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How YOU Can Lose As Much As 20, 30 or even 50 lbs with The Belly Be Gone Diet...

by Vic Magary, Former ARMY Soldier & No-Nonsense Personal Trainer

If you’ve been struggling to lose your belly then this will be the most important book you ever read... If you follow the simple strategies and fixes I suggest in here, I guarantee that you’ll start to notice your belly shrinking, as well as your love handles and lower back fat... In addition to that, you’ll start to feel like you’re 25 again - and you’ll wake up 2-3X the energy that you are used to having through out the day. I promise all of this, if you’ll just promise me one thing. That you will give this an honest effort for just 14 days... That’s it. Why 14 days? Well I know after 14 days of The Belly Be Gone Diet that you’ll see such great results that you won’t want to stop! You’ll be getting compliments from your friends, coworkers, your spouse, your boyfriend/girlfriend and even your kids if you have them... So that’s all I’m asking as you read through this... Give the plan a full 14 day trial and see the MASSIVE differences it makes when it comes to getting rid of your belly fat. Sound good? Let’s get started...

The Secret To Losing Your Belly Fat Once And For All!

Your diet is the most important component of losing your belly fat....Period. Allow me to say that again. . . 1

DIET is the most important component of losing your belly fat!!! ...Not the latest dance-fitness fusion exercise class. ...Not the useless contraption that they are selling on that late night infomercial. ...And not an armload of exercise DVD’s with a name that sounds like it should belong to an automatic rifle. It is your diet that is most important. Period. But knowing what to eat and what not to eat can be very confusing.... Between governmentguidelines touting food as healthy that actually makes you fat and bookstore shelves screaming with celebrity endorsements of the latest diet fad, it’s no wonder you’ve been jumping from diet to diet with little success. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. . . I used to be just like you. My moment of change was when I enlisted in the Army. As my date for leaving for Army Basic Training drew closer, I tried everything to lose weight and get in shape. I jumped from a low fat diet to counting calories to borderline starving myself. And guess what... None of it worked. But what did work was keeping things simple. What finally got me to lose my belly and keep it off was resorting back to a nutrition plan that was based on how our ancestor’s ate 10,000 years ago... No magic potions, pills, or powders required. No calorie counting or tedious weighing of food. No points, card decks, or meetings. Just keeping things simple. And “keeping things simple” should have been obvious to me sooner. I grew up in a small river town in Ohio where the blue collar work ethic of doing a good job with integrity was forged like the steel made in the mills where most of my neighbors worked when I was a kid. And although I now help people lose weight and get healthy by providing DVD’s and books from my new home in Austin, Texas, that blue collar work ethic and


small town honesty still guides what I do. Allow me to make it clear that I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. Before engaging in this or any other diet program you should consult your doctor. I think that’s a reasonable request... What I present to you in this program is the result of me helping nearly 20,000 people from all walks of life to finally lose their bellies and live happier and healthier lives. You might be tempted to, but do not doubt its effectiveness due to the simple nature of the program. . . try it yourself for just two weeks. Just 14 days and you will be a believer! I have no doubt that in that short time span you will be convinced that the Belly Be Gone Diet is the real deal as you lose your belly fat, your pants fit looser, and friends and family comment on how great you look. Just take a look at some of the great success stories my clients have had with this program...

Belly Be Gone Diet Success Stories Robbie loses 32 lbs while working around food all of the time...

“I lost a total of 32 pounds during your program, I did not do any exercises, I am a waiter and I figured my normal life of carrying trays and running around for 4-5 hours would be enough. THANK YOU!”

~ Robbie Hoste, Las Vegas, NV, 55 years old.

Luana loses 10 lbs and increases her energy. . .

“Hi, Vic!I got results from the Belly Be Gone Diet that i would never have reached in six months!!!The new eating habits gave me more energy and i felt so much better after i cutthe carbs from my meals. And i never looked back..The few times i ate something with sugar in it, i felt physically bad after a whileand got even more turned off by sodas and cakes.I lost 10 pounds. incredible. Thanks for the help!”- Luana


Terry Loses A Total Of 100 Lbs! "I've lost the majority of my 100 lbs with the way of eating from Vic's program. I use four or five go-to meals that I've incorporated from the program and I've had continual success for the past several months. Vic, I really can’t thank you enough. You changed my life."

~ Terry Vinson, Radford, VA, 44 years of age.


Why The Belly Be Gone Diet Works... 1. 90% Of What You Know About Fat Loss Is Wrong I am not a conspiracy theorist. But I do think that governmental forces and the dollars of big business are the only explanations for why “The Big Three” have become such dominant forces in the modern Western diet. In my opinion, it is “The Big Three” that have contributed to ever expanding waistlines, an undeniable obesity epidemic, and the resulting sharp increase in heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers. So what are “The Big Three”? Grains, dairy, and sugar are “The Big Three”. These are the three biggest culprits to weight gain for yourself and the general population. Grains Grains have been at the base of the food pyramid in the United States for years.A recommendation of 6 – 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta per day was standard. And these are the exact foods that are making you fat. Dairy Touted as a health food for years with the “Milk Does A Body Good” marketing campaign, dairy can often be a major contributor to weight gain. I’m talking


about milk, cream, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. Sugar Food companies like to hide sugar by giving it names that don’t include the word “sugar”. The most common of these is High Fructose Corn Syrup. Another common name for sugar is Cane Juice. 1 can of soda has over 9 teaspoons of sugar in it! And most “normal” people I know drink 2-3 cans of this crap everyday! And on top of that, we have people guzziling 5-6 cans of DIET soda everyday thinking it’s healthy. Let me be the first to tell you, that DIET soda even with 0 calories actually causes a major increase in belly fat (and body fat all over) The problem with drinks like DIET soda, isn’t the calories... It’s the processed chemicals. These chemicals prevent your body from burning fat, by forcing it to focus on getting the chemicals out of your body! And while we are on the topic of diet soda, this is an excellent place to give an example of how not all calories are created equal. . . Do you remember Pixie Stix? You know, the flavored powder that used to come in the paper straws that you would break open and then pour down your throat when you were a kid? That stuff is damned near pure sugar. Now picture having 300 calories of Pixie Stix and compare that in your mind to 300 calories of grilled chicken breast. Do you really think that the 300 calories of Pixie Stix will do the same thing to your body as the 300 calories of chicken? Of course not. The chicken will fuel your body with protein and other nutrients that your body needs while the Pixie Stix will contribute to weight gain and disrupt your body in a variety of ways. Which would you rather have? 2. What Did Our Caveman Ancestors Eat? In the grand scheme of the timeline of human existence, agriculture hasn’t been around for very long. Same goes for the technology necessary to process foods commonly grown in an agricultural setting. Turning wheat into bread or corn into cereal are processes that are fairly recent when considered against the entire history of humankind. So what did we do for food before agriculture? We foraged 6

and killed - we were Hunter Gatherers. For our Hunter Gatherer “caveman” ancestors, if food could not be eaten raw or cooked with nothing more than a pointy stick and an open flame, then it could not be eaten. That means that our food was based on vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts, and seeds. And that’s it. Below are some examples of foods that can be eaten on the Belly Be Gone Diet. These lists are NOT all inclusive.

Do not over complicate this: if it grew from the earth or had a heartbeat at one time then you can probably eat it.

