Download - How to Obtain the PIC

Page 1: How to Obtain the PIC


1. In order to launch the validation process, the partners need to create an account in the Participant Portal (ECAS account) and register themselves in the Unique Registration Facility (URF):

2. The next step is to register your company. Therefore, you will have to fill in some information in different screens. The requested information is basically the one shown in the table below. Then you will receive a “temporary” unique Participant Identification Code (PIC).

ORGANISATION DATA Participant Legal Name  Business name  official language  Legal form  VAT number  Registration number  Registration date  Registration authority  Nace code     LEGAL ADDRESS Street name  Streen number  PO Box  Region  Postal code  City  Country  Internet homepage  Phone  Fax  Company email     MAIN CONTACT PERSON

Title  Gender  Last name  First name  Position in the organisation  Department  Contact country  Contact street  Contact street number  Postal code  City  Internet homepage  Phone  Fax  Email     STATUS OF THE ORGANISATION Is an enterprise?  Self declare SME status  SME year  Financial year date  Number of employees  Annual turnover  Annual balance sheet  

3. Afterwards you will get a temporary PIC, which will be fine for the first stage of the Project. Once the Project reaches the Negotiation stage, you should get the definitive PIC otherwise you will not be able to sign the Grant Agreement. To obtain the definitive PIC number, you will have to upload in the Participant Portal the requested signed documentation (SME Check List, Private/Public Entity Form, …) que el Servicio de Validación comprobará.

4. Then, the REA Validation Team will check all the documents, confirm the existence of the entity and its legal status (e.g. SME). and they will validate the PIC number, obtaining the definitive one. Only then will the participant be allowed to sign the Grant Agreement.

*For further information: