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Prepared and submitted byMr. BOYET B. ALUAN



Recruitment according to different field is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient number and with appropriate qualifications to apply for job with an organization. As such any organization traditionally utilized different methods in so doing. According to “ The ClearFit Team” as technology develops, so do recruitment methods. Especially over the past ten years, technology has played an increasingly larger role in recruiting. In looking at these technological advancements, it’s easy to see how recruiting methods have changed tremendously.

As employers and HR professionals have sought to improve upon the traditional recruiting methods, we have seen a number of new developments that have become mainstream practice in recruiting. Here are the Traditional Recruiting Methods (Clearfit, 2013) 1. Newspaper advertisements in the local paper — one of the oldest and most widely used recruiting methods and used to be the best way to advertise to reach the most people. However, current newspaper sales have dropped considerably and many papers are struggling to get by. People are increasingly turning to online sources for the news and job advertisements have followed suit in moving to online outlets. 2. Employee referrals were and continue to be used frequently. They’re still the best way to get quality applicants. However, now the practice of encouraging employee referrals has become more refined (and often digital) and more formal programs are often built into human resources practices. 3. Job agencies and temp agencies are a popular choice to fill positions quickly both for temporary and full-time positions. Temp agencies were and are great sources of candidates as the agencies do most of the hard work in sourcing and recruiting candidates. However, the costs of using a job agency are high, especially when compared with the accessibility of using less expensive online

methods. While today these traditional methods are still popular, new advancements are challenging and improving upon them. First is the Automated Online Job Applications. Hiring managers and human resource personnel used to spend many hours poring over resumes and application letters. Finding quality candidates for the next stage of hiring is a time consuming process, as companies often have a difficult time just addressing the sheer amount of resumes. This is where automated online job applications have come in to ease the burden upon organizations. At a basic level, automated online job applications work as an initial screener to weed out the unsuitable candidates and choose those who are deemed suitable to progress further along. On a company’s website, applicants are directed to upload their resume details either by uploading their resume document or filling out a standardized form. Automated online applications are still a relatively new technology that is continuing to develop and improve. There are the obvious disadvantages that come from the lack of having a human behind the scenes. However, as job seekers voice their concerns, online applications are getting more effective and more personal. Companies are now adopting more live support so applicants can engage with recruiters and receive status updates on the progress of applications.

How Social Media Has Changed Recruiting. One of the bigger game changers in recruiting in the past ten years is the advent of the social media — where companies are now engaging and being engaged with the public. If used well, “eRecruiting” can be a very cost and time-effective method of hiring. There are many sites catering to a range of industries and professions, but for now let’s look at the three of the most popular sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. LinkedIn has really grown in popularity and usage over the past few years and is poised for more growth. The biggest fans of LinkedIn are even predicting that this medium will be the future of recruiting. The reason LinkedIn has become such a recruitment staple is that it is replacing and drastically redefining the traditional employee database. LinkedIn has members from the largest companies in the world across 130 different industries and over 100,000 recruiters. LinkedIn allows employers and recruiters to tap into the large “passive” job seeker pool like nothing else can. While is it easy to engage with active job seekers, it is much harder to find channels of communication with those not actively looking for a job.

Referrals are common and encouraged, and as such, LinkedIn provides a new channel for employee referrals. Because it’s easy to keep in contact with current or past employers and colleagues, LinkedIn allows people to make connections with mentors and others in a similar profession; these connections can be authentic and valuable.

Facebook is more commonly used for social and personal purposes, but can also be a valuable tool when it comes to recruiting. Out of the social networking sites, Facebook has the biggest reach by far. With a Facebook presence, an organization as the ability to connect with more people and show their employer brand. You can use your current employees to send out posts on job advertisements for your website that will attract traffic from their friends and acquaintances. You can build fans and engage closely with your following.

Twitter can be used in a similar fashion as Facebook, to identify and engage closely with your following, announce job openings, and drive traffic to your website. Twitter also boasts an enormous reach and it is free! Recruiters seem to be on two sides of the Twitter coin: some are embracing it, while some are writing it off as just a young person’s medium. .Retrieve at


There are as many different methods of recruiting as there are organizations, and there is no one best method for recruiting job applicants. Most organizations use a variety of methods, depending on the nature of the job to be filled, the time needed to properly fill the position and the size of their recruiting budget. Your organization may already have a valid track record for recruiting that will determine what methods work best for your situation.

Suzanne Chadwick (2013) on her article said “many sourcing strategies are straightforward and well-known in the business community. However, there are many effective recruitment channels you may not know as well. The following strategies are becoming more common across organizations and should be considered when developing your recruitment and sourcing strategies for 2014”.

