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Page 2: How to stop your depression

How to

stop your


How to bring an end to depression?

Tell me something honestly, have you taken more than one

antidepressant but are still feeling depressed? Are you really frustrated

that your depression keeps coming back? Let me tell you, you are not


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Many people are first told that they have depression of anxiety when, in

fact, they actually have a different medical condition. Of these people,

one in two will first be told that they have depression; one in four will be

told they have anxiety.

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There are a number of reasons why symptoms of depression may persist

despite taking medication. One of these reasons may be because patients

don’t always remember to tell their doctor about all the symptoms they

are experiencing.

Now for example, patients may talk to their doctors when they feel down

or depressed and are looking for relief. They may not talk about the

times when they have felt really good or energetic. In fact, patients often

think about these times as their good times or normal times.

In fact this is important information that can really help your doctor to

make a correct diagnosis and provide treatment that may help you feel

better. Getting a correct diagnosis is the first step to find a treatment that

is right for you.

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You have probably seen the commercials on television talking about the

you that used to be before depression set in. such commercials are

generally aired by drug companies promoting anti- depressants. But

what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not

everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression.

You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor

determining you are indeed suffering from this illness. That’s right;

depression is a real mental illness that often requires antidepressants or

therapy to relieve the symptoms.

You can’t fix depression by yourself and without treatment you will

likely face an uphill task you probably aren’t going to win. Let me tell

you the truth that more than 18 million people year are suffering from

depression. Now if you want to know how to bring an end to depression

then please visit how to stop your

What Is Bipolar Depression?

Bipolar depression is a form of depression that requires a different kind

of treatment. If you have questions about bipolar depression, be sure to

talk with your doctor. Several treatments, including some new

medications, along with support from your doctor, can help people

manage their symptoms over time.

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Bipolar depression is one part of bipolar disorder, a chronic but treatable

illness. Sufferers usually have episodes of depression lows and episodes

of increased energy, racing thoughts or anxiety highs. Untreated bipolar

depression can affect an individual’s ability to function at work,

participate in social activities and maintain relationships.

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Getting an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment can help patients

with bipolar depression manage their symptoms and lead productive

lives. Now tell me something is you the parent of a child who is often


Are you a person who often feels down in dumps and depressed? This

blog offers advice for both parents and other family members and

children about how to deal with, reduce and even eradicate this


I remember from my own childhood have many periods when I was very

unhappy and sad. I was the type of person who would let aspects from

my life get on top of me which would at times affect my sleep patterns. I

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found growing up through childhood, into a teenager and ultimately into

my adulthood as one choir and struggle.

I was forever comparing my own life to that of my brother, sister and

friends. Their lives seemed so much easier that what mine was and this

made me feel quite jealous of them. Looking back one of my faults was

that I was not willing to discuss my worries and fears with my parents

and basically keep them bottled up inside me.

This meant of course that I had to deal with each and every issue or

problem on my own without any outside help or advice. I wish I had

been more open with my family as I think my lie would have been much

happier if I had.

Now to all parents I would advise them to always look out for your child

and gage how they are coping with life and feel if they are in an unhappy

period or mood. Then you should attempt to find out what is causing this

by trying to talk to them.

I am sure that will not be always happy to discuss these issues but you

should make sure that they understand that you will be here for them

when they are ready to open up. You should talk to them about your own

childhood and about the mistakes you feel that you made by keeping

your own worries to yourself. Now if you want to know What Is Bipolar

Depression then please visit how to stop your

The truth about depression?

In reality depression is a very serious matter which does not

discriminate. Depression does not care what your age is, what gender

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you are, or even what your race or social class is. Depression can often

make a person feel sad, helpless, hopeless and irritable.

It is normal for people to have these feelings sometimes, but some

people cannot just snap out of it and this is the difference between what

is normal and major depression. It is the determination and brutality of

the emotions that determine mental illness of depression from normal

mood changes.

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We are going to talk about different types of depression and how it can

really affect you. Depression is an illness that affects your body, mind,

disposition, thought, sleep, energy, concentration, weight, and much


Depression is not a mood, it is not a sign of personal weakness and it

cannot be simply willed away. Clinical depression is constant and can

interfere significantly with an individual’s ability to function by

emotional experiences of sadness, loss or passing mood states.

Clinical depression can be devastating to all areas of person’s everyday

life, including family, relationships, friendships and the ability to work

or go to school. Bipolar disorder or manic depression is a mood disorder,

which means that the symptoms are abnormalities of mood.

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Bipolar disorder involves episodes of both serious mania and depression.

Bipolar disorder can have a devastating impact on sufferer’s lives and

can lead to suicide if it is not treated. Major depression is a more

common illness, the symptoms of which are mainly those of low mood.

In reality several things can cause depression, one of the causes can be

attributed to a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that

signal from one nerve cell to another. The immune system of a

depressed person is usually very low and therefore ineffectively

responds to diseases like cancer.

The everyday stresses faced by Americans have simply become too

much for many to bear, and reasonably so. In recent years, taking an anti

anxiety medication or antidepressant has become as common as taking a

multivitamin. Now if you want to know about the truths about

depression then please visit how to stop your

How to help your child to help out of depression?

Let me inform you that two amino acids are known to alleviate

depression in many persons. They are tyrosine and L- phenylalanine.

These tow amino acids are a natural precursor of certain


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Perhaps the only thing worse than depression is having depression and

not being able to afford treatment. I want you to realize that your child

should talk to you about any aspect of their life and that you will be

there to help and not judge them.

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Life in general, with school as an example can at times be quite tough,

with things such as bullying affecting a lot of children. There is an added

pressure of examinations and also trying to establish one’s self within a

group of friends.

Moving schools and going through all of the bodily changes also be

quite uncomfortable for many children. As a family you should try to

make your Childs home life as enjoyable and relaxed as possible. This

includes May family days out and where financially possible, a family

holiday abroad in the summer.

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My only advice to any parent who has an unhappy or often depressed

child would be to very patient with them through these periods,. I have

already stated that try and get them to talk about what is making them

feel in this way and if they do not want to talk you should let them know

that you are there for them if they do ever want a chat.

My advice for a child who is feeling depressed would be to talk to your

family, a friend or a teacher. They say that a problem shared is a

problem halved and I really believe in this statement. You do not have to

be alone in this world and the advice that you are given could be of huge

benefit to you.

Despite what you might think all children have problems and worry

about may different aspects of their own life. Your parents were of

course children may moons ago and may have experience in the issue

which you are not happy about.

Do not make the mistake of keeping your problems to yourself as it

really does not help to reduce your fears or depression. Now if you want

to know how to help your child to help out of depression then please

visit how to stop your

All you need to know about depression.

In reality depression is a complex of psychological and physical

symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the prominent symptom.

The common properties of these symptoms are a decreased activity level

in parts of the brain.

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Depression may give one or more of these symptoms. They are basically

low mood level or sadness, lack of joy or interest in activities that was

joyful before. Pessimism, inferiority thoughts, irritability and feeling of

guilt of something without substantial reason to feel so. There is

slowness in the thought process and slowness in interpreting sensorial


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One will experience slowness of digestion or other internal physical

processes and symptoms caused by this slowness for example inflated

stomach, constipation or difficulties in urination. There will be slow

physical reactions.

Depression can be a mild disease that only causes some annoyance in

the daily life, but can also get very serious and make person totally

unable to work and unable to participate in social life. By depression of

some severity, there is also a greater risk of suicide.

