Download - How to be a better student mariana mtz

  • 1. HOW TO BE A BETTER STUDENT Mariana Gisela Martnez Ortz. A01421808 Paola Gmez Ordoez. Elisa Villegas.
  • 2. Do your homework If you're stuck then do not lose your cool, just focus on your work and you'll succeed. The first that you have to do is concentrate, do not think in nothing else, only in your work. Do not use your phone, because it could lose your focus. If you have a homework assignment, DO IT! If you have a project DO IT!
  • 3. Study definitions and complete some exercises. Take some time to write some problems up, or you could ask someone to write them for you. Start to read a little more. Study in not learning the information from the beginning, thats not what it is, study is read in forced what you should to learn, not looking of the papper for 10 minutes and say All right I know this information. NO! You should know it from your test and from the future too.
  • 4. Take notes Review your notes when you have free time. Get organized. If you do not understand something very well, go for extra help!, because this way the teacher can see what you really want to explain you. Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.
  • 5. Pay attention during class We know that is not easy, but you have to concetrate, do not look to the walls it is only goint to lose your focus more than after you were.
  • 6. Ask to seek clarification. Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a mini-test for you 3 days advance of your test. If you dont understand something, ask questions. You have to tell to the teacher what your problem is, because the teacher is not a maindreader you have to ask him.
  • 8. Problems: Sometimes you cant wake up and that brings some consequences like as late to your class and the teacher didnt let you enter. Another problem is that sometimes you didnt understand a topic of the class and you stay with the doubt on that deal. A other problem is do not know what will come in the exam topics. Sometimes in the exams give some topics that you say "oh no teacher you dont give us this topic" and the teacher say no but i talk about it in one class.
  • 10. Attend all classes. Some students find it difficult to simply get up and go to class. Try to ignore internal distractions. Try to forget all personal problems during study. Be prepared for class. Reading assignments before the class. By reading the assignments before class, you feel yourself in a better position to ask questions. More importantly, you are better to answer questions that the teacher ask. Take notes in class. Even when exams are not based on class notes, the notes will give an indication of what topics you need studying. During class, it is best to listen attentively and take notes, the more material will be available to add to the notes. Review what you have learned. Reserve a few moments before each class or exams to review mentally what you have studied. Set up a time for relaxation. Have a brief rest after schools class. The best time for this is after you arrive home or before dinner. You cant been a good student if you dont rests
  • 12. Our opinion We think that if all the students follow this rules, they could be a better students. And it could be difficult, but if they do things all right, their problems are going to have a good end. So the students just need to concentrate inside of the class and while the teacher is teaching. But the most important is pay attention during the class.
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