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Program Management and Implementation Unit

Sindh Basic Education Program

Human Resource Manual

Education & Literacy Department

Government of Sindh

March 2013

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Table of Contents

Annexes 5

Acronyms 6

Definitions 8

Chapter 01 Introduction

1.1 Goal of the Program 10

1.2 Program Objectives 10

1.3 Geographical Coverage of the Program 10

1.4 Title, Commencement and Applicability 11

Chapter 02 How to Use the Manual

2.1 Purpose & Scope of Manual 13

2.2 Responsibility & Authority 13

2.3 Approval, Revision & Updates in The Manual 13

Chapter 03 Manpower Planning

3.1 Organization Structure 15

3.2 HR Section at PMIU

3.4 Program Steering Committee (PSC) 16

3.5 Program Management & Implementation Unit



3.6 Sections at PMIU 16

3.7 Regional Offices 17

Chapter 04 Recruitment, Selection and Induction

4.1 Human Resource Required 18

4.2 Employment Policy 21

4.3 Process of Selection 21

4.4 Pay Scale and Salary Package 23

4.5 Extra Allowance 23

4.6 Job Description 25

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4.7 Service Record Management 25

4.8 Probation 26

4.9 Transfers & Posting 26

4.10 Resignation 27

4.11 Termination 28

Chapter 05 Working Hours

5.1 Office Hours 29

5.2 Pay Days 29

5.3 Holidays 29

Chapter 06 Attendance & Leave Management

6.1 Attendance 31

6.2 Earned Leave 31

6.3 Casual Leaves 31

6.4 Leave On Full Pay 32

6.5 Special Leave 33

6.6 Maternity Leave 33

6.7 Disability Leave 33

6.10 Recall From Leave 33

6.11 Over stay after Sanctioned Leave 33

6.12 Ex-Pakistan Leave 33

6.14 Process for Leave Sanctioned 34

6.15 Manner of Handing over charge while proceeding

on Leave.


6.16 Assumption of Charge on Return from Leave 34

Chapter 07 Traveling Facility

7.1 Use of Program Vehicles 35

7.2 Vehicles 37

7.3 Maintenance of Vehicles 37

7.4 Traveling Allowance / Daily Allowance 37

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7.5 Air Travel 38

7.6 Overnight Accommodation 39

Chapter 08 Performance And Management

8.1 Performance Appraisal 40

8.2 Objectives 40

8.3 Procedures 40

8.4 Criteria 41

8.5 Evaluation of Market Based Position 42

8.6 Counseling 42

Chapter 09 Capacity Building

9.1 Orientation 44

9.2 Need Based Training Program 44

9.3 Training Procedure 44

9.4 Refresher Mechanism 45

Chapter 10 Disciplinary Action

10.1 Disciplinary Action 46

10.2 Authority to Take Disciplinary Action 47

10.3 Procedure for Disciplinary Action/Inquiry 47

10.4 Penalties 49

Chapter 11 Code of Conduct

11.1 Ethical and Logical Responsibilities 50

11.2 No- Smoking Zone 50

11.3 Dressing of Employees 51

11.4 Respect for All 52

11.5 Discrimination Against Women 52

11.6 Violence & Harassment 52

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Annex A-1: Risk Mitigation 51

Annex A-2: Organogram for PMIU and Regional Offices 52

Annex A-3: Composition & TORs of The PSC 53

Annex A-4: Reservation of Quota for Female/ Minoritites/Disabled in appointments

Annex A-5: Selection Comitte for Posting of Officers from Govt Departments

on deputation basis & Selection Comitte for appoinment of employees from Open Market 54

Annex B: Job Descriptions of Staff Members of the Program 58

Annex C-1: Advertisement for Positions(Selection from open market) 104

Annex C-2: Application Format (Selection from open market) 107

Annex C-3: Score sheet for Selection of Candidates (Open market candidates) 123

Annex D-1: Contract for Employees (Selected through open market)

Annex D-2: Weeding of Service Record 118

Annex E-1: Annual Confidential Report (in respect of Deuptatiosts) 138

Annex E-2: Performance Evaluation Report (Employees from open market) 155

Annex F: Office Time Log (Attendance) 161

Annex G: Travel Request Form 164

Annex H: Note For Record 167

Annex I: Vehicle Requisition Form 169

Annex J: Employees Identification Card 172

Annex K: Harassment of Women Act 174

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ACR Annual Confidential Report

ADS Automated Directive System

ASP Assessment and Strengthening Program

DA Daily Allowance

DC Deputy Commissioner

DPD Deputy Program Director

EU European Union

GIS Geographical Information System

GOS Government of Sindh

GPI Gender Parity Index

HR Human Resource

HRM Human Resource Management

ICT Information Communication Technology

IDA International Development Association

MDG Millennium Development Goals

M & E Monitoring & Evaluation

MIS Management Information System

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NFR Note for Record

OIE Office of the Infrastructure and Engineering

PD Program Director

PER Performance Evaluation Report

PMIU Program Management and Implementation Unit

PSC Program Steering Committee

RSU Reforms Support Unit

SBEP Sindh Basic Education Program

SERP Sindh Education Sector Reform Program

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

TA Traveling Allowance

USAID United States Agency for International Development

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Absence: - Remaining absent from duty without getting the

leave sanctioned in advance.

Accused: - An employee alleged of misconduct under the

manual .

Appointing Authority: An Officer/Committee/Body authorized to make

appointments under the Program.

Area Operation: - Dadu, Jacobabad, Shahdadkoat, Karachi

(Selected Towns), Kashmore, Larkana, Sukkur and

Khairpur districts of the Province of Sindh.

Competent Authority: - A Person/ Committee/ Body designated to

exercise powers conferred in him by the manual.

Deputationist: - An Office whose services have been borrowed

from any Government for the Program .

Employee: - A person works on contract/deputation basis in


Leave: - Leave availed with prior approval of the

sanctioning authority.


Development Goals: - Internationally determined goals for the

improvement of education.

Misconduct: - Violation of the procedures and Policy by an

employee of SBEP as defined in the Manual .

Penalty: - Punishment to be imposed on account of misconduct

under the Manual

Parent Department: - The Original Department of a civil Servant from

where his services have been borrowed.

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Recruitment Policy: - Policy formulated for the selection/ hir ing of

professionals and other employees for SBEP.

Regional Offices: - Offices of SBEP located at Sukkur and Larkana.

Responsibilities: - The Obligation to perform assigned tasks.

School Management

Committee: - Committees formulated in public sector schools

involving Civil Society.

Traveling Allowance: - Allowance granted to the employee to meet the

expenses incurred by him while travel ing in

connection with program requirements.

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1.1 Goal of the Program

The Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) is to increase and sustain

student enrolment in Primary, Middle and Secondary schools in

targeted geographic locations in Sindh by developing a school

environment conducive to teaching and learning.

1.2 Program Objectives

The Government of Sindh with the assistance of United States Agency

for International Development (USAID/ Pak) has initiated Sindh Basic

Education Program (SBEP) for the improvement of education sector of

the areas affected by the flood during 2010 in the Sindh Province.

The above transformation will be achieved through the following


Construction of schools affected by 2010 floods;

Support to Government of Sindh (GOS) Policy Reforms to merge,

consolidate and upgrade schools through construction of schools;

Improvement in early grade reading in primary schools;

Community mobilization with a focus on increasing girls enrolment and

improving nutritional status of children;

Technical assistance to the Department of Education & Literacy;

Monitoring & Evaluation and

School Construction Design and Construction Management &


1.3 Geographical Coverage of the Program

Following districts of Sindh Province are the areas of operation under

this Program:

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Shahdadkot @ Kamber

Karachi (Selected towns)

Kashmore @ Kandhkot




1.4 Title, Commencement and Applicability

Human Resources Manual of the SBEP–2013 has been developed to

facilitate the implementation for the purpose of clarity in Human

Resource Management of the Program. It provides guidelines to be

followed in the administration of personnel in the Program which

includes (i) Employee (ii) Deputationists & (iii) Consultants. The Manual

will be effective after its approval by the Program Steering Committee


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2.1 Purpose and Scope of Manual

Based on the conditions precedents and observations in the pre award

assessment report of Sindh Education & Literacy Department and

Reform Support Unit (RSU), USAID developed Risk Mitigation Framework

(RMF) for SBEP. SBEP will be managed through a Program Management

and Implementation Unit (PMIU). The focus on addressing the risks

identified in the RMF will ensure implementation of the SBEP in a

transparent and accountable manner. The mitigation measures will

focus on the PMIU and related implementing partners in the Provincial

& District Governments. The risks along with the mitigation measures are

attached at Annex: A-1.

The purpose of the Manual is to provide required assistance and

guidelines in the management of Human Resources and outline the

policies and procedures laid down by the authorities of this program. It

is to serve as a code of conduct as well as determinate of the role of

actors involved in this mission. The manual has been designed in

compliance with the policies of the provincial Government`s Civil

Servants Efficiency and Conduct Rules, USAID Regulations and the

Practice prevalent in different public sector programs. This manual will

serve as a guide and on-going reference to streamline the day to day

working of the organization, monitoring the conduct and efficiency and

evaluating the performance of the employees. It will provide maximum

information related to appointments/selection, working schedules,

benefits, entitlements, leave, retirement and the description of jobs.

It will serve the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in relation

to comprehensive reference of policies, procedures and general

information concerning the operations of the Program Management

and Implementation Unit (PMIU) of USAID/ Pakistan assisted Sindh Basic

Education Program.

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2.2 Responsibility and Authority

This manual is the property of the SBEP. The HR Section in the PMIU of

the Program is responsible for safeguarding and implementation of the

Human Resources Manual under the supervision of Program Manager

Support Services who is responsible to maintain and keep the manual

up-dated as and when required.

2.3 Approval, Revisions and Updates in the Manual

The policies and procedures contained in this Manual are subject to

modification. The PMIU is responsible for any revisions, deletions and

additions in the manual, in accordance with the required needs.

The updates are to be communicated to the users via official e-

mail or otherwise as well. Upon receipt of new or revised information,

the user can print and insert the replacement pages with the

superseded pages. New or revised policies and procedures become

effective when issues unless otherwise specified.

This manual is to be implemented only after approval from

Program Steering Committee. Any changes suggested afterwards will

also be approved by Program Steering Committee and made part of

this manual.

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3.1 Organization Structure

The formal arrangement of various positions; as per approved PC-I of

SBEP, is given below:

Program Steering Committee

Program Management and

Implementation Unit - Karachi

Regional Office

Sukkur Regional Office



Management Learning, Reforms,

and Community


Support Services

Monitoring and


Internal Auditor

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3.2 Program Steering Committee (PSC)

A Program Steering Committee (PSC) with representation from USAID

for observing the Program and overall coordination among all GOS

Departments is to be chaired by Secretary, Education and Literacy

Department. The TORs of the PSC are contained in the notification at

Annex A-3.

The members of the PSC include:

Secretary, Education and Literacy Department (Chair- Person),

Secretary, Planning & Development Department,

Additional Secretary, Finance Department,

Chief Program Manager, Reform Support Unit Education Department,

Deputy Commissioner (DC) of the concerned District.

Program Director, SBEP will act as Member/Secretary of the PSC

Representative of USAID/Pak will attend all meetings of the PSC as an

observer and may contribute to the discussions.

3.3 Program Management and Implementation Unit (PMIU)

For the implementation and management of the Program, a Program

Management and Implementation Unit (PMIU) is established in the

Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh. PMIU is

headed by a Program Director (PD) who is to report directly to the

Secretary, Education and Literacy Department in the capacity of

Chairman, Program Steering Committee (PSC). The Program Director is

assisted by a Deputy Program Director. PMIU will serve as the

Secretariat of the PSC. The PMIU management is also mandated to

develop policies and procedures to ensure that its directives are



PMIU is comprised of four sections:

Schools Construction Design and Construction Management &


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Learning, Reforms and Community Mobilization,

Support Services,

Monitoring and Evaluation

3.5 HR Section PMIU

The HR Section at PMIU is headed by Program Manager Support

Services. He is further assisted by the Manager Finance, Accounts &

Admin and Administrative Officers (The post of Admin Officer re-

designated from one of the posts of Finance and Accounts Officer).

The HR section will be the sole responsible for recruitment of staff

and their overall management. This section is also responsible for the

safe guarding and implementation of the HR manual under the

supervision of PM Support Services.

3.6 Regional Offices

PMIU will have two Regional Offices, one each in Sukkur and Larkana

to provide on ground liaison, and interaction with, and monitoring of

the schools, sub contractors, and communities. Sukkur office will be

responsible for the program operations in Sukkur, Kashmore@Kandhkot,

Khairpur, and Jacobabad districts and Larkana office will be

responsible for Larkana, Kamber @Shahdadot, and Dadu districts. On

ground interventions in selected towns of Karachi districts will be

directly managed by PMIU Karachi.

