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TAYO ROLLSSAP ECC 6.0 IMPLEMENTATIONHuman Resource Management PROCESS OWNER: Prasad, Ravinder, B.K. Singh Deloitte Consultants: Jeevan, SandeepBusiness Blue printVersion: 1.179Tayo RollsSAP ECC 6.0 ImplementationBusiness Blue Print for Human Resource Management- Deloittes RecommendationsOBJECTIVE OF BUSINESS BLUEPRINT PHASEThis document is the outcome of the discussion at training and during the To-Be process and business process requirement analysis for Tayo Rolls. Based on inputs from the core team members during As-Is/To-Be discussion, Tayo arrived at the Business Processes, which are incorporated in the Business Blue Print. The aim of this document is to map the best business processes related to the Materials Management module in SAP ECC 6.0. This document is to be studied by core team members & process owners from Tayo. The preparation of this document is an essential precursor to prototyping and testing. Further, Tayo has supplied a list of exhaustive Business Scenarios which are being used to freeze the Functional Scope of the project. The exhaustive list of Business Scenarios are included in Annexure-I of this document. 1.1.1. TAYO-010: HR process Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-010: Tayo Rolls Limited Business Blue Print HRDescription:IntroductionA Business Blueprint document is prepared for each module and reference shall be made wherever required to other modules, Step 1:The Module Owner shall identify various existing business processes at a broad level and make a list of them as described under section 1 of this documentStep 2:Depending upon the various business processes thus identified in Step 1, various business scenario are described in the following way:As Is Business Processes: The current way of executing the business process shall be explained in detail with data/information flow along with the IT systems / Manual Systems being used in the whole cycle.Business Requirement: Under this head, the module owner shall describe the requirements of the company vis--vis this business scenario, if necessary with examples. Following situations can arise:The current provisions in the system are sufficient enough and additional configuration efforts are not required. The current provisions are not sufficient and satisfactory and additional features need to be incorporated in the systemThere is no current provision to handle this transaction at all.The module owner shall identify each business scenario with the above classification.The To-Be business process realization is dependent on the following aspects:Capabilities & Limitations of mySAP ERP 2005 ECC 6.0 As-Is Business Knowledge Transfer from Tayo Rolls Limited Project Team membersBusiness Requirements defined by the Tayo Rolls Limited Project core membersTayo Rolls Limited accepts that the decision to accept the To-Be Business Processes is completely its own and not influenced by Deloitte. Deloitte shall not be responsible for the business consequences on Tayo Rolls Limited after the realization and usage of the processes being suggested here.Tayo Rolls Limited shall indemnify Deloitte from all responsibilities for any other business consequences during the framing of the To-Be Business processes, or at any time during or after the realization / implementation of these processes on SAP R/3 system or while using the systemTAYO-020: Tayo Business blue print process- HRDescription:The Manage People process would provide TAYO the following facilities:Plan BusinessManage RecruitmentAdministration of Personnel within the organizationTime ManagementAppraisalTraining & Event Management The following components that are in scope of SAP HR Implementation:1 Organizational Management2 Personnel Administration3Recruitment4Time Management5Payroll6Appraisal System7Training & Event ManagementThis Business Blue Print Document describes the following:1Organization Structure of Tayo Rolls Limited2AS IS Business Process of Tayo Rolls Limited3Business requirements as given by the Tayo Rolls Limited Key Users & Business Process Owner4 To-Be Process suggested by Deloitte Consultants5Comments whether the requirement can be realized on the SAP system or not6Gaps that are at different stages of explorationThe following SAP HR Components are within the scope of the agreement:TAYO-020: Organizational Management Organizational Management describes the typical processes used when updating the organizational structure, for example, creating new position for hiring or change of position from one organizational unit to another for transfer. To run through this scenario, the organizational unit as well as the reporting structure of the organizational units and positions must be created.All the primary Objects used for building the Organizational structure like positions, jobs, org units, etc are created and integrated into the system. The Enterprise Structure is designed to support one of three types of companies (i.e. personnel structures): Functional based, Region/Location based and Union participation.Personnel structure is created that is used to identify employee categories and sub categories that are organized according to the aspects of Time management, Payroll and Reporting purposes.TAYO-030: Personnel Administration Personnel Administration describes the typical processes used to create and maintain employee master records, which contains all personal data, time data and payroll data.The Human Resources department is responsible for inquiry questions on company employee data and for updating the master data record. When someone requests information for employee data, the HR department is responsible for providing this information, which is stored in any system. The HR department is also responsible to maintain changes of master data and store it in the system. Designated Human Resources representatives will be responsible for the retrieving and displaying master data.A requisition for a new position to be filled will act as the trigger for a new employee to be hired to into a company. As the new employee joins the company, The HR department will hire the employee into the appropriate organizational and enterprise structures using the hiring action As the employees life evolves within the company, the maintenance of the employee master record will be maintained according to the life event change. Once all HR data is maintained the payroll cycle should be run. Refer to the Payroll Processing BPP to run payroll. TAYO-040: Recruitment The ability to meet personnel requirements is key for enterprises. The success of an enterprise depends on such factors as the quality and availability of personnel. It is particularly important for the development and success of expanding enterprises that they have quick access to adequate personnel.This component has all the functions you need for working through the entire recruitment procedure, from creating applicant data to filling vacant positions.The Recruitment component contains an entire range of powerful, flexible functions that can be used to implement an effective and largely automated recruitment strategy. Recruitment supports the firm in dividing and assigning administrative and decision-making task areas. Many tasks can be processed via mass processing. TAYO-050: Time Management SAP process provides specific business processes by the type of work typically performed by Timekeepers, Time Advisors, Work Schedule Assigners, and Workers Compensation Advisors. It incorporates many time based leave management, substitutions in shifts of employees and change in work centers scenarios and automatically calculates these time data into payroll which is vital for salary processing.Also plays an important role in keeping the track of allocating attendances for Training Management and also calculating time based incentives based on the efficiency and productivity within the given time frames.TAYO-060: Payroll The Payroll component for India enables you to process country specific payroll for employees in India in accordance with statutory regulations. It provides all the necessary functions to:_ Calculate employees' gross remuneration_ Calculate employees' net remuneration, making all statutory and voluntary deductions_ Print pay slips and make payments using whichever option you choose_ Produce all forms required for end of year reporting_ Submit end of year returns on magnetic media_ Run a range of reports for internal purposesTAYO-070: PD Training & Event Management Training and Event Management's extensive scope of functions encompass the entire process of planning and administering business events: demand determination and date scheduling, management of business events, resources, and attendees, and fee and cost settlement.The application offers you a comprehensive array of templates to help handle correspondence for attendees and instructors (attendance confirmations, cancellation confirmations and so on).Comprehensive reporting and a sophisticated appraisal system complement the suite of functions. Integration between SAP HR Training and Event Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. For example, you can give employees the opportunity to regularly extend and update their skills and knowledge.TAYO-080: PD Appraisal Personnel Development Appraisal component is used to maximize employees utility within the company. Company can plan and implement specific personnel and training measures to promote the professional development of its employees. Also ensure that staff qualification requirements are met and planned. By taking into account employees preferences and suitability along with increasing job satisfaction. Personnel development sets out to ensure that all of the employees in all of the functional areas in your company are qualified to the standards required at present, and will remain so in the future. This is achieved by developing qualification potentials.A companys personnel development needs are determined by comparing current or future work requirements with employees qualifications, preferences and aspirations. Career and succession planning and salary hikes scenarios might contain personnel development measures that are geared toward finding someone to fill or achieve the specific goal. It also contains measures to impart qualifications so that employees retain or further their professional skills and abilities, and keep track with technological developments.You use this component to plan, perform and evaluate appraisals. Appraisals assist you when planning and monitoring individual personnel development measures. 