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HP Digital Publishin


Steve Hiebert Integrating JDF and PPML

Integrating JDF and PPML

Marrying a Job Ticket to a Page Description Language

Steve HiebertSoftware Design EngineerHewlett-Packard Company

September 11, 2002

Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert


• JDF is a job ticketing and workflow description language that is gaining rapid acceptance in the commercial and enterprise printing arena. JDF has an active body, CIP4, working on maintaining and improving the language over time.

• PPML is a page description language (PDL) targeted at variable data printing jobs and maximizing the re-use of assets to minimize transport and printing costs.

• JDF is, for the most part, PDL agnostic. PPML is, for the most part, job ticket agnostic. They each do their own job and have avoided cluttering their vocabulary with elements from the others domain.

• As such, integration of these two XML vocabularies to allow cooperation and interoperation would seem to be a marriage made in heaven.

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

topics to be covered

• PPML• Origins• Basic Structure

• JDF• Origins• Basic Structure

• Process types considered• IDPrinting• Combined process

• Resource modifications, issues and solutions• Variable Data Printing• Partitioning• Resource updates

• Resource modification from the data stream• TICKET_REF• TICKET

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

origins of PPML

• Personalized Print Markup Language• PODi – Print On Demand initiative

• PPML conceived: March, 1999• PPML project initiated: April, 1999

• Versions• Version 1.0: March, 2000• Version 1.5: May, 2001• Version 2.0: April, 2002• Version 2.1: July, 2002

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Steve Hiebert


• Page Description Language (PDL)• Specifies how to manipulate and arrange images

on a page• XML based

• Mostly hierarchical• Content format agnostic

• PDF• TIFF• PostScript• SVG• XSL/FO• Etc.

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

basic structure of PPML







PAGE ...

MARK ...

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

origins of JDF

• Job Definition Format• Describes prepress, press and post-press

processes• Built upon PPF (CIP3) and PJTF (Adobe)

• CIP4 – Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Post-press

• JDF initiated: late 1999• Versions:

• Version 1.0: April, 2001• Version 1.1: April, 2002• Version 1.1 Revision A: September 2002

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Steve Hiebert


• Job Ticketing and Workflow Language• XML based

• Hierarchy of processes• Web of resources

• PDL agnostic• PDF• PPML• Etc.

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Steve Hiebert

basic structure of JDF



Resource ResourceResource




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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

choosing a JDF process model

• IDPrinting• Pro: close mapping to Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)• Con: resource model different from typical JDF

– Many resources referred to directly– The missing link

• Combined Process• Follows existing JDF model

– Resource/ResourceLink• Divide and conquer

– Mix and match processes– Model a wider variety of print workflows– Scalable and extensible

• Tightly coupled processes– Inner inputs and outputs implied

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Steve Hiebert


• Integrated Digital Printing• Designed with IPP in mind• Interpreting + Rendering + Screening +

DigitalPrinting• Input Resources mapping to IPP

• Appendix F of JDF Specification details mapping• IDPrintingParams

– Several sub-elements and references• Media• Runlist

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Steve Hiebert


• Other Input Resources• ColorantControl• Component (Cover, Input, Proof)• ExposedMedia• FontPolicy• InterpretingParams• RenderingParams• ScreeningParams• TransferFunctionControl

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

• attributes-natural-lang

• ipp-attribute-fidelity• job-priority• output-bin• page-delivery• print-quality• sheet-collate

• AttributesNaturalLang

• IDPAttributeFidelity• IPPJobPriority• OutputBin• PageDelivery• PrintQuality• SheetCollate


comparing IPP to IDPrintingParams

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Steve Hiebert

sub-elements of IDPrintingParams

• Cover• IDPFinishing, IDPLayout, MediaIntent, MediaSource

• IDPFinishing• IDPFolding, IDPHolemaking, IDPStitching,

IDPTrimming– IDPHolemaking contains or refers to

HoleMakingParams• IDPLayout

• Very simple layout• JobSheet

• IDPFinishing, IDPLayout, MediaIntent, MediaSource• MediaIntent

• Linked to Product nodes, referenced by IDPrintingParams

• MediaSource

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Steve Hiebert

but …

•From the JDF Specification:•Controls for IDPrinting are provided in the IDPrintingParams resource. These controls are somewhat limited in their scope. If greater control over various aspects of the printing process is required, IDPrinting should not be used.

