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1. ------IND- 2010 0741 RO- EN- ------ 20101222 --- --- PROJET

ORDERNo………from the date of ………2010

for the approval of technical regulation “Normative document for the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems”, code I5 –


In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 and Article 38(2) of Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications, the provisions of Article 2 of the Rules regarding the types of technical regulations and costs for the regulatory activity in constructions, town planning, landscaping, and habitat, approved by Government Decision No 203/2003, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, and the provisions of Government Decision No 1016/2004 regarding measures for the organisation and carrying out of information exchange in the field of technical standards and regulations, as well as the rules regarding information society services between Romania and the EU Member States, as well as the European Commission, with the subsequent modifications,

taking into consideration the Notification report No 4 issued by the Technical General Coordination Committee within the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing on the date of 07 September 2010, as well as Notification No 3 issued by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations on 04 November 2010,

on the grounds of Article 5(II)(e) and Article 13(6) of Government Decision No 1631/2009 concerning the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation,

the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism hereby issues the following


Article 1 – The technical regulation “Normative document for the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems”, code I5 – 2010, stipulated in the Annex that is an integrated part of this order, is hereby approved.

Article 2 – On the date of this order coming into force, Order No 55/N/1998 of the Ministry of Public Works and Land Development approving the technical regulation “Normative document for the design and manufacture of ventilation and climate control systems”, code I5-1998, Order No 15/N/1994 of the Ministry of Public Works and Land Development approving the technical regulation “Technical design instructions for warm air heating or ventilation via horizontal air jets”, code I5/1-1994, Order No 55/N/1998 of the Ministry of Public Works and Land Development approving the technical regulation “Normative document regarding the operation of ventilation and climate control systems”, code I5/2-1998, as well as any other provisions to the contrary shall cease to be applicable.

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Article 3 – This order*) shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I and shall come into force 30 days after its date of publication.

The present regulation was adopted in accordance with the notification procedure stipulated by Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998, laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 204 from the date of 12 July 1998, amended by Directive 98/48/EC of 20 July 1998 of the European Parliament and the Council, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities L 217 from the date of 5 August 1998.


Elena Gabriela UDREA


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Annexto Order No……………./2010 of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism


the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems

Code I 5 - 2010


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CONTENTS1. Object, field of application, general requirements2. Terminology3. Ventilation in buildings

3.1. Requirements for ventilationIndoor air qualityProvisions for establishing the configuration of ventilated buildings3.2. Ventilation systemsTypes of ventilation systemsGeneral criteria for choosing ventilation systemsNatural ventilation

Sizing principles Components

Mechanical ventilationSizing principlesComponents

Mixed ventilationSizing principlesComponents

4. Climate control in buildings4.1. Requirements for climate controlThermal comfortSound (noise) level4.2. Climate control systemsTypes of climate control systemsGeneral criteria for choosing climate control systemsAir-only climate control

Climate control with constant air flowClimate control with variable air flow

Air to water climate controlClimate control via fan convectorsClimate control via ejector-convectorsClimate control via cooling panelsClimate control via a water loop heat pump

Climate control using refrigerant Local climate control using refrigerant

Centralised climate control with variable refrigerant flow 5. General design elements

5.1. Indoor calculation parameters for ventilated/climate-controlled buildings 5.2. Outdoor calculation parameters for ventilated/climate-controlled buildings 5.3. Heating/cooling load of a building 5.4. Air flows in ventilated/climate-controlled spaces 5.5. Air pipe sizing and load loss calculation

6. General components of ventilation/climate control systems 6.1. Terminal devices and elements for introducing and extracting (evacuating)

air in/from ventilated/climate-controlled rooms 6.2. Air pipes and accessories


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6.3. Fans 6.4. Air filters 6.5. Heating/cooling batteries 6.6. Central air treatment units 6.7. Ventilation/climate control unit

7. General provisions for the equipment of ventilation/climate control systems8. Ventilation/climate control solutions for buildings used for various purposes

8.1. Dwellings 8.2. Offices 8.3. Hotels 8.4. Commercial centres 8.5. Education buildings 8.6. Swimming pools 8.7. Restaurants 8.8. Industrial halls

9. Measures and solutions for increasing the energy efficiency of ventilation/climate control systems

9.1. Thermal insulation of the systems9.2. Heat recovery and storage, and use of renewable sources

10. Manufacture of ventilation/climate control systems11. Commissioning and acceptance of ventilation/climate control systems12. Operation, maintenance, revisions, and repairs of ventilation/climate control systems13. Annexes 1 – 8


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1. Object, field of application, general requirements

1.1. The technical regulation covers the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems.

1.2. The provisions of the technical regulation are applicable to the following types of buildings, regardless of their form of ownership:

a) new civilian and industrial buildings,b) existing civilian and industrial buildings undergoing works for modernisation,

modification, transformation, consolidation, extension, change of intended use, major repairs, and thermo-energetic rehabilitation.

1.3. This technical regulation does not apply to: ventilation, climate control, and air conditioning systems designed to provide special technological conditions (installations used in clean rooms, odour removal systems, pneumatic transport systems, mining installations, tunnels, and agro-zootechnical constructions), as well as radiation cooling systems.

1.4. This technical regulation does not cover the design and manufacture of systems for discharging smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire (fume removal) or protective equipment and systems in which the risk of explosion is exclusively due to the presence of explosive substances or unstable chemical substances; however, it includes provisions that regulate the possibility for the ventilation systems of the building to be used, partially or entirely, to discharge smoke and hot gases.

1.5. During the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems, the quality and performance conditions relating to the following essential requirements must be met:

a) mechanical resistance and stability, b) fire safety,c) hygiene, health, and the environment,d) operational safety,e) noise protection,f) energy saving and thermal insulation.

1.6. (1) The provisions of this technical regulation aim to apply the following normative documents in the field of ventilation and climate control systems: Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications and Law No 372/2005 regarding the energy performance of buildings, with its subsequent modifications, and are enforceable for all types of constructions stipulated in Article 1.2.

(2) An exception is the provisions which explicitly include the phrase “it is recommended”.

1.7. A series of articles in this technical regulation make references to other specific technical regulations which shall apply depending on the degree of enforceability of their provisions.

1.8. The corresponding provisions stipulated in Annex 1 shall also be complied with during the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems in buildings.

1.9. The general requirements for designing and carrying out ventilation and climate control works in buildings are as follows:

a) ventilation and climate control systems shall only be manufactured on the basis of the basic technical design and engineering details. The technical design shall be drawn up by specialist design


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engineers with competencies in the field, in accordance with the legal provisions in force on the date when the technical design is drawn up.

b) design verification engineers certified in accordance with the legal provisions, on the basis of the technical regulations in force on the date of the design verification, shall verify in accordance with the law that the technical design complies with the essential requirements established by the design engineer. The design verification reports are an integrated part of the technical design.

c) the technical design for ventilation and/or climate control systems shall be drawn up for systems belonging to the categories of buildings listed in Article 1.2.

d) the basic technical design provides, in the form of written text and drawings, complete technical information about sizing, carrying out the works, installing the equipment/machines, ensuring compliance with the essential quality requirements, tests, etc.

e) the engineering details shall be drawn up on the basis of the basic technical design endorsed by the investor/beneficiary, after choosing the equipment/machines and materials for the ventilation and climate control systems based on their technical characteristics; the engineering details must contain all elements needed to manufacture the system, detailing and customising the information provided in the basic technical design.

f) the basic technical design, engineering details, and, if applicable, site instructions issued whilst carrying out the works must provide all data needed for the energy certification of new buildings or existing buildings that have undergone works for modernisation, modification, transformation, consolidation, extension, change of intended use, major repairs, and thermo-energetic rehabilitation.

g) the basic technical design, engineering details, operating instructions, and, if applicable, site instructions issued whilst carrying out the works shall be included in the technical manual of the construction, which will be given to the investor/owner before the final acceptance of the works.

h) for new investment objectives, as well as to carry out specific intervention works on existing constructions, whether these are fully or partially financed from public funds, the design stages shall comply with the legal provisions in force on the date the design is drawn up.


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2. Terminology

2.1. The terminology and notations used in this technical regulation are in accordance with the terms and definitions used in the Romanian standards applicable to this field of activity:

Law No 10/1995, with its subsequent modifications and Law No 372/2005, with its subsequent modifications;

The methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings MC001/2006; SR EN 12792:2004, Ventilation in buildings. Symbols, terminology, and graphic

symbols; SR CEN/TR 12101-5:2007, Smoke and hot gas control systems. Part 5: Guide of

functional recommendations and calculation methods for ventilation systems used to discharge smoke and hot gases;

SR EN ISO 7730:2006, Moderate thermal environments – Analytic determination and interpretation of thermal comfort by calculating the PMV and PPD indices and specifying the criteria for local thermal comfort

SR CR 1752:2002, Ventilation systems in buildings. Design criteria for ensuring interior thermal comfort;

SR EN 12101-6:2005, Smoke and hot gas control systems. Part 6: Specifications for differential pressure systems - Kits;

Other standards in force. A series of terms and definitions are adopted and explained in order to clarify the measures,

concepts, etc. referred to in various parts of this technical regulation.

2.2. Indoor air quality is the quality (feature) of the air of having a pollutant content that does not exceed the admissible concentrations or doses (assimilated by people during the occupancy period), which ensures human health and hygiene.

2.3. Fire damper – a fire-resistant closing (obstruction) device installed on the ventilation pipe (duct) that penetrates a fire-retardant or fire-resistant construction element, which is normally in an open position and is equipped with automatic and manual actuation for the event of a fire).

2.4. (1) Climate control is the process by which a controlled air temperature is provided in rooms regardless of the thermal processes that take place inside or outside of the building. Climate control implies the controlled heating and cooling of spaces. Climate control is intended to ensure the thermal comfort of the room occupants.

(2) Climate control can also be used to control the indoor air humidity, but this is not an implicit situation.

(3) The fresh air required for ventilation can also be treated during the climate control process; in this case, climate control is combined with ventilation.

2.5. Very low-polluting building – a building made of materials with very low pollutant emissions (such as stone, glass, metal), in which no activities that generate pollutant emissions are carried out and there are no sources of pollution (such as cigarette smoke). Informatively, these emissions (TVOC, formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.) are given in Annex C of standard SR EN 15251:2007.

2.6. Low-polluting building – a building made of materials with low pollutant emissions, in which activities that generate pollutant emissions are limited or prohibited. Informatively, these emissions (TVOC, formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.) are given in Annex C of standard SR EN 15251:2007.


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2.7. Polluting building – a building which does not belong to the very low or low polluting building types.

2.8. Thermal comfort – it is the feeling of a good physical state experienced due to the fact that the heat exchange between the human body and the environment is carried out without overstressing the thermoregulatory system.

2.9. Air conditioning is the process by which the temperature, humidity, speed, and, most of the time, purity of the indoor air are controlled. The term is particularly used for rooms provided with special technological conditions.

2.10. Ventilation efficiency is a non-dimensional measure which expresses the extent to which the ventilation air mixes with the indoor air inside the room; it is expressed as the ratio between the difference in pollutant concentration (heat, humidity, gases) between the outgoing air cEHA and the incoming air cSUP, and the difference in concentration between the indoor air (inside the occupied area) cIDA and the incoming air cSUP:

ɛV = (cEHA – cSUP)/(cIDA – cSUP)

2.11. Draught index (DR) is an estimate of the percentage of people dissatisfied because of the “draught” created by the speed and turbulence intensity of the air which causes discomfort, under certain temperature conditions.

2.12. The percentage of people dissatisfied (PPD) is an estimate of the percentage of people within a group which carries out a certain activity and is provided with a certain degree of clothing insulation, who consider that the level of thermal comfort in a room with certain parameters is unsatisfactory.

2.13. The design thermal load of the room (sensitive, latent, total) represents the flux of sensitive/latent/total heat that needs to be introduced or extracted in/from a room in order to reach the design interior state; it is determined according to the design climate conditions and design interior operating conditions (interior heat-generating sources).

2.14. The design thermal load of the system represents the flux of sensitive/latent/total heat that needs to be introduced or extracted by the ventilation/climate control system in order to reach the design interior state; it is determined according to the design climatic conditions and design interior operating conditions (interior heat-generating sources). The system load is not the sum of the design load of the rooms.

2.15. Thermal load (of the room/system) represents the flux of sensitive/latent/total heat that needs to be introduced or extracted in/from a room at a given moment in order to achieve the design interior state; it is determined according to the climatic conditions and interior operating conditions at the time of the calculation.

2.16. The operating temperature of a given room is the uniform temperature of an equivalent room in which the convection and radiation heat exchange of a person is the same as in the given room; for air speeds lower than 0.4 m/s and average radiation temperatures lower than 50°C, the operating temperature can be calculated as the arithmetic mean between the air temperature and the average radiation temperature.


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2.17. The types of air are named and labelled depending on the role that the air plays as the working agent in ventilation/climate control systems; these are defined in accordance with Table 2 given in SR EN 13779:2007.

2.18. Ventilation is the process by which fresh air enters (in a natural or forced way) a room, and by which polluted air is eliminated (in a natural or forced way) from a room.

This leads to the dilution/elimination of interior pollutants: moisture, gases, vapours, dust, which represents the function (purpose) of ventilation. Ventilation is used to provide indoor air quality (limitation of pollutant concentration and admissible pollutant doses).

To achieve physical equilibrium of the air flows (the sum of the incoming and outgoing flows must be null), the air flow entering the room is always equal to the air flow that exits the room.

2.19. Exposure limit value (ELV), the limit value, whether instantaneous or for a period of 15 minutes, for the concentrations of a substance, which must not be exceeded in order to ensure that human health is not affected.

2.20. Average exposure value (AEV), the time-weighted limit value for the concentrations of a substance, which must not be exceeded within an 8-hour interval in order to ensure that human health is not affected.

2.21. Smoke shutter (smoke damper), a fire-resistant closing (obstruction) device installed on the smoke discharge pipes (ducts), which is opened in the standby position and is provided with automatic and manual actuation in the event of a fire.

2.22. The predicted mean vote (PMV) is an index that expresses the predicted feeling of thermal comfort experienced by a group of people in a room with given parameters under certain conditions of activity and with a known degree of clothing thermal insulation.

2.23. The thermal zone of a building represents a part of a building which is characterised by certain parameters of an indoor thermal environment and a certain thermal load variation profile due to the orientation of the building, the way in which the occupied space is used, the distribution of the interior heat sources, etc.

2.24. The occupied area of a room is the part of a room where activities are carried out and where the design parameters for air quality and thermal comfort must be ensured; the distances from perimetric construction elements that must be complied with when determining the occupied area shall be established in accordance with Article 6.2 stipulated in standard SR EN 13779:2007.

2.25. Air pipes – an assembly of elements with different cross-sections through which the ventilation/climate control air circulates between various parts of a system (installation). The Romanian specialist literature also uses the terms air ducts and ventilation tubing. The technical regulation, which is based on the European standards in the field, uses the term air pipe. It is recommended that the term air duct should be used if the air circulation is ensured by concrete or masonry elements.


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3. Ventilation of buildings

3.1. Requirements for ventilation

Indoor air quality3.1.1. (1) Indoor air quality must be ensured in all the rooms of a building. (2) Indoor air quality shall be ensured by ventilation, depending on the intended use of the

room, the type of pollution sources and the activities carried out in the room. In particular cases, the air quality can be ensured by special means (activated charcoal filters, odour removal equipment, etc.); these situations are not covered by this technical regulation.

3.1.2. For the occupied area of civilian rooms, there are four categories of indoor air quality (IDA1 – IDA4), which are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Categories of indoor air quality (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2007)Indoor air quality class DescriptionIDA 1 High indoor air qualityIDA 2 Medium indoor air qualityIDA 3 Moderate indoor air qualityIDA 4 Low indoor air quality

The air quality shall be classified in one of the abovementioned IDA categories depending on the intended use of the building, the activities carried out in the rooms, and the type of pollution sources.

a) Therefore, for civilian buildings in which the main source of pollution are human bio-effluents, the air quality in rooms where smoking is prohibited shall be classified according to the carbon dioxide concentration accepted indoors, in excess of the outdoor concentration, in accordance with Table 3.2.Table 3.2. Categories of indoor air quality as a function of the CO2 concentration above the outdoor level (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2007)

Category Level of CO2 above the level present in the outdoor air, in ppm

Typical range Value by absence

IDA 1 ≤ 400 350

IDA 2 400 – 600 500

IDA 3 600 – 1 000 800

IDA 4 ≥ 1 000 1 200

For ventilation systems adjusted depending on the CO2 concentration in the indoor air or the air being evacuated, the CO2 level will form the basis for adjusting the ventilation systems as a function of the presence of humans, in order to maintain the air quality category.

b) Depending on the pollutant emissions in civilian rooms, buildings can be classified in (Article 2.5, 2.6, 2.7): very low-polluting buildings, low-polluting buildings, and polluting buildings.

c) For civilian rooms where the climate criteria are determined by the presence of humans, the indoor air quality shall be ensured by the ventilation (fresh air) flow, which will be established depending on the intended use of the rooms, the number of occupants, and the activities they carry


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out, as well as the pollutant emissions of the building (generated by construction elements, finishings, furniture, and installation systems), in accordance with Article 5.4.3.

d) For rooms without a specified intended use (e.g. storage spaces), the air quality category and the incoming ventilation air flow, which can be outdoor air or air transferred from other rooms, shall be determined as a function of the usable floor area, in accordance with Article 5.4.8.

e) For civilian and industrial rooms where there are pollutant emissions other than bio-effluents and the emissions of the building, the indoor air quality must be ensured by complying with the admissible concentration values for the occupied area. For this purpose, the concentration of indoor pollutants and the incoming air flow shall be calculated in accordance with Article 5.4.4.

f) It is considered that office equipment (computers, printers, copiers, monitors) is characterised by a negligible level of emissions (for substances such as: TVOC, HCHO, NH 3, and cancerous products).

g) For the concentrations admissible in the occupied area of industrial spaces, the values specified in the General Workplace Safety Standards (GWSS) shall be complied with.

h) For civilian buildings, Annex C of SR CR 1752:2002 stipulates a series of guiding values relating to the exposure and risk posed by certain indoor pollutants.

i) In rooms where smoking is permitted, increased fresh air flows shall be complied with in accordance with 5.4.3.

3.1.3. Depending on the level of pollution present in the rooms, the quality of the air extracted from these rooms can be classified into four categories (ETA1 – ETA4), in accordance with Table 3.3.If the air being extracted originates from a mixture of air belonging to different categories, the entire air flow shall be considered to belong to the highest category.

3.1.4. The categories for the evacuated air (EHA1 – EHA4) correspond to the categories for the air being extracted and shall apply to the air after potential purification operations have been carried out. If a treatment is applied to purify the air being evacuated, the treatment method and efficacy of the process must be specified in the design. The evacuated air belonging to class EHA 1 can never be obtained by treatment.

3.1.5. The quality of the air being evacuated from buildings can be classified into four categories (EHA1 – EHA4), in accordance with Table 4 of SR EN 13779:2007.

3.1.6. Outdoor air quality can be classified into five categories (ODA1 – ODA5), in accordance with Table 3.4, taking into consideration the recommendations stipulated in Article 5.2.3. of SR EN 13779:2007. Indicative data for the outdoor air pollution level are given in Annex 6 of SR CR 1752:2002; also, annual values for the pollution level are given in Table 6 of SR EN 13779:2007.

Table 3.3. Categories of quality of the air extracted from rooms (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2007)

Category Description Examples (for information only)ETA1 Extracted air with a low pollution level

Air from rooms in which the main emission sources are construction and structural materials, and air from occupied rooms in which the main emission sources are human metabolism and construction and structural materials. Rooms in which smoking is prohibited

Offices, spaces for public services, classrooms, meeting rooms, commercial spaces without particular emission sources.

ETA2Extracted air with a moderate pollution level

Air from occupied rooms which contain Dining rooms, hot drink preparation 13

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more impurities than category 1 from the same sources and/or human activities. Rooms that would normally belong to category ETA 1, but in which smoking is permitted.

areas, storage spaces in office buildings, hotel rooms, cloak rooms.

ETA3Extracted air with a high pollution level

Air from rooms in which moisture emissions, technological processes, chemical substances, etc. significantly reduce the air quality.

Toilets, saunas, kitchens, some chemistry laboratories, copying centres, rooms intended to be used by smokers

ETA4Extracted air with a very high pollution level

Air containing odours and impurities that are harmful to human health, in a concentration higher than the values admissible for the indoor air in occupied areas.

Professional extractor hoods, grills and local devices used to evacuate air from kitchens, garages, tunnels and car parks, painting rooms, dirty laundry rooms, bin rooms, cleaning installations, rooms that are intensely used for smoking and certain chemistry laboratories.

3.1.7. The air introduced in occupied rooms must ensure, through its quality and air flow, the indoor air quality in the occupied area (two categories are considered for the incoming air: SUP1 - SUP2, in accordance with Table 3.5).

Table 3.4. Categories of outdoor air quality (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2007)Category Description

ODA 1 Pure air which contains dust particles (e.g. pollen) only temporarily ODA 2 Outdoor air with a high concentration of dust particlesODA 3 Outdoor air with a high concentration of gaseous pollutantsODA 4 Outdoor air with a high concentration of dust particles and gaseous pollutantsODA 5 Outdoor air with a very high concentration of dust particles and gaseous


Table 3.5. Categories of quality of the air introduced in rooms (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2005)Category Description

SUP1 Incoming air that only contains outdoor air

SUP2 Incoming air that contains outdoor air and recirculated air

Provisions for establishing the configuration of ventilated buildings

3.1.8. The configuration of the building helps increase comfort and save energy; this must be created in accordance with the integrated design concept, depending on the intended use of the building, its compactness, the climatic conditions, and the location.

3.1.9. (1) To ensure economical ventilation, the configuration of the building shall aim to:a) reduce the thermal load of the building;b) provide natural ventilation,


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c) provide controlled ventilation and cooling of the building during the night, in the summer;

d) enable a balanced air circulation inside the building.(2) The following shall be taken into consideration in order to reduce the thermal load of

buildings:a) achieving a convenient ratio between the footprint and the volume of the building,b) designing the building envelope to limit the heating/cooling load by:

1. thermal insulation of the opaque and glass section of the envelope, 2. providing a double, ventilated envelope (integrated in the building ventilation

strategy), 3. using windows provided with efficient and adjustable solar protection, 4. using windows with variable solar transmittance to control lighting and limit the

thermal load in the summerc) including passive or active elements in the envelope, which use solar energy, d) compartmenting the building, locating the interior sources of heat, moisture, gaseous

pollutants or dust in a way that would ensure that the systems’ technical capability to absorb these emissions is not exceeded.

(3) To ensure natural ventilation, depending on the climatic conditions, action shall be taken to use wind energy to activate the ventilation or to limit wind action to not perturb ventilation, as applicable. Therefore:

a) the aim will be to ensure that, around the building, the air currents or wind are blocked or deviated, which enables the creation of an efficient ventilation scenario,

b) in order to use adaptive comfort in naturally ventilated buildings, the occupants must be provided with the possibility of opening the windows and shading their surfaces,

c) if the direction of the dominant wind is parallel to the long side of the building, it is possible to induce ventilation using the wind, through architectural methods or the type of joinery openings,

d) gaps shall be created in the facades, which will be suitably positioned to enable the intake and evacuation of air from the buildings, and will be designed to ensure the required ventilation air flows; auto-adjustable or hygro-adjustable ventilation elements will be installed in these gaps; it is important to avoid obstructing these gaps in any way,

e) gaps shall be created in interior separation elements in order to balance the air circulation inside the buildings, depending on the ventilation diagram (crossing, with simple exposure);

f) It is also important to avoid compartmenting in a space that is developed perpendicularly to the wind direction; on the other hand, the design can stipulate rooms with double orientation using opposite, and not adjacent, walls, which improves the natural ventilation system; a “flexible” open plan can be chosen to facilitate air movement;

g) depending on the ventilation solution, vertical chimneys shall be provided, whose cross-section will ensure the required air flows,

h) if applicable, air draught activation solutions shall be designed, which will be integrated in the architecture of the building:

1. static extractors (deflectors), 2. solar towers, 3. wind towers, 4. atriums,

5. vertical circulation nodes resolved through the staircase, 6. chimneys with the air draught assisted by heating/humidifying the air, which use

solar energy.


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(4) Solutions shall be promoted which use the capacity to store/release heat in the structure of the building, such as:

controlled over-ventilation and cooling of the building during the night, in the summer,

designing floors that allow circulation of the ventilation air.


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3.2. Ventilation systems

Types of ventilation systems

3.2.1. (1) The role of ventilation systems is to introduce/extract air in/from rooms in order to ensure the required indoor air quality.

(2) The incoming air can be fresh air or transferred air.

3.2.2. Based on various criteria, ventilation can be classified in several types (Figure 3.1). a) Depending on the type of energy that creates the air movement, ventilation can be

natural, mechanical or hybrid. Natural ventilation occurs due to the pressure differences between the inside and the outside

of the building, created by natural factors: differences in temperature and wind.Natural ventilation can be organised or non-organised. In the case of organised ventilation,

the ventilation system (openings, pipes) is designed to meet the requirements relating to indoor air quality. Non-organised ventilation, also called airing, occurs due to non-tightness of the building or by opening the windows.

Mechanical ventilation is carried out using mechanical equipment (fans). In the case of hybrid ventilation, mechanical equipment is automatically activated along the natural outlet circuit when the natural factors cannot ensure the required air draught.

b) Depending on the number of circuits, ventilation systems can be classified into single-circuit (mono-flow) systems or two-circuit (double flow) systems.

In single-circuit systems, the mechanical air circulation is carried out using the air intake or air outlet circuit. In two-circuit systems, both the air intake and the air evacuation are carried out mechanically.

Hybrid ventilation is a natural ventilation for which mechanical air circulating equipment has been introduced, which will only activate when the pressure differences created by natural factors are insufficient in order to provide the required air flow.

c) Depending on the air pressure inside the rooms, as a ratio of their exterior pressure, the systems can be of over-pressure, under-pressure or balanced. Single-circuit mechanical ventilation systems can be either of the under-pressure type (with a mechanical suction circuit), or of the over-pressure type (with a mechanical intake circuit). Two-circuit systems are of the under-pressure type if the mechanically-introduced flow is lower than the outgoing flow, of the over-pressure type if the mechanically-introduced flow is higher than the outgoing flow, or balanced if the two flows are equal.

d) Depending on the volume of the area ventilated by the system, the ventilation can be local (e.g. by local suction) or general. Combined ventilation is obtained when using local ventilation together with general ventilation.

e) Depending on the way in which the air is treated, ventilation can be simple (without treatment) or with treatment; air treatment can be simple or complex.


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Figure 3.1. Classification of ventilation systems

General criteria for choosing ventilation systems

3.2.3. Choosing a ventilation system depends on the intended use of the building, the activities carried out therein, the exterior climate, the indoor pollution category of the building, and the category of environment quality established in the design theme. Applicable provisions are introduced in Article 3.1 of this technical regulation.

3.2.4. In all situations, the system must be chosen so that the required thermal comfort and air quality conditions can be obtained with the minimum energy consumption.

3.2.5. Two-circuit (double flow) ventilation systems must be fitted with heat recovery equipment.


criterion – air treatment




criterion – energy source for air circulation




criterion – volume of the ventilated space




criterion – indoor pressure of the room


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3.2.6. Depending on the interior pressure created by the ventilation system installed in the room, 5 categories of pressure conditions can be defined: PC1 – PC5. These categories, established in the absence of wind and thermal draught, are detailed in Table 15 of SR EN 13779:2007.

3.2.7. The under-pressure and over-pressure created by the ventilation systems shall be established so that the air will circulate from the areas with higher air quality requirements to the areas with lower air quality requirements. For the assembly of the ventilated area, the air flows must be balanced.

3.2.8. Should concentrated pollutant emissions occur, it is necessary to provide local suction systems. The compensating air shall be introduced either naturally or via a general ventilation system, as applicable, making sure that it is heated during the cold period of the year.


