Download - HR Toolkit Instruction Manuals Self- Serve Designing, Documenting & Delegating Critical Workforce Programs ©2015 Optimum Performance HR Consultants Sneak.


HR Toolkit Instruction Manuals

Self- Serve

Designing, Documenting &

Delegating Critical Workforce


©2015 Optimum Performance HR Consultants

Sneak Preview

Fact: When properly managed and executed, Workforce Planning & Resourcing and HR Metrics & Analytics programs can have a substantial (positive) impact upon workforce productivity, capability, availability and satisfaction

Fact: Whilst often over-rated in terms of complexity and application, both Workforce Planning and HR Metrics & Analytics are heavily reliant upon the effective and consistent capture, interpretation and application of critical business/workforce data on an ongoing basis (I.e. They are systems driven)

Conclusion: To be truly effective in either of these disciplines the HR Department must initially design and document an appropriate methodology that can be utilised to engage, educate and enable line managers to willingly accept day-to-day accountability and ownership on an ongoing basis




Workforce Planning & Resourcing and HR Metrics & Analytics Instruction Manuals

For just $495 you will receive either: -

The HR Workforce Metrics & Analytics Instruction Manual: More than 120 pages in length/Microsoft Word format)

Or The HR Workforce Planning & Resourcing Instruction Manual (More than 100 pages in length/Microsoft Word format)

Welcome to our HR Toolkit Instruction Manuals Self-Serve!Our solution for those organisations seeking to design, record and thereafter consistently apply one Workforce Planning and/or HR Metrics & Analytics strategy throughout their entire organisation: -

Objectives, logic, formulas, definitions and costing models are provided for each Key Performance Indicator

Workforce Absenteeism

Workforce Flexibility

Workforce Knowledge


Workforce Satisfaction

Workforce Training &


Workforce Corporate


Workforce Headcount

Workforce Performance Effectiveness

Workforce Sourcing

Workforce Turnover

Workforce Demographics

Workforce Health &


Workforce Recruitment

Workforce Succession Planning

Workforce Utilisation

Workforce Diversity

Workforce Involvement

Workforce Remuneration

Workforce Talent


HR Department Effectiveness

Our HR Workforce Metrics & Analytics

Instruction Manual

More than 120 pages in length,

this manual incorporates 20

Key Performance Indicators

containing more than 250 specific

performance metrics for you to choose from…plus our ten essential pre-requisites for

success too!

Our Recommended Specific Measurement Criteria

Our Reporting Objectives

4.0 Workforce Corporate Governance

4.1 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims lodged To enable the CEO/SMT/Key Line Managers to regularly and consistently evaluate the organisation’s capacity to fairly, ethically and equitably manage its workforce in order to ensure that: - Claims for harassment, discrimination, bullying or unfair dismissal are minimised and/or

successfully defended; Prosecutions, fines or penalties for breach of legislation or employment agreements are

eliminated; Industrial action or other union related activities are marginalised;

4.2 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims upheld

4.3 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims lodged

4.4 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims upheld

4.5 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims lodged

4.6 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims upheld

4.7 $ Cost of Litigation & Settlements

4.8 $ Cost of Fines & Back-Payments

4.9 Nbr of industrial dispute lost time days

4.10 Nbr of externally initiated improvement notices, fines or prosecutions

4.11 Nbr of excess Annual Leave days accrued

4.12 $ Cost of Annual Leave liability account

4.13 Nbr of Long Service Leave days accrued

4.14 $ Cost of Long Service Leave liability account

The Workforce Metrics & Analytics Instruction


Sample Content: -

Measuring Workforce Corporate Governance

Our sample metrics

Our objectives & desired outcomes

Our Recommended Specific Measurement Criteria

Our Reporting Definitions

4.0 Workforce Corporate Governance Periodic Reporting

4.1 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims lodged The total number of formal discrimination claims received for the period being reported

4.2 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims upheld The total number of formal discrimination claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) within the period being reported

4.3 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims lodged The total number of formal physical or sexual harassment claims received for the period being reported

4.4 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims upheld The number of formal physical or sexual harassment claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) within the period being reported

4.5 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims lodged The number of formal unfair dismissal claims received for the period being reported

4.6 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims upheld The number of formal unfair dismissal claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) within the period being reported

4.7 $ Cost of Litigation & Settlements The total $ cost incurred in seeking opinion, advice and representation, and/or out-of-court claims settlement within the period being reported

4.8 $ Cost of Fines & Back-Payments The total $ cost incurred through the decisions and/or directions issued by relevant tribunals within the period being reported

