Download - How to Boost the performance of your Wordpress powered websites


How to Boost the Performance of your WordPress-Powered Websites




Why?●Very popular

●Easy to install, customize

●Simple to maintain

●Amazing community and commercial support

●User friendly




●Bad practices

●Un-optimized/Un-secure plugins/themes

●Too many addons

●Lack of long term maintenance strategy

●Resource hungry

●Provider Limitations

● 1 Second Delay in Page load leads to

○ 11% Drop in pageviews

○ 16% Decrease in customer satisfaction

○ 7% Loss in Conversion

●83% people expect a web page to load under 3 secs

●40% will abandon a web page if it takes more than 3 secs to load

●73% of mobile users have encountered a slow website

●Decrease in load times from 8 to 2 secs increase conversions by 74%

●73% customers won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load properly on their mobile device

Slow Site Problems


Solutions●Adding more resources?


●How much is too much?

●Where do you stop?

●What's the actual solution?



●Analyze your website

○ Firebug (Mozilla)

○ PageSpeed

○ Yslow

○ (Combination of Pagespeed, Yslow, etc)


Optimizations - Simple

● Update WP/Plugins/Themes to the latest version

●Enable auto updates

● Disable unnecessary plugins

●Limit Web Crawlers and Bots

●Limit WP Crons (Use cPanel or server side crons)

●Use reliable theme providers

●Avoid/Limit external scripts

●Use smart placement of scripts (Use footer to load scripts)

●Clean up unused categories, tags, spam comments, etc.

Optimizations - Simple

●Use web optimized images (WP Smush)

●Use JPG instead of PNG

●No of elements < 30-50

●Page size guide

○ Excellent: Under 500 KB

○ Good: Under 1 MB

○ Acceptable: 1-3 MB

○ Needs Improvement: Above 3 MB

Optimizations - Simple

●Use Domain Sharding

●Use CSS Sprites

●Customize wp-config

○ Autosave intervals

○ Limit post revisions

○ wp_home

○ wp_siteurl

○ wp_allow_repair

●Hard Code template and stylesheet paths

Optimizations - Advanced

●WP-Sweep Plugin

○ Cleanup unused, orphaned and duplicate data


●Anti Spambot plugin

●Expires and Etag for browsers

●Gzip on server

●MySQL caching

●Minify CSS, Javascripts

Optimizations - Advanced

●WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache


●Database caching

○ Memcached, Redis (DB caching)

●Web caching

○ Varnish caching

Optimizations - Advanced

●Resource Intensive Plugins

○ Some SEO plugins

○ Some image galleries and media players

○ Web based backup plugins

○ Web based crons

●Pirated plugins/themes

●Scripts/plugins/themes from unknown/unreliable sources

Optimizations - To Avoid

Case Study

Case Study● A simple blog set up on shared hosting in GPX Mumbai

●Multidomain Linux Hosting with cPanel

●Jmeter automated tests from Mumbai India

○ 1000 page requests

○ 5 concurrent threads

○ Every user requesting the page 200 times

●Page contains Multiple Images, Content, Comments

●Page size 354 KB

Pre Optimization

Pre-optimization setup●Wordpress 4.7.2


○ Fakerpress

○ Akismet

○ Hello Dolly

●1000 requests with 5 thread and 200 request per thread

●2000 requests with 10 thread and 200 request per thread

Pre-optimization setup

Post Optimization (Phase 1)

Post-optimization (Phase 1)●Wordpress 4.7.2


○ Fakerpress

○ Akismet

○ W3 Total Cache

○ WP Smush

○ WP Optimize

●1000 requests with 5 thread and 200 request per thread

●2000 requests with 10 thread and 200 request per thread

Post-optimization (Phase 1)

Post Optimization (Phase 2)

Post-optimization (Phase 2)●Wordpress 4.7.2


○ Fakerpress

○ Akismet

○ W3 Total Cache

○ WP Smush

○ WP Optimize

●Enabled Varnish caching on the package

●2000 requests with 10 thread and 200 request per thread

Post-optimization (Phase 2)

Thank you!

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