Download - Hypersensitivity Reactions

  • 11/5/2014


    Hypersensitivity Reactions

    Dr Debasis Biswas


    Bathers in Mediterranean Sea.

    Sting of Portuguese Man of War jellyfish..

    Violent local reaction

    Paul Portier & Charles Richet Toxins

    Dogs .


    Purified Toxinsf/u: Booster dose of toxins

    X X XVomiting, Diarrhea, Asphyxia, Death

    Anaphylaxis(Antonym. Prophylaxis)

    Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine ...Richet1913

    Harmful/ Tissue- damaging


    Immune Response

    Innocuous/ Harmless antigen

    Hypersensitivity ReactionsHypersensitivity Reactions

    Immediate Delayed

    Minutes or hours afterAntigen exposure

    > 48 hours afterAntigen exposure

    Antibody/ Immune Complexmediated

    Sensitized T cellmediated

    IgE- mediated:Type IIgG- mediated cytotoxic:Type IIImmune Complex- mediated:Type III

    Cell- mediated:Type IV

    Gell & Coombs Classification

    Type I Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Exposure to an allergen activates specific B cells

    Activated B cells formIgE- secreting plasma cells

    Type I Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Secreted IgE molecules bind to IgE- specific Fc receptors on mast cells & blood basophils

    Sensitized Mast Cell

    Fc recetorsfor IgE

    Sensitizing Dose

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    Type I Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Shocking Dose

    Repeat exposure to same allergen

    Cross- linking of IgEmolecules on mast cells

    Release of

    mast cell mediators

    Electron- dense granules

    in a mast cell

    Mast Cell Degranulation

    Primary: Synthesized prior to

    activation of mast cells &

    stored in granules

    Histamine; Heparin; 5HT:

    ed vascular permeability &

    smooth muscle contraction

    ECF- A; NCF- A

    Secondary: Synthesized after

    activation of mast cells or

    released by breakdown of

    memb. phospholipids during


    PGs; LTs; Bradykinin:

    Mast Cell Mediators

    ed vascular permeability;

    bronchoconstriction & mucus production

    Platelet Activating Factor:Cytokines: IL-1, TNF-;

    IL-4; IL-5; IL-6

    Inflammation; ed CAMs (IL-1, TNF-

    ); ed IgE prodn (IL-4); eosinophactivn (IL-5); shock (TNF-)

    Diseases associated with Type I Hypersensitivity Reaction


    Exptal. model: Guinea pig

    (Shocking dose .

    Massive vasodiln. Edema, BP, Shock

    Sm. m. contraction Dyspnea, Asphyxia)


    Venom from bee, wasp, ant stings

    Drugs like Penicillin, Insulin & Antitoxins



    Local (Atopy)

    Allergic Rhinitis(Airborne allergens +

    Mast cells in conjunctiva

    & nasal mucosa)

    Food allergies(Food allergens +

    Mast cells in GI mucosa,

    May be systemic spread)

    Atopic Dermatitis

    Bronchial asthma

    Time course:Minutes of exposure

    Mediators involved:HistaminePGs (PGD2)LTs (LTC4)

    Manifestations:BronchoconstrictionMucosal edemaMucus secretion

    Bronchial Asthma: Early ResponseTime course:

    Hours of exposureMediators involved:

    ECFNCFPAFCytokines: (IL-4, IL-5,

    IL-16, TNF-)

    Manifestations:Increased endoth. cell adhesionInflux of eosinophils & neutrophilsTissue damage: ROIs, Enzymes

    from eosinophils & neutrophilsBronchial occlusion: Cellular debris,

    mucus, thickening of basement memb, edema, sm m hypertrophy

    Bronchial Asthma: Late Response

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    Bronchial Asthma: Pathogenesis

    Skin testing:Intradermal injectionof allergensIn forearm/ back

    Looking for wheal & flare reaction within 30 minutes

    Assessing Type I Hypersensitivity Response: In vivo

    Assessing Type I Hypersensitivity Response: In vitro

    Radioimmunosorbent Test (RIST):

    Nanogram quantitites of Total serum IgE

    Assessing Type I Hypersensitivity Response: In vitro

    Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST):

