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Page 1: How To Get Ebay Inventory From Other Ebay Sellers

Have you ever wanted an eBay business but did not know where to start? Maybe you have got the desire to work from home but you have no inventory to get your business off the ground? You see thousands upon thousands of sellers on eBay and you wonder where they can possibly get so much stuff to sell. If you search the internet, you will constantly find mention of drop-shipping, wholesalers, closeouts, etc. where you will often find yourself able to get the same inventory that a thousand other eBay sellers are already selling and so you enter into a price war with other sellers. There is a better way.

Let me start by saying that many of those same eBay sellers (the full-timers) often have the same problem with acquiring inventory. Just because they have inventory now and had it in the past does not always mean that they will be able to get more in the same quantity in the future. It is an ongoing problem for many sellers in many categories. Sometimes their sources run out of inventory or the prices that they have to pay for it do not justify their potential selling price profit. Then they have to start over and try to find inventory from another source, make new contacts and the game starts all over again. Worse yet, the new inventory that they may want may not be available at all in the price that they wish to pay and so they may have to learn about a whole new category in which to sell. Then they are competing with other sellers already experienced in the new category. They can adjust or simply go out of business.

How interested would you be as an eBay seller if the inventory problem was forever solved? As full-time sellers on eBay for over 10 years with over 30,000 feedbacks, our family has never had trouble finding inventory. In the beginning, we did what we had to do to get inventory by pounding the payment and specialized in just a couple of categories connected to the inventory we could get our hands on. We now acquire a large part of our inventory from other eBay sellers. It is so easy, it is shocking that more people have not thought of it and acted on this before.

The main way to do this is to buy from amateur sellers. It is possible to buy from full-time professional sellers too but you will find more and better deals on a consistent basis from the numerous amateurs that show their stuff on eBay every hour of every day. We buy items individually at low auction prices and sell in "buy it now" formats for the most part and sometimes auction the same item off with a higher starting bid which locks in profit from the first bidder. Another way is to buy from sellers who offer things in "lots" which are much more profitable sold individually. I have bought numerous things from people selling in lots only to break them down and make much more money than the initial purchase.

This is an easy wasy to get inventory but that does not mean it does not take some training. Without some idea of what you are doing, you can spend literally hours parked in front of your computer only to come up empty. You need to learn lots of shortcuts in finding inventory because your time is valuable. If you are not finding great things to sell in a quick enough time frame, you may as well not bother leaving your current job... and that is the goal, right?

You can take advantages of the numerous mistakes that eBay amateurs make like using auctions when they should be using the "buy it now", listing with a "buy it now" too low that you can buy and resell. One big mistake is people listing items in large lots that really should be listed individually or not using the correct keywords in the title line. The number of mistakes that amateur sellers make are sometimes staggering. That is not your fault so why not learn to buy from them and resell again?

Finding inventory that is listed by amateurs can sometimes be a little difficult if you do not use some shortcuts and especially avoiding the mistakes that the amateurs make. You have to know what you are doing, the value of what you are buying and selling and how to go about it while saving time. Once you learn this, your Ebay inventory problems are forever solved!

For more info, visit Brett Walker's site at

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