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  • 8/10/2019 Hussen Summer University



    Banyak hal yang mendasari ambisi saya untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini apalagi ketikasaya mengetahui acara ini berkaitan dengan kepemimpinan dalam cakupan skalainternasional atau duni, salah satu alasannya adalah untuk melatih dan menambah skillsaya dalam bidang kepemimpinan. Kini, saya merasakan dalam diri setiap pemuda

    terutama di negara saya masih terbilang krisis kepemimpinan, spesifiknya krisiskepemimpinan yang berakhlak baik. Hal ini tidaklah baik jika terus dibiarkan, olehkarena itu untuk menambah pengalaman dan wawasan terkait kepemimpinan sayamengikuti program ini dengan harapan ketika saya telah selesai menjalani acara inisaya dapat menularkan ilmu yang saya terima pada insan muda di Indonesia yangmana kelak akan menjadi bagian dari masa depan dan bangsa serta dunia. Alasankedua adalah sebagai salah satu capaian saya dalam mewujudkan kerjasama danmenambah relasi di ingkup dunia, sehingga akan mempermudah saya dalam menjalinkerja sama antar negara jika kelak saya memiliki jabatan tetinggi di masa depan.alasan selanjutnya adalah keinginan saya untuk menjadi salah satu pemimpin dunia,tak unafik hal ini pasti dimiliki oleh semua pemuda, sangat membanggakan terutama

    jika pemuda itu berangkat dari negra berkembang seperti Indonesia yang terkadangmasih dipandang sebelah mata. Saat inilah saatnya saya tunjjukkan bahwa pemudaIndonesia juga memiliki kapabilitas dan kompetensi dalam kelas dunia.Many things(reason) that underlie my ambition to follow this program/activity especiallywhen I know the event is associated with leadership in international scale. My firstreason is to train and increase my skills in the field of leadership. Now, I feel in everyyouth especially in my country is still fairly crisis of leadership, specifically good moralleadership crisis. This is not good if left unchecked, therefore to add the experience andinsdight about leadership I followed this program, hopely when I have completed thisevent I can pass on knowledge that I have received to young people in Indonesia, whichwiil become part of future leader ini my contry and in the world. The second reason is as

    one of my achievement in realizing cooperation and add relationship in the scope of theworld, so it will be easier for me to establish cooperation between countries if one day Ihad a centipede position in the future. The last reason is my desire to become one ofthe world leaders, not hypocritical, it's certainly shared by all young. So proudespecially if the young man departed from developing countries such as Indonesia,which sometimes still underestimated. So It's my times to showwing that Indonesianyouth also having the capability and competence in the world class. when asked whatthe impact of the conflict , especially in the country's environment and my community itis very interesting to be explained . How not , when they hear the word conflict first thingthat comes to my mind is to start the break kinship or the breakdown of a relationship.This is in contrast to the creation of a social integrity , but disintegritas sosiallah formed .

    has become a polemic that dilemma impact of a conflict society if this is happening tomy country especially after realizing both population , culture , our language is not verydangerous Diverse if there is a conflict society that racism was re- emerge whenconflicts have been resolved decades ago. The real impact of the conflict is the splittingof Indonesian population thus weakening the country's defense how not because wehad been the leader of the front guard to keep the integrity of the Republic . The secondissue if there is a conflict of society and were associated with eating this world will bringthe first world war was devastating not only some of the countries involved in the conflict

  • 8/10/2019 Hussen Summer University


    , but also around the country this becomes a very dangerous impact if it reallyhappened . The third issue is the impact on my community , of course, conflicts within acommunity will make someone shunned and can not see the relation it is very unlikelyto be left as it will make someone will be alone when humans are essentially social mancan not live alone . less so things I mentioned to meet the requirements of this essay