Another fun way to think about it is, “If a caveman couldn’t eat it 10,000 years ago, then neither should you.” Vegetables:SpinachKaleCollard GreensBroccoliCauliflowerOnionPeppersAsparagusArtichokesCarrotsCucumbersCeleryCabbageTomatoes Fruit:ApplesBlueberriesStrawberriesBlackberriesRaspberriesGrapefruitOrangesPeachesPearsPlums


GrapesBananas Meat:BeefBuffaloChickenTurkeyPorkFishEggsOther Game (Venison, Rabbit, Duck etc) Nuts and other healthy fat sources:AlmondsWalnutsPecansCashewsMacadamia NutsBrazil NutsPumpkin SeedsExtra Virgin Olive OilCoconut OilAvocado Note: You also have the Belly Be Gone Printout which shows you exactly what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Be sure to post that on your fridge! 3. Avoid Drinking Your Calories. There are only three beverages that get my full seal of approval for the Belly Be Gone Diet: water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea. If you absolutely must have a splash of something extra in your coffee for flavor then a small amount of unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened coconut milk get my approval for that situation only. Every other beverage should be avoided for optimum fat loss when it comes to your belly! That means no soda (not even “calorie free” diet soda). No energy drinks. No juice. No sports drinks. And no alcohol. I can already hear what some of you are thinking now. . . “But I need my morning coffee with cream. I need my honey in my tea.” 8

Actually no, you do not need it. You enjoy it, you like it, but you DO NOT need it. That being said, I’ve included a few tips for those of you who are adamant about having these items later on in the manual. For adding flavor to water, try some of these tips: Use a small amount of lemon or lime juice. Add a few frozen berries to your water. Try herb tea either hot or cold – it comes in a variety of flavors and is almost always calorie free. Almond milk and coconut milk are great substitutes for cream if you like a little something extra in your coffee. Drinks can be a huge contributor to weight gain. Do your best to stick with only water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea for the quickest fat loss. 4. Why Grains, Dairy, And Sugar Lead To Fat Bellies I know that some of you reading this need to know “why” something works to process it at the level of belief. Below is a general “quick and dirty” overview of why grains, dairy, and sugar should be avoided. When we eat food, the body converts it to an energy source commonly referred to as blood sugar or glucose. The sweeter foods or foods that have a high glycemic index (The Big Three) will lead to a higher than necessary blood sugar spike. What I mean by that is that there is more blood sugar that results from eating these foods than the body needs for energy at that particular time. So the excess has to go somewhere. . . To compensate for the extra blood sugar, insulin is released. Insulin pulls the excess glucose into storage for use at a later time. It is stored as glycogen in the liver and in the muscles and becomes your body’s preferred source of energy. As long as your body has this “reserve tank” of stored energy in the form of glycogen, it will not use your body fat as an energy source. So as long as you keep those glycogen levels high by eating bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, beans,


dairy, and sugar – your belly is not going anywhere and will likely get bigger. 5. Grains, Legumes, And Potatoes

If it comes in a box or a wrapper, then don’t eat it. Sure, there are exceptions to the above rule like precut broccoli and prewashed spinach that come in plastic bags and green tea typically comes in a box. But by and large if it comes in a box or wrapper then you should avoid it. Think of items that come in a box. . . CerealPastaTaco ShellsCookiesOatmealFrozen dinners Now think of items that come in a wrapper or plastic bag. . . RiceBreadCandy BeansTortillasPotato ChipsPretzels Like I said, I know there are exceptions to this rule (yes you can eat raw almonds even though they come in a bag!) But if you like pithy little guidelines to help you along, then keep my box or wrapper rule in mind. And if you don’t like pithy little guidelines, allow me to spell it out for you. Do not eat grain-based foods. Do not eat legumes. And do not eat potatoes. Still need it to be a little clearer? Alright, here’s a list of foods to avoid that fall into the grain/legume/potato category. This list is not all-inclusive. But it should give you a good idea of foods to avoid in this category. Grains:BreadPastaRiceCereal 10

QuinoaOatmeal Legumes:Black beansChick peasPinto beansKidney beansPeanuts (and peanut butter)HummusBlack eyed peasSoy beansTofu Potatoes:Sweet potatoesRed potatoesYellow potatoesBaked potatoesMashed potatoesFrench friesPotato Chips If you want to lose your belly, then don’t eat this stuff! Unless. . . you are a vegetarian. For vegetarians there will have to be some “small” concessions made in the areas of grains and legumes and I will discuss that in a later part of this manual. But that is only for vegetarians and vegans... 6. Sugar “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” ~ William Shakespeare Most people realize that sugar must be avoided if you want to lose weight. But sometimes sugar hides behind fancy names that might even sound healthy. Don’t believe it. Avoid sugar in all of its forms for optimum weight loss. One of the most common forms of sugar that doesn’t have “sugar” in it’s name is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). This stuff is the result of a man-made process and should be avoided completely. The average American consumes 38 lbs of HFCS every year! Can you believe that? That’s down right disgusting. 11

Drinks are another place that sugar likes to lurk. Soda should definitely be avoided (and yes even if it is zero calorie diet soda or sports drinks) but another sugar-laden beverage that many people think of as “healthy” is juice. Do not drink juice! I don’t give a damn if you hand squeeze it yourself. Juice is very high in sugar, albeit the natural sugar fructose, but it is still sugar! Juice lacks the fiber that you would get from eating the whole fruit. And speaking of the whole fruit. . . just how many apples do you think it takes to make one tall glass of apple juice? Four? Maybe six?

It definitely takes more whole apples to make a glass of juice than you would eat in one sitting.

Another common name for sugar is “cane juice”. If you see the word “cane” on an ingredient list, that refers to “sugar cane” and should be avoided. Right about now some of you are freaking out. You are thinking. . . “But what about my morning coffee?!” Alright, alright. . . if you absolutely must have a taste of sugar, whether that’s in your morning coffee or tea or some other minor indulgence, then I recommend you go with the most natural variety available. Look for raw honey or Stevia (sold under the name Truvia) and use the smallest amount that you can tolerate. You can find both of these at stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joes. 7. Dairy The old marketing slogan “Milk does a body good” is not accurate if you are trying to lose weight. In my experience dairy is one of the biggest contributors to weight gain. And you know how you feel when you eat dairy. . . You get that bloated feeling in your gut. You feel that thick mucous in your mouth. Maybe you’ve even experienced constipation. 12

And once again the morning coffee and tea drinkers feel their ire rise. . . If you need a splash of milk or cream in your coffee or tea, consider one of the milk alternatives such as almond milk or coconut milk. Just be sure to read the label and watch out for sugar hiding under one of its aliases in the ingredient list. Notice I did not mention soy milk as an alternative. But if you really want to know my favorite option. . . Drink your damned coffee black! Or don’t. Just know that every single item of food that you put into your mouth has a corresponding response in your body. It’s up to you whether you want that

response to be a good one or a bad one. But what about other forms of dairy? Yogurt, cheese, butter. . . Yep, avoid those items as well. No dairy. And just to be clear, and because I’ve seen this confuse some people, eggs are not dairy. I know they are kept in the grocery store in the same place as the milk and cheese and butter, but eggs are not dairy. They come from chickens, not a cow. Eggs fall into the meat category in my book. They are an excellent protein source and can be eaten whole as far as I’m concerned – yep, yolks and all. But how do you cook the eggs if you are not using butter? Olive oil is what I use. In fact I use olive oil for nearly all of my pan cooking needs. I occasionally use coconut oil, especially for stir frying beef, but the majority of the time I use olive oil for my pan cooking needs. Eliminating dairy is not as difficult as it may sound. And that’s because you will also be eliminating most of the foods that you used to eat in conjunction with the dairy. No more milk and cookies. No more bread and butter. No more macaroni and cheese.


The transition will go smoother than you may think. Just stay focused on your weight loss goals and keep in mind that nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels. 8. Eating Low Fat Foods Is NOT The Answer You can still see it today on the grocery store shelves. Brightly colored bags and boxes with the words “Low Fat” emblazoned across them as if those two words should draw you in like a tractor beam with their promises of health and trim waistlines. The low fat diet concept needs to go the way of the dinosaur. It’s an outdated method that does not work for getting rid of your belly. In fact, the Belly Be Gone Diet includes plenty of healthy fat from foods such as nuts, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and animal sources. Let’s be perfectly clear here... Eating fat does NOT make you fat. Eating processed foods and starchy carbs is what makes you fat. The only fats you really want to avoid are trans fats. Trans fat is the result of a man made process and is commonly found in foods that you want to avoid any way such as cookies, cakes, crackers, and chips. And since you won’t be eating any of this junk on the Belly Be Gone Diet, then we really don’t need to worry about it on any food labels.... 9. Important “Take Aways” To Focus On So Far As we wrap up this section, I want to reinforce the key concepts that we’ve gone over so far. Call them “take aways” if you will. These are the three most important concepts that you should take away from this program at this point.

1. Avoid “The Big Three”. Do not eat grains, dairy, or sugar. If I could paste one thing on your


bathroom mirror for you to look at each day, this would be it!

