Download - How to Solve Conflict and How to Work Well With Others

Page 1: How to Solve Conflict and How to Work Well With Others

How to Solve Conflict and How to Work Well With Others

Page 2: How to Solve Conflict and How to Work Well With Others

Conflict Resolution Styles Competitive

Know what they want Collaborative

Tries to meet the needs of all involved Compromising

Everyone is expected to give something Accommodating

Not assertive, but highly cooperative Avoiding

Does not want to hurt anyone

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How to Solve a Conflict

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What You Will Need

Pen Paper Arguing Parties Space to Resolve Conflict

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The Middle Man

What? Neutral Party

Why? Unbiased Opinion

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Team Work

Who? Everyone involved

Why? Conflict Resolution

When? As soon as Possible

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Who Wins?

Don't Over Complicate The Situation Work With What You Have

Procedures Situations

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Who's the Boss?

Include administration In the Work Place

Boss In the Dorm

RA In an Apartment

Land Lord

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“Your Language is Offensive” Control Language Watch Your Tone Bad Words

Not received well Part of human nature

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Did You Hear Something?

Listen All sides of the conflict should be heard

Objective Listening Skills Keep the peace

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A Tip And A Warning The Tip

Always be open about the purpose of the meeting, do not lure parties under false pretenses as this will only escalate conflict further..

The Warning This simple guide is for simple conflicts resolving around

work, friendship or home. For more serious conflicts involving trauma, abuse or any legal ramifications professional help must ALWAYS be sought.

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How to Get Along With Others

Watch What You Say Don't Make Promises You Can Not

Keep Be Happy Encourage Others

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How to Get Along With Others

Take An Interest In Other People Don't Talk Badly About Others Remember Your Own Morals Selfishness Gets You No Where

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In Conclusion...

Conflict Happens Solve the Problem Makes Life Happier and Healthier

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Sources "Steps to Solve a Conflict." Personal Growth for Success.

Web. 11 Jan. 2011. <>

"Conflict Resolution - Resolving Conflict Rationally and Effectively - Leadership Training from" Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. Web. 11 Jan. 2011. <>

"8 Steps for Conflict Resolution." Web. 11 Jan. 2011. <>

"THE TEN COMMANDMENTS of HOW TO GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE." Big Book Bunch Index. Web. 11 Jan. 2011. < Landers.html>.