Download - How to Face a Job Interview


IPE 4208

Business Communication Seminar



Md. Mamunur Rahman


Department of MPE

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology


Presentation contents

10 tips for a great


Questions not supposed

to be asked by the


Video on career


Some common

questions frequently


Video on interview Do’s

and Don’ts 2

10 tips for a great interview

01. Research the Company

Do your homework

Go to the company's website and read about

their vision, mission, strategy, products,

finances, departments, competitive advantages,

competitors etc.


10 tips for a great interview

02. Prepare your Introduction & Key points

Any career changes you may have had

Main strengths


Smile, be natural and speak with confidence


10 tips for a great interview

03. Identify Achievements

Accomplishments and achievements that you made in

your past job

Speak about how you can contribute to their overall


If you are fresh graduate, mention your activities of

industrial attachment, achievements in project/thesis

work, other extra-curricular activities, positions

holding in any clubs or society indicating your

leadership quality


10 tips for a great interview

04. You are interviewing the interviewer too!

Engage in a Dialogue. A conversation is a two-way


Whether the employer's work culture fits in with

what your personal values are

Be curious and ask lots of questions to get a

good understanding about the company


10 tips for a great interview

05. Prepare a list of intelligent questions

you want to ask

Job responsibilities and company culture

Employee recognition programs,

opportunities for personal and Professional


Current and future challenges of the position


10 tips for a great interview

06. Be Open and Honest

Tell the truth

If you made a mistake, say it in a positive way,

accept responsibility for it, and explain how you

have benefited from the experience & what you

have learnt

Do not pretend to be something that you are

not, it will not work!


10 tips for a great interview

07. Let the pressure go...there are more


A job interview is not a do-or-die situation

If you are going to attend an interview it does

not mean it is the only option

Much better job opportunities may be waiting

just round the corner


10 tips for a great interview

08. Good timekeeping is essential

Arrive at least 15 minutes early

Ensuring you are not rushed, use this time to

learn more about the company’s ambience

Observe the company's employees as you sit

in the lobby


10 tips for a great interview

09. Find out who the interviewer is

If it is the Human Resource head, expect to be asked

general interview questions. While answering, talk

about your career history, personal values, working

style etc.

If it is the Head of the Department, you can ask

questions like what your day-to-day job

responsibilities would be and what the demand of the

job position is


10 tips for a great interview

10. Dress appropriately

It means you look professionals, show your

personality and dress in regard to the job you

have applied for

You will create your first impression by what

you look like. Right from head to toe, you

should look put together and cleaned up


Questions not supposed to answer

Here are some questions that can’t be asked,

according to HR professionals and the U.S. EEOC

(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

In all circumstances, try to find out why an

interviewer is asking a particular off-limits question,

and then steer the conversation into addressing

particular, relevant concerns, in the following ways:



It’s not permissible to ask-

What religion job seekers practice

What religious holidays they observe, or their

religious affiliations

If an interviewer probes these verboten areas, try to

find out what the interviewer is concerned about and

to address these concerns: working certain days of

the week, for example, could be a legitimate concern.


Questions not supposed to answer

Age: Do not answer questions about age beyond stating that you are over the age of 18. Interviewers shouldn’t ask how close you are to retirement but can ask what your long-term career goals are.

Marital and family status: It’s not permissible for the interviewer to ask questions about your maiden name or marital status.

◦ Don’t answer questions about whether you have children or what your child-bearing plans are, but do explain whether you’re available to work overtime or whether you can travel, particularly on short notice.

Gender: If gender comes up, steer the conversation into what traits and abilities you can bring to the job.


Questions not supposed to answer

Health and physical abilities: It’s inappropriate to ask job seekers if they smoke, drink or take drugs.

Your height, weight, use of sick days, presence of disabilities or past operations/sicknesses are similarly off limits.

Interviewers do have the right to ask:

If you’ve violated company policies regarding alcohol or tobacco

Whether you use illegal drugs (as opposed to simply “drugs”)

Whether you’re able to lift a given weight or reach items on shelves that are at a particular height

How many workdays you missed in the past year

Whether you’re physically capable of executing the position’s specific duties

Whether you can perform the job with or without reasonable accommodations.


Questions not supposed to answer

Miscellaneous tips


Say something most likely to impress

Avoid clichés. Tell true stories:

problem > approach > resolution

Make your answer short for hard questions

Marty Nemko’s Rule of Thumb: Short answers to hard

questions, Longer answers to easy questions

Carry your resume and other necessary certificates

while facing interview


1. Why do you want this job?

2. Have you got any questions?

3. What is your expected salary?

4. Describe a situation in which you lead a team

5. Describe a situation where you worked in a team

6. What do you expect to be doing in 5 years?

7. What are your weaknesses?

8. What are your strengths?

9. What has been your greatest achievement?

10. Why do you want to join our organization?

11. Describe a situation in which you influenced or motivated people

12. Describe yourself (in one word)

13. Describe a situation in which you solved a problem

14. Describe a situation in which you took responsibility

15. Describe a situation where you had a difficult decision to make


Few Classic Job Interview Questions


Where there is a will there is a way !!