2. Eat like our Hunter Gatherer ancestors. If a caveman couldn’t eat

it 10,000 years ago, then neither should you. Stick to a diet of lots of vegetables, some meat/fish and fruit, and a small amount of nuts.

3. All calories are not created equal. Forget what you may have heard

about needing to follow a low fat diet and instead focus on eating real food. You do NOT need to calorie count on this diet. It’s tedious and unnecessary.

II. Practical Application: What To Do And How To Get Started 1. Clean Out Your Kitchen Do not trust your will power to keep you on the Belly Be Gone Diet. Instead, my recommendation after helping over 20,000 people in the last few years is to stack the deck in your favor by setting up your environment for fat loss success. 15

...And the very first thing you should do is clean out your kitchen. Throw it out. Give it to a neighbor. Donate it to your local food pantry. I don’t care what you do with it, but get rid of it. DO NOT go on some final binge and swear to yourself that you will get started on the program on “Monday” or “the first of the month” or “after Christmas”. How many times have you said that before? And how many times have you lost the weight and kept it off? It’s time to draw the line and get started right now. Put down this book, go to your kitchen, and get rid of all of the foods that you know you should not be eating. So what should you get rid of? You should get rid of “The Big Three” of course. But I’ll list a few examples of exactly what to get rid of to help you get started. Cupboards:PastaCerealRiceBeansBreadCookiesCrackersCandyPotatoes Refrigerator:MilkCheeseButterYogurtJuiceSoda Freezer:Ice creamFrozen mealsPizza 2. Go Grocery Shopping When you go to grocery shopping, keep to the perimeter of the store. 16

The produce section, the meat counter, and the eggs are almost always on the perimeter of the grocery store. All of the items that you want to avoid are typically kept in the aisles. You can find your vegetables, fruits, and nuts in the produce section. You can get your beef, chicken, and other protein sources at the meat counter. And eggs are the only thing you should be getting from the dairy area. And those are the only three sections of the grocery store that you need for your regular food shopping. Other items that you may have to venture into the aisles for are seasonings, oils, and condiments. Nearly any seasoning is going to work with the Belly Be Gone Diet but it is important to read the labels of condiments to watch out for sugar. Natural seasonings that consist of 1 ingredient will always be good for you (ex... oregano, basil, garlic etc). I have listed some examples of seasonings and condiments that work with the Belly Be Gone Diet below: Seasonings:OreganoBasilParsleyBlack pepperCayenne pepperPaprikaChili Powder Condiments:Mustard (read the ingredients and be sure there is no sugar added)SalsaBalsamic vinegarApple cider vinegarRed wine vinegarHot sauceExtra virgin olive oil 3. A Quick “Cheat” For Measuring Portion Sizes I’m not a fan of counting calories. But that doesn’t mean that the basic math of having to eat fewer calories than you use to lose fat doesn’t apply. It just means that there are simpler ways to measure your food than tedious calorie counting.


For vegetables, don’t even worry about portion size. Eat as many vegetables as you like! Just be sure to get plenty of green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli and round out the rest of your veggies by trying to eat as many different colors as possible. For most fruit, eat one piece per serving and limit your servings to no more than three per day. This will apply to things such as apples, oranges, bananas, and pears. For smaller fruit such as berries keep your portion size to no more than what would fit in your hand without dropping any on the floor. And for larger fruit such as watermelon and cantaloupe, keep your portion size to one slice no more than about two inches thick. For meat, use the size and thickness of your palm as a guide. So a piece of steak should be about the thickness of the palm of your hand and about the same size as well. This works perfectly as a 250 lb guy will have a bigger hand than a 150 lb woman - and he needs more food to be full. And for nuts, limit your portion size to no more than what would fit in the center of your palm in a single layer. As an example, this is about 6 – 8 almonds for most people. 4. How To Deal With Others In Your Home The reality is that many of you will experience challenges dealing with others in your home while you are on the Belly Be Gone Diet. Kids will still want their macaroni and cheese, your spouse or significant other may still eat pizza, or your roommate may continue to keep cookies in the cupboard. Stand strong. Just because others are not supportive of your new healthy eating does not give you an excuse to falter. Below are a few tips you can try to stay on track with your weight loss goals while maintaining good relationships in your happy home. For kids, consider getting them involved in the cooking process. Obviously the tasks they partake in will have to be age-appropriate for safety reasons (let’s try not to give four-year old little Johnny the eight inch cooking knife), but there is something that nearly any child can do to help. If your kids are adamant that the cereal and macaroni and cheese must stay, then consider reducing their portion sizes while introducing some of your new healthy foods. A kid may hate broccoli, but celery and carrots usually go over well. And reaching for a piece of fruit instead of cookies or chips is a good habit to establish as early as possible. 18

With your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend try to get them to join your fat loss journey and make a good-natured bet on your results. Something like doing the dishes or other household chore can be the perfect item to wager in your weight loss “bet”. And the small competition may also be the perfect way to let your significant other know that you think they should lose a few pounds without having to come right out and say it. For roommates or other members of your house that may not be supportive of your weight loss efforts, create your own space. Designate one cupboard or one shelf in a cupboard where only your food items are kept. Do the same thing with the refrigerator - designate one area for only your food. The bottom line is that you must take responsibility for your fat loss success. And you may have to implement measures to help you stay on track if the other members of your home are not on board.

III. Keep It Simple 19

1. Don’t Worry About The Things That Don’t Matter “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein I often say that fat loss is simple. But simple does not mean easy. Many of the typical fat loss strategies are unnecessary. Things like the timing of your meals, calorie counting, and weighing your food do not need to be done to lose weight. Tracking your macronutrient breakdown (how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates you eat) is also unnecessary as long as you stick to a diet of lots of vegetables, some meat and fruit, and a small amount of nuts. 2. Preplan, Precook, And Prepackage Your Meals As often as possible, you should be cooking your own meals. But sometimes eating at a restaurant is unavoidable. Whether it’s lunch with your boss or dinner with a new client, our jobs often place us in situations where we must eat out. For these situations it is best to plan ahead. Take a look at your calendar and note the days that you must eat out. Next make a commitment to your self about what you will eat at the restaurant. Nearly any restaurant in the world can make a salad with grilled chicken. Keep in mind that you are the customer and tell the restaurant exactly how you would like your meal. After you identify the times that you must eat out, plan out the rest of your meals. Write down exactly what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the entire week (a sample meal plan for an entire month has been included with this manual). Once you have planned all of your meals for the week, make your grocery-shopping list based off of the preplanned meals. Do your shopping, come home, and then precook your meals for the week. Personally I like to precook my meals on Sunday. Many people prefer to do this twice per week, such as on Sunday and Wednesday. I usually cut up all of my vegetables that I will use for the week and cook at least one protein source on my designated cooking day. Once your food is prepared, prepackage it into separate meal-sized containers. Having all of your meals prepared ahead of time greatly reduces the chance of


straying from your diet when you are in a moment of lowered will power. When you come home from work and you’ve had a tough day is when you are most likely to make that call for pizza delivery. Avoid the situation by preplanning, precooking, and prepackaging your meals. 3. How To Cure Cravings We all have foods that are our weakness. I love pizza and ice cream. And beer. But to reach your fat loss goals you have to be ready to combat the inevitable cravings for you favorite foods that you know are not good for you. I find it helpful to associate a “bad taste” with the foods that will derail your weight loss efforts. As humans, we are usually more motivated by avoiding pain that we are by seeking pleasure. Use this knowledge as leverage when it comes time stand strong against your cravings. Be honest with your self. . . What is the real reason that you want to lose weight? Is it because you are uncomfortable and self-conscious when wearing a bathing suit when you go to the swimming pool or beach? Are you fearful that your spouse or significant other is considering straying because you have put on weight? What is the deepest darkest reason that makes you really want to lose weight? What ever the answer is for you, that is the “bad taste” that you can associate with the foods you crave as you strive to your weight loss goal. But if the craving gets so bad that you can’t stand it any longer, here are a few tactics to try to keep you on the fat loss path: If you are craving sweet foods like candy or cookies, try eating one of the sweeter fruits instead. The sweeter fruits include bananas, mangos, melons, and pineapple. If you are craving something crunchy like potato chips, try eating a crunchy apple or the crunchy vegetables such as celery or carrots. And if you have to have dip as well, try using a nut butter or home made guacamole instead of a creamy dairy based dip or hummus. If you feel like you are always hungry, try increasing your healthy fat intake. Try increasing your nut serving sizes by 50% or adding avocado to your salads and 21

other meals. And for my “secret weapon” craving killer, try a small piece of dark chocolate. Yes, I said dark CHOCOLATE. Keep your serving size small – place your thumbs next to each other and use the combined size of your two thumb nails (just the nails not the entire thumbs!) as a guide for how big of a piece to eat. Use a quality dark chocolate bar, organic if you can find it, and make sure the cocoa level is at least 65%. And yes, dark chocolate does contain some sugar and milk. But the serving size I’m talking about will be insignificant to your weight loss efforts. Eat just enough of the dark chocolate to take the “edge” off of your craving. 4. But What If You’re A Vegetarian? Let me be straight with you, losing fat as a vegetarian can be very challenging if you’re unwilling to change your ways. And this is because most vegetarians just try to avoid meat and end up eating a lot of the exact foods that cause you to get fat.... Things like rice, bread, pasta and dairy are staples in most vegetarian diets. So here’s what I recommend. Instead of looking at being a vegetarian as anti-meat. Look at it as someone who consumes a LOT of vegetables! The easiest way to lose your belly as a vegetarian is to base your diet around vegetables, nuts and fruits (plus eggs if you’re ok with that) Big servings of green salads, kale, broccoli, peppers, asparagus and other veggies will melt the fat right off your body! Here’s the deal...If you are a vegetarian for moral or religious reasons, then I am not here to challenge your beliefs. But if you are a vegetarian because you think it is a healthier way to eat. . . Consider the fact that you are now reading a fatloss book as an indication that there might be a better way to do things. Don’t get me wrong, you absolutely can lose weight as a vegetarian. You just have to focus your diet more around vegetables and less around grains and dairy products.. Also, intentionally consume a protein rich vegetarian source with each meal. Below is a list of my top non-meat protein sources:


1. Tempeh. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans which Im not really a fan of, but the fermentation process used to make tempeh gives it a higher content of protein, fiber, and vitamins than tofu. 2. Quinoa. Quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a a rare complete protein source among plant foods. Quinoa is cooked much like rice, and goes great with a vegetable stir fry. 3. Beans. Beans and rice are known as a staple among vegetarians, and when the two are combined you have a complete protein source. But watch your quantity if you are trying to lose your belly! Eat no more, and ideally less, than an amount that is the size of your clenched fist. 4. Almonds/Almond Butter/Cashew Butter - In addition to being a great source of healthy fat, almonds & cashews also contain protein. But again, that does not provide an excuse to eat them with reckless abandon. Almonds and other nuts are loaded with calories, so eating a whole bag of almonds or cashews is not really the answer. One of my favorite meals for vegetarians is two scoops of almond butter + sliced apples (or celery) 5. Hemp Protein Powder. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m not a fan of protein powders. But I have had vegetarian clients use hemp protein powder with success on their weight loss quests. Once again, watch your quantity and mix the protein powder with water and a small amount of fruit that is low on the glycemic index (berries are fine, go easy on the banana).

For the most part, you can stick to the rest of the Belly Be Gone Diet as a vegetarian: avoid drinking your calories, eat lots of vegetables, and consume some fruit and nuts. Try to focus on being an actual vegetarian. This doesn’t mean your meals should be focused on just avoiding meat at all costs. It means that your diet should be focused on vegetables! The more green leafy salads you eat, the better off you’ll be! And if you have no problem eating fish or eggs, I highly recommend throwing those in your diet as well. Your fat loss will certainly be sped up when you do that. 5. Cheat Days And Intermittent Fasting Let me go on the record right now: I am personally not a fan of cheat days. I have experimented with them, and admittedly had some fat loss success, but I do not recommend using them until you achieve your fat loss goal.


A cheat day is when you eat what ever you want on a designated day each week. Most people reserve Saturday for this binge fest. If you insist on using a cheat day, then I strongly encourage you to limit your portion sizes and not eat with complete reckless abandon. Also, consider reserving yourself to a cheat meal instead of an entire day of eating the foods that you know contribute to weight gain. In my opinion, cheat days create a slippery slope. If you can have all the foods that you want on Saturday, then why not a little nibble or spoonful on Wednesday? It all counts. Every single bite of food you eat either hurts or helps your fat loss efforts – it’s up to you to decide which way to go.

When I experimented with cheat days and lost weight, I always followed the cheat day with a day of fasting. Fasting simply means that you don’t eat, usually

for a period of about 24 hours. Let me be clear, this is not meant as a starvation tactic. And it is not required for the Belly Be Gone Diet. But in my opinion and experience, a weekly day of fasting is perfectly healthy and will definitely help when it comes to getting rid of your belly. Experiment with it if you like. It’s actually a pretty low risk trial - if you feel like you need to eat something on a fasting day, your safety net is as close as the kitchen. 6. Action Steps And Review We’re at the end of the Belly Be Gone Diet manual. And now you have a choice to make. You can take action and start implementing the components of this program. Or you can keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing that lead to packing on the pounds. Which is it going to be? In the Introduction of this manual, I encouraged you to give the Belly Be Gone Diet a try for 14 days. Just two weeks! 24

You can do anything for two weeks. So suspend any disbelief you may have about the effectiveness of this diet plan and start taking action immediately. Not sure what do to first? Well here is a list of actions to start taking now: 1. Clear out your kitchen. Get rid of all of the food you will no longer be eating on the program. Do this right now. And be relentless in your clearing – when in doubt, throw it out. 2. Preplan your meals for the entire week. Be sure to consider the meals where you will be eating out and make a decision while you are planning about what you will eat at the restaurant. Remember that if a caveman couldn’t eat it 10,000 years ago, then neither should you. 3. Make your grocery list. Use your meals that you have planned as a guide to create your grocery list. Go to the grocery store and remember that most of your times should be spent on the perimeter of the store. 4. Precook and prepackage your meals. Chop up your vegetables and cook at least one protein source. Store your food in separate meal-sized containers. 5. Expect resistance. Losing your belly is simple. Yet I understand that it may be one of the most difficult things to do for some of you. You may experience resistance from others in your household or at work. But the most intense resistance is likely to come from your self. Be prepared by thinking about the “bad taste” you will associate with the foods you should not be eating. An Example Of My Personal Menu And Grocery Shopping List Maybe you’re wondering, “How does Vic do it?”. Well I’ll show you exactly how I do it with a one week sample of exactly how I eat. Keep in mind that this is what works for me. By no means am I suggesting that you have to copy this exactly. Think of it more as something that you can model than something that you need to copy. And also keep in mind that there is a full 31 day sample menu included with the program. And yes, I often eat the same thing several days in a row. It works for me to take the guessing out of what I’m going to eat that day and the related time and energy lost trying to figure it out. It also helps me to think of food as fuel and not something I am supposed to glean entertainment value from. And please don’t punch these meals through some online calorie counter and tell me, “Oh no, you only ate 1100 calories that day! Don’t you need at least 2000 as an adult male?” I’m telling you, this is what I really eat most days and my health


and fitness are just fine. Let’s get things started with the grocery list. . .

My Fat Loss Grocery ListExtra Virgin Olive OilBalsamic Vinegar1 ½ Dozen Eggs5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts3 Pack of 4 ounce Cans of Tuna1 Bag of Baby Spinach1 Bag of Pre-cut Broccoli1 Small Bag of Baby Carrots1 Bunch of Asparagus1 Cucumber2 Red Bell Peppers1 Small Package of Grape Tomatoes1 Bunch of Celery1 Bag of Frozen Green Beans7 Ruby Red Grapefruits1 Large Bag of Apples1 Bag of Raw Almonds1 Bag of Raw WalnutsCoffeeGreen TeaDark Chocolate

Fat Loss Meal Plans Monday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm Large salad with spinach, chicken, cucumber, red bell pepper, grape tomato, and balsamic vinaigrette.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of walnuts.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm 2 eggs scrambled with asparagus and bell pepper.8:00pm Small handful of baby carrots. Tuesday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm 3 egg omelet with sauteed spinach.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm Chicken with broccoli and walnuts.8:00pm 3 sticks of celery.


