Download - How the New Google Plus Local Changes Will Affect Your Business


How the New Google Plus Local Changes will Affect your Business


Google has finally announced and implemented its highly anticipated switch from Google Pages to Google+ Local and the implications for what this means for your business has dire consequences. It is vital that you understand the changes and begin to take advantage of Google + Local to boost your business before your competition does so. Luckily, we have a few innovative strategies for you lined up here in this article.

Google Pages to Google+ LocalChances are if you’re reading this, you already have a Google Page for your business (if you don’t, you really need to go set one up right now). What this switch has done is basically place a “Local” tab on the left hand side of user’s browsers which allows them to click and instantly see any restaurants and businesses in their immediate area. Further, these pages are ranked in order of review scores with a special weight given to a user’s friends and family’s ratings.

Now, with just one listing, your business will be found across Google searches, maps, mobile apps and Google+. Plus, your customers can now review your establishment and recommend it much easier.

Google Pages to Google+ Local

Google Pages to Google+ Local

And this is such a vital switch because studies show that on average, 50% of all searches for businesses and restaurants are coming from mobile phones. And with the trend only continuing

towards more and more people having tablets and androids, the percentages of mobile app searches are only going to rise in the next few years.

Google Pages to Google+ Local

But perhaps the biggest feature here is that these Local pages will be indexed. This means that users will be able to find them on regular Google searches as well, so your chances of being found greatly increase…if you are getting customer ratings that is.

So What Should You Do?

As mentioned, get a Google Business Page if you don’t already have one. Then, take advantage of the new page building features that Google is allowing with Local.

Post more picturesManage your profile with the new streamlined look and keep it

lively Host “hangouts” at your restaurant to boost attendance Post more updates for increased interaction to stay fresh in


So What Should You Do?

• This last point is so vital because your business will now be found by digital word of mouth. The more people are talking good about you, the better off your business will be. Seems simple right? But the implications are much greater: because of the indexing, your ratings will be out there for all to see for all time with the click of a button.

So What Should You Do?

• So, we’d suggest finding a unique and fun way to have your customers rate your restaurant or business on Google +. One place we’ve seen have great success offers a free drink on the top of every hour when people take out their phones and rate the restaurant; you can imagine what great ratings this garners! Or perhaps a small discount for family members or friends who have rated your business. Simply come in with your app showing that Local has recommended your business and receive 5% off.

• For more great tips on how your business can attract customers in the digital age, click here now: