Download - Hyderabad, India - College of Lake · Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, India, is located at the crossroads of North and

Page 1: Hyderabad, India - College of Lake · Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, India, is located at the crossroads of North and

For more information, contact: Center for International Education (847) 543-2000

Hyderabad, India Summer Session

ICISP Study Abroad Program Details Students interested in residing and studying in another country for a longer period of time may

participate in a sponsored summer session abroad program offered through Oakton Community College

and the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP). Earn up to 6 credits of CLC

general education courses while studying at the English and Foreign Language University (EFLU) in

Hyderabad, India.

Program Dates (subject to change): Summer Session: July 2016

Cost: Semester estimated @ $4,450 (price subject to change without notice)

Includes: Airfare, instructional costs, housing, meals, travel insurance, field trips and orientation materials

Application Deadlines: February 15th

For More Information Visit:

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Study Abroad Program

Hyderabad, India

4 weeks in July

Students at EFLU Student with Local Children

Fellow International Students on Campus Students in Introduction to Film class

Program Summary

Oakton Community College has established a study abroad program at the English and Foreign

Language University (EFLU) in Hyderabad, India. As a member college of ICISP, Oakton has

opened this opportunity up to all students at other ICISP member colleges. This program enables

Oakton and other ICISP member college students, accompanied by an Oakton / ICISP faculty

member, to study for one month at EFLU in Hyderabad, India. Students will be able to interact on

campus with Indian students and other international students from all over the world.

Application Deadline: February 15th

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Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh,

India, is located at the crossroads of North and

South India on the Deccan Plateau. Hyderabad is

one of the largest metropolitan cities of India; it is

the sixth most populous city, with a population of

over 4.0 million in 2009, while the population of

the metropolitan area, including its twin city,

Secunderabad, and suburbs, was estimated above

6.3 million. Hyderabad is a cosmopolitan city,

whose residents are adherents to a wide range of

religions, predominantly Hinduism (55.40%),

Islam (40.17%) and others including Christianity

(2.13%), Sikhism (0.2%) and Jainism (0.4%).

Telugu and Urdu are the two official languages of

Hyderabad, while English is also commonly used.

Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and Tamil are also

spoken by a significant part of the population. It

is known with the as The City of Pearls.

Hyderabad was founded by Muhammad Quli

Qutb Shah in 1591 AD on the banks of river

Musi. The city houses Microsoft's biggest R&D

facility outside the US. The city is also home to

the Telugu Film Industry, known popularly as

Tollywood. Hyderabad has developed a unique

culture that is reflected in its language and


The English and Foreign Language University is fifty years old and was formerly known as CIEFL.

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) granted a five-star accreditation to the

EFL University, indicating the highest grade permissible. The English and Foreign Languages

University became a Central University in 2006, dedicated to the study of English and foreign

languages, and is the only one of its kind in South Asia. The mandate of the University is to advance

and disseminate “instructional, research and extension facilities in the teaching of English and

Foreign Languages and Literatures in India” as well as “to take appropriate measures for inter-

disciplinary studies and research in Literary and Cultural Studies, and to develop critical inter-

cultural understanding of civilizations.”

Student on field trip.

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Students will take two

courses (6 credits) on

Indian life, culture, and

history while in India, both

taught in English. Specific

course offerings will

change slightly each year.

Information is available

from the Program

Coordinator listed below.

Students will have the

opportunity to choose to

take one class in an Indian

language, if they wish.

Credit will be granted by

the student’s home institution.

Lodging and Meals

Students will live in the international student dormitory at EFLU. Rooms are single occupancy, with

two rooms sharing an adjacent bathroom and kitchenette and are air-conditioned. All meals are

available at EFLU. Students are provided a weekly stipend to cover food expenses. Meals are

covered for students when they are on a field trip. All costs for meals off campus that exceed the

weekly stipend or are not a part of an organized field trip are the responsibility of the student.

Pre-Departure Orientations

Students must participate in two

mandatory pre-departure orientations at

Oakton Community College. For

orientation dates, please contact the

Program Coordinator listed below.


Students in this program will enroll in

Oakton Community College or at their

home institution, if other than Oakton. All

tuition and fees for the program will be

paid to their home institution. Students at

ICISP member colleges will pay in-district

tuition rates for the courses associated

with this program. The program cost is

approximately $4500. Included in this fee

are tuition, fees, housing, meals, course-related field trips, faculty advisor fee, international flight,

health insurance, and orientation materials. Not included in this fee are passport costs, Visa,

transportation to/from Chicago O’Hare airport, and personal expenses.