Mobile RecruitmentWith 3 in 5 job searchers using mobile devices to search for jobs in the last year

and 68% of them using mobile devices to search for jobs at least once a week, it's time to review and understand how your organization rates for job seekers through your online platforms. Many job hunters are using tablets and smartphones, so it's important to incorporate a mobile recruiting mode or make sure you have a dedicated mobile site for candidates to view. These are optimized versions of a main site provide a tailored user experience for visitors using smartphones or tablets. Sites tailored for desktop computers can be hard to read and interactive with on the small screens of mobile devices. If you're not specifically targeting these users, you can miss out on top quality talent. The best way to understanding what your candidates are seeing is to look on to your career site from a mobile devise and take yourself through the application process. If you find it difficult and time consuming then so will your potential applicants which could lead them to incomplete applications and lost talent.Mobile recruitment is an effective recruitment strategy not to be overlooked in 2014 and beyond.

GamificationGamification is the process of creating engaging, enjoyable and fun content to

test skills by tapping into the competitive spirit, often as a game. Using gamification in the recruitment process can provide a candidate with a simulated experience of what tasks may be involved in the role, whilst at the same time providing the employer with a preview of how that applicant may manage or perform when doing that specific task.

Gamification models have been known to provide candidates with such a clear overview of what the job involves, that they have opted out of the applying because they felt the job wasn't right for them. This is a positive result for an organization who may have hired the candidates only to find once in the role that it wasn't right, therefore saving both time and money.Other ways that orgnanisations are using gamification include for employee engagement as well as training and development. For example, a client offers points for completion of certain modules in the company's training program and then provides the top-scoring candidate with a prize or gift.A number of international companies and organizations use gamification in their recruiting process, including Marriot Hotels, defense forces and software and development firms. According to IT research and advisory company Gartner, Inc., "By 2014, more than 70 percent of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one 'gamified' application."

Employee Referral ProgramsEmployee referral programs (ERP) is an effective recruitment method for

sourcing from within a company. Employees often suggest friends, family and coworkers they believe could become integral team members in their organization, which can lead to highly qualified hires. A successful ERP is dependent on a few factors: Fast response — When referring someone, current employees want their organization to perform well in the hiring process, making their referrals feel welcome and attended to quickly and efficiently. Priority interviews — Though related to a fast response, hiring managers must ensure that referrals are put before other candidates who were not referred from within. Strong recognition — Recognize the staff who refers others through announcements, prizes or awards. Heavy promotion — Though you designed an excellent referral program, if no one knows about it, then it will not succeed. Promote the referral program to avoid a stagnate ERP. Social media integration — Create easier ways for employees to share within their networks to find highly qualified candidates. For example, build a button that sends out information about the job to friends and colleagues.Retrieved from


On the contrary to the above statement HR directors believe social media is ineffective for recruitment, survey finds, Chamberlain(2012) More than half (55%) of HR directors believe that social media platforms are an ineffective recruitment tool and a further 15% are unsure of their effectiveness, according to a survey by recruitment firm Robert Half.HR directors were also found to be pessimistic about social media’s potential to change recruitment processes in the future, with 63% saying that they believed profiles on social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, will not replace the traditional CV in the future.

While the majority were doubtful of the impact that social media could have on their recruitment processes, just under one-third (32%) of HR executives said that they used social networking sites to communicate with jobseekers, with a similar number (30%) saying that they use social media to find candidates.

“While professional networking sites, like LinkedIn, will continue to connect business professionals, our research shows that hiring managers still prefer more traditional recruitment methods, such as using online job boards, employee referrals and recruitment consultancies. It seems most employers still believe this to be the most effective approach for screening candidates and assessing competencies.”

However, Gareth Jones(2013) said: “My experience tells me that there are a lot of in-house recruitment teams using LinkedIn for sourcing. The organizations that were surveyed probably nearly all still rely on traditional methods like just advertising jobs and letting either the consultancy select the shortlist or simply manage the response themselves. I suspect that because of the audience, and because the survey lumped LinkedIn with other social media platforms, the results are not representative.”

He added that employers that see social media sites as simply “another place to advertise jobs” will fail in their social media strategy and need to realize that it is actually a way of engaging potential candidates and building brand awareness.

Richard Essex, head of corporate sales at online recruitment software providers Broadbean, argued that, while candidates’ awareness of Facebook and Twitter as corporate tools is minimal, it is essential to have a recruitment presence on these platforms as it is just a “matter of time and evolution” before it becomes more widely used by candidates. Retrieved from

Paul Croteau(2013) in his aRTicle Avoiding the Seven Sins of Recruitment and Selection - said that “our employees are the backbone of every company and organization. It’s often been said that our employees are the backbone of every company and organization. In other words, it’s our employees and their productivity, their innovation and their passion that helps to facilitate success in today’s global economy. Talented employees create opportunities to develop new products or services and/or enter new competitive markets. They are also called upon to fill leadership roles and to build synergistic teams”.

