. NevlonColibrys SA, SWITZERLAND

WK-5 Future Trends for Aligned Bonding in MEMS ProductionC. Ossmann'. G. Lecarpentier2, J. Pumas3, J. Kuehnholz', and J. Hoeppner1

'SUSSMicroTec, GERMANY, 2SUSS MicroTec, FRANCE, and3SUSS MicroTec, USA

\ \ WK-6 Economical and Technological Lithography Challenges of High VolumeMST/MEMS Manufacturing

F. ConsentingUltratech Stepper, Inc., USA

i Session L. Cluster/Regional II SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Michael Finney, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, USA

WL-1 Technology Clusters and Their Role in the Development of theMicrosystems Industry

R. Grace' and M. Ramsinghani2

'Roger Grace Associates, USA and 2Michigan Economic Development Corporation, USA

September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA









Page 11: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

WL-2 Bottom-Up Commercialization 357K. Eijkelj and W.H. van den Berg2

'University ofTwente, THE NETHERLANDSand2lnnofonds Twente Venture Capital B.V., THE NETHERLANDS

WL-3 Introducing MEMS to a Non-MEMS World 361C.S. SteeleUniversity of South Florida, USA

WL-4 Applied MEMS, Inc. - A Potential Catalyst for Regional MEMS BusinessDevelopment in Houston 365

H. Goldberg and D. ChangApplied MEMS, Inc., USA

WL-5 Canadian Research, Technology, and Product Interests in Micromachining 369P. Gale, S.A. Bazaz and H. HoCanadian Microelectronics Corporation, CANADA

WL-6 Midwest Regional Microsystem Dynamics - Capitalizing on Emerging Growth 375P. HiscockMTC Technologies, Inc., USA

Session M. Packaging SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Michael Mignardi, Texas Instruments, USA

WM-1 Commercialization of MEMS: A System in a Package Approach for a Program

Driven Environment 381


WM-2 A Lower Threshold to the World, by Combining a Modular Design Approach anda Matching Production Framework 387

E. Puik. A. Rijfers, and L. Tillie,TNO Industrial Technology, THE NETHERLANDS

WM-3 Packaging and Assembly Challenges for MEMS 391P. Feicht. T. Tessier, and E. Jan VardamanTechSearch International, Inc., USA

WM-4 MEMS Packaging - Definitions, Applications and Trends 397H. Wicht1. J. Bouchaud1, C. Bahle1, and E. Jung2

'WTC - Wicht Technologie Consulting, GERMANY and2Fraunhofer IZM, GERMANY

WM-5 Functional Testing and Calibration of Microsystems at Wafer Level ReducesProduction Cost and Improves Product Quality 401

J. Branebjerg. M. Brunbjerg, and J. BayDELTA Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics, DENMARK

WM-6 Packaging Opportunities in Micro and Nanosystems 465R. MehalsoMicrotec Associates, USA


September 8-12, 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA

Page 12: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Session N. Entrepreneurship SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Mahendra Ramsinghani, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, USA

WN-1 Profitability as a Financing Option for MEMS CompaniesB. AltonMicralyne Inc., CANADA

WN-2 Commercialization of MEMS Technologies: What Seems to Work?B.A. Kirchhoff, S. Newbert2. and S. Walsh3

'New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, 2Rutgers University, USA,and3 University of New Mexico, USA

WN-3 MEMS Startups: Small Business Development StrategiesP. HvmanXCom Wireless, Inc., USA

WN-4 A Framework for Technology Commercialization

Illinois Partners, LLC, USA

WN-5 How to Build a MEMS BusinessN.E. OrtylStandardMEMS, Inc., USA

WN-6 Crawl before Running: A Serial Entrepreneurs Road Map to Spinning,Off a Core Technology

T. GriegoSurFect Technology Inc., USA and GET Systems, Inc., USA

Session O. Education/Academia Session - PanelPanel Moderator

Andres C. Salazar, University of New Mexico, USA


L. McAfee, University of Michigan, USAJ.E. Wood, University of New Mexico, USAR. Stinnett, Sandia National Laboratories, USAT. Dallas, Texas Tech University, USAF. Lopez, Albuquerque Vocational Institute, USA