4.9 Nbr of industrial dispute lost time days The total number of lost time days incurred resultant from industrial strikes imposed by representative trade unions and their members within the period being reported

4.10 Nbr of externally initiated improvement notices, fines or prosecutions

The number of improvement notices, fines or prosecutions imposed by external agencies/authorities that directly relate to a breach of employee working conditions within the period being reported

4.11 Nbr of excess Annual Leave days accrued The total number of excess annual leave days outstanding within the period being reported

4.12 $ Cost of Annual Leave liability account The total $ annual leave provision being preserved within the company’s accounts

4.13 Nbr of Long Service Leave days accrued The total number of long service leave days accrued within the period being reported

4.14 $ Cost of Long Service Leave liability account The total $ long service leave provision being preserved within the company’s accounts

The Workforce Metrics & Analytics Instruction


Sample Content: -

Measuring Workforce Corporate Governance

Calculating Periodic Reporting

Our Recommended Specific Measurement Criteria

Our Reporting Definitions

4.0 Workforce Corporate Governance Year to Date Reporting

4.1 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims lodged The aggregate number of formal discrimination claims received for all periods being reported to date

4.2 Nbr of (formal) Discrimination claims upheld The aggregate number of formal discrimination claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) for all periods being reported to date

4.3 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims lodged The aggregate number of formal physical or sexual harassment claims received for all periods being reported to date

4.4 Nbr of (formal) Harassment claims upheld The aggregate number of formal physical or sexual harassment claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) for all periods being reported to date

4.5 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims lodged The aggregate number of formal unfair dismissal claims received for all periods being reported to date

4.6 Nbr of (formal) Unfair Dismissal claims upheld The aggregate number of formal unfair dismissal claims that were upheld by a relevant tribunal (or settled out-of-court) for all periods being reported to date

4.7 $ Cost of Litigation & Settlements The aggregate total $ cost incurred in seeking opinion, advice and representation, and/or out-of-court claims settlement for all periods being reported to date

4.8 $ Cost of Fines & Back-Payments The aggregate total $ cost incurred through the decisions and/or directions issued by relevant tribunals for all periods being reported to date

4.9 Nbr of industrial dispute lost time days The aggregate number of lost time days incurred resultant from industrial strikes imposed by representative trade unions and their members for all periods being reported to date

4.10 Nbr of externally initiated improvement notices, fines or prosecutions

The aggregate number of improvement notices, fines or prosecutions imposed by external agencies/authorities that directly relate to a breach of employee working conditions for all periods being reported to date

4.11 Nbr of excess Annual Leave days accrued The aggregate number of excess annual leave days outstanding for all periods being reported to date divided by the number of reporting periods to date

4.12 $ Cost of Annual Leave liability account The aggregate $ annual leave provision being preserved within the company’s accounts for all periods being reported to date divided by the number of reporting periods to date

4.13 Nbr of Long Service Leave days accrued The aggregate number of long service leave days accrued for all periods being reported to date divided by the number of reporting periods to date

4.14 $ Cost of Long Service Leave liability account The aggregate $ long service leave provision being preserved within the company’s accounts for all periods being reported to date divided by the number of reporting periods to date

The Workforce Metrics & Analytics Instruction


Sample Content: -

Measuring Workforce Corporate Governance

Calculating Year to Date Reporting

The Workforce Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual

Over 100 pages in length, our Workforce

Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual contains detailed

guidelines, models, process maps

template forms and costing models, all contained in the following eight


The Essential Pre-Requisites For SuccessLabour Demand Planning – Environmental Scanning

Labour Demand Planning – Scenario PlanningLabour Demand Planning - Forecasting

Labour Supply Planning- Environmental ScanningLabour Supply Planning- Scenario Planning

Labour Supply Planning - ForecastingLong –Term Sustainability Planning

Division: ManufacturingDate:Prepared By: Workforce Planning Steering CommitteeReport: Key Forecasting Criteria

KPI Measure KPI Measure KPI Measure

Customer DemandSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Capital ExpenditureSelect from drop down or type in measure…

TurnoverSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Product Offering (Enhanced)Select from drop down or type in measure…

Business Process Re-EngineeringSelect from drop down or type in measure…

RetirementsSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Investment/fundingSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Systems/TechnologySelect from drop down or type in measure…

Leave ReplacementSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Mergers/ AcquisitionsSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Government LegislationSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Long Term AbsencesSelect from drop down or type in measure…

Growth Factors:(select from drop down menu) Business Operational Factors Workforce Replacement Factors


