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Complex & Intelligent Systems


Hybrid design for sports data visualization using AI and big dataanalytics

Aijun Liu1 · Rajendra Prasad Mahapatra2 · A. V. R. Mayuri3

Received: 15 July 2021 / Accepted: 24 September 2021© The Author(s) 2021

AbstractIn sports data analysis and visualization, understanding collective tactical behavior has become an integral part. Interactiveand automatic data analysis is instrumental in making use of growing amounts of compound information. In professionalteam sports, gathering and analyzing sportsperson monitoring data are common practice, intending to evaluate fatigue andsucceeding adaptation responses, analyze performance potential, and reduce injury and illness risk. Data visualizationtechnology born in the era of big data analytics provides a good foundation for further developing fitness tools based onartificial intelligence (AI). Hence, this study proposed a video-based effective visualization framework (VEVF) based onartificial intelligence and big data analytics. This study uses the machine learning method to categorize the sports video byextracting both the videos’ temporal and spatial features. Our system is based on convolutional neural networks united withtemporal pooling layers. The experimental outcomes demonstrate that the recommended VEVFmodel enhances the accuracyratio of 98.7%, recall ratio of 94.5%, F1-score ratio of 97.9%, the precision ratio of 96.7%, the error rate of 29.1%, theperformance ratio of 95.2%, an efficiency ratio of 96.1% compared to other existing models.

Keywords Sports data visualization · Artificial intelligence · Big data analytics · Video classification · Hybrid design

Introduction to sports data visualization

The primary objective of competitive sports is to achievegreater sporting performance and eventually help winthe competitions through encouraging higher standards ofachievement, empowering physical activity, building disci-pline, teaching how to lose well/deal with disappointment,and building camaraderie and teamwork [1]. The data arethe athlete and his behavior at the center of competitive

B Aijun [email protected]

Rajendra Prasad [email protected]

A. V. R. [email protected]

1 School of Physical Education, Hunan University of Scienceand Technology, Xiangtan 411201, Hunan, China

2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRMInstitute of Science and Technology, Delhi NCR Campus,Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201204, India

3 School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT BhopalUniversity, Bhopal, India

sports. Sports contain players’ physical activity, and behav-ioral actions between athletes allow time, description, andcount data on action to be recorded [2]. The advent of compet-itive data, has therefore, given fuel to research in competitivesports and offers a platform to investigate the law of humanlife and human inclinations [3]. The big data age has had anunparalleled influence on sport’s development [4]. Mostlyconnected big data services like health data, exercise, statis-tics on training, and analysis may successfully assist athletesin creating game plans and becoming vital ways to wincontests [5]. Advanced big data technology has changedthe realm of sports. The increase in sports data has creatednew difficulties in big sports data and opportunities [6]. Thegrowth of the Internet and sports are the result of big sportsdata. For all major sports, analysts may frequently extractenormous numbers of data that media, fans, athletes, andorganizations can use [7]. These efforts frequently go handin hand with top technology providers that have realized theenormous benefits of sports analytics. The ubiquity, diver-sity, and easy accessibility of sports data make it especiallyappealing to many visual researchers [8].

Artificial intelligence and computer vision technologiesare becoming trendy in analyzing videos in the sports field


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[9]. A CNN or convolutional neural network-based modelhas been extensively utilized to efficiently solve complexmachine translation, signal processing, and computer visiontasks [10]. However, computer vision is presently fluctuatingfrommathematical methods to machine learning approachesdue to its effectiveness in extracting compound featureswith-out human involvement [11]. In this expanding field of study,there is a tremendous opportunity to start innovation anddevelopment. For example, predictive analysis by artificialintelligence can be applied to enhance health and fitness [12].Wearable applications can offer information on player tearand strain, reducing damage to sportspeople. In addition, AIcan discover trends in gaming tactics, plans, and weaknesses[13].

