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How to Use Twitter Ads for Lead Generation

Jon Rognerud

Twitter advertising is another opportunity for you to drive targeted traffic. That includes showing your ads to a specific audience, at the right location and the right time.

In this post, you’ll learn the 7 areas to consider when using Twitter ads for lead generation.

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7 steps to discover success in Twitter Advertising:

1. Sign up for a Twitter account, and go to ads.twitter.com2. Use Keyword targeting for specific event

campaigns. For example, if you are hosting an upcoming webinar or workshop with a limited window of dates, the best way to capitalize on the influx of relevant users is to insert yourself into the conversation using keyword targeting. (A 1-3% CTR is considered “good”)Run a 30-50+ keyword-targeted campaign. This is great for major events. You can add @usernames, #hashtags, and keywords/keyword phrases into any keyword Promoted Tweet campaign. Make sure to keep it extremely relevant, and try to avoid single words or extremely broad keywords. Also add competitor keywords where applicable.

3. Target your own @username and keywords. Make sure that you are inserting yourself into the conversation when

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users are searching for you. Especially for large promotional campaigns, this is crucial to add to your keywords.

4. Use duplicate campaigns for different geo-locations. Different audiences (@handle themes) can engage differently based on geolocation. You want to test this by segmenting duplicate campaigns with singular locations.

5. Have 4-6 Direct Response tweets. Have a clear call-to-action, strong engagement/benefit to the user, and a URL at the end of the tweet. Do not have any other clickable media within the tweet. Have an even mix of plain text, and picture variants to test for highest overall engagements/conversions. Continue to test this. Use of images in Tweets have shown a doubling in engagement (clicks)!

6. Bid and budget aggressively. Estimated Audience Reach and suggested bid change based on how niche your targeting is. You want to remain competitive with your bid in each specific campaign – keeping in mind, bidding aggressively simply means you’ll win more real-time auctions/impressions, and you only pay $0.01 more than the 2nd highest bidder. Also adjust for a daily Audience Reach you are comfortable with.

7. Proactively pause low-performers. You don’t want to waste impressions on low performers, and you always want to continue testing against your champion Tweet (after 500-1000 impressions) and Campaign variants. You want to allot as much budget as possible to high-performers).As you can see, it follows the well-known ‘relevancy’ model for targeting, and can expose your brand to your audience via Twitter. When you are found organically (search engines) and seen ‘everywhere’ socially – you’ll get deeper brand exposure as well as good traffic for your Twitter Lead Generation. Continue to build and test as you progress.

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