Let me inform you that depression can occur in all age and classes. In

teenager’s lack of interest in school work, withdrawal from social life

and difficult mood can be signs of depression.

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In case of depression there is a decreased amount of neuron transmitters

in parts of the central nervous system, mainly deficiency of serotonin,

but also to some extend of noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine or

gamma amino butyric acid, or the nerve cells do not react properly by

simulation from neurotransmitters.

A neurotransmitter is a signal substance that transmits the nerve signals

through the junction between two nerve cells. Serotonin and

noradrenalin cause nerve cells to send impulses along to other nerve

cells and thus increase the activity in the brain.

Deficiency of these substances causes slowness in parts of the brain, and

that again causes the depressive symptoms. The role or dopamine is the

opposite, namely to slow down some nerve impulses, mainly those

causing anxiety and panic response.

Yet, lack of this transmitter also seems to cause depressive symptoms.

This is because too high activity in some brain processes may slow

down other processes. Now if you want to know more about depression

then please visit how to stop your

What are the causes and types of depression?

There are many causes and subtypes of depression with different

physiological mechanisms involved. Depression is often divided into

subtypes according to exhibited symptoms. By monopolar depression

there are pure depressive symptoms.

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Mild cases of mono polar disorder that do not affect a person’s ability to

work and to participate in social activities are often called dysthymic

disorder. In case of bipolar disorder or manic depressive disease and

cyclothymiacs disorder there are periods with symptoms of depression.

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The depressive phase, alternating with periods of elevated mood level

with increased mental and physical activity- the manic phase. In the

manic phase, the affected person also sleeps poorly and has

concentration difficulties. A mild form of this disease is called

cyclothymiacs disorder.

The condition of manic disorder is characterized by abnormally elevated

mood, by unrealistic optimism, by lack of sleep and hyperactive

behavior. Many psychiatrists think that this disorder is simply the same

disease as bipolar disorder where the depressive face has not yet


Sometimes the physical symptoms of depression are alone or dominant

like digestive problems, constipation, difficulties with urination, slow

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responses to sensorial stimuli or slow physical reactions. Two or more

factors can have an effect simultaneously to cause depression.

Depression can be an independent disease, or a part of other disease.

Depression is also divided into different subtypes according to causes.

Reactive depression is simply a result from psychological stress,

physical struggle or mental straining without proper rest or sleep over

long period of time.

The straining will simply wear out the nervous system or deplete the

organism from nutrient necessary for the nervous system to work

properly. When there are has not been any period of stress, straining or

lack of rest that can explain the condition, the condition is often called

endogenous depression. Inheritance is thought to be a part of the cause.

Depression or depressive symptoms may be a symptom of physical

disease. This is perhaps the most common causes of depression.

Generally there are three categories of diseases that give depression.

Depression often associated with depression is heart disease, Parkinson’s

disease, hypertension or Cushing syndrome. Now if you want to know

about the causes and types of depression then please visit how to stop


What are the treatments of depression?

Serious or prolonged depression is often treated with anti depressive

medication. Medicines used against depression generally increase the

level of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the central nervous system, or

they mimic the neurotransmitters.

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The medications mostly used today increase the serotonin concentration

by decreasing the removal of serotonin from the space around nerve

cells. Examples of this medication type are fluoxetine or Prozac,

fluvoxamine luvox, paroxetine or Paxil escetalopram or lexapro, Celera,

centralize or Zoloft.

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By bipolar disorder in the manic phase, heavy tranquilizers or

neuroleptica are used to stop the manic symptoms. By bipolar disorder,

lithium salts are sometimes used to stabilize the condition, and prevent

new outbreak of depressive or manic phases.

Psychotherapy is sometimes used in depression, usually in combination

with medication. Sometimes serious depression is treated by applying

electric shock through the head, electroconvulsive therapy. The shock

induces epileptic eruption of nerve signals through the brain and this

gives cramps throughout the body.

The cramps are alleviated or stopped by applying anesthesia before the

electroshock. The form of treatment is controversial, since it can cause

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memory loss and is suspected of causing brain damage. The possibility

of brain damage is however denied by most psychiatrists.

In case of seasonal depression, light therapy may be useful, adjustment

of lifestyle should always be considered by depression or depressive

symptoms. Lifestyle measures can sometimes be enough to cure

depressive symptoms before a serious depression develop.

By lifestyle adjustment I mean, to slow down a stressful life with too

much work or activities, enough rest and sleep, a good diet with enough

of necessary nutrients, some physical exercises and meditation.

Supplements of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, lecithin, amino acids

and essential fatty acids.

Stimulants like coffee or tea may help against depressive feelings in

moderate amount. However, if you are heavy user of these stimulants,

you should cut down on your consumption. There exist nutritional

products in the market to help against depressive symptoms.

These contain ingredients that the brain uses as building blocks for

neurotransmitters, like amino acids and lecithin. They also often contain

vitamins and minerals that the brain uses as tools to produce

neurotransmitters especially vitamin B6.

Supplements may further contain herbal extracts that trigger higher brain

activity much like anti depressive medications, but may have fewer side

effects. Now if you want a sure shot treatment of depression right here

and right now then please visit how to stop your

How to bring an end to depression and anxiety?

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In reality there seem to be so many people who are depressed that we

really should take a look at the causes of depression in the first place.

The factors that contribute to depression are well known and well

researched, but what causes it is not quite understood.

New studies have uncovered some of the factors that contribute to the

probability of people developing depression. Stress takes the first place

prize and it’s true that any stressful environment or situation can lead to


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It can be anything such as social stress, getting a job, worrying about

money, staying up late, lifestyle out of control, relationship difficulties,

and pressures of school and getting good grades. Other events that could

cause depression are death, change of job, moving from one place to

another, even the fear of the unknown can cause depression.

Yes the list is endless while these events cannot be avoided; we must

come up with an effective stress coping mechanism to be able to thrive

even in stressful situations because they are never going to go away.

Stressful situations just only keep changing.

People who take drugs and alcohol are more prone to depression. When

these substances are used at young age, they can affect a person’s brain

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in negative ways. These substances help make the person feel good

temporarily, but in most cases, people become addicted.

In reality drugs releases dopamine in the pleasure centre of the brain,

like for example delicious food boosts dopamine release by about 50

percent and sex on the other hand doubles this number. However drugs

can increase dopamine release anywhere from four to ten times.

This unnatural high almost certainly leads to depression after the high

goes away. This substance is the surest way to fry brain circuitry. Drugs

can make a person more depressed more than it makes him happy.

This effect will spiral downwards until the person doing drugs will

more and more of the substance to break the cycle of depression that

follows each high and so the addiction is born. Now if you want to end

your depression forever then please visit how to stop your

How to treat depression disorder?

Studies have shown that up to 40 percent of adults do not get the proper

amount of sleep per day and among students, up to 71 percent complain

of sleep disorders and lack of sleep. In reality sleep is essential to a

person’s health.

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During sleep, the body repairs itself and reorganizes thought. Lack of

sleep contributes to lack of coherence in brain waves. This scenario

often leads to depression. Sleeping during the day and staying up late

also interferes with the body’s natural rhythms and this can lead to a

sense of depression.

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Now I am going to discuss a few ways on how to prevent depression.

Sleep is a vital part of preventing depression. Balance your life with

enough rest and exercise every day. Most people require seven to eight

hours of sleep every day.