The Regional Offices are headed by Regional Directors, reporting

directly to Program Director. The Regional Directors are supported by (i)

Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, (ii) Construction, Designing &

Supervision Officer, (iii) Admin Assistant and supporting staff.

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4.1 Human Resources Required

For successful implementation of the Program, qualified and

experienced human resource is engaged at PMIU and Regional

Offices. According to the approved PC-I following staff/officials is

engaged at PMIU and Regional Offices. The organizational

organogram is attached at Annex A, while the job descriptions of the

employees are attached at Annex B.

4.1.1. Positions at PMIU

S # Title Positions Scale

1 Program Director 1 19/20



2 Deputy Program Director 1 18/19



3 Program Manager Construction Management 1 18



4 Program Manager Reforms, Learning and

Community Mobilization

1 18



5 Program Manager For Support Services 1 18



6 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant/ 1 Open


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7 Manager Construction Designing and


2 Open


8 Manager Construction Supervision 2 Open


9 Manager Communications 1 Open


10 Manager Reforms, Learning and Community


1 Open


11 Manager Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 1 Open


12 Manager Information Technology 1 Open


13 Manager Finance & Accounts and


1 Open


14 Senior Procurement Specialist 1 Open


15 Internal Auditor 1 Open


16 Assistant Internal Auditor 1 Open


17 Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer 1 16

18 Finance and Accounts Officer (One Post since

re-designated as Administrative Officer)

2 16

19 Procurement Officer 2 16

20 Admin Assistant 5 14

21 Stenographer/ Computer Operator 1 12

22 Drivers 5 5

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23 Dispatch Rider 1 4

24 Security Guard 2 3

25 Office Boy 7 2

26 Sanitary Worker 1 2

4.1.2 Positions at Regional Offices Sukkur / Larkana

S # Title Positions Scale

1 Director Regional Office 2 18/19



2 Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer 2 Open


3 Construction, Designing and Supervision


2 Open


4 Admin Assistant 2 14

5 Driver 2 5

6 Security Guard 4 2

7 Office Boy 2 2

8 Sanitary Worker 2 3

The professionals for market based positions will be engaged

through open competition. In exceptional cases their salary and

benefits can be negotiated and offered according to their

qualification, skills and experience by remaining within upper limit of

ceilings mentioned in approved PC-I.

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4.2 Employment Policy

The SBEP completely adheres to a comprehensive policy of equal

opportunity in employment for all genders and disabled persons

regardless of their race, caste, color, origin, ancestry, religion, age, or

marital status. The selection in the Program is made purely on the basis

of merit. However proper attention is given to the share/quota

specified by the GOS for gender, minorities and disabled persons

(Female & Minorities = 05%, whereas disabled = 2%). Such policy

circulars of the Govt. of Sindh are given at Annex A-4.

4.3 Process of Selection

The following two processes are adopted for selection of employees for PMIU

and Regional Offices:-

Government Officers on Deputation Basis: -

According to the approved PC-I the officers/ officials for following positions

are to be posted from Government Departments on deputation basis. The

suitable candidates have to appear for interviews before the Selection

Committee formulated for this purpose with the approval of Program Steering

Committee (Annex A-5):

Program Director

Deputy Program Director

Director Regional Offices

Program Manager Construction Management

Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community


Program Manager Support Services

Hiring from Open Market: -

Process: The positions other than the above table are to be hired through open

competition from market. The following process is to be adopted in this


The Support Services Section will be responsible for advertisement in

leading daily newspapers. Advertisement in minimum one Sindhi,

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one Urdu and one English leading daily newspaper is necessary.

The following will be necessarily mentioned in the advertisement-the

specimen of which is given at Annex C-1:-

a. Title of the required position and brief description of program.

b. Required qualification and experience for the position

c. Duty Station

d. Closing date for submission of application

e. Posting address for submission of applications

Provide ample time (minimum 15 days) for submission of applications.

The application(format at Annex C-2) should cover :

a. Personal Information: name, father‟s name, postal address,

permanent address, CNIC number, telephone number (line

number and cell number), email address

b. Academic Qualification: degrees obtained start from higher


c. Professional Education: list of training programs/ courses attended;

certificate and diploma

d. Experience: starting from last employment; covering name of

employer, designation/ title, starting date, ending date, nature of


e. Consultancy Assignments (if any): nature of assignment, duration,

employer/ donor, major duties

f. Two References; name, designation, organization, address,

telephone number (line and cell), e mail address

Support Services Section at PMIU is responsible to:

a. Collect applications on prescribed format (Annex C-2)

b. Maintain record of received applications (Manager Support

Services with approval from Program Director will depute a

responsible official for this purpose.)

c. The short listing of the candidates for selection will be done by a

Committee constituted by the Program Director for the purpose

who will maintain the criteria in two forms:

i. ]bled)

Short listed candidates will be interviewed by the Selection

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Committee constituted for this purpose ( Annex A-5) and they will

rate the candidates in following areas:

i. Name of Candidate

ii. Qualification

iii. Work Experience

iv. Computer Literacy

v. Knowledge of subject

vi. General Appropriateness for Position

vii. Inter-Personal & Communication Skills

viii. Willingness to work in Field

d. Dispatch of invitation letters to short listed candidates for test and

interview through registered post/ Courier Service

e. Notification of Selection Committee for interviews. The composition

of the Committee to be recommended by Program Director, PMIU

and approved by Chairman, PMIU/Secretary, Sindh Education and

Literacy Department.

f. The score sheet for selection of candidates is attached at Annex-

C-3. The final score in the above Sheet i.e after interview process,

will determine the rank and position of the candidate.

g. Selection of candidates is made after approval of the Program

Director on the recommendations by selection committee.

Issuance of offer letter/ contract duly signed by Program Director, must


a. Title of the position

b. Duration of contract (should be issued by specifying the period and

extendable for further period of Program on the basis of

performance of employee)

c. Salary package (lump sum for employees selected from open


d. Duty station

e. Roles and responsibilities.

Signing of contract with employees selected through open

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competition. Sample contract is attached at Annex D. The newly

selected candidate would be responsible to provide medical fitness

certificate and police verification certificate along with signed


4.4 Pay Scale and Salary Package

Pay scales, salary package, and allowances are already determined

and approved in PC-I. The employees transferred from Government

Departments will get their benefits in accordance with the rules and

regulations of lending Departments of Government of Sindh.

The salary package and benefits for positions filled through open

competition from market are negotiable within package range for each

position provided in approved PC-I(please refer Annex VIII of approved

PC-I). They will be hired on lump sump salary package; no other

benefits/ allowances are admissible. The annual salary raise will be

allowed between the range of 5-10%, based on their performance

evaluation report and successful completion of Probation Period.

4.5 Extra Allowances:

In addition to the allowances paid as a part of regular salary package

following employees of the PMIU will be paid extra allowance (or any

other) on the rates determined by the authority;

a. Overtime Allowance for Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders.

b. Assistants, Computer Operators, Data Entry Operator, Drivers and Naib

Qasids working in late hours after the office hours will be entitled to a

conveyance charge according to the rates admissible by the Finance

Department, Government of Sindh.

c. Each of the overtime allowance will be subjected to a maximum limit

and the verification by the Officer in-Charge.

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4.6 Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions of Program Staff are determined in this manual. The job

descriptions of staff members are attached at Annex -B. The job descriptions

clearly elaborate:

Purpose of the position,

Roles and responsibilities,

Duty station,

Reporting hierarchy, and

Key qualification / experience required for the position.

4.7 Service Record Management

The service record for all employees working with SBEP working in PMIU or

Regional Office level must be maintained. The office of Manager

Finance and Accounting will be responsible for maintaining service

record of employees working in PMIU. While the Admin Assistant at

Regional Offices will be responsible for maintaining service record for

employees working at Regional Office. The service record at Regional

Offices will be accessible and made available to Manager Finance and

Accounting when required.

The service record of each employee will be maintained in the

personal file of each employee. The personal files will be stored under

lock and key and access should be limited to authorized staff member.

The service record of employee transferred from Government

Departments will be maintained according to the GOS Rules and


A complete personal file must have following record:

Application/CV for employment

Interview result with signatures of Selection Committee

Copy of offer letter/ Contract

Copy of job description/ Terms of Reference

Leave record

Copy of ACR/ Performance Evaluation Report of each calendar


Copy of warning/ action, if any

Medical Certificate from Civil Surgeon

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Educational Testimonials

The record will be updated from time to time along with the

current status

The HR Unit of SBEP will dispose off the record as per procedure laid

down in the Government of Sindh policy instructions (after 5 years), as

given at Annex A-5.

4.8 Probation

All selected staff for PMIU and Regional Offices coming through open

competition/market will be on probation of initial period of six months

extendable for further six months giving him chance for improvement

and can be terminated if the performance is not found up to the mark.

After successful completion of probation period the services of

employee will be confirmed as a contract employee for the Program

period – sample contract is attached at Annex D. After successful

completion of probation, the probation period will be accounted as

part to the total service.

The efficiency of an employee during the probation period is to

be judged on following basis:

Understanding of work assigned

Planning and implementation of allocated assignments in

accordance with the approved PC-I

Meeting the deadlines and taking pressure for completion of work

Decision power under critical situation

Coordination and relationship with management including

supervisors and subordinates, line departments and stakeholders

Supervision and reporting


Team management and be a team player

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4.9 Transfer and Postings

The staff working in PMIU and Regional Offices, except Deputationists

from Government, could not be transferred to any other Government


The employees transferred from Government Departments have to

complete minimum period of two years. However exceptional cases of

promotion of employee, Professional Courses or any other unavoidable

circumstances, could be considered.

In case of Deputation, the matters relating to transfer, posting or

extension be moved by P.D at-least three months in advance so that his

replacement is arranged in time. This is necessary to maintain the work

continuity at PMIU.

4.10 Resignation

The employee selected from open market could resign from his service

at any time with one month‟s advance notice in writing to the Program

Director, PMIU or one month salary in lieu thereof. All resignations

mandate acceptance and approval from the concerned competent

authority. The employees transferred from Government Departments will

follow the GOS rules and regulations.


In case an employee decides to resign, he is required to submit a

written resignation to his relevant supervisor addressed to the PD one

month in advance of his end of service date. After approval by

concerned competent authority, Finance Wing of the Program would

take action for final settlement etc. During probation it would be 15

days notice from either party.

The term “month” used herein in respect of notice period will be

reckoned according to the English Calendar and will commence from

the day following the day on which notice is given by the employee or

by SBEP as the case may be.

A letter of acceptance/rejection of resignation is issued to the resigning

employee regarding the status of his resignation by HR.

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In cases where the contract of employment ends and no

renewal/extension in contract is granted at least 30 days prior to the

end of contract, the employee is relieved on the contract end date,

and no notice of resignation is required from the employee in such


The salary of an employee whose service is ending will cease from the

date of such end of service.

At the end of employment, all the tangible property of the PMIU in the

employee‟s possession is returned.

Employee is required to complete a clearance form and obtain

relevant signatures in order to make sure that all outstanding liabilities

have been cleared. The employee must turn over all files, keys,

equipment and liquidate any cash advances and or any other assets

belonging to SBEP.

Employee should fill in an “Exit Interview Form" and submit it to

concerned HR.

At the time of the last payment of salary to employee, he must sign a

“No-Demand Certificate”, confirming that all payments due from/to

SBEP have been paid/ received along with vehicle(s), equipment and

any other item provided to him /her by SBEP.

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4.11 Termination:

The services of any employees selected from open market could be

terminated any time with one month‟s advance notice in writing or

payment of one month`s salary in lieu thereof (as mentioned in the

signed contract) o termination of his services as a result of disciplinary

grounds (Section 5 of this Manual – Misconduct Proceedings).

The employee transferred from Government Department on

deputation will be governed under Rules and Regulations of Sindh

Government/GOP. Their case will be referred to their parent

department of necessary action. In case of non- compliance of

services or disciplinary grounds (determined by their parent

department) the employees could be repatriated to their parent

department in accordance with the rules and regulations of parent

Department/ Government.

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Chapter No: 05 WORKING HOURS

5.1 Office Hours

The Sindh Government`s office timings would be followed as office

hours for PMIU and Regional Offices (presently 9:00 am to 5:00 pm five

days a week). All employees working at PMIU or Regional Offices are

bound to attend office regularly and observe office timings strictly.

Habitual absenteeism and non observance of office timings shall

warrant disciplinary action. Program Director or Regional Directors

could impose penalties accordingly.

5.2 Pay Days

The first day of each month will be pay day for transfer/ disbursement

of salaries for employees working in PMIU and Regional Offices. In case

of holiday on first day of the month the salaries will be transferred/

disbursed on next working day.

5.3 Holidays:

Employee of the program is entitled to enjoy Public Holiday notified by

the Government of Pakistan, Sindh and Regional/District administration.

Muslim and non-Muslims are equally allowed to avail optional holiday

on their religious festivals. Prior sanction for availing of optional

holiday is required so that the work is not disturbed. However such

leave is treated/ adjusted against casual leave.