1.1.2. TAYO-020: Organizational Management Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-020-010: structures in Organizational managementDescription:There are three structures in HR they are:Organizational structureEnterprise structurePersonnel structureAs -is ProcessCurrently at Tayo Maintains Master data of its various office locations, Division master, organizational master, designation master, Grade master, Employee category master is maintained in BAAN system. some of these details are mentioned below:Location masterTayo has got 3 locations - Registered Office at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur, and Works and Head Sales Office at Gamharia and Kolkata Sales Office at Kolkata. It is an Alphanumeric field of 3 Characters long.Division masterCode & Description are maintained in BAAN system into sessions.Maintain Department MasterIt is 3 Characters long Alpha Numeric code determines Department Code & Description.For example: A/C - Accounts, P&S - Purchase & Stores, MCS - Machine Shop and so on.Organizational MasterCode & Description It is a 3 Characters long Alpha Numeric code determines employee's level in the organization.For example: M01 for Higher Management, M02 for Middle Management, M03 for Supervisory, M04 for Non-Supervisory, M05 for Ministerial, T01 for Trainee and so on.Designation MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha Numeric Designation Code & Description describes the various Designations/Positions exists in TAYO. Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long.Grade MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha Numeric Grade Code & Description describes the various Grades exists in TAYO. Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long. For example: NW6 is the Code and Description is NWG-6 (Rs. 4560-140-7360).Employee Category MasterEmployee Category Code & Description. For example - 991 for Officers, 992 & 995 for Workers (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.), 993 & 994 for Supervisor (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.) and 999 for Directors.Plan Manpower - To effect any change in their respective organizational unit, it is proposed that unit/divisional/departmental heads, at the beginning of each financial year formally present to the appropriate authority their proposal for change along with the financial implications of such change. Manpower requirements have to be articulated not only in terms of numbers but also in terms of competence profiles.Approval - At the beginning of each financial year, the unit/divisional/departmental heads will propose their respective organizational unit structure. Any change in the structure from the previous year will have to be ratified by the appropriate authority. The personnel cost implication of such change should back up the change suggested.Update Organizational plan - Any change in the organization structure has to be replicated in SAP. If this is not done the manpower picture of the organization cannot be captured. For ad hoc / mid-year revisions of the manpower plan, refer to process flow of the recruitment process.The Organization and Planning module allows an organization to engage in comprehensive human resources planning. An integrated part of Saps human resources product, the module enables developing actual and proposed personnel scenarios.The module allows establishment and maintenance of a detailed model of the organization on the system. Once this foundation is built, future developments such as downsizing, expansions and corporate reorganizations may be projected. Information can also be extracted to support the organizations decision-making processes, using the module's reporting features. This store of information about the organization is called an organizational plan.Update Organization Plan and Relationship Infotype (s) - Once the proposed changes in the organizational structure is approved, the overall organizational plan is updated with the proposed changes in Org units, jobs, positions and any changes in the relationships between these changed entities.Update job catalogue - If the proposed change incorporates appending a new job description, the SAP job catalogue has to be updated with the new job. Jobs are one of the objects that make up an organizational plan. A job is a general classification, such as Secretary, Computer Programmer, Instructor, and so on.Derive Positions from Job/Update Job - Position Relationships - In the event of a new job, the positions, which flow from it, are to be created and assigned to the respective organization units. In case of any change in any of the existing jobs, the relationship between that job and the corresponding positions has to be updated.The terms job and position are not synonymous. A job is a general classification of duties that must be performed. Alternatively, positions are individual employee assignments, for example, Secretary of Marketing, Manager of Human Resources, and so on.Update Task catalogue - In the event of a new job, position the constituting tasks for those jobs, positions have to be created and the task catalogue is to be updated with the new tasks, if any.For human resource purposes, tasks are individual duties, responsibilities or assignments that employees are required to perform. For example, answer phones, design publications, evaluate prospective employees and develop software.Tasks achieve different objectives. Tasks may be used:To describe jobs and positions. As a point of reference for developing qualifications, if you plan to use the Qualification module of PD.It is important to note, however, that it is not mandatory to develop tasks. They are simply an option that may be used.Assign Tasks to Jobs/Positions - The new tasks created in the catalogue are to be assigned to appropriate jobs and positions. Any additional assignment of tasks may also be done to existing jobs/positions depending on the circumstances. Again this is an option. In the event employee profiles and job evaluation data is available, this option will not add much value.TAYO-020-050: Reports in Organizational ManagementDescription:The Organizational Management component offers numerous reports, with which you can access data on your most important questions concerning the organizational plan.Listed below are some of the standard reports provided by SAP R/3.Purpose ReportOrganizational Structure with Persons RHXSTR02Existing Positions RHXEXI03Staff Assignments RHSBES00Vacant Positions RHVOPOS0Reporting Structure with Persons RHSTR04TAYO-020-020: Organizational Structure/Admin structure To-be process Organizational structure consists of Organizational Units, Jobs and Positions.Organization UnitAn Organizational unit represents a functional unit in the enterprise, marketing department, for example. Organizational units differ from other units in an enterprise such as personnel areas, company codes, business areas etc. These are used to depict structures (administration or accounting, for example) in the Corresponding componentsIt is by creating organizational units, and then identifying the relationships between the units, that we identify the organizational structure.Job and PositionA position represents a post, which can be occupied by a person (employee) in the staff assignments of an organizational unit.A job is not concrete but rather the basis for the creation of various positions with similar tasks and characteristics. Positions are concrete and can are held by persons in an enterprise (purchasing administrator, for example). Jobs, in contrast, are classifications of functions in an enterprise (administrator, for example), which are defined by the assignment of characteristics. Jobs serve as job descriptions, which apply to several positions with similar tasks or characteristics.Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-020-020-010: Tayo Organizational structureDescription:Tayo has got 3 locations - Registered Office at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur, and Works and Head Sales Office at Gamharia and Kolkata Sales Office at Kolkata. It is an Alphanumeric field of 3 Characters long. A Position is an organizational grouping of activities that can be performed by a person. The SAP Best Practices for HCM is delivered with over 637 positions available for use and linked to a Job Classification.In SAP R/3 each organizational Unit and objects like Position and Jobs are identified by an unique Id followed by description. Below mentioned some of the organizational Unit mentioned in SAP R/3.Organizational Units Organizational Unit Object IdTAYO ROLL LIMITED 50000050REGISTERED OFFICE 50000051WORKS AND HEAD SALES OFFICE GAMHARIA 50000053KOLKATA SALES OFFICE 50000054SECRETARIAL AND REGISTERED OFFICE 50000055SALES OFFICE 50000056ACCOUNTS DEPT 50000057BUSINESS EXCELLENCE 50000058PERSONNEL ADMIN - HR 50000059PERSONNEL ADMIN - CANTEEN 50000060FOUNDRY- HEAT TREATMENT 50000061FOUNDRY- MOULDING AND ASSEMBLY 50000062GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 50000063INTERNAL AUDIT 50000064M&S HEAVY MACHINE TOOL MAINTENANCE 50000065M&S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 50000066M&S MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE 50000067 Below are some of the list of Positions maintained in SAP R/3Positions Position Object IdEXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 50000160Sr. SECTION OFFICER 50000161SENIOR CHAUFFEUR SPECIAL 50000162COMPANY SECRETARY AND E.O. 50000163DUTY SECRETARY 50000165SENIOR SECTION OFFICER 50000166SUPERVISOR(SECTL.) 50000167SEC& REGD SENIOR OFFICER 50000168SEC & REGD SENIOR DAFADAR 50000169SENIOR MANAGER COMMERCIALS 50000170COORDINATING OFFICER 50000171SR. COORDINATOR OFFICER 50000173SR. DRIVER GR-II 50000174MANAGER ACCOUNTS 50000175ASSISTANT MANAGER ACCOUNTS 50000176VICE PRESIDENT-FINANCE 50000177OFFICER 50000178 Below are some of the list of Jobs maintained in SAP R/3 Jobs Jobs Object IdTAYO ASSISTANT MANAGER 50000100TAYO MANAGER 50000101TAYO ASSISTANT 50000102TAYO OFFICER 50000103TAYO VICE PRESIDENT 50000104TAYO DIVISIONAL MANAGER 50000105TAYO ASSOCIATE 50000106TAYO COORDINATOR 50000107TAYO SUPERVISOR 50000108TAYO ACCOUNTANT 50000109TAYO COOK 50000110TAYO STORE KEEPER 50000111TAYO OPERATOR 50000112TAYO FETTLER 50000113TAYO-020-020-020: AccountsTAYO-020-020-030: Tayo works and head sales officeDescription:Tayo works and head sales office at Gamharia, which forms another personnel area.Within this Organizational unit many other Organizational Units. These are known as Personnel Subarea in SAP and termed as Departments at Tayo. Under this Unit we have various officers, supervisors and workers who hold different positions.Here are some of the additional organizational Units including the mentioned below which completes the complete organizational structure of Tayo. This personnel subarea is lead by a departmental head who is reported by respective department officers or supervisors or workers.This individual org units holds different Positions which is further describe Departments Dept codeAccounts ACTBusiness Excellence BEXKolkata Office KOLPersonnel & Administration P&ACanteen CANTFoundry FDYHeat Treatment HTMDMolding & Assembly MAGeneral Administration GADInternal Audit INTMaintenance & Services M&SHeavy Machine Tools Maint HMTMElectrical Maintenance ELCTMechanical Maintenance MECHCrane CRANTransport TRNSRefractories REFRMini Blast Furnace MBFMachine Shop MCSMarketing MKTMelting MLTArc Furnace ARCInduction Furnace INDManagement Services MSDPurchase & Stores P&SPurchase PURStores STRPlanning, Methods & Tech PMTProjects PRJQuality Assurance QASecretarial & Regd SECScientific Services SSTAYO-020-020-040: Personnel AdministrationTAYO-020-020-050: Tayo Office Kolkata Description:There is another sales office of Tayo at Kolkata.TAYO-020-020-060: Tayo office XLRIDescription:At XLRI Campus Jamshedpur Tayo Registered office is located with which holds Ministerial staff and officers.TAYO-020-020-070: Managing DirectorTAYO-020-020-080: Management ServicesTAYO-020-020-090: Vice President HODTAYO-020-020-100: DY,DV,Sr,Asst manager, mgr, OfficerTAYO-020-020-110: Supervisor, Asst. Sup, AccountantsTAYO-020-020-120: Sr,officer, Sr.section officerTAYO-020-020-130: Dy secretary, Dafadars, ChauffersTAYO-020-020-140: Manager, Asst. Mgr, Sr.OFCR, OFCRTAYO-020-020-150: Sr.Sys analyst, Sys AnalystTAYO-020-020-160: Div, Dy. Manager, Sr. Officer, Sec officerTAYO-020-020-170: Officer, pers.officerTAYO-020-020-180: Dafadar, Reja, supervisor(PA), sanitary,TAYO-020-020-190: SR. MANAGER commercial, Cord officer, Sr. Cord. officerTAYO-020-020-200: Sr. DriverTAYO-020-020-210: Registered officeTAYO-020-020-220: Kolkata sales officeOverview of the data objects in this process:Organizational UnitsPositionPositionsTAYO-020-030: Enterprise structure Client:A commercially, organizationally, and technically self-contained unit within an SAP System. Clients have their own master records and set of tables. The client is the highest level in the SAP System hierarchy. Specifications that you make, or data that you enter at this level are valid for all company codes and for all other organizational structures. You therefore only need to make these specifications, or enter this data once. This ensures that the data is consistent.Organization Structure:To Manage People organization structure will comprise of Personnel Areas, Personnel Sub Areas, Employee Groups and Employee sub groups. Personnel Area:The locations Codes will be the personnel areas. The PA codes will be the first four letters of the descriptive text of the personnel area. The Personnel areas will be linked to the Company Code TY01Personnel Sub areas:Further subdivides the personnel area The organizational control of main human resources sub areas takes place at the personnel sub area level: Used in conjunction with time & attendance module: holiday calendars, absence (leaves) & attendance types and work schedules 1) Serves as a selection criterion for reporting2) The functional areas as applicable for each of the codes will be the personnel sub areas. 3) The Personnel Area (PA) codes will be the first four letters of the descriptive text of the Personnel area. Personal Area Code Personnel Area name1001 Tayo works and head sales1002 Registered office XLRI1003 Kolkata Sales officeThe Personnel areas are linked to the Company Code TY01The Personnel Sub-Area (PSA) codes will be the first four letters of the descriptive text of the Personnel Sub-area.At TAYO individual department and their sections are named as Personnel Sub area.Personnel sub area Text Personnel subarea codeMini blast Furnace MBFKolkata sales office KOLMaintenance and Services M&SQuality Assurance QAFoundry FDYGeneral Administration GADBusiness Excellence BEXPersonnel & Administration P&ASectertarial & Registered office SECInternal Audit INTPurchase and Stores P&SManagement services MSDMelting MLTMarketing MKTMachine Shop MCSProjects PRJScientific Services SSPlanning Methods and technology PMTMoulding & Assembly MAHeat Treatment HTMDCanteen CANTStores STRPurchase PURInduction Furnace INDArc Furnace ARCTransport TRNSCrane CRNMechanical Maintenance MECHHeavy Machine Tools Maintenance HMTMElectrical Maintenance ELCTRefractories REFRFor each of the Personnel Area - the following Personnel Sub Areas are maintained.Personnel areaCodePersonnel Sub areaCodeTayo Rolls works & Sales office1001AccountsACTBusiness ExcellenceBEXPersonnel & AdministrationP&AFoundryFDYCanteenCANTHeat TreatmentHTMDMoulding & AssemblyMAGeneral AdministrationGADInternal AuditINTMaintenance & ServicesM&SHeavy Machine Tools MaintenanceHMTMElectrical MaintenanceELCTMechanical MaintenanceMECHCraneCRANTransportTRNSRefractoriesREFRMini Blast FurnaceMBFMachine ShopMCSMarketingMKTMeltingMLTArc FurnaceARCInduction FurnaceINDManagement ServicesMSDPurchase & StoresP&SPurchasePURStoresSTRPlanning, Methods & TechnologyPMTProjectsPRJQuality AssuranceQAScientific ServicesSSKolkata Office 1003Kolkata Sales OfficeKOLRegistered Office XLRI Campus1002Secretarial & Registered OfficeSECOverview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-020-030-010: TAYO ROLLS TY01Description:Company Code:The smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting.The process of external reporting involves recording all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents for financial statements such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements.Company code of Tayo Rolls is TY01Personnel Area:The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise and is organized according to aspects of personnel, time management and payroll. A personnel area is divided into several personnel subareas. Please note that the personnel subareas contain the business characteristics. The Personnel areas will be linked to the Company Code.Personnel Area Personnel Area Description1001 TAYO WORKS & HEAD SALES GAMH1002 TAYO ROLLS Registered office1003 TAYO ROLLS KOLKATA OFFICEPersonnel SubareasA personnel subarea is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the company organized according to certain aspects of personnel, time management and payroll. The following business subtasks belong to the personnel subarea:Defining of pay scale and wage type structureDefining planned working hoursDefining appraisal criteria.Personnel subareas are assigned to Personnel Areas. Here in Tayo Rolls some department is further divided into sections. In SAP R/3 these departments along with sections are described as personnel subareas.TAYO-020-030-020: Accounts ACTTAYO-020-030-030: Tayo Kolkata office 1003Description:The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise.TAYO ROLLS LIMITED Kolkata Sales OfficeTata Center10th Floor43, Jawaharlal Nehru RoadKolkata - 700071West BengalTAYO-020-030-040: Tayo Jamshedpur XLRI campus 1002Description:The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise. TAYO ROLLS LIMITED Registered Office XLRI New Administrative BuildingXLRI CampusCircuit House Area (East)Jamshedpur - 831001Dist.: Singhbhum (East)State: JharkhandTAYO-020-030-050: Tayo works and sales Gamharia 1001Description:The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise. TAYO ROLLS LIMITED Works & Head Sales OfficeLarge Scale Industrial EstateP.O. : Gamharia - 832108Dist. : Seraikella-KharsawanState : JharkhandOverview of the data objects in this process:Company codePersonnel AreaPersonnel Sub AreaPersonnel Sub AreaTAYO-020-040: Personnel Structure The Personnel sturucture consists of Employee Group, Employee subgroup and Payroll Area.Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-020-040-010: Tayo Company code TY01Description:Employee Groups:The employee group allows you to divide your employees into groups and allows you to define their relationship to the enterprise. The following essential organizational functions can be carried out using the employee group:Divides employees roughly into groups such as Officers, supervisors and Workers.Generates default entries for data entryServes as a selection criterion for reportingUsed in conjunction with time management module: holiday calendars, absence (leaves) & attendance types, work schedules and Shift PlanningUsed in conjunction with payroll management module: grouping for Primary Wage types.Employee Subgroups:Subdivides employees into groups according to the employees type of employment such as different grades applicable to employee group.The employee subgroup allows generation of default values for data entryDrives payroll calculation rulesWage type permissibility Serves as a selection criterion for reportingAll data relevant to finance and controlling will flow from Human resources to Financial Accounting. Payroll AreaA payroll accounting area (which is often abbreviated to payroll area) is an organizational unit containing all of the employees for whom the payroll runs at the same time.Tayo Rolls has One payroll area named as '40' and defined as Tayo payroll areaEmployee GroupsThe employee groups will be as follows: Emp group Emp Group DescriptionA OFFICERSB SUPERVISORSC WORKERSD TRAINEESF RETIREESEmployee SubgroupsList of employee sub-groups is as follows:Employee Sub GroupEmployee Sub Group NameA1 MANAGING DIRA2 EXECUTIVE DIRA3 MANAGEMENTB1 SVSR INDUSTRIAL(OPS)B2 SVSR INDUSTRIAL(NPS)B3 SVSR MINISTRIAL(OPS)B4 SVSR MINISTRIAL(NPS)C1 WORKER-SKLD(OPS)C2 WORKER-SKLD(NPS)C3 WORKER-SM SKLD(OPS)C4 WORKER-SM SKLD(NPS)C5 WORKER-UN SKLD(OPS)C6 WORKER-UN SKLD(NPS)C7 WORKER-MINSTRL (OPS)C8 WORKER-MINSTRL (NPS)D1 SUPERVISOR TRAINEED2 WORKER TRAINEED3 PROFFSNL TRAINEEF1 VRS MONTHLY PAYMENTF2 VRS LUMPSUM PAYMENTF3 RETIREESFor each of the employee groups, the following sub groups are maintained.Emp Grp Emp Grp Text Emp Sub Grp Emp Sub Grp TextA OFFICERS A1 MANAGING DIRA OFFICERS A2 EXECUTIVE DIRA OFFICERS A3 MANAGEMENT B SUPERVISORS B1 SVSR INDUSTRIAL (OPS)B SUPERVISORS B2 SVSR INDUSTRIAL(NPS)B SUPERVISORS B3 SVSR MINISTRIAL(OPS)B SUPERVISORS B4 SVSR MINISTRIAL(NPS)C WORKERS C1 WORKER-SKLD(OPS)C WORKERS C2 WORKER-SKLD(NPS)C WORKERS C3 WORKER-SM SKLD(OPS)C WORKERS C4 WORKER-SM SKLD(NPS)C WORKERS C5 WORKER-UN SKLD(OPS)C WORKERS C6 WORKER-UN SKLD(NPS)C WORKERS C7 WORKER-MINSTRL (OPS)C WORKERS C8 WORKER-MINSTRL (NPS)D TRAINEES D1 SUPERVISOR TRAINEED TRAINEES D2 WORKER TRAINEED TRAINEES D3 PROFFSNL TRAINEEF RETIREES F1 VRS MONTHLY PAYMENTF RETIREES F2 VRS LUMPSUM PAYMENTF RETIREES F3 RETIREES Overview of the data objects in this process:Company CodeEmployee GroupEmployee Sub group 1.1.3. TAYO-030: Personnel Administration Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-030-010: Personnel Administration process in Tayo and R/3Description:The following personnel administration functions are available in Personnel Administration:All types of information about an employee may be stored in the Human Resources Infotypes. They provide information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and enable storage of data for specific periods. Basic personnel procedures within master data administration, such as hiring employees, performing organizational reassignments, and entering the data required for employees who leave the enterprise, are represented by separate personnel actions. Each personnel action contains the infotypes for which data must be entered in regard to the action in question, and displays them sequentially for you to process. Reporting plays an essential role in human resources data. There are numerous reports available to evaluate the multitude of data managed in the organization.The Personnel Administration module is completely integrated into the Human Resource component of the SAP R/3 system. AS-IS PROCESSPractices followed at Tayo to capture and perform activities in Personnel Administration.Grade MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha Numeric Grade Code & Description describes the various Grades exists in TAYO. Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long. For example : NW6 is the Code and Description is NWG-6 (Rs. 4560-140-7360).Employee Category MasterEmployee Category Code & Description. For example - 991 for Officers, 992 & 995 for Workers (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.), 993 & 994 for Supervisor (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.) and 999 for DirectorsMaintain Qualification Master is a 3 Character long Alpha Numeric Qualification Code & Description describes what that code is about.For example : A12 - B.Sc. (Phy. Chem. Math.) i.e. A stands for Academic & 12 is the Code for B.Sc. with Phy., Che. & Maths., P13 i.e. P Stands for Professional & 13 is the code for Chartered Accountant, T40 i.e. T Stands for Technical & 40 is the code for B.Sc. Engineering (Civil) and so on, Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long.TAYO-030-020: General Reports in PADescription:In SAP, a large number of ready-to-use reports are made available. These Standard Reports can be exported into other applications such as MS-Excel. Thereafter tools available in those applications (such as Filters, Advanced Filters, Pivot Tables, Sort, etc in MS Excel) may be used to process the data further or carry out analysis in a flexible way. Standard Reports in Personnel Administration:The following standard reports are part of the information system for Personnel Administration:Reports that refer to employee dataAnniversaries This report creates a list of employees who have a seniority anniversary within a year.Education and training This report creates a list describing the education and training of the employees. The employee's education and training data (schooling, professional, and further training) must be stored in the Education (0022) infotype.Employees who have entered/left the company This report generates a list of people who either left or entered a company over a certain defined period.Family members This report creates a list of employees who have information about their family members stored in the system. The employees are selected using the subtype in the Family/Related Persons (0021) infotype.Birthday listThis report may be used to create an overview of employee's birthdays. For example, an overview list for each month may be created, or coming anniversary birthdays may be determined.Vehicle search listThis report creates a list of employee's car license plate numbers.Telephone directory Length of time in pay scale Proposals for pay scale reclassification Reference personnel number Flexible employee data List of employees Maternity overview Reports that refer to organizational unitsChange in the headcountThis report creates a list of personnel actions that have been carried out for employees for the selected time period.Headcount developments Nationalities Employee structure Reports that refer to the age or gender of the employeeStatistics: Gender sorted according to age This report creates a list of employees age according to gender.Statistics: Gender sorted according to seniorityThis report creates a list of employees seniority according to gender.Using a report based on employees enables you to statistically evaluate data for different employees.For example, you could display the age structure within your company, education/training data, and data about the number of people leaving your company. The individual reports call up personal data for employees (date of birth, family members). Listed below are some of the standard reports provided by SAP R/3Purpose