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4. Climate control in buildings

4.1. Requirements for climate control

Thermal comfort

4.1.1. Climate control aims to create an indoor environment that meets the indoor air quality and thermal comfort requirements.

4.1.2. To characterise the indoor environment, four categories I – IV can be established, in accordance with Table 4.1.

From the point of view of indoor air quality, classes I – IV correspond to classes IDA1 – IDA4 defined in Article 3.1.2.

Category I is recommended for rooms occupied predominantly by people with low metabolism and thermal adjustment difficulties (e.g.: older people).

4.1.3. Thermal comfort is determined by the following parameters: a. indoor air temperature,b. average radiation temperature of the surfaces with which the human body exchanges

heat by radiation,c. relative air humidity,d. indoor air speed,e. thermal insulation of the clothing,f. activities carried out by the occupants, which determine the amount of heat

generated (metabolism).

Table 4.1. Categories of indoor environment (in accordance with SR EN 15251: 2007).Category of environment

Characteristics and recommended field of application

I High level recommended for spaces occupied by people who are very sensitive and fragile and have specific needs, such as ill people, people with a handicap, small children, old people

II Normal level recommended for new or renovated buildings

III Acceptable moderate level, recommended for existing buildings

IV A level other than those specified above; recommended to be accepted for limited periods of time

4.1.4. The thermal comfort inside a room is expressed by the value of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) which, for each category of environment, must be within the value range given in Table 4.2. The resulting percentage of people dissatisfied (PPD) relates to the PMV values. The required PMV value and category of environment shall be established in the design theme and must be mentioned in the technical documentation.


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Table 4.2. PMV and PPD values corresponding to the category of indoor environment (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007)

Category of environment

Global thermal comfort statePercentage of people



Predicted mean vote


I < 6 -0.2<PMV<0.2II < 10 -0.5<PMV<0.5III < 15 -0.7<PMV<0.7IV >15 PMV<-0.7 or PMV>0.7

4.1.5. The method stipulated in Article 4 and 5 of SR EN ISO 7730:2006 shall be applied to calculate the PMV value and the PPD percentage; the required entry values shall be determined depending on the room for calculation (surfaces, thermal insulation), the design indoor air parameters, and using the following data:

- the thermal resistance of the clothing, given in Annex C of standard SR EN ISO 7730:2006,- the heat generated by people (metabolism), given in Annex B of standard SR EN ISO

7730:2006 or Table 25 of standard SR EN 13779:2007,- in climate controlled rooms where the humidity level is not adjusted, the relative air

humidity shall be considered to be 50 %.The calculation shall be carried out for the representative rooms of the climate-controlled

building, which are specified in the calculation notes together with the hypotheses that have been adopted.

4.1.6. Under certain activity and clothing conditions typical for certain intended uses of rooms, taking into consideration a relative air humidity of 50 % and low air speeds inside the rooms, the calculation of the PMV values can be replaced by calculation of the operating temperature. The operating temperature values for various intended uses and categories of climate are given in Table 4.3. Unless otherwise required, the specified operating temperature shall be considered in the centre of the room, 0.6 m above the floor.These operating temperature values can also be considered to be design values instead of the design indoor temperature, if using methods that determine the thermal load on the basis of the operating temperature.

Table 4.3. Operating comfort temperatures (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007)Type of building or room Category operating temperature [0C]

minimum for heating; Clothing 1.0 clo

Maximum for cooling; Clothing 0.5 clo

Residential buildings (living rooms, bedrooms)sedentary activity – 1.2 met

I 21.0 25.5II 20.0 26.0III 18.0 27.0

Residential buildings (other rooms)

standing, walking – 1.5 met

I 18.0II 16.0III 14.0

Individual or landscape offices, meeting rooms, auditoriums, cake

I 21.0 25.5II 20.0 26.0


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shops, coffee shops, restaurants, classroomssedentary activity – 1.2 met

III 19.0 27.0

Crèches, kindergartens

standing, walking – 1.4 met

I 19.0 24.5II 17.5 25.5III 16.5 26.0

Large stores

standing, walking – 1.6 met

I 17.5 24.0II 16.0 25.0III 15.0 26.0

4.1.7. If there are unusual comfort requirements, additional criteria shall be taken into consideration when assessing thermal comfort: radiation asymmetry, vertical temperature gradient, air currents, floor temperature. The calculation methods stipulated in Article 6 of standard SR EN ISO 7730:2006 shall be applied to assess the influence that these indoor conditions have on the comfort level.

4.1.8. Apart from the comfort conditions, which constitute design data, the design engineer and the beneficiary can also agree on the time periods in which the design values can be exceeded (e.g. hours per day or days per year).

4.1.9. For rooms which are intended to be used for sedentary activities (with the metabolism between 1 and 1.3 met: offices, schools, etc.) and are ventilated but not climate-controlled, the acceptable operating temperature in the rooms can be verified depending on the climatic conditions, in accordance with the procedure indicated in Article A2, Annex A of standard SR EN 15251:2007. The temperature limits resulting from this procedure shall only be valid if the occupants can open the windows.

4.1.10. Within the temperature range prescribed for indoor air, (20 – 27°C), the relative humidity can vary between 30 and 70 %. The effect of this level of humidity shall be assessed by calculating the PMV value. The relative humidity must not drop below 30 %; this risk may occur in winter conditions and, in these situations, the air must be humidified.

The upper humidity limit is set to a moisture content of 12 g/kg, which must not be exceeded. Should this risk occur, the air must be dried.

4.1.11. (1) Humidity control shall only be provided in buildings where the type of activity requires this (e.g.: museums, special laboratories, certain hospital rooms, halls housing various technological processes).

(2) Humidity control can also be provided at the written request of the beneficiary, who must specify that they have been informed about the additional energy consumption that this would require. The design theme shall distinctly specify the rooms that should be provided with humidity control; these rooms shall form a separate thermal zone supplied by a designated air treatment unit.

(3) In civilian buildings where humidity control is adopted, the recommended relative humidity of the indoor air is given in Table 4.4. The level of comfort shall also be checked by calculating the PMV value, in accordance with Article 4.1.4.Table 4.4. Humidity values recommended for humidity-controlled buildingsType of buildings/rooms Category design humidity for

dehumidification [%]design humidity for humidification [%]

Spaces in which the level of humidity is related to human presence

I 50 30II 60 25III 70 25


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Spaces with special designations (museums, churches, laboratories) may require other limits

IV > 70 20

4.1.12. The average air speed (in the sense of the time average for turbulence values) is recommended in Table 4.5, for a draught index DR between 10 and 20 % and a turbulence intensity of 40 %. In all situations, the criteria for checking the level of comfort will be the PMV value, calculated in accordance with Article 4.1.4.

Table 4.5. Average speeds recommended for air movement in rooms (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2007)Local air temperature Ta (0C) Typical range Value by absence (DR=15 %)

Ta = 20 from 0.1 to 0.16 v ≤ 0.13Ta = 21 from 0.1 to 0.17 v ≤ 0.14Ta = 22 from 0.11 to 0.18 v ≤ 0.15Ta = 24 from 0.13 to 0.21 v ≤ 0.17Ta = 26 from 0.15 to 0.25 v ≤ 0.20

4.1.13. The annexes of standard SR EN ISO 7730:2006 contain tables with the calculated PMV values for many combinations of entry data; a calculation programme using the BASIC language is also given to carry out a numerical calculation of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV).

Sound (noise) level

4.1.14. When designing ventilation and climate control systems, the indoor noise level shall be assessed by means of the A-weighted sound pressure level.

4.1.15. The noise emitted by the running systems is limited to the values given in Table 4.6.If the occupants are able to control the operation of the equipment (e.g. the speed gear of fan

convectors), the sound pressure level when this equipment is running can exceed the values given in the Table by a maximum of 5 dB(A).

Table 4.6. The sound pressure level admissible for ventilation and climate control systems (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007)Intended use of the building Intended use of the room Sound pressure level [dB(A)]

Range value by absence

Dwellings Living roomBedroom

25 – 4020 - 35


Crèches, kindergartens 30 - 45 40Spaces used by the public Auditoriums, cinemas

Libraries, museumsTribunals

30 – 3528 -3530 - 40


Commercial spaces Small shopsLarge stores, supermarketsLarge computer roomsSmall computer rooms

35 -5040 -50

40 -6040-50



Hospitals Corridors 35 - 40 40


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Operating theatresConsultation roomsLiving roomsPatient rooms

30 - 4825 - 3520 - 3525 - 40


Hotels ReceptionLoungesRooms (night time)Rooms (day time)

35 – 4535 – 4525 – 3530 - 40


Offices Small officesLandscape officesConference roomsCompartmented offices

30 – 4035 - 4530 – 4035 - 45


Restaurants Coffee shopRestaurantKitchen

35 – 5035 -5040 - 60


Schools ClassroomsCorridorsTeacher rooms

30 – 4035 – 5030 - 40


Sports Covered stadiumsSwimming pools

35 – 5040 - 50


General Toilets, dressing rooms 40 - 50 45


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4.2. Climate control systems

Types of climate control systems

4.2.1. Climate control in buildings ensures indoor thermal comfort throughout the year. The climate control can be provided by local climate control equipment or units, or by centralised systems.

4.2.2. (1) Central climate control systems can be: “air-only” systems, “air to water” systems or “air/refrigerant” (direct expansion) systems.

These can be mono-zone (serve a single thermal zone, which has a large volume or is made up of several small volumes) or multi-zone.

a) Air-only climate control systems can be constructed in a low pressure version or a high pressure version, and can operate with a constant or variable air flow (VAV systems).

For variable-flow air-only climate control systems, air flow variation devices must be introduced such as: variable-flow air holes or various types of variable-flow variators and fans. These control the indoor air temperature by changing the outgoing air flow with a constant temperature.

Air-only climate control systems can be equipped with one or two air intake pipes. The climate control systems equipped with a single intake pipe are constructed in the

following versions: without additional zonal treatment, with zonal heating batteries and/or cooling batteries or with heating and cooling batteries, zonal mixing dampers, and zonal fans.

The systems equipped with two intake pipes are also equipped with mixing equipment; this equipment can be local (for each room) or zonal (serve a thermal zone) and can be provided with one or two air intake fans.

b) Air to water climate control systems can operate with recirculated air only (disconnected from the ventilation), or with fresh and recirculated air. Based on the number of water pipes, air to water climate control systems can be classified into two, three or four-pipe systems.

Based on the type of terminal equipment, the systems can be classified into systems equipped with fan convectors or systems fitted with equipment that uses the ejection principle (ejectors or cooling beams). Terminal equipment can be adjusted for the air circuit or the water circuit.

The classification of air-only and air to water systems is shown in Figure 4.1.


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Figure 4.1. Classification of “air to water” and “air-only” climate control systems.

Selection criteria and prescriptions for the design of climate control systems 4.2.3. Climate control systems shall be chosen depending on:

a. the indoor air parameters that must be reached in climate-controlled rooms, b. the number or areas to be climate controlled;c. the thermal load of these areas;d. the access to thermal energy, electricity, natural gases, etc.;e. the dimensions of the technical rooms and the possibility to install the climate control

equipment;f. the noise level accepted in the climate-controlled rooms;g. the energy consumption of the system;h. the architectural features of the buildings and rooms to be climate controlled.

4.2.4. “Air-only” climate control systems shall preferably be chosen for areas of buildings in which the ventilation air (fresh air) flow rate is high and comparable to the air flow required in order to absorb the heat. This type of system is used for mono-zone volumes where a low level of noise is required.

4.2.5. If the thermal load displays small variations during the daily working hours, a constant-flow “air-only” climate control system shall be used. The same system shall also be chosen for rooms with a variable thermal load, if a constant air flow rate must be evacuated from these rooms.


variable or constant air flow systems


with or without primary (fresh) air

with adjustment of the water or

air circuit


- with 1 outlet fan- with 2 outlet fans

with 1 (hot or cold) air intake pipe

with 2 intake pipes : hot+cold

with fan convectors

with ejectors

(including cooling beams)

low or high pressure systems

with 2, 3 or 4 hot and/or cold water


- without zonal treatment- with zonal heating batteries- with zonal heating and cooling batteries- with zonal fans

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4.2.6. The use of single-pipe “air-only” climate control systems, zonal batteries or zonal fans should be avoided, since these cannot reach the indoor parameters during transition periods.

4.2.7. In rooms that display large thermal load variations, a variable-flow “air-only” climate control system can be chosen, as long as the spaces are correctly ventilated throughout the working hours.

4.2.8. Variable-flow “air-only” climate control systems should not be used in the following situations:

a. in rooms where a variation of the air flow and, implicitly, of the air speed in the room would create non-ventilated areas which could disturb the processes carried out in the climate-controlled rooms;

b. in rooms where the system is visible and VAV equipment cannot be installed; c. in rooms where air pipes, even in the high pressure version, cannot be installed;d. in rooms in which the air distribution is ensured by air pipes made of textile materials; e. “air to water” and “air-refrigerant” climate control systems shall be used in buildings

with low height rooms, where the ventilation flow rate is much lower than the one required to cover the thermal load.

4.2.9. If “air to water” and “air-refrigerant” climate control systems are used, the building shall be equipped with a ventilation air intake system and a ventilation air outlet system.

4.2.10. Due to the reduced pressure capacity of terminal ejector-convector equipment, usage of these systems in high height rooms that require long range jets should be avoided.

“Air-only” climate control systems4.2.11. To use an “air-only” system correctly, a thermal zoning of the building shall be

performed, which consists of grouping together rooms that have the same orientation, the same working hours, and are close to each other. A thermal zone can consist of only one room.

4.2.12. In buildings that occupy a very large surface area, separation zones with a maximum surface area of 2 300 m2 shall be created, which will be climate-controlled using systems that can be shut down independently from other zones. There can be several thermal zones in a separation zone.

4.2.13. The central air treatment unit will mix the fresh air with the recirculated air and treat the mixture up to a certain temperature; the air will be treated up to the parameters required for the zone using the zonal equipment; the unit shall be located so that the routes of the air pipes towards the areas of the building are approximately equal.

4.2.14. The unit shall be located in an accessible place, to enable cleaning of the cooling and heating batteries.

4.2.15. The unit shall be equipped with a system for regulating the fresh air—recirculated air ratio, which can be of the all-or-nothing type, indoor air quality-dependent or equipped with progressive adjustment, depending on the outdoor air temperature.

4.2.16. An all-or-nothing adjustment shall be provided for rooms that are occupied on an intermittent basis and in which the number of occupants is always the same.


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4.2.17. The fresh air flow rate shall be adjusted based on the indoor air quality in rooms where the number of occupants is variable and where it is recommended for the fresh air flow rate to be variable, depending on the number of people in the room.

4.2.18. The fresh air flow rate shall be adjusted by comparing the indoor and outdoor air temperatures if aiming to achieve maximum energy saving and high indoor air quality.

4.2.19. All the equipment used will bear the CE or Technical Agreement marking, or will have equivalent performance and be legally sold in a Member State of the European Union or Turkey, or will be legally manufactured in an EFTA state that is a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area, the type of certificate of conformity being stipulated in the system documentation included in the Technical manual of the construction.

Constant-flow “air-only” climate control systems4.2.20. Single-pipe climate control systems shall be used in buildings which do not require

relative humidity control and where temperature variations are permitted in the rooms within the same thermal zone. They control the indoor temperature of climate-controlled rooms by introducing a constant air flow with variable temperature.

4.2.21. The single-pipe system should not be used in buildings where the indoor air temperature must be regulated within relatively tight limits in all climate-controlled rooms, and in rooms where the thermal load variation profile is high during the day, rooms that need heating during the day or rooms that need cooling during the day.

4.2.22. The air pipes used in single-pipe climate control systems shall be preferably sized for the low pressure version, which would lead to lower energy consumption and a low level of noise.

4.2.23. The air pipes can be connected to the air holes using rigid or flexible fittings. In this case, the flexible fittings shall not be longer than 2 m.

4.2.24. The zonal treatment equipment of single-pipe climate control systems, zonal heating and/or cooling batteries, and zonal fan units shall be located at the entry to the thermal zone or in its centre of mass.

4.2.25. For a system equipped with heating batteries, cooling batteries, and mixing dampers, the zonal equipment can even be located in the treatment unit, if the number of zones is small. In this case, a multi-zone treatment unit shall be used.

4.2.26. The dimensions of the zonal treatment equipment (heating and cooling batteries) shall be chosen so that the outlet temperature required in the thermal zone they serve can be obtained.

4.2.27. The temperature transducer shall be located in a representative room within the climate-controlled zone or in the air recirculation pipe.

The transducer shall be located in the representative rooms when all rooms display a similar thermal load variation.

For zones in which the rooms display different thermal load variations, the temperature transducer shall be installed in the recirculation pipe.

4.2.28. If aiming to control the temperature in all climate-controlled rooms of the building, a dual-pipe “air-only” climate control system shall be used.


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4.2.29. In a dual-pipe “air-only” system, the two air pipes shall be dimensioned for the entire air flow of the building.

4.2.30. For dual-pipe “air-only” systems, it is recommended that medium or high pressure climate control systems are used to reduce the volume occupied by these pipes within the building.

4.2.31. The mixing equipment of dual-pipe “air-only” systems can be equipped with direct or indirect adjustment.

4.2.32. Mixing equipment shall be thermally and sound insulated so that the noise level in the climate-controlled rooms is not exceeded.

4.2.33. The mixing equipment shall be chosen so that the air flow is ensured for each individual room. For large rooms, several mixing devices of the same type can be chosen, which would provide the desired flow rate.

4.2.34. The air pipes shall be connected to the mixing equipment by flexible thermally insulated pipes with a maximum length of 2 m.

4.2.35. In dual-pipe “air-only” systems, the following adjustment methods can be used to regulate the indoor air temperature: the method in which the cold air temperature is constant all year around and the warm air temperature is variable, depending on the outdoor air temperature, and the method in which both temperatures are variable all year around, depending on the outdoor air temperature.

Variable-flow “air-only” climate control systems4.2.36. Terminal air intake devices must ensure the variation of the intake flow and are of the

following types: variable-flow air holes, simple air variators, induction variators, and variators equipped with auxiliary fans.

a) Variable-flow air holes shall be used in rooms where the outlet speed variation does not have a particular influence on the processes carried out in these rooms.

b) In rooms where uniform air distribution is desired, induction air variators and variators equipped with auxiliary fans shall be used.

c) In rooms where simple variators will be used to ensure air distribution, the recommended variable-flow air holes shall be used.

d) In the perimetral zones of a building, where heating is required during the winter, flow variators equipped with heating batteries shall be used.

4.2.37. The air flow variation devices to be used in climate-controlled rooms shall be chosen so that:

a. they ensure an air flow suitable for the room;b. they cover the entire thermal load of the room;c. the same automation system is used for all variators being used in the building.

4.2.38. If variable-flow air holes are used, they must prevent the risk of air being short-circuited between the air inlet holes and the air outlet (extraction) holes of the room.

4.2.39. All flow variation devices must be able to reach the minimum flow rate that would ensure air circulation in the climate-controlled rooms.


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4.2.40. Flow variators equipped with auxiliary fans should not be used in rooms where the noise level must be reduced.

4.2.41. The treatment unit of variable flow systems shall have the same configuration as constant flow systems. The unit fan shall be equipped with an air flow variation system that uses: a bypass valve, a frame fitted with shutters that can be adjusted simultaneously during fan suction, or a variable speed fan.

4.2.42. The flow variation within the system shall occur between the minimum flow, which must be equal to the minimum fresh air flow, and the nominal flow. The nominal air flow of the unit shall be determined for the entire building, taking into consideration the thermal load of the building calculated in accordance with subchapter 5.3 of this technical regulation. The air flow rates of the rooms, needed in order to choose the flow variators, shall be calculated for each individual room taking into consideration their thermal loads.

4.2.43. The air flow variation shall be controlled by the regulating system, based on the signals received from the static pressure sensors installed in the system.

4.2.44. The static pressure sensors shall be located so that the energy saving within the system is maximised.

4.2.45. Single-pipe climate control systems, which cannot ensure cooling or heating during the day, should not be used in rooms where the thermal load variation is high.

4.2.46. The variable-flow air holes can be supplied with air through insulated rigid or flexible fittings. The flexible fittings shall not be longer than 2 m.

Air to water climate control4.2.47. “Air to water” climate control systems can operate with recirculated air only

(disconnected from the ventilation), or with fresh and recirculated air. Based on the number of water pipes, air to water climate control systems can be classified into two, three or four-pipe systems.

4.2.48. Based on the type of terminal equipment, the systems can be classified into systems equipped with fan convectors or systems fitted with equipment that uses the ejection principle (ejectors or cooling beams).

Climate control via fan convectors4.2.49. A climate control system equipped with fan convectors can be used in rooms that are

2.5 - 5 m high and are designed to be used for: blocks of flats, villas, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, cake shops, brasseries, banks, meeting rooms, discos, auditoriums, laboratories, administrative buildings, precision mechanics, the aeronautical and electronics industry.

4.2.50. Fan convectors should not be used in rooms with high thermal loads (more than 23 W/m3), a humidity level above 80 %, dust or toxic fumes, as well as in rooms with special sound requirements (theatres, cinemas, opera halls, philharmonic halls, audio-video recording rooms, etc.).

4.2.51. The location of the fan convectors shall be chosen taking into consideration the following: the architecture of the building; the heating supply options, the noise level admissible in the climate-controlled rooms and the possibilities to evacuate condensation.


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4.2.52. Encased fan convectors can be placed in rooms where there is not enough room in the false ceiling and where the breastwork is high enough to mask the fan convectors.

4.2.53. Using encased fan convectors only on the exterior walls of a building and in spaces with large openings, where they cannot ensure a uniform distribution of the treated air, should be avoided.

4.2.54. Non-encased fan convectors shall be used in these spaces, which have enough pressure capacity to ensure that air distribution takes place through a network of air holes. Any type of outlet hole can be used in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.1.8 and 6.1.9 of this technical regulation.

4.2.55. The air shall be recirculated through holes connected to the suction pipe of the fan convector; direct suction from the false ceiling is not admissible.

4.2.56. The air holes and recirculation pipes should be chosen so that the load losses do not exceed the pressure capacity of the fan, which is usually no higher than 40 Pa.

4.2.57. The air flow inside a room shall be established based on the medium speed level of the fan convectors, in accordance with Article 5.4.19 of this technical regulation.

4.2.58. Condensation shall be evacuated via independent discharge pipes; these must be connected in a way that prevents any gases from the sewage system from entering the rooms. The minimum diameter used shall be 32 mm. Condensation discharge pipes shall not be thermally insulated.

4.2.59. The heat supply shall be ensured by a two or four-pipe system.

4.2.60. Fan convectors shall be chosen so that they meet all the heating and cooling needs of the climate-controlled room or area of the building.

4.2.61. The thermal load for choosing the fan convectors shall be established as follows:a. the sensitive load shall be determined based on the thermal balance of the room (or

climate-controlled area),b. the total load includes the sensitive load and the heat generated when the water

vapours condense on the surface of the cooling battery.

4.2.62. The thermal load of the fan convectors shall be increased by the load required in order to cool or heat the fresh air, as applicable.

4.2.63. It is recommended for the chosen fan convectors to provide the thermal and refrigeration load required for the respective room when running at medium speed.

4.2.64. The fan convectors used will have to:a. provide the outdoor air flow required for the rooms that are not yet fitted with an

independent fresh air intake system; b. regulate the indoor air temperature in each independent room; c. ensure that the noise level is suitable for the intended use of the room.


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4.2.65. The number of fan convectors and their location shall be established so that the air jets ensure uniform air distribution within the room, avoiding the occurrence of discomfort zones due to air currents.

4.2.66. Whenever possible, fan convectors shall be chosen taking into account the possibility that the climate-controlled space will be re-compartmented.

4.2.67. Outdoor air can be supplied by: a. “fresh air kits”, if the fan convectors are located on an exterior wall in which holes can

be made; these will be provided with anti-frost protection,b) –”individual fresh air installations”, which can use fan convectors or local air treatment

units to treat the air, sized so that they can treat the air until the indoor temperature is reached; these installations will be provided with anti-frost protection,

c) “centralised fresh air installations”, whose dimensions will enable them to treat the air until the indoor temperature is reached,

d) naturally-organised ventilation.

4.2.68. If using a “centralised fresh air installation”, the air intake shall be carried out via fittings connected to the suction plenum of the fan convectors or to devices that introduce the air directly into the room.

4.2.69. Heat pipes shall be thermally insulated. The cooled water pipes shall be insulated so that no condensation occurs on the outer surface of the insulation. The thermal insulation must be resistant to water vapours to ensure that condensation does not occur on the outer surface of the pipes. The pipes shall be protected against corrosion.

Climate control using induction equipment (ejector-convectors, cooling beams) 4.2.70. When this type of system is used, the fresh air is prepared in centralised systems. The fresh air flow shall be calculated in accordance with Article 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of this technical regulation; if the primary air flow required for the operation of the ejector-convectors within the system is higher than the necessary fresh air flow, this shall be ensured by mixing it with indoor air.

4.2.71. The primary air flow shall be distributed to the ejector-convectors/cooling beams by thermally insulated and sound insulated pipes.

4.2.72. Given the characteristics of the ejector-convectors, the system shall be used in:- rooms with small dust discharges,- buildings provided with breastwork for installing ejector-convectors.

4.2.73. If the rooms have large interior spaces, the system using ejector-convectors can be combined with cooling beams.

4.2.74. The cooling beams can be located inside the rooms, either in a visible place or in the false ceiling.

4.2.75. The climate control system shall be equipped with a condensation outlet pipe constructed in accordance with Article 4.2.58 of this technical regulation.

Climate control via water loop heat pumps


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4.2.76. The system is recommended in large buildings whose rooms are grouped into thermal zones that have both heating and cooling requirements.

4.2.77. The heat carrier used in this climate control system is water, which is circulated in a closed circuit that forms a “water loop”.

4.2.78. In winter, the heat pump uses water with a temperature of approximately 20°C, taken from the water loop, and cools it down to a temperature of approximately 16°C.

4.2.79. In the summer, the system runs in the cooling mode, in which it takes water with a temperature of approximately 30°C from the water loop and heats it to a temperature of 36°C.

4.2.80. In winter, the water is kept on the feed pipe at a temperature above 16°C using a source of heat. The temperature on the return pipe has a low limit for reasons relating to condensation of the water vapours in the indoor air, and therefore the pipes shall not be insulated.

4.2.81. In the summer, a closed-circuit or open-circuit cooling tower shall maintain the temperature of the water in the loop below 35°C.

4.2.82. One or several heat pumps shall be used to ensure the climate control of large rooms. These recirculate the air in the room and bring it to the required parameters to ensure that the indoor air temperature is within the prescribed range.

4.2.83. The heat pumps can be encased, which are installed in a visible place the same as fan convectors, or non-encased, which are installed in false ceilings or especially designated technical spaces (for large flow rates).

4.2.84. When installing heat pumps, care shall be taken to leave access to the pumps for maintenance operations.

4.2.85. The system shall be equipped with a fresh air installation sized in accordance with Article 5.4.3 of this technical regulation.

4.2.86. Fresh air shall be introduced in accordance with Article 4.2.67 of this technical regulation.

4.2.87. For each heat pump, regulating and balancing valves shall be installed that are provided with the possibility to measure the heat carrier flow rate.

4.2.88. The water loop shall be constructed as an annular distribution network.

4.2.89. The water loop can be designed as two versions: a. without accumulation; in this case, the water flow circulated in the loop and through

the heat source or cooling tower is constant;b. with heat accumulation; the heat can be accumulated in a tank or boiler.

“Air-refrigerant” climate control


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Local “air-refrigerant” climate control 4.2.90. Local climate control using refrigerant shall be carried out using split systems and can

be used in residential buildings and office buildings with a small number of rooms.