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6.1 Attendance

Attendance with punctuality is an essential aspect of every position in

SBEP. All employees are expected to report to work on time every day

and maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. If an employee is

unable to report to work he is expected to notify his supervisor within 30

minutes of his start time. In case of emergency/ uncertainty, it is the

privilege of an employee to take leave instead of un-notified absence.

All unapproved absences will be noted in the employee‟s personal file.

Excessive and unauthorized absences will result in disciplinary action.

Such late comers have to face disciplinary action as may be decided

by Program Director/ Manager Support Services. The format of Time

Record Register is attached at Annex F.

6.2 Earned Leave

An employee shall earn leave only on full pay which shall be

calculated at the rate of 2.5 days for every calendar month of duty

rendered and credited to the leave account as “Leave on full pay” at

the end of each calendar year.

All leave at credit in the account of an employee on the last day

of December, shall be carried forward and expressed in terms of leave

on full pay and the leave account in such cases shall, with effect from

the first day of January, or in the case of an employee who was on

leave on that date, with effect from the date of his return from leave,

be recast as under:-

Leave on full pay:-

(a) 1 month : 30 days

(b) 1 day : 01 day

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6.3 Casual Leave

Casual leave shall be sanctioned in favor of an employee by his

immediate supervisor.

There shall be 25days casual leave during a calendar year.

Casual leave shall ordinarily not exceed 10 days at a time, only in

special circumstances, shall it be extended to 15 days.

Casual leave shall be granted in conjunction with Sunday or

public holidays, but not with any other kind of leave or joining


In case casual leave is combined with holidays the total period

shall not exceed 15 days at a time.

During casual leave or holidays no employee shall leave the

Headquarter except with permission from sanctioning authority.

Casual leave shall not be claimed as a right, but shall be granted

by way of grace to enable employee to attend to his private


6.4 Leave on Full Pay

The maximum period of leave on full pay that may be granted at

one time to a Deputationist shall be as follows:-

i. Without medical certificate, 120 days

ii. With medical certificate, 180 days plus

iii. On medical certificate from leave account, 365 days in entire


The employees hired from open market will not be entitled for

such leave

6.5 Special Leave

A female employee, on the death of her husband may be granted

special leave on full pay, when applied, for a period not exceeding

one hundred and thirty days (Iddat Leave).

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6.6 Maternity Leave

Maternity leave to be granted on full pay, outside the leave account

to a female employee to the extent of ninety days (90) in all from the

date of its commencement (as specified in the application for leave)

or forty-five days from the date of her confinement whichever be

earlier. Such leave could only be availed after six months service in

PMIU; otherwise it will be treated as medical leave. The maternity leave

could only be availed one time during program life; otherwise it will be

treated as medical leave.

6.7 Disability Leave

Being program employee disability leave may be granted outside the

leave account up to a maximum of 90 days on such medical advice

as the section head may consider necessary to an employee, disabled

by injury, ailment or disease contracted in course or in consequence of

duty or official position.

In case an employee dies, or is declared permanently

incapacitated for further service while in service by a Medical Board a

lump sum payment equal to leave pay up to one hundred and eighty

days out of the leave to his credit shall be made to his family. The same

will be applicable for employees selected from open market.

6.8 Re-Call from Leave

Employee could be Re-Called to duty in case of any emergency from

his leave. The re-called to duty is compulsorily with personal approval of

the head of his office from leave of any kind that he is spending away

from his office. One side fare will be provided to employee in this case.

6.9 Overstay After Sanctioned Leave

Unless the leave of an employee is extended by the Head of his

section, an employee who remains absent after the end of his leave

shall not be entitled to any remuneration for the period of such

absence and without prejudice to any K2disciplinary action that may

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be taken against him by doubling the period of such absence shall be

debited against his leave account.

An employee may apply for any type of leave which is due and

admissible to him and it shall not be refused on the ground that

another type of leave should be taken in the particular circumstances,

for example an employee may apply for extraordinary leave or leave

on half pay even if leave on full pay is otherwise due and admissible to

him or he may proceed on extraordinary leave followed by leave on

half pay and full pay rather than that on full half pay and without pay.

6.10 Ex-Pakistan Leave

This leave is allowed only for religious purpose. However employees

can consume his casual and/or annual earned leaves for this purpose

collectively and such leaves will be approved by the PD.

Under no circumstances leave without pay or sick leaves can be

coupled with ex-Pakistan leave.

One type of leave may be combined with joining time or with or with

any other type of leave otherwise admissible to an employee.

However, leave preparatory to retirement, admissible to the

Deputationists only, shall not be combined with any other kind of leave.

6.11 Process for Leave Sanction

The Section in-charge would be authorized for sanction of casual leave

not more than three days for employees up to scale10.

The leaves exceeding this limit or any other type of leave will be

recommended by section in-charge and approved by Program

Director in PMIU.

Regional Director would be authorized to approve casual and sick

leaves (medical certificate is required for sick leave) for employees

working at Regional Offices. Any other type of leave requires final

approval from Program Director on the recommendation of Regional


The leave record will be maintained by the Manager Finance,

Accounts and Administration for staff working at PMIU.

The leave record for the staff working in Regional Offices will be

maintained by Admin Assistant.

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6.12 Manner of Handing Over Charge While Proceeding on Leave

An Employee proceeding on leave (Other than Casual Leave) shall

hand over the charge of his post and shall, while handing over charge

of the post sign the charge relinquishment report.

6.13 Assumption of Charge on Return from Leave

An employee on return from leave shall report for duty to the authority

that sanctioned his leave and assume charge of the post to which he is

directed by that authority unless such direction is given to him in


In case he is directed to take charge of a post at a station other

than that form where he proceeded on leave travel expenses as on

transfer shall be payable to him.

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7.1 Use of Program Vehicles:

It shall be made possible for staff of PMIU to travel by program vehicles

(if available) or use public transport during his business visits including

supervision, monitoring, observation of the progress of construction of

programs, training, conducting inquiries and other matters related to

the organization. Personnel on key positions should be allocated

vehicles for program use along with a fixed amount to meet the

expenses as POL and maintenance charges. The amount should be

reimbursed by the accounts section of PMIU after the verification of the

receipts their approval and provisions under travelling head.

7.2 Vehicles

According to the approved PC-1 the details of Program vehicles along

with their entitlement is given here under. The vehicles can however

also be used for the Program purpose but only after prior approval from

Program Director/ Deputy Program Director for field visits if & when the

need arises.




Entitled Official Make

1 Program Director Toyota Corolla Xli 1300 CC

1 Deputy Program Director Cultus VXR-CFI (CNG) 1000 CC

3 Sectional Heads of PMIU Cultus VXR-CFI (CNG) 1000 CC

1 Director Regional Office Larkana Suzuki Jeep Jiminy JLSX

1 Director Regional Office Sukkur Suzuki Jeep Jiminy JLSX

1 Dispatch Rider at PMIU Honda Motor Cycle 70CC


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7.3 Maintenance Of Vehicles

Program Manager Support Services and his section would be responsible for

management and maintenance of vehicles.

In case the vehicle is required for the Program purpose i.e other than the

normal availability of the vehicle with the allotee officer, Vehicle requisition is

to be made on the form given at Annex I which may clearly mention:

i. Name and designation of officer/official

ii. Purpose of visit

iii. Destination

iv. Duration

v. Any advance required for POL

Recommendation by Section In-Charge/ Program Manager

Responsible person (transport in-charge) from Support Services Section

will allocate vehicle along with vehicle number and driver name.

Approval from Program Director/ Deputy Program Director/ Regional

Director, wherever necessary.

Provision of advance for POL from Finance Section

Driver will be responsible for:

Cleanliness / washing of the vehicle

Change of oil & filter

Maintain record in log book

Timely maintenance, service and repair as & when required.

Concerned staff member will also sign the log book and ensure the

correct entry of covered millage

In case of vehicle accident/ theft the Government of Sindh rules and

regulation will be applicable on all PMIU vehicles.

Transport In-Charge will over all ensure the proper maintenance of the


7.4 Traveling Allowance /Daily Allowance

Government of Sindh rules and regulations will be applicable for

traveling allowance and Daily allowance (TA/DA) during program visits.

The employees working with PMIU and Regional office could use office

vehicles for Program duty and field visits after approval from

concerned Program Manager and Program Director/ Regional


The staff using Program vehicle for office duty and field visits will also be

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responsible for maintaining proper log book for record and audit. The

other mode of transportation will also be used for program duty and

field visits as per rules of Government of Sindh or as recommended by

section head. The field visits will be made after prior approval from

Program Director or Regional Director. Travel request form is attached

at Annex G.

Process for Field Visits/ Traveling

Completion of the travel request form containing:

i. Name and designation of employee

ii. Nature and purpose of travel/ field visit

iii. Expected outcome of the field visit

iv. Destination/ place of visit

v. Duration of field visit

vi. Mode of traveling (in case of using official vehicle use vehicle

requisition request)

vii. Any advance required

Recommendation by section In-charge/ Program Manager

Approval from Program Director/ Deputy Program Director/

Regional Director

Provision of advance for daily allowance from Finance Section

Submission of required receipts to finance section for clearance

TA/DA claim

The visiting employee should submit a brief report of field visit

;“Note for Record (NFR)” in concerned section. The NFR form is

attached at Annex H. The NFR should clearly explain the:

i. Name and designation of employee

ii. Date/ duration of visit

iii. Place of visit

iv. Purpose of visit

v. Meetings attended during the field visit

vi. Outcomes of the field visit

vii. Decisions taken during field visit

viii. Actions required for future and responsibilities

7.5 Air Travel

In SBEP, air travel in economy class is allowed to all entitled/authorized

staff working with PMIU and Regional Offices with prior approval from

PD. The following procedure will be adopted in this regard:

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A prior approval from Program Director is required for such

traveling by completing travel request form

HR section will be responsible for making reservations through

selected travel agent to maintain the record and make


The traveling employee is required to submit air ticket and

boarding card stubs with TA/DA claim form

7.6 Overnight Accommodation

The employees of PMIU will be entitled to accommodation in private hotels

and rest houses and government guest houses at the rate based on their one

and half Daily Allowance plus three days for high cost of living stations.

Reimbursement shall be subjected to the entitlement.

Entitlement of the employee.

Copies of the receipts and bills paid.

Certificate of actual expenses from the employee.

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8.1 Performance Appraisal

Each year, the Human Resources Section will send performance

appraisal forms to all Sectional Heads providing the detailed

instructions for the execution of performance appraisals along with

relevant deadlines.

Evaluation of the performance of an employee during the period;

specified for this purpose, is considered essential to make the

management effective.

8.2 Objectives:

Evaluation of performance includes the following objectives:

Rating the performance of the employee

Development of the capacities and performance

Provide a guideline for career and its planning

Motivation and readiness of employees

Foster positive relation between staff and management

Align individual and organizational aims

Highlighting the needs of further planning and changing the working

conditions or counseling.

8.3 Procedures:

Evaluation of Deputationist:

The assessment shall be made using Performance Evaluation Report

(PER) forms of the Govt of Sindh in respect of deputationists.

ACR/PER form issued by the Government of Sindh will be made

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available for such an employee by the management (HR Section).

Different forms are designed for the employee / officer working in

different BPS (Different Specimen of ACR/PER are given at Annex-E1).

Staff member shall be appraised by immediate supervisor with

whom he has worked for three or more months.

8.4 Criteria:

All employees will be appraised on the basis of following criteria;

Technical knowledge

Time management

Planning and managing

Reporting and administration

Verbal and Written Communication

Use of ICT

Meeting Deadlines

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Energy Determination & Work Rate

Commitment to the task

Ability to see beyond surface issues.

Personal appearance and Image.

Demonstrate Prudent Conduct

Keeping team together

Social and Moral Conduct

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8.5 Evaluation of Market Based Positions

PER of professionals selected/hired from open market will be carried

out twice in each calendar year (in the month of July and January).

The evaluation is to be made on the PER pro-forma given at Annex E-2.

Employee is also provided an opportunity to record his views on

his appraisal, which is to be finalized by the superior authority.

8.6 Counseling:

Employees not performing at the appropriate level of the rank position

should be informed of their appraisal in writing issuing a memo to

improve in future. Such employees should be given chance to perform

better in next appraisal. Couching mentoring and counseling be

initiated under close supervision of such appraises immediate approval

from the position of reducing the rank and scale of employee causing

financial loss should be avoided. However action should be taken

against employee rated poor and below average;

Communication of adverse remarks and their entry on Annual PER.

Courses are to be conducted to address the weakness of the


Constant counseling to overcome the deficiency and improve the

performance is required. If no improvement or change is observed,

counter signing authority shall rate such an employee accordingly.

However he will be given an opportunity to appeal the authority higher

than the counter signing authority. In case of marker based positions

such appeal shall lie with Chairman PSC

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PMIU will ensure that proper human resources are made available with

appropriate skills for discharge of their duties with efficiency. PMIU

should make special arrangements for on job training programs for

relevant employees.