+ + +

The Workforce Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual

Sample Content: -

Establishing the key data you wish to

capture & utilise as the basis for future Labour Demand Forecasting

(To be incorporated into the Environmental

Scanning Process)

HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit

HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit

The Workforce Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual

Sample Content: -

Forecasting future workforce Headcount

& Job Families for your preferred Workforce Planning timeframe

(I.e. 1 to 3 years ahead)

Division: Manufacturing Date Prepared: Prepared By: Workforce Planning Committee Report: Workforce Demand Forecast (Existing/Required)

Job Family









As at End of Previous

Financial Year

Business Growth

Business Operations

Total Projected Positions Required

As at end of Next Financial


Total Projected

Replacement Positions Required

Total Positions Required (Growth &


NBR FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s + FTE’s +/- FTE’s

Assemblers 2015 100 +125 +10 +135 235 +30 +165

2016 235 +125 -25 +100 335 +40 +140

2017 335 +100 +10 +110 445 +50 +160

HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit

Labour Demand Forecast Manufacturing Division

Budgeted Headcount Previous Financial


Business Growth Projections

Business Operations Projections

Total Projected Positions Required

Forecast Headcount at End of Financial Year

Total Projected Replacement


Total Projected Positions to be


Nbr of FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s


FYE 2015 100 125 10 135 235 30 165

FYE 2016 235 125 -25 100 335 40 140

FYE 2017 335 100 10 110 445 50 160


FYE 2015 50 45 5 50 100 10 60

FYE 2016 100 45 -5 40 140 15 55

FYE 2017 140 45 5 50 190 20 70


FYE 2015 30 30 5 35 65 5 40

FYE 2016 65 30 0 30 95 10 40

FYE 2017 95 30 5 35 130 15 50

Totals All Job Families

FYE 2015 180 200 20 220 400 45 265

FYE 2016 400 200 -30 170 570 65 235

FYE 2017 570 175 20 195 765 85 270

The Workforce Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual

Sample Content: -

Consolidate your individual Job Family

forecasts into one overall Labour Demand

forecast for each Division within your


Labour Supply Risk Assessment Manufacturing Division

Projected Growth

Positions Required

Projected Operations Required

Projected Replacement

Positions Required

Projected Total

Positions Required

Projected Internal


Projected External


Labour Market Factors

Recruitment Factors

Risk Profile

+/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s +/- FTE’s FAV UNF N/C FAV UNF N/C Assemblers 1 Low

FYE 2015 125 10 30 165 165 X X

FYE 2016 125 -25 40 140 140 X X

FYE 2017 125 10 50 185 185 X X

Technicians 1 Medium

FYE 2015 45 5 10 60 60 X X

FYE 2016 45 -5 15 55 55 X X

FYE 2017 45 5 20 70 70 X X

Supervisors 1 High

FYE 2015 30 5 5 40 40 X X

FYE 2016 30 0 10 40 40 X X

FYE 2017 30 5 15 50 50 X X

Divisional Totals

FYE 2015 200 20 45 265 265

FYE 2016 200 -30 65 235 235

FYE 2017 200 20 85 305 305

HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit

The Workforce Planning & Resourcing

Instruction Manual

Sample Content: -

Identifying Labour Supply critical risk

Job Families requiring specific


Stephen MooreFounding Director

Optimum Performance HR Consultants

Hi there, thankyou for visiting our range of HR Management Toolkits and support services. We hope that you like what you see! In considering whether to place an order, there are a few things I thought you might like to know as follows:-

• All of our Toolkits/Support Tools have been hand-crafted, based upon custom design work we have previously undertaken with a diverse range of clients over the past 19 years

• They have not been designed to replace “the big end of town” but rather to provide every sized HR Department in every sized organisation with an opportunity to produce quality outcomes that will exceed CEO/Senior Management Team expectations at prices everyone can afford!

• We know that they are practical, that they are contemporary and that they are effective because our clients have told us so! Perhaps this is why they are currently utilised by hundreds of organisations in more than 20 countries around the globe!

What are you waiting for?

For just $495 you will receive either: -

The HR Workforce Metrics & Analytics Instruction Manual: More than 120 pages in length/Microsoft Word format)

Or The HR Workforce Planning & Resourcing Instruction Manual (More than 100 pages in length/Microsoft Word format)

Welcome to our HR Toolkit Instruction Manuals Self-Serve!Our solution for those organisations seeking to design, record and thereafter consistently apply one Workforce Planning and/or HR Metrics & Analytics strategy throughout their entire organisation: -

Order your copy from our on-line shop now!