ReportTime Spent in Pay Scale Group/Level RPLTRF00Anniversaries Query JUBILEE_LISTEducation Query EDUCATIONTAYO-030-030: Personnel ActionsAll the Personnel events are mapped as Personnel Actions in SAP R/3 as follows:Hiring ConfirmationPromotion Transfer Leaving/SeparationEach personnel action contains the Infotype for which data must be entered in regard to the action in question and displays them sequentially to process.Monitoring of tasks and Dates Infotype 19, 41 controls and triggers on the date given and displays task to be performed.Separation action in Personnel Administration contains all the Infotypes for which data must be entered in regard to termination like Loan etc delimits all the Infotypes, and employment status will be inactive after Separation action Payroll Area: A group of employees for whom payroll should be run together, and at the same time (Payroll Periodicity) Payroll Area: 40 As Is business Process:Personnel events like Hiring, Confirmation, Promotion, Transfer, and Separation are carried out Manually. Personnel Officer maintains these statuses in Baan System. Personal records/files are maintained manually Monitoring of tasks such as completion of Probation period (i.e. Confirmation) and Training period are maintained in MS excel. Reports pertaining to seniority, employment status change are maintained taken in Baan Employee Separation formalities are carried out manually In Tayo but the employee exit status is set Personnel officer.To Be Process:Personnel events are mapped as Personnel Actions as follows:Hiring, Confirmation, Promotion, Transfer, leaving/Separation. Each personnel action contains the Infotypes for which data must be entered in regard to the action in question and displays them sequentially to process. Monitoring of tasks and Dates Infotype 19, 41 controls and triggers on the date given and displays task to be performed Separation action in Personnel Administration contains all the Infotypes for which data must be entered in regard to termination like PF, Pension plan, Loan etc delimits all the Infotypes, employment status will be inactive after Separation action.Payroll Area: A group of employees for whom payroll should be run together, and at the same time (Payroll Periodicity) Payroll Area: 40 Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-030-030-010: List of Personnel ActionsDescription:The following personnel administration functions are available in Personnel Administration:All types of information about an employee may be stored in the Human Resources Infotypes. They provide information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and enable storage of data for specific periods. Type of Personnel ActionInfotypes to be maintained Hiring0001, 0002, 0006,0007, 0008, 0009, 0021,0022, 0023,0028, 0077,0185 Confirmation 0001, 0002, 0006,0007, 0008, 0009, 0021,0022, 0023, 0077,0185 Promotion0001, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009, 0014 Transfer0001, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0014, 0015 Leaving0001, 0006, 0008, 0014, 0015, 0040Hire Employees Once the employee joins the organization his records are created in the SAP system and he is assigned a personnel number. The personnel number is internally generated by the system, sequentially for entire population (i.e. in Tayo scenario, Mgmt/Non Mgmt put together). Reason for hiring is assigned. Various infotypes keep appearing sequentially and relevant personnel records for the new hire are created in the personal file. Important reminder dates for career events (viz. regularization of training, confirmation date and retirement date) are automatically set up to be referred to at appropriate times. The option is there to transfer applicant data of a successful candidate from the Recruitment module to avoid duplication of data entry.Regularization of Trainees After a one-year time-period, dependant on managerial discretion, and trainees in Tayo Rolls may be regularized. Till that point of time they are paid a salary and all the benefits except Annual bonus to supervisor and worker and Superannuation to Officer through the payroll. Details, such as regularized monthly salary components, insurance, nominees and certain other entitlements will be captured. Also captured will be the records of the Trainee Appraisal.Extension of Training In case a decision is made to extend training for some of the trainees instead of regularizing them straight away, the training appraisal ratings are captured along with reason for extension of the training. A new date for reviewing the trainee to decide on regularizing him is set. At the appropriate time the process of Regularization of Trainees has to be repeated once more. Any number of such iterative extensions can be done in the system. It is also possible that no such dates are set and a decision is made to terminate the employee. In that case the Separation action has to be executed.Confirm Employee As per current policy, 6 months after being hired (or after regularization, in case of trainee hires), the employee is to be confirmed. Ratings for the confirmation appraisal are recorded and his Superannuation contribution by the organization is specified. However, the Confirmation Action can be run on an as and when required basis.Extension of Probation In certain cases the decision may be taken to extend the probation period for some yet to be confirmed employees. In such a case, the ratings of the confirmation appraisal are captured in the employees personal records and the date for the next review to decide on confirmation is set. Any number of such iterative extensions of the probation period can be done in the system. It is possible that no such dates are set and a decision is made to terminate the employee. In that case the Separation action has to be executed.Transfer - Based on business requirements employees may be required to be moved within the organization. Inputs from the Personnel Development module (Competencies) help to select the employees who are to be so moved. Then they are required to be transferred. When an employee is transferred, the various change in his records with respect to his new organization unit, designation, function (IMRS codes), location, changes in pay (such as Location Allowance, etc), holiday calendar, bank details, club / union membership details, special entitlements (such as disturbance allowance, etc) are all updated through the Transfer Action. SAP will also facilitate administrative tasks associated with transfers such as notifying the employee, etc. Promotion Similar to the Transfer action, on promotion, employee records with respect to grade, designation, organization unit, compensation, contract details such as notice period from employer or employee, travel privileges, insurance, club / union membership details, hard furnishing and other entitlements, loans, etc may undergo a change and require to be updated. The Promotion Action does all this. SAP will also facilitate administrative tasks associated with transfers such as notifying the employee, etc. Separation Another action called Separation will be run on the date of resignation. Reasons for Separation as per the Exit Interview may be captured. The reason for separation is recorded. From the date of separation, all relevant personnel records are delimited and the employee is maintained in the system as an ex-employee. For Full & Final purpose, various data pertaining to compensation at the time of leaving, loans, hard furnishing, car and other company assets in employees possession can be readily referred to. Apart from these actions there are other actions like Retirement, Re-designated, Trainee Joining and conformation.TAYO-030-040: Maintaining HR Master data Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-030-040-010: Maintaining Employee Master data at TayoDescription: GAPThese are List of Employee Master data maintained by personnel Administrator at Tayo Rolls.Most of the data currently at Tayo is maintained in Legacy system (Baan system). The below mentioned are the activities that are maintained in either in Baan or Using Excel or other softwares like MS office or manually in the registers or books.Maintain Location MasterTayo has got 3 locations - Registered Office at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur, and Works and Head Sales Office at Gamharia and Kolkata Sales Office at Kolkata. It is an Alphanumeric field of 3 Characters long. Maintain Division MasterCode & Description Include age and caste field in Infotype 0002. Need to be customized.Maintain Department MasterIt is 3 Characters long Alpha Numeric code determines Department Code & Description.For example: A/C - Accounts, P&S - Purchase & Stores, MCS - Machine Shop and so on.Organizational MasterCode & Description It is a 3 Characters long Alpha Numeric code determines employee's level in the organization.For example: M01 for Higher Management, M02 for Middle Management, M03 for Supervisory, M04 for Non-Supervisory, M05 for Ministerial, T01 for Trainee and so on.Designation MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha Numeric Designation Code & Description describes the various Designations/Positions exists in TAYO. Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long.Grade MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha Numeric Grade Code & Description describes the various Grades exists in TAYO. Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long. For example: NW6 is the Code and Description is NWG-6 (Rs. 4560-140-7360).Employee Category MasterEmployee Category Code & Description. For example - 991 for Officers, 992 & 995 for Workers (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.), 993 & 994 for Supervisor (8 Hrs. & 7 Hrs.) and 999 for Directors.Maintain Qualification MasterThis a 3 Character long Alpha Numeric Qualification Code & Description describes what that code is about.For example: A12 - B.Sc. (Phy. Chem. Math.) i.e. A stands for Academic & 12 is the Code for B.Sc. with Phy., Che. & Maths., P13 i.e. P Stands for Professional & 13 is the code for Chartered Accountant, T40 i.e. T Stands for Technical & 40 is the code for B.Sc. Engineering (Civil) and so on, Code Length of 3 Character is not sufficient. It should be at least 6 Character Long.Maintain Membership MasterMembership Master is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field containing Membership Details of Professional Institutions.Maintain Skill MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field containing Employee Skill Details.Maintain Accident MasterIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric Code determines type of injury i.e. whether the employee sustained injury at Works or outside the Works. For example: IOD stands for Injured On Duty i.e. employee sustained injury while coming to or going from duty and IOW stands for Injured On Works while working.Blood GroupIt's a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric Code determines Blood Group code i.e. AB+ - 'AB' Positive and so on.Caste MasterClass Code is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field determines employees' Caste i.e. SC, ST, OBC & GL.Objective MasterObjective Master is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field determines Employee's Objective.For example - Cost Reduction, Reduce Cycle Time and so on.ComplaintsIt is a 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field various types of Advice/Punishments are awarded to employee when he commits a mistake. For example: CH1 for Charge sheet, ADV for Advice, C11 for Caution, W11 for Warning, S11 for suspension 1 Day and so on.Rewards/Appreciation MasterIt is a Alpha/Numeric 3 Character Long Code determines various types of Rewards/Appreciation awarded to an employee. For example: P01 for Promotion. P02 for Letter of Appreciation, P03 for Long Service award (20 Years) and so on. Leaving Master3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric Code for various grounds on which and employee Leaves the services of the Company. For example: L01 for Resignation, L02 for Health Ground, L04 for Retirement and so on.Maintain House MasterIt's 3 Character Long Alpha/Numeric field-containing details of Company's Houses.TAYO-030-040-020: Maintaining Master data in SAP R/3Description:Most of these data can be maintained using SAP R/3 by using Infotypes.Infotypes can be changed, deleted or created or can be viewed in display mode using Transaction code PA30 in SAP R/3.Data that can be maintained like:Educational Qualification by Infotype 0022- EducationBlood Group by Infotype 0028- Internal Medical servicesDepartment of employee Infotype 0001-Organisaitonal AssignmentContract details Infotype 0016-Conctrat detailsPunishment details Infotype 0743-Discipline etc 1.1.4. TAYO-040: Recruitment Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-040-010: Recruitement Process Description:The ability to meet personnel requirements is key for enterprises. The success of an enterprise depends on such factors as the quality and availability of personnel. It is particularly important for the development and success of expanding enterprises that they have quick access to adequate personnel.The Recruitment component can be used to recruit personnel based on the organizations requirements. The applicants available to the organization may be included in the selection procedure for vacancies, by advertising for personnel (e.g. job advertisements) or by receiving unsolicited applications.This component enables the definition of a recruitment procedure that suits the needs of the organization. Tasks and responsibilities can be distributed and to different people involved in the recruitment process. Recruitment enables dividing and assigning administrative and decision-making task areas. The Recruitment component enables automation of many processes. This reduces the administrative tasks of the HR Department.This component has all the functions for working through the entire recruitment procedure, from creating applicant data to filling vacant positions. The Recruitment component contains an entire range of powerful, flexible functions that can be used to implement an effective and largely automated recruitment strategy.TAYO-040-020: Recruitment As-is Process & To-be Process Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-040-020-010: Recruitment As-Is ProcessDescription:Current Process practiced at TayoSeek Approval for RecruitmentDepartment, where manpower is required gives a request to the Personnel & Administration Department. Based on that, we take manpower approval from the Management. Advertise the PositionAfter getting the approval, Advertise the Position in : * Web Site (,, Tayo's Website i.e. * Campus Selection - Depending upon the need we go to the Institutions' Campus and Interview Candidates & select * News Paper (Economic Times, Telegraph, Local News Papers etc.)Prepare & Send Employment Exchange NotificationAs per the Government's Rule, each and every position going to filled, must be notified to the Employment Exchange. Format in which positions to be notified is given by the Government (Employment Exchange)Receive & Scrutinize ApplicationsBased on the Advertisement, applications are received from the Candidates. Applications are scrutinized suiting to the requirement.Send Call Letters for InterviewAfter scrutinizing, sand Call Letters to the candidates for appearing the Interview.Prepare Interview Sheet & Conduct InterviewInterview Board Comprises of : Vice President/General Manager - ChairmanHead of Respective Department - Member Head of Personnel & Administration - Member-SecretaryStatusThen if the status of interview is cleared , further medical examination is conducted else if rejected no further interviews and examinations are conducted and his data is stored in excel and his resume or application is achieved.Conduct Pre Employment Medical TestCandidates found suitable in the Interview are sent to the Company's Doctor for Pre-Employment Medical Test.Found fitif the result is yes he is offered.Prepare & Send Appointment LetterIf found FIT in Pre-Employment Medical Test, send Appointment Letter in which all terms & conditions are mentioned including Date of Joining (i.e. Candidate must join on or before ...............................)Applicant acceptance of offerComplete Joining FormalitiesAfter receiving the Appointment Letter, Candidate sends his consent for joining (i.e. Terms and Conditions mentioned above are acceptable not acceptable to me) and comes for joining the post.Completing the Joining formalities are - Filling-up of Personal History Card (Name, T.No., P.No., Date & Place of Birth, Present & Permanent Address, Father's Name, Nominee, Medical Report (FIT for employment), Province (State belongs to), Identification Mark, signature, Qualification & Experience Details, Joining Date, Post, Department, Basic Pay & Grade, All Certificates/Testimonials (Duly Attested) and Release Letter (For Experienced Candidates) etc. All these data is maintained in Baan system in Sessions and the whole recruitment action is conducted manually and Send Regret LetterIf the Applicant is rejected or if found UNFIT in the Pre-employment Medical Test, send a regret letter.TAYO-040-020-020: Recruitment in SAP R/3Description: NO AREA ELEMENTS TAYO Rolls ENTRIES1Vacancy Is Vacancy to be assigned in PD or in Recruitment? PD (Organization Management)2Administrator Mr. Dilip Jana 3Advertisement Media Recruitment Instrument Press Local News Paper The Hindu Employment Exchange Others Direct Personal Contact Internet Naukri.com3 Applications Unsolicited Application In response to Advertisement External Applicant GroupSenior ManagementMiddle ManagementJunior ManagementSpecialistTraineeInternal EmployeesTrainees Applicant Range 1. Production 2. Printing 3. Dispatch 4. Finance Accounting 5. Workmen 6. HR & Personnel Admin 7. MSD/IT 8. Operations & Manufacturing 9. Maintenance 10. Electrical / Instrumentation 11. Administration4 Processing/Screening Applicant status/reasonOverall1 Processing - New applicant - Applicant earlier put On hold - Reconsidering the applicant 2 Invite - Preliminary interview - Written Test - Meeting with MD Medical Test - Offer discussions - Director-HR's approval awaited - Board of Directors approval awaited3 On hold - No suitable vacancy - Overqualified - Vacancy filled up by Internal Candidate - Vacancy filled up by other external Candidate4 Rejected - Overqualified - Under qualified - Unsuitable profile - Failed in Interview Failed in Psychometric test Medically unfit 5 Employment offered - Selected - Direct reference6 Offer declined - Better offer elsewhere - Unsatisfactory remuneration package - Inadequate growth opportunities - Inadequate job profile Inadequate joining time - Location preference Family Constraints7 To be hired5 Applicant Activity Activity types 001 Mail confirmation of receipt 002 Transfer applicant file 003 File returned 004 Mail invitation to interview 005 Appointment for interview 006 Telephone invitation 007 Hand in appraisal 008 Mail rejection letter 009 Approve hiring 010 Hiring date011 Transfer applicant data012 Medical examination013 Mail offer of contract014 Put applicant on hold015 Block Interview Panel Time016 Confirm receipt of offer017 Receipt of medical feedback018 Confirm joining dateAutomatic creation of Activities- Processing 001 - Confirmation of receipt P- To be hired 010 - Hiring date 011 - Transfer data D- On hold 014 - On hold Rejected 008 - Rejection Employment offered 013 - Offer Contract P Offer rejected NilInvite 005 - Interview appointment & 004 - Interview invite P6 Vac Assmt Over Vac Stat Permissible Vacancy specific statusStatus 1 Processing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 2 Invite 1,2,3,4,6 3 On hold 1,2,3,4,5,6 4 Rejected 1,2,3,4 5 Employment offered 1,3,6,7 6 Offer declined 1,2,3,5 7 To be hired7 App Stdard Txt Fmt Ackmnt/Receipt (Processing)Corresp Call Letter for Interview (Invite) Offer Letter (Employment Offered)8Appl Num external Common Number rangePersonnel Requisition - Requirement of manpower whether due to separation/transfer/promotion or organizational change, needs to be recordedIt will contain the required personnel profile, in terms of qualifications, experience, age etc.Maintain Vacancy - In the case of the Personnel Requisition being approved, the position for which recruitment (internal or external) need to be made, has to be flagged as vacant in SAP. If vacancy is not flagged, SAP will only consider the position as unoccupied as opposed to vacant. A company's workforce requirements are represented in the Recruitment system by means of vacancies. A vacancy is a position, which must be staffed, either completely or only partially. The recruitment procedure is initiated by the creation of a vacancy and its purpose is to fill vacancies.Find only internal person for requirement - Depending on the positional Requirements, a search will be made to find persons within the organization whose Qualification Profile matches with the positional requirements. SAP will throw up a list of possible internal candidates based on their competency profiles.Evaluate earmarked successor- if the vacant position has earmarked successors; their competency profiles are matched with the positional Requirements. SAP will give a Profile Match up of the earmarked successors. The profiles of the earmarked successors and other internal candidates need to be compared and decision needs to be made about the choice of possible internal candidate(s).Check possibility of Redeployment - After short-listing possible internal candidates, the possibility of their redeployment need to be examined. The opinions of the concerned unit/departmental/divisional heads are taken on board. The individual concerns preferences/dislikes are also noted. Search applicant pool - If redeployment/internal recruitment is not possible, the applicant pool/database is searched to examine the possibility of sourcing the right candidate. The forced CVs that come are slotted in the database after preliminary screening.Assign vacancy - If the applicant pool/database throws up possible candidates, their availability is ascertained. The application retrieved from the pool/database is then assigned to the respective vacancy before further processing can start.Maintain advertisement for the vacancy - If the applicant pool/database does not yield suitable candidates then an advertisement relating to that vacancy will be given using any media/instrument:If the candidate has applied in response to an advertisement, he/she is assigned to a recruitment instrument and a medium along with the advertisement. This enables evaluation of the effectiveness of recruitment instruments or media used by the organization. This means that future advertisements can be placed more strategically and, if applicable, also published at less expense.Enter applicant data - After applications received, in response to the advertisements for specific vacancies are screened, the relevant information for each suitable applicant has to be entered in the specified SAP format.Evaluate applicant - Applicants whose data has been entered in the system are evaluated based on the requirement profile of the vacancy. Applicants found suitable may be short-listed.Change applicant status to reject/put on hold - Applicants who are not found suitable can be flagged as rejected or as put on hold. In either case the applicant data remains in the applicant database. Their application may later be reactivated in the event of new vacancies.Change applicant status to invite and perform administrative tasks - Applicants found suitable viz a viz the requirement profile of the vacant position are flagged off as invite and corresponding administrative tasks like printing the standard invitation letters, intimating the interviewer/interview panel etc. need to be performed.Call for interview - The interview date is intimated to the applicants. (Interview here refers to preliminary interviews, and other rounds of interview).Match Profiles of Candidates with the Positions Requirement Profile - An important aspect of the evaluation process during the interviews is the match between the candidates qualification profile and the vacancys requirement profile. SAP will perform the match up based on the evaluation of the candidates during successive interviews/discussions, based on the requirement profile of the vacancy. The interview feedback will be positional requirement specific.Make offer and change status to Employment Offered - Based on the interview performance and subject to the HR directors approval, the applicant found suitable will be made an offer and the applicants status will be flagged as Contract Offered in SAP and an offer letter will be defaulted by the system.Change status to Offer Rejected After the employment is offered, sometimes the successful applicant may refuse the offer. In that event, the applicant will be flagged with Offer Rejected status. The applicant next in the shortlist may be given an offer. Re negotiation of offer may also be made to the original applicant who has rejected the offer.Change status to Rejected - Other applicants whose profiles corresponds to the requirement profile of the vacant position to a lesser degree as found out in the interviews/discussions may be flagged off as Rejected. It is proposed that the medical test be administered after employment is offered and accepted by the candidate concerned in the recruitment process. Candidates found medically unfit are also to be flagged as Rejected It has to be decided whether such application will be deleted from the database or retained with the status as rejected for consideration in the event of other vacancies.Change status to "To Be Hired" & perform administrative task - For candidates who accept the offer and also found medically fit the status is to be flagged as To Be Hired. An introduction folder containing all joining forms will be given to the candidate on the date of his joining. Transfer Applicant data - On the date of the candidates joining the organization, the information relating to him is transferred from the applicant database to the employee database.When the applicant is assigned the overall status To be hired, SAP automatically transfers the applicant's data directly from the applicant database to the employee database.TAYO-040-020-030: Reporting in Recruitment SAP R/3Description:You can use these reports to create lists of applicant data based on different aspects. For example, you can output a variable applicant list (report RPAPL012) according to your reporting needs, or predefined lists sorted according to applicants names.The reports on applicant data also enable you to evaluate applicant actions performed (report RPAPL004) or educational data (report RPAPL011). The Planned Activities for Personnel Officer report (RPAPRT08) also offers administrative support. As a personnel officer, you can use this report to generate a work list for the applicant activities that you still have to process. Listed Below are some of the standard reports to evaluate Applicant dataPurpose Report Applicants by Name RPAPL001Applications RPAPL002Applicant Statistics RPAPL005Job Advertisements RPAPL006Recruitment Instruments RPAPL008 1.1.5. TAYO-050: Personnel Time Management TAYO-050-010: Organizational elements Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-050-010-010: Enterprise level organization elementsDescription:Personnel Area:The locations Codes will be the personnel areas. The PA codes will be the first four letters of the descriptive text of the personnel area. The Personnel areas will be linked to the Company Code TY01 Tayo Personnel Areas: 1001TAYO WORKS & HEAD SALES