4.2.91. It is recommended that equipment that can also function as a heat pump in the winter is used.

4.2.92. Indoor units shall be located so that the air jet does not disturb the occupants.

4.2.93. Buildings that are climate-controlled using local equipment must allow for outdoor units to be installed if necessary.

4.2.94. Whenever possible, outdoor units shall be located on facades that are exposed to very little direct sunlight and where the aesthetic aspect is not important.

4.2.95. Multi-split equipment can be used to reduce the number of outdoor units used.

4.2.96. In large rooms, SPLIT equipment can be used that has a significant air pressure capacity and to which air pipes and inlet/outlet holes can be installed.

4.2.97. The air holes shall be located in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Article 6.1.

Centralised air-refrigerant climate control with variable refrigerant flow (VRV) 4.2.98. Centralised variable-flow air-refrigerant climate control systems are indicated for use

in buildings with a large number of rooms, large thermal load differences, and where there are no sources of thermal energy or the installation of a hot or cooled water pipe network, which is necessary for an air to water system, is not desirable.

4.2.99. The indoor units shall be chosen similarly to fan convectors. (Article 4.2.52-4.2.53 of this technical regulation).

4.2.100. The VRV system must be connected to a fresh air supply system. The fresh air shall be supplied similarly to a climate control system using fan convectors (Article 4.2.67 of this technical regulation).

4.2.101. Outdoor units can be located on the roof of the climate-controlled building or on the ground, in specially designated areas. It must be ensured that the noise level does not exceed the values admissible for the area.


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5. General design elements

5.1. Indoor calculation parameters for ventilated/climate-controlled buildings

5.1.1. The dimensions of ventilation and climate control systems shall be determined in accordance with calculation requirements, which include:

a. indoor calculation parameters,b. outdoor calculation parameters,c. indoor operating conditions (indoor sources of heat, humidity, pollutants,

technological processes, etc.).

5.1.2. The calculation parameters established for the design shall also be taken into account in order to assess the energy consumption of the building and obtain energy certification for the building.

5.1.3. The indoor calculation parameters shall be determined as a function of the intended use of the building and of the ventilated/climate-controlled rooms, the desired climate category (category of indoor air quality and the desired level of comfort), the type of system used, and the season (heating and/or cooling).

5.1.4. The indoor calculation parameters, established in agreement with the beneficiary of the building, shall be clearly specified in the design theme, as well as in the specialist report and the design calculation notes.

Climate control systems

5.1.5. (1) For climate control systems designed to ensure the thermal comfort of the occupants, the indoor calculation parameters shall be determined depending on the season, category of environment, and intended use of the room.

Most frequently, the indoor calculation parameters are:a. indoor design temperature,b. indoor air humidity

(2) For daily intended uses, the indoor design temperature shall be chosen from Table 5.1. For other intended uses, typical values are indicated in subchapters 8.1 – 8.8 of this technical regulation, or can be chosen by assimilation, depending on the activities carried out, metabolism, and clothing.

Table 5.1 Indoor calculation temperature for comfort climate control (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007)

Type of building or room Category design air temperature [0C]temperature for heating; Clothing 1.0 clo

temperature for cooling *;Clothing 0.5 clo

Residential buildings (living rooms, bedrooms)sedentary activity – 1.2 met

I 21.0 – 25.0 23.5 – 25.5II 20.0 -25.0 23.0 – 26.0III 18.0 – 25.0 22.0 – 27.0

Residential buildings (other rooms)

standing, walking – 1.5 met

I 18.0 – 25.0II 16.0 – 25.0III 14.0 – 25.0

Individual or landscape offices, I 21.0 – 23.0 23.5 – 25.535

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meeting rooms, cake shops, coffee shops, restaurants, classroomssedentary activity – 1.2 met

II 20.0 – 24.0 23.0 – 26.0III 19.0 – 25.0 22.0 – 27.0

Crèches, kindergartens

standing, walking – 1.4 met

I 19.0 – 21.0 22.5 – 24.5II 17.5 – 22.5 21.5 – 25.5III 16.5 – 23.5 21.0 – 26.0

Large stores

standing, walking – 1.6 met

I 17.5 – 20.5 22.0 – 24.0II 16.0 – 22.0 21.0 – 25.0III 15.0 – 23.0 20.0 – 26.0

* For cooling, the air temperature shall be chosen from the value range given in the table, so that the difference between the outdoor and indoor design temperature does not exceed 10°C; if the resulting temperature is higher than 10°C, the corresponding maximum value given in the table shall be adopted.

(3) The relative design humidity shall only be set for climate control systems that regulate humidity; in this case, the values chosen shall be those given in Table 4.4 or those given for special intended uses. For equipment that does not require humidity control, the values given in Table 4.4 can only be adopted as a guide for calculating the air flow and tracing the complex treatment processes in the humid air diagram h-x.

(4) Instead of the indoor temperature and humidity, the operating temperature or comfort index PMV can be adopted as the calculation basis for determining the dimensions of the system (in accordance with subchapter 4.1 of this technical regulation).

5.1.6. For buildings provided with climate control for technological purposes, the indoor calculation parameters are set in accordance with the requirements of the processes carried out in the room. Other design requirements apart from temperature and humidity can also appear which usually refer to air purity and air current speed.

5.1.7. For buildings that are ventilated naturally or mechanically without air treatment, the indoor temperature shall be limited in relation to the outdoor design temperature by adopting a maximum temperature increase of 5°C.

5.2. Outdoor calculation parameters for ventilated/climate-controlled buildings

5.2.1. The outdoor calculation parameters shall be determined as a function of the location of the building, the type of system being constructed, and the season (heating and cooling).

5.2.2. The outdoor calculation parameters shall be clearly specified in the design theme, as well as in the specialist report and the design calculation notes.

5.2.3. The outdoor calculation parameters for comfort or technological climate control systems are as follows:

a) for the cooling season1. outdoor design temperature,2. daytime outdoor temperature variation for a typical day,3. outdoor air humidity,4. solar radiation.


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The summer outdoor design temperature shall be chosen as the maximum hourly temperature of an average climatic year, for the design locality. If there is no processed weather data available for the locality where the building is located, the value chosen shall be the one for the nearest county capital city that has a similar climate (the values for county capital cities are given in Annex 2 of this technical regulation).

The relative design humidity for the summer is the one corresponding to the maximum hourly temperature value determined as stipulated above (the values for county capital cities are given in Annex 2).

The daytime outdoor temperature variation for a typical day shall be calculated for each hour of the day as a cosine function having the outdoor design temperature value as its maximum and 7°C as its amplitude compared to the average daily value. An exception is the Black Sea coast region, for which the amplitude shall be considered to be 4°C.

Depending on the time and orientation, the solar radiation (direct and diffuse) shall be considered regardless of the locality, using the values corresponding to the meridian that goes through Bucharest and for 45°N latitude, with corrections for the altitude and clarity of the atmosphere (the values are given in Annex 3 of this technical regulation).

b) for the heating season 1. outdoor design temperature,2. outdoor air humidity.

The outdoor design temperature for the winter is given in standard SR 1907-1:1997 and is chosen depending on the climatic zone in which the locality is located.

The relative design humidity for the winter shall be considered to be 80 %. Solar radiation shall not be taken into consideration when sizing the system for winter


5.2.4. For mechanical ventilation systems, the winter and summer outdoor design temperature and relative design humidity shall be chosen similarly to those for climate control systems (Article 5.2.3).

5.2.5. In certain particular situations, which are specified in this technical regulation, it may be necessary to carry out calculations and inspections in other outdoor design conditions.

5.3. Heating/cooling load of a climate-controlled building

5.3.1. The heating/cooling load shall be calculated for each climate-controlled thermal zone of a building.

5.3.2. The limits of a thermal zone are given by all the construction elements that separate the respective zone from the outside environment (air, ground or water), climate-controlled adjacent spaces, adjacent spaces that are not climate-controlled or neighbouring buildings. There are situations in which the thermal zones are separated by fictitious surfaces (for example, supermarket areas that are not compartmented but have different temperatures). In all situations, the areas for which the thermal load is calculated must be defined in the technical design documentation.

5.3.3. In rooms where humidity is generated (by people and other sources), the thermal load shall be calculated separately for the sensitive heat (sensitive load) and the latent heat load or the total thermal load (sensitive plus latent) and the latent load.

5.3.4. The heating load shall be determined by means of a thermal balance of the room or area, being equal to the difference between the heat discharges inside the climate-controlled area


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(including those generated by heating systems with static units – if applicable) and the amount of heat needed to heat this area.

5.3.5. The following shall be considered to be heat discharges inside the climate-controlled area during the heating period:

a) occupants – if their presence is permanent, certain, and constant; otherwise, a lower degree of occupancy (25-50 %) than the nominal situation shall be taken into consideration. Whenever possible, the design values for the nominal degree of occupancy must be based on real data specific to the respective project; if no values are available, the values by absence indicated in Annex 4 of this technical regulation shall apply. The heat discharged by a person shall be determined based on the values given in Annex 5 of this technical regulation. The heat discharged by the occupants shall be calculated in the form of:

1. sensitive heat,2. latent heat,3. total heat.

b) electrical lighting; whenever possible, the design values for the installed capacity of the lighting units must be based on real data specific to the respective project; if no values are available, the values by absence indicated in Annex 6 of this technical regulation shall apply.

c) electrically-activated machines, equipment, and devices; the design values must be based on real data specific to the respective project, taking into account the ratio between the maximum power needed and the nominal power of the electrical motor, their simultaneous operation, and the way in which the heat is absorbed by the air.

d) electronic office equipment; whenever possible, the design values must be based on real data specific to the respective design; if no values are available, a value by absence of 100 W/person can be applied during the operating period.

e) heaters – if the climate-controlled area is also equipped with a heating system with static units, the thermal power dissipated by these units shall be considered to be a heat discharge inside the climate-controlled area.

f) other sources – depending on the intended use of the respective space, other heat discharges can be taken into consideration (e.g. food - areas where a large number of portions are served within a short period of time, materials - spaces where warm or melted materials are brought in, etc.).

The heat discharges inside the climate-controlled area shall be added up, taking into consideration a plausible scenario of occupancy and activity that is characteristic of the winter period.

5.3.6. The amount of heat needed to heat the climate-controlled area shall be determined in accordance with the methodology stipulated in SR 1907-1:1997. For areas that are climate-controlled using over-pressure, the amount of heat needed for the infiltrated air shall not be taken into consideration; the calculation shall also not include the amount of heat needed for the ventilation air, if this air is treated in a centralised way.

5.3.7. The cooling load shall be determined using the heat balance of the room, as being the sum between the heat flows exchanged between the inside and the outside of the climate-controlled area and the heat discharges (or losses) inside this area.

5.3.8. The following heat flows exchanged between the outside and the climate-controlled area shall be considered:

a) heat flows through the opaque construction elements of the climate-controlled area envelope; the calculation for these heat flows shall take into consideration the indoor air and outdoor


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air parameters, determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. This calculation must take into account the damping and displacement of the indoor flow compared to the outdoor flow.

b) heat flows through the glass construction elements of the climate-controlled area envelope ; the calculation for these heat flows shall take into consideration the indoor air and outdoor air parameters, determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. The calculation must also take into account the thermo-physical and optical properties of the materials and the shading created by construction elements and neighbouring buildings.

c) heat flows from adjacent spaces that are not climate-controlled; the calculation for these heat flows shall take into consideration the thermo-physical properties of the materials in the structure of the construction elements that separate the climate-controlled area from the adjacent spaces that are not climate-controlled; the air temperature inside the spaces that are not climate-controlled shall be determined following a heat balance of these spaces.

5.3.9. The heat discharges inside the climate-controlled area during the cooling period are of the same type as those established in Article 5.3.4, with the note that the values which depend on the indoor temperature must be recalculated.

5.3.10. The design cooling load is the result of the hourly thermal load calculation for a typical day, where the daytime outdoor temperature variation is as stipulated in Article 5.2.3 and an occupancy and activity scenario characteristic to the summer period is taken into consideration, in order to assess the heat discharges inside the climate-controlled area. The maximum value of the resulting load profile shall be chosen as the design thermal load.

5.3.11. For climate-control systems that introduce air in the occupied area (displacement systems, etc.), the design cooling load shall be determined by means of a thermal balance both for the entire room and the occupied area alone.

5.3.12. The design load for sizing the heating/cooling source shall be determined as the maximum value obtained by overlapping the load profile of all thermal zones connected to the source.

5.4. Air flows in ventilated and climate-controlled spaces

5.4.1. The design flows shall be used to determine the dimensions of the system of air intake/outlet pipes and devices, and to choose the ventilation/climate control equipment.

5.4.2. The design flows shall also be used to assess the energy consumption of the building and obtain its energy certification.

Design ventilation flow rate

5.4.3. In rooms occupied by people, the ventilation air flow must ensure the indoor air quality necessary for the hygiene, health, and comfort of their occupants. This flow rate shall be determined depending on the level of human occupancy and the emissions of pollutant substances.

a) For non-residential civilian rooms that are occupied by people, the ventilation (fresh air) flow rate shall be determined depending on the category of environment, the number of occupants, and the activities they carry out, as well as the pollutant emissions of the building and systems.

Therefore, the flow rate q [l/s or m3/h] for a room is:q = N qp + A qB (5.4.1)


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where: N – number of people,qp – fresh air flow rate for one person, [l/s/pers or m3/h/pers], from Table 5.4.1,A – floor surface area [m2];qB – fresh air flow rate for 1 m2 of the surface area, [l/s/m2 or m3/h/m2], from Table 5.4.2

Table 5.4.1. Fresh air flow rate for one person, in a non-smoking environment (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007).Category of environment

Expected percentage of people dissatisfied PPD [%]

Flow rate for one person [l/s/pers]

Flow rate for one person [m3/s/pers]

I 15 10 36II 20 7 25III 30 4 15IV >30 <4 <15

Table 5.4.2. Fresh air flow rate for 1 m2 of surface area (in accordance with SR EN 15251:2007).Category of environment

Flow rate per m2 of surface area [l/(s.m2)]

Flow rate per m2 of surface area [m3/(h.m2)]

very low polluting buildings

low polluting buildings

Others very low polluting buildings

low polluting buildings


I 0.5 1 2.0 1.8 3.6 7.2II 0.35 0.7 1.4 1.26 2.52 5.0III 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.1 1.44 2.9IV lower than the values for category III

b) In smoking areas, the fresh air flow rates shall be double the values given in the table. These flow rates ensure the comfort of the occupants, but not their health.

5.4.4. For the rooms of civilian and industrial buildings where there are pollutant emissions other than bio-effluents and the emissions of the building, the indoor air quality must be ensured by complying with the admissible concentration values for the occupied area. Therefore, for a stationary regimen, the fresh air flow rate q [m3/s] shall be calculated with the relationship:

q= G/(Ci – Ce) (5.4.2)where: G – pollutant flow rate (mg/s)

Ci – admissible concentration in the indoor air [mg/m3],Ce – admissible concentration in the outdoor air [mg/m3].If several pollutants are discharged into the room, the calculation shall be performed for each

pollutant, and if the pollutants do not have a synergic action on the human body, the highest resulting flow rate value shall be chosen; if the pollutants have a synergic action and there are no specific recommendations relating to them, the air flow rate is the sum of the flow rates calculated with the relationship 5.4.2, for each individual pollutant.


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5.4.5. For civilian and industrial buildings, if the permanent ventilation regimen is not reached, the concentration of a pollutant in the room shall be determined in accordance with the method stipulated in paragraph of standard SR EN 13779:2007.

5.4.6. The ventilation air flow rates typical for various intended uses of the rooms and various categories of climate were determined in accordance with the specific standards relating to room occupancy and using relationship 5.4.1. These values are given, only as a recommendation, in Table B2 of standard SR EN 15251:2007.

5.4.7. For the types of buildings discussed in chapter 8 of this technical regulation, fresh air flow rates specific to various situations are recommended.

5.4.8. For a ventilation system designed for rooms that are not occupied by people and do not have a clear intended use (storage rooms), the outdoor air flow rates can be expressed as a function of the floor surface area (Table 5.4.3). These are based on an operating time of 50 % and a room height of up to 3 m. For smaller operating times and higher rooms, the air flow rate must be higher.

Table 5.4.3: Outdoor air flow rates for rooms designed for other uses than human occupancy (in accordance with SR EN 13779 : 2007)

Category Outdoor air flow rate [m3/(h/m2)]Typical range Value by absence

IDA 1 * *IDA 2 > 2.5 3IDA 3 1.3-2.5 2IDA 4 < 1.3 1

* for IDA 1, this method is not sufficient.

Extracted air flow rate

5.4.9. In a balanced mechanical ventilation system, the extracted air flow rate is determined by the intake air flow rate and the pressure conditions required.

5.4.10. The typical design values for kitchens and toilets/lavatories are given in Table 5.4.4. The extracted air can be replaced with outdoor air or air transferred from other rooms. For specialised applications (certain industrial buildings and hospitals), the outlet air flow rate must be established in accordance with specific requirements, taking into account its possible influence on the outdoor environment.

Table 5.4.4: Design values for the outlet air flow rateIntended use Typical range values of absenceKitchen (m3/h) > 72 108Toilet/lavatory

- per room (m3/h)- per floor surface area (m3/h


> 24> 5.0


Design climate control flow rate


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5.4.11. The design air flow rate for climate-controlled rooms shall be calculated to ensure thermal comfort.

5.4.12. The air flow required to ensure thermal comfort shall be determined to compensate the thermal and humidity (latent) load of the room.

5.4.13. If the climate control system also ensures ventilation of the room, the fresh air and comfort air flow rates shall be calculated; the system will be sized for the highest flow rate, which will become the design flow rate. Some of the air flow rate can be recirculated, in accordance with Article 9.2.3. In this case, the design flow rate is usually called total air flow rate.

5.4.14. The air flow rate shall be determined for the situation in which the room is cooled.

5.4.15. In rooms where humidity is not controlled, the air flow rate can only be established based on the thermal load of sensitive heat of the room Фs, using the temperature difference between the air in the occupied area IDA and the intake air, SUP. The relationship below shall be used:

q = Фs /ca /(IDA - SUP) (5.4.3)

5.4.16. In rooms where humidity is controlled, the air flow rate shall be established based on the thermal load of total heat of the room Фt (sensitive and latent), using the enthalpy difference between the air in the occupied area hIDA and the intake air, hIDA. The relationship below shall be used:

q = Фt / (hIDA - hSUP) (5.4.4)

5.4.17. (1) In rooms where the air is introduced into the occupied area, the air flow rate shall be established based on the thermal load of sensitive heat in the occupied area, ФOC, using the temperature difference between the intake air and the air in the occupied area. The relationship below shall be used:

q = Фoc /ca /(IDA - SUP) (5.4.5)(2) The outlet air temperature shall be determined as a function of the thermal balance of the

entire room.

5.4.18. In air-only climate control systems that operate with recirculated air and supply air to several rooms, the fresh air - recirculated air mixture ratio must be established depending on the situation that leads to the highest fresh air - recirculated air ratio.

5.4.19. If the air is circulated “by mixing”, the method of the recommended hourly changes shall be used to assess if the air flow rate is adequate. These hourly changes can be used to choose the fan convectors. The number of hourly air changes [h-1] for various room uses is given in the table presented in Annex 7 of this technical regulation.

5.5. Air pipe sizing and load loss calculation

5.5.1. The cross section of the air pipes shall be determined as a function of the flow rate they carry, choosing a recommended air speed. The usual air movement speeds through the pipes are given in Annex 8 of this technical regulation.

5.5.2. For an air intake/outlet pipe system, the pressure drops (total load losses) Δp shall be determined as a function of the linear and local losses:


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p = Pa (5.5.1)

where: l - length of the pipe section in metres; R – unitary linear load loss for the respective pipe section, in Pa/m; Z - local load loss for a certain pipe section, in Pa; i - number of pipe sections along the route being calculated.

5.5.3. The R values, which are necessary in order to determine the linear load losses, shall be established depending on the type and roughness of the air pipe material. For pipes whose cross section is different from the circular one, the R values shall be determined as a function of the equivalent diameter, de, relative to the speed. For rectangular pipes with the sides axb:

de = 2ab/(a+b) (5.5.2)

5.5.4. (1) The local load loss shall be calculated with the relationship:

Z = Pa (5.5.3)

where: - the sum of the local resistance coefficients for each pipe section; v – air speed through the pipe section, in m/s, ρ – density of the air in the pipe, in kg/m3.

(2) The local resistance coefficients shall be determined by taking into consideration the geometrical shape of each special part.

5.5.5. The load losses must be calculated for each air circuit through which the air is circulated by a fan or natural ventilation chimney (natural draught). This circuit must be followed from the moment the air enters until it is evacuated in the system; aeraulic balancing of the circuits must be ensured as much as possible.

5.5.6. The design notes regarding the load loss calculation must be included in the technical documentation of the project.


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6. General components of ventilation/climate control systems

6.1. Terminal elements and devices for introducing and extracting air in/from rooms

Organising indoor air circulation

6.1.1. The indoor air circulation shall be organised according to one of the following movement schemes: mixture, piston or “by displacement”.

Ventilation efficiency and the functional conditions for indoor air quality and thermal comfort depend on the way in which air circulation is organised.

6.1.2. The movement scheme, as well as the position and type of the air intake and outlet devices shall be chosen depending on:

- the intake air flow rate and temperature, - the activity carried out in the room, the type of indoor discharges (heat, humidity, gases,

dust) and their time variation,- any limitations due to the built-up space, furniture and equipment.

6.1.3. The displacement scheme is better than the mixture scheme with regard to ventilation efficiency; whenever it is aesthetically acceptable, it is recommended to be used to introduce air of the same or lower temperature than the temperature in the room.

6.1.4. For a mixing scheme, it is recommended that the air intake and outlet devices (holes) are positioned on opposite surfaces of the room.

Any relative position of the air intake and outlet devices must prevent the intake air from being short-circuited through the outlet devices.

6.1.5. (1) To enable the evacuation of heat, humidity, and smoke, the outlet devices shall be positioned at the upper part of the room. If the indoor ventilation air outlet system also serves other spaces than the evacuation ones, this system cannot be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire.

(2) The smoke and hot gases must be discharged from the evacuation routes of the building (corridors, staircase, buffer rooms that protect the evacuation staircases and fire-fighter lifts) independently from the ventilation/climate control system of the building.

(3) The ventilation system in fire-fighting pumping stations and electric generator sets designed for fire protection systems must be independent from the ventilation/climate control system of the building.

(4) The air outlet and intake pipes of the ventilation system must not pass through the buffer rooms that protect the evacuation staircases and fire-fighter lifts; an exception are technically-justified situations, in which the intake and outlet pipes located in the buffer room shall be protected so that they ensure the same fire resistance as the buffer room walls, and fire dampers with the same fire resistance as the walls shall be installed at the points where these pipes pass through the walls.

(5) The staircase and buffer rooms that protect evacuation staircases and fire-fighter lifts shall not be used for any air intake, outlet, and recirculation processes related to the ventilation/climate control system.

(6) If used to introduce or evacuate air, false ceilings, raised floors, and their supporting structures must belong at least to reaction to fire class B-s1.


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6.1.6. To ensure air circulation in rooms that display pressure differences, for large flow rates, air transfer grilles and valves shall be used; it is recommended that these devices enable the air flow to be adjusted.

6.1.7. The terminal devices located on the lower part of the room must have mechanical characteristics that are suitable for the activities carried out in the room.

Terminal devices

6.1.8. The terminal devices must be chosen to ensure the required comfort and air quality conditions throughout the entire operating period, regardless of the intake air temperature and flow variations (if applicable). If significant temperature differences occur between the heating and the cooling seasons, variable geometry devices should be used, which can be activated manually or by remote control. For all variable geometry devices, the operating situation shall be stipulated in the calculation and operating requirements.

6.1.9. (1) The indoor air intake and outlet devices shall be chosen on the basis of the technical documentation drawn up by the equipment manufacturer. The design shall stipulate the characteristics of the devices that need to be installed; if these are chosen during the manufacturing stage, the documentation shall include the characteristics of the devices purchased (type of device, geometrical and aeraulic characteristics: flow rate, pressure drop, air jet range for the winter and summer design conditions, and noise level). The technical documentation must include all the abovementioned characteristics.

(2) The air jet range shall be established for the accepted speed value for meeting the comfort requirements in the occupied area (subchapter 4.1 of this technical regulation).

6.1.10. The main types of air intake devices and the recommended operating range are given in Table 6.1.1.

Table 6.1.1. Air intake devices














ed a

ir di





ed a

ir di






s (a

















ed d








Offices (cold+warm)loads: 0 – 30 W/m2

30 – 60 W/m2

> 60 W/m2

** *********





** ***Conference roomsCinemasAuditoriumsRestaurantsEducation spacesExhibition halls *












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** *****




Sports hallsSwimming poolsIndustrial kitchensLaboratories









Clean roomsDwellingsInstitutions





** ***

**Key : * possible ** well *** very well

6.1.11. Ceiling-mounted diffusers can be used both to introduce and to extract air. To introduce large volumes of air in rooms of medium and large height, ceiling-mounted swirl diffusers are recommended.

6.1.12. Grilles can be used to introduce or extract air. For air intake, the grilles shall be preferably mounted on the wall, near the ceiling, which favours the occurrence of the Coanda effect. These can also be mounted on the lower part of the room, on the wall, floor, step risers, etc. For air outlet, the grilles shall also be mounted on the ceiling, wall or floor; grilles mounted directly on the false ceiling can also be used.

6.1.13. Outlet nozzles shall be used to introduce air in large spaces where the air jet needs to be long and guided. Therefore, they can be used in sports halls, swimming pools (with a vertical upward jet), and industrial halls.

6.1.14. Slots can be used to introduce or extract air. It is recommended that air intake slots are equipped with deflectors that enable orientation of the air jet.

6.1.15. Valve-type devices should be used for the natural introduction of outdoor (ventilation) air in residential buildings and schools. These can also be used to transfer air between rooms.

6.1.16. The air intake/outlet devices can be connected to the air pipes either directly or via a plenum box, depending on the recommendations issued by the equipment manufacturer.

6.1.17. Dampers (registers) shall be used to regulate the flow that ensures the aeraulic balancing of the system; these elements can only be activated within the admissible noise limits.

6.1.18. Special devices, either fixed or mobile, can be used to introduce air directly to the occupied area, which discharge the air through the leg or backrest of the chairs, in front of desks, tables, etc. In this case, all furniture must be adequate. The air shall be supplied via pressure chambers or pipes. Flexible fittings can be installed to enable positioning of the devices according to the users’ personal preferences. These solutions are recommended for energy saving.

6.1.19. The diffusers used to ensure air circulation by displacement are recommended for the ventilation and cooling of large spaces, which possibly open to an atrium. These can be integrated in the architecture of the room, near the wall, near pillars or in the corners. This solution is recommended for energy saving.

6.1.20. Perforated pipes made of metal or textile materials can also be used to introduce air in rooms.


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6.1.21. All air intake, outlet, and transfer devices must be technically approved.

6.2. Air pipes and accessories

Materials and technologies.

6.2.1. The materials and technologies used for air pipes shall be chosen depending on the particularities of the building, the operating conditions, the installation, aesthetics, economical aspects, etc.

6.2.2. (1) Ventilation pipes shall be made of non-combustible materials (classes A1, A2-s1,d0 of reaction to fire). Air pipes made of hardly flammable materials (classes B1, C, and D of reaction to fire) shall be accepted in buildings with low and medium risk of fire, provided that they are located so that they do not contribute to fire propagation.

(2) Ventilation pipes can be classified according to their fire performance on the basis of the fireproofing (E) and thermal insulation (I) criteria, in accordance with Joint Order No 1822/394/2004 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism and Ministry of Administration and Interior, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation; the minimum level of fire performance for ventilation pipes is EI 15.

Therefore, the following materials can be used for the pipes: steel sheet (zinc-plated or made of stainless steel), aluminium, plastics, mineral wool boards, expanded polyisocyanurate plated with aluminium foil, textile materials, etc.