2011 students on an overnight train.

2014 students with instructors and administrators

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Passport and Visa

All students should have a passport at the time the application is submitted to Oakton. Students will

need an Indian Visa, the cost of which is not included in the program fees. The Program Coordinator

will help students apply for the Visa.

Admission Requirements

Students must have completed at least one

semester at an ICISP member institution, have at

least a 2.75 GPA, and have completed English

Composition I or its equivalent.

For more information or to apply, contact the Program Coordinator:

Katherine Schuster, Ph.D.

Oakton Community College

1600 Golf Rd.

Des Plaines, IL 60016

[email protected]


Student gets some “celebrity” attention.

Students with mehndi by a new friend they met in the


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India Study Abroad Cost Breakdown 2016 Non-Oakton

Student Oakton Student

English and Foreign Languages Univ. Housing (single) - $250 Food Budget - $100 Tuition, 3 credit course - $300 Field trips/fees/transport/etc. - $750 EFLU admin fee (based on 8 students) - $125

1525 1525

Local transport and incidentals budget 150 150 Insurance 70 70 3 credit hours of Oakton tuition (all fees are waived) 333.75 333.75 Faculty leader fees and incidentals (based on 8 students)

425 425

Subtotal for Program 2503.75 2503.75 Administrative fee 150 50 Airfare** 2000 2000 Total 4653.75 4553.75 Deposits (Feb 15, $500 OCC student/$600 non-OCC student + March 15, $1500)

-2100 -2000

Total Due May 15 2553.75 2553.75 Faculty Cost - $3400 Flight – 2000.00 Lodging and meals – $500 Field trips/fees/transport/etc. – $900 ____________ Shared cost per student (based on 8 students) – $425 **Note: $2000 for the flight is a high estimate. If the actual cost per student is lower for the flight, the cost of the program will be decreased by that amount.

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On behalf of the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs, Oakton Community College is proud to sponsor a month-long summer study abroad program to Hyderabad, India. Name __________________________________________________________ Telephone (______) ____________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code E-mail address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______/______/______ Sex _________ Oakton Student ID “B number” or NA _______________________ College presently attending _____________________________________________________________________________ Cumulative Grade Point Average ___________ Number of Credit Hours completed at end of this semester _____________ Are you applying for Financial Aid? _______ If yes, what type? ______________________________________________ Passport # _____________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________________________ (To be filled in at time of application) Citizenship: US _____ Other ______________________ (specify) Emergency Contacts:


1. ________________________ ________________ (_____)______________ ___________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________


2. ________________________ ________________ (_____)______________ ___________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Submit this signed application along with all attached forms, a copy of your passport photo page, a $500 application fee ($600 for non-Oakton students), and a one-page, double-spaced essay on why you want to study abroad in India, to your campus study abroad coordinator. ____________________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Applicant Date

____________________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Campus Study Abroad Coordinator Date



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I, the undersigned, having applied to the Oakton Study Abroad program in _____________________________ for the ___________________________ semester, 20____, do covenant and agree as follows: I understand and agree that neither Oakton Community College, its agents, officers, or employees, nor any educational institution associated in this endeavor shall assume any liability for damages or loss of property or for any financial or other obligations incurred by participants either in the United States or elsewhere. I further understand and agree that while participating in the Program, I shall be subject to the supervision and authority of Oakton, its agents, officers and employees, including the sole decision-making responsibility with respect to any participants whose conduct or academic standing may warrant expulsion or withdrawal from the Program. I understand that participants are expected to attend classes regularly unless otherwise indicated by illness or unavoidable circumstances and to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible way as representatives of their colleges and their country. I hereby acknowledge and agree that if I should be required to withdraw from the program for failure to maintain appropriate standards of study or behavior, only that portion of my payment would be refunded which had not actually been spent or committed and that I would no longer have access to any of the facilities of the Program. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the foregoing statement and I acknowledge that I have read and understood the refund policy and affix my signature at __________________________________________ on this ___________ day of _________________, 20____. City, State __________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Student Participant