Keep some regularity in your life. Organize your activities so they can

some at expected and regular times. If your weekly, daily and monthly

routine is set then your body has time to get used to the activities. This

will lead to a reduced chance for depression to set in.

Make sure that you don’t push yourself beyond your limits. Keep stress

in check and try to avoid stressors if you can. If it can’t be done, then try

to deal with the stressors in a manner that minimizes the damage it

causes. Sunlight and exercises can help the brain to function to a higher


So make time to enjoy the sunlight and try to stay active in the daylight

when possible. Keep away from alcohol and drugs. They may seem

attractive, but all they really do is cause havoc in a person’s life. Make at

least one warm meal daily a priority.

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Good eating habits and good health are important in order to keep away

from depression. Again make sure to have fun every day, nothing takes

the load off depression like some good old fun time. Social activities

such as chatting, joining a support group sports and other hobbies can

really do wonders towards healing a stressed out and busy mind.

Depression can be avoided and treated and it can be really fun doing so.

If you follow the above mentioned tips you can expect a brighter and

happier disposition each day. You will look and feel better for it and

now if you want a proper treatment of depression then please visit how

to stop your

What is the natural treatment of depression?

Man is a social animal who has come with his own development. He has

come to this phase with his own thoughts and ideas. He not only got the

compensations with his progress but also got some of the negative

aspects like he was exposed to many diseases that come in the way of

his progression.

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One among them is depression; this is a curable disease and can get

treated as early as possible at its early stage. It has a natural and herbal

remedy. Depression is one of the diseases having an anxiety disorder

that attacks especially the adult population.

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No matter what the age is or where we are from, depression is a mental

disorder that prevails in the person and may attack at any moment. Here

is the condition he undergoes a mental disorder that affects his mood. In

this situation he has abnormal feelings or normal feelings, which fall in

the category of calm and deep which in turn makes him to get or fall into

the attack of this disease.

If a person gets deeply attacked with this disease then he is away from

performing his daily activities or he is away from his normal life and this

can be considered as the symptoms of the depressive order. This in turn

leads to personality disorder and lacks in self improvement.

When a man gets this at the initial stage then it is just sadness and

gloom. However this must not go deeper as he will become abnormal

from his daily activities. So, he should get treated at its initial stage. He

may get upset for the small things but these should not contribute as a

major part for his depression disease.

Now there is good news for this disease that it can be cured with proper

treatment given by physicians who you can consult for the treatment.

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The cause for this depression is not found exactly. In the previous days

the main cause was that the man was disturbed with his thoughts and


There are many factors and it may depend on any of these factors like

biological environment and genetic also. It can also occur when a person

is affected with chronic disease that takes some period to get cured.

There is chance of getting affected with this disease when the

medication does not cure the affected disease. Now if you want to know

about the natural treatments of depression then please visit how to stop


How to beat depression without drugs?

One can say that one is affected with depression when he has these signs

like tension, sadness, lack of interest in new things or habits or daily

activities, feels tired unnecessarily, and is inactive in what he does,

unable to concentrate, feels guilty about himself and attempts or thinks

about suicide.

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A person can come out of this depression with the regular intake of the

medications which are prescribed by the physicians that may be natural

or herbal. The patient may undergo counseling if needed. It is better to

turn your attention towards the natural or herbal treatments as they don’t

have any side effects on you.

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The disease of depression can be cured by the remedies that are natural

so that they don’t harm you and cure you as soon as possible. The

primary thing that you can do is you can consult the doctor as early as


The checkups that are needed should be regularly done as it should be

narrowed at its first stage. Keeping oneself with enthusiasm and being

away with tiredness is the first step. To have confidence in doing the

work which are daily activities or others?

This depression can be helped when we encourage the people active in

their work and thinking. The patient should have a loved atmosphere

that can really cure the disease of depression. Mononucleosis or flu may

rigger depression that continues after the infection has gone.

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By lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism, the metabolism in the

whole body is shut down, including the production of neurotransmitters

in the brain. Therefore depression is an important symptom of


Let me remind you that depressive symptoms are a consequence of

unsound lifestyle. A general unsound lifestyle with too less exercise, too

much stimulants like alcohol, coffee or tea, too less of important

nutrients and too much of sugar and fat may give depressive symptoms,

as well as physical problems.

Women will often have a period of depression after pregnancy and birth

of the baby. Pregnancy and birth is physically and mentally exhausting,

and may drain the body for nutrient. This in turn can cause depressive


Depression can occur in cold and dark periods of the year and go away

in warm and light periods. Light stimulates brain activity, and lack of

light is a causative factor. Now if you want to know how to beat

depression without drugs then please visit how to stop your

How to control anxiety and depression?

Now it has been established that nature and nurture should not be taken

as enemies or total opposite, but as two intertwined realities that

function together to make up the human experience. Nature was

generally designed for nurture.

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Most recent and notable studies have documented the effects that early

childhood experience can have on both the physical and chemical

makeup of the brain. In particular, childhood abuse and neglect can

permanently alter an individual’s physiology.

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These physiological changes may lead to a greater likelihood of the

person suffering from depression or anxiety later in life. Ground

breaking results from a major study of depressed women in the US have

shown that women who are abused as children have abnormally elevated

hormonal responses to stress compared to women with no history of


The report suggests that childhood abuse is associated with persistent

hyperactivity of the hormonal system associated with the stress response

and this may cause greater vulnerability of psychiatric disorders in


The study at Emory University looked at women diagnosed with clinical

depression who had been abused as children; depressed women with no

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past abuse and healthy women. Each person was given a moderately

stressful experience and asked to perform simple mathematical problems

aloud for a panel of stalwart non expressive judges.

Cortical and ACTH are two hormones that play a critical role in a

person’s response to stress were measured in each subject while she

completed the task. It was found that the levels of depression of these

hormones were especially pronounced in women who were abused as

children and who also had current depression.

In fact their ACTH response indicators were more than six times than

those of the healthy women. In addition to high levels of stress

hormones, other studies by the same group found that women who had

been abused as children had abnormal development of the brain

hippocampus which suggests another physical result of early abuse that

could lead to permanent brain abnormalities in later life.

Other brain structures can also be affected by early abuse or neglect.

While the basic unit of the brain is in place at birth, neuronal pathways

for the body’s reaction to different experiences are still developing. Now

if you want to know how to control anxiety and depression then please

visit how to stop your

All you need to know about depression anxiety?

In reality there is a critical period of time in a Childs first three years of

life during which most of the pathways are formed. If a child receives

primarily negative stimulation early in life, pathways for forming lasting

relationships and responding to positive experience can be stunted or


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While this may be a reaction to help the child to survive, it can cause

permanent difficulties for the individual. Other research shows that the

brains of severely neglected children tend to be smaller than average

with underdeveloped areas in the cortex.

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The long term implication of this are still being examined, but it shows

one more way in which nurtures or lack of it can affect a person’s

biological make-up.

The knowledge that nature and nurtures are two critical aspects to a

person’s health will undoubtedly prove to be a very useful tool in the

research and treatment of psychiatric illness and may lead to even more

effective treatments in the future.

Let me recount a personal experience, winter has always been a difficult

time for me when I was living in Michigan US, with its may gray days

and not much sunlight. I awoke feeling heavy, sluggish and still

exhausted. I wanted to pull the covers back over my head and return to

my secure sleep state.

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I sensed that something was wrong but really didn’t care what it was. I

know I did not want to face another grueling day outside the world of

sleep. I felt scared, but didn’t know why. I dragged myself out of bed

and into the bathroom.