(3) The pipes of ventilation systems which are installed along fire evacuation routes, installation housings or other spaces where they cannot be accessed must be made of materials belonging to class A1 of reaction to fire, whilst the insulating materials must belong at least to class A2-

s1,d0 of reaction to fire. These pipes, as well as their supporting elements must be fire resistant EI h0 i↔o

30 or EI ve i↔o 30. Flexible fittings must belong at least to class B-s1,d0 of reaction to fire, and must not exceed 1 m in length.

Ventilation pipes made of mineral wool boards 6.2.3. Air pipes made of mineral wool boards can be used for air intake in civilian or

production buildings included in the categories of fire hazard, provided that they are plated on both sides with aluminium foil.

6.2.4. These pipes shall be manufactured and used in accordance with the provisions of the technical agreement and technological requirements.

Ventilation pipes made of plastic materials6.2.5. The air pipes and the special parts that enable operation in corrosive environments can

be made of plastic materials in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the technical agreement.

6.2.6. Air pipes made of plastic materials shall be equipped with a ground in order to remove any accumulation of static electricity, in accordance with the specific technical regulations in force.

6.2.7. The air pipes, as well as the special and auxiliary parts made of plastic materials shall not be used in: tall and very tall buildings, crowded rooms, buildings for people who cannot evacuate themselves, buildings that house very valuable goods, laboratories that pose the risk of fire, buildings for temporary accommodation and rooms with high and very high risk of fire.


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6.2.8. (1) When using air pipes and special parts made of plastic materials in rooms with high and very high risk of fire, these must belong to class A1 or A2-s1,d0 of resistance to fire.

(2) The use of air pipes and special parts made of plastic materials is permitted in corrosive environments, in rooms with a very high risk of fire, provided that the material used for their manufacture is fireproofed, self-extinguishing, and does not lead to burning droplets falling during burning.

6.2.9. The transverse joints of air pipes made of plastic materials shall be made so that they ensure the leak-tightness and mechanical resistance of the pipes.

6.2.10. Air pipes made of plastic materials shall be supported by supporting devices which enable longitudinal displacement of the piping by dilation or contraction. For air pipes made of plastic materials, the axial dilations or contractions must be absorbed.

6.2.11. It is prohibited to use pipes made of plastic materials and polyurethane coated with aluminium foil in ventilation systems which are also used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire.

Ventilation pipes made of polyisocyanurate plated with aluminium foil.6.2.12. Air pipes made of polyisocyanurate boards plated with aluminium foil shall not be

used in ventilation or climate control systems used to introduce air in civilian, public or industrial buildings belonging to the categories of fire hazard and classes of reaction to fire specified in Article 6.2.2(1).

6.2.13. Pipes made of polyisocyanurate plated with aluminium foil shall not be installed in places where they can deteriorate due to accidental impact with hard objects.

Shapes and dimensions. 6.2.14. The cross section of the pipes shall be chosen depending on the aesthetics of the

rooms where they are mounted, the space available, the possibility to integrate them in the architecture of the building, the presence of airborne particles, etc. Normally, the pipes have a rectangular, circular or ovoid cross section, but can have other shapes, too (triangular, trapezoidal, etc.).

6.2.15. It is recommended that pipes with a circular cross-section are used.

6.2.16. For pipes with a rectangular cross-section, it is recommended that the longer side does not exceed the smaller side by more than 3 times.

6.2.17. Pipes with an ovoid cross-section are preferable to pipes with a circular cross-section if there is not enough space for their installation.

Special parts. 6.2.18. The special parts used to create the pipe network must introduce the smallest flow

perturbations possible, in order to limit the noise and pressure drops; therefore, the special parts shall be manufactured so that they comply with certain requirements regarding radius, angle, length, etc.

6.2.19. A radius of curvature of a minimum of 1d (where d is the pipe diameter, for circular pipes, or the size of the side where the direction is changed, for rectangular or ovoid pipes, respectively) is recommended.


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6.2.20. For pipes with a rectangular cross-section, right-angle changes in direction are admissible, with the rounded edge and inner guide blades. The edge shall be rounded using a minimum radius of curvature of 100 mm.

6.2.21. The section shall be changed using diffusers or confusors, in accordance with the following requirements:

a) the vertex angle of symmetrical diffusers must be between 20° and 30°;b) the vertex angle of symmetrical confusors is preferably 30°, the maximum admissible

value being 60°,c) asymmetrical diffusers and confusors shall be made so that their angles are equal to

half the values mentioned above.

6.2.22. Elbows with an enlargeable cross-section can be used, providing that this is not bigger than twice the initial cross-section.

6.2.23. The special parts should not be connected in series; a straight section with the minimum length of 1d shall be interposed between them; upstream from the pipe branches, this section is compulsory.

6.2.24. The following is recommended in order to create functional branches:a) the cross-sectional areas of the branches must be proportional to the air flows they

carry;b) the rectangular branch pieces must have the same height as the main pipe;c) for circular cross-sections that have branches on either side of the main pipe axis,

these shall be displaced by a distance that is at least equal to the diameter of the largest of them. These branches can also be made in the right-angle version, if machined parts are used.

Special conditions for corrosive environments 6.2.25. Air pipes that carry air bearing corrosive substances or cross corrosive environments

shall be made of materials that are corrosion-resistant or are covered on the interior and/or exterior with protective coatings. The material or protective coating shall be chosen by simultaneously taking into consideration the resistance to chemical action, period of operation, and manufacturing possibilities.

6.2.26. When installing air pipes in corrosive environments, special measures shall be taken to seal all joints so that the pipes belong to class C or D (defined in accordance with Article 6.2.97 of this technical regulation).

Considerations regarding the design of ventilation pipes.6.2.27. Air pipes shall be designed so that linear and local load losses (pressure drops) are

minimised. For this purpose:a) the shortest possible pipe routes shall be chosen, with a minimum number of parts

that introduce local resistances;b) the pipes shall be made of materials with a low level of interior roughness;c) air pipes must not be crossed by the elements of other installations (pipes, electrical

conductors, etc.); for air pipes (ducts) made by closing construction elements, if it is not possible to go around them, the elements introduced in the air current shall be jacketed using parts with an aerodynamic shape.


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6.2.28. Air pipe routes shall be established so that the longest possible straight sections are created upstream from the terminal ventilation devices (especially for air inlet ones), branches, measurement points, and regulating devices.

6.2.29. If the terminal ventilation devices, branches, measurement points, and regulating devices are located in the vicinity of any sources of flow disturbance, the following equipment shall be installed to make the flow uniform: guide walls or blades in the direction-changing parts, air flow baffle plates installed in straight pipe sections downstream from the source of disturbance, etc.

6.2.30. The pipe networks must be designed so that they are aeraulically balanced (to obtain the design air flows in the branches and terminal devices). For this purpose, regulating devices shall be installed in accordance with Article 6.2.46-6.2.51 of this technical regulation.

6.2.31. Deviations of ± 10 % from the nominal flow rate are admissible between the air flow rates of the terminal air intake devices (inlet holes), as long as the necessary air flow is ensured in each room without creating disturbing air currents.

6.2.32. The fan pressure must cover the pressure drop at the design flow rate (load loss) along the entire air circuit, depending on the role that the fan plays within the system (suction, outlet or suction-outlet). In all situations, the total pressure required shall be determined by calculating the load loss along the route with the highest aeraulic resistance of the system (also taking into consideration the dynamic pressure when the air exits the system). It is prohibited to determine the fan pressure by estimation. The calculation shall be included in the technical design documentation.

6.2.33. When there is a risk of the vapours in the circulated air condensing on the pipe walls, pipes with a minimum slope of 1 % shall be installed to drain the condensation; the condensation shall be collected and evacuated at the bottom end of the pipe.

6.2.34. For air pipes made of materials belonging to classes C, D, E or F of reaction to fire, pipe sections made of non-combustible materials (A1,A2-s1,d0) shall be interposed and shall be equipped with fire dampers at the points where they pass through floors and walls, located depending on the configuration of the network, in order to limit fire propagation. The length of the pipe sections made of non-combustible materials shall be equal to at least 3 equivalent diameters, but no less than the thickness of the element being crossed plus 300 mm on each side of this element.

6.2.35. (1) When constructing ventilation and climate control systems, the creation of explosive mixtures and the propagation of fire through the ventilation pipes shall be avoided.

(2) It is prohibited to install ventilation or climate control systems to be shared by several rooms in which substances are discharged which, when mixed or in a chemical combination, can cause fire or explosions.

6.2.36. The ventilation or climate control systems used in rooms with a high and very high risk of fire shall be separated from the systems used in rooms with a low and average risk of fire.

6.2.37. (1) Crossing fireproof walls and floors with ventilation pipes is not recommended. If these crossings cannot be avoided, the following measures shall be taken to avoid fire propagation:


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a) when they cross walls or floors, the ventilation pipes shall be made of non-combustible materials (A1,A2-s1,d0), which provide them with a fire resistance EI i↔o

equal to the fire resistance of the wall or floor they pass through.b) when crossing walls and floors, the gap around the ventilation pipe shall be sealed

with materials whose fire resistance (EI) is equal to the fire resistance (REI/EI) of the wall or floor being crossed.

c) fire dampers shall be installed inside ventilation pipes, near the points where these cross walls and floors; the fire resistance of these fire dampers shall be equal to the fire resistance of the element being crossed EI-S i↔o, ho and EI - S i↔o, ve, respectively, but shall not exceed EI-S 240 i↔o.

(2) When laying ventilation pipes in vertical and horizontal housings, the specific provisions of the technical regulations on fire safety in constructions shall be complied with.

Special requirements for ventilation pipes that are also used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire

6.2.38. (1) The ventilation system of a building can also be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire, but only if it meets the specific requirements for both these functions.

(2) The provisions of this technical regulation and the specific provisions of the technical regulations on fire safety in constructions shall be complied with when designing and constructing ventilation systems that are also used to discharge smoke and hot gases.

(3) If the ventilation pipes are also used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire, these must meet the following requirements:

a) inside the rooms from which smoke is discharged, the air inlet pipes, which shall also be used to discharge smoke in the event of a fire, must be made of materials that belong to at least to class A2-s2, d0 of reaction to fire and are E15-o-I, ve or ho fireproof. When these pipes (tubes) pass through other compartments of the building or other designated uses, they must be at least EI 60, ve or ho fireproof.

b) their cross-section shall be equal to the cross-section of the holes to which they are connected;

c) the ratio between the sides of the pipe sections shall not be higher than 2. (4) The fittings that connect the smoke and hot gas outlet fan and the smoke and hot gas

discharge pipes must be made of materials that belong to class A1 or A2-s2d0 of reaction to fire.

6.2.39. If the smoke and hot gas discharge system installed in a fire compartment of the building comes into operation, this shall automatically discontinue the normal mechanical ventilation of the building. An exception is situations in which these systems share their components, in which case only the fans used for ventilation – climate control shall be turned off.

6.2.40. When they pass through construction elements, the discharge pipes shall be protected so that they meet the following requirements:

a) their fire resistance must be equal to the fire resistance of the element being crossed, but not exceed 240 min,

b) when passing through a false ceiling, the pipes must have the same fire resistance; cross-over joints shall be sealed using fire-resistant materials with the same performance as the pipes,

c) at the connection points, the pipes and fire dampers must have the same performance.


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6.2.41. When they cross other levels, fire compartments of the building or rooms with other intended uses, the vertical collecting ventilation pipes (ducts) shall be equipped with EI 120 fire-resistant walls.

6.2.42. (1) The places where the ventilation pipes on each level of the building enter the vertical smoke discharge or air intake pipes shall be fitted with EI 60 fireproof shutters, for the discharge pipes, and E 60 fireproof shutters, for the air intake pipes. All the shutters shall be equipped with automatic activation in the event of a fire. The smoke and hot gas discharge holes must be located at the upper part of the rooms, in the upper third of the height of the room, in the roof or in the ceiling, at a distance of more than 1.80 m above the floor, measured from the bottom of the smoke discharge hole.

(2) Air inlet holes shall be located on the lower part of the spaces from which smoke is discharged, with their upper edge no higher than 1 m from the floor.

6.2.43. The components used to install the pipes onto the structure must support the pipes for a period at least equal to their fire resistance.

6.2.44. To prevent smoke and hot gases from being discharged from a smoke control area to another via the ventilation pipes, smoke dampers (shutters) must be installed at the edges of the smoke control areas. These must operate when receiving a signal emitted by the fire detection, signalling, and alarm system. Alternatively, the engineer who designs the smoke and hot gas control system must demonstrate, by calculation, that it is impossible for smoke to move from one smoke control area to another.

6.2.45. All smoke dampers (shutters) located in the part of the ventilation system which corresponds to the smoke control area affected must be activated in their operational positions in the event of a fire, at the same time as the extraction fans.

Air flow regulating devices6.2.46. It is recommended that air flow regulating devices are installed in the following

locations:a) in terminal ventilation devices or their fittings;b) in each main branch that supplies a group of secondary branches;c) in each secondary branch that supplies a group of terminal devices;d) in mixing chambers, at the fresh air inlet hole and on the recirculation pipe.

6.2.47. The regulating devices inside terminal ventilation equipment shall be used for fine-tuning, to supplement the adjustment performed by an upstream device installed on the air pipe or in the branches. These devices shall be used to ensure aeraulic balancing when the system is commissioned. In large systems, it is recommended that automatic regulating devices are used.

6.2.48. The regulating devices provided must be especially designed for this purpose, to ensure that their regulating power is adequate; therefore, “slide valve” devices are prohibited.

6.2.49. For suction, when the air speeds through the pipes do not exceed 12 m/s, it is advisable to not install regulating devices on terminal devices that form a group installed within the same room if there is already a regulating device in place in the connection branch pipe of this group.

6.2.50. The regulating devices must be chosen so that the admissible level of noise in the room is not exceeded when they are shut down.


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6.2.51. The regulating devices inside pipes shall be installed upstream, as far as possible from the branches, so that the air flow through the branches is not disturbed. This recommendation also applies to the devices installed inside the branches, upstream from the terminal intake devices.

6.2.52. No regulating devices shall be installed inside the pipes in areas where the air flow is disturbed by various upstream parts and configurations (elbows, branches, etc.).

6.2.53. If the ventilation pipes are located in non-dismountable false ceilings, it is recommended that no regulating devices are fitted in these ceilings, and that accessible regulating devices are installed in the terminal ventilation equipment instead; if this is not possible, either automatic regulating devices will be installed, or the buried part of the network will be balanced before closing the false ceiling.

6.2.54. It is recommended that butterfly valves or shutter frames with opposed shutters are installed on the branch pipes. Valves should not be installed inside branch pipes.

6.2.55. Butterfly valves which are used for initial adjustment (to balance the air flows inside the system) and remain fixed in the regulating position throughout the entire period of operation of the system, shall be equipped with tightening nuts (or other types of retainers) without an actuation lever.

6.2.56. For all types of regulating devices, the mobile elements introduced in the air current shall be well braced so that they do not produce noise and vibrations.

6.2.57. All the regulating devices shall be installed so that the controls of the mobile elements can be easily activated, either manually or automatically.

6.2.58. If the regulating devices are installed in locations that are hard to access (e.g. false ceilings), access hatches shall be fitted to enable their actuation.

6.2.59. Airtight access doors shall be provided to enable the adjustment, inspection, and maintenance of regulating devices installed inside large pipes or air chambers.

6.2.60. The regulating devices installed inside pipes shall be equipped, by design, with indicators that help determine the adjustment position from outside the pipe.

6.2.61. The mobile elements of regulating devices shall be strong, non-deformable, and suitable for easy movement, shall not have any play, and shall enable them to be fixed in the position determined when regulating the system.

6.2.62. Opposite shutters which are required to be in the fully closed position during operation shall ensure that the pipe is sealed.

6.2.63. The following can be used as fan regulating devices: suction control devices or opposed shutters with simultaneous adjustment upon discharge (the opposed shutters shall be installed so that their axes of rotation are perpendicular to the vertical plane that passes through the rotor axis).

Counterbalance valves or other automatic closing devices.


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6.2.64. Automatic closing devices shall be installed inside air pipes if it is necessary to prevent the diffusion of harmful, flammable or explosive vapours and gases present in the ventilation piping when the system is shut down. Automatic closing devices shall also be installed to block air circulation when one or more fans that operate in an alternating manner are installed in parallel.

6.2.65. Automatic closing devices shall be equipped with sealing gaskets and must be designed so that they completely discontinue the circulation of air, gases or vapours when in the closed position, and prevent any leaks or ingression of false air.

6.2.66. The direction of the air flow shall be indicated on the body of the automatic closing devices.

6.2.67. Automatic closing devices shall be equipped with elements that indicate or signpost the fully closed position.

Frames fitted with overpressure shutters. 6.2.68. The frames fitted with overpressure shutters, which are installed in outdoor

construction elements and on outlet holes, shall be fitted with shutters that oscillate freely on their axes, and will be designed and manufactured in a way that would enable them to open under the forces created by an overpressure of 5 Pa. They shall be provided with rubber gaskets.

Access covers 6.2.69. Ventilation and climate control systems shall be equipped with access covers for

inspection and cleaning.

6.2.70. The access covers shall be installed on straight pipe sections, in accessible places, to allow for any possible interventions in the required sections inside the pipe.

6.2.71. The access covers shall be designed and manufactured so that they are airtight and strong, to prevent their deformation following their removal and reassembling, and resist corrosive or erosive actions to the same extent as the material of the air pipe on which they are mounted.

Elastic fittings 6.2.72. The air pipes shall be connected to the equipment with movable components (fans,

climate control units, etc.) by means of elastic elements that prevent mechanical vibrations from being transmitted to the air pipes.

6.2.73. The elastic fittings shall be airtight and will be designed and manufactured so that they can, if needed, withstand the action of hot gases, as well as corrosive vapours and gases.

Fire and smoke dampers 6.2.74. Fire dampers shall be provided to prevent the propagation of fire through the air

pipes, and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the specific technical regulations on fire safety in constructions and this technical regulation.

6.2.75. Fire dampers can be activated by fusible elements, electromagnets or electric motors.

6.2.76. Fire dampers activated by electromagnets or electric motors must be used in buildings fitted with integrated fire signalling and fire extinguishing systems. The position of the fire damper shall be indicated on its body. Fire dampers shall be activated either automatically, from the rooms


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that house the control and signalling equipment (signalling station), or manually, in accordance with the fire safety scenario.

6.2.77. In buildings fitted with fire signalling and fire extinguishing systems that are monitored from a central station, the fire dampers must be provided with the possibility to transmit their position to the fire warning and fire extinguishing centre.

6.2.78. Fire dampers activated by means of a fusible element shall be installed inside the piping so that the fusible element is washed over by the air current under the conditions and at a speed above the minimum value set when the dampers were homologated. For this purpose, the rectilinear pipe lengths upstream and downstream from the damper, as well as the shape of the connecting pieces between the damper body and the piping shall be established so that any air flow perturbations will not influence the way in which the fusible element is washed over with air.

6.2.79. The technical data about the fusible elements or the material used to make fusible elements used in fire dampers must be included in the documents relating to the melting temperature, issued by the manufacturer.

6.2.80. The melting temperature of the fusible element of a fire damper must be higher than the operating temperature inside the respective air pipe by 20 – 30°C.

6.2.81. Fire dampers installed in systems that circulate particle-bearing air shall be provided with equipment that periodically removes any impurities deposited on the fusible element or the actuation device.

6.2.82. Whenever possible, fire dampers shall be installed behind the fire-resistant wall, in the direction of the air flow, so that the electromagnets or electric motors that activate them are located on the side of the damper that is protected against fire.

6.2.83. Smoke dampers, smoke shutters, and valves shall be used to construct smoke and hot gas discharge systems, in accordance with the specific technical regulations on fire safety in constructions and this technical regulation.

6.2.84. In a building, these shall be provided with the same type of activation as fire dampers, so that they can be integrated in the fire signalling system.

6.2.85. (1) Smoke and hot gas discharge devices shall be installed in the normal open position. These shall be located according to one of the situations: met 1, 2, and 3, in accordance with the fire safety scenario. They shall be activated similarly to fire dampers.

(2) If the building consists of several fire compartments and the alarm is triggered in a differentiated manner to give priority to users inside the compartment where fire is detected, the smoke detectors activate the fire or smoke dampers located on the intake or outlet pipes, which are necessary in order to separate the compartment from the other areas of the building. In this case, the smoke detectors must be placed inside the pipes. Their location must be chosen to ensure that the smoke will not pass through the fire-resistant elements and the ventilation/climate control system.

6.2.86. Fire and smoke dampers shall be installed so that their movement is not prevented by the ventilation pipe to which they are connected.


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6.2.87. After the fire and smoke damper has been installed, before the system is commissioned, the operation of the automatic closing devices shall be checked by simulating the conditions that lead to the closure. It is recommended that these simulations are carried out periodically via the fire signalling station.

6.2.88. Closing the fire damper activated by means of a fusible element shall, via a locking system, turn off the fan that circulates air through the ventilation pipe.

6.2.89. Fire dampers shall have the fire resistance stipulated in Article 6.2.37 of this technical regulation.

Air-tightness requirements for air pipes 6.2.90. For the air extracted from ventilation or climate control systems to be recirculated or

used in a heat recuperator, the following requirements must be met: - outlet air from categories ETA1 and ETA 2 can be collected in a shared pipe,- air from category ETA 3 can be transported through individual pipes or collected in shared pipes from several extraction points, - air from category ETA 4 shall only be carried to the outside through individual ducts. - if outlet air from several categories is combined inside a shared pipe, the outlet air in that pipe shall be classified according to the category that indicates the highest level of pollution, if it exceeds 10 % of the total outlet air flow rate.

6.2.91. The air pipes must be made so that polluted air cannot be reintroduced in the building through them.

6.2.92. Air pipes installed in visible places within the locations they ventilate/climate control shall belong to class A of air-tightness, if the difference in pressure between the inside and the outside of the pipe does not exceed 150 Pa.

6.2.93. Air pipes that are located outside of the ventilated areas, or pipes that are located inside the ventilated areas and are separated from these areas by panels, as well as pipes located inside the ventilated area in which the difference in pressure between the inside and the outside of the pipe exceeds 150 Pa, shall belong to class B of air-tightness.

6.2.94. All air outlet pipes whose pressure is higher than inside the building, except for ventilation stations, shall belong to at least class B of air-tightness. Therefore, it is recommended that air outlet fans are located as close as possible to the air outlet hole of the system.

6.2.95. If the difference in pressure on either side of the envelope is high, or if any leak can jeopardise the indoor air quality, it is necessary for all air pipes to belong to class C of air-tightness.

6.2.96. In special situations, the air pipes must belong to class D of air-tightness. These situations can be determined by the technological conditions, or can be stipulated by the investor or design engineer.

6.2.97. The maximum air losses admissible for the 4 classes of air-tightness are given in Table 6.2.1 or Figure 6.2.1.

Table 6.2.1. Maximum air losses admissible for the 4 classes of air-tightness


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Static pressure [Pa] 100














Air l



s .m


] [

m3 /h

.m2 ]

Class A















Class B 0.180.65














Class C 0.060.22














Class D















The air pipes in the shaded area are not recommended.

Figure 6.2.1. Maximum air losses admissible for the 4 classes of air-tightness

6.2.98. The class of air-tightness indicated in Articles 6.2.92 – 6.2.96 is the minimum admissible class.

6.2.99. Outlet air from categories ETA 1 and ETA 2 can be carried in pressurised pipes, as long as these belong to class C of air-tightness.

6.2.100. Outlet air from categories ETA 3 or ETA 4 shall not be carried through the occupied area of the building using overpressure pipes. The only exceptions are situations in which the air is evacuated from industrial kitchens (with a suction hood placed above the cooking machine/cooker) and toilets (equipped with a fan), providing that the air is not carried at overpressure through any non-ventilated areas.

6.2.101. The outlet pipes used to extract air from mechanical ventilation systems must be equipped with devices that close automatically when the ventilation is turned off, to prevent air backflow and uncontrolled ventilation, at least for pipes whose cross-section is larger than 0.06 m2.

6.2.102. The class of air-tightness must be certified by the manufacturer and must be specified in the technical design documentation.


Class of air-

Pressure difference (PA)



c fl






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6.3. Fans

6.3.1. (1) Fans shall be chosen depending on the flow rate and pressure specified in the design, the type and particulars of the system, the operating mode, energy consumption, space available, noise level, cost of the fan, and the operating conditions.

(2) When choosing a fan for a given situation, the following aspects must be taken into consideration:

a) the fan operating point on the characteristic curves must be within the area with minimum energy consumption;

b) axial fans are recommended for use in ventilation systems without pipes, where the pressure created by the fan is low and the ventilated room is not subject to any silence requirements and does not display any discharges of flammable or corrosive substances;

c) in ventilation systems equipped with fresh air intake pipes, a selection shall be made between a centrifugal fan and an encased axial fan, depending on the requirements regarding pressure, space, noise level, energy consumption, and cost; if they meet these requirements, axial fans shall be the preferred choice;

d) centrifugal fans shall be preferred in ventilation systems equipped with polluted air outlet pipes; if using axial fans installed inside pipes carrying hot air or air bearing corrosive substances or dust, the fans shall be activated by trapezoidal belts, with the motor outside of the pipe;

e) centrifugal fans installed inside systems that contain many special parts, for which the local resistance values cannot be accurately determined, shall be rotor fans with backward-leaning blades;

f) Fans whose operating points correspond to lower efficiency values can be used in systems with intermittent operation, if this creates advantages of a different nature;

g) low-speed fans (500 – 750 rotations/minute) shall be preferred to high-speed fans (1 000 – 1 500 rotations/minute) in order to reduce the noise level.

6.3.2. It is recommended that fans with low specific energy consumption, belonging to classes SFP1-SFP3, are used (see Table 6.3.1).

Table 6.3.1. Classification of fans depending on their specific power PSFP (power as a function of the air flow rate)

6.3.3. In ventilation systems that serve variable production processes or rooms with variable thermal loads, it is recommended that variable speed fans are used.


Category PSFP, in W/(m3/s)

SFP 1 <500SFP 2 500 - 750 SFP 3 750 – 1 250SFP 4 1 250- 2 000 SFP 5 > 2 000

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6.3.4. Systems with variable aeraulic resistances, especially those containing dust filters that can be clogged up, shall be equipped with a fan with very reclined flow rate-pressure characteristics, so that small modifications of the air flow rates will correspond to the pressure variations.

6.3.5. “In line” or pipe fans shall be used in systems with low flow rates.

6.3.6. “In line” or pipe fans can be installed inside the ventilated rooms if their casings are sound insulated and the noise level does not exceed the admissible value.

6.3.7. The flow rate and pressure inside a system are usually provided by a single fan; installation of the fans in parallel should be avoided.

If the summer air flow rate is different from the winter air flow rate or if different air flow rates are required during the production process, a fan activated by a two-speed electric motor shall be provided, if possible, to ventilate the room.

However, if the situation requires fans installed in parallel to be chosen, frames fitted with shutters that close at the same time as the fan or non-return valves must be provided.

6.3.8. If the fans circulate air whose temperatures and pressures are different from those used to draw up the selection catalogues (fans installed at altitude, hot gas operation, etc.), the correction factors appropriate for these specific situations shall be used to determine the real characteristics of the fans.

6.3.9. Fans that circulate air bearing corrosive substances or abrasive dust shall be made of resistant materials that ensure an economical lifespan.

6.3.10. When choosing the fans and their related electrical equipment for ventilation systems used in rooms with the risk of explosion, the provisions of the normative document NEX 01-06 and standard SR EN 60079-10-1:2004 shall be complied with.

6.3.11. The fans activated by electric motors by means of timing belts shall be equipped with belt tensioners and devices for capturing and draining away static electricity.