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MUST BE SIGNED BY APPLICANT. On rare occasions, an emergency will develop which requires medical care, hospitalization, or surgery for a participant. So that such treatment can be administered without delay, we ask that each applicant sign the following statement authorizing Oakton representatives abroad to secure any necessary treatment. Permission for Emergency Treatment In the event of injury or illness of ______________________________________, I hereby authorize any representative abroad of Oakton to secure any necessary treatment, including the administration of an anesthetic and surgery. ________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date

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Program Price Oakton has provided you with an itemized list of activities and services covered by the program price. It also stipulates anticipated expenses that are not covered by your program fees. The costs are estimated based on the rates of exchange between U.S. dollars and foreign currencies at the time the price was established. As a result, the program cost is subject to change. Every effort is made to establish a realistic price for the program. However, in the unlikely event that it becomes necessary to increase the program cost after it has been advertised, participants may withdraw from the program within seven days of the date of the revised invoice with no penalty whatsoever. Withdrawal for reasons other than price increase falls under the normal cancellation policy described in a separate section. Deposits and Payments A deposit of $500 ($600 for non-Oakton students) must be submitted with the completed application form prior to the application deadline of February 15. The second payment of $1500 is due on March 15, and the final payment of the remainder of the program fee is due May 15. All payments should be made to Oakton Community College or the student’s home college, which will forward the payment to Oakton. Payments must be made on schedule or the student risks being dropped from the program. Students who are not paid in full by the departure date will not be allowed to participate in the program. Financial Aid $1000 scholarships are available on a competitive basis for students registering through Oakton, who submit completed applications by the deadline. Students at other ICISP institutions should check for scholarships at their home institution. Students apply for financial aid at their home campuses. Students who will receive financial aid, but not in time to make scheduled payments, must make arrangements with the financial aid office to ensure that payment will be made to Oakton even if aid has not yet been dispersed. Deposits must be made on time to overseas institutions and vendors; therefore, Oakton cannot wait for payments beyond the established deadlines. Use of Photos and Testimonials Students participating in Oakton study abroad programs permit Oakton to use their names and photographs taken during the education abroad experience and statements made in written program evaluations in study abroad publications, reports, press releases, promotional literature, websites, and posters. Oakton reserves the right to copyright of all photos and promotional literature used by the institution. Cancellation and Refunds If, for any reason, Oakton cancels a scheduled study abroad program prior to departure, Oakton's only liability will be to refund the monies paid into the program by the student. In the event that the participant wishes to withdraw from the program, certain penalties may apply since arrangements for the program occur months prior to its actual operation. Special services are planned and commitments are made on behalf of all participants. Suppliers require advance deposits and payments. These payments become non-refundable since contractual agreements stipulate penalties to be applied for services requested, but not used.

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Please understand that, if you change your plans FOR ANY REASON, your right to refunds is limited. You are encouraged to purchase trip insurance in case of an emergency that causes you to cancel your plans. The following cancellation schedule applies to Oakton programs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written Notice received by Oakton Cancellation Penalty --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to second payment deadline A cancellation penalty of $500 will be imposed. After second payment deadline until Cost of international round trip flight and costs 30 days before departure incurred by Oakton based upon advance deposits and payments.

Less than 30 days before departure The cancellation penalty will be determined by Oakton based upon advance deposits and payments.

Day of departure or later NO REFUND


Katherine Schuster, Ph.D. Global Studies, Div. 3

Oakton Community College 1600 E. Golf Rd.

Des Plaines, IL 60016 CAMPUS: 847-376-7118

EMAIL: [email protected] Please note that no refunds will be made for any services provided in the itinerary that you do not use. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact Katherine Schuster at the above address.

After reading the Participant Information sheet, please sign this and return with your completed application. I have read and understand the Participant Information and Cancellation and Refund Policy as stated. _________________________________________ __________________ Signature of Applicant Date

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___________________________________________ has applied for admission to the Study Abroad Program in _________________________________________ for the _________________ semester, 20____. Please indicate below your evaluation of this student: Excellent Good Poor Unable to Judge Probable academic success 5 3 1 0 Dependability 5 3 1 0 Maturity 5 3 1 0 Ability to get along 5 3 1 0 with others Adaptability to a new 5 3 1 0 environment Independence 5 3 1 0 Trustworthiness 5 3 1 0 Open-mindedness 5 3 1 0 Social contact 5 3 1 0 Sense of humor 5 3 1 0 Good ambassador from 5 3 1 0 your college/United States Please comment on the student's ability to do academic work abroad and to adjust to living in a foreign environment. _________________________________ ___________________________ ________________ Signature of Faculty Member Division/Department Date Please return this form to ___________________________________________________ as soon as possible. Campus Study Abroad Coordinator