Accordingly it surprising that many organizations fail to pay special attention to establishing and maintaining an effective recruitment and selection process (Croteau, 2013). In other words, they fail to map out each step of the way or to see how each step is interrelated to making a final determination of the most capable of all the candidates

presented. Thus, mistakes can be made at any of the recruitment and selection steps resulting in unexpected and unwanted turnover as well as the potential of making a “wrongful hire.”

Let’s take a moment and review some of the elements of a poorly devised recruitment process and the dangers this creates as enumerated below

1. Failure to target candidate sources – Many organizations falsely believe that simply circulating a job profile hither and yon will result in a long list of candidates. Frankly, this is a waste of time and energy. You need to target your efforts toward industry sectors where you know there may be candidates with the qualifications you are seeking.

2. Failure to identify organizational selling points – Managers who do their own recruitment often fails to put themselves in the candidate’s shoes. They fail to think about why someone would want to join their organization. If you don’t identify the benefits of joining your organization, and if you can’t inform the candidates of the challenges and potential accomplishments found in a job, you will fail to attract anyone to your opportunity.

3. Failure to stay in touch – The recruitment and selection process takes approximately six to eight weeks. During this time, it is important to stay in touch with the most viable candidates. Failure to do so may demonstrate to the candidates that you lack interest in going the next step. When you finally do get back to the candidate, they may already have selected another employer.

4. Failure to avoid bias in the resume screening process – Unfortunately many people do not submit well written resumes. As a result, many employers become biased when they examine these documents. Some focus too closely on dates, others prejudge a candidate if they find a spelling mistake. Still others become biased when they identify former employers and if there is a bad reputation, they then become biased against the candidate.

5. Failure to conduct an effective phone screen – Conducting a phone screen is not simply a friendly chat and a review of the resume. Without carefully prepared questions and identified selection criteria, the interviewer will pay too much attention to voice and communication. The result will be gaps in information and a failure to make an objective opinion.

6. Failure to conduct an effective in-person interview – Some interviewers make their judgment based on first impression. Thus, shy and introverted candidates are often misjudged because they take longer to develop a relationship. Outgoing candidates who quickly establish common ground often lead interviewers to focus on personality match instead of skills. Be sure to prepare your questions ahead of time, ensure they will be effective in confirming skill sets and then be sure to train all of your interviewers.

7. Failure to conduct an effective reference check – Most interviewers create a whole new set of questions for their reference check. This also creates gaps in information and does not provide for comparison to the candidate responses. Ask references for confirmation of the different skills the candidate offers.

Failing to implement a rigorous and effective recruitment and selection process often results in hiring the wrong candidate. In this case, the truth of the matter is, “garbage in, garbage out” which can result in costs to your organization. - See more at:

4. IN YOUR OPINION, HOW DOES STAFF TURNOVER AFFECT THE ORGANIZTION (e.g., How does it affect consumer, long term staff, and the organization? Why?)

In human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or labour turnover is the rate at which an employer loses employees. Simple ways to describe it are "how long employees tend to stay" or "the rate of traffic through the revolving door". Turnover is measured for individual companies and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company's productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men. There are so many factors considering in employment turn over.

High turnover often means that employees are unhappy with the work or compensation, but it can also indicate unsafe or unhealthy conditions, or that too few employees give satisfactory performance (due to unrealistic expectations, inappropriate processes or tools, or poor candidate screening). The lack of career opportunities, challenges and dissatisfaction with the job-scope or conflict with the management have been cited as predictors of high turnover.

Importance to Businesses

Companies often take a deep interest in their employee turnover rates because replacing workers can be a costly part of doing business. When a company must replace a worker, it incurs direct and indirect expenses. All of the tasks that must be performed during the process cost money, take time or do both. In addition, there can be a loss of productivity during the time after the former employee leaves and the new employee has been fully trained. For some companies, replacing employees also could make it difficult to retain clients or customers with whom those employees worked.

Contributing Factors

Many factors play roles in the employee turnover rate of a company. These can stem from either the employer or the employees. Wages, benefits, attendance and job performance are all factors that play significant roles in employee turnover. The workplace environment and employee morale also are important aspects.

Calculating Turnover Rates

Turnover rates can be calculated for any time period, but they usually are referred to in terms of monthly or annual rates. If a company has 100 employees and must replace an average of 10 of them per year, its annual turnover rate is 10 percent. A company that has 150 employees and must replace 36 of them per year could be said to have an annual turnover rate of 24 percent or a monthly turnover rate of 2 percent. These rates also can be calculated based on specific departments within the company, specific types of jobs or other categories. They also can be calculated for entire industries.

Employee Retention

Although lower-paying roles experience a higher average of employee turnover overall, they tend to cost companies less per replacement employee than higher paying jobs do. Companies typically incur these costs more often, however. For this reason, most companies focus on employee retention strategies regardless of pay levels.