6.3.12. The following measures shall be taken to ensure safety at work and correct operation of the fans:

a) the electric motor and the fan shall be grounded;b) a protective device shall be installed near the pulleys and belts of the timing belt

system; large mesh wire netting (25-50 mm) shall be installed at the inlet or outlet hole of the fan, if the fan performs air intake and discharge operations freely in the room (regardless of the height at which the fan is installed);

c) all the connections in the fuse box of the electric motor must be made correctly to ensure that the fan rotor rotates in the correct direction;

d) the timing belts must be tensioned (the tensioning of a trapezoidal belt is correct if the sag of the belt when pressed manually does not exceed its thickness for a length of 0.5 m); all trapezoidal belts installed on the same timing belts shall have the same degree of tensioning;

e) air flow regulating devices shall be installed.

6.3.13. Regardless of the way in which they are mounted (on the foundation, platforms, brackets, etc.), the fans must be equipped with vibration dampeners calculated and manufactured so


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that they ensure the appropriate noise and vibration conditions in the buildings in which they are installed (industrial buildings, theatre halls, hospitals, etc.).

6.3.14. The fans shall be connected to the air pipes by means of flexible fittings.

6.3.15. It is recommended that the fans are connected to the pipes using straight pipe sections with a length of (8-10 d) for both the intake and outlet circuits (“d” is the diameter of circular pipes; for rectangular pipes with the sides “a” and “b”, d=(a+b)/2). If this type of connection cannot be made, one of the following solutions shall be adopted, in order of preference, to connect the fan to the inlet hole:

a) an elbow piece with a rectangular cross-section and guide blades, or a curve with circular cross-section and the radius of curvature larger than two diameters;

b) a suction box with guide blades.

6.3.16. If the centrifugal fan discharges the air directly to the atmosphere without the use of any piping, a straight section with a cross-section equal to the cross-section of the air outlet hole (a x b) and a minimum length of 0.75 (a x b), or an air diffuser with a vertex angle of 10 – 15° and a length of 1.00 - 1.5 m shall be fitted at the outlet hole of the fan.

6.3.17. When using catalogues to choose fans to be connected to the network by means of parts which are installed on the intake or outlet pipe and disturb the flow, the respective correction factors shall be used.

6.3.18. Fans which are used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire must belong to class F400120 of fire resistance. In buildings equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations such as sprinklers, the fans used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire can belong to class F200 120 of fire resistance.

6.4 Air filters6.4.1. (1) Outdoor air filtration is used to meet the requirements for indoor air quality (see

chapter 3.1) taking into account the outdoor air quality classes defined in chapter 3.1. The air filters needed for air treatment stations shall be chosen and sized following an optimisation process, depending on the specific situation being analysed (the dust content of outdoor air, the indoor air quality class, the operating time of the air treatment station, specific local situations regarding pollution, whether recirculation is permitted or not, etc.).

(2) The filters, dampeners, and noise attenuators, as well as other components of the ventilation/climate control system which are exposed to the air flow, must be made of non-flammable materials or materials treated with products that allow them to be included in the category of non-flammable materials.

Table 6.4.1. – Classes of filters recommendedCategory of outdoor air Indoor air quality (see Article 5.2.5)


IDA 2 (Medium)

IDA 3(Moderate)

IDA 4(Low)

ODA 1 (pure air) F9 F8 F7 F6ODA 2 (dust) F7/F9 F6/F8 F6/F7 G4/F6


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ODA 3 (gases) F7/F9 F8 F7 F6ODA 4 (dust + gases) F7/F9 F6/F8 F6/F7 G4/F6ODA 5 (very high concentration)

F6/GF/F9*) F6/GF/F9*) F6/F7 G4/F6

*) GF = Gas filter (carbon filter) and/or chemical filter

6.4.2. To reduce the dust content of the air introduced in climate-controlled rooms, a pre-filter shall be used at the entry to the ventilation unit, in the following situations:

a) For hygiene reasons, the intake air must be filtered in two steps (at least for IDA 1 and IDA 2).

b) The first inlet filter (pre-filter) shall belong at least to class F5, but preferably to class F7. The second filtration step must be ensured by a filter belonging at least to class F7, but preferably to class F9. If there is only one filtration step, the minimum requirement is class F7.

c) When there are two or more filtration steps, the first set of filters must be located before the air treatment station, and the second set must be located after the air treatment station.

d) Gas filters (carbon filters) are recommended for the outdoor air category ODA 5. These could also be a good solution for categories ODA 3 and ODA 4. In general, gas filters must be combined with F8 or F9 filters installed downstream.

e) For the outdoor air category ODA 5 (highly industrialised regions, near airports, etc.), some applications may require electric filtration. In the event of temporary pollution of the outdoor air, it is recommended that these filters are equipped with a branch and the air quality is permanently monitored.

6.4.3. For hygiene reasons, the filters in the first filtration step should not be used for more than one year before being cleaned or replaced. The filters used in the second or third step should not be used for longer than two years, under the same conditions. Visual inspection and monitoring of the pressure drop in these filters is also recommended, by installing differential pressure meters equipped with inlet holes upstream and downstream from the filter; when the maximum load loss recommended for cleaning is exceeded, an acoustic or visual signalling method should be provided.

6.4.4. When designing and positioning the outdoor air inlet hole, care shall be taken to avoid introducing any local impurities, rain or snow in the filter section.

6.4.5. To minimise the risk of germs developing in the filter, the ventilation station should be designed so that the relative humidity in the filter is always below 90 %, and the average humidity over three consecutive days is lower than 80 % in all the components of the system, including the filter.

6.4.6. If a filter is installed on the recirculated air pipe going towards the ventilation station, it must belong to at least the same filtration class as the filter installed on the main outdoor air circuit.

6.4.7. To protect the polluted air outlet system and the outdoor environment, a filter from at least class F5 should be used.

6.4.8. The air extracted from kitchens must always go through a first step that uses a special filter for fat, which can be easily cleaned and replaced.


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6.4.9. The filters shall not be installed in the immediate vicinity of the fan outlet pipe, or where the distribution of the air flow through the cross-section is not uniform (after elbows or other special parts that change the direction in which the air flows).

6.4.10. The final pressure drop inside the filters shall be calculated and chosen by the manufacturers by taking into account the admissible air flow variation, the cost of the filters per life cycle, and an estimate of their life cycle. Since filter tests carried out in laboratories use an artificial high-granulation test dust, the performance of the filter under real operating conditions shall be different depending on the efficiency, dust retaining capacity, and other laboratory test results. It is recommended that efficiency under real operating conditions does not drop below the catalogue values by more than 5 %.

6.4.11. The filters must be replaced when the pressure drop reaches the final value stipulated in the catalogue (technical specification), or after the following maximum period of time:

a) 2 000 hours of operation or a maximum of one year, for the filter that ensures the first filtration step (pre-filter),

b) 4 000 hours of operation or a maximum of two years, for filters from the second or third filtration step, as well as for filters in the air outlet system and the air recirculation system (if it exists).

6.4.12. The filters shall be carefully replaced to avoid any leakage of the impurities retained therein, using protective equipment.

6.4.13. The filters used in industrial ventilation systems shall be incinerated in special ovens in order to burn the impurities retained therein, to reduce the amount of residues and to recover the energy. The filters used in normal ventilation systems used in the residential and tertiary environment can be disposed of at the refuse dump.

6.4.14. Heat recovery installations shall always be protected by a filter belonging to class F6 or a higher class. Rotating heat recovery units must be equipped with elements that allow their cleaning.

6.4.15. Any air leaks around the air section shall significantly reduce filtration efficiency; therefore, it is important to make sure that air-tightness requirements are complied with.

6.5 Heating/cooling batteries

Sizing, choosing6.5.1. The design thermal load for which cooling batteries are sized shall be determined on

the basis of the enthalpy difference between the intake air and the outlet air of the battery, taking into consideration the average design temperature of the coolant.

6.5.2. The design thermal load for which heating batteries are sized shall be determined on the basis of the temperature or enthalpy difference between the intake air and the outlet air of the battery, taking into consideration the average design temperature of the heat carrier.

6.5.3. Cooling batteries with direct evaporation should not be used unless the coolant flow variation can be ensured.

6.5.4. The head speed of the air passing through the heating/cooling battery must be between 2 – 3.5 m/a.


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6.5.5. If the return pipe of a heating battery is connected to the condensation circuit of a condensing boiler, the battery must be sized for a water temperature of 60/40°C. When other types of boilers are used, the heating battery shall be sized for the nominal temperature rating of the boilers (usually 80/60°C or 90/70°C).

6.5.6. It is recommended that the distance between the fins is at least 2.5 mm for cooling batteries with dehumidification, and at least 2.0 mm for the other types of heating/cooling batteries.

6.5.7. The pressure drop in the air circuit of heating/cooling batteries must be limited as much as possible. Therefore, the values stipulated in Table 6.5.1 are recommended.

Table 6.5.1: Recommended values for the load loss in heating/cooling batteries (in accordance with SR EN 13779/2007):

Component Low load loss (Pa) Medium load loss (Pa)

High load loss (Pa)

Heating battery 40 80 120Cooling battery (100) 60 (140) 100 (180) 140

Installation, maintenance6.5.8. Heating or cooling batteries should be connected to the ventilation pipes in the

following way: upstream from the battery, using a diffuser with the vertex angle smaller than 30°, and downstream from the battery, using a confusor with the vertex angle smaller than 45°.

6.5.9. If the battery is installed immediately after a direction-changing part, it must be equipped with air guide walls or blades, which ensure that the air is uniformly distributed on the front surface of the battery.

6.5.10. If the battery is installed immediately after a centrifugal fan, it shall be connected to the air outlet hole of the fan by means of a symmetrical diffuser with a maximum vertex angle of 30°, or an asymmetrical diffuser, with a maximum vertex angle of 15°. In this case, it is recommended that an air flow baffle plate is used, with a thickness of (0.25 – 0.45)d (in the direction of the flow) and a square mesh size equal to (0.075 – 0.15)d, where d is the diameter of the circular pipes; for rectangular pipes with the sides “a” and “b”, d=(a+b)/2.

6.5.11. If the battery is installed immediately after an axial fan, the connection shall be made by means of a symmetrical direction-changing part with a maximum vertex angle of 30°. It is recommended that a straight cylindrical section with a length equal to two diameters is installed between the direction-changing part and the battery, which shall have a cross inside designed to align the air current (two plane walls, along the entire length of the section located in a perpendicular position).

6.5.12. (1) Heating or cooling batteries shall be provided with means for heat carrier circuit regulation.

(2) The air circuit regulation shall be carried out if there is any space available; the regulating device must have the appropriate regulating capacity.

(3) The water circuit regulation shall be carried out using two or three-way valves.

6.5.13. If the hot water is prepared in a condensing boiler, the heating batteries cannot be adjusted by means of a by-pass three-way valve. It is recommended that a two-way valve or a three-


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way mixing valve is used. A by-pass valve can cause the hot water to return directly to the condenser, reducing the performance of the battery.

6.5.14. Cooling batteries that operate in a dehumidification mode must not be installed immediately before the filtration section or the noise attenuation section.

6.5.15. The batteries can be cleaned directly in the location where they are installed (for heights below 1.6 m), or can be removed for cleaning, in which case the necessary space must be ensured.

6.5.16. Electric heating batteries must be equipped with special devices that provide protection and safety when the access door of the treatment station (if it exists) is opened, as well as during an overload.

6.6. Central air treatment units 6.6.1. Central air treatment units shall be used to treat the air needed for one or more large


6.6.2. The central air treatment unit shall be chosen taking into consideration the following:a) the way in which it is positioned (inside or outside the building);b) the air flow rate and the parameters of the treated air;c) the electricity, heat, and cooling supply sources;d) the type of climate control system used (“air-only” or “air to water”)e) its energy recovery capacity; f) the use of renewable energy sources;g) the noise level accepted in the climate-controlled building; h) the category of outdoor air and its filtration requirements; i) the dimensions of the room in which the unit will be installed and the access routes to

the room; j) various technological requirements.

6.6.3. Central air treatment units can be constructed in the following versions:a) monoblock or SPLIT system;b) the free air is discharged through grilles, or by connecting to ventilation piping;c) for operation during the summer or all year around.

6.6.4. For large air flow rates (more than 1 m3/s), treatment units made of modules that are assembled on site can also be used. These modules can contain one or more of the treatment unit components. They shall be assembled in a way that would ensure air-tightness of the unit.

6.6.5. Air treatment units shall be made of sandwich-type panels with thermal insulation made of mineral wool, glass wool or polyurethane, which ensures a thermal resistance of 1.25 – 3.5 W/m2K and a sound insulation that ensures a sound level of 40 db(A).

6.6.6. The equipment used shall be chosen so that their treatment processes have good performance, which will ensure minimum energy consumption of the unit.

6.6.7. The units shall be equipped with maintenance access doors in the modules of the mixing chamber, filters, humidification chamber, and fans. These shall open to the exterior to ensure


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good air-tightness of the unit. For large units that people can enter, the access doors to the fan module shall be equipped with systems that turn off the fan when the door is opened.

6.6.8. To reduce the energy consumption of the fan, the maximum load losses of the unit components must not exceed the values given in Table 6.6.1.

Table 6.6.1. – Pressure drops recommended for specific components of the air supply system

ApplicationPressure drop, in Pa

Low Normal HighPipe routeHeating batteryCooling batteryHeat recovery deviceHumidifierAir filter, per section*)Noise dampenerAir outlet holeAir inlet and outlet hole




*) Final pressure drop before replacement

6.6.9. Outdoor air filtration is used to meet the requirements for the indoor air inside the building, taking into consideration the outdoor air category. The filter equipment is indicated in Article 6.4, as a function of the outdoor air category (degree of outdoor air pollution).

6.6.10. The fans used in air treatment units must belong to the SFP category of specific energy consumption, which is indicated in Table 6.6.2.

Table 6.6.2. Recommended SFP values for various applications.Application SFP category for each fan

Typical range Value by absence

Air supply fan:- complex ventilation and climate control system- simple ventilation system

SFP 1 up to SFP 5SFP 1 up to SFP 4


Air extraction fan:- complex ventilation and climate control system- simple ventilation system- air extraction system

SFP 1 up to SFP 4SFP 1 up to SFP 3SFP 1 up to SFP 3


6.6.11. To reduce the energy consumption in the ventilation or climate control system, the air treatment unit shall be controlled depending on the needs of the areas it supplies, by means of:

a) a manual switch,b) movement sensors,


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c) count sensors,d) CO2 sensors (used especially in rooms where smoking is prohibited),e) gas mixture detectors (also used in rooms where smoking is allowed).

In rooms with known discharges, the concentration of the most important pollutants can be used as an entry signal (for example, the CO concentration for car parks).

Space requirements for locating air treatment units6.6.12. The system must be designed and constructed so that it allows for easy cleaning,

maintenance, and repairs. Enough space should be left next to the equipment to allow for maintenance and cleaning operations. Enough space should be allowed for dismantling and repairs, and the route used to transport spare parts must be developed and signposted.

6.6.13. Equipment that requires maintenance or a service door should not be located in areas with difficult access. If an air treatment unit is masked inside a suspended ceiling, an access hatch should be installed next to the equipment, which can be opened or removed without tools and is at least 500 x 500 mm in size.

6.6.14. The air treatment units and engine rooms must be accessible to the maintenance and repair personnel (including for moving the necessary materials and spare parts) without having to pass through occupied areas.

6.6.15. Whenever possible, the walls and ducts of the air treatment unit should not be located on either side of the supporting structure of the building.

6.6.16. The instructions given in Figure 6.6.1 must be followed in order to position the equipment correctly. If the unit is divided into several smaller units, or if using heat recuperators, a larger floor surface area may be required.

6.7. Ventilation/climate control station6.7.1. The ventilation or climate control station shall be located in the vicinity of the spaces

being ventilated or climate-controlled; if possible, it shall be fitted in the centre of mass of these spaces.

6.7.2. In civilian public buildings, when the ventilated and climate-controlled rooms have restrictions regarding the noise level, the ventilation/climate control station shall be installed in the basement, in annexes, a separate building or on the roof.

6.7.3. The dimensions of the ventilation or climate control stations shall be determined taking into consideration the sizes of the equipment and the free spaces required to allow for their installation, connection, operation, maintenance, and repair.

6.7.4. The room or space allocated for the ventilation station must be easily accessible and must be fitted with access doors and stairs that enable transportation of the machines, equipment, dismountable elements or modules. The station shall be accessed directly from the outside or from rooms with a low risk of fire, or through shared corridors that enable access to utility systems, in accordance with the technical regulations on fire safety in constructions. The access door shall open towards the outside of the station.

6.7.5. (1) The rooms in which the ventilation or climate control stations are installed shall be functionally and constructively separated from the rest of the building by separation elements


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belonging to class A1 or A2 of reaction to fire and belonging to at least fire resistance class EI60 for walls and REI60 for floors, or EI1 30 –C and a self-locking device or automatic locking system for the doors, respectively.

(2) For buildings with different heights, if the rooms of the ventilation or climate control stations or the outdoor units are located on the roof of the lower building, they must be positioned at least 4 m away from the exterior walls of the taller building, if these have openings; If the abovementioned distance cannot be complied with, measures shall be taken to make sure that the fire resistance of the walls is at least REI 60 minutes and that the wall openings are protected with EI-45-C elements in the spaces where the ventilation-climate control equipment is installed or on the taller building; the roof of the rooms where ventilation or climate control stations are installed must be provided with a fire resistance of at least R 60 and a cover belonging to class A1, A2-s1,d0 or B-s1, d), if measures are taken to limit fire propagation in these spaces.

(3) Smoke and hot gas discharge fans must be installed either on the outside of the building, or in a technical space, separated from the rest of the construction by walls and floors made of materials belonging to class A1 or A2 of reaction to fire and fire resistance REI 60. The access door shall belong to class EI1 30-C of fire resistance and shall be equipped with a self-locking or automatic locking device. The space shall be ventilated depending on the equipment located in the room.

Requirements or positioning the fresh air inlet hole and the air outlet hole6.7.6. The outdoor air inlet hole shall be positioned so that the air introduced in the system is,

if possible: clean, dry, and shaded.

6.7.7. The air must be evacuated from ventilation/climate control systems so that the risks to human health or the negative effects on the building, its occupants or the environment are minimised.

6.7.8. The air inlet holes and air outlet holes must also be positioned in accordance with the regulations and recommendations regarding the fire safety of construction elements, as well as the regulations on sound insulation.

Key: 1 b = 0.4 x height of the unit, minimum 0.5 m, 2 – Service space Figure 6.6.1. – Positioning of air treatment systems (plan view)

6.7.9. The air inlet holes shall be positioned horizontally, at least 8 metres from a waste collection point, a parking area that is frequently used for three or more cars, an alley, loading areas, sewage ventilation systems, chimney heads, and other similar sources of pollution.

6.7.10. To avoid the risk of impurities from the cooling towers spreading into the supply air, the air inlet holes shall be positioned in the dominant wind direction, before the cooling towers. Care must be taken to ensure that cooling tower systems are accompanied by appropriate maintenance procedures that reduce their hazardous emissions.


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6.7.11. It is advisable for the air inlet holes to be positioned on facades facing quiet streets. When this is not possible, the air inlet hole must be positioned as high from the ground as possible.

6.7.12. The air inlet holes shall not be positioned where recirculation of the outlet air or disturbances due to other pollutants or odour emissions are expected to occur.

6.7.13. It is recommended that the air inlet holes are positioned 3 m away from the ground. This distance can be reduced to a minimum of 1.5 m, plus the maximum predicted thickness of the snow.

6.7.14. On the terrace of the building or if the concentrations are similar on both sides of the building, the air inlet hole must be positioned on the façade of the building that is exposed to wind.

6.7.15. If the air inlet hole is adjacent to non-shaded areas, roofs or walls, it must be located and protected so that the air is warmed by the sun as little as possible in the summer.

6.7.16. An unprotected air inlet hole should be sized for a maximum air speed of 2 m/s if there is the potential risk of ingression of water in any form (snow, rain, vapours, etc.) or dust (including leaves).

6.7.17. The lower part of an air inlet hole located on a roof must be at least 1.5 away from the roof level plus the maximum predictable thickness of the snow. The distance can be smaller if the formation of a snow layer is prevented, for example by using a snow shield.

6.7.18. The air inlet holes must be positioned so that they can be accessed for replacement and daily maintenance.

6.7.19. It is acceptable to discharge outlet air belonging to category EHA 1 to the outside via an outlet hole located on the wall of the building, provided that the following requirements are complied with:

a) the distance between the outlet hole and any neighbouring building is at least 8 mb) the distance between the outlet hole and an air inlet hole located on the same wall

must be at least 2 m (if possible, the fresh air inlet hole must be located under the air outlet hole);

c) the air speed inside the outlet hole must be at least 5 m/sd) in any other situation, the outlet hole must be located on the roof.

6.7.20. The air shall be discharged vertically, in an upward direction, above the roof of the highest section of the building. The lower part of the outlet hole must be at least 1.5 m high from the roof plus the maximum predictable thickness of the snow. The distance can be smaller if the formation of a snow layer is prevented, for example by using a snow shield.

6.7.21. The minimum distances between the air inlet hole and the air outlet hole are given in Figure 6.6.2. These depend mainly on the category of air being discharged.

a) For EHA 4, the distances are the largest and, also, depend on the air flow rate. b) For categories EHA 1 to EHA 3, the distances depend solely on the category of air being

discharged. The values given in Figure 6.6.2 are valid for an outlet air speed up to 6 m/s; for higher speeds, the distances can be smaller.


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6.7.22. For tall buildings, the air inlet and outlet holes must be positioned so that the effect of the wind and the draught effect are minimised.

Figure 6.6.2. – Minimum distances between the air outlet hole and the air inlet hole1 Vertical distance – Outlet hole above the inlet hole (upper part of the graph); Vertical distance – Outlet hole below the inlet hole (lower part of the graph); 2- Distance between the holes; 3 – EHA category; 4 – Air flow rate in the hole, in m3/s

7. General provisions for the equipment of ventilation/climate control systems

7.1. Ventilation/climate control equipment can only be used if they bear a CE marking or technical agreement, or have equivalent performances and are legally sold in a Member State of the European Union or Turkey, or are legally manufactured in an EFTA state that is a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area.

7.2. All equipment that holds Eurovent certification or other equivalent certifications shall be labelled accordingly; this label shall be placed in a visible place, either in the ventilation/climate control station or on the air treatment unit.

7.3. It is recommended that the components of ventilation and climate control systems comply with the provisions of standard SR EN 15423:2008 Ventilation in buildings. Fire prevention measures for air distribution systems in buildings.

7.4. If the equipment performances lead to energy saving during operation, these performances, which are technically and economically justified, shall be included in the public tender books.


Minimum horizontal distance [m]

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8. Ventilation-climate control solutions for buildings used for various purposes

8.1. DwellingsDesign hypotheses8.1.1. The organised ventilation of dwellings must be general and permanent at least during

the period in which the outdoor temperature does not permit windows to be opened frequently.

8.1.2. The air circulation must be ensured by introducing air in the main rooms (living room, bedrooms, office) and extracting (evacuating) air from the service rooms (kitchen, bathrooms, toilets).

8.1.3. The ventilation system must include at least the following: air inlet holes in all main rooms, representing holes in the facades, outlet holes for extracting air from the service rooms, at least in kitchens, bathrooms or shower rooms, as well as toilets and vertical pipes with natural draught or mechanical devices.

8.1.4. In shared ventilation systems, if a service room is equipped with a mechanical air outlet hole, all the other service rooms must also be equipped with an outlet hole. In more complex systems, other equipment and devices can also be installed.

8.1.5. The air must be able to circulate freely from the main rooms to the service rooms (through the spaces underneath the doors, or through grilles).

8.1.6. (1) Mechanical or natural ventilation systems shall be sized so that the air outlet flow rates given in Table 8.1.1 are reached in winter conditions.These flow rates must be provided by the system either simultaneously or individually.

Table 8.1.1. Air flow rates for ventilation in dwellings

Number of main rooms in the dwelling

Air outlet flow rates expressed in m3/h

Kitchen Bathroom or shower room, with or without a toilet

Another shower room


single multiple

1 75 15 - - -

2 90 15 15 15 15

3 105 30 15 15 15

4 120 30 15 30 15

5 or more 135 30 15 30 15

(2) The air outlet flow rates must be compensated by air intake devices and the permeability of the façade.

(3) If there is no separation wall between the living room and another room, the single room created this way shall be considered equivalent to two main rooms.

(4) If the kitchen extraction hood is connected, by design, to its own permanent air outlet, a smaller air flow through the outlet holes is permitted. Toilets shall be considered to be multiple if there are at least two of them in the dwelling, even if one of them is located in the bathroom/shower


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room. (5) The extraction hood located in the kitchen shall be taken into consideration in terms of its flow rate and noise level, similar to any other air hole.

8.1.7. In shared extraction systems, kitchen hoods cannot be connected to the shared pipe.8.1.8. Individual boilers/equipment used to heat and prepare hot water for domestic

consumption cannot be connected to the outlet pipes provided for ventilation.

8.1.9. Each main room must be equipped with at least an air intake device, which must comply with the requirements stipulated in 8.1.6.

8.1.10. Individual regulating devices may allow for the flow rates defined in Article 8.1.6 of this technical regulation to be reduced, provided that the total outlet air flow rate and the reduced flow rate in the kitchen are at least equal to the values given in Table 8.1.2.

Table 8.1.2. Minimum air flow rates for ventilation in dwellings

Number of main rooms1 2 3 4 5 6 7

minimum total flow rate[m3/h]

35 60 75 90 105 120 135

minimum flow rate in the kitchen [m3/h]

20 30 45 45 45 45 45

8.1.11. For individual houses which are detached, semi-detached or terraced, the construction and the equipment therein must meet the following minimum requirements:

a) the kitchen is provided with an outlet hole equipped with a vertical pipe with natural draught, or a mechanical device;

b) service rooms shall be equipped with:1. either an outlet hole equipped with a vertical pipe with mechanical extraction or

natural draught 2. - or an outer opening that can be blocked;

c) each main room shall be equipped with an air inlet hole representing an orifice in the façade, a pipe with natural draught or a mechanical device, which shall be sized so that, together with the flow rate through the permeability of the façade, they ensure a total flow rate that corresponds to the number of rooms, equivalent to the one given in Table 8.1.1.

8.1.12. If combustion equipment is installed inside the dwelling, the ventilation system must be able to provide the air flow rates required for the good operation of this equipment.

8.1.13. The systems must not exceed the noise level admitted in dwellings; therefore, the maximum air circulation speed is 5 m/s for vertical pipes and 6 m/s for horizontal pipes.

Types of ventilation systems8.1.14. Depending on the type of the building, the level of comfort requested by the

beneficiary, and the energy saving requirements, the ventilation systems for use in dwellings can be:a) in shared buildings:

1. naturally-organised ventilation


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2. hybrid ventilation (with induction-assisted extraction or suction fan)3. single-circuit (mono-flow) mechanical ventilation: 4. double-circuit (double-flow) mechanical ventilation.

b) in individual buildings:5. naturally-organised ventilation6. single-circuit (mono-flow) mechanical ventilation:7. double-circuit (double-flow) mechanical ventilation.

8.1.15. Ventilation systems shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.1.1 – 8.1.12 of this technical regulation.

8.1.16. Static or thermodynamic heat recuperators shall be installed in double-circuit mechanical systems.

8.1.17. Residential buildings can be equipped with local or general climate control systems; in this case, the ventilation must be ensured by bringing fresh air into the climate control system or by using a ventilation system independent of the climate control system.

System components 8.1.18. (1) Air intake devices used in rooms shall have self-adjusting or hygro-regulating slots,

preferably installed in the window frames. Grilles or valves fitted in the exterior wall can also be used. For double windows, these devices can be mounted in series, taking into consideration the reduction in the air flow rate obtained this way.

(2) The devices can be provided with sound protection or not, and must:a) be adjustable by the user, up to a position that ensures the minimum flow rate

required,b) be easily dismountable for maintenance,c) be designed so that they do not create disturbing air currents.

(3) Any such device must be technically approved.

