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Page 2: How the computers changed the world

A lot of people will now go on to aim

and myspace that could not be safe all of the time that could be a computer danger it is not that hard for a person to find out your name and then know a lot of things about. That could not be safe!!!!

Page 3: How the computers changed the world

Work on the computer

A lot of people will now send email

On there computer of some people will play games on there computer and you can also study on the computers for school work now.

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Computers got smarter

The firs computer ever made could not do anything we can do today are computers have evolved over years we are only waiting for what could come next in the long line of computer history.

The firs computer ever made could not do anything we can do today are computers have evolved over years we are only waiting for what could come next in the long line of computer history.

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Computer in a business

• Computers are not only for fun some people even will half them at I business a lot of people will half them because they make the work day much more simple to go to a normal work day.

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• Other computers can be a robot like on a roller coaster and a video game computers half different ways they can always be for a different way not only for fun.

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Cell phone computers

• Computer are not only made for 1 place in can now also be in different places on a cell phone cell phone can be a computer now to with aim on the cell phone

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I pod how are they computers?

• Many people did not know that I pods can be computers but they are they are proven to be a computer source in a little hand held you can hold music that you download of the computer.


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• Laptops are an up and coming small portable computer you can take in different places as long if you have a signal in the place you are.

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How computer changed the world

• Computers have changed the world the computers have gave us a new way to talk and has gave us the internet and important information on different thing we might need in a project or in a important emergency.

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What is in your computer?

• Your computer is full of things you and most people would not know like a FRU

• Field replaceable unit

and an ESD electrostic discharge.

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Computer in a ride

• Most roller coasters in the world are controlled by a computer the computer is loaded in to a roller coaster and it is controlled off a simple laptop.

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Computers and different types

• There are a lot of different computers there is DELL and APPLE a lot of different computers and every one of them can do something the other one cant do.

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Computers web

• The computer has given us the internet and that today gave us and many different websites.

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Computer games

» A lot of people want to play a computer game on their computer and that will sometimes make your computer slow if you have a lot of games and saved data on you computer it will make it slow or it can also crash your computer.

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• The world wide web it is a fun and cool place but you must be careful what you click on and the websites your on if you click on a advertisement pop ups that could cause a problem or a computer hacker could get in to your personal life an email and bills you paid.

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Do a lot of people go on the internet???????

• Over 10 million people will go on or connect to the internet and soon they think the number will increase to 100 million in a couple of years.

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Computer problem

• All computers will half a problem not all computers are safe if you are on a chat room it is not that hard to get a problem in a chat room it can be sent to you.

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The end

• So now you understand that a computer has and always will change the world thank you.