Most companies find that employee turnover is reduced when they address issues that affect the morale of employees. By offering employees benefits such as reasonable schedule flexibility that allows them to balance their work and family life, performance-based incentives and traditional benefits such as paid holidays or sick days, companies are able to reduce their employee turnover rates. The extent to which a company will go in order to retain employees depends not only on the costs of replacing its employees, but also on the company's overall performance. If a company is not getting the performance it is paying for from its employees, the replacement costs might be considered a small price to pay over the long term.(wise-geek, 2012)

Each company has its own unique turnover drivers so companies must continually work to identify the issues that cause turnover in their company. Further the causes of attrition vary within a company such that causes for turnover in one department might be very different from the causes of turnover in another department. Companies can use exit interviews to find out why employees are leaving and the problems they encountered in the workplace.

Low turnover indicates that none of the above is true: employees are satisfied, healthy and safe, and their performance is satisfactory to the employer. However, the predictors of low turnover may sometimes differ than those of high turnover. Aside from the fore-mentioned career opportunities, salary, corporate culture, management's recognition, and a comfortable workplace seem to impact employees' decision to stay with their employer.

Businesses hire and train employees to carry out the tasks necessary for them to operate and generate revenue. Businesses depend on their workers to succeed, but employees may leave their jobs for a variety of reasons, such as taking new positions at other companies, retirement or continuing education. Employee turnover describes the rate at which an employer has to replace employees; high turnover can have several detrimental impacts on a small business.

Gregory Hamel, Demand Media(2010) states and enumerated


High rates of employee turnover can lead to lower worker productivity. Workers who have more experience at a certain company will be more aware of the company's policies, goals and how to fulfill their roles in the company. New workers often require time to learn how to fulfill their roles; since companies with high turnover will tend to have more inexperienced workers, they may also suffer from lower worker productivity. Small companies with few total employees may find it especially difficult to replace workers, as workers may fill a variety of different specialized roles.

Customer Service

High turnover can harm a business's ability to retain customers and provide high-quality customer service. Customers may feel more comfortable talking to the same employees and customer service representatives over time. Personal relationships and familiarity can build customer loyalty. Small businesses are better positioned than large competitors to take advantage of this, but if workers are constantly leaving and being replaced by new ones, it may limit the ability of the business to form a strong rapport with customers. A 2008 study carried out by Zeynep Ton and Robert S. Huckman of the Harvard Business School on a major chain of retail bookstores found that higher employee turnover was associated with lower-quality customer service.

Turnover Costs

High rates of turnover lead to higher costs related to recruiting and training new employees. It costs businesses money to hire human resource workers to interview and hire candidates and training new workers can be a costly process that diverts skilled workers from revenue-generating activities. Experienced workers who have to frequently train new hires are less able to concentrate on their normal job duties. In a small business, the owner himself might have to train new employees.


The combined effect of the negatives that can result from high turnover may cause a firm to generate less profit. Anything that tends to increase costs or reduce productivity or revenue will tend to reduce profit. The Harvard Business School study by Zeynep Ton and Robert S. Huckman found that when stores experienced higher turnover, they tended to have lower profit margins. A new business often takes months or years to achieve profitability and unexpected costs like high turnover can increase the time it takes a new venture to make a profit.


European Top Management guides enumerate High employee turnover hurts a company’s bottom line. Experts estimate it costs upwards of twice an employee’s salary to find and train a replacement. And churn can damage morale among remaining employees.

Here are some ways to lower turnover in your workplace:

– Hiring the right people from the start, most experts agree, is the single best way to reduce employee turnover. Interview and vet candidates carefully, not just to ensure they have the right skills but also that they fit well with the company culture, managers and co-workers.

– Setting the right compensation and benefits is important too. Work with human resources to get current data on industry pay packages, and get creative when necessary with benefits, flexible work schedules and bonus structures.

– Review compensation and benefits packages at least annually. Pay attention to trends in the marketplace and have HR update you.

– Pay attention to employees’ personal needs and offer more flexibility where you can. Consider offering telecommuting, compressed schedules or on-site or back-up day care.

– Bolster employees’ engagement. Employees need social interaction and a rewarding work environment. They need respect and recognition from managers, and a challenging position with room to learn and move up.

– Managers often overlook how important a positive work environment is for staffers, and how far meaningful recognition and praise from managers can go to achieve that. Awards, recognition and praise might just be the single most cost-effective way to maintain a happy, productive work force.

Simple emails of praise at the completion of a project, monthly memos outlining achievements of your team to the wider division, and peer-recognition programs are all ways to inject some positive feedback into a workforce. Also, consider reporting accomplishments up the chain. A thank you note to the employee is good. Copying higher-ups makes that note even more effective.