8.1.19. (1) The air extraction devices used in rooms can be normal grilles or hygro-regulating or self-adjusting grilles. The devices must:

a) be adjustable by the user, up to a position that ensures the minimum flow rate required,

b) be easily disassembled for maintenance.(2) These devices can be activated automatically (controlled by light or presence sensors), but

must ensure the minimum flow rate required in any conditions.

8.1.20. The air can be extracted from the system either directly from the fan, or via an outlet pipe; the air outlet hole must be located so that it would not allow the outlet air to be recirculated through the exterior, and would not exceed the admissible noise level.

8.1.21. Extraction fans can have fixed or variable speed.

8.1.22. (1) The air outlet ducts using natural draught can be individual or shared (serve several rooms). The shared pipe consists of a collecting pipe and individual fittings that connect it to the ceiling level, which serve only one room; an exception are bathrooms and toilets located next to each other.

(2) A shared pipe that connects kitchens cannot serve any other types of rooms.


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8.1.23. The air pipes must be sealed so that less than 5 % of the flow rate is lost.

8.1.24. The system shall be designed so that it can be easily inspected and maintained. For this purpose:

a) an access cover shall be fitted at the base of the vertical pipes,b) all shared system components that require maintenance (mechanical devices,

condensation outlet holes, etc.) shall be accessible from the shared parts of the building.

8.2. Offices8.2.1. The indoor design parameters (thermal environment category, indoor air quality

requirements, and comfort requirements) shall be determined in accordance with sub-chapters 3.1 and 4.1 of this technical regulation.

8.2.2. Indoor air parameters shall be chosen depending on the category of environment required by the design theme (Table 4.1) for the building/office area to be built.

8.2.3. The design theme shall stipulate the sources of harmful emissions. These must be clearly specified in the technical documentation.

8.2.4. The design engineer and beneficiary can agree for the comfort parameter values to be exceeded for a given period of time (hours, days).

8.2.5. The thermal load shall be determined in accordance with sub-chapter 5.3 of this technical regulation. The sources of heat shall be taken into consideration when calculating the thermal load, also taking into account their simultaneous operation.

8.2.6. The fresh air flow rate for office buildings shall be determined in accordance with sub-chapter 5.4 of this technical regulation.

8.2.7. The average air speed must be correlated with the other comfort parameters, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in sub-chapter 4.1 of this technical regulation. The values given in Table 4.5 shall be used, which correspond to the design temperature, for an air current index between 10-20 % and assuming that the turbulence intensity is 40 % (ventilation by mixing).

8.2.8. The following climate control systems can be used to control the climate of office buildings:

a) “air-only”, with a constant or variable air flow rate (VAV);b) “air to water”, with fan convectors, ejector-convectors, cooling ceilings or cooling

beams;c) VRV refrigerant systems.

8.2.9. Climate control systems shall be used in accordance with the provisions stipulated in sub-chapter 4.2 of this technical regulation.

8.2.10. When using air to water climate control systems or VRV systems, if these only operate in recirculation mode, air intake systems must be used to introduce the required volume of fresh air.


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8.2.11. It is recommended that fresh air intake systems are used which can recover the heat contained in the outlet air; in this case, the recovery system must not allow for any pollutants to be transferred from the outlet air into the fresh air.

8.2.12. The fresh or mixed air shall be introduced (depending on the climate control system used) through air holes directly into the climate-controlled rooms. The chosen air holes shall comply with the requirements stipulated in sub-chapter 6.1 of this technical regulation. Air flow regulating elements shall be installed at the air holes, in accordance with Article 6.2.39 – 6.2.57 of this technical regulation.

8.2.13. The fresh air shall be extracted through holes located in the climate-controlled rooms. Some of the air flow can be transferred to toilets, through transfer grilles.

8.2.14. Air treatment units shall be positioned so that the pipe routes are as short as possible.

8.2.15. The ventilation or climate control systems should be designed so that they can also be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire.

8.2.16. The air treatment unit can be located outside or in especially designated technical rooms. Care shall be taken to ensure that the noise level in the rooms does not exceed the admissible level.

8.2.17. Toilets shall be ventilated by suction. Compensation air shall be extracted from the office area through transfer grilles. In large toilets, air can also be introduced in the buffer rooms.

8.2.18. Extraction fans shall be installed on the roof or in technical rooms located on the top level. They shall meet the noise level requirements for the climate-controlled building and the neighbouring buildings.

8.3 Hotels8.3.1. The ventilation/climate control system for hotel buildings shall be chosen depending

on the hotel category and the level of comfort that needs to be provided.

8.3.2. In 1 and 2-star hotels, the accommodation spaces and the annexes shall be ventilated using one of the following systems:

a) single-circuit (single flow) mechanical ventilation with hygro-regulating air holes or constant flow rate and mechanical discharge, without intake air treatment;

b) double-circuit (double-flow) mechanical ventilation, with intake air heating. For double flow ventilation, it is recommended that heat recovery systems are used; in this case, the recovery system should not allow for pollutants to be transferred from the outlet air into the fresh air.

8.3.3. (1) The controlled ventilation of accommodation spaces shall be organised according to the following general principle: fresh air is introduced in the hotel room and the vitiated air is extracted through the bathroom and discharged to the outdoor environment.

(2) The reception areas shall be ventilated at higher pressure than the neighbouring rooms.

8.3.4. In 3-star hotels or higher, the accommodation spaces, reception areas, circulation routes, commercial spaces, and services, as well as all sports and entertainment spaces, shall be climate-controlled.


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3-star hotels which are located in mountain regions and are equipped with a winter heating system can be exempt from this requirement. In this case, the ventilation shall provided by one of the systems stipulated in Article 8.3.2 of this technical regulation.

8.3.5. (1) Hotel spaces shall be climate-controlled using one of the following climate control systems:

a) variable-flow “air-only” climate control system;b) Multi-Split or VRV “air-refrigerant” climate control system;c) “air to water” climate control system using fan convectors or water loop heat pumps.

(2) The climate control systems used shall comply with the manufacturing requirements stipulated in subchapter 4.2 of this technical regulation.

8.3.6. The indoor units of an “air-refrigerant” system and the terminal units of an “air to water” system can be installed in a visible place or in the false ceiling. In this case, it is recommended that these are connected to the air intake and suction holes by means of plenums and air pipes.

8.3.7. Ceiling units shall be located, as much as possible, outside of the climate-controlled spaces; in the case of accommodation rooms, these units shall be located in the corridors. Access spaces shall be provided for inspection and maintenance.

8.3.8. A ventilation installation shall be provided for “air-refrigerant” and “air to water” systems. The method used to introduce ventilation air depends on the climate control system chosen:

a) For “air-refrigerant” climate control systems with Multi-Split or VRV indoor units that cannot be channelled, as well as for “air to water” systems with visible terminal units, the ventilation air shall be introduced in the climate-controlled rooms.

b) For “air-refrigerant” climate control systems with VRV units that can be channelled, or for “air to water” systems with terminal units that can be channelled, the ventilation air shall be introduced in the vicinity of their suction plenum, or directly into the plenum.

8.3.9. For all categories of hotels and all spaces, the ventilation air flow that must be introduced shall be determined in accordance with Article 5.4.3 of this technical regulation.

8.3.10. The ventilation air shall be extracted through bathrooms or annexes, such as locker rooms or shared toilets, using installations equipped with a single fan or local fans fitted with a non-return valve.

8.4. Commercial centres8.4.1. Commercial centres shall be climate controlled in all sales areas accessible to the public.

Their annexes shall be ventilated naturally or mechanically, depending on their specific conditions.

8.4.2. These spaces can be climate controlled using a single type of climate control system, or by combining several types of systems.

8.4.3. It is recommended that sales spaces are climate controlled using mono-zone “air-only” climate control systems. The circulated air can be treated using ROOF TOP units or units located in special rooms or even in the space they serve. The same climate control system that is used in the large spaces shall also be used in the spaces that are accessible to the public.


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8.4.4. Small commercial spaces shall be climate-controlled using decentralised systems such as VRV systems, multi-split systems or water loop heat pumps. A ventilation system shall be provided to supply the fresh air needed. The method used to introduce ventilation air depends on the climate control system chosen.

8.4.5. The chosen climate control systems shall comply with the requirements stipulated in sub-chapter 5 of this technical regulation.

8.4.6. Air-only climate control systems can also be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire, provided that they meet the requirements stipulated for smoke discharge systems.

8.4.7. Measures shall be taken to make sure that the climate control systems being used do not interact with or disturb the operation of any smoke and hot gas discharge systems of the commercial centre.

8.4.8. All commercial spaces shall be supplied with fresh air for ventilation. This air can be treated using a central system, or locally. The minimum fresh air flow rate shall be established based on a surface area index or based on an estimated number of visitors, using the specific flow rate.

8.4.9. To save energy, the fresh air flow rate should be variable, depending on the concentration of CO2 in the outlet air.

8.4.10. Vitiated air shall be fully evacuated from small commercial spaces through the toilets, or some of it shall be evacuated through the toilets and the rest through holes that transfer it to the circulation areas, from where it shall be evacuated in a centralised way, using the climate control system of the access areas.

8.4.11. Fresh air inlet holes and air outlet holes shall be located in accordance with the requirements stipulated in subchapter 6.6 of this technical regulation.

8.5. Education buildings8.5.1. Education buildings must be ventilated/climate-controlled so that the air quality and

comfort requirements stipulated in subchapters 3.1 and 4.1 of this technical regulation are complied with.

8.5.2. Education buildings shall be equipped with mechanical or natural ventilation systems that ensure the required indoor air quality, in order to prevent decreased alertness, tiredness, and, therefore, educational failure of the students.

8.5.3. The minimum fresh air flow rates per occupant are as follows:a) 15 m3/h/person for kindergartens, schools or colleges;b) 18 m3/h/person for rooms in secondary schools, seminars, accommodation rooms,

offices, reunion halls,c) 22 m3/h/person for dining halls,d) 30 m3/h/person for isolated toilets;e) 10 to 20 m3/h/table for shared kitchens, depending on the number of tables served at

the same time.


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8.5.4. A mechanical ventilation system can be designed for the entire building or only certain areas of the building, using the systems described in subchapter 3.2 of this technical regulation.

8.5.5. In the case of double flow mechanical ventilation, the air is usually introduced and extracted so that the heat can be recovered from the outlet air. In this situation:

a) the intake air shall be filtered and treated; the minimum process shall consist in heating the air in winter conditions, at an outlet temperature equal to the design indoor temperature.

b) The heat is recovered using plate, thermal tube or rotating heat recuperators. The air treatment units shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements stipulated in sub-chapter 6.6 of this technical regulation.

c) where units equipped with heat recuperators cannot be installed, the mechanical ventilation system can be designed without outlet pipes. In this case, the air shall be discharged by overpressure towards the corridors, where it will be evacuated into the outdoor environment using fans.

8.5.6. The mechanical ventilation system should be designed so that it can also be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire.

8.5.7. Air pipes used in shared spaces shall be made of non-combustible materials and shall meet the requirements stipulated in sub-chapter 6.2 of this technical regulation. A mixing or displacement ventilation system, equipped with air holes specific to the ventilation system chosen, can be used to ensure air distribution within halls occupied by pupils. Textile air pipes with uniform air distribution can also be used.

8.5.8. The dimensions of the air holes shall be determined so that the air speed in the occupied area does not exceed the limit values given in Table 4.5.

8.5.9. For single-flow mechanical ventilation, it is recommended that: a) fresh air is introduced naturally through hygro-adjustable holes located in the window

joinery in rooms occupied by pupils and/or the walls of the room;b) air is discharged by overpressure towards the corridors, from where it shall be

evacuated to the outdoor environment using fans.

8.5.10. Ventilation by opening the windows shall only be used in existing buildings, if these cannot be equipped with mechanical ventilation systems.

8.5.11. In the situations mentioned in Article 8.5.9 and 8.5.10, the thermal power of the heating system must also ensure that the intake air flow is heated in each individual room.

8.5.12. Measures shall be drawn up for ventilation by opening the windows, to teach the users how to ensure satisfactory efficiency, such as ventilation during break time, in the period between study cycles, etc.

8.6. Swimming pools8.6.1. The indoor air parameters for indoor swimming pools are:a) for normal swimming pools:

- water temperature in the pool twater = 26°C;- indoor air temperature ti = 28°C;- relative humidity i = 60 %;


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b) if the beneficiary wants the temperature to be higher: - water temperature in the pool twater = 30℃;- indoor air temperature shall be: ti = 32 ℃;- maximum relative humidity i = 45 %

c) for medical swimming pools: - water temperature in the pool twater = 36℃;- indoor air temperature ti = 28°C;- maximum relative humidity i = 50 %.

8.6.2. Indoor swimming pools shall be equipped with climate control and/or dehumidification systems that are capable of maintaining the indoor parameters within the desired limits. Dehumidification of swimming pools using warm air systems that use fresh air should be avoided as much as possible.

8.6.3. The dehumidification systems of small pools shall be independent, mobile or fixed, and shall incorporate refrigeration systems.

8.6.4. (1) For large swimming pools, the air treatment units shall have incorporated refrigeration machines which shall be used both for dehumidification and to reheat the treated air.

(2) The units shall use fresh air and shall be equipped with heat recuperators for efficient energy use.

(3) The heat recuperators of the air treatment units, independent systems or solar panels shall be used to heat the water in the pool.

8.6.5. The dehumidification air flow shall be calculated for average winter conditions.

8.6.6. In swimming pools, the air distribution is usually of the bottom-top type:a) Air is introduced through the lower part of the room and, if possible, under the

windows, in order to counteract the cold air currents in front of the windows.b) Air is extracted through the upper part of the room and, whenever possible, air will

also be extracted from the vicinity of the pools to eliminate unpleasant odours.c) An exception is small fixed or mobile dehumidifiers in which the air is introduced at the

bottom and discharged at the top.

8.6.7. (1) The air pipes shall be made of humidity-resistant materials (zinc-coated metal sheet, coated metal sheet, stainless steel sheet, PVC, aluminium-coated polyurethane, etc.):

(2) The air outlet pipes must be thermally insulated to prevent water vapours from condensing inside the pipe.

(3) Air intake pipes shall be installed near the pool, so that the air outlet holes are located in the work area, as near to the surface of the pool water as possible.

8.6.8. When refurbishing swimming pools, a top-bottom system can be used if the existing air pipes cannot be reused due to wear and tear or access difficulties. The air jet provided by the outlet holes must reach the work area at a speed that ensures comfort. In this situation, pipes made of textile materials can also be used, if they are appropriately sized.

8.6.9. The pool shall be covered with a plastic sheet during the rest periods, to reduce evaporation and energy consumption.

8.6.10. The air holes located in the work area shall be resistant to mechanical knocks.


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8.6.11. An independent heating system shall be used to reduce the thermal load of the units in winter conditions. Electrical heating is prohibited.

8.6.12. To provide a superior level of comfort, it is recommended that heating is carried out through the floor, in both the pool entry and exit areas, to prevent the feeling of cold and enable the floor to dry quicker.

8.6.13. The following requirements must be complied with in order to build swimming pools with lower energy consumption and high system efficiency:

a) the construction elements shall have low thermal transmittance;b) the construction elements shall be fitted with vapour diffusion retarders, and thermal

insulation shall be installed on the outside.

8.7. Restaurants 8.7.1. For the ventilation/climate control of restaurants, independent systems shall be used in

both the dining room and the kitchen.

8.7.2. Dining rooms shall be climate-controlled using: a) constant or variable-flow “air-only” climate control systems;b) “air to water” climate control systems;c) “air-refrigerant” climate control systems.

8.7.3. The dining room shall be ventilated/climate-controlled at a higher pressure than the kitchen and lavatories, but at lower pressure than the entrance hall. The overpressure regimen shall be correlated to the one in the neighbouring annexes, so that the air flow rates are balanced throughout the restaurant. If the dining room is compartmented into smoking areas and non-smoking areas, the non-smoking area must have higher pressure than the smoking area.

8.7.4. When using an “air-only” climate control system, it is recommended that a “bottom-top” mixing or displacement distribution system is used. If these distribution systems cannot be used, a “top-bottom-top” or “top-top” mixing distribution system shall be used.

8.7.5. In all systems, the air intake and air outlet devices shall be chosen and positioned so that the intake air cannot be short-circuited.

8.7.6. If the air flow required to absorb heat and humidity is higher than the fresh air flow, the additional air flow shall not be recirculated.

8.7.7. When using “air to water” or “refrigerant” climate control systems, an “air-only” system shall be provided in order to introduce the fresh (ventilation) air required, which shall comply with the requirements stipulated in Article 8.2.11 – 8.2.14.

8.7.8. The climate control air treatment units shall be equipped with two-speed fans for when the thermal load is low.

8.7.9. Toilets shall be ventilated by extraction (suction).


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8.7.10. Extraction fans shall be installed on the roof or in technical rooms located on the last level. They shall meet the noise level requirements for the climate-controlled building and the neighbouring buildings.

8.7.11. The ventilation or climate control systems should be designed so that they can also be used to discharge smoke and hot gases in the event of a fire.

8.7.12. A low pressure regimen or a balanced pressure regimen shall be used to ventilate kitchens.

8.7.13. To reduce energy consumption, the kitchen shall be equipped so that any equipment with significant heat discharge is grouped and sized to meet the actual needs of the restaurant.

8.7.14. Natural ventilation can be used in small kitchens.

8.7.15. (1) Large kitchens shall be ventilated using extraction hoods located above the food preparation equipment. It is recommended that induction hoods are used in order to reduce energy consumption.

(2) The hoods, outlet pipes, and other capture devices must be made of materials belonging to class A1 of reaction to fire.

(3) The hoods and outlet pipes shall be positioned at least 0.5 m away from any elements and materials made of combustible materials.

(4) The hoods, outlet pipes and other capture devices shall be isolated from the combustible elements and materials located less than 1.00 m away.

(5) When passing through walls and floors, as well as inside rooms with other intended uses, the outlet pipes must be made of materials belonging to class A1 of reaction to fire and make sure that the fire resistance is equal to the fire resistance of the elements they go through, but no less than EI 60 h0 i↔o or EI 60 ve i↔o, depending on the way in which they are installed, either vertically or horizontally.

(6) Outlet fans must be provided with fire resistance F300 60. The fittings between the outlet fans and the pipes must belong to class A2-s1,d0 of reaction to fire.(7) The cables/electrical conductors that supply the electric motors of outlet fans must be equipped with flame propagation delay, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

8.7.16. If this type of hoods cannot be used, warmed air shall be used for compensation when the outdoor air temperature is lower than the indoor air temperature. In large kitchens, it is recommended that air intake systems equipped with a cooling feature are used in the summer.

8.7.17. The air discharged from kitchens must always go through a first step that uses a special filter for fat, which can be easily cleaned and replaced. The air extraction process shall take into account the provisions of Article 6.2.30 - 6.2.32.

8.7.18. The air pipes shall comply with the air-tightness requirements stipulated in Article 6.2.86 – 6.2.90.

8.7.19. It is recommended that the heat is recovered from the outlet air using thermal tube or intermediary fluid recuperators. The use of rotating recuperators is not permitted due to the risk of transferring pollutants.


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8.8. Industrial halls8.8.1. The design of ventilation systems for industrial halls shall take into consideration the

technical, economic, energetic, and human factors that occur, which requires good knowledge of the building, work places, and technologies.

8.8.2. The design of a ventilation system shall take into account the following aspects:a) defining the building and work places, with a full data inventory about the industrial

processes, people, environmental conditions, etc.; b) determination and classification of the level of risk posed by the pollution sources;

establishing the physico-chemical and toxicological characteristics of the pollutants;c) determination of the technical capture and ventilation solutions, taking into account

the industrial process, its possible evolution, and changes it causes to the ventilation devices, as well as any potential incompatibilities between the pollutants (dust, humidity, cyanides, and acids) which require separation of the circuits;

d) determination of the parameters (flow rates, air speeds, temperatures, etc.) and calculation of the systems (diameters, load losses, installed capacity, etc.);

e) choosing the system components (terminal devices, pipes, materials, fans, etc.);f) determining and providing the components that must be activated or controlled

during operation;g) reception and commissioning of the ventilation system and determination of the

reference values.

Risks to the human body 8.8.3. The substances used or manufactured in industry can have various negative effects on

the human body; therefore, a minimum objective is to maintain the necessary atmosphere to prevent the personnel from getting ill. For this purpose, the reference limit values for the concentrations of harmful substances and a limit exposure value shall be used (Annex No 31 of the General workplace protection standards, approved by Order No 508/933/2002).

8.8.4. Due to its nature, whether it is irritant, corrosive, fibrous, toxic, allergenic or pathogenic, or simply due to its presence, dust has pulmonary effects even if it is not harmful (Annex No 32 of the General workplace protection standards).

8.8.5. Gases are aggressive to human health if they are toxic, irritant or corrosive. Also, regardless of whether they are aggressive or not, they pose the risk of asphyxiation and lack of breathable oxygen (Annex No 33 of the General workplace protection standards).

Risks of explosion8.8.6. The atmosphere of a work place is explosive if, after flammable substances in gas,

vapour, mist or powder format have ignited in the air mixture at atmospheric conditions, the combustion propagates throughout the entire unburned mixture (in accordance with Article 2B of Government Decision No 752/2004).

8.8.7. A potentially explosive atmosphere is an atmosphere which could become explosive due to local and operations conditions (in accordance with Article 2C of Government Decision No 752/2004).


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8.8.8. An explosive atmosphere can form during normal operation in rooms that are either closed or insufficiently ventilated, in the vicinity of rooms where combustible liquid pumps, recipients with surfaces that are free of flammable liquids, uncovered containers, etc. are deposited.

8.8.9. An explosive atmosphere can also form accidentally due to leaks from recipients located inside stocked, closed or insufficiently ventilated storage rooms, leaks from any pipes carrying liquids, flammable gases or pollutants, or leaks from the combustion installations.

8.8.10. When mixed with air, most flammable vapours and gases pose the risk of explosion; the dangerous concentration range is between the lower and upper explosion limits. The ventilation must ensure that the lower explosion limit values are not exceeded.

8.8.11. Dust and combustible powders do not normally form explosive concentrations in workplace atmospheres. However, everyday operations – repairs, loading or unloading of powdery products, can create dangerous clouds; powders with fine granulometry (<200m) deposited in layers, their suspension by the air currents, or powders emitted by non-airtight devices can create explosive clouds: carbon or sulphur dust, as well as powdery organic materials such as flour, sugar, milk, starch, cereals, wood, plastics or metallic powders.

8.8.12. The minimum explosion concentration of a powder depends on several parameters: granulometry, power of the ignition source in particular. The minimum explosion concentration of a powder ranges between 20 and 100 g/m3. In general, the maximum explosion concentration is higher than 1 kg/m3.

8.8.13. To avoid the explosion of flammable powders, the following shall be ensured:a) good leak-tightness of all apparatus and machines (except for those which experience

technological leaks: mills, sieves, elevator, belt conveyer, mixer, etc.); b) capture of the powders produced by the machines at the source, using a dry or a wet

method (grinder, polisher, etc.);c) all surfaces inside the storage rooms are kept clean.

Risks due to heat and cold exposure 8.8.14. To limit heat and cold exposure, ventilation systems can be used which ensure the air

speeds and temperatures needed in order to provide acceptable working conditions, due to a convection effect.

Ventilation systems8.8.15. The systems used to ventilate industrial halls shall be as follows:

a) local ventilation (by local suction),b) general ventilation by mixing,c) combined ventilation (local and general).

8.8.16. Local ventilation shall capture the pollutants as close to the emission source as possible, to limit their dispersion in the entire atmosphere of the room; this system should be used where there are significant and concentrated sources of pollutant emissions.

8.8.17. General ventilation shall dilute the pollutants using the fresh air flow, in order to reduce the concentration of pollutant substances up to the minimum admissible concentration value.


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Suction ventilation8.8.18. Suction ventilation must comply with the following principles:

a) the maximum possible coverage of the area where pollutants are produced;b) the capture must take place as close to the emission area as possible;c) the capture device must be placed so that the operator is not located between the

device and the source of pollution;d) the natural movements of the pollutants should be used;e) the air speed should be sufficient to drive the pollutants;f) the air speeds should be uniformly distributed within the capture area;g) the air must be compensated depending on the flow rate extracted by the local

suction devices;h) air currents and a sensation of thermal discomfort should be avoided;i) the polluted air must be discharged outside of the fresh air intake area;j) if applicable, the outlet air must be treated to retain the pollutants so that admissible

emission concentrations are complied with.

8.8.19. Three types of capture devices shall be used: emission source cover devices, inductor devices, and receiver devices.

8.8.20. The emission source cover devices can be closed (cases, enclosed cabins), semi-closed (semi-enclosed cabins, recesses) or open (hoods, lateral suction in industrial baths, collection holes, etc.). Devices with the best closure shall be chosen, depending on the technological process.

8.8.21. The air flow rates extracted shall be those specified for the technological process. If the air flow rate is not specified, it shall be calculated as a function of the air speed through the opening of the device; this speed shall be chosen depending on the toxicity of the pollutant being extracted, making sure that the process is not disturbed.

8.8.22. The design of the suction device shall ensure the speed is uniformly distributed through the opening; for this purpose, compartments, screens or guide plates can be provided, making sure to not create any areas of turbulence due to obstacles, sharp edges, etc.

8.8.23. Inductor capture devices, located near the source, shall generate an air current in the emission area in order to drive the pollutant to the suction device and carrier pipes; the air current thus generated shall also act as an air curtain that prevents dispersion of the pollutant towards the room.

8.8.24. When designing capture devices, care shall be taken to create a thorough aeraulic conformation, as well as to ensure the mechanical resistance, stability, and corrosion resistance of the material depending on the pollutant being carried.

General ventilation for diluting the pollutants8.8.25. The general ventilation in industrial halls must meet the following requirements:

a) to only be designed as a single system if local ventilation is technically impossible;b) to ensure that the air evacuated through the local outlet systems is compensated; the

compensation air shall be heated;c) in addition, to ensure that any “pollutant leaks” from the local outlet systems are

diluted;d) to preferably use a mechanical intake and extraction process. Natural extraction is

possible in high halls and places with large heat sources;


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e) The polluted air must be discharged away from the fresh air intake (hole) area.f) the air intake and outlet devices shall be located so that:

1. the air circulates in a general movement from the clean areas to the polluted areas,2. to prevent the formation of non-ventilated areas,3. to prevent the formation of air currents that cause a sensation of thermal discomfort;4. work places should not be located between the source and the extraction system;5. the air movement created must have the same direction as the natural movement of the pollutants and, in particular, the ascending effect of warm gases should be followed.

8.8.26. Low pressure ventilation shall be carried out in rooms where toxic or asphyxiating products are discharged.

8.8.27. In adjacent rooms with different specific pollution, the independence of the fans shall also be investigated, by placing lock chambers with a permanent fresh air overpressure between them. When, for reasons specific to the industrial process, the room must be kept at overpressure, the lock chambers shall be kept at low pressure.


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9. Measures and solutions for increasing the energy efficiency of ventilation/climate control systems.

9.1. Thermal insulation of the systems9.1.1. The components of the ventilation/climate control systems must be thermally insulated

whenever there is a need to limit energy losses by the liquids that carry or store energy; therefore, the thickness of this thermal insulation shall be determined based on technical and economical criteria, taking into consideration the specific data of the respective design.

9.1.2. The air pipes shall be thermally insulated in the following situations:a) they are installed outside the buildingb) they pass through spaces that are not climate-controlled or heatedc) there is the risk of condensation forming on the surface of the air pipes (they pass

through spaces with a high level of humidity)d) they carry high temperature air and there is a risk of injury upon touchinge) they carry high temperature air or gases and pass through spaces that pose a fire

hazardf) they carry flammable gases, vapours or dust and pass through high temperature areas;

in this case, it must be made sure that the temperatures on the surface on the air pipes are not dangerous.

9.1.3. Heat carrier or refrigerant pipes shall be thermally insulated along the entire length of their routes, regardless of the spaces that they pass through.