I could not decide whether I wanted to shave or shower first, then I made

the extremely difficult decision to shower. Typical thoughts that would

run through my head every morning, would I ever get over this feeling?

Why was I feeling like this all the time? May be this was normal and I

will eventually get over it?

Finally, I was awake and small tasks seemed monumental, drudgery and

overruling but I pushed on. I started my day by looking for faults in

everything but myself. I was very short-tempered with those closest to

me and I didn’t even realize it. I had to go out of the doors to work.

The rest of the day at work I felt numb and people were talking to me,

asking questions but nothing was getting thru. On the outside I put up a

great front so no one could see, but I was trapped inside a deep dark

world, which was a personal hell. Now if you want to know about

depression anxieties then please visit how to stop your

Is there a natural treatment of depression?

Let me recount a personal experience of mine, at certain point of my life

I was forgetting things very easily, even if I wrote them down.

Organization, no matter how I organized things, didn’t seem to matter,

because I was depressed and felt hazy.

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I couldn’t decide exactly what to start on because it all seemed

overwhelming. When I did start something it was like climbing a

mountain and I couldn’t see the top. Sometimes I felt a sinking or a

sense of little hope for anything.

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I felt like no one knew what I was going through or could help me. I

would easily get angry and irritated at everything and everyone. There

were times of panic anxiety attack in the middle of the night and those

were not fun.

My typical day was like where I used to keep repeating the same day

over and over till I got it right. What I found out later was that,

somewhere I allowed myself to tumble into a state of depression and had

not realized it or even truly acknowledged it.

When I did finally acknowledge I was depressed and needed to do

something it took me a long time to find the right solution by trial and

error. The only person that can drag you out of depression is you but I

have to tell you the big secret to my success.

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Now I am doing great, I have focus, drive, energy and care what

happens to myself and others. I jump out of bed, can’t wait to face all of

the issues at hand. Yes, they are issues now, before they were

monumental problems.

I don’t have the emotional tendencies that I had before. I am by no

means walking around with rose colored glasses but more like a clear

view now without the numb hazy feeling. Now I am going to reveal to

you the big secret that got me out of the depression phase and if you

want to know it then please visit how to stop your

How can you treat depression yourself?

Depression is an emotionally draining journey that may will go through

in their lifetime, but depression does not have to rule your life there is

plenty of help available. Answers and treatments will vary from person

to person what works for person may not work for another.

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Allowing the state of depression to control you and be the norm will

negatively affect you and others. Depression drags you down to depths

that you feel you don’t have the energy to accomplish anything or even

beat depression itself, which is a vicious cycle.

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Depression appears to cause much physical illness that can be over with

treatment. It’s time now for you to pull out the emotional numbness and

roller coaster that you step on to, but can’t remember where. Being able

to feel normal and handle life is your right.

When people look at others that are cool and calm they appear to have

everything under control that might not be the case, because many of us

can put of a really good front. Putting up a good front is ok for a while,

but you need to address the disorders.

Depression slowly erodes your will and breaks down any attempt at your

happiness for a normal life this is not what anyone wants. Finally, I want

Page 47: How to stop your depression

all of you to know that depressed people are highly intelligent, loving

and sensitive people that have a lot to contribute to the world, but they

need to realize that they are depressed, admit it and find a solution.

Let me inform you that more than eleven million people in the United

States suffer from depression each year. The medical condition that

affects the mind can have lasting effects such as a feeling of

hopelessness, lack of ambition and an inability to focus.

Depression can affect all age groups and genders, but it is more

prevalent in women. Consulting a mental help professional such as a

psychiatrist is beneficial to obtain proper diagnosis and treatment. This

condition can adversely affect school, home life and even employment.

Now if want to treat your depression yourself then please visit how to

stop your

The ultimate weapon to combat depression

Most treatments of depression will involve a combination of drug

therapy and natural remedies for a fully balanced physical and emotional

state. Medications will likely involve some of antidepressant drugs. The

most commonly used types are tricyclic, monoamine oxidize inhibitors

or MOIS.

Page 48: How to stop your depression

Along with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI and they

have become the most popular form for treating depression because of

the lower risk of side effects. These drugs include names such as paxil,

prozac and zoloft.

Page 49: How to stop your depression

Therapy is often prescribed with drug treatments to help a person to

come to terms with issues, symptoms and techniques for dealing with

depression. These can be groups or individual therapy sessions to talk

about issues.

Expression therapy such as dance, art or music can help articulate deep

feelings and emotions. Relaxation techniques will assist in bringing

focus and serenity. Yoga and meditation are ideal forms of this.

Changing lifestyle to promote a better self image and naturally adjust

chemicals in the body has also proven helpful.

Eating a well balanced diet and adding supplements such as fish oil, zinc

and vitamin B can really help to regulate depression. Exercising several

times each week is also valuable. Alternate treatments such as

Page 50: How to stop your depression

acupuncture and hypnosis may be beneficial to help alleviate symptoms

of depression and moulds the body, mind and spirit.

It is important to discuss all treatment options with your physician or

psychiatrist to decide on the proper combinations. Each person has

different levels of depression and a treatment plan should be customized

to the individual.

If using supplements or radically changing your diet; make sure to

inform the doctor so these can be taken into consideration when

developing a treatment plan. Depression does not need to negatively

affect a person’s life.

With proper treatment, many depressed people live full, happy and

successful lives. It is important to take action to help minimize

depressive tendencies in order to allow a better sense of well being and


Using a combination of drug therapies and natural remedies will bring a

balance to mind, body and spirit. Now if you want to know about the

ultimate weapon to combat depression then please visit how to stop


How to treat bipolar disorder right here and right now?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a diagnostic

category describing a class of mood disorders where the person

experiences states or episodes of depression or mania and hypomania

along with mixed state.

Page 51: How to stop your depression

If left untreated, it is a severely disabling psychiatric condition. The

difference between bipolar disorder and major depression is that bipolar

disorder involves energized or activated mood states in addition to

depressed mood state.

Page 52: How to stop your depression

The duration and intensity of mood states varies widely among people

with the illness. Fluctuating from one mood state to another is called

cycling or having mood swings. Mood swings cause impairment not

only ones mood but also in ones energy level, sleep pattern, activity

level, social rhythms and thinking abilities.

Many people become fully disabled, for some period of time, after being

diagnosed, and during this time may have great difficulty functioning.

The vast majority of people diagnosed with bipolar disability suffer from


In fact, there is at least a 3 to 1 ratio of time spent depressed versus time

spent in a normal mood or hypo manic or manic during the course of

bipolar 1 subtype of the illness. People with the bipolar II subtype

Page 53: How to stop your depression

remain depressed for substantially longer, up to 37 times longer than

bipolar I.

A 2003 study by Robert Hirschfield, MD of the University of Texas,

Galveston found bipolar patients fared worse in their depression than

unipolar patients. In terms of disability, lost years of productivity and

potential for suicide, bipolar depression is now recognized as the most

insidious aspect of the illness.

Severe depression may be accompanied by symptoms of psychosis.

These symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. They may also

suffer from paranoid thoughts of being persecuted or monitored by some

powerful entity such as the government or a hostile force.

Intense and unusual religious beliefs may also be present, such as

patient’s strong insistence that they have a God given role to play in the

world, a great and historic mission to accomplish, or even they possess

supernatural powers.

