Download - HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL … to affix a...HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND INSERT INTO A PDF DOCUMENT Option I – Attach your signature as a digital signature

Page 1: HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL … to affix a...HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND INSERT INTO A PDF DOCUMENT Option I – Attach your signature as a digital signature


Option I – Attach your signature as a digital signature


1. Sign a piece of paper

Sign a piece of paper several times and then scan it in. This will give you some options to choose the best looking image. Sign with large letters and it looks better when you shrink it down. Preferably use a blue gel pen for decent results.

2. Scan the paper

Use high resolution (>600 dpi) for best results. Save and then open document with all your signatures, select the best one and copy into Microsoft Paint software.

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3. Resize/Crop down and save

Crop and/or straighten image by selecting the “Resize & Skew” or “Crop” tool and save the image as a .JPG in a secure place.


1. There is a “Fill & Sign” tab on the right side of the Adobe Acrobat Reader window (while the

document is open), click on it. Among the options that are displayed, select “Place Signature.”

Page 3: HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL … to affix a...HOW TO CREATE A SCANNED DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND INSERT INTO A PDF DOCUMENT Option I – Attach your signature as a digital signature

2. The following dialog box will open. Click the “Drag New Signature Rectangle …” button and

then use the mouse to draw a rectangle where you would like your signature to be placed in

the document.

3. The following window will appear. Click on the drop down menu to the right of “Appearance”

and select “Create New Appearance …” Please note that you should only check the “Lock

Document after Signing” box when all signatures have been added. To change the

appearance of your signature proceed to step 4 below.

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4. Upon clicking, this window will appear.

5. To use a picture of your signature (i.e. your electronic signature), select the “Imported graphic”

circle and then click on “File…”

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6. After clicking on “File…” this window will open. Click on “Browse…”

7. Using the same process as in Microsoft Office programs, browse to a saved pdf copy of your

signature. NOTE: You can make a pdf copy of your signature by making it in Microsoft Paint,

copying it to Microsoft Word, and then saving as a pdf.

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8. Once you have browsed back to the pdf that contains your signature, click on “Open” and you

will be directed to this window. Click on “OK”.

9. You will be taken back to this window and your signature should be visible for you to preview.

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10. To remove the information to the right of your signature or name, only select those which you

desire to be shown. Click on “OK” when you are done selecting which text you would like


11. In the window that opens, you will be required to enter the password you set when you created

your first signature. Secondly, click on the checkbox next to “Lock Document After Signing”

once all needed signatures are added. After doing these two things, click on sign.

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12. Specify a name and location to store your completed pdf document, and then click save.

13. This is how your completed document with signature would look.

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Option II – Attach your name as a digital signature

1. There is a “Fill & Sign” tab on the left side of the Adobe Acrobat Reader window (while the

document is open), click on it. Among the options that are displayed, select “Place Signature.”

2. The following dialog box will open. Click the “Drag New Signature Rectangle …” button and

then use the mouse to draw a rectangle where you would like your signature to be placed.

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3. The following window will appear. Click on the drop down menu to the right of “Appearance”

and select “Create New Appearance …”

4. Upon clicking, this window will appear.

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5. To use your name, select the “Name” circle.

6. To remove the information to the right of your name, only select those which you desire to be

shown. Click on “OK” when you are done selecting which text you would like shown.

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7. In the window that opens, you will be required to enter the password you set when you created

your first signature. Secondly, click on the checkbox next to “Lock Document After Signing”

once all signatures have been added. After doing these two things, click on sign.

8. Specify a name and location to store your completed pdf document, and then click save.

9. This is how your completed document with signature would look.

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