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CHE 204 Assignment #1 Submit your answers for Q1-Q14.Q1. After reading pages 3 and 4 of your text, please explain whether jam is a fluid or a solid?

Q2. Prove that the coefficient of thermal expansion for an ideal gas, (, is 1/T (see page 12 of your book).

Q3. Using the definition of viscosity (p. 13), explain why gases have lower viscosities than liquids.

Q4. (a) In Newtons Law of viscosity (page 14). What are the dimensions of:

i. du/dy

ii. shear stress

iii. viscosity

(b) Shear stress is often called momentum flux. Show that shear stress has the same dimensions as momentum/(area x time).

Q5. What are the units of viscosity that would be obtained by substituting values of a and b (Table 1.4) in equation (1.17)?

Q6. (a) On page 17, equation (1.21) was derived for a droplet of liquid. Do you think this equation will also be valid for a bubble? Why?

(b) Calculate the surface/volume of a sphere, a cube, and a right cylinder with the height equal to the diameter. Which has the least surface/volume?

Q7. The surface tension of a fluid exposed to a gas is normally expressed in dyne/cm. How many lbf/in and N/m correspond to 1 dyne/cm?

Q8. Calculate the density and specific gravity of CO2 at 300 kN/m2 absolute and 60 oC.

Q9. Determine the gage pressure at the center of pipe A in pounds per square inch and in kilopascals.

Q10. A tank is fitted with a manometer on the side (as shown below). The liquid in the bottom of the tank and in the manometer has a specific gravity of (s) of 3.00 the depth of the bottom liquid is 20 cm. A 10-cm layer of water lies on the top of the bottom liquid. Find the position of the liquid surface in the manometer.

Q11. Solve problem 1.8 in your text.Q12. Solve problem 1.15 in your text.Q13. Solve problem 1.30 in your text.Q14. Solve problem 1.36 in your textbook (answer questions a,c,e,g,)PAGE 2