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How TheGot Their Gun


Criminal hitorie and documented mental health prolem did not prevent at leateight of the gunmen in 15 recent ma hooting from otaining their weapon, afterfederal ackground check led to approval of the purchae of the gun ued.

OCT. 2, 2015

Sed Rizwan Farook and TahfeenMalik, huand and wife, wereupected of killing 14 people at aholida office part in Sanernardino, Calif. Four gun wererecovered: a Smith & Weon M&Paault rifle, a DPMS Panther Armaault rifle, a Smith & Weonhandgun and a Llama handgun.


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OCT. 1, 2015

Chritopher HarperMercer, 26, killed nine people at UmpquaCommunit College in Oregon, where he wa a tudent. He wa armedwith ix gun, including a Glock pitol, a Smith & Weon pitol, aTauru pitol and a DelTon aault rifle, according to The AociatedPre.

AUG. 26, 2015

Veter Lee Flanagan II, 41, hot andkilled a Roanoke, Va., televiionreporter and a cameraman with a


The F..I. found evidence thatMr. Farook wa in touch withpeople dometicall and aroadwho have Ilamit extremitview, according to official.


The chief of the San ernardinoPolice Department aid he wa notaware of the upect having anpreviou contact with lawenforcement.


All four gun were ought legall, two oneof the upect and two omeone who inot conidered a upect, according to aenior federal law enforcement official. It iunclear where the gun were ought and ifthe were legal in California.

DC. 2, 2015

The couple killed 14people at a holidapart. Invetigator aidit i unclear if terrorimwa the motive.


Mr. HarperMercer wa in theArm for one month, ut wadicharged efore completingaic training.


He graduated from the SwitzerLearning Center in Torrance, Calif.,which teache tudent withlearning diailitie and emotionaliue.


In all, Mr. HarperMercer owned 14 firearm,all of which were ought legall through afederall licened firearm dealer, a federalofficial aid Frida. Some were ought Mr.HarperMercer, and ome memer of hifamil.

OCT. 1, 2015

He killed nine people inRoeurg, Ore.


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Glock handgun while the werereporting a tor live.

JULY 23, 2015

Uing a .40calier emiautomaticpitol ought from a pawnhop, JohnR. Houer killed two people andwounded nine other at a movietheater in Lafaette, La.


Mr. Flanagan filed a lawuitagaint a TV tation in Tallahaee,Fla., that had fired him, alleging hewa the victim of racial lur andulling.


He wa hired at WDJ in Roanoke,ut within month hi oe haddocumented prolem with hiharh language and aggreiveehavior. He wa later fired andfiled another harament lawuit.

JUN 2015

Federal official aid Mr. Flanaganought the gun legall from alicened dealer. He had not eenconvicted of a crime or determinedto e mentall ill.

AUG. 26, 2015

Mr. Flanagan killed the reporter andcameraman, injured a woman who waeing interviewed and died afterhooting himelf.

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JUN 17, 2015

Dlann Roof, 21, killed nine peoplewith a .45calier Glock pitol at ahitoric lack church in Charleton,S.C.

OCT. 24, 2014

Jalen Ra Frerg, 15, ued hifather’ eretta pitol to hoot andkill four tudent in hi high chool’


Mr. Houer wa denied a tateiued concealed weapon permitecaue he wa accued ofdometic violence and olicitingaron.


A judge ordered him entto a pchiatric hopital.


Mr. Houer ought the weapon in Alaama.Official aid it had een purchaed legall,though he had een denied a concealedweapon permit earlier, and depite concernamong famil memer that he wa violentand mentall ill.

JULY 23, 2015

He killed twopeople inLafaette.


Mr. Roof wa charged with amidemeanor for poeingSuoxone, a precription drugfrequentl old in illegal treettranaction.

APRIL 2015

He purchaed a gun from a tore in WetColumia, S.C. Mr. Roof hould have eenarred from uing a gun ecaue he hadadmitted to poeing drug, ut the F..I.examiner conducting the required ackgroundcheck failed to otain the police report fromthe Feruar incident.

JUN 17, 2015

Mr. Roof joined a ile tudgroup at manuel A.M..Church and opened fire withthe gun he ought in April.