Data are a significant part of the sports industry for train-ers, performers, management, sports medicine employees,and supporters [14]. Data analytics can aid teams to vic-tory games, and these data can help enhances sportsperson’sperformance, reduce injuries and inspire fans to join games[15]. In addition, big data helps us to develop improved sportsstrategies. Whether it is an individual or a team sport, strate-gic management is essential for any sport. These methodsare depending upon the professional athletes and teams tocompete against their opponents.Modern coaching leverageslarge data sets to develop successful tactics for individual andteam athletes [16]. People will indeed follow credible lead-ers, and famous coaches have the edge over younger onessince they have access to a far greater data bank of informa-tion. As a coach, themost obvious application of data is in thecollection of figures and statistics. Sports industry data arevital to players, coaches andmanagement, and sportsmedicalprofessionals and spectators. While data analytics can assista teamwin games and enhance player performance, the samenumbers can also motivate spectators to attend games. Datascience enables coaches of professional teams to build hyper-personalized athlete matches and other plans for each matchplayed by the team in particular. The strategies of the teamare left unexpected yet efficient [17].

Analyzing performance in sports helps coaches and play-ers reach their goals by identifying activities that can guidedecision-making, maximize performance, and assist themon their road to excellence. They often include tacticalevaluation,movement analysis, video, and statistical databas-ing/models, and coach/player data displays. Due to theobvious improvements in technology, data collecting, stor-age, and coaching requirements for data presentation havechanged where analysts now require a lot more knowledgein many tracking devices and software. A video recording ofa game can help eliminate such biases and give amore impar-tial perspective of what transpired on the field. For playersand coaches to understand what went well and what wentwrong, performance analysts collect data from all eventsoccurring on-field.

Sports like baseball, soccer, football, basketball, andfields like fantasy have expanded players’ effectivenessand forecast future performance according to the big data[18]. Whether it is historical data, vital scorekeeping, algo-rithm forecasts, or clear player statistics, big data are anindispensable element of the sports industry [19]. Big datapermits teams and corporations to stay updated on perfor-mance, carry out forecasts, and be big data enables teamsand organizations to stay relevant on performance, to fore-cast, and be determined in the world of sports [20]. Beyondthat, all parties involved in the industry, including analysts,experts, and supporters, continuously alter data to updateplay-by-play ormake predictions [21]. Big data analytics andartificial intelligence have revolutionized the sports sector byclarifying statistical information and managing quantitativeand qualitative data into understandable and stable content[22].

The first step towards making sense of data is visualiz-ing it. Using data visualization, users can make stories byorganizing data into a form that is simpler to grasp, high-lighting patterns and outliers. In addition to eliminating thenoise from the data and displaying the relevant information,excellent visualizations create a story. It takes a careful bal-ance between design and function to create an effective datavisualization. As a result, data analysts utilize a wide rangeof tools such as graphs and diagrams, and maps, among oth-ers, to translate and show data and data connections. Tomakedata comprehensible, the proper approach and its setup aretypically required.

The major contribution of the study is:

• Designing the VEVF model for sports data visualizationbased on AI and big data analytics.

• Assessing themathematical model of convolutional neuralnetwork for sports video classification.

• The numerical results have been performed. The recom-mendedmodel enhances classification accuracy, precision,sports performance, and prediction ratio and reduces errorrate and computation time compared to other existingmod-els.

The rest of the study is arranged as follows: “Literaturesurvey” discusses the existing models and frameworks ofsports data visualization and sports monitoring. Then, in“Video-based effective visualization framework (VEVF)”,the proposed VEVF model design has been discussed withsignificant theoretical validation and statistical modeling.Next, in “Performance analysis”, the experimental resultshave been implemented with critical discussion, and finally,“Conclusion” concludes the research paper.


