Download - Human Impacts on Coral Reefs Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses.

Page 1: Human Impacts on Coral Reefs Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses.

Human Impacts on Coral Reefs

Human Impacts on Coral Reefs

Part 1Natural Stresses and Human Uses

Part 1Natural Stresses and Human Uses

Page 2: Human Impacts on Coral Reefs Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses.

Factors Correlated with Healthy Coral Reef Growth

Factors Correlated with Healthy Coral Reef Growth

• water temperature range: 18 – 29C• normal seawater salinity: 32 – 35 ‰

• low inorganic nutrient concentrations (oligotrophic waters)

• clear, transparent water

• little or no sedimentation

• vigorous water motion

• water temperature range: 18 – 29C• normal seawater salinity: 32 – 35 ‰

• low inorganic nutrient concentrations (oligotrophic waters)

• clear, transparent water

• little or no sedimentation

• vigorous water motion

Page 3: Human Impacts on Coral Reefs Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses Part 1 Natural Stresses and Human Uses.

Natural Sources of Stress on Coral Reefs

Natural Sources of Stress on Coral Reefs

• intense storms

• El Niño

• disease

• volcanic eruptions

• predator population explosions

• natural stream and river runoff

• exceptionally low tides

• intense storms

• El Niño

• disease

• volcanic eruptions

• predator population explosions

• natural stream and river runoff

• exceptionally low tides

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Storm Wave DamageStorm Wave Damage

BeforeBefore AfterAfter

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Storm DamageStorm Damage

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Normal Wind and Ocean Circulation in the PacificNormal Wind and Ocean Circulation in the Pacific

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El Niño ConditionsEl Niño Conditions

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Sea Surface Temperatures

April 8, 2013

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Impacts of El NiñoImpacts of El Niño

Marine Life Impacted


Floods Tropical Storm

Forest Fires Bird life impacted

Coral Reef Damage Coastal Erosion

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Lava FlowsLava Flows

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Crown-of-Thorns OutbreaksCrown-of-Thorns Outbreaks

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Stream and River RunoffStream and River Runoff

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Low TidesLow Tides

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Some Local Human ImpactsSome Local Human Impacts

• thermal effluents

• sewage discharges and agricultural runoff

• mechanical damage to reefs

• sedimentation

• destructive resource extraction practices

• introduced species

• loving a reef to death

• thermal effluents

• sewage discharges and agricultural runoff

• mechanical damage to reefs

• sedimentation

• destructive resource extraction practices

• introduced species

• loving a reef to death

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Global Human ImpactsGlobal Human Impacts

• global warming• ozone depletion• ocean acidification

• global warming• ozone depletion• ocean acidification

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Possible Consequences of Stresses and Impacts on Corals and Coral Reefs

Possible Consequences of Stresses and Impacts on Corals and Coral Reefs

• outright mortality of coral tissues

• breakage of coral colonies

• bleaching

• diseases

• slower growth

• reduced reproduction and recruitment

• competitive exclusion by other organisms

• increased reef erosion

• outright mortality of coral tissues

• breakage of coral colonies

• bleaching

• diseases

• slower growth

• reduced reproduction and recruitment

• competitive exclusion by other organisms

• increased reef erosion

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Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Coral Reef ResourcesTraditional Hawaiian Uses of Coral Reef Resources

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Hooks andLures

Hooks andLures

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Octopus Lure

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Fishing Shrinesko‘a

Fishing Shrinesko‘a

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Hawaiian Fish PondsHawaiian Fish Ponds

He'eia fishpond

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1. Upland2. Plains3. Ocean

Ranges from the tip of the mtn to the reef area

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Modern Uses of Coral ReefsModern Uses of Coral Reefs• Seafood• Food Additives and Toiletries• Health and Medicine Products• Research and Education• Jewelry and Art• Marine Aquarium Specimens• New Land• Cement & Other Building Supplies• Shoreline Protection• Recreation

• Seafood• Food Additives and Toiletries• Health and Medicine Products• Research and Education• Jewelry and Art• Marine Aquarium Specimens• New Land• Cement & Other Building Supplies• Shoreline Protection• Recreation