To make it easier to identify accomplishments, ask your team for weekly or monthly updates of their achievements. Ask for specific numbers, examples or emails of praise from co-workers or customers.

– Outline challenging, clear career paths. Employees want to know where they could be headed and how they can get there. Annual reviews or midyear check-

ins are one obvious venue for these discussion, but you should also encourage workers to come to you with career questions and wishes throughout the year.

Many psychological and management theories exist regarding the types of job content which is intrinsically satisfying to employees and which, in turn, should minimise external voluntary turnover. Examples include Hertzberg's two factor theory, McClelland's Theory of Needs, and Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model.

Thomas suggests that there tends to be a higher level of stress with people who work with or interact with a narcissist, which in turn increases absenteeism and staff turnover.

Providing a stimulating workplace environment, which fosters happy, motivated and empowered individuals, lowers employee turnover and absentee rates. Promoting a work environment that fosters personal and professional growth promotes harmony and encouragement on all levels, so the effects are felt company wide. Continual training and reinforcement develops a work force that is competent, consistent, competitive, effective and efficient. Beginning on the first day of work, providing the individual with the necessary skills to perform their job is important. Before the first day, it is important the interview and hiring process expose new hires to an explanation of the company, so individuals know whether the job is their best choice. Networking and strategizing within the company provides ongoing performance management and helps build relationships among co-workers. It is also important to motivate employees to focus on customer success, profitable growth and the company well-being. Employers can keep their employees informed and involved by including them in future plans, new purchases, policy changes, as well as introducing new employees to the employees who have gone above and beyond in meetings. Early engagement and engagement along the way, shows employees they are valuable through information or recognition rewards, making them feel included.

When companies hire the best people, new talent hired and veterans are enabled to reach company goals, maximizing the investment of each employee.Taking the time to listen to employees and making them feel involved will create loyalty, in turn reducing turnover allowing for growth.[13]

Nicole Allard, Q, Krystle, Jack Herric (2013) in the article “Ho to Reduce Employee Turnover” rereived from

1. Don't hire out of desperation. Do not just hire an employee because you needed someone to fill the position yesterday. That is what temporary employees are for. If you are looking for someone to fill the position long term, it is best to take some time to do your research. Gather as much information as you can about a job applicant. Information you would need is contact information for personal and business references, a list of past and present employers, social security number, birth date and more. These items will help you complete reference

checks and to perform background checks to find out about any past criminal activity. Call on a reference. You are never too busy for that.

2. Offer skill testing. If you want to decrease employee turn-around, you can perform skill tests on your job applicants. You can either do this directly through your human resource department or you can contract this responsibility out to a job placement agency. This is one of the tools that will help you determine whether you have found the best fit for each position your company has open. Not only that, but it also cuts down on your new applicant recruitment costs. Every company has some form of testing or verification. Have a competition with it or an incentive.

3. Profile For Temperament. Each job description should include a consideration of the social aspects of the job. Is the job task oriented or people oriented? Does the job require much interaction with the public? With other co-workers? Temperament profiles can predict which people are best suited for different types of work. Placing people with the right temperament for a particular job can go a long way toward creating stability.

4. Pay competitive. If you've gone through the trouble of finding great candidates, you want to make sure you can persuade them to come on board and have them stay. Money is not the number one reason people come to a company or leave a company.

5. Show appreciation. Many employees almost always know when they are doing a job wrong. However, these same employees very rarely ever hear from their employers when they are doing their job right. Encourage your employees by saying kind words to them, and telling how much of a good job they are doing. If you do that, they will be more likely to accept any words of advice on how to improve their work later on

6. Level the workload. Employees often leave companies because they feel overworked. It's frequently less expensive to hire an additional person, even part-time, than it is to replace a seasoned staff member. Often we complain about an individual performance but no action is taken. That hurts existing employee morale as well.

7. Hold regular review sessions. When employees are closely attached to their management team, they are more likely to feel involved. More involved employees tend to perform at a higher level and are more likely to achieve longer tenure. Talk to your employees. Keep them informed of new policies and procedures. Don't keep secrets. An informed and educated employee is much more effective.

8. Do exit interviews. Labor laws suggest that we cannot hold a person from leaving. When an employee goes, he/she just has to go. It will be very beneficial to know the cause of why the employee chose to leave. Possible factors may be: a better job offer, pursuit for growth, poor colleague relationships, below average compensation, dislike for the nature of work, etc. Knowing what problems to address, and taking action on them, will eventually lessen turnover rates in the future.

Dorie Clark is a marketing strategist who teaches at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. We all know it costs thousands of dollars -- if not tens of thousands -- when

an employee quits. There are recruiting expenses, your own time as you screen and interview candidates, lost productivity as someone gets up to speed, and the abiding fear that the new hire "won't take" and you'll have to repeat the Sisyphean process yet again.

