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How to Choose the Research Method For Dissertation Dissertation has always created fears among a large proportion of the student groups. The first fear is the word count. The next fear is the ability to research by one’s own. The third thing is the method to develop a dissertation. In order to eliminate these fears, students prefer to look for assistance from experts who have expertise in this field. However, here are few tips that would enable students to gain the knowledge on choice of research method for their dissertation. In general, the people who are engaged in providing dissertation writing services tend to use the information provided by the students to its fullest. In this case, it becomes the student’s responsibility to find appropriate evidences and provide to the expert in order to develop the right information. So, the choice of research method is to be understood by the student before actually looking out for evidences. There are two types of research methods namely qualitative and quantitative. In simpler terms, qualitative contains theoretical information whereas quantitative contains numerical information. Based on the requirement of the dissertation, the choice of research method has to be made between the two. Here is an instance. The dissertation on study of employee retention in software industry would require qualitative research method provided it is going to focus on the participants and their views. However, if this dissertation is to generate facts and suggest methods, then it should include quantitative research method. Whenever one is confused between these two, it is recommended to look back to the literature review. If the information presented in literature review section of dissertation involves numerical data, the same can be continued. If not, the student can choose qualitative method. Even in case of qualitative method, it could be either surveys or interviews. The writing services provide assistance on the type of interview required and questions to be asked. At certain times, the service provider conducts the interview or survey provided the conditions are suitable and he / she is comfortable enough to conduct it. Whatsoever it is, every student should know the type of research method in order to remain in track with the contents provided by the service provider for the dissertation. It is indeed easier to understand their contents quickly when every concept is understood in prior. This is a primary way to develop a quality dissertation.