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Literature survey

Rafiq et al. [23] suggested transfer learning (TL) for sportsvideo summarization from scene classification. This paperfocused on practical implementations in existing approachesand provided a way to obtain a high-grade scene catego-rization. Cricket was considered a case study that classifiesfive categories, i.e., batting, bowling, bordering, crowding,and close-up for scene categorization using the previouslytrained AlexNet. The suggested technique used encoder-likenew, completely linked layers. They increased the data by99.26% over lesser data sets to attain high accuracy. Finally,they compared the results to basic techniques to demonstratethe superiority of the strategy and the latest models. Theirperformance results were evaluated on cricketing videos andcompared several professional learningmodels like InceptionV3, VGGNet16, and AlexNet. Their studies showed that theAlexNet technique delivers superior outcomes than currentsuggestions.

Li et al. [24] proposed the neutrosophy theory (NT) tovisualize sports news data. This paper selected two typesof large sporting events of different types and sizes andused Excel data statistics techniques, Newtonian analysisof mechanical systems, messy dynamics, etc., to identifyand classify events in sports media, and research visualiza-tion reports on sports rules media development. Sport mediaevents have a beneficial impact on the scope of sporting activ-ities. Evolution comprises three times, such as a "beginningperiod," the "high-tide period," and the "decent period," acomparable period of process and evident chaos, such asstarting values, innate randomness, fractal resemblance, etc.Finally, the visualization of the data of the sporting newsbased on the idea of neutrosophy was applied in the newssector.

Fenil et al. [25] introduced theHistogramofOrientedGra-dients and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (HOG-BDLSTM) for real-time violence detection in a footballstadium. A system for perceiving violence in real-time wassuggested in this work, in which vast information could beprocessed, and human intelligence simulation recognized theaggression. The system’s input is the huge number of real-time video feeds of diverse sources analyzed by Spark. TheSpark Frames separated the frames and extracted featuresfrom each frame by utilizing the HOG algorithm. The frameswere then labeled based on a violent model, a model for thehuman aspect of the person, and a negative model used totrain the BDLSTM network to identify violent situations.The output, was therefore, created in connection with infor-mation both past and future.

Pavitt et al. [26] discussed the natural language processingand conversational interfaces (NLP-CI) for supportingmatchanalysis and scouting through artificial intelligence. Here,they explained how sports professionals could give analyti-

cal help in exploring and insight into traditional data sourcesin some frequently available AI applications. In particular,they focused on leveraging natural language processing andconversational interfaces so that users could explore theirdata sets and the results derived from the analyses done onthem with a simple and time-saving toolbox. They demon-strated the benefit of the presentation to domain experts ofpowerful AI and analytic techniques that show the potentialfor an impact on the sport’s elite, where AI and analysis areavailable, and on the more popular level, where access tospecialist resources is generally limited.

ShuttleSpace [27] was developed by Ye et al. to helpbadminton experts in evaluating trajectory data. Sports tra-jectory data, such as the movement of players and balls, has awealth of information onplayer behavior.As a result, coachesand analysts used it extensively to enhance the performanceof their players’. Researchers had progressively been ableto experience these 3D trajectories using immersive tech-nologies such as virtual reality thanks to recent advances inimmersive technologies such as virtual reality.

Aweb server named SGDB,which stands for Sports GeneDataBase, was built by Cao et al. [28] after combining eightpublishedgene expressiondatasets fromhuman skeletalmus-cle. Searching for genes that were expressed after exerciseand without exercise was possible using the SGDB database.While allowing for the visualization of changes in femalesand males, it is possible to identify the effects of physicalactivity on gene expression by analyzing the data. Additionalinformation can be found on different types of exercise andthe link between activity and age.

Based on the survey, there are several challenges in imple-menting sports data visualization. Hence, in this paper, theVEVFmodel has been suggested. The following section dis-cusses the proposed VEVF model briefly.