Wednesday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm Large salad with spinach, grilled chicken, cucumber, red bell pepper, grape tomato, and balsamic vinaigrette.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of walnuts.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm 1 can of tuna with green beans.8:00pm Small handful of baby carrots. Thursday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm Chicken with large serving of broccoli.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of walnuts.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm 2 eggs scrambled with sauteed spinach, asparagus, and bell peppers.8:00pm 3 sticks of celery. Friday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm Large salad with spinach, grilled chicken, cucumber, red bell pepper, grape tomato, and balsamic vinaigrette.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of walnuts.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm 1 can of tuna with green beans.8:00pm Small handful of baby carrots. Saturday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm Large salad with spinach, chicken, cucumber, red bell pepper, grape tomato, and balsamic vinaigrette.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of walnuts.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm 2 eggs scrambled with asparagus and bell pepper.8:00pm Small handful of baby carrots. Sunday8:00am 1 Grapefruit, small handful of walnuts, large cup of black coffee.10:00am 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.12:00pm 3 egg omelet with sauteed spinach.3:00pm 1 Apple, small handful of almonds.4:30pm 1 cup of green tea, small piece of dark chocolate.6:00pm Chicken with broccoli and walnuts.8:00pm 3 sticks of celery.


Breakfast Ideas Breakfast is one of the tougher meals of the day to eat clean. Much of the “traditional” breakfast is very carb dependent with breads & grains. And if you don't like eggs, you're even in a tougher spot. A small smoothie for breakfast works for many people. This is incredibly easy & quick to make and is absolutely delicious. Just buy frozen fruits from the grocery store, and a $15 blender and you're all set! I'll give you the recipe for my favorite smoothies in a minute, but for now check out these delicious fat blasting meals... Here are my 10 favorite breakfast recipes... Eggs & Fruit 2-3 eggsBowl of Fruit (or piece of fruit)Drink (water, tea, coffee) Eggs can be cooked however you like. Cook them in a pan with a SMALL amount of olive oil (like a tbsp) If you make an omelet you can add veggies such as onions, peppers, tomatoes and broccoli. Make sure you have a small bowl of fruit like strawberries, bananas, apples or oranges. If you're over 160 lbs you can eat a large bowl of fruit, or just add in a whole piece of fruit (such as one of the fruits above) Strawberry-Banana Smoothie Get out your blender and fill it with 5 ice cubes, 8 strawberries, a banana and a little bit of water (like ¼ of a cup) This will make a 12- 16 oz smoothie. You can also use frozen fruit, as it lasts longer and there’s no prep with frozen fruit. Just make sure you add a bit more water and don't use as much ice.


Blueberry-Banana-Pineapple Smoothie Get out your blender and fill it with frozen blueberries (1 cup or less), a banana and frozen pineapple (½ cup or so). Add some water to the blender (about 1 cup or less). Blend up and enjoy! Hard Boiled Eggs 2-3 hard boiled eggsPiece of fruit (banana, orange, strawberries, apples etc)Drink (water, tea, coffee) Hard boil your eggs on Saturday or Sunday. You can do 8-12 at once, and then when you want them throughout the week just grab them out of the fridge and eat em! These also work well if you're on the go. Home Made Apple Sauce 2 apples chopped (I used Pink Lady apples - if you can get these they are out of this world!)1 cup strawberries, sliced (I used frozen)1/2 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp nutmeg1/2 tsp allspice8 macadamia nuts (or walnuts) Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and mix until it becomes an applesauce like consistency. You can also use a blender for this as well. Yummy Apple Breakfast 1 large apple (any type), chopped into bite sized pieces1 medium carrot, gratedSmall handful of raisinsCinnamon (a great fat burning spice!) Mix the apple, carrot and raisins in a bowl, sprinkle cinnamon over the top and enjoy!


Berry Morning 1 cup fresh strawberries1 cup fresh blueberries½ tangerine, sectioned1 tablespoon fresh squeezed orange juice1 teaspoon vanilla (optional, but very good)Ground nutmegFresh mint Mix all of the ingredients in the bowl & enjoy! Salmon Rolls 1 Avocado 1 Tbs Lime Juice 1 Tbs Olive Oil 2 cloves Garlic 4-5 Thin Slices Of Smoked Salmon Mash together the avocado with finely chopped garlic, the lime juice, and olive oil. Allow to cool in the refrigerator. Lay out the salmon in strips and place a few spoons of the mash on the salmon. Roll the salmon up like a sushi roll. This is a good breakfast or lunch recipe – You can also make it ahead of time, as it sets well in the fridge. Veggie Omelet W/ Bacon & Fruit Bowl ½ cup of veggies (broccoli, spinach, red pepper etc)3 eggs2 slices baconLarge fruit bowl Grill up the veggies in a little bit of olive oil (1 tbsp). Add in the 3 eggs (scrambled) and cook until your desired doneness.


In a separate pan, cook up 2 slices of bacon. This usually takes about 8 minutes And pull out a large bowl & fill it with fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, oranges or bananas. Pretty basic – but this is one of my favorite go-to breakfast recipes. Fiesta Omelet 3 eggs½ cup of red pepper, onions, and garlicTomato Salsa (tomato + red onion + cilantro + lime juice)Side of fruit (berries, apples, banana, orange) Cook the veggies first in a TBSP of olive oil, and then throw the garlic in for about 30 seconds or so. After that add the eggs to the pan (scrambled already) and cook until your desired doneness. Serve with tomato salsa on top and a big side of fruit.

Lunch Recipes After working with hundreds of clients 1 on 1, and also with people online, I’ve come to realize lunch is the one place where people have problems sticking to their nutrition plan. If you work in an office, you know how it is when everyone starts to order in together. Someone takes the order and you usually just go along with what everyone else orders. I was a lawyer for 4 years, and trust me I had my fair share of carb loaded subs, pizza and sandwiches. This is an absolute KILLER to your fat loss quest. Make sure you prepare lunch ahead of time! I like to prepare my lunches on Sunday for 3 days, and then on Wednesday night I can prepare Thurs & Friday's meals. Just pack them up in some GLAD plastic containers & take them to work with you! I'll say it again, preparation is the key to results, and this is especially true for lunch. Grilled Chicken Salad This is my go-to meal for lunch when I'm trying to get lean. This is also my 31

favorite meal when I'm eating out. Pretty much any restaurant will have this (even if its not on the menu) Chicken Breast (size of your palm)Chopped TomatoesChopped CucumbersAny other veggies you’d like (carrots work well)Balsamic Vinegar (3 parts olive oil and 1 part balsamic vinegar. Add spices and garlic if you like)Bag of Spinach Grill your chicken breast in a pan with some olive oil. Add any spices you'd like to your chicken. Chop up your tomatoes and cucumber (plus any other veggies you like). Put the veggies in a big bowl of spinach (use as much spinach as you'd like). Cut up your chicken breast and layer on top of the salad. For the vinaigrette, mix 3 parts of olive oil with 1 part of balsamic vinegar. You can put this in a blender or just mix it with a fork. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and it will be ready to serve. Like I said this meal is perfect for taking to work as well. You can just package up your spinach/veggies/chicken/dressing in separate containers or bags and prepare them for 2-3 days of the week. Pan Seared Chicken + Cilantro Salsa Chicken and salsa go very well together. This is a pretty easy dish to make, and you can put a bunch of little tweaks into it to make it how you'd like. 1 Chicken Breast (size of your palm)2 tomatos1 small bunch of cilantro¼ cup of red onion¼ cup of green pepper (or yellow)squirt of lime juicesalt + pepper to taste Cook your chicken breast however you'd like. If you can do it on a grill, then go for that. Otherwise pan sear it with a bit of olive oil & add salt and pepper to taste. Get out the cutting board and chop up your tomatoes, onion & pepper. Mix it all


in a bowl, and add in some lime juice & salt & pepper for taste. Stuffed Chicken Breast As far as the seasonings, experiment with your favorite fresh herbs and spices. I used garlic powder, oregano, and thyme for this batch. • Large boneless, skinless chicken breasts• 1-2 Tbsp tahini per chicken breast• Chopped tomato• Shredded spinach• Seasonings to taste With a sharp knife, slice the chicken breasts lengthwise, making a pocket to stuff. Spread the tahini in each chicken pocket. Fill with the spinach and tomato, or other veggies of your choice. Add any seasonings, close the chicken breast, and place in a baking dish. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Mustard Dill Tuna ● 1 Can Tuna (or bagged tuna)● ¼ cup celery● 1 TBSP mustard● 1 oz dill While this canned tuna meal could be made using dill spice, using fresh dill will often taste much better. To prepare this canned tuna meal, open one can of tuna into a bowl (drain the liquid), then stir in one tablespoon of mustard, a ¼-cup of chopped celery, and one ounce of freshly chopped dill. Turkey Salad With Veggies ● 1 Cup Chopped Turkey Breast● tomatoes● celery● cucumber