So you want to keep your good employees happy. But how? Raises, time off and promotions are the currency we usually think about. But they are limited resources - -and, importantly, they often aren't the most critical motivators. Here are 10 ways to take control of your organization's culture, create a place where employees want to work, and save time and money in the process.

1) Don't Waste Their Time. You're the one paying them, so it's not a problem if they have to cool their heels a little, right? Wrong. People want to believe they're doing something meaningful and making a difference, regardless of whether you're curing AIDS in Africa or making widgets. Something as small as habitually keeping employees waiting while you finish up phone calls -- or as large as regular meetings that no one knows the purpose of -- can pummel employee morale and send the message that their time doesn't really matter.

2) Stop the Email Madness. Leadership comes from the top. Does your organization have a "CYA" culture of employees CCing each other on every minute development? Or sending a barrage of back-and-forth electronic missives when a face-to-face meeting would be quicker and more productive? Or emailing consistently late at night or over the weekend, to earn the coveted timestamp that proves their dedication to the company? Let's get real: it's an email arms race to prove who's the hardest worker. Put a stop to it. Declare a policy of "no unnecessary emails" and discourage writing at odd hours. They may be afraid to say it, but they'll be glad you did.

3) End the Pity Party. In some organizations, employees brag about who worked the longest, who stayed the latest, or who made the most sacrifices for the company. It's a bizarre blend of workplace machismo and a pathetic cry for sympathy. Don't encourage it, and don't let them get away with it, because this culture only breeds resentment over the long term. Talk with them about ways they can work more efficiently or reprioritize. This is not a competition you want them engaging in.

4) Help Them Prioritize. Though it would be lovely, your employees can't be expected to read your mind. If you gave them a "priority assignment" on Tuesday and plopped another one in their laps on Wednesday, where should they spend their time? Don't make them choose -- and run the risk of having them guess wrong. It's your responsibility, every time you hand over a new project, to ask them what's already on their plate and help them prioritize. Encourage them to question you outright if, for some reason, you falter in your duties.

5) Get Real About Expectations. No investment bank promises "great work-life balance." You know what they're selling, and it's not just IPOs. It's a chance for employees to work insanely hard and, in return, to make more money than Croesus. Is

your staff working as hard as investment bankers? If they're not being remunerated in a similar fashion, be very clear about your promises. Did they know what they were signing up for (were you honest)? Is the payoff (a chance to eliminate malaria, or stock options that will one day put Sergey Brin and Larry Page to shame) really worth it? If not, they're going to leave your company sooner rather than later.

6) Try the Rhythm Method. Every company has its seasons. Accounting firms are hell on earth from January through April -- and their staffers justifiably expect a slower pace the rest of the year. The newsrooms of daily newspapers (what few we have left) are sleepy in the mornings, as the journos are getting caffeinated, and become progressively more frenzied as late afternoon deadlines approach. If your firm is a 9-5 kind of place, fine. But if you expect bursts of activity from your employees -- late nights, weekend work, and the like -- make sure they understand the rhythms and when they can look forward to a calmer time. People can get through most anything -- if they have a deadline to look forward to.

7) Help Them Develop a Growth Plan. Looking out for your employees' interests -- not just your own, or the company's -- breeds loyalty. Take the time to get to know their aspirations. If their long-term goals require new skills (the ability to speak Spanish, experience with event planning or web design, public speaking aptitude), give them relevant assignments or pay for classes as a reward. Seeing your company as a place where they can grow in their careers means you're not just a short-term stopover on their professional trajectory.

8) Help Them Master Time Management. I know--it seems like you shouldn't have to. But conquering time management is critical to any future workplace success. And, even if you've already helped your charge prioritize, they still may not have the experience yet to figure out how to put the pieces together. So if assignments are late or slipping through the cracks, or if they can't get to the office on time in the mornings, sit down and help them map out their days. Literally. It's worth a try before you have to fire them for being incompetent.

9) Don't Surprise Them. The surest ticket to happiness, according to the "positive psychologists" who study human well-being? Autonomy. It's in limited supply, of course, if you're an employee (and have to answer to a boss). But you can do your part by keeping your employees apprised of decisions early, involving them in the decision-making process where appropriate (they may even have some good ideas), and walking them through your thought process so they understand where you're coming from. No one wants to be a drone, executing commands with no understanding of the broader context. And no one wants to be kept in the dark, constantly reacting to new developments that are thrown at them. Keeping your employees involved and informed is a fundamental investment in their satisfaction.