9.1 Orientation

Program Director and Deputy Program Director are responsible to

arrange orientation sessions for key professionals selected/ transferred

from Government Department or Open Market. The purpose of the

session is to introduce staff members with objectives of the Program,

activities, scope of work, geographical coverage, roles and

responsibilities of different authorities/ professionals/ stakeholders and

working mechanism of PMIU and Regional Offices.

Program Manager Support Services is responsible for designing

and delivery of these sessions.

9.2 Need-Based Training Programs

The Program Manager Support Services will take special efforts to

identify training needs for employees working in PMIU and Regional

Offices. Based on the training needs assessment a complete training

plan will be devised for all categories of employees. The employee

selected on contract basis would also be entitled to attend training

programs at designated institutions.

9.3 Training Procedure

A Capacity Development Committee (CDC) headed by DPD and

comprising of four sectional heads will be formed to oversee the

capacity development process

Training needs assessment of all employees working at PMIU and

Regional Offices, will be carried out by PM Support Services

A training plan will be developed for all employees working with this


After this process a training calendar will be developed for capacity

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building of the employees. The training calendar will be revised on

yearly basis

The training calendar will be approved by Capacity Development

Committee (CDC).

CDC will also nominate employees for the required training.

The CDC will also decide to make special arrangements for in

house/on-job training programs

The Program Manager Support Services will be responsible for

maintaining record of:

i. Training needs assessment

ii. Development of Training plan

iii. Developed training calendar

iv. Nominations made by CDC

v. Employees who attended training programs

vi. Training Program arranged for employee in house/ on job

9.1 Refresher Mechanism:

PMIU shall prepare a balance mechanism to assess the working of the

personnel attended trainings, workshops organized for capacity building.

Recording the conduct of trainee during courses.

Contribution to work as individual and as member of certain team.

Unbiased rating of the organizers of trainings.

Ratio/percentage of improvement noticed by officers after the completion of


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10.1 Disciplinary Action 1.

Disciplinary action means punishment to employees for lapse of duty or

violation of the conduct policy. The grounds for penalty against

employee are as under, where an employee in the opinion of the


Is inefficient, or has ceased to be efficient, whether by reason of

infirmity of mind or body or otherwise and is not likely to recover this

efficiency, or

Is indifferent to his duties or

Is guilty of misconduct or

Is corrupt or reasonably be considered corrupt because.

a. He is or any of his dependents or any other person through him or on

his behalf is in possession of pecuniary resources or of property

disproportionate to his known sources of income or

b. He has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible means or

Is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged, in

subversive activities or activities detrimental to the interest of local or

national security or is reasonably suspected of being associated

with others in such activities and whose retention in service is

considered prejudicial to the interest of the national security or

Is associated in any capacity with an association of any kind other

than an association organized by or under the aegis of the

organization without obtaining prior permission of the head in writing


Is engaged directly or indirectly in any trade, business or occupation

which may in the opinion of the Appointing Authority interfere with

due performance of the duties of his office, without the prior

permission of the appointing authority in writing or

Absents himself from duty or overstays sanctioned leave without

sufficient cause acceptable to the Appointing Authority or

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Exercises unwholesome influence or is reasonably suspected of

exercising unwholesome influence on the moral standings of the

Program, the Authority may impose on him one or more penalties.

10.2 Authority to Take Disciplinary Action

The Program Director has the final authority to take disciplinary action

for employees hired from market working in PMIU and Regional Offices

where as for the Deputationist the authority lies with concerned

administrative department. The Program Director has authority to:

Take responsibility himself for inquiry and take decision

Form an inquiry committee and take decision on committee‟s


Appoint an inquiry officer and take decision on his recommendations.

However, Program Steering Committee is responsible for any inquiry

against Program Director

10.3 Procedure for Disciplinary Action/Inquiry

After two written warnings, the Head of Section will refer the case in

writing to Manager Support and Services Section. On receipt of a

written complaint by the relevant Sectional Head against an

employee, the Support and Services Section will frame a charge and

communicate it to the accused employee together with statement of

the allegations explaining the charge and of any other relevant

circumstances which are proposed to be taken into consideration

together with profound penalty warranting such action. For employees

transferred from Government Department, the details of alleged

misconduct be conveyed to their parent Unit/ Department for further

process under their laws/ regulation.

The employee will be charge-sheeted by the Program Director,

PMIU, giving the date, place and the nature of the alleged

misconduct, and will be required to give his explanation in writing

within 7 days. If the explanation to the charge sheet is found

unsatisfactory, an inquiry will be instituted. He would also be asked to

state whether he would like to be heard in person, and/ or produce

any evidence in his defense.

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The Program Director, PMIU will appoint Inquiry Officer/

Committee, amongst the inquiry panel, to conduct the proceedings.

The members of said inquiry panel will be nominated by the PSC.

The Inquiry Officer/ Inquiry Committee shall enquire into the

charges; examine any documentary evidence and question witnesses,

if any. The employee under inquiry is entitled to cross-examine the

witnesses against him.

The case will be heard on a day to day basis and no

adjournment is admissible. An adjournment would be allowed only in

case a written appeal is made to the relevant Head stating cogent

reasons for requesting an adjournment. An adjournment cannot

exceed one week.

If the Inquiry Officer/ Committee constituted for the purpose is

convinced that the employee under inquiry is hampering or attempting

to hamper the progress of the inquiry, the process would be completed

in just manner by the Inquiry Officer/ Committee.

Powers of Inquiry Officer/ Committee

For the purpose of an inquiry under these rules, the Inquiry

Officer/ Committee shall have the following powers:

i. Summon any person and examine him on oath;

ii. Receiving evidence on affidavits;

iii. Requiring the discovery and production of documents;

iv. Issuing commissions for the examination of witness or documents.

The power of taking disciplinary action against employee usually belongs

to the PD/ Sectional head because he is the person who is mainly and

immediately responsible for the discipline and efficiency of PMIU.

However, for government employee in the program, the details of

allegation will be sent to the Chief Secretary through Education and

Literacy Department for further necessary action under „Efficiency and

Disciplinary Rules‟. Therefore his authority is to be regulated in

accordance with the following provisions – of the Constitution of Islamic

Republic of Pakistan 1973:

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i. No employee shall be demoted or dismissed by an officer lower in

rank to one who had appointed him.

ii. No employee shall be demoted or dismissed except for a cause,

specified in some statute or departmental regulation.

iii. Before a final action is taken the employee shall be given

reasonable opportunity to give his defense against the charge or


iv. The charge for which the employee is demoted or dismissed shall be

set forth in writing and filed with some appropriate officer.

10.4 Penalties

i. Censure.

ii. Withholding of increment for a specified period.

iii. Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss

caused to the Program by negligence or breach of orders,

iv. Suspension, in case of deputationists

v. Termination from service

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Chapter No: 11 CODE OF CONDUCT

11.1 Ethical and Legal Responsibilities

The employees working with PMIU and Regional Offices have to

refrain from the following;

i. Possessing and use of any sort of drug

ii. Harassment of other employees, especially sexual harassment of

female employees

iii. Possessing and display of all sort of arms

iv. Involvement in any sort of corruption and ethical acts.

v. Acceptance of any gift from anyone engaged with PMIU

Disciplinary action is to be taken on violation of above mentioned

ethical and legal acts. In such cases the Disciplinary Committee will be

notified by the Program Director.

Being Program employee this will be applicable to all staff working

with PMIU and its Regional Offices.

i. The employee is responsible to conscientiously discharge of his

assigned duties appertaining to it in accordance with the

constitution and the laws of the country.

ii. The employee must carry on his duties with sincerity, impartiality,

integrity and with industriousness & care. He should not think of his

personal, communal or political interests while discharging his


iii. Employee has to be truthful in his office dealings even when they

are under a charge.

iv. Respect for superiors inside as well as outside the office.

v. Safeguard and maintenance of the dignity and respect of the

service and office. He should not allow insult to the office to pass

unnoticed. It does not matter whether the official feels to be

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personally hurt or not/because what matters is the dignity of the


vi. The employee is whole time workers for the Program. He therefore

cannot take any additional office or employment other than their


vii. The employees must observe official secrecy which forms a

comprehensive code of behavior. Employee has to observe

secrecy not only during the program services but also after

discharge from the Program.

viii. For attendance at outside conferences, Workshops and discussion

the permission of the head of the department should be sought.


Offices and fields/sites of SBEP are to be declared as No Smoking zone

and employees of PMIU be directed to strictly avoid smoking in office

premises. Use of pan, naswar, gutka etc should also be prohibited in

working areas and program vehicles as well.

However smoking shall only be allowed in designated places

and smoker who needs to take breaks should do so in allotted tea and

lunch breaks. Adequate arrangements be made by PMIU to designate

smoking areas in the premises to protect the health of non-smokers.

Use, sell, possession, distribution, trafficking or storing of drugs and

alcohols are equally prohibited in the areas/ places falling within the

premises of PMIU.

Violation of above policy must be reported to immediate

supervisor (Preferably in writing) for disciplinary punitive action.


The employees of SBEP should wear decent dress suitable to their

office environment and promoting their personal appearance. Casual

dresses should not be used in office premises which may disturb the

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environment of office. The dress should raise the professional image of

the Program.

11.4 Respect for All:

PMIU believes in humanity and should strictly abide the universal declaration

of Human Rights signed by the Government of Pakistan and Proclaimed by

General Assembly of the United Nations.

Respect and regard to every Human irrespective of his class, color,

caste or working position in office shall be the policy of the organization. Any

act contrary to this policy and defaming any employee or different sections

of society shall be seriously noticed by the management of PMIU.

Abusing, insulting, shouting etc are equally considered unethical acts

in our society and inter-native community. PMIU employee representing a well

reputed organization should behave in a civilized manner and respect all

sections of society and colleagues as clearly printed out in Article 2 of the

United Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR):

“Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this

declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,

languages, religion, positions or other opinion, national or social origin,

property birth or other status”


Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women shall be

the policy of PMIU. As mentioned in the optional protocol of the

General Assembly of UN. The term discrimination against women shall

mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex,

which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the

recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women irrespective of their

marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human

rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social,

cultural, civil or any other fields.

Hence PMIU believes to eliminate prejudices and customary

practices based on the perception of the superiority or inferiority of

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either of the sexes or on stereotype roles for men and women. Manual

extends the selection to a position to all without any discrimination.

Employees of PMIU are expected not to indulge in such immortal and

inhuman acts, failing which necessary action shall be taken against

their misconduct. The Protection against Harassment of Women at

Work Place Act-2010 will be adhered to in letter & sprit (Annex K).


Keeping the work environment safe, secure and healthy shall be the

commitment of PMIU. Any form of violence and harassment instilling

fear and insecurity to life and property or hindering the smooth working

of employee and the organization shall not be tolerated. Possession or

display of weapons at workplace or visits should be strictly prohibited

(except law enforcing agencies of the persons deployed for the

security to be approved by the Authority. Such cases shall be reported

to authority and cases registered against violator under the law.

Threatening behavior shall also be considered as an act of the

violence and sever action be initiated against such act.

Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for favor or any written

or oral communication or physical contact of a sexual nature or

sexually demeaning attitudes causing self-disrespect and interference

in working environment or creating and intimidating and attempt to

threat to be reported to the supervisor.

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Risk Mitigation Framework

Sr.Risk identified / Conditions in Pre-Award

Assessment Report


Agreed by



Reasons to be considered as a



Considered by


Action(s) to mitigate risk

USAID Provided




e Person


TimelineStatus as of

report date




Info/Docs required for closure


Deficiencies in HR & administration


HR and Admin functions don’t have

sufficiently skilled staff, staff JDs are not

done and it is hard to retain staff.

(Pre award report reference 2.2)


To ensure effective HR & administration

function Post


1. Develop HR & administration


2. Training of staff in HR


3. JD for PMIU staff are


Yes. Through ASPActivity


With in 6 months

of agreement


Outstanding No

1. HR & Administration manual

cleared by Sindh Edu Department and


2. Training plan of HR staff

3. JDs for PMIU staff are updated


Management Information System:

No management information system is in

place which might affect the planning and

decision making process

(Pre award report reference 1.4)


Sindh Education MIS has been

supported by USAID assisted program

such as ESRA and Ed-Links. SEMIS is

also getting support from other donors

such as the World Bank and the

European Union.

SEMIS strengthening is an on-going


USAID is not considering this as it does

not impact SEP

USAID will provide technical support to

GOS for the strengthening of SEMIS

through technical assistance under the

SEP assistance.

