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How to Build a Proposal that Wins Over Customers’ Hearts and Online Signature

We talk a lot about signing contracts over here at ApproveMe, with our main mission being to relieve the headache freelancers experience when trying to collect an online digital signature from their clients…Some of you might be thinking, “An E Signature is all well and good, but how do I get my potential client to even want to sign a contract in the first place?”Now, that’s a tricky question, isn’t it?As a freelancer or small business owner, you know you’ve got a service or product that’s valuable, and you know there are people out there who need it. So, when a potential client comes along, it’s important to be able to effectively express how you can meet their needs.

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That, fellow entrepreneurs, is where your proposal comes in.

The word “proposal” can sound a little intimidating… creating images of people in business suits talking about “name equity” and “scalability.” Let’s just move away from the jargon and break it down a little.

The dictionary defines the noun “proposal” as “a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration or discussion by others.”That’s not so scary, right? Your plan here is to present what you have to offer so that someone can consider your services. But where do you begin?

Identify your potential client’s values.

Whether they’re looking for a graphic designer or a producer of hand-crafted, artisan drink-umbrellas, a prospective client is looking for a contract that will best meet their needs.

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Price, speed-of-production, and customer service are just a few of the qualities they might be evaluating, but the point is that it’s your job to do the research.

Ask a few important questions during your initial discussion that will give you a better idea of what they value. What is their story? Why do they do what they do? If you’re talking to a business owner, ask for a mission statement or links to their website and social platforms. Any information that can provide insight into their needs and standards will be helpful.Once you’ve identified those crucial bits of information, it’s time to…

Refresh yourself on your values.

The goal of identifying your prospective client’s values is not to simply tell them what they want to hear.

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You don’t want to make promises you can’t keep just to score a contract, and you definitely don’t want to damage your reputation by not following through on your word.

The goal of that investigation is to find out which of the client’s values match yours. By highlighting the aspects of your services that fall perfectly in-line with what the client is searching for, you add new levels of desirability and authenticity to your offerings.

Example time. Let’s meet…

Brian and Tina:Brian and Tina are getting married in the fall. Brian is a highly-respected bartender known across the tri-state area for his Pina Coladas, which are the perfect color of pale yellow. The couple would like to order 350 carefully-manufactured drink umbrellas in a complementary shade of blue.

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They’re shopping around for manufacturers, and want to find a happy medium of price and quality.

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Amy is the owner of a small artisanal party favor business. She’s also a terribly savvy business woman, and decides to find out a little bit more about the happy couple. Rather than simply presenting the them with a catch-all proposal, she asks questions. What do they do for a living? Why are they placing such importance on the drink umbrellas?

After finding out that Tina owns a specialty organic grocery store, Amy realizes that she has some very specific attributes that would set her apart from her competitors.

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When drawing up her proposal, she is sure to mention her exclusive use of recycled paper that has been dyed using local and natural colorants. Knowing that the specific shade of the umbrellas is important, she includes details about her extensive list of custom color options. She begins by stating her beliefs about quality workmanship on a small scale, and using responsibly sourced supplies to create her customized products.

“The primary goal of this proposal is an expertly maintained two-way street; a signed contract that benefits both you and the client.”When you boil it down to the basics, it involves one person paying another person for their services or products. You’re going to get down to the nitty-gritty details of service, rates, and payment just like any other freelancer. Why not put forth the effort and set yourself apart from your competition?

One of the many benefits to learning about your customers  is being able to determine the tone formality of your proposal.

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If the reader comes from a strict corporate background, it might be a good idea  to approach your writing with a more formal tone, while a love-struck couple who feels strongly about drink umbrellas might appreciate something a little softer.

Regardless of your future customers’ personality, these five details must be included in your proposal:

1. The quantity and description of services or goods being provided2. The date by which the job must be completed3. A clear and concise layout of your rates and (if applicable) material costs4. Provisions or details specific to your project that require extra time or fees5. Payment timelineIt’s important to be as clear as possible when outlining your rates; you don’t want to end up providing free services because you neglected to mention a part of your process.

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Wouldn’t, say, a WordPress Contract Plugin make that part of the process easier?Here at ApproveMe, we’re here for you. While, yes, we do provide a product that helps you obtain a legal online signature quickly and easily, we also want to help cultivate a healthy and helpful environment in which entrepreneurs can function and thrive. We’re excited to provide educational and fun information around here, and we hope you’ll join 2,500 others by subscribing to our weekly freelancing tips.

Now, get on out there and start proposing!

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