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17 tips on how to make men fall in love with you hopelessly – WikiYeah

It is easy to attract a guy and make him like you; however, the problem here is to know how to make men fall in love with you. You do not have to change yourself or pretend to be dumb in order to make guys feel comfortable around you. Once you want to fall in love with you, you should initially understand men and how they think and think, and use it to your own advantage. Remember, do not ever think to change yourself just to attract men. Keep reading this article to learn how to make men fall in love with you hopelessly – from!

How To Make Men Fall In Love With You – 17 Simple Tips

1. Dress Attractively

We all know that men are visual creatures and women know this better than anything else. In order to know how to make men fall in love with you, dress your best. However, dressing attractively does not just stop there. If men see other guys staring at you or admiring you, it just makes him desire you more. In fact, men are very competitive in terms of wooing women. With the right attention of other men within the room, the guy you like might do anything to get more your attention. As a result, he will recognize how lucky he is when being around you. [Read: how to seduce a man in seconds]

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2. Be Yourself

All of the tips on how to make men fall in love with you introduced here are surrounded being yourself. If you are fake, well, it does not matter if you get a man fall in love with you, because he will not really be in love with the real you. Thus, always by yourself, no matter what, so a man likes you for you. After all, would you hate to fall in love with the man who is not being himself right? [Read: why do guys lose interest in a woman]

3. Listen

Men love to talk about themselves, and a girl who listen actively to them is rather charming. Thus, try to listen more than you talk when you are trying to attract a man. Talk about yourself, about new events, or current topics about 20% of the communicating time, and let him control the 80% remaining time of the conversation. If he is attune to women, he will ask you questions too and then it will keep the conversation going. [Read: what men look for in women]

4. Smile Often

Men could not resist a cute smile. If you could be warm and pleasant when being with the guy you like, he will love you for it.

To know how to make men fall in love with you, then you can tuck the hair behind your ear when answering such an awkward question, or blush a little bit when being complimented and laugh at his jokes even when you have know it before.

If a man is attracted to you, he will want to impress you with his funny tales. By letting him know that you have a great time when around him and make him feel better about himself. A man always loves a woman who could make him feel like a stronger and better one. [Read: a full guide to dating – Respark the romance review]

5. Have A Good Attitude

Oftentimes, men like women with sunny, cheerful dispositions. In fact, nobody would love to hang out with a negative, pessimistic individual. Thus, you should try view life in its bring side, learn positive thinking exercises so you could catch a good man. [Read: how to prove you love someone]

6. Avoid Being Rude

Men are entirely put off by arrogant or rude women. If you could be rude to the guy you like or even just a waiter, that guy will not see you as his potential lifetime partner. Guys definitely love a girl who could take a stand, yet if it is in the form of

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arrogance, he would stay away from you. [Read: ways to look sexy but elegant]

7. Be Sweet

This is what all girls could be. Men are drawn to girls who are sweet and do not gossip, so you should keep snotty and cattiness comments to yourself when around your crush. The occasional catty comment is acceptable, yet be mindful. [Read: romantic gestures for him]

8. Use Your Eye Contact

A romantic eye contact will make two people fall in love with each other in no time. Therefore, the next time you have a conversation with your crush, you should stare deeply into his eyes when talking. You could flirt or smile, yet every time the eyes of both of you meet the other’s, let the eye contact linger even when the two of you do not exchange any word. It makes the man feel fuzzy and warm, and would stir his own heart. [Read: how to show your love]

9. Use Soft Touches

Use flirty tease. Men could not resist the touch of a lingering girl. Thus, the next time being with him, you can let your own touch linger softly but longer than necessary. This will create the romantic chemistry soon.

Here is a tiny tip: you can wear satiny or soft fabric when going out on a date with your crush. Then, he will have a difficult time keeping his hands off you. [Read: what do guys like in a girl]

10. Do Not Be Too Available

Among tips on how to make men fall in love with you, this is rather tricky, yet a good and effective way. When falling in love with someone, you really want to be with that person and spend more and more time with them. Yet, when not being able to be with the person you crush on, you might feel missing them a lot.

However, what you need to do in the early stage of falling in love is to skip an occasional date. While it is crucial to spend time together till the man falls in love with you, it is equally crucial to give each other some space to make him understand how great, important and special you are and how much he needs you. [Read: biggest turn offs for guys]

11. Have Your Opinions

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Compatibility is important in a happy, romance relationship. However, do not always accept what the man says or does. Sometimes, just a minor disagreement could take that guy off guard, yet it will make him respect your opinions more.

Do not let your guy feel that you are just like all of the other girls, smart and witty. Thus, do not talk about the old topics, such as school gossip. Ask your crush about how he feels about newsworthy stories and also show him you are worldy.

Keep in mind, a guy likes to flirt with warm yet fun girl but have a serious conversation with such a smart girl. Thus, you should let him know your intellect.

12. Flirt

Men love to be showered with attention and treated like a king. Toss your healthy hair a bit, throw the head back and feel free to laugh, and grin a lot. Even these are old tricks, they still work because these are tried and true. [Read: how to avoid awkward silences]

13. Be Witty

If you are around the guy you like, do not get too tongue-tied. Show your humor side to him and be confident in the person you are. [Read: how to not lose yourself in a relationship]

14. Avoid Letting Him Know You Are Fallen For Him

Men love chase. They might take time to fall in love. In order to understand how a men fall in love with a woman, you should know stages of love for males.

You can let that guy know you like him, but do not let him know you are fallen for him already. Make him wonder about how serious you are and let him be the first person to make the next step to a serious relationship. The longer the chase, the more he will want to be with you. However, do not push him away too often because he might end up with giving up the chase. Play hard, but warm up now and then.

15. Let Him Call You

Do not call him all the time, track him down or make yourself bother. Let him know hat you are busy out there and have a great time to bother with him and that he will rapidly get in touch with you if he is interested in sharing anytime with you. Let him do the pursuing, he will be more interested in you. [Read: how to know if you are in love]

16. Do A Little Bit Mirroring Strategies

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This sounds creepy at first, but it works. I mean that you can take somewhat physical mirroring. What this means is to take the physical action that your crush does, waiting five seconds or so, then copying it. For example, if your man rests his elbow on the table, you wait 5 seconds, and put the elbow on the table. This sounds silly yet it creates the connection between you and that guy.

17. Be A Little Bit Mysterious

Do not be an open book to your crush. Give him a little mystery. Keep him interested in you, make him want to call and ask you out to or just to learn more about you.

This is one of the most effective tips on how to make men fall in love with you. Try it out!

There, you have learnt all of the necessary tips on how to make men fall in love with you. Hopefully, by using these tricks, you could get out the house, get flirting and meet your crush.

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This sounds creepy at first, but it works. I mean that you can take somewhat physical mirroring. What this means is to take the physical action that your crush does, waiting five seconds or so, then copying it. For example, if your man rests his elbow on the table, you wait 5 seconds, and put the elbow on the table. This sounds silly yet it creates the connection between you and that guy.

17. Be A Little Bit Mysterious

Do not be an open book to your crush. Give him a little mystery. Keep him interested in you, make him want to call and ask you out to or just to learn more about you.

This is one of the most effective tips on how to make men fall in love with you. Try it out!

There, you have learnt all of the necessary tips on how to make men fall in love with you. Hopefully, by using these tricks, you could get out the house, get flirting and meet your crush.