Download - How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Page 1: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

How to Make a How to Make a Good ImpressionGood Impression

Page 2: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non-face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Page 3: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Read the text and tell the class the specific suggestions proposed by the author.

You are the messageBe yourselfUse your eyesLighten up

These are the topics for the paragraphs. Work out the specific outlines for each paragraph.

Page 4: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

good qualities

physical appearanceenergyrate of speechpitch and tone of voicegesturesexpression through the eyesability to hold the interest of others

You are the message

Page 5: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Be constant never change from one situation to anotherthe same communicate with their whole being: tones,

gestureslook happy (appearance)

Be yourself

Page 6: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Use your eyes

Look at the audience when you speakUse eye contact and smile

Page 7: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Lighten up

use humorexamine yourself: positive or negative

Page 8: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

1. Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. (Line 1 )

1) Some freshmen make up their minds to pursue a master’s degree after undergraduate studies.


2) She made up her mind to be a three-fold outstanding student.


词组:词组: make up one’s mind about : form one’s opinion about

make up one’s mind : decide

Page 9: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

2. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Line 2)

句型:“ causing a chain of …, ranging from… to fear”: 现在分词短语在句中作结果状语,表示我们表现感情的结果。其中“ ranging from…” 引导的分词短语作 “ reaction” 的

定语。Combine the following sentences using a V-ing structure.

1. It rained for two weeks on end and it completely flooded

the village.

It rained for two weeks on end, completely flooding the village.

Page 10: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

单词: conscious (line 2): a. realizing something ; fully awake ; knowing what is happening around

unconscious : a. not conscious ; not aware

un ---------------- not

consciously : ad. in a way one is aware of itunconsciously : ad. in a way one is not aware of it

Fill in each blank with the appropriate word chosen from consciously, unconsciously, conscious and unconscious.

1) The sensitive classmates were of her low spirits. 2) She could not recall what she spoke after the sudden attack. 3) The soldiers were badly injured, and they were __________. 4) During the operation, he felt every detail .



unconscious consciously

Page 11: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

3. 单词: encounter (line 6):

n. rare and formal meeting with sb. that happens by chance;

vt. meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp. a danger or

1) His encounter with the new boss was very positive.

他与新上司的邂逅具有非常积极的意义。2) The battle was one of the bloodiest encounters of the war.

那场战役是这场战争中最为残酷的遭遇战之一。3) After the exposure of the scandal, he was unwilling to encounter journalists.



Page 12: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

4. You were committed to what you were talking about and so

absorbed in the moment, you lost all self-consciousness. (Line 19)

①be committed to sth./ doing sth.: spend one’s time or energy on sth., give attention to 投身于,致力于

1) 他对语言教学事业十分投入。 He is very committed to the cause of language teaching.

② be absorbed (in): give all one’s attention (to) 专心于

2) 艺术家聚精会神于自己的工作,以至于没有 听到来访者进了房间。 The artist was so absorbed in her work that she didn’t

hear her visitor enter the room.


Page 13: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

句型: so+ adj./adv. + (that) 如此(非常)…以至于…

1. 她全神贯注阅读一本好书,以至于没有注意 到天都黑了。 She was so absorbed in reading the good book that she

even didn’t notice it was completely dark outside.

2. 要去上大学了,他如此激动以至于

He was so excited about going to college that he even couldn’t go to sleep.


Page 14: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

e.g. From childhood, she impressed every teacher with her down-to-earth attitude toward learning.


rewrite with “make an impression on”

From childhood, she made an impression on every teacher with her down-to-earth attitude toward learning.

5. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and

impress others with your qualities. (Line 22)

词组:词组: impress sb. with sth.: feel admiration and respect for

Page 15: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

1) The third letter of complaint is not consistent with the first two.


2) Their performance did not go consistently with their



6. The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. (Line 26 )

单词: consistent: adj. always having the same opinions,

standard, behavior, attitudes, qualities, etc.

Page 16: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

有些人在清晨处于最佳状态;另外一些人在深夜 处于最佳状态。

1) Some are at their best early in the morning, while others are at their best late in the evening.

2) Whenever he takes an important test, he is always

每当参加重大考试时, 他总是处于最佳状态。他真是个幸运儿。

at his best. He is really a lucky dog.

词组:词组: at one’s best: performing as well or effectively as

one is able to

Page 17: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

1) The Defense Minister addressed the graduates at the military academy.


2) When you deliver a speech, please address your audience.


7. They’re the same whether they’re having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job.

(Line 27)单词: address: vt. direct one’s speech to

Page 18: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

8. They look angry, frightened or depressed. (Line 33 )

单词: depressed: a. unhappy

1) My best friend failed her national college entrance exams twice, and she was becoming increasingly depressed.


2) If you are depressed, you are not alone. And overcoming depression takes time and patience.