Delusions in a depression may be far more distressing, sometimes taking

the form of intense guilt for supposed wrongs that the patient believes he

or she has inflicted on others. Now if you want to know how to treat

bipolar disorder right here and right now then please visit how to stop


Treatment of bipolar disorder uncovered?

Currently bipolar disorder cannot be cured but it can be managed. The

emphasis of treatment is on effective management of the long term

Page 54: How to stop your depression

course of the illness, which can involve treatment of emergent


Treatment methods include pharmacological and psychological

techniques. A variety of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder.

Most people with bipolar disorder require combinations of medications.

Even when on medication, some people may still experience weakens

episodes or have complete manic or depressive episodes.

Page 55: How to stop your depression

Now I am going to discuss some typical behaviours that can lead to

depressive or manic relapse. For the starter discontinuing or lowering

ones dose of medication without consulting ones physician. Being under

of over medicated.

Generally, taking a lower dosage of mood stabilizer can lead to relapse

into mania. Taking a lower dosage of an antidepressant may cause the

patient to relapse into depression, while higher doses can cause

destabilization into mixed states or mania.

Taking other psychotropic or recreational drugs such as marijuana,

cocaine, or heroin. These can cause the condition to worsen. An

inconsistent sleep schedule can destabilize the illness. Too much sleep

Page 56: How to stop your depression

can lead to depression, while too little sleep can lead to mixed states or


Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause destabilization of mood

towards irritability, dysphasia and mania. Inadequate stress management

and poor lifestyle choices. If unmediated, excessive stress can cause the

individual to relapse. Medication raises the stress threshold somewhat,

but too much stress still cause relapse.

Let me remind you that the information presented in this blog should not

be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know is a

sufferer of bipolar disorder, please seek professional and medical advice

for the latest treatment options.

The greatest teacher that ever once said that as a man thinks in his earth

so is he. What you constantly think of a situation is quite inevitably what

becomes of it; therefore it is paramount that in any and every situation

our thinking should be positive. Now if you want to know more about

the treatment of bipolar disorder then please visit how to stop your

Is transforming your thought the key to combat depression?

Let me remind you that there is one fact the religion, science and

psychology seem to agree on, it is that the mind is indeed the most

powerful force in the world. Yoga sages have stated that whoever can

control the mind is indeed a powerful human being.

Page 57: How to stop your depression

That said, it is obvious that in coping with stress and dealing with

depressive situations, one should make every step to think positively as

perhaps the first weapon to combat negative challenges. All my friends,

everything starts with a thought.

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Moreover, thoughts have the innate ability of phenomenally

materializing into what is that is projected in your mind. Consequently,

it will be safe to say we should make attempts to change our mental

habits to belief instead of disbelief as much as possible.

This of course will be post paramount when seeking ways to overcoming

depression. Characterized by feelings of worthlessness, doubt,

pessimism, if we allow depressive thoughts to constantly permeate our

minds, they could actually gain the ability to diffuse into our speech and

actions and consequently could aggravate the very situation and

challenges one is facing that may be causing depressive thoughts in the

first place.

Page 59: How to stop your depression

When dealing with problems arising from depression, the famous

psychologist William James has this cryptic quote said that our belief at

the beginning of a doubtful undertaking or challenging situation is the

one thing that insures a successful outcome at the end.

Now this reminds me of another powerful verse in the Bible found in

mark 4 verses 23 that is if you believe, all things are possible to him that

believes. So combining the gist and effect of both quotes, one can see

that it is imperative to believe in and expect that best in any situation one

may be going through.

In so doing you will bring everything into the realm of possibility and

success. In no way does this mean that we should sit back and just

expect things to miraculously change.

It means we much change our thought processes about our situation

first, perform the actions that will lead us on the path to success at

overcoming our challenges and as words, thoughts and actions have an

effect on each other as factors, one is also advised to constantly speak

positively about what challenges one may be facing. Now if you want to

know is transforming your thought the key to combat depression then

please visit how to stop your

Do you know why your depression keeps coming back does?

If you have depression or at least you think you have one, you must

realize that you should not diagnose yourself. You need to have a

healthcare practitioner that is skilled to give you a correct assessment

and professional diagnosis of your condition.

Page 60: How to stop your depression

There is absolutely no reason to feel shy or embarrassed when talking to

a healthcare provider regarding any symptoms of your condition. There

are many health care professionals that are very understanding of your


Page 61: How to stop your depression

After all, they are trained to study and treat depression. If you have

symptoms like these, do not hesitate consulting a medical practitioner.

Before getting any actual help or treatment for depression, you must

need to first have a diagnosis that is correct.

Now you see, these symptoms are also symptomatic of other problems.

For example, weight loss, fatigue and sleeping patterns may not be

caused by depression, but by some medical problem.

Other symptoms like losing interest in activities that you previously

enjoyed or problems with attention or memory may not be related to

depression at all but may be indicative of a undiagnosed medical


Page 62: How to stop your depression

You need to consult a doctor so that you can make sure that the

symptoms you are experiencing are actually a result of your depression

and from there, you can start what the best treatment for your individual


The doctor might ask you to answer questions to fully assess and help

determine if you actually have depression and possibly conduct tests to

determine that your symptoms are a result of some other health issues.

Depression is a medical condition that is real.

Always remember that having depression is not something that you

really want to have. You probably would not think less of someone who

has influenza or is suffering from heart disease. In the same manner, you

must not be ashamed or feel guilty that you suffer from depression.

Depression will not go away by toughing it out or by being strong.

Being weak in your will does not instantly cause to be depressed. Most

cases of depression can’t simply go away just by trying to cheer up. You

can’t simply make it go away by doing exercises, taking vitamins or

going on a vacation. Now if you want to know why does your

depression keeps coming back then please visit how to stop your

Can depression really be bought to an end?

Treating your depression requires professional help, you cannot do it

alone. Like any other serious illness, depression needs professional

treatment from a health care practitioner. When you are suffering from

depression, you need to ask for help to make the problem go away.

Page 63: How to stop your depression

You feelings might change when treatment comes along. You should be

pleased to know that depression has proved to be one of the most easily

treated conditions. When you are seeking treatment for your depression,

what type of healthcare professional should you see?

Page 64: How to stop your depression

Although there are some issues raised on what treatment is the best for

depression problems whether it is drugs, therapy or if it is a mixture of

both, there is actually a type of health care professional that is highly

qualified to help you recover from depression and various mood

disorders that use medications or drugs and a psychiatrist.

Psychologists, in fairness, are also highly qualified to cure depression

problems, but they are not medical professionals and as such cannot

prescribe medications. You should realize that psychologists specialize

in therapy, especially talk therapy.

If you do not know if you need drugs or medications, it might prove best

to start your treatment of depression under a psychiatrists care. If you

think you might also have a good chance of eliminating depression

Page 65: How to stop your depression

through talk therapy, many psychiatrists can also be good in this,

although there are some that refer to more experienced therapists.

So combining all these factors will greatly help in making sure each

components most importantly our thoughts remains positively turned

towards overcoming our depression. All my friends, although it may not

always be an easy journey to overcome our challenges.

I would like you to remember this quote as well that life’s problems are

like knives, which either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the

blade or the handle. Grasp a difficulty or problem by the blade and it

cuts; grasp it by the handle and you can use it constructively.

Take the quote above into considerationand keeps it in many friends as

the reason to constantly have faith and to hope for the best when it

comes to dealing with depression. It is perhaps the one thing that will

ensure success at the end.