Video-based effective visualizationframework (VEVF)

Sports analytics and data visualization offered player selec-tors, managers, and players a broader platform to enhanceperformance on the field. In the following section of theframework, policymakers and analysis use statistical instru-ments and algorithms for data to get insight into the future.Data visualization is one of the most important resultsin the field of sports analytics. The virtual representationof data is easier to grasp than numbers and words. Bigdata analysis principles include learning analytics, gam-ing analytics, productive analysis, and data viewing toevaluate significant user-generated data game analytics. Arti-ficial and real-world datasets comprise several visualizationtechniques: uncertainty visualization, data collections, andmultidimensional/multivariate data viewing. Differences in


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the distribution of the ensemble are themost critical elementsin proper game analysis. The data in graphs and charts tovisualize data are the most important visualization and pre-dictive analytics component. The data gathered are shownfor the team’s selectors, the captain, and the executives ofthe next auction to gain a better and clear knowledge of allthe season factors, teams, all-rounder, and batsmen.

Figure 1 shows the proposed VEVF model. The videocorrelates in terms of semantical content between the fol-lowing frames. Thus, the classification system can get apromising outcome if the frames’ temporal relationships canbe monitored. Therefore, the selection of a certain num-ber of frames to evaluate video data is a necessity. In thiscase, the input video selects a certain number of the succes-sive RGB color frame. The raw frames are then carried outto match additional processing, including resizing, rescal-ing, multiplying, and normalization. These processing stepsare the pre-processing stages that convert the raw framesinto the processed frames, suitable for neural network ana-lytics. Before processing rules, it is necessary to extractrepresentative information from the rules to create optimallystructured and logically arranged data structures that reflectthe dependencies between rules. Each incoming data frameis compared against this data structure to determine the leastexpensive matching rule. The spatial feature is then collectedfrom the managed video images via a convolutional neuralnetwork concurrently. The proposed CNN has convolutionlayers followed by max-pooling and an activation functionto extract the features from the processed frames. Next, theretrieved features are passed to the classification layer to col-lect the temporal features through CNN. Finally, the sportclass is classified using Softmax function-based output lay-ers lead by fully connected layers.

Figure 2 shows the sports data visualization managementsystem. Themodel has the subsequent function: (1) real-timegathering of athletes motion data via wearable devices andharmonization of the gathered information into data serverdatabases; (2) motion visualization management systemsread data from the data servers to drive the visual person-ality to move in real-time, to envision the information; (3)CNN is utilized to forecast the future state of motions in linewith the prior athlete’s workout information; (4) multi vir-tual role management and human–computer interaction. Thepractitioners can utilize various analytical methods and tech-niques in athlete monitoring systems. Numerous variablesneed to be considered while gathering such data, determin-ing relevant changes, and different ways to data presentation.The capacity of practitioners to convey essential informationand provide significant information to their coaches leadsto improved athletic performance as a basis for a successfulathlete monitoring system.

Let us consider the issue of classifying a video sequence−→y � 〈yt |t � 1, . . . T 〉 by allocating it labels x from a dis-

crete set of classes X . For instance, the series can be videos,and the labels can be the activity existing in videos. Now,X is the set of identifiable activities like jumping, running,skipping, etc. This study assumes that every component ytof the video series are objects from input field Y (e.g., videoframes).

Our initial task is to convert the arbitrary-length videosequences into a form that is agreeable to classification. Tothis end, this initial study map every component of videosequences intoq-dimensional feature vectors through param-eterizable feature functions ϕθ (.):

ut � ϕθ (yt ) ∈ Rq . (1)

The feature function can be convolutional neural networks(CNNs) employed to video frames with features extractedfrom the last activation layer in networks. This study intro-duces the shorthand −→u � 〈u1, . . . , uT 〉 to signify videosequences of the component feature vector. When coupledwith feature attribution methods, which explain which pix-els were essential for the categorization, feature visualizationcan be a powerful tool for learning. An individual categoriza-tion can be explained and seen locally using both techniques.A feature function should describe the feature’s advantage or"what it does."

Subsequently, the element feature vector sequence intosingle p-dimensional feature vectors defining the wholevideo sequences through temporal encoding functions � hasbeen mapped:

v � �(−→u ) ∈ R

p. (2)

The vector v is now a fixed-length depiction of the videosequence, which can be utilized for classification. Whenit comes to computer vision and deep learning, a featurevector seems to be an n-dimensional vector of numericalcharacteristics that describe a certain item. Since numericalrepresentations improve processing and statistical analysis,many machine learning methods require numerical repre-sentations of things. Vectors of explanatory variables areemployed in statistical techniques such as linear regression,and feature vectors are equivalent. RGB (red–green–blue)color descriptors are an example of a feature vector that maybe familiar with. The amount of red, blue, and green can beused to characterize it.