Additional Panelists

T. Studt, R&D Micro Nano Magazine, USAB.G. Goode, Sensors Magazine, USAS. Crosby, Small Times, USAS. Buehler, Semiconductor Magazine, USA









10:30 am - 11:00 am

11:00 am-11:30 am

11:30 am-12:00 pm

Refreshment Break/Exhibit Inspection

Sessions K, L, M, & N Panel Discussions

Report Out

September 8 - 1 2 , 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 13: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 71 h International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Roundtable Networking LuncheonSponsored by DALSA Semiconductur

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Concurrent Sessions(Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break)

Session P. Aerospace SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Jay Jakubczak, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

WP-1 Full Circle Commercialization of a Quartz Rate Sensor:Aerospace to Automotive to Aerospace

A.M. Madni. L.E. Costlow, and J. LaBoskeyBEI Technologies, Inc., USA

WP-2 On the Commercial Value of Micro-Systems in the Space Developmentand Applications

H.KimKorea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), KOREA

WP-3 Global Patent Strategies: It's a Small World After AllR.M. SiminskiHarness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C., USA

WP-4 NEMS for Space and Terrestrial ApplicationsF.T. Hartley and C. EnglandJet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

WP-5 Commercialization of Inertia] Navigation SystemsP. Storek. P. Bjorkholm, O. Gotberg, A. Loof, K. Malmstrom, R. Nilsson,P. Pelin, K. Persson, and P. SvenssonImegoAB, SWEDEN

Session Q. BioMedical SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Tony Beugelsdijk, Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA

WQ-1 Immunosensing using Fabricated Protein MicroarraysS.W. Howell. P . Inerowicz, L. Guirl, F. Regnier, and R. ReifenbergerPurdue University, USA

WQ-2 Micro Filters made with Semiconductor Technologies: A Revolution inParticle-Fluid Separation

H. van Heeren1. E. van Kuijk1, and C. van Rijn2

'OnStream MSTB.V., THE NETHERLANDSand 2Aquamarijn Micro Filtration B.V., THE NETHERLANDS

WQ-3 Sensor Micro-Arrays Offer Complete Testing SolutionsS.J. Pace and R. BrownSensicore Inc., USA

WQ-4 A New Model for Commercializing NanotechnologyM. Magnusson1. L. Samuelson2, and L. Montelius2

'PronanoAB, SWEDEN and2 Lund University, SWEDEN










September 8-12,2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 14: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

WQ-5 Strategies for the Development of Biosensors - Few Examples 491A. KrozerThe Imego Institute, SWEDEN

WQ-6 Replication Technologies - Their Impact on Microsystem Manufacturing 495


Session R. Consumer SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Uwe Kleinkes, IVAM, GERMANY

WR-1 Integrated Infrared Gas Sensor using MEMS Photonic Bandgap Structure 499B.R. Kinkade. J.T. Paly, and E.A. JohnsonIon Optics, Inc., USA

WR-2 Integrated Microsensors for Home Appliances - Issues and Opportunities 505H.O. MarcvWhirlpool Corporation, USA

WR-3 MEMS for Appliance Markets 509G. Tschulenasgt Sensor Consulting, GERMANY

Session S. Industrial SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Pave Tolfree, Technopreneur Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM

WS-1 MUSiCSM: An Enabling Microfabrication Process for MEMS 515J.M. Melzak. A. Leppart, S. Rajgopal, and K. MosesFiberLead, Inc., USA

WS-2 A Comprehensive Program for the Development and Commercialization of HarshEnvironment Microsystems - Concepts, Experiences and Challenges 519

W.C. Merrill and R. EarlesGlennan Microsystems Initiative Inc., USA

WS-3 Commercial Impacts of Microreaction Technology - An Emerging TechnologyWins Even Conservative Industrial Sectors 529