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cafeteria in Marville, Wah.

APRIL 2, 2014

Specialit Ivan Antonio Lopezopened fire at Fort Hood with aSmith & Weon emiautomaticpitol, killing three people andwounding 16 other.


Ramond Lee Frerg Jr., Jalen’ father, wathe uject of a permanent dometic violenceprotection order, which hould have eenentered into the federal criminal ackgrounddataae.


Mr. Frerg applied to u the eretta from agun hop on the Indian reervation where helived with Jalen. A ackground check failed tocome up with the protection order ecaue itwa never entered into the tem.

OCT. 24, 2014

Jalen Frerg texted five of hi fellowtudent to come to the cafeteria,where he opened fire.

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SPT. 16, 2013

Aaron Alexi, 34, ued a Remingtonhotgun to kill 12 people at theWahington Nav Yard.


Specialit Lopez came ack from a fourmonthdeploment to Iraq and told hi uperior thathe had uffered a traumatic head injur there.Militar official aid he had never eencomat and wa eing evaluated for poilepottraumatic tre diorder.

MARCH 2014

Specialit Lopez had een a militarpchiatrit a recentl a the monthefore the hooting. He wa eing treatedfor depreion and anxiet, and had eenprecried Amien to help him leep.

MARCH 1, 2014

Mr. Lopez ought hi gun at theame hop where Nidal MalikHaan, an Arm major, had oughtat leat one of the weapon uedin a 2009 ma hooting on theae that killed 13 people.

APRIL 2, 2014

Around 4 p.m.,Mr. Lopeztarted firing onoldier.


Mr. Alexi wa given an honoraledicharge after howing what Nav


He twice ought treatment from theDepartment of Veteran Affair for pchiatric

SPT. 2013

He wa topped from uing anaault rifle at a Virginia gun tore,

SPT. 16, 2013

He killed 12people at the


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DC. 14, 2012

Adam Lanza, 20, hot and killed himother in their home, then killed 26people, motl children, at SandHook lementar School inNewtown, Conn., uing auhmater XM15 rifle and a .22calier Savage Mark II rifle.

AUG. 5, 2012

Wade M. Page, 40, killed ix peoplewith a Springfield Armoremiautomatic handgun when heopened fire in the lo of a Sikhtemple in Oak Creek, Wi., acongregant arrived for Sundaervice.

official called a “pattern ofmiehavior” during four ear aa reervit.

iue. He told police in Rhode Iland thatpeople were puruing him and endingviration through the wall of hi hotel.

ut wa allowed to u a hotgun.He paed local and tateackground check.

Nav Yard.


Mr. Lanza graduated from high chool.Some clamate aid he had een ulliedin high chool. He truggled with adevelopmental diorder and wa decrieda acutel h, not known to have cloefriend.


He wa “completel untreated in the earefore the hooting” for pchiatric andphical ailment like anxiet andoeivecompulive diorder, a tatereport found.


Hi mother, Nanc Lanza, a gunenthuiat, legall otained andregitered a large collection ofweapon and would often take heron to hooting range.

DC. 14, 2012

Mr. Lanza ued himother’ gun to killher and 26 other.

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JULY 20, 2012

Jame . Holme, 24, killed 12people and wounded 70 at a theaterin Aurora, Colo., uing a Smith &Weon emiautomatic rifle, aRemington hotgun and a Glock .40calier emiautomatic pitol.


While in the Arm at Fort li inl Pao, Tex., Mr. Page wacharged with criminal michiefafter kicking hole in the wall of aar. He pleaded guilt.

ARLY 2000S

He came to the attention of authoritieecaue of hi affiliation with a whitepowerand called nd Apath, which performedong with violent lric.

JULY 2012

He ought the firearm legall at agun hop outide Milwaukee. Hepaed a ackground check andpaid $650 in cah.

AUG. 5, 2012

He killed ixpeople andwounded threeother at thetemple.



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APRIL 2, 2012

One L. Goh, 43, opened fire with aemiautomatic handgun at a mallreligiou college in Oakland, Calif.,where he had een a tudent. Hekilled even people.