Characteristic temporal encoding function contains ade-quate data computations or simple pooling operation, like avgor max. Though the temporal encoding function can bemuchmore refined, called rank-pool operators. Unlike avg or max-pooling operator, which can be expressed in closed-form,rank-pool needs an optimization issue to identify the repre-sentation. Prior to processing rules, it is necessary to extractrepresentative information from the rules to create optimally


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Fig. 1 Proposed VEVF model

Fig. 2 Sports data visualization management system

structured and logically arranged data structures that reflectthe dependencies between rules. Each incoming packet iscompared against this data structure to determine the leastexpensive matching rule. Among many pooling methods,we chose the rank pooling strategy since it can significantlyreduce the input dimension:

v ∈ argminv

′ f(−→u , v

′). (3)

As inferred fromEq. (3), where f (·, ·) is ameasure of howwell a video sequence is defined by every depiction, and thisresearch seeks a better depiction. It is a category of temporalencoding functions. With its scene or object and wide recep-tive fields, this temporal encoding uses casual convolutionsand dilations to adapt to sequential data.

Figure 3 shows the CNN model. Convolutional layers inCNNsmethodically employ learned filters to the input imagetomake a featuremap that encapsulates the existence of thosefeatures in inputs. A pooling layer is a new layer added afterthe convolutional layer. After convolutionary layers, a pool-


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Fig. 3 CNN model

ing layer is applied. In particular, convolutional layers havebeen added to the output of featuremaps following nonlinear-ity (e.g., ReLU). The feature map output of convolutionarylayers is restricted by recording the accurate location of fea-tures in inputs. Thismeans that tiny adjustments in the featurelocated in input video images lead to another feature map. Itcan happen when the image is re-cropped, rotated, moved,and changed in an input image. The optimization issue iscommon and can contain constraints on the solution andreduce the objective f . Furthermore, many normal poolingoperations can be expressed in thisway. For instance, averagepooling can be formulated as:

avg(−→u ) � argmin






‖v − ut‖2}

. (4)

Significantly, rank-pool operators encrypt temporaldynamics of video sequences, which avg and max-poolingoperator does not. Precisely, the rank-pool operators attemptto seizure the order of components in the video series bydetermining a vector v such that vT ub < vT ua for all b < a,i.e., the function u → vT u honors the comparative orderof the components in the video series. This is attained byregressing component feature vectors onto their index invideo sequences and resolved to utilize regularized supportvector regression (SVR) to provide point-wise ranking func-tions. Furthermore, rank-pool −→u is defined as:



2‖v‖2 + D




[∣∣∣t − vT ut∣∣∣ − ε




. (5)

As shown inEq. (5) and Fig. 4 demonstrates the rank-pool,where [.]≥0 � max{·, 0} projects onto the positive reals.Ddenotes the learning parameter, and ε indicates the residualerror. Convolutional neural networks have rich characteris-tics that may be captured via rank pooling algorithms. Torecognize actions from the video sequences, the designed

network creates a new representation by learning to rank theframe-level characteristics in a video in chronological order.