The typical signs of depression are feeling sad without any apparent

reason, getting mad at anything, everything, anyone and everyone

around you, thinking that your life is getting nowhere, feeling that

whatever you do is not enough, feeling that you are not good enough for

anything, always feel tired and feeling that there is no more hype for

whatever troubles you, feeling that you don’t deserve to live in this

world anymore.

These are some of the most common symptoms of depression.

Recognizing these telltale signs can help lead you to take action before it

becomes more serious. Knowing the root cause of these symptoms

further boosts the chance of recovery. Now if you want to know can

depression really be bought to an end then please visit how to stop your

Page 66: How to stop your depression

How do you know that you are severely depressed?

Curiously easily diagnosable and treatable medical problem, depression

happens to at least 20 million American adults every ear. As we have

discussed although everyone has experienced sadness and feelings of

being depressed, people that are suffering from true depression have

several frequent and recurring long term symptoms, making them view

life as something not worth living.

Now how would you know if you have a depression problem? Here are

some depression symptoms. These symptoms vary in each person,

although if these happen to you, it might be wise to consult a doctor. For

the starter sadness that is prolonged.

Page 67: How to stop your depression

Along with crying spells that are unexplained, significant and abrupt

changes in sleep patterns and appetite, anger, irritatibility, anxiety,

worry, agitation. Pessimism, indifference, energy loss, persistent

lethargy, guilt feelings and unexplained sense of worthlessness.

The other symptoms are difficulty in concentrating and indecisiveness,

inability in taking pleasure in interests you previously enjoyed, social

withdrawal, unexplained pains and aches, extreme fatigue when you

have not done much, recurring and frequent thoughts of suicide or death.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above and have

begun interfering with your family activities or work for more than a

week, ask your doctor for a thorough checkup.

Page 68: How to stop your depression

This would most likely include have a comprehensive physica exam,

although some symptoms might be caused by other health problems that

you have and a detailed clinical history. Just be honest on what and how

you are feeling.

Do not even think of diagnosing yourself. Likewise, you cannot rely to a

friend or a member of your family for diagnosis. Only a doctor that is

properly trained to check illness is the only one that can fully determine

if you are having a depression episode.

If you want, you could try self evaluation tests available on the internet

that could help you gauge the symptoms that you have, or at least, can

prepare you when you visit your doctor. Think of these tests as a way of

communicating your symptoms better to a healthcare professional when

you go in for a visit. Of course, online tests prove no match to an actual


For other people, depression is recurrent, which simply means that they

experience depression episodes often- once or twice in a month, at least

once a year, or many times throughout their lifetimes. Do not feel

embarrassed, shy or shamed of your depression problem.

People of various ages, ethnic groups, races and social classes get this

problem. Although depression can happen at any give age, depression

commonly develops in people whose ages lie between 25 and 44. If you

have a depression problem, you are not alone.

Every day, there are more than 20 million American adults that are

experiencing depression problems. So be persistent and patient and you

will find the method that suits you best for determine depression.

Everybody gets the blues once in a while.

Page 69: How to stop your depression

It’s normal to feel sad on a rainy day, get sentimental over a lost love, or

feel so terribly lonely during really low moments of your life. But once

depression gets out of hand, it can wreak havoc on your mental state and

drive you to such emotional lows- to the point that you might seriously

choose ending your life. Now if you think that you are experiencing

extreme lows, then you better do something about it and visit how to

stop your

Do you know why your depression keeps coming back does?

Whatever the reason behind depression, it is always related to your state

of mind, environment and your present circumstances. You may feel low

if you are facing issues on work, marriage or your financial status. The

process of resolving these issues, however important, will inevitably

result in stress and body aches.

Page 70: How to stop your depression

Emotional pain coupled with physical ills can really affect the way you

view your life. Another cause of depression is bad experience like the

death of someone important, loss of something significant, or similar

unpleasant experiences that would haunt you for a long time.

Page 71: How to stop your depression

This could mean a humiliating event at your workplace or school,

traumatic environment at home etc. so the best way to treat depression is

to think positively. Thinking negatively about an already gloomy

situation would only aggravate your mental state.

It’s not the end of the world, and there is a solution to every problem,

yours included. Moping and sulking about is wont really do any good.

Unfortunately, not all people see it that way. This is when depression

starts to settle in.

You think you are the unluckiest person alive. No one is there when you

need help the most. It’s better to die than suffer all the injustice being

delivered to you. Going to a psychiatrist to ask for help is one step

forward toward finding the cure for depression.

Page 72: How to stop your depression

Various drugs can help you cope. However, these medications treat not

the actual cause of depression, but only the symptoms. Complete

recovery rests solely on your ability to have a positive outlook in life.

Admittedly, this is easier said than done, so going to a psychiatrist

doesn’t immediately mean that you are going to ask medication for your


You could also ask your psychiatrist for help in developing a positive

outlook and in controlling your depressive mood swings. Depression is a

serious matter. It causes emotional and mental breakdown, and it can

result to suicide if left untreated.

This is why depression should be diagnosed immediately. It is not a

disorder that is easy to cure; but always remember that you are alone in

the world. Even if you live your life as a recluse, there is at least one

person out there who really cares for you and would be devasted if you

allow yourself to lose the battle.

You are a strong person. You are not alone, keep your loved ones close

to you and you will surely feel invincible. Every day, there are more

than 20 million American adults that are experiencing depression

problems. So be persistent and patient and you will find the method that

suits you best for determine depression. Everybody gets the blues once

in a while.

The doctor might ask you to answer questions to fully assess and help

determine if you actually have depression and possibly conduct tests to

determine that your symptoms are a result of some other health issues.

Depression is a medical condition that is real. Now if you want to know

why does your depression keeps coming back then please visit how to

stop your

Page 73: How to stop your depression

How do you know that you are severely depressed?

Curiously easily diagnosable and treatable medical problem, depression

happens to at least 20 million American adults every year. As we

discussed earlier, although everyone has experienced sadness and

feelings of being depressed, people that are suffering from true

depression have many frequent and recurring long term symptoms,

making them view life as something not worth living.

Now you would ask me how you would know if you have a depression

problem. Now I am going to reveal to you some depression symptoms.

Page 74: How to stop your depression

These symptoms vary in each person, although if these happen to you, it

might be wise to consult a doctor.

The symptoms are sadness that is prolonged, crying spells that are

unexplained, significant and abrupt changes in sleep patterns and

appetite, anger, irritability, anxiety, worry, agitation, pessimism,

indifference and energy loss.

Along with that there is persistent lethargy, guilt feeling and unexplained

sense of worthlessness, difficulty in concentrating and indecisiveness,

inability in taking pleasure in interests you previously enjoyed, social

withdrawal, unexplained pain and aches, extreme fatigue when you have

not done much, recurring and frequent thoughts of suicide or death.

Page 75: How to stop your depression

Now if you are experiencing at least five of the symptoms listed above

and have begun interfering with your family activities or work for more

than a week, then ask your doctor for a thorough checkup. This would

likely include having a comprehensive physical examination although

some symptoms might be caused by other health problems that you have

and a detailed clinical history.

So just be honest and open on what and how you are feeling. Do not

even think of diagnosing yourself. Likewise, you cannot rely on a friend

or a member of your family for diagnosis. Only a doctor that is properly

trained to check illness is the only one that can fully determine if you are

having a depression episode.

If you want, you could try self evaluation tests available on the internet

that could help you gauge the symptoms that you have, or at least, can

prepare you when you visit your doctor. Think of these tests as a way of

communicating your symptoms better to a healthcare professional when

you go in for a visit.