    Nanogram quantitites of Allergen- specific serum IgE

    Type II Hypersensitivity: Antibody-mediated Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity

    Antibody- mediated effector functions:

    Complement Activation


    ADCC (Antibody- depdt cell- mediated cytotoxicity)



    Fc Receptorsbind C region of Ig


    Target cell (virus- infected

    cell)Release of cytotoxic substances like perforins & granzymes

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    Diseases associated with Type II Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Transfusion Reaction

    ABO Blood Group Antigens

    Antibodies to ABO Ags(Isohemagglutinins)

    IgM classA ag Anti B abB ag Anti A ab

    O ag .. Anti A + Anti BAB ag. None

    Incompatible Transfusion

    Ag- Ab Reaction betweenDonor ags and Recipient Abs

    Immune Complex formation

    Classical Pathway of Compl ActivationIntravascular Hemolysis

    Diseases associated with Type II Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Erythroblastosis fetalis

    Effect of treatment with Anti- Rh antibody

    Anti- Rh antibody

    Diseases associated with Type II Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Drug- Induced Hemolytic Anemia

    Certain Antibiotics (Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Streptomycin)

    bind to proteins on RBCs

    Immune Complex formation on RBCs

    Classical Pathway of Compl Activation Hemolytic Anemia

    Antibodies producedagainst the drug- protein


    Type III Hypersensitivity: Immune Complex mediated Hypersensitivity

    LocalisedImmune complex deposition

    near the site of antigen


    -- Skin (injected antigens)

    -- Lungs (inhaled antigens)

    Arthus reaction

    SystemicImmune complex formation

    in blood and deposition in

    distant tissues

    -- Blood Vessel walls

    -- Glomerulus

    -- Synovial memb of jts.

    -- Choroid plexus of brain

    Serum Sickness

    Infiltration of neutrophils at the site of IC deposition

    Tissue damage from granules released from neutrophils

    Type III Hypersensitivity: Pathogenesis

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    LocalisedInsect bite in a sensitized


    --Type I (minutes)

    --Type III (4-8 hrs):


    Edema +++

    Farmers lung

    Pigeon Fanciers Disease

    Pneumonitis & Alveolitis, following inhalation of ags


    Diseases associated with Type III Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Horse Antitetanus serum

    Horse Antidiphtheria serum

    --Fever, rash, arthritis, GNitis

    Autoimmune diseases

    -- SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis,

    Goodpasture Syndrome

    Infectious Diseases

    -- Post-streptococcal GNitis,

    Meningitis, Hepatitis

    Type IV Hypersensitivity Reaction

    APCLangerhans cells;Macrophages Cytokines

    Sensitization phaseAntigens derived fromintracellular bacteria inAPCs ....

    Presented by APCs to CD4+ Th cells ..

    CD4+ Th cells proliferate and differentiate into Th1 cells..

    Th1 cells secrete cytokines(IFN, TNF, TNF)

    DTH is generally mediated by CD4+ Th1 cells & occasionally by CD8 T cells

    Type IV Hypersensitivity ReactionEffector phase

    Repeat exposure of antigento sensitized Th1 cells ...

    ActivatedTh1 cells ..

    GRANULOMA formation

    Secretion of a range of cytokines(IFN, TNF, TNF, IL-2, GM-CSF)& chemokines (IL-8, MCAF, MIF).

    Localized inflammation withRecruitment and activation of

    macrophages ( ed expression of MHC Class II molecules; TNF Receptors; Oxygen radicals; Nitric Oxide)

    Macrophages differentiate into Epithelioid cells & Giant cells

    Hallmark of Type IV Hypersensitivity

    Pathological Hallmark: Granuloma(lytic enzymes from Mes leading to tissue necrosis)

    Clinical correlate: Induration

    Tuberculin Reaction

    Diseases associated with Type IV Hypersensitivity Reaction

    Intradermal Injection in forearm Tubercular antigens (M tb culture filtrate,

    Old Tuberculin, PPD) .

    48 hours laterLocalized inflammation with Induration

    Diseases associated with Type IV Hypersensitivity ReactionContact Dermatitis