Other Conditions

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



Organogram for PMIU and Regional Offices

Program Steering

Committee Program Director

Internal Auditor

Program Manager Construction


Manager Construction

Design & Contracting

Assistant Internal


Program Manager Reforms, Learning and

Community Mobilization

Program Manager

Support Services

Monitoring & Evaluation

Consultant/ Specialist

Manager Construction Supervision





Monitoring &

Evaluation Officer

Construction Design

& Supervision Officer

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Construction Design and Supervision Officer

Admin Assistant

Admin Assistant

Manager Communications


Reforms, Learning, and

Community Mobilization

Manager Information Technology

Manager Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation

Procurement Officer

Finance & Accounts Officer

Senior Procurement


Manager Finance & Accounts and


Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Manager Construction

Design & Contracting

Manager Construction Supervision



Procurement Officer

Deputy Program Director

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Compositions & TORs of The PSC

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Reservation of Quota for Minoritites/Disabled /Female in


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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU





POSITION Program Director (PD)

LEVEL/ Grade BS 19/20

REPORTS TO Secretary, Education and Literacy Department Sindh

Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To plan, manage and facilitate all activities related to Sindh Basic

Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of the Northern Sindh and

selected towns of Karachi for implementation as per approved PC-I.

2. To provide dynamic leadership, and to ensure good governance and

conducive to work environment at Program Management and

Implementation Unit (PMIU) established for SBEP.

3. To formulate and ensure implementation of strategies related to

monitoring and evaluation of program activities at Provincial and district

level to achieve program objectives.

4. To liaise with Officials of Education and Literacy Department,

Government of Sindh at provincial and district levels, and

USAID/Pakistan Karachi Office for effective management and

implementation of activities mentioned in PC-I and activity agreement.


1. Program Implementation and Infrastructure

a. Establish strategies frameworks, regulations, policies and

procedures necessary for planning interventions for Sindh Basic

Education Program

b. Ensure implementation of approved PC-I in coordination with


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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


c. Communicate policies and information with program staff

d. Extend help to PMIU and districts in preparation of programs

and sub PC-Is to enhance program activities

e. Coordinate with districts to ensure implementation of

approved guidelines for selection of schools for construction

and/or up-gradation

f. Coordinate with USAID/Pak for hiring of architectural designing

and engineering firm for designing and construction of schools.

Ensure implementation of guidelines and standards for

completion of work in relation to timeliness, cost effectiveness,

delivery, and quality of works

g. Report and discuss program implementation plan of SBEP with

Secretary Education and USAID Program Manager Sindh basic


h. Facilitate for implementation of strategies and mechanism for

effective monitoring of progress and outcomes of all

components of the program

i. Ensure timely submission of monthly and quarterly progress

reports as per PC-III format

j. Prepare a risk management framework to identify potential

risks and risk response measures for active risk control

k. Collaborate and coordinate with SBEP staff and education

management at district level to implement all components of

the Program in an integrated manner for optimum results

l. Coordinate for procurement of necessary equipment for SBEP


m. Provide on-site surveys and review of programs at the district

level as well as provincial level

n. Ensure effective evaluation of programs/programs and

provide feedback as needed

2. Personnel Management

a. Engage, retain and make best use of human resource to

achieve program objectives

b. Appraise performance of individuals working with PMIU

c. Facilitate for training need assessment process and ensure skills

enhancement for the staff working with PMIU

3. Public Relations

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


a. Prepare and implement communication strategy to publicize

achievements of the Program through paper, and electronic

media to ensure its visibility and to improve accountability of


b. Attend necessary workshops, events and training seminars

4. Administration

a. Ensure implementation of procurement guidelines for goods

and services at different levels in accordance with the

approved procurement manual

b. Oversee the financial management and exercise his powers in

accordance with the approved financial manual to ensure

cost effectiveness

c. Ensure open communication and structured reporting

mechanism with PMIU Regional Offices

5. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the PSC


Internal External

• Secretary, Education and Literacy

Department Sindh

• Program Steering Committee

• Program Managers and PMIU staff

• Counter parts from USAID

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Service providers

• School Management Committees

• Development partners

• Reforms Support Unit


POSITION Deputy Program Director (DPD)

LEVEL/ Grade BS 18/19

REPORTS TO Program Director

Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department

Government of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



1. To assist Program Direct to plan, manage and facilitate all activities

related to Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of

the Northern Sindh and selected towns of Karachi for implementation as

per approved PC-I.

2. To assist Program Director in implementation of activity agreement in

selected districts of Sindh for SBEP interventions to achieve program


3. To formulate and ensure implementation of strategies related to

monitoring and evaluation of program activities at PMIU and field level

to achieve program objectives.

4. To liaise with Officials of Education and Literacy Department,

Government of Sindh at provincial and district levels, and

USAID/Pakistan Karachi Office for effective management and

implementation of activities mentioned in PC-I and activity agreement.


1. Program Implementation and Infrastructure

a. Assist Program Director for establishment of strategies frameworks,

regulations, policies and procedures necessary for planning

interventions for Sindh Basic Education Program

b. Ensure implementation of approved PC-I in coordination with USAID-


c. Communicate policies and information with program staff

d. Ensure implementation of approved guidelines for selection of

schools for construction and/or up-gradation

e. Facilitate for implementation of strategies and mechanism for

effective monitoring of progress and outcomes of all components of

the program

f. Ensure timely submission of monthly and quarterly progress reports as

per PC-III format

g. Collaborate and coordinate with SBEP staff and education

management at district level to implement all components of the

Program in an integrated manner for optimum results

h. Facilitate effective evaluation of programs/programs and provide

feedback as needed

2. Personnel Management

a. Ensure team work for optimum performance at PMIU and district

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b. Facilitate for training need assessment process and ensure skills

enhancement for the staff working with PMIU

3. Public Relations

a. Facilitate for implementation of communication strategy to publicize

achievements of the Program through paper, and electronic media

to ensure its visibility and to improve accountability of implementers

b. Attend necessary workshops, events and training seminars

4. Administration

a. Ensure implementation of procurement guidelines for goods and

services at different levels in accordance with the approved

procurement manual

b. Oversee the financial management and exercise his powers in

accordance with the approved financial manual to ensure cost


c. Ensure open communication and structured reporting mechanism

with PMIU Regional Offices

5. Officiate and exercise powers of Program Director in his absence

6. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program



Internal External

• Secretary, Education and Literacy

Department Sindh

• Program Steering Committee

• Program Director

• Program Managers and PMIU staff

• Counter parts from USAID

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Service providers

• School Management Committees

• Development partners

• Reforms Support Unit



POSITION Program Manager - Construction Management

LEVEL/ Grade BS 18

REPORTS TO Program Director (PD)/ Deputy Program Director (DPD)

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist PMIU to plan, manage and facilitate all activities related to

Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of the Northern

Sindh and selected towns of Karachi for implementation as per

approved PC-I.

2. To facilitate districts for selection and damage assessment of schools for

construction or up-gradation.

3. To assist in finalizing the design of schools for construction in coordination

with selected architectural designing and engineering firm

4. To ensure the quality of school construction in line with the guidelines

approved by PSC

5. To monitor the construction work for timely completion


1. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in planning,

policy formulation and implementation of activities related to

school construction in accordance with the guidelines and

standards approved by PSC

2. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director for

implementation of PC-I in field for construction of damaged

schools in selected districts

3. Assist Program Director, Deputy Program Director and Districts in

process of school selection for construction or up gradation in

accordance with the approved guidelines

4. Coordinate with selected architectural designing and engineering

firm for architectural design of schools in line with budget provision

in the PC-I and guidelines approved by PSC

5. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director to get

approval from PSC on architectural design, guidelines for

construction work, and quality standard for school construction

6. Coordinate with Program Manager Support and Services to

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


finalize contracts for procurement of goods and services for

construction of damaged schools in line with approved

procurement manual and budget provision in PC-I. The

procurement contracts will be approved by Program Director in

accordance with the guidelines provided in procurement manual

7. Coordinate with districts, PMIU Regional Offices for monitoring and

supervision of construction work in accordance with the guidelines

provided by PSC

8. Liaise with school management committees and capacitate

them for monitoring of school construction work

9. Hold meetings with contractors/ selected architectural designing

and engineering firm/ districts/ school management committees

to facilitate and monitor the process of school construction within

provided timeframe and standards

10. Develop and submit progress report of construction work to PD on

monthly, quarterly and yearly basis

11. Ensure timely provision of furniture and fixtures for schools

according to the budget provision and guidelines provided by


12. Ensure timely taking and handing over of completed schools

according to the approved standards

13. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Director/ Deputy Program Director


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department,


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU



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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


POSITION Program Manager – Reforms, Learning and Community


LEVEL/ Grade BS 18

REPORTS TO Program Director (PD)/ Deputy Program Director (DPD)

Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in strategic

planning of activities in accordance with the PC-I in all activities related

to Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of the

Northern Sindh and selected towns of Karachi.

2. To coordinate with Sindh Education Reforms Program to set standards

for quality learning and formulate policies for school reforms to improve

education standard, teacher training, school management

3. To mobilize community to improve the quality of education and take

part in school management


1. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in

formulation and implementation of strategies related to

education reforms, learning of students and teachers, and

community mobilization for educational activities

2. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director to

implement parts of PC-I in field related to educational reforms,

learning and community mobilization

3. Initiate process and hold meetings with Civil Society Organization

and local communities for awareness raising and enhancing their

role in school construction and learning of students. Play role in

strengthening school management committees

4. Close monitoring for implementation of guidelines of school

reforms and learning activities

5. Coordinate with RSU to develop and implement standards to

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


ensure quality learning and propose different steps/ tests/

indicators to assess the learning of students and teachers in

accordance with the guidelines approved by PSC. Close

coordination with Reforms Support Unit in this regard

6. Assist in training needs assessment process to propose skills

enhancement plan for teachers, school management, and

school management committees.

7. Liaise with Ministry of Education & Literacy Department,

Government of Sindh for timely provision of books to students and

other teaching material. Regularly attend meetings to improve

educational reforms and learning process

8. Provide support to Regional PMIU Offices to ensure

implementation of educational reforms

9. Coordinate with other sections of PMIU to ensure implementation of PC-I

in 7 target districts of the Northern Sindh and Karachi

10. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Director/ Deputy Program Director


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Program Manager for Support Services

LEVEL/ Grade BS 18

REPORTS TO Program Director (PD)/ Deputy Program Director (DPD)

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned a. Education and Literacy Department

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


Department/ Agency Government of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To streamline process for procurement of services and goods in

accordance with the procurement manual

2. To implement financial rules and provision of funds in accordance with

the Financial Management Manual

3. To ensure the implementation of Financial Management Manual and

Procurement Manual approved by PSC


1. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in

implementation of financial and procurement policies for

functioning of PMIU in accordance with the approved financial

management and procurement manuals

2. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in provision

of funds and facilitate in procurement process for implementation

of approved PC-I

3. Implement guidelines/ policies provided in Financial Management

Manual approved by PSC

4. Implement guidelines/ policies provided in Procurement Manual

approved by PSC

5. Maintain record of financial transaction procurement in

accordance with the approved manuals

6. Assist Program Director to Engage, retain and make best use of

human resource to achieve program objectives

7. Prepare record/ books for internal and external audits

8. Make efforts for timely provision of funds for program activities

9. Make efforts for timely procurement of goods and services for

program activities

10. Close coordination with other sections of PMIU especially

Manager Construction

11. Close coordination with PMIU Regional Offices for implementation

of financial and procurement procedures

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


12. Assist Program Director in appraising performance of individuals

working with PMIU and Regional Offices

13. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Director/ Deputy Program Director


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant/ Specialist

LEVEL/ Grade Program Manager

REPORTS TO Program Director (PD)/ Deputy Program Director (DPD)

Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department

Government of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Director in strategic planning of activities in

accordance with the PC-I and activity agreement

2. To monitor and evaluate all Program activities, including but not limited

to construction activities in accordance with the approved standards

3. To finalize success indicators for students, monitor and evaluate PMIU

activities related to learning and community mobilization

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


4. To prepare and disseminate quarterly and annual progress reports


1. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in strategic

planning and implementation approved PC-1 and activity


2. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in finalizing

guidelines for monitoring & evaluation activities under this


3. Analyze the outputs from the previous year‟s annual school census

in order to propose performance indicators and their targets for

the next year.

4. Coordinate with Reforms Support Unit for preparation of indicators

to assess the learning of students and link it with SEMIS

5. Prepare indicators to assess progress on construction of damaged

schools in accordance with the approved guidelines from PSC

6. Close coordination with Sindh Education Reform Program/

Education and Literacy Department of the Government of Sindh/

Reforms Support Unit to monitor progress and quality of learning

7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved guidelines

provided in manuals prepared for financial management,

procurement, and human resource management

8. Assist/ undertake formative and summative evaluation of the

Strategic Plan and its annual review

9. Prepare quarterly and annual progress reports for submission to

PSC and dissemination

10. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Director/ Deputy Program Director


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



• Master degree in Social Sciences,

Computer Sciences or Equivalent

• 15 years experience in monitoring of

foreign aided programs

• At least 5years experience for working

with public sector organization or

experience of working on similar



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Director Regional Office

LEVEL/ Grade BS 18

REPORTS TO Program Director

Duty Station Larkana/ Sukkur


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Direct to plan, manage and facilitate all activities

related to Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in specific areas for

implementation as per approved PC-I.