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

JDF Combined process

•From the JDF Specification:•For example, a digital printer may be able to execute the Interpreting, Rendering, and DigitalPrinting processes. To accommodate such devices, JDF allows processes to be grouped within a node whose Type = Combined

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

A Combined process node

• JDF Node• Type="Combined"• Types="list of processes making up combined node"

• Ordering is significant• May repeat, e.g., Types="Trimming Folding

Trimming"• Resource and ResourceLink pools are merged

• Links specify the target process(es)• All resources must be available/complete to start

• Input and Output resources of inner processes are implied

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Steve Hiebert

processes to model a digital print workflow – mix and match

• LayoutPreparation

• Imposition• Interpreting• Rendering• Screening

• DigitalPrinting• Stitching• Folding• Trimming• HoleMaking

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

JDF Combined process assumptions

• The processes in a combined process are tightly coupled.

• The processes in a combined process have knowledge of one another.

• The processes in a combined process can inform each other about values obtained from their resources.

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

A JDF Combined Process Node

JDF(Interpreting, Rendering, DigitalPrinting

Resource Resource



Resource Pool

Resource Link Pool






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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

Combined process example

<JDF Type = "Combined" Types = "DigitalPrinting Gathering Stitching" ID = "J1"> <ResourceLinkPool>

<!-- digital printing parameters --> <DigitalPrintingParamsLink Usage="Input" CombinedProcessIndex="0"

rRef="L1"/> <!-- gathering parameters --> <GatheringParamsLink Usage="Input" CombinedProcessIndex="1"

rRef="L4"/> <!-- Stitching parameters --> <StitchingParamsLink Usage="Input" CombinedProcessIndex="2" rRef="L6"/> <!-- input sheets --> <MediaLink Usage="Input" CombinedProcessIndex="0" rRef="L2"/> <!-- stitched output components --> <ComponentLink Usage="Output" CombinedProcessIndex="2" rRef="L7"/>

</ResourceLinkPool> <ResourcePool> … </ResourcePool></JDF>

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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HP DigitalPublishin


Steve Hiebert

modifying resources at runtime

• Traditional challenges• Challenges added by Variable Data Printing (VDP)• Traditional JDF

• Partitioning• Part

• Features added to JDF for VDP• Resource updates

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Steve Hiebert

traditional challenges

• Repetitive processes applied to similar but different entities

• Files• Sheets• Surfaces• Separations

• Concise representation• Avoid multiple Nodes of same process each with

its own resources• Avoid repeating the common portions of resource


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Steve Hiebert

variable data printing challenges

• Database driven• Text• Images• Media!• Etc.

• Streams, in particular transactional processing• A job without end

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Steve Hiebert

varying resources - traditional

• Partitions• Nested resources with selection criteria

– E.g., a Media resource may contain 0 or more Media resources

– Outer resource is root– Inner resources are leaves– Inner resources may nest

• PartIDKeys in root– Define selection types– Enumeration, defined for each partitionable resource

• PartIDKeys in leaves– Each key becomes an attribute name– Define values for those types– Based on up front knowledge– Assumes an algorithm to select

– Algorithm becomes value of attribute

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Steve Hiebert

possible PartIDKeys values(1 or more)

• BlockName• DocCopies • DocIndex• DocRunIndex• DocSheetIndex• FountainNumber• LayerIDs• Location• Option• PageNumber• PartVersion• PreviewType

• RibbonName• Run• RunIndex• RunTags• RunPage• Separation• SetIndex• SheetIndex• SheetName• Side• SignatureName• TileID • WebName

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Integrating JDF and PPML

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Steve Hiebert

partitioning a RunList(JDF 1.1 specification excerpts)

7.2.115 RunList

RunList resources describe an ordered set of LayoutElement or ByteMap elements. Ordering and structure are defined using the generic partitioning mechanisms as described in 3.9.2 Description of Partitionable Resources.