10) Surprise Them (The Good Kind). We humans adjust pretty quickly to expectations. Our friends the investment bankers expect their year-end bonuses -- they're barely considered bonuses, but rather a lump form of salary. You expect a birthday present

from your parents or your spouse. But think about how exciting and how meaningful it is when you get a present completely out of the blue. That's why "rekindling romance" books suggest it all the time. So consider doing the same for your employees. Instead of the same old "holiday party" or year-end bonus, think about what you can do throughout the year, as a surprise, to bolster morale. Just finished an important but time-consuming project? Throw an in-house ice cream sundae party. Sense that summer doldrums are enveloping your staff? Call an emergency meeting for the next day -- and then announce they can have the afternoon off. Rewards often mean more when they're unexpected.

You can never eliminate employee turnover. There will always be someone who wants to move to Zambia or become a stay-at-home parent or go write their Great American Novel. Providing geographical flexibility/telecommuting, paying for employees to take graduate classes, and paying above-market salaries are all good (though sometimes substantial) investments in lowering attrition. But the above 10 techniques -- all low-cost or no-cost -- can also make a major difference.(

6. WHICH HAVE BEEN THE MOST EFFECTIVE?For involuntary turnover, the best thing you can do is manage the company well so you don't have to do layoffs. Certainly there are things that happen unexpectedly that put your company into financial difficulty and a possible solution for that is to lay off employees. First, you need to work harder so there are fewer of these "unexpected" problems. Second, layoffs are a short term fix, detrimental to the company, and should be the last resort.To reduce voluntary turnover you make the pain of leaving higher than the pain of staying.

The greatest single influence on employee satisfaction is their direct supervisor. So if you are in upper management, make sure your supervisors are well trained.

Bottom Line

If you are a supervisor, whether you supervise front-line employees or managers, it is in your best interest to keep turnover low. It makes your job easier because you don't have the time and training costs of new hires to replace the employees who quit. It saves the company money because there are direct costs to having to find and hire new employees. And your own supervisor will evaluate you as a better manager if your voluntary turnover is low.( F. John Reh, 2012)

Tips Employees who feel a sense of ownership of the organization are less likely to

leave. Create a sense of ownership by giving responsibility to employees. Make their duties look like responsibility and not just another activity. Express appreciation regularly. Reward success especially jointly, making everyone feel they contributed to

the joint success. Employees who feel appreciated and successful are less likely to leave.

Listen, listen, listen. Money is one of the least common reasons for turnover (lower pay scale positions are sometimes exceptions) so if you are experiencing a high turnover, throwing money at the problem will not make it go away (although it might hide the problem for a while). Debrief employees that quit and find out the "why" behind their decision. If you continue to allow the employees to leave without any efforts or actions to stop it, you effectively create a culture that becomes the norm in your business.Offer employees the option of cross-training. Though there are many employees who only want to know their own job, many get bored and like the challenge of learning new skills. Having employees who know more than just their own job benefits both you and them. If you lose an employee, you have others who can step in and take their place. If a job position gets phased out, the employee can move to a new area with the skills they have acquired! Though many employees may not take you up on your offer to cross-train them, some will.

Give awards and rewards for achievement. Awards can be items such as employees’ pins for good attendance or cash incentives for increased department productivity. You can also offer some form of extra pay as a reward, or free company merchandise. However, stay away from incentive programs that pit employees against one another, as the resulting competition can yield tension and bad faith.Warnings

While low employee turnover can be beneficial in some respects, a near-zero employee turnover is actually counterproductive. Turnover is good for filtering out stale company standards by bringing in workers with fresh, new ideas.




Prepared and submitted byMr. BOYET B. ALUAN


Placement and Induction

1. What is placement?Placement is a process of assigning a specific job to each of the selected

candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. It implies matching the requirements of a job with the qualifications of the candidate., 2008)

After induction and orientation the jobs to be performed by the newly appointed members are handed over. Placement implies the assigning or a right job to the right person. Proper placement is instrumental in increasing output. It avoids wastage of human energy which may occur by absenteeism or accident. On the other hand a misplaced employee is a liability to the institution. He may cause serious damage to machinery and other equipment.

Kuruvada (2010)After selecting a candidate, he should be placed on a suitable job. Placement is the actual posting of an employee to a particular job. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an employee.

2. Give the significance of placement.Induction is designed to achieve following objectives: -

To help the new comer to overcome his shyness and overcome his shyness nervousness in meeting new people in a new environment.To give new comer necessary information such as location of a café, rest period etc.To build new employee confidence in the organization.It helps in reducing labor turnover and absenteeism.

It reduces confusion and develops healthy relations in the organization.To ensure that the new comer do not form false impression and negative attitude towards the organization.To develop among the new comer a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.

The significances of placement are as follows: -It improves employee morale.It helps in reducing employee turnover.It helps in reducing absenteeism.It helps in reducing accident rates.It avoids misfit between the candidate and the job.It helps the candidate to work as per the predetermined objectives of the organization.

3. What is induction?Once an employee is selected and placed on an appropriate job, the process of

familiarizing him with the job and the organization is known as induction.

Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins the company and giving him basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and stars work.

Induction means introducing a new worker to his job, his co-workers and basic objectives and policies of the organization. This kind of initiation is helpful for an employee in settling himself to his new job. This can be achieved by supplying the new employee all relevant information about his job and the organization through printed / written document (staff manual) and verbal explanation by his immediate superior / supervisor.

The induction and orientation programmes are meant for any person at any level while appointed because the newly appointed persons are not expected to perform the jobs with much efficiency. They must get acclimatized to new work environment of the library.

Induction is the task of introducing the new employees to the organization and its policies, procedures and rules. A typical formal orientation programme may last a day or less in most organizations. During this time, the new employee is provided with information about the company, its history its current position the benefits for which he is eligible, leave rules, rest periods, etc. Also covered are the more routine things a newcomer must learn, such as the location of the rest rooms, break rooms, parking spaces, cafeteria etc. In some organizations all this is done informally by attaching new employees to their seniors, who provide guidance on the above matters. Lectures, handbooks, films, groups, seminars are also provided to new employees so that they can settle down quickly and resume the work.(Kuruvada, 2010)

4. What are the objectives of induction?, states that the purpose of Induction and Orientation Programme is:

To be acquainted with the objective, function, general policies and services of the library.To create a sense of belonging to the institution.To gain confidence in the particular department in which he /she shall have to work.To gain acclimatized or confidence in the new work environment.To understand his/her own responsibilities.To motivate them to give their best.

5. What are the advantages of formal induction?

The advantages of formal induction are:

Induction helps to build up a two-way channel of communication between management and workers.Proper induction facilitates informal relation and team work among employee.Effective induction helps to integrate the new employee into the organization and to develop a sense of belonging.Induction helps to develop good relation.A formal induction programme proves that the company is taking interest in getting him off to good start.Proper induction reduces employee grievances, absenteeism and labor turnover.Induction is helpful in supplying information concerning the organization, the job and employee welfare facilities.

6. What are the content of induction programme?A formal induction programme should provide following information: -

Brief history and operations of the company.The company’s organization structure.Policies and procedure of the company.Products and services of the company.Location of department and employee facilities.Safety measures.Grievances procedures.Benefits and services of employee.Standing orders and disciplinary procedures.Opportunities for training, promotions transfer etc.Suggestion schemes.Rules and regulations.

See at:


The induction programme lists suggested activities to be covered from day one through to the end of probation.


Introduction to the University and work area

Person Responsible – Line Manager

Mission, Vision, Objectives of work area How the work area fits in to the wider University All key operational and social areas to be visited. (e.g.

Offices, Labs, Catering Facilities, Bank, Library)

Introduction to other members of staff

Person Responsible – Line Manager

Go through organisation chart Discuss roles and responsibilities of staff in general

terms. May also want to extend time to allow visits to key

contacts outwith work area.

Introduction to the other teams within the Work area (if appropriate)

Person Responsible – Line Manager

Purpose/Activities of the other teams/work areas How the team fits in to the work area How the work area fits into the University

Terms and Conditions

Person Responsible – Line Manager

Ensure new start has viewed and understood information contained in the Information for New Employees this contains important information on terms and conditions.

Performance Standards Outline specifics of job role – (job description)

Person Responsible – Line Manager

Define goals, objectives, and expectations Review probation and performance and development

review/ ADR/ appraisal process.

Culture of the Work area

Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee

Make new start aware of local arrangements regarding hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, after hours working, dress code, lunch arrangements, etc.

Other University procedures e.g. internet and e-mail usage, transportation and parking, etc.

Office Systems

Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee

Review processes for using office equipment such as: computer, telephone, voicemail, fax, printer, photocopier, etc.

Review processes for using other university equipment/systems such as: libraries, laboratories, open access computers, etc.

Review computer security, and software usage. Consider environmental efficiencies (waste, recycling,


Job Specific Training and Development

Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee

Role specific development needs should be reviewed and a suitable programme of training should be planned that aligns the individual’s skills to their core duties.

Staff with line management responsibilities should be clear as to their duties and attend any relevant training.

Outline the use of annual performance and development reviews/ ADR as one method for determining ongoing role specific development needs.

Introduce University wide training and development opportunities available to staff.

Review use of personal development planning tools (i.e. PDP)

Health and Safety

Person Responsible – Health & Safety Co-ordinator/ Line Manager

Physical – fire exits, fire alarms, fire evacuation procedure, fire-training arrangements, manual handling, first-aid arrangements, VDU usage, and other arrangements as required.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Person Responsible – Line Manager

It is important that the Induction programme is monitored and reviewed.

Throughout the period regular review meetings should be held and any adjustments made.

See sample templates to support this process: Checklists, Evaluations.


Person Responsible – Line Manager

For new staff the Probation Policy will apply