Page 19: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

9. When he got to me , he…(Line 45)

词组:to get to me 走到我身边

1. 医生给做了几项检查以便弄清病人发热的究竟。

The doctor made several tests to get to the bottom of the patient’s fever.


Page 20: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

If / Even if (though) sb. did (even) sth., he / she needs (doesn’t need) to do sth. else.

10.If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to lighten up. (Line 54)




哪怕/即使某人做了某事,他/她也需要(也不必 ) 做另一事。(提出建议)

Page 21: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

应用: a. 哪怕你只有一门考试过关,你也大可不必灰心丧气。

Even if you passed only one of the exams, you don’t need to lose heart.

Page 22: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

good qualities

physical appearanceenergyrate of speechpitch and tone of voicegesturesexpression through the eyesability to hold the interest of others

In Paragraph 4, the author lists a serial of things to support the idea of good qualities.

Page 23: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

CrackersChocolateApplesBananasSweatersSockstoy carsdolls

Listing is a good method to develop a topic in a paragraph. Make a list of goods you can buy in a supermarket.

Page 24: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

There are crackers, chocolateThere are apples, bananasThere are sweaters, socksThere are toy cars and dolls.

Develop the following topic sentence into a paragraph.

There are a variety of goods in a supermarket.

The development of the paragraph is too simple. Ask the following questions about each sentence in the development.

What are they?

Who buys them?

For what use?

Page 25: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

There are crackers, chocolate

What are they? snacks, food

Who buys them?

young people

For what use? entertain themselves or their friends

Young people can find crackers or chocolate there to entertain themselves or their friends.

Page 26: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

There are apples, bananas

What are they? fruits

Who buys them?


For what use? for the family table

Housewives can buy fruits such as apples and bananas for their family table.

Page 27: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

There are sweaters, socks

What are they? wearing

Who buys them?


For what use? for the husband and children

Housewives can buy fruits such as apples and bananas and various wearing like sweaters or socks for their families.

Page 28: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

There are toy cars and dolls.

What are they? toys

Who buys them?


For what use? play with

Kids can find a supermarket a paradise full of toys waiting for them to pick up.

Page 29: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

The final paragraph

There are a variety of goods in a supermarket. Young people can find crackers or chocolate there to entertain themselves or their friends. Housewives can buy fruits such as apples and bananas and various wearing like sweaters or socks. Kids can find a supermarket a paradise full of toys waiting for them to pick up.

Page 30: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Paragraph 6

Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them with “power handshakes” and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice, you’ll drive everyone crazy—including yourself.

Find in this paragraph the words that have the similar meaning to advice.



Page 31: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Paragraph 7

The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They’re the same whether they’re having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a jog. They communicate with their whole being: the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words.

Find in this paragraph a group of words that express the same concept.


never change

the same

whole being

Page 32: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Fill in the blanks:

When people ask us for help, there are a lot of situations in which we should say “no’. Here are some examples. When people to borrow a great deal money from us, and the amount is above the amount we can offer, we should say “no”. When people us to fight with somebody, no matter who he is, we should say “no”. When people us to damage the public facilities, we should also say “no”.


ask urge

Work out three expressions to replace “say no” in the paragraph.

tell them the truth



Page 33: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Section B

Page 34: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

1. I liked him the minute I saw him! (Line 1)

类似连词还有: the moment (that) every time the instant (that) the way the second (that)

the minute (that): conj. as soon as “一 ······(就)” 连词,


1) 你一准备好我们就走。 We’ll leave the minute you’re ready.

2) 我一见到她就认出她来了。 I recognized her the instant I saw her.

3) 他一到,你就给我打电话 ! Telephone me the moment he arrives!

the minute

Page 35: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

snap judgments: 仓促的,匆忙的判断




We can not make our minds about others on snap judgments.

We can not make our minds about others on snap judgments.

snap shot 快照

Page 36: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

sound: a. 正确的,理由充分的,健康的

The doctor says my heart is basically sound. The doctor says my heart is basically sound.




safe and sound

sound advice

sound idea

sound explanation

sound proposal

Page 37: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

They also admit they often make snap judgments and find them to be fairly sound.

Pattern: find sb. (to be) adj. /n./prep.

Rewrite the following sentences, using the pattern.He is reasonable to say so.

We find him reasonable to say so.

The city is very clean and comfortable to live in.

The visitors find the city very clean and comfortable to live in.

The water was too dirty to drink.

The villagers soon found the water too dirty to drink.

Page 38: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

3.Because people assume "you are what you say you are", they talk a lot to become acquainted with each other.(Line 12)


assume:assume: v.v. 1. accept or believe that someth 1. accept or believe that something is true even though you have no evidence ing is true even though you have no evidence 臆臆断 断 2. take up 2. take up 承担,担任承担,担任

assume office 就职Collocation

assume responsibility 负责assume an obligation 承担义务assume a new name 用一个新名字

Page 39: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

assume & presume

1) To assume is to suppose that something is true for the sake of making plans, etc.

