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Page 1: How to attract spectacular people


Surrounded by spectacular people!

Mission accomplished.

Page 2: How to attract spectacular people

CORNERSTONE VERSE:Hebrews 11Now faith is confidence in what we hope

for and assurance about what we do not see.

Faith – Emunah – Firm action:Acting confidently on your mental picture.

Page 3: How to attract spectacular people

1: YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU CELEBRATE. People who like to moan will consistently

draw what and who they moan about. Faith is the ability to attract what you

cannot see. You create a picture of the unseen with your words and actions (Emunah). If you think that nobody can be trusted you will draw untrustworthy people.

Celebrate and expect greatness in others and that is what you will attract.

Page 4: How to attract spectacular people

2: SEE PURPOSE, NOT CIRCUMSTANCE. Most people that you meet will be going through

something. The strongest relationships are built in the toughest trials.

Never look at what people are going through or what they have, always look at their dreams and desires.

If you cannot celebrate their destiny with them, walk away. Wealthy or poor, circumstance is irrelevant. Jesus healed the servant of one rich guy (Luke 7) and told the other to sell everything… (Luke 18).

Page 5: How to attract spectacular people

3: HAVE A VISION! If you do not know where you are going, you will

not know who you need around you. The most powerful relationships are built on

common purpose. It is pointless having relationships with people who are on a completely different path to yours.

Proverbs 29:18 – No vision, no restraint. People with clear Vision usually have clear principles. No vision usually means flexible principles. Once you know someone’s vision, you can decide on whether you like their principles or not.