● red onion● bag of spinach● Balsamic Vinegar (3 parts olive oil and 1 part balsamic vinegar. Add spices and garlic if you like) Chop us your turkey breast into smaller bite size pieces. Then cut up your tomatoes, celery, cucumber and red onion. Get out a big bowl and put as much spinach as you'd like in there. Add in your vegetables & turkey breast. Toss everything together for a little bit and add your dressing. Toss again and serve. The No Bun Burger... ¼ lb of ground beef (the leaner the better, but at least get 80-20)grilled onionslettucetomatoBig side of steamed squash, zucchini and green beanssalt & pepper Cut up your veggies into small pieces. Add salt and pepper and steam them in a pan (with a lid) with ¼ of water for about 5 minutes. Set them aside and start to work on your burger. For the burger, put ¼ lb of ground beef in a bowl. Add some salt & pepper. You may also add a SMALL amount of hot sauce or Worcestershire sauce if you like. Chop up your onions into small ½ inch pieces. Make a pretty flat hamburger patty with your hands. The flatter you make it the quicker it will cook. Pan sear it with a bit of olive oil until your desired doneness. While this is cooking, make sure to add in your chopped onions to the pan. Let them cook until they are a caramel brown color. Top your burger with lettuce, tomato and the onions. Serve the big side of fresh veggies along with it! If you're using this for lunch, pack your burger in a plastic container & your veggies in a separate container. You can take this to work & heat it up in the microwave (or oven) and be ready to eat in 2 minutes.


Turkey Wrap ¼ cup of carrots¼ cup of cucumber¼ cup of mushrooms¼ cup of zucchini¼ cup of green onionBalsamic Vinaigrette dressing (optional)A Big piece of leaf lettuce for the wrap In this recipe, we're ditching the tortilla wrap and using a big crisp piece of leaf lettuce instead. Chop up ¼ cup (or more) of carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, zucchini and green onion. Chop up a palm full of turkey breast as well. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl with a TBSP of your balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Lay out a big piece of fresh leaf lettuce, and scoop the ingredients from the bowl into the leaf lettuce. Wrap the leaf lettuce around the veggies and turkey & enjoy! Fruit Salad ¼ cup of cut up grapes¼ cup of cut up oranges¼ cup of apples¼ cup of bananas¼ cup of pineapple Place all the fruit in a GLAD plastic container. Sometimes I like to squeeze the remainder of the orange over the top for more flavor. Just mix it up and you'll have a quick and easy lunch that you can prepare ahead of time. Orange Chicken & Veggies 1 chicken breast (size of your palm)½ cup of broccoli½ cup of squash


½ cup of zucchiniJuice from an orange & lemon juice Cut up your veggies into small pieces. Add salt & pepper to them and cook them in a small amount of olive oil. While they're being cooked, squeeze about ¼ cup of the juice from an orange and also add a small amount of juice from a lemon to the veggies. This small amount of juice will be fine for cooking purposes. Cook a chicken breast in a pan with a small amount of olive oil. Add salt and pepper to your chicken breast if you'd like. Once it’s done, set it aside and let it rest... Cut up your chicken breast and add it to the top of the veggies. This dish can easily be prepared ahead of time & packaged for lunch the next day. Summer Salad 2-3 cups mixed salad greens1/2 cup fresh blueberries1/2 cup fresh peach slices (Mango and cantaloupe are good, too)1 ounce walnuts, chopped Dressing1 whole orange, peeled and sectioned1/2 cup red berries (Raspberries and strawberries work beautifully. Cranberries are a particular favorite of mine, as I like a bit of tartness in food and people alike.)1/4 cup olive oil or coconut oil (Coconut oil will solidify and make the dressing grainer, but it imparts wonderful flavor.)1/4 cup lemon juice You can save this dressing, don’t use all of it on just one salad! Just grab a big bag of mixed salad greens. Add your blueberries & peach slices. Add a small handful of walnuts (chopped). Blend the dressing ingredients in a blender until it’s a pinkish color. You can just put the dressing in a container and store it in the fridge for a few days. Drizzle the dressing over your salad and you're ready to eat. It’s that simple!


Dinner Ideas Pork Tenderloin w/ home made cranberry sauce w/spinach salad Pork (size of your palm) (cheap or expensive whatever you can afford)CranberriesBig helping of asparagus with a squeeze of lemon (Mrs. Dash seasoning is great too)Spinach salad w/ tomatoes, cucumber & olive oil/balsamic dressing Cook your cranberries on low heat in a sauce pan. You can also add a dash of balsamic vinegar to them as well. Cook your pork to your desired doneness and then drizzle cranberry sauce over the top. Service with a large portion of asparagus with some lemon squeezed over the top. Steak w/onions & green beans w/ spinach salad Steak (size of your palm)White/yellow/Spanish onion cut upFresh green beans (w/ salt and pepper if needed)Spinach salad w/ tomatoes, cucumber & olive oil/balsamic dressing Grill or Pan sear your steak to the doneness you'd like. Add a touch of olive oil to the pan and put the onions in. Grill them til they're caramel in color. Steam the green beans in a pot with a ¼ inch of water (put the lid on). The beans should take about 5 minutes to finish. Grab a plate and layer the onions over the steak, serve the green beans on the


side. Baked Salmon w/ cucumber salad Salmon (size of your palm)½ cup of cucumbers½ cup of tomatoes1/8 cup red onion1 ½ TBSP of olive oil/balsamic vinaigrette(Piece of fruit/ another vegetable if still hungry) Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Season salmon with salt and pepper. Place salmon, skin side down, on a non-stick baking sheet or in a non-stick pan with an oven-proof handle. Squirt some lemon/lime or juice from an orange over top of the salmon. Bake until salmon is cooked through, about 12 to 15 minutes. For the cucumber salad put the cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion in a bowl and mix them up. Add in the olive oil/vinaigrette dressing. If you have 20 minutes let it sit in the fridge, it will make it taste even better. Add some pepper and salt if needed. Taco Wraps 1 lb of Ground Beef (Get 95 -5 if you can afford it)½ cup of onionsDash of garlicchipotle pepper (ground up)1 tomatosalt, pepperLoose leaf lettuce (crisp if you can find it) Grill the onions up in a pan with a small amount of olive oil. Add in the ground beef and cook until your desired doneness. Add in garlic, chipotle pepper, salt & pepper. When everything is ready, spoon it out and wrap with a crisp piece of lettuce. If you like tomatoes, chop them up and add them in over the top of the meat. This will feed multiple people, or you can just refrigerate the left overs and eat them for lunch/dinner.