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___________________________________________ has applied for admission to the Study Abroad Program in _________________________________________ for the _________________ semester, 20____. Please indicate below your evaluation of this student: Excellent Good Poor Unable to Judge Probable academic success 5 3 1 0 Dependability 5 3 1 0 Maturity 5 3 1 0 Ability to get along 5 3 1 0 with others Adaptability to a new 5 3 1 0 environment Independence 5 3 1 0 Trustworthiness 5 3 1 0 Open-mindedness 5 3 1 0 Social contact 5 3 1 0 Sense of humor 5 3 1 0 Good ambassador from 5 3 1 0 your college/United States Please comment on the student's ability to do academic work abroad and to adjust to living in a foreign environment. _________________________________ ___________________________ ________________ Signature of Faculty Member Division/Department Date Please return this form to ___________________________________________________ as soon as possible. Campus Study Abroad Coordinator


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STUDENT CONDUCT AGREEMENT Participation in the Oakton study abroad program is conditional upon the understanding and following of specific behaviors, rules of the host country and your home institution, and accountability for one’s actions while participating in the program. Therefore, Oakton representatives, as well as those in charge of Oakton programs on site, have full authority to enforce agreed-upon standards. Further, they have full authority to take necessary steps to provide for the safety and full participation of all students, while participating in on-campus activities, off-campus field trips, and other travel as decided upon by the student. This may include, but not be limited to: advising the student’s Dean of Students, advising the student’s family, giving a warning of possible future dismissal from the program, and finally, sending the student home at the student’s expense, with no reimbursement of payments. The student agrees to the following: PERSONAL CONDUCT As a guest in another country students are responsible and must conform to all laws of that country and rules, customs, and standards of the host institution. Be aware that you are also under any code of conduct determined by your home institution. Students must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. Inappropriate behavior is cause for dismissal from the program. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION and CLASS ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend classes, maintain a full time course load as defined by the program, and attend all field trips. Attendance is mandatory unless specific arrangements have been made with the on site program directors. Unauthorized absences are grounds for disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the program. INDEPENDENT TRAVEL While it is assumed that students may wish to participate in additional travel unrelated to the program, students must understand that commitment to their educational program at the host institution is primary and takes precedence over all other recreational travel. Students must understand and acknowledge that they accept full responsibility for personal travel. Students must inform their Oakton instructor and other representatives of the program, of overnight absences, and provide their itinerary so that in case of emergency they may be contacted. LEGAL PROBLEMS The student is responsible for all legal problems with any foreign nationals or government jurisdictions of the host country. Oakton cannot be held responsible for the well being, health or safety of the student when he/she is absent from the program. The student accepts liability and is financially responsible for any damage or injury he/she may cause. The host institution or Oakton does not guarantee what, if any, assistance can be provided. GENERAL RELEASE AND WAIVER By signing below, the student releases Oakton and the host institution from any liability or damage or loss of property, injury, illness, or death during the period of the program. DISMISSAL POLICY The In-Country Program Directors reserve the right to dismiss any student at any time for any of the following infractions: ♦ violation of any rules mentioned above, ♦ disruptive behavior,

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♦ excessive absences from the academic program including field trips, ♦ use of illegal drugs, ♦ excessive use of alcohol, ♦ any conduct that appears in the In-Country Program Director’s judgment to be disruptive to the

student or incompatible with the interest or welfare of others or the reputation of the program. Students dismissed from the program will remain responsible for all program costs incurred on their behalf, and will be sent home at their own expense. Full loss of academic credit may also result. DISMISSAL PROCEDURE 1. The In-Country Program Directors or the host institution identifies violation of any program rules. 2. In-Country Program Directors discuss the violation with the student and a course of action is agreed

upon and documented. This is faxed to the Oakton Global Studies Coordinator who will inform the appropriate individuals on campus.

3. If remediation does not occur within the agreed-upon time frame, and if the student continues to break the rules of the agreement, he or she will be contacted by the In-Country Program Directors for immediate dismissal.