Of course, online tests prove no match to an actual consultation. For

other people, depression is recurrent, which simply means that they

experience depression episodes often- once or twice in a month, at least

once a year, or many times throughout their lifetimes.

So do not feel embarrassed, shy or ashamed of your depression problem.

People of various ages, ethnic groups, races and social classes get this

problem. Although depression can happen at any given age, depression

commonly develops in people whose ages lie between 25 and 44.

Now if you have a depression problem, then you are not alone and you

are not the only one. Every day, there are more than 20 million

American adults that are experiencing depression problems. So be

persistent and patient and you will find that methods that suits you the

Page 76: How to stop your depression

best for determining depression. Now if you want to know more about

depression then please visit how to stop your

Understanding depression among women.

Let me remind you that as women approaches midlife and menopause

one of the things to be on the lookout for is depression. While

menopause is not thought to be a cause of depression the two can occur

at the same time.

Page 77: How to stop your depression

Now what are believed to be a cause of depression are changes in

estrogen levels which occur during menopause. It is known that women

are affected by depression over twice as much as men and that a family

history of depression can factor into this as well.

The symptoms of depression and menopause are very similar and

include sleep disorders, hot flashes, fatigue, anxiety and irritability.

Many women associate these symptoms with the changes that

menopause brings, but they may be a sign of depression that needs to be

understood and dealt with.

There is no reason women need to suffer from depression during

menopause. It is important that they accept the physical changes

happening to their bodies during this time and work with their doctor to

Page 78: How to stop your depression

mitigate the symptoms of menopause, but is also important that they

realize that depression and menopause can be mutually exclusive and

both can be dealt with.

As women approach menopause their menstrual cycles begin to change

and start to become unpredictable. This unpredictability of their monthly

cycle is a sign of erratic ovulation. Erratic ovulation causes

unpredictable releases of the hormones estrogen and progesterone

leading to mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes and all other

symptoms associated with menopause.

Most women going through menopause feel that they are losing control

of their bodies when in fact it is just their natural reaction to the aging

process. This feeling of loss of control can lead to symptoms of


As the symptoms of both menopause and depression worsen they start to

feel there is nothing they can do and feeling of hopelessness falls over

them. This feeling of hopelessness is a major part of depression and left

untreated can lead to severe depression.

Let me warn you that untreated depressions a major health risk.

Researchers have found that depression is linked to an increased risk of

heart disease and in some cases it can lead to bone detioriation

increasing the likelihood of osteoporosis and broken bones.

The treatment of depression and menopause can follow a two way

approach. It is important to treat not only the depression with

antidepressant medications and counseling but also to treat the

symptoms of menopause as well.

Menopause can be treated with hormone replacement therapy where

synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone are used to even out the

Page 79: How to stop your depression

woman’s hormone levels. Now if you are women approaching midlife

and menopause be aware that depression can be a very real side effect to

the changes that will happen to you.

So if you start to see the symptoms of depression it is best to talk to

your doctor what treatment options may work best for you and visit how

to stop your

Hot tips on how to cure depression?

In spite of the immense technological advancements and inventions

designed to make our life easier, depression still exists and millions of

people are still seeking a depression cure. With all the sources of

entertainment around us, depression still lurks in the core of our very

existence as humans.

Page 80: How to stop your depression

Now you might ask me why? Could it be with all the technology and

scientific breakthroughs that we have lost the very essence of our beings

as humans? That being a deep connection with the omnipotent. This

may very well be the case.

Page 81: How to stop your depression

We work too hard, go at neck breaking speeds in life to get things done

and never take the time to relax and draw on the higher power inherent

within us. So it is not wonder that over 25 million people in the united

states are depressed and consequently seeking a depression cure to end

their misery.

Now I am going to provide you some really hot tips to cure depression.

So your next step will be simply taking the time out to relax. I am going

to borrow from yoga and the pose is the relaxation pose. So folks are

you ready for that, if yes, then here we go.

This involves lying flat on a bed and consciously breathing deeply and

evenly in a ratio of 5:5:5 including inhalation, retention and exhalation.

Page 82: How to stop your depression

You may do this accompanying a clock or a metronome. Breathe evenly

as thus for several minutes, now relax your toes, feet’s.

Do this working to the crown of your head and make sure every organ of

your is relaxed. Repeat this till it seeps into your subconscious and it

literally replaces the negative thoughts you may have about your

problems just as light always overcomes the darkness.

Now turn to your right side, breathe evenly again, then arise and

approach your day believing that you are refreshed and drawing upon

that higher power for a depression cure. All my friends, this is very

important, that you believe you are healed, just like a child believes the

pain felt earlier has been cured by mom kissing it away.

Yes such a child like faith is required since it is powerful. In addition to

this, co-operate with the higher power in healing you, you have got to

meet this power halfway. Make efforts to better yourself. Let’s get back

to basics my friends, exercise, eating right and positive thinking.

In regards to depression cure, you may have to supplement drawing

upon that higher power with seeking good company, sources of laughter

and a wise avoidance of those factors or people that bring you down. In

reality a depression cure is within our reach, and has its roots right there

inside you.

Now with the hot tips above, you can draw from it, and very well solve

your problems and lead a depression free life. All you need to do is to

empower yourself with a depression cure that really works, by

reconnecting with spiritual forces around you.

Let me assure you that great wonders exist in your and all you need to

do it are to tap into it and win and if you want to do those then visit how

to stop your

Page 83: How to stop your depression

Understanding anxiety and its related disorders.

In reality anxiety can be defined as emotions which are typically

negative in nature. It will often consist of fear and worry, and some

organisms may even experience physical signs such as nausea or chest


Anxiety is an emotion, and is composed of a number of different

elements. Some of these elements are somatic or cognitive, and the body

will prepare itself to deal with an external threat. The heart rate speeds

up, and the blood pressure is increased.

Page 84: How to stop your depression

The various muscles in the body will also receive elevated levels of

blood. At the same time, the functions of the digestive system will slow

down. People who have anxiety will generally have a sense of dread.

A number of voluntary and involuntary processes will take place in the

body, and the goal of these processes is to get the organism away from

the source that is causing it to have anxiety. Anxiety is an important

emotion, and is designed to increase the survival rate of organisms.

In humans it appears that anxiety comes from the hippocampus and

amygdale the two regions of the brain. When a person senses bad odor

or tastes, there will beam large amount of blood flow which will be

present in the amygdale.

Page 85: How to stop your depression

The evidence also shows that medium levels of anxiety will be present

in this situation as well. Based on these studies, it appears that anxiety is

designed to keep humans and other organisms from eating food or

objects that may be harmful to their well being.

While anxiety is normal, a person that has excessive amounts of it may

have what is called anxiety disorder. In extreme cases, people with

anxiety disorders may have strong cases where they are terrorized.

Anxiety disorders are broken down into phobias, panic disorders,

generalized anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Someone who is suffering from a phobia will have an abnormal amount

of fear of a specific object or situation. People who have phobias tend to

have extensive imaginations and realized that their fear is often


When a person suffers from a panic disorder, they will have extreme

panic attacks, and may have dizziness or breathing problems. These

attacks will typically reach their heights in about 10 minutes.

Generalized anxiety disorders are common, and affect a much larger

portion of the population.

It is prevalent in both men and women, and is characterized by long

periods of anxiety that are not related to any specific object or situation.

