Download - How To Be A Digital Influencer (in 20 easy steps)

Page 1: How To Be A Digital Influencer (in 20 easy steps)

How To Be A Digital Influencer

In 20 Steps

Page 2: How To Be A Digital Influencer (in 20 easy steps)

Be patient. This won’t happen overnight. It will take years of effort and commitment. (yes, years)


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Don’t obsess over sites like Klout, Kred, and PeerIndex. (seriously, visiting once a day will not help your score)


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Be generous. Share your knowledge and expertise freely.


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Have a great idea? Give it away.


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Build Twitter lists of people in your field. Learn from them. Approach Twitter as a classroom. Engage your

followers. Be helpful, provide value.


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Proactively build a diverse network.


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Be a voracious reader of blogs, books, and trends in your industry. Comment on blogs. Share what you find.


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Obsess over your social media follower numbers. (sigh) Remind yourself about #2.


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Join Twitter chats in your industry.


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Find conferences and events to attend. Meet your social media connections. Have coffee / beers /

conversation with them.


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Be real. Don’t be so focused on your personal brand you lose the person. Personality counts. (unless

you’re a jerk)


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Don’t be a jerk.


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Join LinkedIn Groups in your field and share your wisdom.


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Look for any and all opportunities to speak at conferences. (virtual counts)


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Start a blog. (guest blogging counts)


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Follow and answer questions in your field of expertise on Quora.


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Write a book.


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Did you do something really cool and innovative in your industry? Share how you did it, and what you

learned. (yes, back to the ‘give it away’ theme)


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Help people in your space for no reason other than wanting them to benefit from your knowledge.


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Thank people who help you along the way.


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Lars Schmidt Founder, Amplify Talent @ThisIsLars | [email protected]