U. Eul and S. KiesewaiterIMM - Insitutfur Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH, GERMANY

WS-4 Challenges to Technology Deployment from an End User's Perspective 533I. Chan. C.-P. Hsiao, P . Shipley, and A. de BeerChevronTexaco Energy Research & Technology, USA

WS-5 Microrobotics as a Commercialization Tools 537H. Stephanou. P . Popa, and B. WalesRensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

WS-6 The Commercialization of Micromachined Flow Sensors 541P. Sparks. N. Najafi, Y. Zhang, S. Massoud-Ansari, M. Straayer, J. Cripe,R. Schneider, and R. SmithIntegrated Sensing Systems (ISSYS), Inc., USA

September 8-12,2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 15: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Session T. Foundries SessionSession & Panel Moderator

Todd Christenson, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

WT-1 Challenges and Opportunities for MEMS Foundries: Staying Focused in a HighlyDiversified MEMS Market 547

J. Koblitz and M. FrischholzmicroFAB Bremen GmbH, GERMANY

WT-2 Challenges of MEMS Commercialization Through Foundries 551S. Massoud-Ansari and N. NajafiIntegrated Sensing Systems (ISSYS), Inc., USA

WT-3 The Make-Buy Decision for MEMS Manufacturing, Internal versusExternal Foundry: Which Is Better 555

A.K. SwieckiCorning IntelHSense Corporation, USA

WT-4 Commercialization of MEMS Through MUMPs8 559P. Koester and B. HardyCronos, A JDS Uniphase Company, USA

WT-5 Making MEMS Work: The Customer-Foundry Relationship S6SJ.S. Foster and M,G, HeatonInnovative Micro Technology, USA

WT-6 Customer Specific MEMS Development and Foundry Service fromTronic's Microsystems 571

S. Renard

Tronic's Microsystems, FRANCE

Refreshment Break/Exhibit Inspection

Sessions P, Q, R, S, & T Panel Discussions

Report Out

Classical BanquetSponsored by Small Times Media





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10:00 pm

September 8 - 1 2 , 2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA


Page 16: I 8-12,2002 · (Each session will be followed by a panel Q&A discussion after the break) Session A. Marketing Session Session & Panel Moderator Jonathan Linton, Rensselaer Polytechnic

The 7th International Conference on the Commercialization ofMicro and Nano Systems

Thursday, September 12

7:30 am-8:30 am Semiconductor Magazine Media BreakfastModerator - Steve Buehler, EditorRoundtable Topic - How Can Semiconductor Manufacturers Leverage

Their Knowledge and Techniques to Move MEMSand Microelectronic Manufacturing Into theIndustry's Global Production Model

Capital Formation Workshop -Session & Panel Moderator

Weijie Yun, Everest Microsystems, Inc., USASul Kassicieh, University of New Mexico,and Mahendra Ramsinghani, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, USA

8:30 am - 8:50 am

8:50 am - 9:50 am

9:50 am- 10:00 am

10:00 am-11:00 am

11:00 am-1:30 pm

1:30 pm-2:30 pm

I 2:30 pm

KeynotePaul Atherton

NanoVentures Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM

Capita] Formation Session


M.P. Naik, ASGL Inc., USAE. Oldekop, Deutsche Ventures, GERMANYM. Dierks, Intel Capital, USA

S. Johns, Ardesta, USA

Refreshment Break

Panel Discussion


T. Kendall, JP Morgan Partners, USAE. Oldekop, Deutsche Ventures, GERMANYM. Dierks, Intel Capital, USAM.P. Naik, ASGL Inc., USAS. Johns, Ardesta, USAJ. Bryzek, Transparent Networks, Inc., USAN. Najafi, Integrated Sensing Systems (ISSYS), Inc., USABusiness Plan PresentationsRoundtable Networking LuncheonSponsored by MANCEF

Conference Adjourns

September 8-12,2002 • Eagle Crest Conference Resort • Ypsilanti, Michigan USA