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How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


How does the average business find new clients? Do

you do it the old fashioned way, through networking,

cold calls and golf? It may surprise many readers that

yes, although we are the top social media marketing

company in Thailand, we still network regularly. I think

you have to do a bit of everything till one thing really

works for you.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Many companies will still swear by telemarketing, and there

have been a few companies over the years that have almost

killed the cold calling aspect of business by being too aggressive

and overzealous when speaking to strangers on the telephone.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Recent figures show that even if you have a targeted database of people, it will be still very tough to glean new clients over the phone. Back in the 1980’s it was how we all got our customers, that and door knocking, and back then it was an expected part of business, companies and the general public were reasonably open to people knocking without appointments However things have changed and business must to!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking seems to have reached a saturation point for many,

sadly there’s a section of the community at networking who have

lost the plot and have just no idea what it really means or how to

develop relationships for the future, and there have since

emerged the:

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking stereotypes

My personal pet hate is the card shark, the employee who is

paid to be there and get the minimum number of cards and go

home, she thrusts their card in your hand and runs off once she

has your card and has no time to listen to what you do.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking stereotypes

Then there is the boor who thinks that you are there purely to

hear about how great their business is without ever listening to

yours. Most people have sussed him out half way through the

event and he stands alone with a sausage roll, thinking everyone

else must be Luddites!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking stereotypes

The single girls are at least partly interested in you because they

can at least work out how much money you get by digesting your

story, but after a while they glaze over whilst they work out what

kind of school your money will send her children to.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking stereotypes

Then the last stereotype looks at you as if you just stole his last

sandwich when you reach to shake his hand, because he has no

discernible business whatsoever and is not ever looking for clients he

is just there for the free beer and girls, him and the ex-washing

machine salesmen in a cheap suit now selling expat financial products.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking Challenges

One last thing is I hate is: shallow prizes, you win the raffle; a

voucher to spend $30 in a restaurant, whoopee! Only to find you

have to spend $20 to redeem the voucher, Booooo!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking Challenges

It certainly takes a lot of time to actually find someone who is a match for your

business at network functions. I wait for the day when someone does the

maths for networking and works out how many hours on average avoiding the

chafe and finding good people with whom you can do business with, versus

time taken getting there, the cost of events etc. to see whether it is worth it.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Networking Challenges

I went to one event in UK a while back and their idea was for people to pin their business cards up on the wall and people who wanted to speak to the card owner would pin their business cards to the supplier’s card.

I thought to myself; would it not have been more effective if people wrote on a piece of paper what they were looking to buy; and the suppliers could pin their cards to their paper. I felt that would be a lot more valuable.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Branding V Marketing

The third most obvious way people find new clients is by marketing,

through direct marketing like newspapers, trade shows, billboards

Radio and TV.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Branding V Marketing

Then there is the Internet where a lot of business people struggle to

come to terms with their understanding of branding and ROI that

comes from such an intangible concept.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Branding V Marketing

New business mainly struggle massively with the premise of branding as they are so focused on doing things that will keep their business alive with cash flow and getting to that salaried point, that spending money on things that people only see subconsciously like banner advertising to raise awareness is alien to them. Yet is should not be and it takes a lot of education to make start-ups and SME’s aware of how effective banner ads can be.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Social Media marketing is now widely recognised as a strategic arm

of your marketing and must be considered, and all business should

at the very least be educated to understand how social media can

undermine any business or expand your brand massage massively

and very cost effectively.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


As a business person near the top echelons and or business

owners, these concepts take many years to learn and experienced

people with an acumen and deep understanding of the above

concepts will wince when they are asked about the cost in time and

money to have a decent grasp about how to find new clients.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Recently one of the top business schools worked out that average

client acquisition (meaning all of the above activities including R&D,

Sales support, and maintenance) costs business $2,000 USD per

one client!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Then there is another level where you need years of knowledge to

understand how to keep your clients, any experienced business

scholar will tell you; that’s where the net profit is

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


What if there was an

easier way?

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


What if you sold handbags and you lived in Phuket for

example, and you are really new at business, with hardly any

budget, but you know you have a great product at a great

price and you just know when people see they will buy? What

do you do then?

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Well one thing you could do is visit Biz-find Thailand

each day and click on the Business leads, there we have a

list of all the things our business directory members are

buying right now, and there could very easily be; leads for

people sourcing handbag suppliers, as well as over 250 other

categories of business.

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


Q: Cost to contact directly the company who is asking?

A: $30 for all the names in your category for a month.

We as business mentors feel that that is actually priceless for

any business!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business in


You can learn all about business marketing in seminars and

educate yourself to be a Forbes cover page business once

you have good cash flow from sales. So make Biz-find your

first port of call , our sellers membership sends you emails of

any new company asking for what you sell as soon as we

receive them!

How do you go about finding

Leads for business?

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