MARCH 2012

Over four month, Mr. Holmelegall ought more than 3,000round of ammunition forhandgun, 3,000 round for aemiautomatic rifle and 350 hellfor a 12gauge hotgun, all overthe Internet.

MAY 2012

He wa eeing a pchiatrit and in theproce of withdrawing from a graduateprogram at the Univerit of Colorado Denver’Anchutz Medical Campu.

MAY 2012

In the 60 da efore the hooting,he ought four gun legall at localgun hop. Seeing a pchiatrit,even for a eriou mental illne,would not diqualif him fromuing a gun.

JULY 20, 2012

He opened firein the theater,killing 12people.

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JAN. 8, 2011

Jared L. Loughner, 22, killed ixpeople with a Glock handgun in aupermarket parking lot in Tucon,Ariz., at an event for GarielleGifford, who wa a Democraticrepreentative from Arizona.


“He wa a loner and what omemight call a loer, ut he didn'texhiit an ehavior that wouldhave alerted anone,” a ditrictattorne told reporter after thehooting, according to CNN.

ARLY 2012

Mr. Goh legall ought thehandgun at a gun tore in CatroValle, Calif., paing a federalackground check.

APRIL 2, 2012

He killed even people at Oiko Univeritin Oakland.

JAN. 2013

A judge ruled he wa not fit fortrial after two pchiatricevaluation concluded that hehad paranoid chizophrenia.


Mr. Loughner wa arreted forpoeion of drug paraphernalia,ut the charge were dropped. Thenext ear, he failed a drug tetwhen tring to enlit in the Arm.Neither incident arred him fromuing a gun.

OCT. 2010

He wa forced to withdraw from communitcollege ecaue of campu official’ fearaout the afet of the taff and tudent, hiparent later aid. The incident would not havehown up on a ackground check.

NOV. 30, 2010

He paed a ackground checkand ought the handgun at a torein Tucon, Ariz.

JAN. 8, 2011

He killed ixpeople inTucon.

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NOV. 5, 2009

Maj. Nidal Malik Haan, 39, anArm pchiatrit facing deplomentto Afghanitan, opened fire inide amedical proceing uilding at FortHood in central Texa, killing 13people and wounding 43 other. Hewa armed with an FN Hertal pitol.

APRIL 3, 2009

Jiverl Wong, 41, fired at leat 98 hot from two handgun, a eretta 92FS 9millimeter pitol and a eretta PX4 Storm pitol, inide a civicaociation in inghamton, N.Y., where he had taken an nglih cla.He killed 13 former clamate and aociation emploee.

DC. 2008JUN 2009

Intelligence agencie intercepted10 to 20 meage etween Mr.Haan and Anwar alAwlaki, aradical cleric in Yemen known forhi incendiar antiAmericanteaching.

JUN 2009

Federal authoritie dropped an inquir aoutthe meage after deciding that the did notugget an threat of violence.

JULY 31, 2009

Mr. Haan ought the pitol legallat a popular weapon tore inKilleen, Tex., paing more than$1,100.

NOV. 5, 2009

He hot andkilled 13 peopleat Ford Hood.

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Note: Information on the precise version or year of manufacture of each gun was not always available, so a version of the model is shown. The handguns used byChristopher HarperMercer are omitted because the models have not been released. The guns shown for Adam Lanza do not include the gun he used to shoot himself.

Source: Government and law enforcement officials

Additional work by Wilson Andrews, Sarah Almukhtar, Alicia DeSantis, Guilbert Gates, Josh Katz, Julie Shaver and Karen Yourish


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F.B.I. Treats San Bernardino Attack as Possible Terrorism Case

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Mr. Wong had een arreted, citedor had ome minor contact withthe police at leat five time ince1990, ut detail aout the caeremain unclear. At the time of thehooting, he wa not a uject inan invetigation, nor did he havea documented mental health iue.

MARCH 2008

Mr. Wong ought the firt gun, the eretta 92,at a tore in Johnon Cit, N.Y. He paed aackground check.

MARCH 2009

Mr. Wong ought the econd gun from theame tore, ut hi ackground check wanot approved immediatel. He received thegun under a federal rule that allow a gunto e old if the ackground check temdoe not return a deciion in threeuine da.

APRIL 3, 2009

He killed 13people ininghamton.

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