Pan Seared Yellow Fin Tuna W/ Veggies Pan Seared Yellow fin tuna with steamed squash and zucchini4 ounce yellow fin tuna steak (about the size of your palm) (sushi grade)1 cup yellow squash1 cup zucchini1 tsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp black pepper Lightly coat tuna steak with olive oil and pepper on both sides Pan-sear the tuna over med-high heat 1.5 min on each side (rare) or 2 min on each side (med).Steam the veggies Take the veggies and place them in a pan with ¼ inch of water. Cover the pan with a lid and steam for 5 minutes or so. This is a very simple, but delicious dish. Chicken Wraps 1 Chicken breast (size of your palm)1/4 cup of chopped tomatoesA small palm full of red onion (middle of your palm)Loose Leaf LettuceBig serving of a fruit bowl (apple, grapes, oranges)1 TBSP of olive oil/balsamic vinegar mix Cook a chicken breast in some olive oil. Usually about 5 minutes per side or so. When it reaches your desired doneness, pull it off and set it on your cutting board. Let it rest for 3-5 minutes, then chop the chicken up into small pieces. Pull out a large piece of leaf lettuce, and lay a portion of your cooked chicken inside it. Add your tomatoes, red onion (and any other veggies) to it. Drizzle the vinaigrette mix over the top of the chicken & veggies. Wrap it all up in the leaf lettuce and enjoy. Eats as many of these as you need to finish your chicken breast (size of your palm).


Add in a side of a big serving of fruit bowl for a complete meal. Grilled Cod W/ a Fruity Marinade This recipe feeds 2-3 people ¼ cup fresh orange juice (from an orange, not out of the carton)1 ½ tablespoon lemon juice3 tablespoons lime juice1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper2 minced garlic cloves2 tablespoons olive oil1 lb cod filets2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme A large side of asparagus Combine orange, lemon and lime juices in a bowl with cayenne pepper, garlic, olive oil and 1/3 cup of water to make the marinade. Place fish in a flat dish and pour in the marinade and then marinate the fish 15 minutes. Light your grill and add the fish – grill fish 3 to 4 minutes per side, basting often with the marinade. Serve the fish with a spoonful of marinade and sprinkle with chives and thyme. Maine Pot Roast This is a great recipe to make while you’re at work. All you need is a crockpot. This recipe will feed 5-6 people. So either feed your family and friends with it or pack the leftovers in a container to take to work with you for the week. 3 pound lean beef roast¼ teaspoon pepper2 onions chopped up4 carrots chopped up1 celery stalk chopped up1 bay leaf5 cups of water1 small cabbage cut into wedges


Sprinkle meat with seasonings. Like salt and pepper. Place onions, carrots and celery into a crock-pot. Top with the meat. Add bay leaf and water. Cover pot and cook on low for five to seven hours or until meat is tender. Remove meat; turn on high. Add cabbage wedges, cover and cook on high 15-20 minutes or until cabbage is done. This one is delicious and will save you a lot of time since it can make 5-6 meals for you. Grilled Pork Chops If the weather permits, grill these babies outside. If not, I would just do them in the oven on 375 for about 35-40 minutes. You'll want the internal temperature to be around 145 degrees or so. ¼ cup fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons olive oil3 garlic minced garlic cloves¼ teaspoon ground thyme¼ teaspoon black pepper¼ teaspoon dried oregano6 lean pork chops, one inch thick and trimmed of all visible fat Large side of broccoli & carrots In a shallow pan blend all ingredients except the pork. Add pork chops and cover and refrigerate overnight if you want them to be even tastier Grill chops for 8 minutes per side or until done, while frequently basting chops with marinade.

Snacks For the snacks in the meal plan, you can have snacks 2x per day. Snacks should be just enough food to tide you over til your next big meal. Don't go hog wild on your snacking :) Here are some of my favorite snacks ● 6 -10 nuts (walnuts, almonds) 41

● 4 celery sticks with a small amount of natural almond or cashew butter ● 1 apple with natural almond butter/cashew butter● 1 orange● a bowl of strawberries● 1 banana● a small bowl of carrots For convenience purposes I usually stick with an apple. Its easy as can be to grab and go. It's delicious and you can try different types of apples if you get bored with one certain kind. A Can of Tuna + Carrots I use this as a meal or snack when I’m trying to get extra lean. It also worksas a good post workout meal if you happen to be doing resistance training.

Fat Blasting Meals For Vegetarians

This is a section I added when I started to notice lots of vegetarian questions coming to me via emails. The biggest problem that most vegetarians have is their diets are usually very reliant on grains, beans, and potatoes (and dairy for those who are not strict vegan) – and as you now know these are the 2 of the biggest causes of weight gain. So if you’re a vegetarian, be sure to watch your portion sizes on the following meals. And if you are not a vegetarian, stick to the earlier listed recipes.


Make sure you also use some of the meals I listed above, as many of them are vegetarian friendly! Let's get to the delicious recipes! Chili Flavored Quinoa & Black Beans 1 cup of quinoa, uncooked1 can black beans1 can crushed tomatoes2 tsp olive oil3 cloves of garlic, minced1/2 yellow onion, chopped1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes2 tsp chili powder1 tsp cumin1/2 tsp black pepper1/2 tsp dried oregano1/2 tsp dried basilParsley as garnish if desired Cook the quinoa by adding one cup of quinoa to 1 1/2 cups of water. Bring to a quick boil and then reduce to low heat. Cover and cook until done (30 - 35 minutes). In a large pan or wok heat olive oil over high heat and add garlic, onion, and red pepper flakes. Sauté for a minute or two and then add the black beans (drained) and tomatoes (undrained). Reduce the heat to medium and cook the bean and tomato mixture for 2 - 4 minutes, stirring occasionally and then add the quinoa to the pan. Add the chili powder, cumin, black pepper, oregano, and basil. Stir the entire mixture until over medium heat for 5 minutes or until done. Garnish with parsley and serve with a large spinach salad or other vegetable of your choice. Stir Fried Tempeh & Veggies 16 ounces tempeh, cut into cubes2 cloves of garlic, mincedFresh ginger, minced, about 1 tsp1 red bell pepper, cubed1/2 red onion, cubed2 carrots, chopped1 cup broccoli florets3 tsp olive oil


1 tsp balsamic vinegar2 tsp soy sauce Heat 2 tsp of the oil over high heat in a large pan or wok. Sautee the garlic and ginger for a minute or two. Add tempeh and stirring often, cook until browned (about 5 minutes). Add the vinegar and soy sauce and stir until well coated. Remove tempeh and any remaining liquid and set aside. Add remaining oil to the pan and heat. Add onion and peppers, and stir fry for 2 - 3 minutes. Add carrots and broccoli and cook all vegetables for an additional 3 -4 minutes. Place the tempeh and liquid back into the pan and cook all ingredients for another minute or two. Tofu Chili 1 package of extra firm tofu, crumbled1 onion, chopped1 green pepper, chopped2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil3 cloves of garlic, minced3 tbsp chili powder1/2 tsp cayenne pepper1/2 tsp paprika1 can diced tomatoes1 can kidney beans, drained In a large pot, sauté the tofu in the olive oil over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add the onions, green pepper, and garlic and cook for 3 - 4 minutes. Add the undrained can of tomatoes, kidney beans, chili powder, cayenne pepper, and paprika. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for at least one hour for optimum flavor. Sweet Potatoes And Spinach With Curry 3 sweet potatoes peeled and cubed12 ounces fresh spinach, chopped and shredded1 onion, chopped14 ounces coconut milk2 tbsp curry paste1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Heat the olive oil in a pan over high heat. Add the onions and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the sweet potatoes, coconut milk, and curry paste and stir.


Cover the pan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about an hour. Uncover, add the spinach, and continue cooking for about 3 minutes. Serve immediately. 3 Bean Salad 1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed1 can black beans, drained and rinsed2 bell peppers, chopped1 red onion, chopped1/4 cup fresh cilantro1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil1/2 cup red wine vinegar2 tbsp lime juice1 tbsp lemon juice1 clove garlic, minced1/2 tbsp cumin1 tsp black pepper1/2 tsp chili powder In a large bowl, combine beans, peppers, and onion. In a separate bowl, blend olive oil, vinegar, lime juice, lemon juice, garlic, cilantro, cumin, black pepper, and chili powder. Pour the olive oil mixture over the beans, peppers, and onions and mix well. Refrigerate and serve cold. Spaghetti Squash With Red Sauce 1 small spaghetti squash, halved and seeded1/2 yellow onion, chopped2 green onions, minced3 cloves garlic, minced2 cans crushed tomatoes1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil2 tsp fresh oregano, minced2 tsp fresh basil, minced Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place each squash half cut side down on a cookie sheet and bake uncovered for about an hour or until a fork easily pierces the shell. Allow to cool a bit and scoop out the strands of squash and set aside. Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the yellow onion, garlic, and green onion and sauté for 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes, oregano, and basil and bring to a low boil. Lower the heat and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Top squash with the tomato sauce and serve.


