Download - How to handle difficult conversations with candidates, colleagues, and your boss | Talent Connect 2016


 Katherine Vogt  Director, HRBP- Global Talent Organization


“Difficult Conversations”

What to Expect

•  You choose the scenario •  A volunteer joins me for the

demonstration and aims to “be difficult.” I play the deliverer of the feedback.

•  After each scenario, we discuss as a group.

•  Repeat. J


Upward Feedback

Peer Feedback

Rejecting a Candidate

Tough Hiring Manager

You need to ask your boss (Walt) to include you in some meetings and email chains so that you can be in the “information flow”- as right now you are not getting everything you need to do your job. In addition, your boss isn’t very good about replying to email. You generally feeling pretty disconnected from Walt- as structured 1:1s are infrequent and typically focused on the project at hand.

Upward Feedback

One of your cross functional partners (Skyler), with whom you work very closely, has a very off-putting style. She interrupts other people, seems to care only about her own agenda, and is starting to frustrate and upset the team with her negativity and abrasiveness. You need to give Skyler some feedback about how she is showing up, especially as her manager doesn’t have visibility to this.

Peer Feedback

You have let a finalist for an open position (Jesse) know that we will not be moving forward with him. Jesse thinks there must have been some confusion in the process and that this is a mistake. He won’t take “no” for an answer and has been texting the hiring manager to speak directly.

Rejecting a Candidate

Marie is a hiring manager for a requisition you have been working on for some time. You have given Marie some feedback in the past about showing up for meetings and following up on requested actions. Now she wants to up-level the position and include 15 interviewers in the panel. In general, you don’t feel Marie treats you like a partner. You need to address these latest issues and also discuss your relationship with her.

Tough Hiring Manager