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


2. To assist Program Director in implementation of activity agreement in

selected districts of Sindh for SBEP interventions to achieve program


3. To formulate and ensure implementation of strategies related to

monitoring and evaluation of program activities at field level to achieve

program objectives.

4. To liaise with Officials of Education and Literacy Department,

Government of Sindh at provincial and district levels, and

USAID/Pakistan Karachi Office for effective management and

implementation of activities mentioned in PC-I and activity agreement.


1. Program Implementation and Infrastructure

a. Assist Program Director for establishment of strategies frameworks,

regulations, policies and procedures necessary for planning

interventions for Sindh Basic Education Program

b. Ensure implementation of approved PC-I in coordination with USAID-


c. Communicate policies and information with program staff

d. Ensure implementation of approved guidelines for selection of

schools for construction and/or up-gradation

e. Facilitate for implementation of strategies and mechanism for

effective monitoring of progress and outcomes of all components of

the program

f. Ensure timely submission of monthly and quarterly progress reports as

per PC-III format

g. Collaborate and coordinate with SBEP staff and education

management at district level to implement all components of the

Program in an integrated manner for optimum results

h. Facilitate effective evaluation of programs and provide feedback

as needed

i. Ensure team work for optimum performance at PMIU and district


j. Facilitate for training need assessment process and ensure skills

enhancement for the staff working with PMIU

2. Public Relations

a. Facilitate for implementation of communication strategy to publicize

achievements of the Program through paper, and electronic media

to ensure its visibility and to improve accountability of implementers

b. Attend necessary workshops, events and training seminars

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


3. Administration

a. Ensure implementation of procurement guidelines for goods and

services at different levels in accordance with the approved

procurement manual

b. Oversee the financial management and exercise his powers in

accordance with the approved financial manual to ensure cost


c. Ensure open communication and structured reporting mechanism

with PMIU Regional Offices

4. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program Director/

Deputy Program Director


Internal External

• Education and Literacy Department


• Program Steering Committee

• Program Managers and PMIU staff

• Counter parts from USAID

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Service providers

• School Management Committees

• Development partners

• Reforms Support Unit


POSITION Manager Construction – Designing and Contracting

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Construction Management

Duty Station Karachi


Department/ Agency

a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Manager Construction Management and PMIU to

implement activities related to construction of damaged schools under

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of the Northern

Sindh and selected towns of Karachi for implementation as per

approved PC-I.

2. To assist Program Manager Construction Management, districts for

selection and damage assessment of schools for construction or up-


3. To assist Program Manager Construction Management and selected

architectural designing and engineering firm in finalizing the design of

schools for construction

4. To ensure contracting for construction of schools in accordance with the

procurement manual


1. Assist Program Manager Construction Management and PMIU in

designing and contracting for construction of damaged schools in

accordance with the guidelines and standards approved by PSC

2. Assist Program Manager Construction Management and Districts in

process of school selection for construction or up gradation in

accordance with the approved guidelines and PC-1

3. Coordinate with selected architectural designing and engineering firm

for architectural design of schools in line with budget provision in the PC-

I and guidelines approved by PSC

4. Coordinate with Program Manager Support and Services to finalize

contracts for procurement of goods and services for construction of

damaged schools in line with approved procurement manual and

budget provision in PC-I. The procurement contracts will be approved

by Program Director in accordance with the guidelines provided in

procurement manual

5. Facilitate districts, PMIU Regional Offices for implementation of

construction contracts in accordance with the guidelines provided by


6. Liaise with school management committees and capacitate them for

implementation of construction contracts in accordance with the

approved architectural design

7. Hold meetings with contractors/ selected architectural designing and

engineering firm/ districts/ school management committees to ensure

timely completion of school construction

8. Develop and submit progress report of construction work to Program

Manager Construction Management on monthly, quarterly and yearly


9. Ensure timely provision of furniture and fixtures for schools according to

the budget provision and guidelines provided by PSC

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


10. Ensure timely taking and handing over of completed schools according

to the approved standards

11. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program Director/

Deputy Program Director


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• BSc. Civil Engineering or equivalent • Two years experience in construction


• At least one years experience for

working with public sector organization

or experience of working on similar



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Manager Construction – Supervision

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Construction Management

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



1. To assist Program Manager Construction Management and PMIU to

implement activities related to construction of damaged schools under

Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7 target districts of the Northern

Sindh and selected towns of Karachi for implementation as per

approved PC-I.

2. To assist Program Manager Construction Management, districts for

selection and damage assessment of schools for construction or up-


3. To assist Program Manager Construction Management and districts for

supervision and monitoring of school construction to ensure quality



1. Assist Program Manager Construction Management and PMIU in

supervision of construction of damaged schools in accordance

with the guidelines and standards approved by PSC

2. Assist Program Manager Construction Management and Districts

in process of school selection for construction or up gradation in

accordance with the approved guidelines and PC-1

3. Facilitate districts, PMIU Regional Offices for implementation of

construction contracts in accordance with the guidelines

provided by PSC

4. Liaise with school management committees and capacitate

them for supervision of school construction in accordance with

the approved architectural design and construction guidelines

5. Hold meetings with contractors/ selected architectural designing

and engineering firm/ districts/ school management committees

to ensure timely completion of school construction

6. Develop and submit progress report of construction work to

Program Manager Construction Management on monthly,

quarterly and yearly basis

7. Ensure timely provision of furniture and fixtures for schools

according to the budget provision and guidelines provided by


8. Ensure timely taking and handing over of completed schools

according to the approved standards

9. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Director/ Deputy Program Director

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• BSc. Civil Engineering or equivalent • Two years experience in construction


• At least one years experience for

working with public sector organization.


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU



POSITION Manager – Reforms, Learning and Community Mobilization

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community


Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


1. To assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization in strategic planning of activities in accordance with the

PC-I in all activities related to Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7

target districts of the Northern Sindh and selected towns of Karachi

2. To coordinate with Sindh Education Reforms Program to set standards

for quality learning and formulate policies for school reforms to improve

education standard, teacher training, school management

3. To mobilize community to improve the quality of education and take

part in school management


1. Assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization in formulation and implementation of strategies

related to education reforms, learning of students and teachers,

and community mobilization for educational activities

2. Assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization to implement parts of PC-I in field related to

educational reforms, learning and community mobilization

3. Hold meetings with Civil Society Organization and local

communities for awareness raising and enhancing their role in

school construction and learning of students. Play role in

strengthening school management committees

4. Close monitoring for implementation of guidelines of school

reforms and learning activities

5. Coordinate with RSU to develop and implement standards to

ensure quality learning and propose different steps/ tests/

indicators to assess the learning of students and teachers in

accordance with the guidelines approved by PSC. Close

coordination with Reforms Support Unit in this regard

6. Assist in training needs assessment process to propose skills

enhancement plan for teachers, school management, and

school management committees.

7. Liaise with Education& Literacy Department, Government of Sindh

for timely provision of books to students and other teaching

material. Regularly attend meetings to improve educational

reforms and learning process

8. Provide support to regional PMIU Offices to ensure implementation

of educational reforms

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9. Coordinate with other sections of PMIU to ensure implementation of PC-I

in 7 target districts of the Northern Sindh and Karachi

10. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Manager Reforms, Learning and Community Mobilization/

Program Director


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Masters Degree in Mass Communication,

Social Sciences or equivalent

• Two years experience in designing and

implementation of communication and

awareness raising or community

mobilization activities for NGOs or

public organization.


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Manager – Communications

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community


Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan

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1. To assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization in strategic planning of activities in accordance with the

PC-I in all activities related to Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) in 7

target districts of the Northern Sindh and selected towns of Karachi.

2. To coordinate with Sindh Education Reforms Program to set standards

for quality learning and formulate policies for school reforms to improve

education standard, teacher training, school management

3. To mobilize community to improve the quality of education and take

part in school management


1. Assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization in formulation and implementation of strategies

related to education reforms, learning of students and teachers,

and community mobilization for educational activities

2. Assist Program Manager Reforms, Learning and Community

Mobilization to implement parts of PC-I in field related to

educational reforms, learning and community mobilization

3. Hold meetings with Civil Society Organization and local

communities for awareness raising and enhancing their role in

school construction and learning of students. Play role in

strengthening school management committees

4. Close monitoring for implementation of guidelines of school

reforms and learning activities

5. Assist in training needs assessment process to propose skills

enhancement plan for teachers, school management, and

school management committees.

6. Liaise with Education and Literacy Department, Sindh for timely

provision of books to students and other teaching material.

Regularly attend meetings to improve educational reforms and

learning process

7. Coordinate with other sections of PMIU to ensure implementation of PC-I

in 7 target districts of the Northern Sindh and Karachi

8. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Manager Reforms, Learning and Community Mobilization/

Program Director

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Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Masters Degree in Mass Communication,

Social Sciences or equivalent

• Two years experience in designing and

implementation of communication

activities/ campaigns or as public

relation officer or community



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Manager – Finance, Accounts and Administration

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Support Services

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


1. To assist Program Manager Support Services in implementation of

financial rules and provision of funds in accordance with the Financial

Management Manual

2. To ensure the implementation of Financial Management and HR

manuals in PMIU and Regional Offices


1. Assist Program Manager Support Services in implementation of

financial and procurement policies for functioning of PMIU in

accordance with the approved financial management manual

2. Assist Program Manager Support Services in provision of funds and

facilitate in procurement process for implementation of approved


3. Implement guidelines/ policies provided in Financial Management

Manual approved by PSC

4. Develop and manage pay role for PMIU and Regional office staff

5. Maintain record of financial transaction in accordance with the

approved financial manual

6. Update record of financial transaction in computer

7. Maintain bank(s) record and reconcile receipts & payments on

monthly basis

8. Prepare record/ books for internal and external audits

9. Make efforts for timely provision of funds for program activities

10. Close coordination with other sections of PMIU

11. Close coordination with PMIU Regional Offices for implementation

of financial and procurement procedures

12. Assist Program Manager Support Services to engage, retain and

make best use of human resource to achieve program objectives

13. Assist Program Manager Support Services in appraising

performance of individuals working with PMIU and Regional


14. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Manager Support Services/ Program Director


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

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• Master‟s degree in Commerce or MBA


• Two years experience in Accounts and

Administration Department


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Senior Procurement Specialist

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Program Manager Support Services

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Manager Support Services in formulation and

implementation of procurement policies in accordance with the

Procurement Management Manual

2. To ensure transparent procurement of goods and services for Sindh

Basic Education Program


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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


1. Assist Program Manager Support Services in formulation and

implementation of procurement policies for functioning of PMIU in

accordance with the approved procurement management


2. Assist Program Manager Support Services in finalization of

procurement contracts provision for implementation of approved

PC-I under Sindh Basic Education Program

3. Ensure quality of goods and services through well elaborated

procurement contracts. Quality indicators and activity timeframe

would be made part of procurement contracts for timely

completion of programs

4. Ensure to include risk management measures in procurement

contracts for risk mitigation

5. Coordinate with Education and Literacy Department, district

school management, RSU and selected Architectural Designing

and Engineering Firm for quality work and procurement

6. Especial coordination with Program Manager Construction

Management for timely procurement of goods and services to

ensure quality

7. Maintain record related to procurement of goods and services

8. Ensure appropriate implementation of procurement contracts

and timely completion of programs

9. Close coordination with PMIU Regional Offices for implementation

of procurement procedures

10. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Program

Manager Support Services/ Program Director


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Master Degree in Social Sciences or MBA • Five years relevant experience in

procurement management and,


• Knowledge of public procurement

policies and procedure required.

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Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Manager Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Program Director in strategic planning of activities in

accordance with the PC-I and activity agreement

2. To monitor and evaluate all Program activities, including but not limited

to construction activities in accordance with the approved standards

3. To finalize success indicators for students, monitor and evaluate PMIU

activities related to learning and community mobilization

4. To prepare and disseminate quarterly and annual progress reports

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1. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in strategic

planning and implementation approved PC-1 and activity


2. Assist Program Director and Deputy Program Director in finalizing

guidelines for monitoring & evaluation activities under this


3. Analyze the outputs from the previous year‟s annual school census

in order to propose performance indicators and their targets for

the next year.

4. Coordinate with Reforms Support Unit for preparation of indicators

to assess the learning of students and link it with SEMIS

5. Prepare indicators to assess progress on construction of damaged

schools in accordance with the approved guidelines from PSC

6. Close coordination with Sindh Education Reform Program/

Education and Literacy Department of the Government of Sindh/

Reforms Support Unit to monitor progress and quality of learning

7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved guidelines

provided in manuals prepared for financial management,

procurement, and human resource management

8. Assist/ undertake formative and summative evaluation of the

Strategic Plan and its annual review

9. Prepare quarterly and annual progress reports for submission to

PSC and dissemination

10. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Program



Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Master Degree in Social Sciences. • Five years relevant experience in

monitoring and evaluation in public

sector organization or in civil society


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Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Manager Information Technology

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant in strategic planning and

development of monitoring reporting system

2. To assist in networking and computer functioning at PMIU

3. To finalize success indicators for students, monitor and evaluate PMIU

activities related to learning and community mobilization

4. To prepare and disseminate quarterly and annual progress reports


1. Assist Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant in strategic planning

and implementation approved PC-1 and activity agreement

2. Assist in finalizing guidelines for monitoring & evaluation activities

under this program

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3. Analyze the outputs from the previous year‟s annual school census

in order to propose performance indicators and their targets for

the next year.