With a fixed-length video sequences descriptor, v ∈ Rp,

prediction tasks are to map v to one of the discrete classlabels. Let gα be a predictor parameterized by α. This papercan encapsulate our classification channel of random-lengthvideo sequences −→y to a label x ∈ X as:

−→y � 〈yt 〉→ϕθ 〈ut 〉→�v→gα x . (6)

To classify a video is to assign a label that is appropriateto it based on the frames that make up the video’s content.Videos must be classified so that they offer correct framelabels and accurately represent their whole content based onits features and annotations. Typical predictors comprise soft-max and (linear) support vector machines (SVM) classifiers.For two-group classification issues, a support vectormachine(SVM) is a machine learning model that employs supervisedmethods for classification problems. With the use of labeledtraining data, an SVM model can classify fresh text. Videodata is growing exponentially; thus, it is necessary to cate-gorize video clips depending on their content. Determininghow to categorize videos into different genres based on theircontent automatically is, therefore, a top priority.With hyper-parameter learning, the SVM algorithm performs a bi-leveloptimization in this case. For the latter, the likelihood oflabels x given sequences −→y has been used in this work, andit can be written as:

Q(x |y ) � exp(αTx v


∑x ′ exp

(αTx v

) . (7)

Here gα(v) indicates the (discrete) probability distributiontotal labels and α � {αx } are the learned parameters of mod-els. Any random variable can have any number of potentialvalues and probabilities within a given range, and the prob-ability distribution characterizes them all.


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Fig. 4 Rank-pool

Assumed a dataset of video sequence-label pairs,{(−→y ( j), x ( j)


j�1our objective is to learn both the clas-

sifier’s variables and the depiction of the components invideo sequences. Therefore, let �(·, ·) be loss functions. Forinstance, when utilizing soft-max classifiers, a classic selec-tion would be the cross-entropy loss:

�(x, gα(v)) � −logQ(x∣∣−→y )

. (8)

The present study jointly evaluates feature functions andprediction function parameters by reducing the normalizedempirical risk. As a general rule, normalizing the data hassped up learning and leads to faster convergence. The log-arithm of the cross-entropy function helps the network todetect and remove such tiny mistakes. To punish a projectedclass probability depending on how distant it is from theactual anticipated value, a score/loss is generated. Our learn-ing issue is:

Minimize θ,α



�(x ( j), gα

(v( j)

))+ R(θ, α)

subject to v( j) ∈ argminv

f(u( j), v

). (9)

As discussed in Eq. (9), where R(·, ·) is regularizationfunctions, normally the k2-normof the variables, and θ seems

in the definition of the−→u ( j)byEq. (1). Losses can be reduced

bymodifying theweights and learning rate of your neural net-work. As a consequence of optimization approaches, fewerlosses are incurred, and the outcomes are more accurate.

Equation (9) is an example of a bilevel optimization issue,which has newly been discovered in the setting of hyper-parameter learning and support vector machine (SVM).Here an upper-level issue is resolved subject to restraintsimposed by a bottom-level issue. Several solution approacheshave been suggested for bilevel optimization issues. How-ever, assumed our interest in learning video depictions frompowerful CNNs features, gradient-based methods are most

suitable for fine-tuning the convolutional neural networkparameter.

When the temporal encrypting functionsϕ can be assessedin closed-form (e.g., avg or max), this study can replace theconstraints in the Eq. (9) straightly into the target and use(sub-)gradient descent to resolve for (globally or locally)optimal variables.

Providentially, when the lower level goal is twice differ-entiable, this study can calculate the gradient of the argminfunction as other authors have perceived. It is then merely amatter of employing chain rules to find the derivative of theloss function concerning any variable in models.

Figure 5 shows the big data-based sports visualizationmodel, including the data collection, data source layer, cen-tral repository layer, exchange layer, application layer, anddata analysis layer. The data source layer primarily involvessportspersons’ historical data, sportspersons’ behavior tra-jectories, Internet data sources, and video information. Thedata sources layer is the basis for the analysis and predic-tive use of diverse sports big data. The next layer is thedata gathering layer that gathers and processes data from thedata sources layer; data collecting, data storage, data inter-change, manual imports, and the webserver. Next, the dataobtained are cleansed, and the processing needed is carriedout following varied application requirements. Finally, theinformation is categorized and saved. The data processedwillbe saved in the main storage layer, including unstructured,structured, and file storage. The data analysis layer is basedon individual applications and performs functional selection,relationship analysis, statistical analysis, and analysis of thesocial network to determine possible knowledge, legislation,and patterns in sporting big data according to the demandsof specific applications.