2) To presume is to believe that something is true though you have no proof.

Fill in the following blanks.

1) Let’s ______ that we can hold the meeting on 8 May, what shall we discuss at it?

2) We must ________ they are innocent.




Page 40: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

in relation toin the aspects of

Replace Replace in relation toin relation to in the sentence. in the sentence.

Others say "actions speak louder than words," usually keeping promises, paying bills or sending money home

referring to in as far as are concerned

as far as … be concerned

referring to

in the aspects of


Page 41: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

5. …we do use other forms of which we may be only partially aware… (Line 16)

partially ≈ in part partially ←→ completely partly ←→ wholly partially 与 completely 相对,着重程度上的有限。 partly 与 wholly 相对,着重数量上的部分。

1) The meat was only _______ cooked. 肉还没有煮熟。2) His lecture only ______ covered the subject and that p

art________. 他只部分地讲了那个问题,而且 讲到的那部分,也说得很有限。

3) He failed _______ because of his carelessness. 他之所以失败,部分是由于粗心大意。



in part

Page 42: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

6. These unconscious actions and reactions to them may in part account for our “feelings” and “snap judgments”. (Line 19)

account for 说明,解释,占(比重)

1) He couldn’t account for his absence from school. 他不能对自己的旷课作出解释。

2) I want you to account for each sum of the money you spent. 我要你说明你所花费的每一笔钱。

3) The tourism losses from the SARS outbreak only account for 5 per cent of the economy.

因 “非典”疫情的爆发对旅游业造成的 损失只占经济的 5%。


Page 43: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

vt. raise someone to a higher level or position 提拔,促进,推销

encourage; help the progress of sth. 促进, 增进

8. …the person who dresses like a successful manager is most likely to be promoted into a managing position. (Line 37)


1) 公司在去年提升了她两次。

The company promoted her twice last year.

Page 44: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

2) 我们正努力促进国民经济发展。

3) 他在城里推销自己的新书。

We try our best to promote our national economic growth.

He was in town to promote his new book.

Page 45: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Such statements are examples of "snap judgments", opinions which are formed suddenly, seemingly on no sound reason at all.

Coordination ( 同位) is a good way to further define or explain the idea mentioned.

Try to add a coordinator to the following:

Xiamen University

College English

My dorm

, Southern Strength as it is known

, a killer course we were told even before we came to the university

, the most comfortable place to me in this school

Page 46: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Rewrite the following sentences, using the skill of coordination:

The water in the river is seriously polluted.

The water in the river, the only drinking supply for the local people, is seriously polluted.

The shop window was decorated with a Christmas tree. The shop window was decorated with a Christmas tree, a reminder of the approaching of a new year.

Page 47: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

As behavioral sciences develop, however, researchers find the importance of speech has been overestimated. Although speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other forms of which we may be only partially aware or, in some cases, completely unaware. It is possible we are unconsciously sending messages with every action, messages which are unconsciously picked up by others and used in forming opinions. These unconscious actions and reactions to them may in part account for our "feelings" and "snap judgments".

Page 48: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Paragraph Analysis

Choose from the sentence the most important words that express the basic meaning of the sentence.

As behavioral sciences develop, however, researchers find the importance of speech has been overestimated.

importance (of speech) is overestimated

Page 49: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Although speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other forms of which we may be only partially aware or, in some cases, completely unaware.

we use other forms (of communications)

Page 50: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

It is possible we are unconsciously sending messages with every action, messages which are unconsciously picked up by others and used in forming opinions.

we send messages (with every action), messages (forming opinions)

Page 51: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

These unconscious actions and reactions to them may in part account for our "feelings" and "snap judgments".

actions and reactions account for our "feelings"

Page 52: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

Paragraph OutlineParagraph Outline

Importance (of speech) is overestimated

we use other forms (of communications)

we send messages (with every action), messages (forming opinions)

actions and reactions account for our "feelings"

Main IdeaMain Idea

Other forms communicate.

Page 53: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

We communicate a great deal, researchers have found, with our bodies -- by the way we move, sit, stand and what we do with our hands and heads. Imagine a few people sitting in a waiting room: one is tapping his fingers on his briefcase, another keeps rubbing his hands together, another is biting his fingernails, still another grabs the arms of his chair tightly and one keeps running his fingers through his hair. These people aren't talking but they're "saying" a lot if you know the "body language" they're using.

Page 54: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

OutlineOutlineWe communicate (a great deal) with our bodies (move, sit, stand hands heads).

various “body language”

tap fingers

rub hands

bite fingernails

grab the arms of his chair

run fingers through his hair.

People say body language

Page 55: How to Make a Good Impression Do you think face-to-face communication is easier than non- face-to-face communication? Explain why.

The End