All students participating in an Oakton program must sign this agreement. Any student who refuses to sign will not be allowed to participate in an Oakton program. I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read this policy, and agree to abide by its terms and conditions. _______________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________________________ __________ Signature of Participant Date ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Program Year of Participation

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PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, participating in Oakton Community College Study Abroad in India program do agree as follows:

I understand and agree that while participating in the Study Abroad Program, I shall be subject to the official program itinerary, which may be altered at any time by the coordinators due to logistical, climatic, safety or other reasons. I understand that participants are expected to attend all lectures and activities unless otherwise indicated by illness or unavoidable circumstances. I understand that I am expected to arrive at activities on time.

I understand that I will be a guest in a country where customs and expectations of personal conduct may differ from those with which I am accustomed. I agree to abide by the customs and expectations of the host country, as directed by the program coordinators.

I understand that I will be traveling to India in the summer and during the beginning of the monsoon season. I will be prepared for hot, humid, rainy weather. Weather may affect our plans.

I understand that I will be staying in accommodations that may differ, at times, from those with which I am accustomed. Not all places visited will have air conditioning.

I understand that I will be walking regularly and understand that transportation may differ from that with which I am accustomed. There may also be a lack of accommodations such as escalators and elevators.

I will inform the coordinators of any physical limitations or medical conditions that may impact my ability to participate in some of the activities, so that accommodations may be arranged. There may be times in which accommodations are not possible.

While it is assumed that participants will engage in activities unrelated to the program, I understand and agree that commitment to the program itinerary is primary and takes precedence over all other recreational travel/activities. When participating in independent activities not included on the official itinerary, I understand and acknowledge that I accept full liability and financial responsibility for my well-being, health and safety as well as any damage or injury I may cause.

I will inform a coordinator of my independent plans so that in case of emergency I may be located.

I understand and agree that if my actions (significantly delaying the group bus, missing a group flight, etc.) are deemed to have been avoidable and cause the group to incur extra expense, I will be accountable for covering that expense.

I will participate in all pre-departure orientations and post-study activities to the best of my abilities.

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________ Signature of Participant Date

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PARTICIPATION CHECKLIST This experience will involve travel in a country where some of the conveniences to which you are normally accustomed may not be available. These questions are a checklist for your own benefit, as well as for our information. Very

High Very


How would you rate yourself in terms of your willingness and ability to adjust to unfamiliar situations and people?

5 4 3 2 1

How well do you adjust to ‘inconveniences’ such as eastern- style toilets, lack of air conditioning, limited hot water, etc.

5 4 3 2 1

How open are you to trying unfamiliar foods, and to participating in activities that are new or unfamiliar?

5 4 3 2 1

How ably could you participate in activities that require regular walking or lengthy bus rides?

5 4 3 2 1

How willingly would you conform to requirements of dress or culture that may be requested as a condition of visiting sites, meeting with religious leaders, etc.? (This would not require women to cover faces, but may involve wearing scarves, avoiding shorts, etc.)

5 4 3 2 1

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STUDENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Name: __________________________________________________________________ The following items constitute a complete application: ________ Completed and signed application form. ________ Signed copies of Release Agreement, Medical Agreement and Release, Participant

Information, Student Conduct Agreement, Participation Agreement ________ Completed Participation Checklist ________ 2 faculty recommendation forms. These forms may be sent by the faculty members directly to the campus study abroad coordinator, if desired. ________ A ‘Statement of Purpose’ essay. This one full page, typed essay should explain the reasons for participating in the study abroad program, including expectations and how the program will relate to personal and/or career goals. ________ An official college transcript to verify student’s GPA and completion of English 101 or equivalent. An unofficial transcript may be sent with the application, but the official transcript must be submitted before departure for the program. ________ Copy of the passport photo page. ________ Completed general Oakton Admissions Application, or proof of completed on-line admissions application, if not currently an Oakton student. On-line application available at

________ $500 Application fee ($600 for non-Oakton students). The fee is applied to the program cost after the student is accepted. Please submit payment to Oakton Community College. Checks should be made out to Oakton Community College. If paying by credit card, receipt of transaction must be included.

We recommend that you make a copy of your complete application for your own records. Please submit the completed application to your campus study abroad coordinator, who will then submit it to Oakton Community College. No applications will be accepted directly from student applicants.

Application Deadline: February 15th