Resource Properties

Resource class: Parameter

Resource referenced by: -

Partition: DocIndex, PartVersion, Run, RunPage, Separation

Input of processes: RunLists are used as input resources by most processes that act on content data

Output of processes: RunLists are used as output resources by most processes that act on content data

Table 3.25 Contents of the Part element

Run The Run attribute selects a set of partitioned RunList elements from a RunList resource.

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a partitioned RunList

<RunList ID="Link0003" Class="Parameter" Status="Available" PartIDKeys="Run">

<RunList Run="1" Pages="0~-1"><LayoutElement>

<FileSpec URL="File://File1.pdf"/></LayoutElement>

</RunList><RunList Run="2" Pages="0~-1">

<LayoutElement><FileSpec URL="File://File2.pdf"/>



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referencing a partitioned RunList<ResourceLinkPool> <RunListLink rRef="Link003" Usage="Input"> <Part Run="1"/> </RunListLink> <RunListLink rRef="Link003" Usage="Input"> <Part Run="2"/> </RunListLink></ResourceLinkPool>

Explicit references to partitions

<ResourceLinkPool> <RunListLink rRef="Link003" Usage="Input“/></ResourceLinkPool>

Implicit reference to partitions

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Steve Hiebert

varying resources - VDP• Respond to non-algorithmic events• Three attempts

• Direct setting of resource value– Causes addressing problems (nested resources)– Uncontrolled, anything can happen

• Update messages– Double indirection to ease addressing problems

– Address the message by ID– ID of receiving process in the message

– Allowable messages listed in UpdateMessagePool• Update resources

– One level of addressing– Allowable updates contained within the resource

itself– Very clear which update goes with which resource– Very clear what updates may happen to a resource

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Steve Hiebert

resource updates

• Available for all process input resources• Resource Update named after containing resource

with "Update" appended• E.g., DigitalPrintingParams may contain 0 or more

DigitalPrintingParamsUpdate elements• Update has same content and attributes as parent• All attributes and content are optional in Update• Update does not inherit from parent• Updates set processor state

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a resource with updates

<DigitalPrintingParams ID="InitialDigitalPrintingParams"

Class="Parameter" Status="Available" Collate="None">

<DigitalPrintingParamsUpdate UpdateID="CollateEnabled" Collate="Sheet"/>

<DigitalPrintingParamsUpdate UpdateID="CollateDisabled" Collate="None"/>


Note: all IDs must be unique

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activating a resource update


– Placed within PPML data stream– May occur before or within a PPML construct– An update, once activated, remains in effect until

overridden or out of scope– Activates a resource update– Address outer (containing) resource to reset to initial

state• TICKET

– Placed at start of PPML data stream– Contains or refers to job ticket

– May or may not be JDF

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activating a resource update with TICKET_REF


• No content• Single attribute: ExtRefID• Updates processor state

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resource update before

<DOCUMENT ...><TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_CoverStock"/><PAGE ...>

<MARK...>...</PAGE><TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_White"/><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_CoverStock"/><PAGE ...>

<MARK...> ...</PAGE>


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resource update within

<DOCUMENT ...><TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_White"/><PAGE ...>

<TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_CoverStock"/><MARK...>...

</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>...</PAGE><PAGE ...>

<TICKET_REF ExtIDRef="Media_CoverStock"/><MARK...> ...


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• May contain or refer to the JDF job ticket• INTERNAL_DATA• EXTERNAL_DATA

• Format attribute• E.g., application/vnd.cip4-jdf+xml

– Not yet registered with the IANA– +xml described in IETF RFC 3023


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Steve Hiebert

job ticket embedded in PPML


<TICKET Format="application/vnd.cip4-jdf+xml">



<jdf:JDF Type="Combined" ... >







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job ticket referenced from PPML


<TICKET Format="application/vnd.cip4-jdf+xml">

<EXTERNAL_DATA Src="MyTicket.jdf"/>



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Steve Hiebert

for further reading

• JDF 1.1a Specification•

• PPML 2.1 Specification (on request)•

• PPML Job Ticket 1.1 Specification (on request)•

• Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)•