Based on the research results above, machine learningand big data technology can boost sports applications. Itis possible to improve every aspect of sports training withmachine learning and big data analytics. A sports organiza-tion’s performance, player recruiting, and ticket sales may


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Fig. 5 Big data-based sports visualization model

all be improved with the aid of predictive analytics. A teamneeds to know how to evaluate players to maximize theirvalue in the future. The examination of sports big data is acrucial use of big data in sport. When evaluating athletes, itis crucial to look at how they perform in different phases.During this session, tutors and other users will learn aboutplayer performance factors and data-driven evaluation mod-els. Valuable sports big data may enhance individuals andteams’ competitive level and encourage the growth of fitness.Therefore, prediction is an essential study issue for applica-tions of sports big data. The success of a career in sportsdepends on the player’s skill and is associated with the teamand nation of the athlete. Therefore, a teamor a country needspeople andmaterial resources to cultivate an exceptional ath-lete. The growing sports star refers to the athletes who are

not excellent amongst their peers and are at the start of theirsports careers but tend to become sports stars. Finding agrow-ing sports star gives positive guidelines on investing nationalfunding and helps sportspeople get great results earlier. Theproposed VEVF model enhances the accuracy, recall, pre-cision, F1-score, performance, efficiency and decreases theerror rate compared to other existing approaches.

Performance analysis

This study used objective metrics to assess the performanceof the suggested VEVF model based on big data analytics.For this reason, this study utilized accuracy (A), recall (R),precision (P), F1-score, and error rate (E) to evaluate the per-


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Fig. 6 Accuracy ratio analysis

Fig. 7 Error rate

formance. In addition, these metrics are calculated in termsof exact/improper classification of data types for every clas-sification in videos. Finally, the outcomes of all categories ofvideos or shots be an average of determining the concludingvalue.

Fig. 8 Precision rate

Accuracy ratio analysis

For video scene classification of sports videos, accuracydenotes the ratio of properly classified scenes (true positiveand true negative) out of an overall number of video scenes.Therefore, accuracy is calculated by:

A � TP + TN

P + N, (10)


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Fig. 9 Recall rate

Fig. 10 F1-score ratio

where true positives (TP) signify the properly classifiedshots of positive (P) classes. True negatives (TN) denote theproperly classified shots of negative (N) classes. Figure 6 rep-resents the accuracy ratio of the recommended VEVFmodel.

Error rate

Error rate denotes the ratio of miscategorized shots [falsenegatives (FN) and false positives (FP)] to the entire observedshots. Therefore, the error rate is calculated as:

E � FP + FN

P + N. (11)

If the error rate is acceptable, the training is done. Oth-erwise, backpropagate the error through the network. Feed

Fig. 11 Sports performance ratio

Fig. 12 Efficiency ratio

the error rates backward towards the input layer. The weightsof the hidden layers require information from the next layer,and thus the error rate is sent backward through the network.Figure 7 demonstrates the error rate of the suggested VEVFmodel.

Precision rate

The suggested method outperforms classification tasks usingconvolutional neural networks without reflecting multi-shotexistence in mean average precision. Instead, precision rep-resented the ratio of properly labeled scenes over the wholenumber of sports data and was calculated as follows:

P � TP

TP + FP. (12)


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A support vector machine classification was investigatedto classify new videos utilizing the floating word in videoframes and visual contents, significantly improving accuracyand retrieval rates. Furthermore, the spatial–temporal vec-tor is utilized to categorize video types into cartoon, news,commercial, and sports utilizing probabilistic analysis andmodeling of the main component, demonstrating an overallperformance increase. Figure 8 shows the precision ratio ofthe suggested VEVF model.

Recall rate

A commonmetric utilized to specify the classification modelquality is the F-score, the harmonic mean of recall and pre-cision. The recall is the proportion of true prediction of theshots over an overall number of sports classes in videos andcalculated as:

R � TP

TP + FN. (13)

The standard CNN architecture achieved the results forshot classificationwith high precision, recall, F1-score, lowererror rate, and increase accuracy ratio. Figure 9 demonstratesthe recall ratio of the suggested VEVF model.

