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IDEASBy Ivana Zuber


Software Developer at Rathmann d.o.o.

Founder of BloggLess

Original post was written by Kayla Matthews


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This presentation is going to walk you through different

strategies you can use in order to come up with fresh and

unique blog post topic ideas.

Guide on how to come up with creative blog

post ideas and never go out of topics to write


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1. Don’t Let Your Ideas Escape You

If you want to follow your creativity and use it to improve your blogging, you need to develop good habits in regards to recording your brilliant ideas before they get away.


Text or email yourself ideas to use later, jot notes in Evernote on the go or create a sophisticated editorial system in Trello.

Want to read the full article?

10 Ways To Dig Deep For Blog

Post Creativity

By Kayla Matthews


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2. Follow Your Passions

Hopefully, you’re already blogging about something you’re passionateabout, but maybe you need a little reminder of that passion when it comes down to the work.


What is it that you love about this industry or niche? *

Pour that energy into your blog. It might lead you to new angles.*

What brought you there in the first place? *

What do you glaze over or fall asleep thinking about?*

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3. Soak up Visual Inspiration

There’s a reason stunning imagery is so popular on sites like Instagram, Pinterest and StumbleUpon. It compels us to look at life from new perspectives and consider things we haven’t considered before.


Create an “Inspiration Board” on Pinterest or stumble around in categories related to your niche. Just be careful that these activities don’t suck time away from the more important aspects of your blog.


Consider the audience you can build on these sites and ways you can bring that audience to your blog.*

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4. Read Voraciously

Read other blogs, read the news, read things that interest you and books you love. Remember that you can respond to these things. Some of the best posts are spawned this way.


Did you read something on Mashable that you completely disagree with,or something on the Havahart Blog that got you thinking about the issue of animal cruelty? Write about it!


You can even comment on the original post, mentioning your response. Maybe you’ll even gain some new readers this way.*

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5. Generate Ideas

There are some great generators out there that actually let you input the main topics of your blog, and they’ll spit out what you should write about next.


Check out Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator and Contentforest’s Title Generator!*

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7. Jump on a News Story

There’s one industry that is constantly cycling through brand new material – good old fashioned journalism!*

How can you relate your blog and its niche to current events or even news in your industry? What do you have to say about what’s happening out there?


If you read enough, maybe you already know exactly what to tackle next. If you need some assistance finding your next news story, though, set up a few choice Google Alerts for your industry and let the scoop come to you.


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8. Get Sarcastic

People love comedy. What has people up in arms in your industry? Find a way to parody it.*

Write an exaggerated account of the situation or a confusing, bumbling explanation of it as though it was written by a complete outsider. *

You might be the first person to look at a tired, oft-repeated idea in this new light and you are bound to get appreciation for it.*

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9. Look for What’s Missing

Instead of looking for ideas that already exist and making them your own, start searching between the lines for what’s missing. What aren’t people talking about? Why not?


A little investigation and you may just be the first person to cover a story or piece of advice from that angle. *

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10. Ask

Post to your social following or even right on your blog asking your readers what they would like to see on your blog. You never know, maybe someone has a brilliant idea and they’re just waiting for you to catch up to them.


Creativity isn’t a science, but rather an art. You can’t force yourself to be

creative, but with some tricks like the ones above, you might be able to find

creative ideas. Soon, you’ll be the one making them say, “Gee, I wish I’d

thought of that.”

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By Ivana Zuber


Software Developer at Rathmann d.o.o.

Founder of BloggLess

Want to read the full article?

10 Ways To Dig Deep For Blog

Post Creativity

By Kayla Matthews