9.1.4. The equipment of ventilation/climate control systems shall be thermally insulated in an adequate manner, especially when installed outdoors.

9.1.5. The materials used for the thermal insulation of ventilation/climate control systems must meet the following requirements:

a) to be non-combustible or hardly combustible (classes A1, A2 of reaction to fire), or hardly flammable (classes B, C, D of reaction to fire),

b) to not be susceptible to rotting, c) to have insulating properties that are stable over time,d) to stay rigid at high temperatures,e) to be able to be used appropriately for low temperatures, wherever needed

(refrigerant pipes, cooled water pipes, cooled water storage equipment),f) to not be toxic or lead to toxic emissions at high temperatures.

9.1.6. Measures shall be taken to protect the outer surface of the thermal insulation in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration the humidity exposure conditions, mechanical knocks, and fire and explosion hazards in the spaces where it is located.

9.2 Heat recovery and storage, and use of renewable sources9.2.1. To create ventilation/climate control systems with low energy consumption, a heat

recovery function must be used within the system. The heat shall be recovered from the outlet air by recirculation, transfer, recuperative or regenerative heat exchangers, or thermodynamic processes (heat pumps, thermal tube heat exchangers, etc.).


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9.2.2. It is also recommended that any economical solution is analysed and applied to recover heat from heat sources external to the ventilation/climate control system (sun, ground, outdoor air, residual heat from industrial processes, etc.).

9.2.3. Air recirculation is permitted depending on the outlet air quality. Therefore:a) Outlet air belonging to category ETA 1 can be recirculated or transferred,b) Outlet air belonging to category ETA 2 cannot be recirculated but can be transferred to

toilets, garages or other similar spaces,c) Outlet air belonging to categories ETA 3 and ETA 4 cannot be recirculated or


9.2.4. The following provisions shall be complied with when recovering heat from the outlet air:

a) The type and air-tightness tests of the heat recovery installations shall comply with the provisions of standard SR EN 308:2000.

b) When the outlet air belongs to category ETA 2, the fresh air supply circuit of the heat recuperator must operate at high pressure.

c) When air-air heat recovery is used for outlet air belonging to category ETA 3, the entire fresh air supply route must operate at higher pressure than the outlet air circuit. This requirement must be complied with in all operating conditions of the system.

d) When the air from which heat is recovered comes from outlet air of different categories, this air should not contain more than 5 % of air belonging to category ETA3, if the type of heat recovery unit being used enables the transfer of any odours, humidity or other impurities (e.g. rotating recuperator). Increased attention should be paid to the internal air-tightness of the recuperator-type heat exchanger.

e) For outlet air belonging to category ETA4, heat recovery installations which use intermediary liquid should be used.

9.2.5. For climate control systems with a refrigeration capacity higher than 300 kW, it is necessary to carry out a reliability study that contains cold/heat storage solutions for the system, in order to reduce the load peak value and the installed capacity of the refrigeration system. This study shall be included in the technical design documentation.

9.2.6. For climate control systems with a refrigeration capacity higher than 100 kW, it is necessary to carry out a reliability study that contains solutions for using renewable energy sources. Solutions that use geothermal energy or solar energy can be considered, depending on the particularities of the design, the space available, and the investor’s options. The aim is to reduce the primary energy consumption.

10. Carrying out works related to ventilation and climate control systems

General aspects10.1. The works for installing ventilation-climate control systems shall be coordinated and

correlated with the actual construction works. The coordination between different subject fields with regard to the routes and spaces designated for each type of system and the chronological order in which these shall be installed, stipulated in the design, shall be complied with.

10.2. The following shall be taken into consideration when correlating works for installing ventilation - climate control systems with construction works:


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a) The construction shall be equipped with the elements needed in order to install the lifting installations and machines used to bring the system equipment into position;

b) the architectural and resistance design shall stipulate free spaces and gaps so that there will be not need to break any built elements;

c) installing, at the time agreed with the constructor, the retaining devices for fixing the system components onto the construction elements;

d) the ventilation-climate control equipment shall only be brought into the designated rooms and installed in position after all construction works have been completed, in order to avoid their deterioration by knocking, splashing, dust deposits or being used as scaffolding.

10.3. All works for installing ventilation - climate control systems shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Specifications and the workplace protection standards.

Inspection of materials and equipment10.4. When carrying out works for the installation of ventilation-climate control systems, only

materials, equipment, and procedures shall be used which bear the Technical Agreement or CE marking or have equivalent performances and are legally sold in a Member State of the European Union or Turkey, or are legally manufactured in an EFTA state that is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and comply with the provisions of the design.

10.5. All equipment arriving on site shall be accompanied by certificates of conformity.

10.6. Before the systems can be used, all materials and equipment shall be inspected, in order to determine whether they have suffered any damage during transportation and storage which could affect their integrity and operation. The systems shall only be able to be used after any damage has been remedied or, if applicable, after the faulty equipment has been replaced.

10.7. Measuring and control instruments shall be inspected to confirm the presence of a seal and metrology report.

Transportation, storage, and manipulation 10.8. The materials and equipment for the systems shall be transported using adequate

means that are ensured against any sources of damage (vibrations, shocks, solar radiation, dust, weather phenomena, theft, etc.).

10.9. During the period between being supplied and being installed, all equipment and materials shall be stored in warehouses especially set up to ensure their correct management, in accordance with the instructions issued by the suppliers, the regulations in force with regard to fire protection and fire extinguishing, and the workplace protection standards, taking into consideration the following:

a) during the storage period, materials which are not negatively influenced by the atmospheric conditions can be stored outdoors, in stacks or on racks, pallets or platforms, in accordance with the manipulation-transportation and anti-theft requirements;

b) equipment and materials that could be damaged by climatic factors, especially humidity and solar radiation, can be stored under shelters that are also fenced in to prevent theft;


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c) equipment and materials that could be damaged by humidity, excessive cold, solar radiation, wind, dust or even negligent manipulation, shall be stored in enclosed warehouses.

Manufacture of ventilation – climate control pipes (ducts)10.10. The air circulation pipes of ventilation – climate control systems shall consist of straight

pipe sections and special parts, and shall be manufactured in accordance with the basic technical design and the engineering details in workshops equipped with the required technical equipment, following the manufacturing procedures stipulated in the technical agreement. These shall be installed in position on site, also in accordance with the basic technical design for the system. An exception is masonry or plasterboard ducts, which shall be made directly on site.

10.11. The basic technical design shall specify the type of pipes to be used and the requirements that these must meet.

10.12. The method used to join together the semi-finished materials from which the pipes are made, and reinforce them in order to prevent the occurrence of any deformations and noise due to pressure variations shall be stipulated in the technical agreement for the manufacturing procedure. The design engineer shall also be consulted when analysing the bids for the manufacture-installation works.

Installation of air pipes10.13. When installing the air pipes, the instructions given in the drawings and the

Specifications, as well as the provisions of the Plan for coordination between the specialist fields that collaborated to design the investment shall be strictly complied with. These documents shall stipulate:

a) the pipe routes and the exact position of the equipment, air inlet holes, and air outlet holes, as well as the space reserved for the ventilation system equipment;

b) the geometrical shape of the pipes, dimensions, air flow rates, and speeds in all points subject to change, and potentially the installation slopes;

c) the distance between the supporting points on the construction elements, and the type of support used;

d) the exact position of the regulating valves, fire dampers, and measuring points, making sure that these can be accessed.

Thermal insulation of air pipes10.14. Ventilation pipes shall be insulated in accordance with the requirements stipulated in

Article 9.1.2, 9.1.3.

10.15. The materials and procedures for thermal insulation are subject to technical agreement. The design engineer must specify the material to be used and its thickness and, if applicable, the mechanical protection required for the insulation.

Installation of the equipment10.16. The components of modern ventilation-climate control equipment (fans,

heating/cooling batteries, filters, heat recuperators, etc.) are usually incorporated in complex air treatment units in the form of modules, which are sometimes dismountable in order to ease their manipulation during transportation and installation.


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10.17. Before beginning installation, the equipment shall undergo the following inspections:a) presence of the CE marking and correspondence between the characteristics entered

on the identification plate and those stipulated in the design and the Certificate of Conformity;

b) b) external general inspection of the condition of the equipment, to identify any potential damages suffered during transportation and manipulation in order to bring it to the installation position (deformations, degradation of fittings, degradation of the measuring instruments and automation apparatus, etc.);

c) inspection of the free movement, without any friction, of the fan rotors, as well as the presence and condition of the thermal and sound insulation of the unit;

d) the technical condition and mobility of the shutters and dust filters;e) the technical condition of the batteries and heat recuperators;f) the presence and technical condition of the elastic supports provided in order to

prevent any vibrations of the unit from being transmitted to the construction elements.

10.18. Any irregularities found shall be remedied and mentioned in a written document; if these irregularities prove to be serious, replacement of the equipment shall be requested.

10.19. The air treatment unit and, potentially, the independent fan, shall be placed in position in strict compliance with the installation levels stipulated in the design; any inconsistency with the on-site situation shall be notified to the design engineer, so that they can order, by means of Site Instructions, for the technical design to be amended.

10.20. Before fixing the unit in position, in accordance with the design provisions for ensuring safety and stability during operation, its horizontality in two directions shall be checked.

10.21. Before fixing the independent fans in their final position, their horizontality shall be checked and ensured as follows:

a) The horizontality of radial fans whose rotor is installed directly on the axis of the electric motor shall be checked using a spirit level, which is successively placed in two perpendicular directions, on the base frame of the fan and on the upper generatrix of the motor;

b) The horizontality of radial fans that are coupled directly to the motor by means of an elastic coupler or belts shall be checked by placing a spirit level on the upper generatrices of the motor and fan axes; the alignment of the two axes shall be checked and, if needed, corrected;

c) For axial fans, which are normally installed on the pipes, the horizontality or verticality of the cylindrical housing shall be checked, as applicable.

d) Once the horizontality of the fan has been ensured, the static balancing of the rotor shall be checked by manually inducing a rotating movement; the rotor shall be considered to be balanced if it stops in different positions after 3-4 rotations. At this point, it shall also be checked that the rotor does not rub onto the housing.

10.22. When fixing the equipment in position, the instructions issued by the manufacturer and stipulated in the Technical File of the product shall be complied with.


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10.23. After installation, a note regarding the interdiction to use any equipment installed on the floor as scaffolding for carrying out other works shall be displayed in a visible place, and measures shall be taken to make sure that this requirement is complied with.

10.24. The equipment that is not part of a complex unit (heating batteries for correcting the temperature, fans, indoor and outdoor units of local climate control systems, etc.) shall also be installed in accordance with the instructions given in the technical files of the products.

10.25. When installing equipment located on terraces, the aim shall be to retain the integrity of the waterproof insulation and prevent the transmission of any noise and vibrations to the building floor.

Air-tightness of ventilation/climate control systems10.26. (1) When installing the system components, the necessary measures shall be taken to

ensure that the joints connecting the pipe elements, as well as the fittings between the pipes and the equipment are air-tight around the perimeter of the access doors to the air chambers, the measuring and access covers, etc., so that the air suction/losses are limited in relation to the pipe class, established in accordance with Figure 6.2.1 or Table 10.1.

Table 10.1. Air pipe classes and limit values for air losses in pipes

Class of air-tightness

Static pressure limit [Pa]

Maximum speed [m/s]

limit values for air losses [l/sm2]Positive Negative

Class ALow pressure

500 500 10 0.027 p 0.65

Class BMedium

pressure1 000 750 20 0.009 p 0.65

Class CHigh pressure

2 000 750 40 0.003 p 0.65

Class D (special)High pressure

2 000 750 40 0.001 p 0.65

(2) The admissible values for the air losses are given in Table 6.2.1 for various pipe diameters and classes of air-tightness.

10.27. (1) The following steps shall be taken to test the degree of air-tightness of the air pipes: a) air pipes belonging to class A do not require testing; b) air pipes belonging to class B shall be tested within the limit of 10 % of the parts within

a network, chosen at random. If these parts do not comply with the limit values given in Table 6.2.1, the tests shall be repeated using another 10 % of the parts within the network;

c) pipes belonging to classes C and D shall be 100 % tested.(2) The design engineer can request that pipes belonging to class B are also tested at

pressures higher than 100 Pa, or that pipes belonging to class C are tested at pressures lower than 500 Pa. Depending on the importance of the building, they can also enforce the requirement for a smaller air loss, specifying a percentage of losses from the value required for the class that the respective pipes belong to, or enforcing a certain class of air-tightness.


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11.1 The setting into operation, acceptance, and commissioning of ventilation and climate control systems form the set of activities based on which the completed systems are entrusted for use to the beneficiary.

11.2 (1) The setting into operation of a ventilation and climate control system represents a set of technical operations aiming to verify and ensure the correspondence between the system and the design with regard to its functions and performance.

(2) The following steps shall be carried out in order to set the system into operation:a) Preparation operationsb) Inspection of the systemc) Starting the systemd) Adjusting the systeme) Tests

a) Preparation operationsThe following preparation operations shall be carried out in order to set a ventilation and

climate control into operation:1. the personnel responsible for setting the system into operation shall study and

become familiar with the design,2. the completed system shall be inspected, and the accessibility of the measuring points

and regulating equipment shall be confirmed,3. a schedule shall be drawn up for the operations required in order to set the system

into operation,4. preparation of the measuring instruments and control apparatus required for system

inspection operations,5. preparation of the sheets for collecting evidence data during the inspection


b) Inspection of the systemThe following categories of inspection operations shall be carried out

1. good performance inspection of the system,2. inspections of the system components.

The good performance inspection includes:1. checking correspondence with the design2. checking the quality of the completed works,3. checking conformity with the technical regulations,4. checking conformity with the workplace protection and fire safety standards,5. checking that all documents required for operation are available.

Checking correspondence with the design refers to 1. structure of the system, checking the presence and position of the elements within the

system, 2. geometry of the system, checking the dimensions of the air pipes, air holes, and

regulating devices,3. functional characteristics of the system (flow rates, pressures, air speeds, thermal

capacities, etc.), 4. thermal insulation of pipes and equipment,


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5. anti-corrosion protection of the system elements,6. presence of fittings for connection to utilities (electricity, heat carriers, water, sewage),7. presence of the automation elements stipulated by design.

The quality of the completed works shall be inspected in accordance with the normative documents on quality checking and acceptance of installation works for constructions, checking that the following essential quality requirements are complied with:

1. mechanical resistance and stability,2. fire safety,3. hygiene, health, and the environment,4. operational safety,5. noise protection,6. energy saving and thermal insulation.

To check conformity with the technical regulations, the specific normative documents in force regarding the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems shall be used

The compliance of the system with the provisions regarding protection, safety, and hygiene in the workplace shall be checked on the basis of the following regulations:

1. Law No 319/2006 on health and safety at work;2. Government Decision No 1425/2006 for approval of the Methodological guidelines for

applying the provisions of Law No 319/2006 on health and safety at work, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation;

3. The General workplace protection standards, approved by Joint Order No 508/933 of 2002 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity and the Ministry of Health and Family.

The compliance of the system with the provisions on fire safety shall be checked on the basis of the specific technical regulations in force and the following documents:

1. General fire protection standards approved by Order No 163/2007 of the Ministry of Administration and Interior,

2. Regulation on classification of construction products on the basis of their fire behaviour performance, approved by Order No 1822/394/2004 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism and the Ministry of Administration and Interior, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation,

3. General provisions on reducing fire risks generated by electrostatic loads.

– (1) The inspection of the components of ventilation/climate control systems aims to determine whether they have been correctly installed and if they are efficient.

(2) The following components shall be inspected: 1. fans,2. filters,3. heating/cooling batteries,4. humidification chambers,5. air holes,6. regulating devices,7. air pipes,8. the automation system.9. other components of the ventilation and climate control system, as applicable.


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(3) The procedures for inspecting the quality of the completed works, per each type of element, are specified in the specific normative documents regarding quality checks and acceptance of installation works in constructions.

Inspection of the fansFor fans, the following shall be inspected:

1. identification plate on which the functional characteristics of the equipment are entered (flow rate, pressure, speed),

2. the way the fan is fixed on the stand, and the vibration damping system,3. the horizontality or verticality of the motor and fan axes, as applicable4. the static balancing of the rotor,5. the way in which the rotor rotates (without any abnormal friction, play, noise or

trepidation),6. the correct rotating direction of the rotor,7. the degree of heating of the bearings after one normal operation cycle of the system,8. the number of trapezoidal timing belts and their correct tensioning,9. the fan and motor speed according to the identification plate,10. the condition of the fan accessories: flow regulating elements, elastic fittings installed

on the intake and outlet circuit, drive belt protection system, etc.11. the quality of the electrical connections of the drive motor,12. intensity of the electricity absorbed and of the voltage in the drive motor of the fan.

Inspection of the filtersFor filters, the following shall be inspected:

1. the quality and integrity of the filtering material, in accordance with the technical sheet of the product;

2. correct installation of the filtering material in the filter housing,3. that the air circuit is airtight, 4. the pressure difference between the upstream and downstream air passage sections

of the filter,5. the degree of dirtiness of the filtering material,6. operation of the mechanical actuation elements of the filter.

Inspection of heating/cooling batteriesFor heating/cooling batteries, the following shall be inspected:

1. identification plate on which the functional characteristics of the equipment are entered (thermal capacity, flow rates, temperatures),

2. air-tightness of the housing,3. condition of the plates (to not be warped, flattened or blocked by foreign bodies),4. the intake/outlet direction of fittings on the heat pipes,5. operation of the shut off and regulating valves installed on the water and air circuits,6. the presence of a frost protection device, as applicable.

Inspection of humidification chambersFor humidification chambers, the following shall be inspected:

1. identification plate on which the functional characteristics of the equipment are entered,

2. dimensions of the humidification chamber, in accordance with the design,3. presence of the components and accessories,4. correct installation of the humidification chamber components,


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5. water and air-tightness,6. the way in which the water distribution is controlled,7. anti-corrosion protection.

Inspection of air holes For air holes, the following shall be inspected:

1. correspondence with the design with regard to the type of hole used and its position in the system and the ventilated room,

2. dimensions of the hole,3. presence of air flow regulating/guiding devices, and their operation,4. absence of any obstacles that could disturb the air flow through the pipe and in the


Inspection of regulating devicesFor frames fitted with shutters and regulating valves, the following shall be inspected:

1. that they are tightly installed;2. absence of any deformation of the mobile elements3. the easy movement, without any play, of the dampers, shutters, and actuation

elements,4. operation in accordance with the intended use (for example, shutters with

simultaneous adjustment, as well as parallel or opposed shutters)5. accessibility,6. the possibility to block them in the adjustment positions, and the presence of

elements that indicate the position of the adjusting element

Inspection of air pipesFor air pipes, the following shall be inspected:

1. integrity of the pipe network,2. air-tightness of the joints between the pipe sections,3. the supports, supporting elements, and the elements providing protection against the

transmission of vibrations4. quality of the thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection5. presence of access and cleaning covers, as well as their air-tightness and ease of

assembling/disassembling,6. Absence of critical points which lead to additional load losses or sources of noise

(strangling of the flow section, foreign bodies in the air current, small radiuses of curvature at the bends, large angles of the diffusors and confusors, etc.)

Inspection of the automation systemFor automation systems, the following shall be inspected:

1. correctness of the electrical connections,2. correct positioning of transducer and execution elements, as well as their operation,3. the electrical panels, to assess:

- their location and accessibility,- position of the components,- presence of protection and grounding systems,- the types of cables used,- marking and air-tightness of the circuits,- ventilation for cooling the panel.

4. interface with other systems (technical management of the building, fire safety, etc.).


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c) Starting the systemThe following measures shall be taken before starting the system:

1. the automation elements that are susceptible to malfunctioning due to contamination with dust shall be protected or removed from the air route;

2. the filtration elements shall be removed,3. the water system shall be emptied to avoid freezing of the heating batteries and

spraying chambers (in the cold season).

The system shall be started in three steps:1. first start-up,2. starting at normal load,3. test operation.

The first start-up of the fan shall take place at reduced load, by partially closing the regulating device or by making sure that the fan motor operates at low speed (for variable-speed fans). The following shall be checked:

1. if the rotor rotates in the normal direction,2. the level of vibration and noise,3. the degree of heating of the motor and bearings, and the correct tensioning of the

timing belts.

– (1) The system shall be started at normal load after observing its start-up at reduced load and remedying any potential deficiencies.

(2) The same tests shall be performed for a start-up at normal load as for the start-up at reduced load; the entire system shall also be tested to check its air-tightness. Operation during start-up at normal load shall last as long as it is necessary to examine the entire system.

The test operation shall take place with all the system components assembled in their final position (filters, automation elements, regulating devices, etc.). During the test operation, the inspections carried out during the start-up of the system shall be repeated, paying particular attention to the operation of the fan. The test operation shall last for at least 8 hours. Once the test operation has been completed, the system adjustment operations can begin.

d) Adjusting the system.The aeraulic adjustment of the system is a process by which a quantitative adjustment of the

air flow through the system components is performed in order to reach the air flow rates stipulated in the design.

The following requirements must be met before beginning the adjustment operation:1. the building must be completed and the door and windows must be in the position

stipulated in the design, avoiding the disturbing influence of the wind or natural draught.

2. the indoor temperature must be kept as constant as possible,3. the prescribed high pressure/low pressure operating conditions for the rooms must be

ensured (transfer grilles),4. the pipe network must be completed, as well as the test operation and any air-

tightness tests,


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5. the central heating and/or cooling batteries must be installed in the system,6. the air flow regulating devices located at branching points and air holes must be

switched to the open position, the automatic regulating controls must be disconnected, and the fan must be in operation at an initial air flow rate 10-15 % higher than the flow rate stipulated in the design.

The order of the system aeraulic adjustment operations is as follows:1. the air flow rates at the ventilation holes of the system are measured 2. The measured air flow rates are compared with the flow rates stipulated in the design,

and the “percentage of the design flow rate that is achieved” is calculated:

Pd = Dmeasured x 100 %Ddesign

3. the branches and air holes are proportionally adjusted, aiming to obtain the same “percentage of the design flow rate achieved” for all branches and air holes; the process will start with the branch with the highest Pd percentage, by gradually closing the air hole adjusting elements, especially since the respective hole has a higher Pd percentage, and will continue with the other branches, in decreasing order of the Pd percentage.

4. the flow rates are set to the 100 % value (design value) by a final adjustment of the air flow rate of the fan.

The adjustment process shall start with the regulating valves of the room in the fully open position and the (intake and outlet) fans operating at maximum rate. The (fresh and recirculated) air flow shall be regulated by activating the shutter frames of the room, based on measuring the fresh, recirculated, and mixed air temperatures.

During aeraulic adjustment of ventilation and climate control systems, the following tolerances from the design flow rate are admissible:

1. during balancing of the ventilation holes: 0.....+ 10 %2. during balancing of the branches: 0... + 5 %3. during regulation of the fan flow rate: 0....+5 %

The results of the operations for controlling and regulating the ventilation and climate control systems shall be recorded in ascertainment reports.

e) TestsThe following tests shall be performed when setting ventilation and climate control systems

into operation:1. tests for checking the functional characteristics of the equipment (fans,

heating/cooling batteries, filters, humidification chambers, fan convectors, terminal units)

2. tests for the entire system

– (1) Fans shall be tested by determining the following values, on the basis of measurements:1. air flow rate,2. total pressure,3. noise level,4. intensity of the electric current during normal operation of the fan motor.


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(2) It shall be checked whether the flow rate/pressure operating point obtained is on the fan curve specified in the technical manual of the fan; it shall also be checked whether the noise level is the one stipulated in the technical manual.

– (1) Heating/cooling batteries shall be tested by determining the following: 1. the thermal performance of the battery, expressed by means of the thermal capacity

and, implicitly, the global heat transfer coefficient of the battery (the intake and outlet temperatures, as well as the flow rates through the air and water circuits shall be measured),

2. the load losses in the battery, through the air circuit (the static pressure shall be measured, before and after the battery)

(2) It shall be checked whether the values obtained match the values specified in the technical manual of the battery.

Testing of the air filters consists of deterioration of the dust retaining efficiency; this can be determined either by measuring the dust concentration upon entering and exiting the filter, or by measuring the load loss in the unclogged filter and using the efficiency-load loss diagram given in the catalogue.

– (1) Testing of the adiabatic humidification chambers consists of determining the room humidification efficiency, defined as the ratio between the difference between the air intake temperature and air outlet temperature, and the difference between the air intake temperature and sprayed water temperature.

(2) It shall be checked whether the humidification chamber efficiency, obtained by measurements whilst the system is operating at the designed parameters, matches the one stipulated in the design.

– (1) Testing of the fan convectors consists of: 1. determining the air flow rate,2. determining the thermal capacity,3. determining the noise level.

(2) For this purpose, the following parameters shall be determined by measurement:1. air temperatures upon entering and exiting the fan convector,2. average speed of the outlet air,3. flow rate and temperature in the warm water circuit and the cooled water circuit,

respectively,4. noise level.

The tests that must be carried out for the entire ventilation and climate control system upon its being set into operation are:

1. air-tightness test for the air pipe network2. test for the global efficacy of the system

- (1) The air-tightness test carried out for the air pipe network aims to determine the air losses/false air intake of the system.

(2) The air-tightness test shall be carried out using the following methods:1. measuring the air flow rate in the fan and comparing it with the sum of the air flow

rates measured at the ventilation holes 2. using a portable test system consisting of a test fan and a measuring pipe, which is

used to place the pipe network of the system under high pressure, whilst the air holes


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are blocked and the fan is turned off; the test pressure is 25 % higher than the operating pressure.

(3) It shall be checked whether the air flow rate obtained through the non-airtight areas matches the values stipulated by the technical regulations.

The global efficacy test shall be carried out to enable acceptance of the system and aims to determine whether the ventilation and climate control system creates, in the rooms that it serves, the hygiene, sanitary, and comfort conditions stipulated in the design with regard to:

1. air temperature, humidity, and speed2. air purity3. the noise produced by the system

Measurements shall be taken in all rooms served by the system, as part of the global efficacy test; the determinations carried out with the system in operation shall be compared to those carried out with the system turned off. The results of the tests carried out to determine the global efficacy of the system shall be considered to be satisfactory if the indoor air parameters (temperature, humidity, speed, pollutants) and the noise level comply with the provisions of the design and the standards for health and safety at work.

If the ventilation/climate control system has several operating modes depending on the season or the technological process carried out, the following operations shall be performed:

1. the global efficacy shall be checked with the system operating in the appropriate mode for the season during which the acceptance procedures take place,

2. the global efficacy shall be checked for the modes corresponding to the stages of the technological process being carried out during the acceptance period.

The global efficacy of the system during other seasons and technological stages than those present during the acceptance period shall be determined by calculation and partial measurements; if these results are not convincing, the global efficacy of the ventilation system during various stages of the technological process shall be estimated, by calculation, by adopting scenarios regarding the harmful emissions, heat discharges, etc.

The duration of the global efficacy test is 12 uninterrupted hours for ventilation systems, and 24 uninterrupted hours for climate control systems. Measurements shall be taken throughout the duration of the test, at a maximum of 30 minutes intervals.

The testing procedures, measurement instruments, and methods used to measure the parameters of ventilation and climate control systems during acceptance tests shall comply with the specific provisions stipulated in SR EN 12599:2002.

The results of the tests carried out on the equipment and the overall system shall be recorded in ascertainment reports.

– (1) Acceptance is the activity by which the beneficiary/investor declares that they accept the system and take it over, with or without any reservations, in order to set it into operation. An acceptance process shall be carried out both for new systems and for any interventions carried out over time on existing constructions (modernisation, extension, major repairs), and shall be carried out in two stages:

1. acceptance upon completion of the works2. final acceptance, when the guarantee period expires


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(2) The acceptance of ventilation and climate control systems is an integrated part of the acceptance of the entire construction, and shall be carried out in accordance with the “Regulation for the acceptance of constructions and their related systems”, approved by Government Decision No 273/1994, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation.

