Download - Hudson at FISL 2009

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Continuous Integrationwith Hudson

Arun GuptaSun Microsystems, Inc.

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Originally presented byKohsuke Kawaguchi & Jesse Glick

at JavaOne

Scheduled to be presented byFabiane Nardon

At FISL 10


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Rise of Continuous Integration> Offload from people, push to computers






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“Never use humans for the job of a machine”

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Spend more CPU power to help you> … even if it only helps a little

> First on your laptops and workstations IDEs are at the forefront

> And then to the servers a.k.a. “Continuous Integration” More frequent build/test executions Static code analysis tools And more to come


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Hudson> Open-source CI server at

> Emphasis on ease of installation and use “java -jar hudson.war” execution Configure everything from browsers

> Extensibility 140+ community-developed public plugins By 150+ contributors

> Estimated 13,000 installations6

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It basically does builds and tests> Check out the source code

Subversion, Perforce, Git, Mercurial, CVS, …> Do builds and/or tests

Ant, Maven, MSBuild, shell script, …> Record results

Binary, test results, code coverage, static analysis> Notify people

E-mail, IM, RSS, tray apps, IDEs


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Hudson Plugin Ecosystem


New Plugins

2008: 552009: 44 so far

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Localized to 8 languages


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And hopefully more to come…


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Adoption in all kinds of businesses

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Eclipse Community Survey


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Why Distributed Builds?> You need to use multiple computers because…

You need different environments You need isolation

> There’s only so much you can do with 1 computer


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Installing new slaves> For first 20 or so slaves, we did it manually

Insert CD, click, type, click, type, click, … But that doesn’t scale

> Then we automated Available as “Hudson PXE Plugin”


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Automated System Installations


> Slaves Power on, hit F12 PC boots from network (PXE)

> Hudson + PXE plugin ISO images of OS

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Automated System Installations


> Slaves Power on, hit F12 PC boots from network (PXE) Choose OS from menu Installs non-interactively

> Hudson + PXE plugin ISO images of OS

Your corporate IT guy & his DHCP server

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Automated System Installations> Supports OpenSolaris, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora

Trivial with most Linux> Cooperate with Windows, too

> Quite useful outside Hudson, too No more broken CD drives No more CD-Rs


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Distributed builds with Hudson> Master

Serves HTTP requests Stores all important info

> Slaves 170KB single JAR Assumed to be unreliable Scale to at least 100

> Link Single bi-di byte stream No other requirements


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Heterogeneous Cluster Challenge> Your builds/tests need to run in specific

environment> Dependency on individual nodes hurts utilization


WombatWindows test

Hudson Windows test

Windows #1

jobs slaves

GlassFishWindows test

Windows #2


Hudson Solaris test

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Labels to rescue> Label is a group of slaves> Tie jobs to labels


WombatWindows test

Hudson Windows test

Windows #1

jobs slaves

GlassFishWindows test

Windows #2


Hudson Solaris test



s #3

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Making builds sticky> We want jobs to be mostly on the same slave

Faster check out Consistent results Minimizes disk consumption

> But does it softly

> Hudson uses consistent hash* to achieve this> More schedule controls become possible:

Use faster machines more frequently Slowly ramp up newly installed slaves


Coming to your

Hudson soon


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Forecasting failures> Hudson monitors key health metrics of slaves

Low disk space, insufficient swap Clock out of synch Extensible

> Slaves go offline automatically> Catch problems before they break builds


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Load Statistics Monitoring


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When it’s time to add more slaves


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Hudson made this extensible> Hudson detects excessive workload> Hudson notifies plugins> Plugins can provision more slaves

… assuming that you have that infrastructure


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Amazon EC2: The Good> Pay as you go (10¢/h or so)

Loads on Hudson tend to be spiky> Programmable API> Instances launch at machine-speed> EC2 instances are forgetful


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Amazon EC2: The Bad> Your data is still inside your firewall

Takes time to check out code … or to archive build artifacts Some data just can’t be moved

> EC2 instances are forgetful> Can your tests run in parallel?


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Hudson EC2 plugin> Built on top of typica*> What does it do?

Automatically provisions slaves on EC2 on demand Picks the right AMI depending on demand Starts slave agent Shuts down unused instances


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Hudson “Appliance” on EC2> Run the master in the cloud too, if you like

Hudson on stock OpenSolaris AMI Data stored persistently in Elastic Block Storage

Dynamically expandable thanks to ZFS Online, too

> Packaged as a wizard


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Hudson EC2 plugin usage> Tell Hudson what AMIs you want to start


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Conclusion> CI is here to stay

We’ll continue to push more workload to servers> Hudson makes this easy for you> Reap the benefit of a cluster in multiple ways


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> Support Subscription [email protected]


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Arun Gupta