With the obsessive compulsive disorder, the individual who have an

obsession or compulsion when it comes to specific types of behavior.

People who suffer from this disorder will see the need to do something

obsessively in order to reduce their anxiety. Many people who generally

have this disorder needs to be extremely clean, and are afraid of germs.

To reduce their anxiety, they will wash their hands numerous times in a

single day.

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Now there are two primary methods that are used to help those who are

suffering from anxiety, and this is either therapy or prescription

medications. Now if you want an alternative option to cure anxiety and

its related disorders then please visit how to stop your

How to stop anxiety attacks?

Anxiety disorders can have a devastating effect on those who suffer

from them. Left untreated, anxiety disorders often inhibit an individual’s

ability to function normally in everyday life. Anxiety disorder may also

be a source tension caused by the strain of the condition places on

personal and professional relationships.

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Physical manifestations in the form of illness and mental manifestations

in the form of depression are often the consequences of the intense and

irrational worry that characterizes anxiety disorders.

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When new methods of treatment are being developed, the most current

form of medical care involves a combination of therapy to recognize and

change the mental thought processes that make anxiety disorders

possible along with medication designed to minimize the chemical

imbalances that may facilitate these thought processes.

There are several categories of anxiety disorders such as post traumatic

stress disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive

compulsive disorder., but the most commonly diagnosed is general

anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms

associated with them are often shared by a variety of illness such as

depression and chronic fatigue. In the past, physicians would frequently

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misdiagnose anxiety disorder by associating the symptoms with other

illnesses while neglecting their underlying cause.

This often resulted in treatments that were either ineffective or only

served to inhibit the recurrences of specific symptoms. The end result of

an improper diagnosis usually entailed an increase in other symptoms

that were left untreated.

Today there are several resources on anxiety disorders and the

symptoms associated with them. An increase in medical information

available through the internet has allowed individuals to obtain facts on

the diseases and disorders they could potentially be suffering from.

The ability to convey the presence of symptoms to your physician can

help him or her provide a more accurate diagnosis of anxiety disorders.

With proper treatment, anxiety disorders can be controlled. Many who

have suffered from this affliction now lead healthy, productive lives as a

result of their commitment to maintaining a well planned regimen.

Some people don’t even realize that they are having anxiety attacks,

until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a

strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as they symptoms can seem

like you are actually dying.

If you are someone who suffers from these kinds of attacks, it is

important to know as much as you can about them as to help control

them. Thus the more you learn and know the quicker you can begin to

control your anxiety attack.

The cause of anxiety attacks can vary from person to person. They may

be caused by an upsetting event in someone’s life or a fear of something

they have experienced growing up. Stress is a big contributor to anxiety

attacks, but the possibilities are truly endless. Medication is a known

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trigger of an anxiety attack, and being less than active is known to be a

contributor as well. In reality, there is not a particular known reason for

people who experience these attacks; they are in short a body’s way of

dealing with overwhelming feelings in one way or another. Now if you

want to know more about anxiety attacks then please visit how to stop


What are the tell tale symptoms of depression and anxiety attacks?

One of the main symptoms of depression and anxiety attacks is extreme

fear. Now fear may be acknowledged as symptoms of anxiety, but in

reality it is just the end result of the real symptoms. Before fear sets in,

you are likely to experience one or more symptoms of anxiety, which

leads you to the fear.

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Chest pain due to a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness are

all symptoms you may experience before the fear sets in. in the end , any

un comfortable sensation that is realized which makes you become

fearful for your life is considered a symptoms of anxiety, and therefore

should be treated as such until you can confirm your suspicions.

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Due to many symptoms that are realized during an anxiety atack are

similar if not exactly like those of some other kind of condition, it is

almost impossible to determine if what you have been feeling is due to

anxiety attack, or another condition.

This is why its important to see a doctor and explain your symptoms, so

that your physician can run the necessary tests in determining whether

you have an underlying medical condition that needs to be dealt with or

whether it is more than likely anxiety you are dealing with at which

point you can work with your doctor in finding ways to control it.

Once you and your doctor have worked together you can be on the way

to resolving your trouble. If it is anxiety attack there are many

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approaches you can take to help. Discuss your approach with your


In many cases awareness is the first step you can take to stop your

anxiety. The positive behavior will occur if you practice relaxation

techniques. The stress and anxiety free lifestyle you adopt will be a

normal part of your life if you eat correctly and hold tight to the

conviction that less is most times more.

Otherwise anxiety can affect us in an unhealthful manner quite rapidly.

Anxiety is not a hidden agenda in our lives. It is powerful, available and

gratefully controllable. As a wise man once said we should not ask why

we are anxious we should ask why not?

With every aspect of modern life being fast paced and overloaded we

have to make a concerted effort to slow down. We also have to be

careful not to cause anxious behaviors to overflow and spill into the

lives of the people with which we are in contact.

Co workers, spouses and our children can all be affected by the power of

our anxiety has on us. Sometimes others can see it long before we even

notice it is crowding in on us. Sometimes we can inadvertently create

anxiety in other merely by our choice of words or actions. There are

numerous self help books, WebPages available to all ages and if you

want to know about them then please visit how to stop your

How to help yourself with depression?

Page 94: How to stop your depression

If the cycle of anxiety is going to end it has to be recognized, addressed

and extracted from every aspect of our lives. Co- workers or employees

can experience inadequate work performance simply by working in a

stress filled workplace.

Slowing the pace and considering how people work better in a stress free

environment is a major step in the right direction. It is not a difficult step

and has so many great benefits for everyone involved. Spouses may only

realize there is something wrong yet not fully recognized that stress and

anxiety are occurring and causing ripples in the marriage.

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It is very likely that if one marriage partner is anxious due to money

problems, working too much, or parenting issues the other partner is also

anxious. This vicious cycle can wreak havoc on a typically loving home

and the people who dwell within.

Children live what they learn. They may truly believe they are creating

the anxious behavior in mom or dad because of something they did.

Young children will internalize and reflect their concerns in guilt. Older

children will more likely rebel and act out in school to attempt dealing

with the emotional overload of dealing with parents who are not relaxed.

Now the good news is anxiety is effectively treated in various ways. You

can choose to treat anxiety medically, holistically or personally and gain

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immediate results. The key to successful treatment of anxiety is to

recognize it for what is truly is.

People who may be suffering from depression or manic disorders

actually exhibit or show each and every kind of symptom of depression

that doctor will tell you that depressed people have. Sometimes it’s

actually easy to overlook such symptoms and not be able to help one’s

self or others who are suffering from depression for that matter.

There are actually a lot o symptoms of depression that depressed people

may actually posses but don’t have to suffer from each and every one of

them before you actually help them get diagnosed and be treated for this


Also since symptoms of depression actually vary, the time of their

attacks varies as well. Now I am going to site some common examples

of symptoms of depression. Prolonged period of sadness or not feeling

up to it, people who are always not in the mood, who rather mope

around the house and feel sorry for one’s self is the best example for this

symptoms of depression.

Feeling hopeless, perennial pessimist, speaking of feeling sorry for one’s

self is another common symptoms of depression. Is when a person

actually feels like he or she has nothing to look forward to in his or her


As for being the perennial pessimist, those who show this symptoms of

depression are usually very negative about things, again, the feeling of

hopelessness comes in to mind.

Guilt driven, loss of self worth and helplessness and other symptoms of

depression that can be easily seen on people who prefer to mope around

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all day long are these. Now if you want to know how to help yourself

with depression then please visit how to stop your

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