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Business Decision Support

The Pemberton Index – How to use it (1)

The Pemberton Index is a scale from 0 to 10 points, that each person can easily obtain based on answering

12 different statements that cover different happiness dimensions:

- Questions 1 to 11 are answered based on a 0-10 point scale. The questions should appear rotated

- The score of the negative item “I have a lot of bad moments in my daily life” need to be

reversed. For instance, if the answer for this item is 2, them the final score is 8 (10-2). If the

answer is 4, the final score will be 6 (10-4)

- Question 12 is built of answering YES/NO to 10 simple things experienced yesterday (5 positives

and 5 negatives, all rotated

- Each “Yes “ in positive experiences is 1 point (items 1,3, 5, 7 & 9)

- Each “No” in negative experiences add 1 point. (items 2,4,6,8 & 10)

- Therefore, adding the total points in the ten things experimented yesterday, it provides a 0-10

score for Question 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Page 2: How to use it

Business Decision Support

The Pemberton Index – How to use it (2)




Score Q1 + Score Q2 + Score Q3 + Score Q4 + Score Q5 + Score Q6 + Score Q7 +

Score Q8 + Score Q9 + Score Q10(1) + Score Q11 + Score Q12(2)



The final score is equal to sum each of the scores of the 12 questions and then divided the sum per 12.

Aditionally, it is possible to differentiate between the remembered vs. the

experience wellbeing



Score Q1 + Score Q2 + Score Q3 + Score Q4 + Score Q5 + Score Q6 +

Score Q7 + Score Q8 + Score Q9 + Score Q10(1) + Score Q11




(1) The score of this item need to be rotated to sum to the others scores

(2) Items 2,4,6,8 & 10 need to be rotated to sum to the others scores

= Score 12 = Items (1 + 3 + 5 +7 +9) + Items(2) (2+ 4 +6 +8 +10)

Page 3: How to use it

4. The Pemberton index in a “screen” questionnaire (1)

This protocol is for “screen” questionnaire methodologies, it is CAWI or CAPI.

Pemberton Index must be showed in 3 screens Two screens1 for questions 1 to

11 (rotated) and another one screen for Q12 (rotated).

The fact of showing different statement in the same screen is because it helps to

the people to better calibrate the differences among the different statements.

Adittionally, the questionnaire becomes shorter as the number of screen is lower

Ideally, Q1 to Q11 would be show in just only one screen but we finnally see that

the sizes of letter of each statement was very small to read it properly.

1 Ideally, Q1 to Q11 would be show in just only one screen but in one screen the size of letter of each statement is very small, therefore, the statements

can not be read properly.

Page 4: How to use it

Each statement need to be differentiated from the previous and the following for a visual element (not very notorious, maybe a small highlighting - avoiding strong / powerful/ meaningful colors – maybe a line or something similar)

Faced to help people to better differentiate each of the responses, it is necessary that the interviewed can see

several items at the same time

Introductory sentences explaining the scale and the

type of answer


4. The Pemberton index in a “screen” questionnaire (2)

Q1 to Q11 – First screen

Page 5: How to use it

Classified - Internal use

4. The Pemberton index in a “screen” questionnaire (3)

Q1 to Q11 – Second screen


Page 6: How to use it

Classified - Internal use

4. The Pemberton index in a “screen” questionnaire (4)


ROTATE STATEMENT(both positive and negative experiences)

Introductory sentence explaining the instruction

Page 7: How to use it

Score Interpretation

0-3,70 Very Low

This test assesses happiness defined as a state of "deep" well-being, and engagement and satisfaction with life. In your case, from your answers it can be inferred that your happiness level is very low. You may be going through an extremely difficult time or having significant problems in several areas of your life (e.g., work, family). You may also be experiencing some form of physical or psychological disorder (e.g. cancer, depression, alcoholism) that can perhaps be addressed by a health professional. In any case, it's good to know that many people have stages in their life they feel unhappy. Most times these stages have a beginning and an end, which to some extent can be varied and, therefore, it is important to start or continue working to improve your life.


This test assesses happiness defined as a state of "deep" and involvement and satisfaction with life. In your case, from your answers it can be inferred that your happiness level is low. You may be going through a difficult time which means that this state is transient if you successfully face the challenges that life presents. Another possibility is that you have a problem in one area of your life (e.g., work, family, health). If your level of happiness has always been that low, it may imply that your life has always been missing something important, or that your do not fully match what you really need. With the help of others –friends, family, professionals- and some efforts to improve what is under your control, it is possible that you can cover these gaps, improve your life, and become considerably happier.


This test assesses happiness defined as a state of "deep" well-being, and engagement and satisfaction with life. In your case, from your answers it can be inferred that your happiness level is intermediate. You may have been significantly happier at other times in your life. There are common challenges everyone face throughout the life cycle and happiness fluctuates, sometimes is better, sometimes worse. It may be that your level of happiness has been stable for some time and you feel that you might be happier. In this case, changing some aspects of your life can lead to a significant happiness improvement. Sometimes it is not easy to find the keys to improve one’s own happiness but being aware of your condition and trying to make plans to improve it usually makes a difference. You can probably learn something useful just looking at what other beloved people do to sustain their happiness.


This test assesses happiness defined as a state of "deep" well-being, and engagement and satisfaction with life. In your case, from your answers it can be inferred that your happiness level is high. Congratulations! It is very likely that to get your current happiness level you have to overcome obstacles and strive to have the right attitude in many adverse life situations. If in the future, if your happiness level dimishes, it would be a good idea to put in practice those things that have worked for you in the past and allow yourself to try new ways to regain your previous levels of happiness. Notice that happiness, like relationships, is something to be caring and nurturing to not wither. And, please, do not forget that happiness is also a modest collective task. Thus, if you feel happy try to make happier other people around you by doing small daily gestures to "influence" them in a positive way.

9,2-10Very High

This test assesses happiness defined as a state of "deep" well-being, and engagement and satisfaction with life. In your case, from your answers it can be inferred that your happiness level is very high. Congratulations, you have probably a natural predisposition towards happiness but is also very likely that you take the right decisions and strive everyday to maintain a proper balance in your life. As far as possible, try to make small daily gestures to "influence" people around you and to involve others to enjoy that privilege. Happiness is also a modest collective task. If in the future your happiness level is reduced, do not desperate. It is common to swing depending on life circumstances, but human beings have a great capacity to adapt and with some time you can regain your current happiness level. Remember that happiness, like relationships, is something to be caring and nurturing to not wither. Furthermore, there is no “ceiling effect” in happiness. Despite your high score, you can still grow and have a even more fulfilling life.