
Do you believe in true love? …

Does happy ending really exist?...

Have you been in a relationship?...

Have you been in a heartbreak?...

B-R-E-A-K“Going through

heartbreak can feel like

being underwater when you need to

breathe. ”

How to Overcom

e Heartbre


We build our lives with someone we trust and care for, and then, in the blink of an eye, it's all gone. This can

leave people with sorrow, anger, and some serious

questions — about ourselves and the future. So, go back to

BASIC when you haven’t know/met him/her yet.


You've probably been in a relationship for a while, or maybe you've been thinking about that person

non-stop for months. Now is the time to take a step back, look at your life, and move on to the

next challenge. Everyone falls down. It's how you get back up that defines you.

B. Remove all the memories of the person from your everyday

life.You're not trying to

pretend like the person never existed, just temporarily

forget how much they meant to

you and how they broke your


C. Disconnect the person from all the social networks you

use. Nowadays, we have our

regular lives and our online lives.

Unsubscribe from the person on Facebook,

unfollow them on Twitter, and work so

that your online network doesn't

remind you of the person who broke your


D. Exercise and eat right

Go the gym or get outside and sweat. Physical activity increases the amount of serotonin in the brain, which acts like a natural antidepressant, improving your mood. It's okay to eat ice cream and milkshakes every once in a while (who doesn't do that?!) but it's best to

continue to eat a diet rich in fruits and veggies, lean protein, whole grains, and water. These will not only make you look fantastic, but feel fantastic as well.

E. Try not to be in the same place as the person, if possible.

This is hard to do, obviously: The other person has

probably been an important part of your life for some time, and your body and brain are used to having

them around. But giving the other person up, like cold

turkey, is a good way to tell your body and mind that there are plenty of other people in the world who

deserve your attention. Why not give them a chance?

F. Stay optimistic.This is easier said than done, but whenever you feel yourself being overly negative, dwelling on the past, or just looking at the glass as half-empty, try to snap out of it. Remind

yourself of everything you have and how lucky you are.

A. Figure out what went wrong in your relationship.

Every relationship has its strengths and weaknesses. Figure out what went wrong in your relationship, or what wasn't so great about the other

person. This way you can grow in the future, or look for better traits in your next partner. There are a bunch of things that can normally go wrong

in a relationship.

B. Don't obsess over whose fault it was.

You probably have room for growing, too, so try not to pin all the blame on just the other person. Focus on

the issues, not the actors.

C. Learn from your mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes. It's how

you learn from them that defines you as a person. Learn from what went wrong in

your last relationship — what caused you to be heartbroken — and make sure that

doesn't happen in the future

D. Once you're ready, forgive the other person.Forgiveness is an important part of

healing your broken heart. In order to move on, you need to

forgive the other person, or you'll constantly be thinking about

them or wondering why they hurt you.

E. Don't argue with the other person.

Sometimes you give the other person a chance to speak their mind, or to

talk about an issue that went wrong. We do this to get closure. If you are discussing things with the person who broke your heart, be a little guarded and don't let the conversation turn

into an argument.


LIFE AROUNDThink about the last time you

felt emotional pain.Perhaps the last time was

about a second ago, or perhaps a fairly long time,

regardless, put yourself back there for a moment.

A. Lean on your friendsYour friends are there to

help you, to comfort you when you're feeling bad, and

inspire you to feel good. Deep down,

your friends love you. It's not unreasonable

to lean on your friends as you deal with a

broken heart. They're maybe the ones who will help you out of it.

B. Channel your energy into new

activities. What we miss when a relationship ends is that we can't express our love anymore. We can't express our excitement to someone

who's interested because they're interested in you. You can continue this form of heartfelt expression, however, by

writing poetry, painting, singing, dancing, etc. Do whatever it takes to allow you to transform your pain into

something productive!

C. Go on a trip. 

It doesn't need to be far, but it should be far enough to give you a little bit of perspective. The world is such a big, beautiful place; you

should take advantage of it. Bring some camping supplies or bunk it with that friend you haven't seen in a while. A little bit of

distance can do wonders for your broken heart.

D. Tap your imagination. . 

Nothing makes getting over a broken heart harder than feeling trapped. And it may

be cheesy or cliché, but your imagination will let you go places you've never been and experience things you might never

see. Use it. You'll feel better.

E. Once you feel ready, start dating other people

again.After two or three months, many people feel

ready to date again. Be sure you've fixed some of the issues you had in your

previous relation, and try not to make the same mistake twice!

F. Remember the two-year rule.

It takes two years to learn a new job, two years to get accustomed to a new town, and two

years to completely heal a broken heart. If you expect to be completely healed in a day after a

three-year relationship, you could be sorely disappointed. Real results are obtainable when

realistic expectations are set.