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2. HVAC It is abbreviated as Heating, Ventilation,and Air Conditioning System. Being interconnected and groupedtogether, this mechanical systemprovides thermal comfort and air qualityin an indoor space. The System includes Boilers, HeatPumps, Chillers and Air Conditionersand Packaged System. 3. HVAC O&M HVAC operations and maintenance("O&M"). These are the practices, which keepsthe mechanical systems to work at ahigh performance during the life time ofthe building. A perfect designer can make theprocess easy the maintain thecomfortable thermal system. HVAC O&M is measured in terms ofSystem performance. 4. Performance Measure The HVAC system must offer thermal comfortcontinuously, at the energy use specified inthe design for the building. Continuous commissioning is the bestoperation that improves the energyperformance by 20%. It also improves the comfort at the equivalenttime. But, the main thing is design of the HVACsystem. The perfect design will make thesystem to execute properly. As the technology improves, performance can 5. Operations Manuals High quality operations are ensured by gooddesign process and regular maintenance. The designer first of all have to create amanual for the operating staffs which specifiesthe intent clear design, maintenance list,replacement palms and all other necessarythings. The manual should clearly explain theparameters that are conducted duringcommissioning. Without manual, the work is never effective asit may cause many troubleshoot to the 6. Maintenance Schedules Maintenance plays the important role in O&Mmanual. Schedules for duct filer and all othercomponent cleaning, replacing must bespecified and followed to have ensure betterenergy use and comfort as well. Performance of the system have to bemeasured monthly or quarterly, which helpsthe operators to collect information for thefurther use. Some buildings are built up with theautomation systems, which records status of 7. Flexibility and OccupantBehavior It is important to cope with therequirements of the users by ensuringthe safety and efficiency. Arrival heater and desk fans to thecustomers place is an indication of thefailure of the HVAC system, which failsto satisfy the customers need. This denotes the faults or changes in theoriginal HVAC design and finally resultsin the product change for the occupantspersonal use. 8. Filter Cleaning &Replacement Filters plays the important role in the Airconditioning system. They must be cleaned periodically to keep theenergy and indoor air quality in a high range. Some filters can be cleaned in simple wayslike spraying water or vacuuming. Rest of them, needs replacement. Like filtersin the ducts, filters of the furnace, heatingpumps and other parts must be checked. Filters requires regular cleaning in the HVACsystem, for a long time efficient performance. 9. Cleaning Components Like filters, other components in the systemneeds regular cleaning as well. Ducts must be inspected regularly for theaccumulation of the mold, dust and othercontaminants. For best indoor air quality, they must cleanedand inspected for the leakage, as it maycause energy loss. Coils with dust particles restricts the air flowwhich in turn reduces the convective coolingof the system. Drains of the dehumidifying parts must bechecked, as it may cause the condensedwater to pool up and leaks in the building.mold and mildew. 10. Operation of Control Systems Programmable Thermostat schedule theheating and the cooling of the HVAC System. Those Schedules must match the occupancyand the activity of the system and must bechanged in accordance to the age of thebuilding. Temperature, Occupancy, Humidity calculatingsensors should be checked regularly for theproper operation. Improper working Sensors may beinconvenience to the users. Improperly tuned control system are manuallydisable by the HVAC system, as the energy 11. Diagrams Diagram for Duct routing and control shouldbe created and kept for the assurance ofunderstanding. It also helps in resolving troubleshootproblems and improving the systemperformance by regular upgrades. HVAC units, sensors, ducts, air handlingcomponents, controllers, and theirinterconnection are specified in the system. For better readability, sensors and controldiagrams are separated often. 12. Thank you!! Thanks for reading thepresentation.To avail best Air conditioningservice, please visit AC RepairLocal, Houston.