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How to do


Page 2: How to do exercise

Exercise is very important for every individual, it can help on the physical development. Doing exercise is very good in everyones health. It can improve the physical body and will make the muscles more visible. Exercise will also give your body a good condition, in that way you will have a good mood. If you make exercise as a daily routine it will have a good effect on your body. Exercise can also burn fats in your body and can improve your cardiovascular system. Most people dont know how to do the right exercise thats why they dont know how to start.

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Here are some tips

on How to do EXERCISE

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The first thing you need to have before doing exercise is the right clothes. It is advisable to wear clothes that is light, soft and not very tight. You need to wear clothes that will make you move freely and you will feel comfortable. If you wear tight clothes, you will posibly have difficulties on breathing. Nowadays, you can easily find some clothes for exercise in the market.

Right Clothes

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Running is also a form of exercise, so you need to wear the right shoes. If you plan to run, you need to wear a pair of shoes that is meant for running. It is not advisable to wear leather shoes, you will definitely have difficulties on running. Get a shoes that will fit and you will feel comfortable. You need to wear the right shoes for every activities that you will do.

Right Shoes

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If you already have an exercise routine or if you are doing a hard exercise dont forget to drink water. You need to drink a lot of water before you do exercise. Water can help your body muscles to work, it will also help you to sweat. If you are dehydrated, dont start exercise. You will definitely feel bad if you start exercise even if you are dehydrated. You can also bring water when you do exercise, you feel dehydrated or thirsty when you are running or doing your exercise.


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Studies shows that stretching before doing exercise wont do any help. So do not do stretching before exercising. There are posibilities that if you do stretching you will strain a muscle and you will just hurt your self. Most people stretch before they do exercise, and when they feel the pain, they think that its because of the exercise that they do.

Do not stretch

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Before you do a hard exercise, you need first to do warm up. In that way, your muscles will not be on shock and you will avoid pain. Warm up exercise will also get your body in condition and help you have a good performance. For example, you run fast without any warp up exercise, there are posibilities that you will get tired easily or you will easily feel the pain. If you are planning to run, you need to do jogging first and if you want to swim, you need to swim slowly first.

Warm up

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Most people have a weak body because they dont do exercise. They sometimes become fat and gain weight because they dont burn fats by exercising. If you have health problems, you need to see the doctor first. There are different types of exercise on every health situation. The doctor will also tell you the things you need to avoid. Exercising will make your body feel good and healthy. You can also talk to profesional trainers or nutritionist for some informations or tips in order to meet your goals.

See the doctor

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If you want to have a good shape, healthy or more visible muscles, you can join a fitness gym. There are instructors in every gym that will guide you on every thing that you do in the gym. You also need to consider the food that you eat.