Download - HRUG Lightning Talk - Atom and R

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Lightning Talks

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Stack Overflow Question

How do I make a list of data frames and how do I access each of those data frames from the list? I can't find a simple example of this anywhere.

SO is telling me my post is too short, so I'll get the ball rolling by making a few data frames to be put in a list.

d1<-data.frame(y1<-c(1,2,3),y2<-c(4,5,6)) d2<-data.frame(y1<-c(3,2,1),y2<-c(6,5,4))

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A 10 Minute Intro to Atom

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What is Atom?• Modern, extensible editor…think emacs updated for the 21st century

• Modular package system built on Native UI web technologies (JSON, CSS, Node.js)

• Open Source, cross platform

• Runs on Chromium, so no issues with browser compatibility

• Started by GitHub, so has version control and workflow best practices built right in.

• Find out more at

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Modular Package System

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Some useful R packages

• language-r syntax highlighting for R code

• r-exec send R code and commands to R shell

• terminal-plus embed a terminal as a pane on your editor

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Using Atom for R

Cmd+Enter used to send code to

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Useful KeybindingsCODING • Cmd-T – quick file switch and search • Cmd-Shft-P – command palette toggle • Cmd-Shft-O – add project folder (Tree View) • Alt-Cmd-[ - fold in • Alt-Cmd-] fold out • [Tab] key for snippets (create your own snippets in snippets.cson)

VERSION CONTROL • Cmd-Alt-Z – checkout HEAD revision (undo any changes prior to commit)…goes on the

cmd-Z history stack so you can revert back • Cmd-Shft-B – all untracked and modified files in a project • Syntax highlighting in git commits • Status bar decorations for git • Alt-G O – open file on GitHub • Alt-G B – open blame file on GitHub