4. Coordinate with Reforms Support Unit for preparation of indicators

to assess the learning of students and link it with SEMIS

5. Prepare indicators to assess progress on construction of damaged

schools in accordance with the approved guidelines from PSC

6. Assist in developing monitoring and evaluation formats in

accordance with Monitoring and Evaluation Manual

7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved guidelines

provided in manuals prepared for financial management,

procurement, and human resource management

8. Assist in analysing the data/ information for different reports

9. Assist/ undertake formative and summative evaluation of the

Strategic Plan and its annual review

10. Prepare quarterly and annual progress reports for submission to

PSC and dissemination

11. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Monitoring and

Evaluation Consultant


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• MS Information Technology or Equivalent • Five years relevant experience in

Information Technology.


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU

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POSITION Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Manager Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Concerned Regional Director

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist in monitoring and evaluating of all Program activities,

including but not limited to construction activities in accordance

with the approved standards

2. To assist in finalizing success indicators for students, monitor and

evaluate PMIU activities related to learning and community


3. To prepare and disseminate quarterly and annual progress reports


1. Assist Manager Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in finalizing

guidelines for monitoring & evaluation activities under this program

2. Assist in preparation of monitoring and evaluation formats

3. Data collection from field and analysis

4. Analyze the outputs from the previous year‟s annual school census in

order to propose performance indicators and their targets for the

next year.

5. Assist in coordination with Reforms Support Unit for preparation of

indicators to assess the learning of students and link it with SEMIS

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6. Assist in preparation of indicators to assess progress on construction of

damaged schools in accordance with the approved guidelines from


7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of approved guidelines

provided in manuals prepared for financial management,

procurement, and human resource management

8. Assist/ undertake formative and summative evaluation of the

Strategic Plan and its annual review

9. Assist in preparation of quarterly and annual progress reports for

submission to PSC and dissemination

10. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Manager Planning,

Monitoring and Evaluation


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Master Degree in Social Sciences. • 2 years‟ experience in monitoring and

evaluation of donor funded programs.


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department

• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Construction, Designing and Supervision Officer

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Manager Construction, Designing and Contracting

Regional Director

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU


Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Manager Construction Management, districts for selection and

damage assessment of schools for construction or up-gradation.

2. To assist Manager Construction Management and districts for supervision

and monitoring of school construction to ensure quality construction


1. Facilitate districts, PMIU Regional Offices for implementation of

construction contracts in accordance with the guidelines

provided by PSC

2. Liaise with school management committees and capacitate

them for supervision of school construction in accordance with

the approved architectural design and construction guidelines

3. Hold meetings with contractors/ selected architectural designing

and engineering firm/ districts/ school management committees

to ensure timely completion of school construction

4. Develop and submit progress report of construction work to

Program Manager Construction Management on monthly,

quarterly and yearly basis

5. Ensure timely provision of furniture and fixtures for schools

according to the budget provision and guidelines provided by


6. Data collection from field and reporting on progress of

construction work

7. Ensure the quality standards in construction work

8. Look after the quality and quantity of construction material

9. Check the construction work according to the work plan and

awarded contract

10. Ensure timely taking and handing over of completed schools

according to the approved standards

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11. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Manager


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• BSc. Civil Engineering or equivalent • 2 years‟ experience in construction,

designing and supervision of

educational programs.


Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• Architectural Designing and Engineering


• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Finance and Accounts Officer

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Manager Finance, Accounts and Admin.

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Manager Finance, Accounts and Admin in implementation of

financial rules and provision of funds in accordance with the Financial

Management Manual

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2. To ensure the implementation of Financial Management manual in PMIU

and Regional Offices


1. Assist Manager Finance, Accounts and Admin in implementation

of guidelines/ policies provided in Financial Management Manual

approved by PSC

2. Develop and manage pay role for PMIU and Regional office staff

3. Maintain record of financial transaction in accordance with the

approved financial manual

4. Update record of financial transaction in computer

5. Maintain bank(s) record and reconcile receipts & payments on

monthly basis

6. Prepare record/ books for internal and external audits

7. Make efforts for timely provision of funds for program activities

8. Close coordination with other sections of PMIU

9. Close coordination with PMIU Regional Offices for implementation

of financial and procurement procedures

10. Assist Program Manager Support Services to engage, retain and

make best use of human resource to achieve program objectives

11. Assist Program Manager Support Services in appraising

performance of individuals working with PMIU and Regional


12. Un

dertake any other assignments delegated by the Manager

Finance, Accounts and Admin


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• BBA Finance and Accounts or B.Com or


• 2 years‟ experience in maintaining

accounts and financial transactions in

public or private organization.

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Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU


POSITION Procurement Officer

LEVEL/ Grade

REPORTS TO Senior Procurement Specialist

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


1. To assist Senior Procurement Specialist in formulation and

implementation of procurement policies in accordance with the

Procurement Management Manual

2. To ensure transparent procurement of goods and services for Sindh

Basic Education Program


1. Assist Senior Procurement Specialist in finalization of procurement

contracts provision for implementation of approved PC-I under

Sindh Basic Education Program

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2. Ensure quality of goods and services through well elaborated

procurement contracts. Quality indicators and activity timeframe

would be made part of procurement contracts for timely

completion of programs

3. Ensure to include risk management measures in procurement

contracts for risk mitigation

4. Especial coordination with Program Manager Construction

Management for timely procurement of goods and services to

ensure quality

5. Maintain record related to procurement of goods and services

6. Ensure appropriate implementation of procurement contracts

and timely completion of programs

7. Close coordination with PMIU Regional Offices for implementation

of procurement procedures

8. Undertake any other assignments delegated by the Senior

Procurement Specialist


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Master Degree in Social Science • Minimum 2 years‟ experience in

procurement and procurement



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU

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Program Management & Implementation Unit – PMIU



POSITION Assistant Administration

LEVEL/ Grade Equivalent to 16

REPORTS TO Director Administration

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


a. Education and Literacy Department Government

of Sindh

b. United States Agency for International

Development – Pakistan


The Assistant Admin will work under the direct supervision of Deputy Director

Administration and will assist in the Program’s Administration. The position

will be responsible for developing, strengthening and implementation of

effective administrative support systems services within the program to

ensure that work carry out in smooth and effective manners.



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Desired Qualification Desired Experience

• Master Degree in Social Science • Minimum 2 years‟ experience in

procurement and procurement



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU

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POSITION Internal Auditor

LEVEL/ Grade Equivalent to 17

REPORTS TO Audit Team & Finance Department

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


A. Education and Literacy Department Government of


B. United States Agency for International Development –



The Internal Auditor will assist the Director (Finance & Compliance)

in Examining financial records, internal controls and information. Internal

Auditor It also includes liaison with the external auditors in order to

prevent duplication of effort and to keep them briefed on areas of

concern. In addition the post holder will prepare audit plans programs

based on the analysis of risks and operational priorities. He will also assess

and timely report on legal/ compliance/ organizational and operational



1. To work with management to ensure a system is in place which

ensures that all major risks of the organization are identified and

analyzed, on annual basis

2. To plan, organize and carry out the internal audit function

including the preparation of an audit plan

3. Prepare reports containing observations, comments and

recommendations based on carried out work 4. Ensure that the agreements executed with donor agencies are

strictly implemented.

5. To plan, organize and carry out the internal audit function

including the preparation of an audit plan which fulfills the

responsibility of the department, scheduling and assigning work

and estimating resource needs

6. Ensure the confidentiality of financial and technical information

including audit findings and observations from the irrelevant


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7. Facilitates external audit and discusses with external auditors

major observations arising from interim and final audits and any

matter that the auditors may wish to highlight.

8. Ensure that funds allocations for each program are appropriately

utilized and any budget variations are communicated to the

relevant authorities.

Knowledge & Skills

- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

- Effective written and verbal communication and interpersonal


- Ability to adapt to change quickly, organizational and multi-

tasking skills

- Sound judgment and proficiency in technology tools and systems

- Excellent computer skills

- Detail-oriented, observant and has the ability to deal with sensitive

issues and information


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

ICMA-Inter / CA-Inter / MBA

A minimum of five years of

experience in the related field.

Ability to work with donor funded



Internal External

• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU

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POSITION Assistant Internal Auditor

LEVEL/ Grade Equivalent to 16

REPORTS TO Internal Auditor /Audit Team

Duty Station Karachi

Concerned Department/


A. Education and Literacy Department Government of


B. United States Agency for International Development –



The Assistant Internal Auditor will assist the Internal Auditor in

Examining financial records, internal controls and information. In

addition the post holder will assist to prepare audit plans programs

based on the analysis of risks and operational priorities. He will also assess

and timely report on legal/ compliance/ organizational and operational



2. To work with management to ensure a system is in place which

ensures that all major risks of the organization are identified and

analyzed, on annual basis.

2. To plan, organize and carry out the internal audit function

including the preparation of an audit plan

3. Prepare reports containing observations, comments and

recommendations based on carried out work 4. Ensure that the agreements executed with donor agencies are

strictly implemented.

5. To plan, organize and carry out the internal audit function

including the preparation of an audit plan which fulfills the

responsibility of the department, scheduling and assigning work

and estimating resource needs

6. Ensure the confidentiality of financial and technical information

including audit findings and observations from the irrelevant


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7. Facilitates external audit and discusses with external auditors

major observations arising from interim and final audits and any

matter that the auditors may wish to highlight.

8. Ensure that funds allocations for each program are appropriately

utilized and any budget variations are communicated to the

relevant authorities.

Knowledge & Skills

- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

- Effective written and verbal communication and interpersonal


- Ability to adapt to change quickly, organizational and multi-

tasking skills

- Sound judgment and proficiency in technology tools and systems

- Excellent computer skills

- Detail-oriented, observant and has the ability to deal with sensitive

issues and information


Desired Qualification Desired Experience

Graduation (B.Com/ B.B.A)

3 years post qualification

experience in Internal Audit

preferably in the

development sector.


Internal External

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• Program Director

• Deputy Program Director

• Heads of other units of PMIU

• PMIU Regional Offices

• Education and Literacy Department


• Districts

• Civil Society Organizations

• School Management Committees

• Venders and contractors

• Relevant sections/ units of RSU

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Advertisement for Positions


Government of Sindh (GOS) and USAID have agreed to improve access, equity and

quality in education by improving governance and institutionalizing accountability in

education service delivery.

Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) is initiated to increase and sustain student

enrolment in primary, middle and secondary schools in targeted geographic locations

in Sindh by developing a school environment conducive to teaching and learning.

Now SBEP is inviting applications for following positions based in Program

Management & Implementation Unit, Karachi and its Regional Offices at Sukkur and




Position Qualification Experience Station

Details and application format for the above positions are available at www.________ .

Please send your CV along with application (on prescribed format) at the following




The last date for submission of applications is __________________

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Women are encouraged to apply

The candidates must provide following information:

a. Personal: name, father‟s name, postal address, permanent address, CNIC number,

telephone number (line number and cell number), email address

b. Academic: degrees obtained start from higher degree

c. Professional Education: list of training programs/ courses attended; certificate and


d. Experience: starting from last employment; covering name of employer,

designation/ title, starting date, ending date, nature of duties,

e. Consultancy Assignments (if any): nature of assignment, duration, employer/ donor,

major duties

f. Two References; name, designation, organization, address, telephone number (line

and cell), e mail address

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Sindh Basic Education Program

Program Management and Implementation Unit

Application Form

(For Employee’s Selection from Open Market)

1. Personal Information

1.1 Name

1.2 Father’s Name

1.3 Date of Birth

1.4 Gender

1.5 Marital Status

1.6 CNIC Number

1.7 Postal Address

1.8 Permanent Address

1.9 Phone Number

1.10 Fax Number

1.11 Cell Number

1.12 E mail ID

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2. Academic Qualification(Start with last degree)

2.1 Degree Title


Name of Institution

Year of Passing

2.2 Degree Title


Name of Institute


Period From To


2.3 Degree Title


Name of Institute


Period From To


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3. Professional Education

3.1 Title

Level (diploma/certificate)

Name of Institution

Year of Passing

3.2 Title

Level (diploma/certificate)

Name of Institute


Period From To


4. Training Programs Attended

# Title Organization Duration








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5. Professional Skills

# Name of Skill Excellent Good Fair






6. Language Proficiency

# Name of Language Read Write Speak Understand






7. Computer Proficiency

# Computer Program Excellent Good Fair








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8. Experience (start from last employment)

8.1 Name of Organization

Type of Organization



Duration From To


8.2 Name of Organization

Type of Organization

Employer contact



Tenure From To


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9. Programs Completed

9.1 Name of Organization

Title of program



Tenure From To


9.2 Name of Organization

Title of program



Tenure From To


10. References

10.1 Name



Contact Number

Fax Number

Cell Number

E mail

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10.2 Name



Contact Number

Fax Number

Cell Number

E mail

11. I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,

this bio-data correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my

experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein

may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Signature Date:

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Sindh Basic Education Program

Program Management and Implementation Unit

Score Sheet for Selection of Candidates

(For Employees Selected from Open Market)

Position: ________________________________________ Date of Interview _________________

Interview of Candidates



e o

























ge o





















al &










ess t



rk in





(15) (10) (25) (25) (15) (10) (100)





Name of Selected Candidate:

Selection Committee Members

Name Signature

1. ___________________________________ ________________________

2. ___________________________________ ________________________ Approved by Chairman,

Selection Committee

3. ___________________________________ ________________________

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NAME: Name of Employee

ADDRESS: Address

DATE: Date of Contract



Following your interview and discussion with the Selection Committee of Sindh Basic

Education Program (SBEP), we are pleased to appoint you as __________________ in

Program Management and Implementation Unit (PMIU) with effect from _______.

