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How to Hear the Voice of


By Ronald H. Flowers

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How to Hear the Voice of


By Ronald H. Flowers

Page 3: How to hear the voice of god

How to Hear the Voice of God

Just about every day someone asks me to give them a Word from God. It can be a business leaders, government officials, or just people who love God. Desiring to hear the voice of God. We thank God for the prophetic gifts that speak into the life of his people, but God’s desire to speak to you personally. In other words God desire to have a personal relationship with you, and to speak to you on a one-to-one basis.

Let’s look into the book of Genesis. God created man and then he created the woman from the men. God would come in the cool of the evening and fellowship with Adam and his wife Eve. Imagine having this kind of personal relationship with God. God’s greatest desire is to know you on a personal level. His purpose for creating man was to establish his kingdom on earth, in order to do that he had to have a personal relationship with every person he created. Every person was uniquely created to have a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. How many times have I heard people say God is the father of all mankind, yet they do not have a relationship with their father (God)? Wouldn’t it be awful to be raised by a father who never talks with you, who never developed a personal relationship with you. I remember raising my children, when I came home from work they all met me at the door each one grasping for my attention. How many times would I be in the living room reading or researching the word of God, usually my daughter or her younger brother would come and crawled up in my lap. They were not interested in what I was doing at the present time they just wanted my attention. The most amazing thing God is seeking

How To Hear THe Voice of God


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you. I know to many of you that may sound almost beyond your imagination. God desires so much to have a relationship with you that he’s seeking to bring you into his presence that you may know him, he already knows you because he had created you.

We thank God for the prophetic gifts that he had given to mankind. His heart’s desire is to speak directly to you and that you would know his voice. Jesus said my sheep knows my voice, and a stranger they would not follow. One thing I have learned about sleep they only follow the voice of their shepherd. They would never follow a stranger, or even another shepherd. They are only listening to the voice of their shepherd. In the Old Testament men did not have direct access to God. God set up the priesthood and the prophetic ministries in order to communicate with his people. Now that we have been made new creatures in Christ Jesus we have been given a direct connection with God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus teaches us in the book of St. John that the Holy Spirit, would lead us and guide us into all truth. He is there to help us to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

How does God speak to us, through his word which called the Holy Bible. God thought so much of us that he took time to write out an instruction manual for our lives. It is here that we first began to hear the voice of God speaking to us through his Word. As you read and study the Word of God you will experience the Word of God walking off the pages into your heart. Everything we need to know in order to bring the kingdom of God in the earth is written in the instruction manual, and he

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will teach you how to understand and to function within his will and purpose for your life. That’s why you must study the word, as you study he will speak his word directly into your heart.

Spend time with God in worship, praise and prayer. Prayer is one of the ways we communicate with God. Prayer is more than you talk to God, it is also God talking to you. We as born again believers need to learn how to wait in the presence of God. This is a part of prayer that we do not often talk about. I remember there was a time that we waited in the presence of God in silence. We would quietly wait for God to speak, and he would speak words of encouragement and direction to us. Today everyone seemed to be in a hurry, services are designed to be an hour and a half and then we are out of church. What we need is to practice the presence of God. Waiting for him to speak to our hearts and redirect our minds.

(Psalm 27:14) Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

God still uses the prophetic ministry to speak to the hearts of is people. He speaks words of encouragement, strength, and confirmation of what he has already spoken. Sometimes we are in such a hurry, and so busy with life that we have not taken the time to seek God. Many try to use a shortcut, I just will go to the prophet and asked them to give me a word. The greatest word you will ever receive from God is when he speaks directly to your spirit. One word from God can change the entire course of your life. How we need to hear directly from God.


How To Hear THe Voice of God

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Sometimes God uses dreams and visions to speak to our hearts, to warn us because we had made a wrong decision. We are so busy going about our daily activities that we do not take time to spend with God. He just waits for us to sleep and he will speak to us in a dream or a vision. Why because his desire to communicate with everyone of his children.

Have you ever been in a church service and it seems as if the minister speaks directly to you. You may have asked God for directions, or maybe it was a scripture that you did not understand. The minister speaks the Word of God and it seems as if you are the only one in the entire church he is speaking to. This is God speaking to you through the ministry of the word.

Some things you should know. You do not need a spirit guide. That is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. In this day and time of new age teaching of spirit guide and angel association, this is misleading people from the truth written in God’s Word. God does not use hokey pokey, mystic, and secret code in order to speak to you. I was listening to a man who said an angel came and took him in a spaceship and show him many mysterious things. I knew right away that this was not the spirit of God, he is not in need of Star Trek, or whatever to speak to you. Also be careful of people who claim to hear from God, and God said for them to kill someone. God is not in the business of death, he is a God of life. Unfortunately there are people who seem to be spiritual but are actually suffering from mental illness. They are easy to spot, because

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they speak things that does not agree with the word of God.

You had not lived life until you have learned to have a personal relationship with God. Take time to seek God. He is waiting for you to come into his presence for he would love to have an intimate relationship with you.

How To Hear THe Voice of God