F1-score ratio

F1-score or F-measure denotes the harmonic mean of recalland precision. F-measure is a beneficial metric for perfor-mance assessment in better accuracy and a lesser recall ratiothan the other technique. In this situation, recall and precisionratios autonomously are unable to deliver a true evaluation.Thus, F-measure can reliably be utilized in such cases forperformance appraisal. F-measure is calculated as:

F1 � P × R

P + R. (14)

After complete training, the model trained to recognizedrainswas virtually flawless, while themodel for low streamshad the smallest F-score. Figure 10 illustrates the F1-scoreratio of the suggested model.

Sports performance ratio

To assess the performances of a team in a game, tacti-cal data is essential and is the basis for training playersand studying decisions on the game. There is no time andspace characteristic for statistical information, as it focusesmore on personal or competition information for players andbehavioral decisions or movement on the ground. Informa-tion about statistics includes scores, shooting times, and freethrows. Statistical data may be easily recorded in a game

and represent the performance of the teams. It may providea comprehensive analysis for whole games and provide agranular analysis based on a particular event or object. Teamdata include shot timings, free throws, mistakes, and otherquantitative performance and efficiency metrics. The teaminformation frequently refers to combat array and tacticalinformation in competing sports data vision studies. It is oftenused in teams for comparison and assessment of efforts. Fig-ure 11 shows the sports performance ratio.

Efficiency ratio

Possession data and shooting information are commonlyutilized to examine a player’s performance and assess theperformance and contribution of a player. A player’s actionis a time event when he shoots some time series at a certaincoordinate point. Other events include errors, flaws, assists,robs, player substitutions, and off-court issues. Other eventsinclude blunders. Many researchers are studying players’performance over time and calculating the effectiveness ofthe players to assess whether players increased their scoreor lowered their score in their defense. Time series eventsare hence another way of measuring player performance andcontribution to games. The key indicator forms the basis foranalyzing player patterns of conduct and is the focal pointfor most displays of sports data. Figure 12 demonstrates theefficiency ratio of the proposed VEVD model.

The proposed VEVFmodel enhances the accuracy, recall,precision, F1-score, sports performance, efficiency anddecreases the error rate compared to other existing transferlearning (TL), neutrosophy theory (NT), Histogram of Ori-entedGradients and Bidirectional Long Short-TermMemory(HOG-BDLSTM), natural language processing and conver-sational interfaces (NLP-CI) methods.


This study presents the VEVF model for sports visualiza-tion based on a convolutional neural network using big dataanalytics. Integrating deep learning with coaches and ana-lysts in applied contexts may account for more interactivefactors, delivering useful knowledge to teams faster. Thetemporal features of video sequences are important ratherthan the features in static images, which can be extended infuture work. Our system will be added with different stride,padding, and convolution layers to different optimizers andsolve the classification problem to increase accuracy andperformance. Our temporal pooling layer may reside aboveany CNN architecture and allows end-to-end learning fromall model parameters via bilevel optimization. Comparedwith manual digitization, time reduction can make perfor-mance measurements feedback in training environments and


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Complex & Intelligent Systems

competitive sports simulation. Our results indicate that theproposedVEVFmodel enhances the accuracy ratio of 98.6%,recall ratio of 94.5%, F1-score ratio of 97.9%, the preci-sion ratio of 96.7%, the error rate of 29.1%, the performanceratio of 95.2%, an efficiency ratio of 96.1% compared toother existing models. Even though this proposed approachcan best suit competitive sports training through effectivevisualization through CNN with bilevel optimization, thisframework demands significant network design strategies foroptimal energy conservation and secured network communi-cation. Hence, to overcome this demerit, this study plans toextend the proposed model with an energy-optimized com-munication system with a security scheme and real-timevisual analytics implementation.

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