The objective of the Sindh Basic Education Program is to increase and sustain student

enrolment in primary, middle and secondary schools in targeted geographic locations

in Sindh by developing a school environment conducive to teaching and learning.

As __________________________, you will report to _________________ and work under

administrative control and guidance of Program Director, Sindh Basic Education

Program, PMIU, Karachi.

Your responsibilities will be, given below: (please insert from Job Description)






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Duration of Contract

Y our appointment with SBEP will be for program Period ending on ______________

(please mention period with month and year) commencing on the date of your joining.

Your appointment is subject to clearance of six months probation period. At the end of

six month your performance will be reviewed and upon satisfactory performance your

services for the above mentioned period will be extended.

Upon unsatisfactory performance, your services will be either terminated or the

probation period will be further enhanced for another six months. Your performance will

be reviewed at the end of each calendar year by your immediate supervisor/ Manager

and performance evaluation will be made part of your personal file.

Duty Station

You will be stationed at _______________________. Your service is non transferable to

other stations. However, you are required extensive traveling and night stays outside

your station for discourse of your duties.

Salary and Benefits

This is a lump sump contract and you will be paid Rs._____________ per month. This salary

is inclusive of all benefits/ allowances other than travel allowance for field visits.

However, you will be entitled for an annual increment as per policy based on your



You will be liable to pay taxes according to Pakistan Income Tax Law on your salary

and benefits as per the rules laid down by the Government. PMIU‟s Accounts Section

will provide necessary assistance in preparation of your tax returns, if required.

Other Benefits

You will be allowed traveling and daily allowances during field visits in accordance with

entitlement. The regulation for all the staff working with PMIU and Regional Offices has

been prepared in HR and Admin manual in accordance with the normal practice of

Government of Sindh.

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In addition to Gazetted and other local holidays in accordance with the normal rules of

the country your entitlement of leaves is mentioned in HR and Admin manual which is in

accordance with the normal practice of Government of Sindh.


1. You shall keep the secrets of SBEP and any company, organization, or

persons with which you may come in contact, during the tenure of your

employment, and at all times after the termination thereof, and shall not

divulge any matter or information to any unauthorized person or


2. Except during authorized holidays, you will devote yourself to your duties

with all of your professional capabilities and effective working.

3. You will not become interested or engaged directly or indirectly in any

trade, business or employment whatsoever, except with the prior

approval of the Program Director.

4. The terms of this contract are strictly confidential, and are the basis of a

truly private contract between you and SBEP. You should, therefore,

refrain from discussing these terms with any person whatsoever.

5. All conduct rules and disciplinary actions elaborated in HR and Admin

manual will also be applicable on your terms of employment.

Two copies of this contract are enclosed. If you accept employment contract on the

conditions listed above please return one copy of the same duly signed in.




I have read the foregoing contract, and I accept the offer on the terms and conditions

listed above.

Date _______________ Name ____________________ Signature ______________

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Weeding of Records

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Performance Evaluation Report

(For Employees Transferred from Government Departments)



Ministry /Division/ Service/Group






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1. Name (in block letters)

2. Personnel number

3. Date of birth

4. Date of entry in service

5. Post held during the period (with BPS)

6. Academic qualifications

7. Knowledge of languages (Please indicate proficiency in speaking (S), reading (R) and writing (W)

8. Training received during the evaluation period (Training courses attended earlier,

if any, may please be listed separately on the back page of the report).

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Name of course attended

Duration with dates

Name of institution and country

9. Period served

(i) In present post (ii) Under the reporting officer



1. Job description

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2. Brief account of achievements during the period supported by statistical data where

possible. Targets given and actual performance against such targets should be

highlighted. Reasons for shortfall, if any, may also be stated.



1. Please comment on the officer's performance on the job as given in Part II (2) with special reference to his knowledge of work, ability to plan, organize and supervise, analytical skills, competence to take decisions and quality and quantity of output. How far was the officer able to achieve the targets? Comment on the officer's contribution, with the help of statistical data, if any, in the overall performance of the organization. Do you agree with what has been stated in Part II (2)?

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2. Integrity (Morality, uprightness and honesty)

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3. Pen picture including the officer's strengths and weaknesses with focus on

emotional stability, ability to work under pressure, communication skills and

interpersonal effectiveness. (Weakness will not be considered as adverse entry unless

intended to be treated as adverse).

4. Area and level of professional expertise with suggessions for future posting.

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5. Training and development needs.

6. Overall grading

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7. Fitness for promotion Comment on the officer's potential for holding a higher

position and additional responsibilities.

Name of the reporting officer Signature

(Capital letters)

Designation Date

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1. How often have you seen the work of the officer reported upon?

Very frequently




2. How well do you know the officer? If you disagree with the assessment of

the reporting officer, please give reasons.

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3. Overall grading

4. Recommendation for promotion (Comment on the officer's potential for holding a

higher position and additional responsibilities).

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5. Evaluation of the quality of assessment made by the reporting officer.




Name of the countersigning officer Signature

(Capital letters)

Designation Date

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Name Signature

Designation Date

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Ministry /Division/ Service/Group






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4. Name (in block letters)

5. Personnel number

6. Date of birth

4. Date of entry in service

5. Post held during the period (with BPS)

8. Academic qualifications

9. Knowledge of languages (Please indicate proficiency in speaking (S), reading (R) and writing (W)

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8. Training received during the evaluation period

Name of course attended

Duration with dates

Name of institution and country

9. Period served

(i) In present post (ii) Under the reporting officer



1. Job description

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2. Brief account of performance on the job during the period supported by statistical data

where possible. Targets given and actual performance against such targets should be

highlighted. Reasons fro shortfall, if any, may also be stated.

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The rating in Part III should be recorded by initialing the appropriate box.

The ratings denoted by alphabets are as follows:

'A' Very Good, 'B' Good, 'C' Average, 'D' Below Average

For uniform interpretation of qualities, two extreme shades are mentioned

against each quality.





1. Intelligence

Exceptionally bright; excellent


Dull; slow


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2. Confidence and will power

Exceptionally confident and resolute

Uncertain; hesitant

3. Acceptance of responsibility

Always prepared to take on

responsibility even in difficult cases.

Reluctant to take on

responsibility; will avoid

it whenever possible.

4. Reliability under pressure

Calm and exceptionally reliable at all


Confused and easily

flustered even under

normal pressure.

5. Financial responsibility

Exercises due care and discipline


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6. Relations with

(i) Superiors

Cooperative and trusted


ii) Colleagues

Works well in a team

Difficult colleague

iii) Subordinates

Courteous and effective;


Discourteous and


7. Behavior with public

Courteous and helpful

Arrogant, discourteous

and indifferent





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8. Ability to decide routine matters

Logical and decisive



9. Knowledge of relevant laws, rules,

regulations, instructions and


Exceptionally well informed,

keeps abreast of latest developments.

Ignorant and


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1. Please comment on the officer's performance on the job as given in Part II(2)

with special reference to knowledge of work, quality and quantity of output.

How far was the officer able to achieve targets? Do you agree with what has

been stated in Part II (2)?

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2. Integrity (Morality, uprightness and honesty)

3. Pen picture with focus on the officer's strengths and weaknesses not

covered in Part III (Weakness will not be considered as adverse entries unless

intended to be treated as adverse).

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4. Special aptitude

5. Recommendations for future training

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6. Overall grading

Reporting officer

Countersigning officer

(i) Very Good

(ii) Good

(iii) Average

(iv) Below Average

7. Fitness for promotion

Reporting officer

Countersigning officer

(i) Fit for promotion

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(ii) Recently promoted/appointed.

Assessment premature

(iii) Not yet fit for promotion

(iv) Unlikely to progress further

Name of the reporting officer Signature

(Capital letters)

Designation Date

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1. How well do you know the officer? If you disagree with the assessment of

the reporting officer, please give reasons

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2. Evaluation of the quality of assessment made by the reporting officer




Name of the countersigning officer Signature

(Capital letters)

Designation Date

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Name Signature

Designation Date

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Performance Evaluation Report (PER)

1.0 Employee Information (To be filled in by the HR-Dept)

Office/ Region: Rating period:



Section: Name:

Evaluation: Annually/bi-annually Position:

Previous Year Rating: Date of



(To be filled by the Supervisor and the employee

with the joint consent on the actual job required

to be done during the evaluation period)

(if space in not enough please attach as annex)



(One who is totally

different from

others and perform





(Best performance

within the given

job description)






given job





(Meets the








the basic


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[B] JOB PERFORMED DURING THE RATING PERIOD: (To be filled by the Employee, This may include any work done

other than routine work)


Sr # Areas of Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5 Indicators

1. Initiative Volunteer for Additional


2. Sense of Responsibility Completing Job on time

3. Office Discipline Punctuality, Dealing

4. Ability to work under pressure Completing work without


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5. Provide feedback for programme Documentation,

Reporting, NFRs

[D] SUPERVISOR’S REMARKS IN SUPPORT OF OVERALL RATING: (Including suitability for the Post/Alternate Posting,

Strong Points etc.)

[E] OVERALL RATING: (Please Initial in the Check Box)

Exceptional (1) Outstanding (2) Superior (3) Good/Satisfactory (4)

Non-Satisfactory (5)


________________________Date: Employee’s Signature: ___________________________

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____________________________Date: Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________________


___________________________Date: Sector / Regional Head: ______________________________


Date: _____________________ PD: _______________________.

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Date _____________________

S# Name Time In Time Out Any Other*

* Mention if an employee on leave or absent or on official visit

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Sindh Basic Education Program

Program Management and Implementation Unit


2. Name __________________________ 2. Designation ________________

2. Place of visit ___________________________________________________________

3. Duration of visit (Number of days) From ___________ To _____________

4. Mode of Travelling Air Public Transport

Private Transport Official Transport

5. Purpose of field visit




6. Expected Meetings

______________________________ __________________________________

______________________________ __________________________________

7. Do you require any travel advance Yes No

8. If yes, please mention Travel Rs.____________ DA Rs. _______________

Signature __________________________ Date _______________________

Recommended by:

Name: ___________________ Designation ______________ Signature ______

Mode of Travel

Air Public Transport Private Transport Official Transport

Advance: Travel Rs. _________________ DA Rs. ___________________

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Approved by:

Signature ____________________________

Name & designation _____________________


Finance Section:

Advance Provided:

Travel: Rs. ______

DA: Rs. _______

Total: Rs. _______

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Sindh Basic Education Program

Program Management and Implementation Unit


1. Name ____________________________ 2. Designation ________________

3. Place of visit ________________________________________________________

4. Duration of visit (Number of days) From ___________ To _____________

5. Purpose of field visit

6. Meetings held

7. Outcome and decisions:

8. Future actions required and responsibilities

Required Actions Responsibility

Signature ___________________________ Date ________________________

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Sindh Basic Education Program

Program Management and Implementation Unit


1. Name ____________________________ 2. Designation _____________________

3. Place of visit ________________________________________________________

7. Duration of visit (for long visits) From ___________ To _____________

8. Time (One day/ short use) From ___________ To _____________

9. Purpose of field visit

10. If any advance required for POL Rs. ____________ Approved Not Approved

Requisition by: Recommended by: Approved by:

Signature ____________ Signature_____________ Signature ____________

Name _______________ Name ________________ Name _______________

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Transport In-charge

Name of Driver ____________________________ Vehicle No. ________________

(After use of vehicle)

Date Out ____________________ In _______________________

Time Out ____________________ In _______________________

Name: ____________________________________ Signature __________________

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Government of Sindh


1. Name: ______________________________________________ Photo Place

2. Fathers Name: _______________________________________

3. Designation: _________________________________________

4. Present Address: _____________________________________




No: - -

Valid Upto: _____________________


Designated and Signatures of Issuing Authority

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Harassment of Woman Act