GAMH1002TAYO ROLLS Registered office1003TAYO ROLLS KOLKATA OFFICEPersonnel Sub areas:Further subdivides the personnel area The organizational control of main human resources sub areas takes place at the personnel sub area level: Used in conjunction with time & attendance module: holiday calendars, absence (leaves) & attendance types and work schedules Serves as a selection criterion for reportingPersonnel sub areas under Personnel area 1001ACTACCOUNTSARCMLT ARC FURNACEBUSBUSINESS EXCELCANTP&A CANTEENCRANM&S CRANEELCTM&S ELECTRICALSGADGENERAL ADMINThe functional areas as applicable for each of the codes will be the personnel sub areas. Employee Groups:Divides employees roughly into groups such as Staff and Workmen.Serves as a selection criterion for reportingUsed in conjunction with time management module: holiday calendars, absence (leaves) & attendance types and work schedulesUsed in conjunction with payroll management module: grouping for Primary Wage types.Tayo Employee groups E ExecutivesOOFFICERSSSUPERVISORSWWORKERSTTRAINEESEmployee Subgroups:Subdivides employees into groups according to the employees type of employment such as different grades applicable to employee group.The employee subgroup allows generation of default values for data entryServes as a selection criterion for reportingEmployee sub groups under Employee group WW3WORKER-SKLD (OPS)W4WORKER-SKLD (NPS)W5WORKER-SM SKLD (OPS)W6WORKER-SM SKLD (NPS)W7WORKER-UN SKLD (OPS)W8WORKER-UN SKLD (NPS)W1WORKER-MINSTRL (OPS)W2WORKER-MINSTRL (NPS)Employee sub groups under Employee group SS1 SUPERVISOR (OPS)S2 SUPERVISOR (NEW)Employee sub groups under Employee group EE1 MANAGING DIRECTORE2 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOREmployee sub groups under Employee group OO1 OFFICEREmployee sub groups under Employee group TT1 SUPERVISOR TRAINEET2 WORKER TRAINEET3 OFFICER TRAINEETIME MANAGEMENTTAYO-050-020: Shift Schedules Overview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-050-020-010: Holiday CalendarDescription:Public Holiday Calendars The public holiday calendar is used in numerous SAP applications, and also plays an important role in the Human Resources (HR) component. The public holiday calendar Affects the definition of the organizational structure of your enterprise Plays a central role in the scheduling process as well in generating monthly Work schedules. Is important for Payroll You can display or make any required changes to the public holiday calendar at any time. Tayo Public Holidays - 5 holidays for PSA ghamaria and 21 Public Holidays PSA Kolkata. Tayo Holiday Calendar - 'HC' - Ghamaria holiday calendar, 'TK' - Kolkata holiday calendar Factory calendar - 'FC'TAYO-050-020-020: Work schedulesDescription:The work schedule is the information medium for all employees who work on time-based schedules. It also contains a detailed overview of all working times. In addition to setting up working times and break times, you can use the work schedule for scheduling and monitoring the organization and coordination of all divisions in your enterprise.The following elements has to setup in SAP include in work schedules1.3.1 Break schedules Break schedules can be defined as paid break, unpaid break Tayo has only 2 break schedules 'G' Shift - GENR 11.30 A.M to 12.30 P.M (unpaid) 'O' Shift - 'OSFT' 12.30 P.M. to 01.00 P.M (unpaid)1.3.2 Daily work schedules Daily Work Schedules are the smallest units of the work schedule. Daily work schedules contain the authorized working times and break times for a particular day. These times include fixed working times, flextime, as well as daily work schedules for days off. Tayo has 6 Daily work schedules designed for workers/workers ministerial/staff/Kolkata staff Daily work schedules of Tayo in SAP are as follows: Shift A - 'DWSA' Shift B - 'DWSB' Shift C - 'DWSC' Shift D - 'DWSD' Shift E - 'DWSE' Shift G - 'DWSG' Shift O - 'DWSO' Daily work schedules can be setup with different time models like: Tolerance times Core times Compensation timesFollowing shifts will be mapped in SAP for TAYO ROLLS employees:1. DWSA Timing: 06.00 A.M to 02.00 P.M2. DWSB Timing: 02.00 P.M to 10.00 P.M3. C Shift Timing: 10.00 P.M to 06.00 A.M 4. D Shift Timing: 05.00 A.M to 01.00 P.M (Only for Canteen Dept.)5. E Shift Timing: 01.00 P.M to 09.00 P.M (Only for Canteen Dept.)6. G Shift Timing: 07.00 A.M to 04.00 P.M7. O Shift Timing: 09.00 A.M to 04.30 P.M (Monday to Friday)8. O Shift Timing: 08.30 A.M to 12.30 P.M (Only on Saturday)1.3.3 Period work schedules The period work schedule consists of a defined sequence of daily work schedules. The period work schedule reflects a work pattern that is repeated after a defined period of time. Period work schedules of Tayo has been setup in such way, at any time if employee shift schedule changes or shift week off changes, time administrator can change employee shift schedule, significance of shift will be on overtime payment and payroll process. PWS Prd work schle Week No. Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 ACB1 ACB SHIFT MON OFF 001 OFF DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSAACB1 ACB SHIFT MON OFF 002 OFF DWSC DWSC DWSC DWSC DWSC DWSCACB1 ACB SHIFT MON OFF 003 OFF DWSB DWSB DWSB DWSB DWSB DWSBACB2 ACB SHIFT TUE OFF 001 DWSA OFF DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSAACB2 ACB SHIFT TUE OFF 002 DWSC OFF DWSC DWSC DWSC DWSC DWSCACB2 ACB SHIFT TUE OFF 003 DWSB OFF DWSB DWSB DWSB DWSB DWSBACB3 ACB SHIFT WED OFF 001 DWSA DWSA OFF DWSA DWSA DWSA DWSA1.3.4 Work schedule rule (n years)(Transaction PT02) The period work schedule is assigned to the work schedule rule. The pattern of the daily work schedules is specified in the period work schedule. The period work schedule is then assigned to the desired personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules. In this way, the work schedule rule defines: Personnel subarea or employee subgroup groupings for which the same work schedule rule applies. Employee working times by selecting specific daily work schedules Periods in the daily work schedules which repeat by selecting a specific period work scheduleTAYO-050-030: Time data Recording and Administration With the Time Recording and Administration component, you can record and manage time dataeffectively and efficiently. This component provides you with a comprehensive and effectivebusiness concept and related processes for manual and automatic recording of personnel times.Time recording allows you to enter employee time data for working time, leave, business trips,and substitutions using different methods. This data can be entered as clock times or in hoursand can contain account assignment specifications for other SAP applications.1.1 Organization elements1.2 Holiday calendar1.3 Work schedules1.4 Absence1.5 Attendance1.6 Overtime1.7 Leave quota encashmentOverview of the tasks in this process:TAYO-050-030-010: Infotypes used in Time ManagementDescription:InfotypesDescriptions Subtypes2001Absences Absence type (CL, PL, FL, ML,....)2002Attendances Attendance type (1000, 1001)2005Overtime2006Absence Quotas Absence quota type (01, 02, 03, 04, 05...)2010Employee Remuneration2013Quota Corrections (01, 02, 03, 04,....)0080Maternity ProtectionTAYO-050-030-020: Planned working Time (Infotype 0007)Description:In this infotype, you define when and where an employee works within your enterprise on a daily basis. In addition, you use the infotype to determine whether the employee's time data is evaluated by Time EvaluationOne of the planned working times of an employee is as follows:Work schedule rule - SFC64881 WSRULE SHIFTTime Mgmt status - 9Employment percent - 100.00Daily working hours - 8.00Weekly working hours - 48.00Monthly working hrs - 204.00Annual working hours - 2450.00Weekly workdays - 6.00In this infotype, we define as and where an employee works within enterprise on a daily basis. In addition, we use the infotype to determine whether the employee's time data is evaluated by Time Evaluation.. By assigning a Work Schedule Rule in the Planned working time infotype (0007), we ensure that the system can determine the employee's personal planned working time. We can change the planned working time determined by the system to suit our requirements. For example, we can use an existing full-time work schedule rule as the basis for defining a special provision for a part-time employee. The planned working time defined for the full-time employee is reduced to the percentage the part-time employee must work. If you want an employee's time data to be processed by Time Evaluation, you must specify the relevant processing type in the Time Management status field. You can also determine the view for calculating weekly overtime. Any hours worked over the planned working time can then be evaluated as overtime.TAYO-050-030-030: Absence (Infotype 2001)Description:Absences (Infotype 2001)DefinitionAbsences are times when employees are not at work. Employees are absent if their planned working time, as stipulated in their work schedules, is not fully worked. Absences are divided into absence types. An absence type is a subtype of the Absences infotype (2001).Absences types are divided into 2 typesPaid absence: Maintaining Absence with quota deduction (Infotype 2006)Unpaid absenc