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Page 1: Human Development Pretest

Human Development Pretest

1. In terms of our geography unit, what does Human Development mean?

2. What makes a country developed?3. What continent are most “undeveloped”

countries found on?4. What continent are most “highly developed”

countries found on?5. Give 2 reasons why some countries are

highly developed, and some are not.

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“Geography is not just about finding a place on a map, it’s also about understanding what we see when we get there.”

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Great Valley School DistrictMission Statement

To ensure that every student is inspired and prepared to be a passionate lifelong learner and a productive invested participant in the local and global community.

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Bellwork 2/6/13: Complete the questions on any pictures you were unable to get yesterday

4-Very High 3-High 2-Medium 1-Low1. Based on the above scale, where would you rank

this family in terms of Human Development?

2. Give two pieces of evidence from the picture that support your ranking.

3. What continent do you think these people live on?

4. What country do you think these people live in?

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What is a Developed Nation?

Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations, defined a developed country as follows.

"A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment”

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Human Development Index

The Human Development Index (HDI) is an index used to rank countries by level of "human development", which usually also implies whether a country is developed, developing, or underdeveloped.

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HDI(3 parts)

1. Life expectancy at birth

2. Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio.

3. Standard of living, as measured by gross domestic product per person(average yearly salary)

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HDI Logarithm

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HDI Logarithm

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Human Development Index Map

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Open and date notebooks:

Why are some countries wealthy/poor?

Why do we care?

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Reasons for high/low HDI

1. Unequal distribution of natural resources

1. Food2. Minerals3. Energy sources

2. Corruption in control of the resources1. Dictators, Kings, Military Generals, and democratically

elected Presidents will control resources differently. America benefits from a wealth of resources combined with leaders elected by the people to make sure our resources go to the right people

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Why do we care?

Compassion: As a country we give more than any other country

(100 million to Haiti) As individuals we give more than any other country

(112 million to Haiti)

Strategic: The higher the HDI usually the more

stable(democratic) the gov’t is and the less likely to support terrorism

The higher the HDI the more valuable of a trade partner the country is(expands our economy)

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BellworkWhat 3 factors go into determining the Human Development Index(HDI)

Which hemisphere(western or eastern) has a lower HDI?

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What are the two main reasons for a countries Low/High human development index?

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Complete Experiment 6-K on page 314-325(Questions 2-18)