The acceptance process carried out upon completion of the ventilation and climate control systems must determine whether the works have been finalised and the systems operate at the designed parameters. Therefore, the Acceptance Commission shall examine:

1. the systems created, by visual examination,2. the execution quality control programme and the related documents,3. the reports drawn up during testing of the system, with regard to:

adjusting the system, the system air-tightness test tests for checking the functional characteristics of the equipment (fans,

heating/cooling batteries, humidification chambers, filter, etc.) the global efficacy test,

4. a report containing the design engineer’s opinion about the way in which the works were carried out,

5. the technical manual of the construction, with regard to the ventilation and climate control systems.

When the examination is complete, the Commission shall record their comments and conclusions in the acceptance report, recommending the beneficiary/investor to accept the system, with or without objections, to delay the acceptance or to reject the system, as applicable.

The final acceptance of the ventilation and climate control systems shall take place when the system guarantee period (usually 1-3 years) expires. The Acceptance Commission shall examine:

1. the reception reports concluded upon completion of the works,2. the systems, by visual examination, to determine whether the works required during

the “acceptance process carried out upon completion of the works” have been finalised,

3. the technical documents and reports regarding operation of the systems,4. the report drawn up by the beneficiary/investor with regard to the behaviour of the

systems during operation throughout the guarantee period,5. the technical manual of the construction, with regard to the ventilation and climate

control systems.

When the examination is complete, the Commission shall record their comments and conclusions in the final acceptance report, recommending the beneficiary/investor to admit the final acceptance of the system, with or without objections, to delay the final acceptance or to reject the system, as applicable.

The ventilation and climate control systems shall be commissioned after the acceptance upon completion of the works has been admitted.

The documents required for commissioning are:1. Operating instructions (manual)2. Timetable for monitoring during operation 3. Event diary 4. The operating contract


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12.1 The operation of ventilation and climate control systems must ensure that the systems operate normally at all times and comply with the design performance parameters. This can be achieved by performing the following activities:

a) monitoring and periodic inspection of the systems,b) interventions for modifying and correcting the operating mode of the systems,c) maintaining the systems,d) repairing the systems.

12.2 Ventilation and climate control systems shall be operated by personnel specialising in this type of activity, who provide these services in accordance with the law.

12.3 The monitoring and periodic inspection of the ventilation and climate control systems are part of the general activity for monitoring the behaviour of the constructions in time, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Monitoring of the systems12.4 Ventilation and climate control systems shall be permanently monitored, in accordance

with the operating instructions, through the dispatch system or by direct monitoring.

12.5 Monitoring through a dispatch system involves the following activities:a) programming the operating mode of the system, b) determining and checking the parameters of the air inside the rooms served by the

system,c) commanding the activation of the system components, for the operational management

of the system.d) intervening in order to prevent any dangerous operational situations, e) registering and recording data regarding operation; drawing up operational reports.

12.6 – (1) The direct monitoring of the operation of ventilation and climate control systems involves the systems being checked and inspected by the operating personnel. This activity consists of:

a) observing the parameters displayed by the measurement and recording devices installed in the rooms and in the system

b) keeping the regulating devices in their predetermined position,c) observing the normal operation of the equipment and components of the system.(2) Periodic inspections of the system shall be carried out, on a monthly or quarterly basis, as

part of direct monitoring.

Periodic inspection12.7 The periodic inspection of ventilation and climate control systems consists of:a) preparation of the periodic inspection;b) the actual periodic inspection;c) the technical report and measures plan.

12.8 – (1) The preparation of the periodic inspection has the role to collect all the necessary information and documents regarding the building and the ventilation and climate control systems installed therein, namely:


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a) information about the areas of the building that are ventilated/climate controlled: design indoor air parameters, air flow rates, the conditions in which the room is used, the degree of occupancy, the heat gains and losses, etc.

b) the plans for the system,c) the technical documentation for the equipment,d) the operating instructions,e) the event diary,f) the technical report for the previous periodic inspection.(2) During this stage, the measurement and control instruments that are going to be used

during the inspection operations must be prepared. The minimum inventory of measurement and control instruments consists of:

a) a digital thermo-hygro-anemometer (or thermometer and psychrometer),b) a digital anemometer (with blades or hot wire),c) A Pitot - Prandtl tube,d) a U-tube pressure meter,e) a timer, measuring tape, torch,f) a speedometer,g) an amp meter.

(3) The information collected during the preparation stage of the periodic inspection shall be summarised in the Technical Sheet of the system.

12.9 (1) The periodic inspection of ventilation and climate control systems consists of:a) inspection of the technical condition of the system components (see Article 11.12 -

11.19).b) checking the normal operation of the equipment c) measuring the air flow ratesd) measuring the air parameters in the rooms served by the system (temperature,

humidity, speed).(2) The following measures shall be taken to prevent the occurrence of fire and limit the

effects and consequences of fire during the operation of ventilation and climate control systems:a) the air filters, electric fan motors, fire dampers, and their actuation elements, and

smoke detectors installed inside the pipes, which are used to activate the dampers, shall be periodically maintained and operated;

b) The air filters shall be replaced and maintained periodically, in accordance with the periodicity stipulated by this technical regulation and the manufacturer;

c) An annual inspection shall be carried out to check that the flow rate, speed, and pressure requirements for the ventilation/climate control systems used to discharge smoke in the event of a fire are complied with;

d) The backup electrical sources used to supply the smoke discharge fans, fire-resistance dampers, and smoke dampers shall be inspected in accordance with the periodicity stipulated by the specific regulation;

e) The operation of smoke discharge fans shall be inspected on a quarterly basis;f) The operation of the fire-resistance dampers (fire dampers, shutters), smoke dampers,

and their actuation elements shall be subject to an annual inspection; should any malfunctions be identified, measures shall be taken to repair or replace the faulty parts;

g) The manual and automatic controls of the ventilation/climate control systems used to discharge smoke in the event of a fire shall be subject to an annual inspection;

h) The operation of the smoke detectors installed inside the pipes shall be periodically inspected and shall be tested after installation to check whether the requirement with


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regard to detecting the design smoke density is complied with; should any malfunctions be identified, measures shall be taken to repair or replace the faulty parts;

i) The transmission and signalling devices, as well as the fire detectors of the fire detection, signalling, and alarm system shall be subject to an annual inspection;

j) Smoking inside the ventilation ducts is prohibited during the maintenance and repair operations;

k) It is prohibited to store combustible materials and substances inside the ventilation pipes;

l) The access and cleaning covers of the ventilation ducts shall be permanently inspected, as well as the ease of their assembling-disassembling without using special devices or equipment, in order to enable intervention in the event of a fire.

12.10 A functional performance test shall be carried out as part of the periodic inspection of ventilation and climate control systems, in order to detect and diagnose any malfunctions. The test shall be carried out in accordance with IEA – ECBS Annex 40 and consists of 6 steps:

1. Testing in the manual operating mode checking the controls and starters

2. Testing in the manual shut down mode checking the controls and starters checking the sensors checking the controllers

3) Testing in the normal operating mode checking the performance of the fan

4) Testing at the maximum flow rate checking the sensors, checking the starters, checking the settings of the controllers, checking the air flow rate in the mixing chamber and the reference rooms, checking the load losses and air-tightness of the air pipe network.

5) Testing at the minimum flow rate checking the operation with a minimum fresh air flow rate, checking the air flow rate in the reference rooms

6) Automatic shut down test checking the condition of the system in the event of an automatic shut down; in this

case, it shall be checked whether the fans are turned off and the closing/regulating devices, shutters, dampers, etc. are in the correct position.

12.11 The results obtained following a periodic inspection of the system shall be recorded in a Technical Report which must also include a Measures Plan for improving the operation of the system.

Correcting the operating mode12.12 The operating mode of the system shall be corrected in order to meet the needs of the

rooms served by the system, taking into consideration the changes in the outdoor weather conditions, the indoor conditions, and the way in which the rooms are used.

12.13 The operating mode shall be corrected by performing the following operations:a) measuring the parameters of the air and heat carrier or refrigerant,


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b) comparing the measured parameters with the parameters stipulated in the design or the operating instructions,

c) commanding the actuation elements so that the necessary corrections can be made.

12.14 The manoeuvres for correcting the operating mode of the system shall be performed in two stages:

a) bringing the system to the initial operating mode, which comes after starting the systemb) switching the system to the current operating mode and maintaining the indoor air

parameters at the prescribed values, by carrying out adjustment operations.

12.15 The aeraulic adjustment of the ventilation and climate control system shall be carried out in accordance with Article 11.26 – 11.29.

12.16 – (1) The air heating function shall be adjusted by acting upon the heat carrier of the heating battery and performing a quantitative, qualitative or mixed adjustment.

(2) The air heating function shall be adjusted at the same time as the air mixture (fresh and recirculated), in accordance with the functional diagram of the system.

12.17 Depending on the cooling solution chosen, the air cooling function shall be adjusted as follows:

a) for cooled water batteries, by acting upon the refrigerant and performing a quantitative, qualitative or mixed adjustment

b) for cooling batteries with direct evaporation, by operating the compressor in load steps or at variable speed.

12.18 In systems where humidification is carried out by spraying the air, the air humidification shall be adjusted by adjusting the spray water flow rate whilst adjusting the heating battery.

Maintenance.12.19 Maintenance of ventilation and climate control systems is a continuous operational

activity, which involves carrying out operations that aim to ensure the continuous operation, in good conditions, of the systems.

12.20 The main maintenance operations are:a) for fans:

lubrication of bearings, uniform tensioning of the timing belts, balancing of the rotors so that they can rotate without touching the housing, tightening the screws and nuts on the fan support,

b) for air filters: replacing any damaged filters, checking the operation of the filter clogging warning system, replacing or cleaning (by washing or shaking) any clogged filters, inspection of the self-cleaning system, lubrication of the moving mechanical elements,

c) for heating/cooling batteries: sealing the battery fittings along the air and water circuits, checking operation of the valves installed on the battery fittings, cleaning any dust and foreign bodies off the fins,


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de-aeration of the hydraulic circuit, washing the inside of the batteries to remove any deposits of sludge or stones.

d) for humidification chambers: checking the spraying method; cleaning the blocked nozzles and replacing faulty ones, cleaning any sludge deposits from the basin, checking that the overflow is operational, cleaning the filter, cleaning the drop separators, water pump maintenance operations, checking the air-tightness of the humidification chamber along the air and water

circuits, painting and coating the elements subject to corrosion,

e) for closing and regulating devices: lubrication of the bearings, replacing any damaged bushes and bearings, correcting warped blades and shutters, restoring the seals,

f) for air holes: removing any dust and foreign bodies from the hole section, restoring the seals against the piping, checking that the mobile elements are operational, correcting the deformed mobile elements,

g) for air pipes: restoring the seals, removing any dust and foreign bodies from inside the air pipes, checking the access/cleaning holes and measurement points (also refer to standard

SR EN 12097:2007), remedying the thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection, checking the

supports and bracing elements, replacing any damaged elements that ensure protection against the transmission of

vibrations.h) for measurement and control instruments:

checking that the sensors are operational periodic calibration of the measurement and control instrument

Repairs 12.21 There are two types of repairs that can be carried out on ventilation and climate

control systems:1. planned repairs, carried out on the basis of a schedule drawn up by the system beneficiary2. accidental repairs

12.22 (1) The planned repairs are:a) Revision of the system; it is carried out periodically, during the periods when the system

is not in use.The revision of the system aims to assess the technical condition of the system components and identify any possible malfunctions that need to be remedied in order to return the system to its initial condition; the main aim of this revision is to check the leak-tightness of the air pipe network, the operation of the equipment, as well as the manual and automatic adjustment of the system.


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The results of all inspections and findings recorded during the revision stage shall form the basis for repairing the system.

b) Daily repairs; these are usually carried out without discontinuing operation of the system.

Daily repairs are mainly carried out for those system elements whose malfunctioning could affect the good operation of the entire system; all worn parts are replaced, any damages are remedied, and the normal operation of the mechanisms and units is restored.

c) Major repairs; these are carried out at intervals stipulated by regulations, depending on the service life of the system.

(2) Major repairs are carried out in order to replace certain equipment or parts of the system to make sure that the system operates at a high level of performance and, implicitly, to modernise them.

12.23 Accidental repairs are carried out in the event of any incidents, damage or malfunctions; they shall be carried out by intervention teams, under the supervision of the beneficiary.

12.24 – (1) All repairs carried out shall be entered in the Event diary of the ventilation and climate control system.

(2) If necessary, the Technical Sheet of the system and the Operating Instructions shall be modified following repair works.

12.25 A list of the incidents and malfunctions that could occur in ventilation and climate control systems is given below, also highlighting the possible causes and remedies:

a) The system does not receive enough air. Causes for malfunctions:1. the rotating direction of the fan is incorrect;2. the fan speed is reduced due to weak tensioning of the belts;3. the motor is blocked, the bearings are not sufficiently lubricated, the blades are

warped or the rotor is not fixed on the axle;4. the filters are clogged up (this situation is identified by measuring the pressure

difference downstream and upstream from the filter and comparing it with the normal values);

5. the air circuit of the heating/cooling batteries is clogged up;6. the air pipe route is constricted;7. incorrect positioning of the adjustment and closing devices of the system;8. the cross-section of the air inlets is reduced;9. the system is not air-tight.

b) The malfunctions shall be remedied as follows:1. re-establish the normal direction by correctly connecting the motor to the electrical

installation 2. tighten (or replace) the belts, lubricate the bearings, and replace any warped blades3. replace or clean the clogged filters4. determine the constriction place by measuring the flow rates and pressures along the

circuit in which the malfunction occurred; check and adjust the positions of the separation elements (valves, vanes, shutter frames); remove any foreign bodies from the air pipes

5. clean any deposits from the air inlets6. make sure that the entire circuit of the system is air-tight

c) The system receives too much air. Causes for malfunctions:1. the fan speed is too high


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2. there are no filtration cells; pierced filters; leaks around the filters;3. absence of other elements of the ventilation/climate control station: heating or cooling batteries, drop separators, etc.4. the automation systems are mismatched.

d) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:1. check the diameter of the fan pulleys and replace those whose diameter is smaller

than required;2. add filtration cells or replace the faulty filters, restoring air-tightness;3. check if all system elements are installed, and replace the missing ones;4. adjust the automation systems.

e) The system has a pulsating or fluctuating flow rate. Causes for malfunctions:1. the fan rotor is unbalanced;2. play of the blade or shutter axes;3. influence of the wind on the air inlet;4. wrong choice of fan;5. the pipe walls are not reinforced;

f) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:1. balance the fan rotor and remove any impurities or other foreign bodies;2. remove the play of the blade or shutter axes;3. protect the air inlets against the effects of the wind;4. reinforce the pipe walls.

g) The system makes too much noise. Causes for malfunctions:1. the air speed is too high;2. the noise dampeners and elastic bellows are damaged;3. the elastic supports of the fans, pumps or compressors are damaged or unbalanced;4. the screws of the shutter frames have come loose; the mobile elements of the air

holes or of other system components are not reinforced.h) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:

1. reduce the air speed within the acceptable limits;2. restore and repair the noise dampeners and elastic bellows;3. replace the elastic elements of the fan supports;4. tighten the loose screws and restore the welds.

i) The air discharged by the system is too cold. Causes for malfunctions:1. the heat regulating system does not operate correctly;2. the temperature measuring instruments are faulty or give incorrect readings; 3. circulation of the heat carrier through the heating batteries is obstructed (deposits of

sludge and stones, blocked valves);4. the heat carrier parameters are too low;5. the air flow rate is higher than the prescribed value.

j) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:1. check the heat regulating system;2. recalibrate the measurement instruments or replace the faulty instruments;3. clean the deposits of sludge or stones from the batteries; replace the blocked valves;4. clean the plates and heat exchange surfaces by washing or blowing with air;5. bring the heat carrier parameters and the air flow rate to the prescribed values.

k) The air discharged by the system is too hot. Causes for malfunctions:1. the air flow rate is lower than the prescribed value;2. the regulating system does not operate correctly;3. the sensitive elements of the thermometers or temperature transducers are dirty;4. the heat carrier parameters are too high,


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5. the readings given by the transducers or thermal resistance elements are incorrect.l) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:

1. adjust the air flow rate and the heat carrier parameters;2. check the regulating system;3. clean the sensitive elements of the thermometers or temperature transducers;

m) The relative humidity of the air discharged by the system is lower than required. Causes for malfunctions:1. the system is disturbed,2. the nozzles are blocked,3. the flow rate and pressure of the spray water circulation pump are reduced;4. the steam flow rate (when using steam dehumidification) is reduced.

n) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:1. adjust the humidification system;2. clean the nozzles;3. repair the pump;4. increase the steam flow rate;

o) The relative humidity of the air discharged by the system is higher than required. Causes for malfunctions:1. the system is disturbed;2. parts of the drop separators are missing

p) These malfunctions can be remedied as follows:1. adjust the humidification system2. add the missing parts to the drop separators.


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Annex 1. Reference documents for the design, manufacture, and operation of ventilation and climate control systems in buildings.

Normative documents:1 Law No 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with its subsequent modifications,

published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 12 of 24 January 19952 Law No 372/2005 regarding the energy performance of buildings, with its subsequent

modifications, published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 1144 of 19 December 2005

3 Law No 319/2006 Law on health and safety at work, published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 646 of 26 July 2006

4 Government Decision No 752/2004

with regard to establishing the conditions for introducing protection equipment and systems designed to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres to the market, with its subsequent modifications, published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 499 of 03 June 2004

5 Order No 508/933/2002 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity

for approval of the General Workplace Protection Standards, with its subsequent modifications, published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 880 of 06 December 2002

6 Order No 163/2007 of the Ministry of Administration and Interior

for approval of the General fire protection norms,published in the Official Gazette, Part I, issue No 216 of 29 March 2007

7 Order No 1822/394/2004 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism

for approval of the Regulation on the classification and grouping of construction products based on their fire behaviour performance, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, published in the Official Gazette, Part I issue No 90 of 27 January 2005

Technical regulations:

1 MC 001/2006Methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings, approved by Order No 157/2007 of the Ministry of Transport, Constructions, and Tourism, with its subsequent modifications and supplementation, published in the Official Gazette No 126 of 21 February 2007

2 NEx 01-2006 “Normative document on explosion prevention for the design, installation, commissioning, usage, repair, and maintenance of technical installations that operate in potentially explosive atmospheres”, code NEx 01-06, approved by Order No 392/2007 of the Ministry of Labour, Family, and Equal Opportunities, published in the Official Gazette No 411 of 19 June 2007

Standards:1. SR EN 1886:2008 Ventilation in buildings. Air treatment units. Mechanical performances2. SR 1907-1:1997 Heating systems. Design heat demand. Calculation requirements3. SR 6724-1:1995 Ventilation of Annexes in residential buildings. Natural ventilation. Design

requirements4. SR 6724-2:1995 Ventilation of Annexes in residential buildings. Mechanical ventilation using a

central outlet fan. Design requirements5. SR 6724-3:1996 Ventilation of Annexes in residential buildings. Mechanical ventilation using

individual outlet fans. Design requirements6. SR CR 1752:2002 Ventilation systems for buildings. Design criteria for ensuring indoor thermal


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comfort7. SR EN ISO 7730:2006 Moderate thermal environments. Analytical determination and interpretation

of thermal comfort by calculating the PMV and PPD indices and specifying the criteria for local thermal comfort

8. SR EN ISO 8996:2005 Ergonomics of thermal environments. Determination of the metabolic heat rate

9. SR EN 12097:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Air ducts. Requirements for air duct components in order to ease the maintenance of air duct networks

10. SR CEN/TR 12101-5:2007

Smoke and hot gas control systems. Part 5: Guide of functional recommendations and calculation methods for ventilation systems used to discharge smoke and hot gases

11. SR EN 12101-6:2005 Smoke and hot gas control systems. Part 6: Specifications for differential pressure systems – Kits

12. SR EN 12237:2004 Ventilation in buildings. Air duct networks. Resistance and tightness of circular metal sheet air ducts

13. SR EN 12599:2002 Ventilation in buildings. Test procedures and measurement methods for the acceptance of ventilation and air-conditioning systems

14. SR EN 12792:2004 Ventilation in buildings. Symbols, terminology, and graphic symbols15. SR EN 12831:2004 Heating systems for buildings. Method for calculating the design thermal load16. SR EN 13053:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Air treatment chambers. Classification and

performance of chambers, components and sections17. SR EN 13141-5:2005 Ventilation in buildings. Testing the performance of components/products

used for the ventilation of residential buildings. Part 5: Ventilation cowls and roof outlet terminal devices

18. SR EN 13142:2004 Ventilation in buildings. Components/products for residential ventilation. Compulsory and optional performance characteristics

19. SR EN ISO 13790:2008

Energy performance of buildings. Calculation of the energy demand for heating and cooling spaces

20. SR EN 13779:2007 Ventilation of non-residential buildings. Performance requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning of rooms

21. SR EN ISO 13791:2006

Thermal performance of buildings. Calculation of the indoor temperature in a room without climate control during the summer. General criteria and validation procedures

22. SR EN ISO 13792:2004

Thermal performance of buildings. Calculation of the indoor temperature in a room without climate control during the summer. Simplified calculation methods

23. CEN/TR 14788:2006 Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems

24. SR EN 15239:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Energy performance of buildings. Guide for the inspection of ventilation systems

25. SR EN 15240:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Energy performance of buildings. Guide for the inspection of climate control systems

26. SR EN 15241:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Methods for calculating energy losses due to ventilation and infiltration in commercial buildings

27. SR EN 15242:2007 Ventilation in buildings. Calculation methods for determining air flow rates in buildings, including infiltrations

28. SR EN 15243:2008 Ventilation in buildings. Calculation of room temperatures, thermal load, and energy for buildings equipped with air-conditioning systems

29. SR EN 15423:2008 Ventilation in buildings. Fire prevention measures for air distribution systems in buildings


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Annex 2. Design climatic data for climate control – summer

Item No

Town/City Temperature [0C]

Relative humidity [%]

1 Alba-Iulia 34.3 282 Alexandria 38 253 Arad 36.7 234 Bacau 36.4 225 Baia Mare 34.3 376 Bistrita 32.7 367 Botosani 35 278 Braila 36.3 269 Brasov 32.8 3510 Bucharest 35.3 3511 Buzau 35.4 2612 Calarasi 37.5 2313 Cluj 31.5 3514 Craiova 36.5 3515 Constanta 30.6 5316 Deva 33.1 2717 Drobeta Turnu Severin 36 2318 Focsani 34.2 4419 Galati 33.2 4120 Giurgiu 38.6 2421 Iasi 36 3722 Miercurea Ciuc 34.7 3923 Oradea 36.6 3224 Pitesti 31.8 2725 Ploiesti 34.3 2326 Piatra Neamt 33.1 3827 Resita 35 2328 Ramnicu Valcea 36.3 3729 Slatina 32.2 3930 Slobozia 32.8 4131 Satu Mare 34.7 4132 Sfantu Gheorghe 33 3433 Sibiu 34 3334 Suceava 32.5 2335 Targu Jiu 33.3 4336 Targu Mures 34.1 4137 Timisoara 36.4 2538 Targoviste 33.5 3639 Tulcea 35.4 3340 Vaslui 35 4341 Zalau 34.5 31


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Annex 3. Values for the intensity of direct solar radiation ID and diffuse solar radiation Id [W/m2]

T i m e 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18average


N 53 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 53 5NE 333 402 301 130 4 - - - - - - - - 49E 383 568 575 498 338 144 - - - - - - - 105SE 188 370 468 514 485 393 241 58 - - - - - 113S - - 41 159 316 354 394 354 316 159 41 - - 89SW - - - - - 58 241 393 485 514 468 370 188 113W - - - - - - - 144 338 498 575 568 383 105NW - - - - - - - - 8 130 301 402 333 49Or z

89 241 381 523 647 711 734 711 647 532 381 241 89 247

Id 53 80 103 123 136 146 147 146 136 123 103 80 53 59


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Annex 4. Useful floor area for a person, used to determine the degree of room occupancy (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2005)

Intended use of the roomfloor area per person [m2/person]

typical range values by absence

Large office from 7 to 20


Small office from 8 to 12 10Meeting room from 2 to 5 3.0Store from 3 to 8 4.0Classroom from 2 to 5 2.5Hospital room from 5 to 15 10Hotel room from 5 to 20 10Restaurant from 1.2 to 5 1.5


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Annex 5. Heat discharge of one person (for an indoor air temperature of 24°C and average human body surface area of 1.8 m2 (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2005)

Activity total heat sensitive heat[W/person]

[met]* [W/person]

Resting 0.8


Seated, relaxed 1.0 100 70

Sedentary activity (office, school, laboratory) 1.2 125 75

Standing, easy activity (stores, laboratories, light


1.6 170 85

Standing, medium activity (seller, machine operation) 2.0 210 105

Fast walking at:2 km/h3 km/h4 km/h5 km/h



* 1 met = 58 W/m2


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Annex 6. Design values for the installed capacity of the lighting system

Table 1. Design values for the level of lighting (in accordance with SR EN 13779:2005)

Intended uselevel of lighting [lux]

typical range values by absence

Office with window from 300 to 500400

Office without a windowfrom 400 to 600 500

Store from 300 to 500 400

Classroom from 300 to 500 400Hospital room from 200 to 300 200Hotel room from 200 to 300 200Restaurant from 200 to 300 200Uninhabited room from 50 to 100 50

Table 2. Design values for the capacity of the lighting system (efficient systems)

Level of lighting [lux]specific capacity of the lighting system [W/m2]

typical range values by absence50 from 2.5 to 3.2


100from 3.5 to 4.5 4

200from 5.5 to 7.0 6

300 from 7.5 to 8.5 8400 from 9.0 to 12.5 10500 from 11.0 to 15.0 12


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Annex 7. Number of hourly air changes, n

Intended use of the building/room n [h-1]Theatres 4 – 6Stores:- small- medium-sized- general

6 – 84 – 64 - 6

Cinemas:- audience room- projection room

4 – 65 – 8

Libraries 4 – 5Dance halls:- smoking allowed- smoking prohibited

6 – 812 – 16

Restaurants, dining halls:- smoking allowed- smoking prohibited

5 – 108 – 12

Cloak rooms 4 - 6Commercial kitchens (restaurants, canteens, hospitals, schools, military units):- small (3 – 4 m high)- medium-sized (4 – 6 m high)- large (more than 6 m high)- peeling vegetables, washing dishes

2015105 – 8

Laundry rooms, ironing rooms 10 - 15Public baths (steam or warm air) 4Public toilets:- urinal - toilet seat

25 m3/h50 m3/h

Home kitchens 15 – 20Hospitals:- with special requirements regarding the absence of pathogenic germs

operating theatres annexes of the operating theatres patient rooms

- with high requirements regarding the absence of pathogenic germs

operating theatres annexes of the operating theatres emergency operating theatres resuscitation rooms intensive care delivery room stationary room for premature babies stationary room for newborn babies stationary room for infants




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- with normal requirements regarding the absence of pathogenic germs patient rooms living rooms corridors intervention and treatment rooms X-Ray diagnosis rooms Radiotherapy rooms massage rooms exercise rooms rest rooms central sterilisation station morgue


Dentist rooms 6Swimming pools:- pool room: 10m3/(h, m2 water surface)- shower room (maximum)- dressing rooms

3 – 425 – 308 – 10

Sports halls 2 - 3Offices, meeting rooms 4 – 8Schools 6 – 8Auditoriums 8 - 10Laboratories:- small- large

8 – 126 – 8

Garages 4 - 5


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Annex 8. Usual air speeds through the pipes

Type of pipe Type of ventilation/climate control systemsystems used in civilian buildings [m/s]

systems used in industrial buildings [m/s]

Air inlet 2 – 4 4 – 6Fresh air pipe 4 – 6 6 – 8Main supply or collector pipe 4 – 8 8 - 12Secondary pipes 2 - 5 5 - 8