Kale Stir Fry With Lemon And Tomato 4 large kale leaves, chopped2 tomatoes, choppedJuice of 1/2 lemon3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil3 cloves of garlic, minced2 tsp fresh basil, minced1/2 tsp red pepper flakesSlivered almonds to taste In a pan or wok, heat oil over high heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and sauté for a minute or two. Add kale and stir for another minute or two. Add tomato, lemon juice, and basil. Cook mixture stirring frequently until the kale leaves have shrunk to half their original size. Serve and sprinkle almonds over top. Cajun Red Beans And Rice 1 can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed2 cups brown rice2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 yellow onion, chopped1 bell pepper, chopped3 cloves garlic, minced2 stalks of celery, chopped1/2 tsp cayenne pepper1 tsp dried thyme1 tsp dried parsley1/4 dried sage1 tsp Cajun seasoning Cook rice in a sauce pan or rice cooker and set aside. In a pan, heat oil over high heat. Add onion, pepper, celery, and garlic and sauté for 2 or 3 minutes. Add beans, cayenne pepper, and Cajun seasoning and cook for 2 - 3 minutes, adding a small amount of oil if necessary. Combine bean mixture with rice and add thyme, parsley, and sage. Toss well so all ingredients are combined and serve warm. Lentil Soup


1 cup dry lentils1 yellow onion, diced1 carrot, sliced2 celery stalks, chopped4 cups vegetable broth1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil2 bay leaves1/2 tsp black pepper1/2 tsp dried thyme In a large pot, sauté the onion, carrots, and celery in the olive oil for about 3 minutes over high heat. Add the vegetable broth, lentils, pepper, thyme, and bay leaves. Reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook until the lentils are soft, about 45 minutes. Remove bay leaves and serve. Stuffed Peppers With Quinoa And Tomatoes 2 green bell peppers, halved and seeded1 cup quinoa, uncooked1 tomato, diced2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil2 green onions, chopped1 tsp dried basil1 tsp Italian seasoning1/4 tsp black pepper Cook the quinoa by adding one cup of quinoa to 1 1/2 cups of water. Bring to a quick boil and then reduce to low heat. Cover and cook until done (30 - 35 minutes). Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the peppers cut-side down on a baking sheet, being sure to use some of the oil to "grease" the peppers so they do not stick to the sheet. Bake the peppers for 30 minutes or until tender and the skin starts to brown. While the peppers are roasting, heat remaining oil in pan over high heat. Cook the onion, basil, Italian seasoning, and pepper for about 2 minutes. Stir in the tomato and cook for 5 minutes. Add the quinoa and stir until well mixed. Spoon the quinoa mixture into the pepper halves and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Serve immediately.


The Dirty Truth About Supplements

I have a love/hate relationship with supplements and the supplement industry. Here’s my take on what works and what doesn’t... 98% of supplements are complete crap. They’re usually nothing more than rice powder and some crushed upenergy booster to make you feel like it’s doing something. Certainly all of the popular bodybuilding and fat loss supplements are like this... However, there are a few supplements that I will ALWAYS recommend my clients take if they can afford it. Here’s the caveat though... If you’re on a budget and you’re deciding between a $30 supplement or eating better food, please don’t be an idiot and pick the supplement. Spending your money on all-natural, organic foods is a much better bang for your buck than most supplements. Now with that said, there are a lot of benefits that you can get from my 2 favorite supplements... And I recommend these to ALL of my clients... 1. Essential Fatty Acid (sometimes called fish oil) Unlike most fish oil pills that give you fishy burps and taste kind of gross, my favorite EFA is made from krill oil. Krill oil packs an Omega 3 punch that is proven to be up to 47x more effective than regular fish oil pills! Your average fish oil pill at the grocery store doesn’t cut it. In all reality to get any benefit from those types of fish oil you’d need to consume upwards of 20+ pills per day. This is why I really favor the EFA made from krill oil. Here’s a few of the biggest benefits of the EFA... - helps promote fat burning- better heart health (reduces inflammation)- lowers bad cholesterol- gets rid of achey knees, elbows and general pains- makes up for the lack of fish and Omega 3’s in most diets


- no fishy aftertaste or fish burps... Now you’re probably wondering where you can get this Krill Oil EFA without spending an arm and a leg on it... Well, I setup a special deal for this EFA supplement through my friend’s at Prograde Nutrition just for you. If you go to the website below, you’ll see a short video of me explaining the EFA supplement and exactly what you need to do to order it and get my discount on it... Here is the website you need to go to... -> If you’ve never heard of Prograde, here is why I recommend them. I personally know the owners of Prograde, and they use only the best all natural, organic ingredients in their supplements. Most supplement companies use all synthetic vitamins and minerals, which are terrible for your body. But Prograde uses ACTUAL vitamins and nutrients that are from real foods. This means you’ll get much better absorption of the nutrients and your body will actually be able to use them to help you burn more fat, increase your heart health, lower cholesterol and get rid of your bodily aches and pains... If you want to order this EFA supplement, just go to the website below and I’ll show you exactly what you need to do on there... -> Now, along with a good EFA supplement, the other supplement that I recommend is an all natural multi vitamin... 2. All Natural Multi Vitamin The dirty truth about most multi vitamins you’ll find in the grocery store is that they’re chocked full of synthetic vitamins, and all kinds of artificial dyes, artificial sweeteners and cheap oils. It’s really pretty disgusting when you actually look at the labels...So one of the thing’s I highly recommend when you get a multi-vitamin is that you get an all-natural one that’s actually made from real food! Not some crazy pill that was constructed in a test tube with artificial ingredients!


Multi-Vitamins are essential for most people for a few reasons... -> Most of us do not eat a wide variety of foods-> Boost your immune system-> Allow you to absorb food better (which will help with fat loss)-> Helps with digestion and stomach issues-> Increases your energy levels-> serve as an “insurance policy” in case you are missing vital nutrients and vitamins Like I said before, I do not recommend any other multi-vitamin except an all-natural one. My friend’s at Prograde Nutrition have one of the best multi-vitamins (one for men, one for women) that I have ever seen... You can get more info on their multi-vitamin and how to order it on the page I setup for you below... -> On that page you’ll find a video of me showing you exactly how you can order the multi vitamin from Prograde and you’ll also get a special deal that I set up just for my Belly Be Gone Diet customers!

Final Words From VicYou CAN do this!

You may have tried to lose weight and failed in the past, you may feel like you are destined to be fat. . . but I’m telling you, YOU CAN DO THIS! I’m confident that you can do this, because so many other ordinary people just like you have changed how they eat with the Belly Be Gone Diet and lost their bellies. People just like Butch. . . “It’s been 2 months now. My diet consists mostly of Fruit, Nuts, Veggies, Meat, Fish and Eggs. My wife and I grocery shop to meet your nutrition plan. We plan meals ahead and have fruit and veggie snacks readily available. My favorite treat is a Strawberry and Banana Smoothie with no sugar and no sweetener. My clothes fit, I can get up out of a chair without aching, and I sleep through the night. In 2 months I’ve lost 40 pounds, going from 327 to 287. I’m 64 and I feel


younger every day. Thanks Vic!” ~ Butch Bondoc As I’ve already said, give the program a try for just 14 days. If you stick to the program as designed, you will see a noticeable drop in the size of your belly in only 2 weeks. And with that success in such a short amount of time, you will build momentum to continue getting rid of your belly. But getting rid of your belly is just the start. Sure it’s the outward appearance, but it is the changes “inside” that will truly amaze you. Your energy levels will improve. Friends and family will smile and congratulate you when they see your success. And you’ll have a level of confidence that can only come with being in control of your health. All of those positive results are worth following the program for a measly 14 days. Consider the first two weeks a simple experiment - an experiment in living as your best self. You can do this. As always, Im here to help if you need me.... just email me directly [email protected], and I will help you with anything you need! Your friend, - Vic Magary