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Page 1: How to be successful in a competitive niche

How To Be Successful In A Competitive Niche

Page 2: How to be successful in a competitive niche

Destroy The Competition You might be the new guy on the block, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be

become the number one guy in your field.

You need to set yourself apart from the competition and do all the things they won’t do.

Work extra hours, spend more time engaging with your audience, create more content, and create more products.

Know who your competition is and make sure you strive to become the best, not one of the best.

Use your competition as a standard of average. Your goal is to be extraordinary.

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Massive Action Find out what your competition is doing and take it to the next level.

If your competition is getting 1,000 subscribers, your goal should be to get 100,000 subscribers.

Massive action = Doing things that sound impossible, but in reality can be done with the right ethic and motivation

Start small and add more actions to your plate each and every day.

Every day should be more productive than the previous day.

Do whatever it takes to get the edge on your competition. (within ethical means)

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Create Irresistible Offers Make your offers so compelling that your visitors have no choice but to pull

out their credit cards and buy what you’re selling.

Add bonuses to your offer that are even better than the original offer. (If you’re selling a Toyota Camry, add a Ferrari as a bonus)

Add a money back guarantee.

Offer customer support.

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Be A Pest When you’re the new guy you have to be annoying.

You need to get your name and your business seen everywhere that your targeted audience hangs out.

Get as much traffic to your website as possible.

Hang out in forums and other websites in your niche where you will be able to build relationships with people and find out what they want and how you can give it to them.

Whatever productive actions your competitors are taking, you should be doing double or triple of that.

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Become A Fearless Boss

If you want to dominate your competition you need to become a fearless boss….

Go here to find out how to become a fearless boss: